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July in Vegas would be too hot anyway! LOL Regardless where we go off season we'd get better rates. Maybe we can talk about places and dates while in FL?? I think I might try and bring my computer, I haven't decided yet might be too much to carry.

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It sounds like this forum is more of a social forum and updates on every day life. I would like to suggest that the person who started this thread start a new one under I'm here to help - lapband questions and concerns. It seems like she's very helpful with her experiences but most new people want and need a thread based on banding not so much everyone's daily routines. Maybe one day I'll have an interest in the trips and such but the new ones that see I'm here to help get lost in all the social stuff.

Just an idea!

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Curious, there are many threads by many others as well in the I'm here to help area as well as many other areas of Lapband Talk. However, anyone is welcome to post here and there are many successful bandsters here that are always available to answer any questions you may have. We've had many new people join us and we've all enjoyed getting to know one another here. I believe there were some answers to your questions here as well. This area is very special to many of us and we are grateful for Janet who started this thread and has allowed us all to bond and make wonderful friendships and we look forward to new ones as well. You are more than welcome to join us.

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Evening ladies...thanks everyone for the thoughts about work. Here's the good news, I'm bringing my laptop, hopefully I'll figure out how to go wireless. Here's the bad news...I'll probably have to work at some point while I'm there. But, I can talk and draw at the same time, so it should be much more fun than at work.

Cheri, Vegas is not someplace I would pick for a summer trip...I'd rather go to Apples area in MN for the summer.

Janet...you mean Santa Fe, NM? The Santa Cruz river (dry mostly) runs through Tucson. Santa Fe is pricey...lovely and a great place to go in the summer, but $$$. I really don't have "workout" clothes anymore...maybe I'll throw a pair of shorts in the pile anyway.

Laura, DH will be joining us for dinner. Thanks for letting me include him. He can talk to anyone and is very pleasant...much more so than me most times.

Melissa, just start saving your money for next year. Vegas sounds fine to me, but there are other places too. We'll figure something out by then. We'll make sure you get pictures....does someone have your email address? We can email them to you directly. (I'll have my camera and cord to download to the computer).

Hey Jessica, I like your idea of a graduation gift. I want a motorcycle when I retire and have time to enjoy it. DH has a Moto Guzzi, 70's vintage. It's a really nice bike. Congrats on the 9 pounds!!

Julie, you are going to have so much fun on this trip that you'll go anywhere next year...just wait. We like you and want to spend time with you. Heck, you CAN chose your friends....not like getting stuck with icky family members. Are you getting excited yet?

Great....great going on the new suitcase. So your gradma is taken care of for the week now? I hope it is sunny so we can hang out by the pool, that would be fun, even if it's too cool to swim, the jacuzzi should be nice. I'm bringing my bathing suit...it's already packed.

Curios, I'm one of the newer members of this thread and they have been very helpful. Yes, it is social, but if any one has any questions, someone will try and help. I find the social aspect of it helpful to me too. People share their experiences daily of living with their band...food experiences, personal experiences...it's what living with the band is all about.

Okay, it's already late again. I need to get up early to get my workout in before work. I'm taking a co-worker to get her first pedicure after work tomorrow.

Have a good evening.

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Curious, there are many threads by many others as well in the I'm here to help area as well as many other areas of Lap Band Talk. However, anyone is welcome to post here and there are many successful bandsters here that are always available to answer any questions you may have. We've had many new people join us and we've all enjoyed getting to know one another here. I believe there were some answers to your questions here as well. This area is very special to many of us and we are grateful for Janet who started this thread and has allowed us all to bond and make wonderful friendships and we look forward to new ones as well. You are more than welcome to join us.

I totally agree. I think this is great that so many people have connected, but I was just saying Janet's heading is I'm here to help and I think we all come here wanting to ask questions and get answers but get lost in all the other everyday socializing. It was only a suggestion. It's like the before and after pictures thread. They remove comments every few days because it's for pictures. I think someone did comment on my question but it was very hard to find the comment through all the every day blogging type replies. I was suggesting now that her original thread has become so large and more socializing maybe she might want to do another thread more for "just lapband help."

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flyby as I had to grab a second on DH's computer. ugghhhh... my laptop died! DH has fixed it so many times. This time he said the little dinosaur might have to go. I am so sad. This thing went through infertility, adoption, traveled overseas many times. But the good news is DH wants to get me a red little travel one with a 10 hr battery life. Hmmmm.. decisions.

Ok... so dinner count is 8. Should I make it 9 or 10 just in case? When I call I am going to see if that room is booked. Can't hurt to ask. Ok guys, I gotta go. I will CBL... peas

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Good Morning Gang

curiousinoh - Welcome to the thread - ask away we are here to help

Yes we are social - our bands are a part of our everyday life - A few of us are meeting this weekend - the longer you on on lbt you will find that you will make many friends and yes we talk about everything - ups and down - as they all are related to our issues with food. We have a lot of new pple on this thread - Sparkle who hasn't been banded yet but will be shortly - Jewel who was banded a month a go..

I have been banded 2.5 yrs - we have 4 who are at goal - we have pple who are still losing and use this thread for the accountability factor.

So yes we are social - but we are here to help too - and I say we as this is all our thread - Yes I started it but it takes a village and different perspectives to help others.. I may say something that hits you or it may be the way someone else puts the same info that hits you and make you say oh ya that's me.

So tell us about yourself - if you don't want to talk about you - then just ask questions - you will get the help you need..

Well didn't pack last night Watch Idol and then went to bed - will have to do it tonite ;0)

Eva hugs on the extra work but ya you can just multi task you are younger than me - I'm not as good as I use to be about it - I didn't exercise last night - so I will have to get my exercise in while in FL - I have gym tonite though and then Andrew wants me to take him to the store to get supplies (food) while I am gone - easy quick fix stuff.. Then I have to figure out what to take ;0)

Oh I meant Santa Cruz California ;0) old town - board walk - alot of hippies live there - dancing on the street ;0) - well it use to be like that I haven't been there in years..

Ya Vegas is to hot in the summer - that's why the Lucky #7 don't go there - we have to stay in cooler climates - cuz just like you all are from colder climates than me (well excluding eva) all my lucky #7 live in cold states and they couldn't survive the desert in the summer...

Well gang - it's time to hit the showers - CBL

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good Morning Girls...packed yesterday...repacking today. Will leave one pair of shorts and one pair of capris and my swim suit but doubt if I will wear any of them. Pretty chilly the next three days...will just have to see.

Curious...as others have said, this thread is a "go to" place for a lot of us on a daily basis. It's like a soft place to fall. Yes, we are a very social group but we not only share our lives, we share our band experience as well. We have a wide range of bandsters. With someone's first post coming here for help, you might have 5 ppl that have an answer to your question. I doubt if there has been one new person to come to this thread that did not get welcomed and have their question answered.

Come and join us...we welcome new ppl and enjoy getting to know each and everyone. If you are wondering about seeing the answer to your posts, make sure to go to your personal info and select that you want to be notified by email of your subscribed threads.

Really looking forward to this weekend. We can visit on Thursday on what to do when. Later.

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Janet, that explains the Santa Cruz info. I didn't know that about Santa Cruz. Makes me curious now. Go ahead, spark more of the travel bug in me.

I have to go look in manholes this morning. At least I'm not opening them, a couple of guys from my old air pressure crew will open them for me. I haven't opened a manhole lid in years, not sure if I could still do it, but I'm tempted to try. I'll let you know.

Curious...we understand about having to slog through a lot of posts to find your answers, but most of us will type your avatar name first then answer. If you don't want to read the trivia, then just look for the posts with your name. The other advantage to having all these people on the thread is just what Indio said...you get different experiences and perspectives...if she started a help thread with just her, then that would limit the experiences and perspectives of other people. An alternative for you would be to post your own thread with your question and see what answers you get back.

Gotta run....running late this morning.

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Good morning!!! The next time I crawl into a bed will be in Florida seeing as how I am flying all night tonight!!!! I sure hope I can sleep on the plane, as I want to awake all day when I get there. No way will I wnat to take a nap once Apples picks me up!! I am having a hard time fitting everythign in my new suitcase, probably should've packed the extra huge one we have in teh basement, but it's so big and would be half empty at least on the way there. LOL I am thinking of taking some shoes out and just wearing my sneakers on the plane, they are more comfy anyway, just a pain to take on and off at security I'd rather have slipons for that.

Guess what I got in my email this morning?? A COACH COUPON!! I printed it and am bringing it along.

I am going back for the first time since my knee surgery to volunteer at the hospital today so life is returning to normal for me, well except for my job but I am not really missing it!

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Morning............. I slept in the bed with DH and not in my recliner last night...... That doesn't happen often lately with this shoulder/neck problem.... It was nice and I didn't even notice when he got up.... slept til 8:45, but didn't go to bed til 1:00.......

Well, time to pack... the clothes are all clean so just need to make some decisions... Also lots of odds and ends to do..... Some business things need taking care of.. DH doesn't do business with out instructions... also want to make sure he has food ready....And Valentines for all my babies and such.....

Linda, I know you are frustrated about no weight loss.... It's the same for me.... I just go up and down on the same 2 or 3 pounds all the time... Right now I'm up 1.5 from my all time low.... Wish I could break the cycle... But I don't get all the exercise you do..... Wish I could start.... Maybe after I finally get this MRI I can start some kind of program again... I have my 40 year class reunion this summer and sure want to be down a bunch more by June....

Well, better get busy.. Talk to you guys later... Julie

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Morning everyone, I'm in for Vegas or anywhere for next year, but I like going to Vegas cause I could also see my DS since he moved there last year. But I'd go anywhere, really -- never been to Savanah, GA would love to go there some time and have always promised myself a trip to NYC some day. San Fran is my favorite city of all time, so any where you guys want to go is fine with me, I'm easy to please. Shouldn't have any problem with getting away next year -- so can go any time. Just count me in when you talk about the plans over the weekend.

I hope you all have a wonderful time. I know you will. Just wishing I were going too but it probably is for the best as I may have booked through Chicago and it isn't looking very good for anyone flying through Chicago right now.

Can you believe this weather the east coast is having -- unbelievable!

Watched Biggest Loser and also taped Am. Idol in VCR -- ended up watching both and not getting to bed until late, but did get my exercise in this morning - 95 mins. So that's good. food is good. Julie, thanks for the note. I have done some additional research on plateaus and I think I'm doing everything right - made some adjustments so hoping this will pass soon -- at least I'll be an "expert" on this problem for any future bandsters who may encounter it.

It's only 19 right now - sun is shining though, so that's good. DH and DSD made it back from the 80 miles one way trek to Iowa City last night -- DH said he should never have gone -- roads were really treacherous -- but glad they are safe and sound. Specialist confirmed for DSD that there's nothing else wrong with her except she needs to become a "perfect" diabetic and start taking readings and insulin regularly and eating correctly. DSD is still in denial and thinks there must be a magic pill that would cure her. She needs to cure herself. It's sad, but until she decides to take care of business, all we can do is help out with DGD. If there were no DGD I would just ignore her completely -- she just needs to grow up and realize she needs to be here for her daughter and take care of herself.

Curious, you are welcome to stay and get to know us better, we do discuss problems and solutions dealing with lap band, but most of us have been here so long we've developed more personal relationships and have become very good friends, so of course we're interested in our day to day lives, families, etc. There's always room for more in our group.

I'll CBL, have a great Wednes. everyone and safe travels tonight (Lori) and tomorrow to all. Hope everthing goes smoothly and no problems. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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ANyone else watching biggest loser? If so, didn't you think Melissa "planned" her one pound gain so she could go home -- her little speech certainly sounded well rehearsed. She's a bit "out there" in my opinion - glad she left -- also thought it was very mean of her to say that her "DH's weight was a HUGE issue in her family" - I mean come on, she started out over 230 -- so her weight was also a HUGE issue/problem as well. She seems very controlling to me. Just my humble opinion. LOL.

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Hi all.

Good morning. Well, we are having a real snow day in NY.

All the schools are closed so...I figure if this is the case so am I even if I didnt get an official we are closed from the agency I work with...why I dont know. Should have I suppose if the BOE is closed all over in NY. LOL

Its a great day for baking, cooking, drinking hot chocolate and watching soap operas! I have lots of baking to do for the holiday coming up ....and Im going to be making healthy baskets to give out to friends and families. Just need to find some healthy recipe for Hamentashen....using whole wheat flour. hah

I think we will venture out and go to the supermarket which is around the corner and buy all that we need...If I can convince Dassi to come...otherwise...we wont be baking Hamentashen as I dont have the stupid filling at home.

I had two appointments cancelled today. One with the surgeon for the second consult..just to touch base...see if anything is missing in the files and to discuss anything else needed for surgery. I think pretty much all is done and for the next month Ill be starting a exercise program and begin to read "BECKS SOLUTION"! The other apt. was a follow up with the pulmonologist to see how the CPAP machine is going.

MOnday, I went to a new Chiropractor where not only do you get an adjustment but you get a deep tissue massage. I liked that. I needed an adjustment because ive been so nurvous about the CPAP working at night that I apparently am tensing up and sleeping in wierd postions..so ive gotten a stiff neck and slight muscle tightening in the upper back. Not helping the Asthma. After a week.....I figured it was time to find a new Chiropractor here in the neighborhood. No one really recommended anyone in particular but after a year and a half of being in this neighborhood...I figured I needed to just pick one and try. Im happy!! After I was happy; I took Dassi and she was as well!


I need to find a dentist. lol I found everything else...but not a dentist for me. Im hoping ill find one before Ill need one.

If I can have an opinion and im not sure I do as I am a newby...lol

..I would like to go somewhere other then Las Vegas...next year. Ive been there three times in the last year and dont really care to go back there...more because im afraid of what might occur...I was in a pretty serious relationship with someone who moved from CA to Las Vegas and he lives there full time now....he is a production manager and he practically lived at the Monte Carlo. I stayed there many weekends. Finially I had to break it off with him as he didnt want to move to NY and I didnt want to move to Vegas as I have Dassi here...in NY and I just cannot uproot her from here...I was thinking of LA before he decided to move to Las Vegas which was doable but there is nothing for us there..so when that happened...I decided it was time to pack to in. SO,,, the thought of going there....makes me sweat alot and the mention of Monte Carlo.....im running like the wind the other way, pretty silly reall but im so afraid to have that relationship pick up after trying so hard to let it go.I know just hearing that voice.... lol.

Please lets go anywhere ...Alaska?? S. America? Mexico? somewhere else if we are making choices now. lol.

Well...you all have a great day...and those east like me....keep safe and warm and out of the snow if you can!!

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I think I may check my bag - I have been thinking about it and since I go out to smoke between planes and also I won't have liquid limitations - so I can bring stuff that I can't when doing carry on.. Well that's settled - cking bag - gotta see what american charges - I have printed boarding pass - wish I could print return pass now too.. I will be bringing my bigger bag now that I decided to ck luggage ;0) more room for shopping and warm clothes..

Eva Santa Cruz is neat - old fashion board walk with carnival rides - college town too - very relaxed - well it was like I said it's been a while since I have been there..

San Francisco is another good idea too.. Lots to do there - Alcatraz - Pier 39 - Crook Street - Castro District :0)..


This past weekend my sis/bil and I were talking about our kids – hell they really aren’t kids anymore 38, 39 & 43 – the are grown adults – but they still act like kids.. Don’t know what’s wrong with this generation – hell by this age all of us were total grown ups – hell I have been a grown up since I was 16 and on my own..

It has to be so frustrating for you to have to deal with the backlash of DD not taking care of herself..

I haven’t watch BL in 2 weeks – I had conflict w/recorder cuz I was recording AI & Lost – I watched AI – So I could have taped BL but didn’t – so I will have to go to the website to catch up – I don’t remember who Melissa was –

Well I need to get to work


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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