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Jessica, I'm glad the state is investigating. I hope they don't minimize anything in order to keep him with your SIL. Hope they insist on counseling and regular frequent visits before your SIL does even more damage. Any breaks you give them from each other would probably be good, and a good way for you to get to know him better.

Getting my tweak tomorrow. Like many of you, I have little restriction at night. Hope this helps, especially heading into maintenance.

Was in a meeting till 8 p.m. at school. My bed is calling my name. I do get up to pee but usually go right back to sleep. The weight loss has really helped--no snorting myself awake, much less arthritis pain, I don't have to wake up to shift positions, etc.

Ah to sleep, perchance to dream.



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Hey Gang - I have been busy at work - plus the whole watch my internet surfing/posting...

Julie - Hugs on the pain.. Have you heard from the doc about getting that mri.. I don't use my phone much either - Normally call Andrew to see if he needs something from the store..

Linda - Glad you had a good time and just ate a little cake - I had dessert 3 nite - since I celebrated bday 3 nites ;0) but not bad over all.. I didnt get any reading done this weekend either - and doesn't look like I will tonite either -

Had gym then talked to family on Skypes (I love it) have my dinner cooking - almost done and catching up here - so no time left to read ;0)

Lisa - Yep we are a great group if I do say so myself - we have more in common than pple think - complete strangers who get each other - our issues may be a little diff but mostly alike

Eva - With you on the weather - Long pants - no sandals - and long sleeve tops ;0)..

My honeymoon isn't over really - I am tight - I had 4 oz of my left over fish for bf this morning around 10 a.m - had a bite of someones lasagna (veggie) and couldn't eat my lunch - had one bite and that was it - ate 1/2 bag of my pt chips -and was full -

My problem is I want to eat more food even when full - So I get that my band is doing what it's suppose to - but it's frustrating at time - but hell I sorta ate around it - had a sf fudgesicle - put a tablespoon of Peanut Butter on it.. No wonder I was morbitliy obese - See Charlene - I don't have trigger foods in the house - I don't have Cookies or candy - but I can always find something to eat that really wasn't planned for - fudgescicle planned for but not the pb on top

Eva You are right there are no bad foods - just unplanned foods - and I really wish she would use the term - Eating healthy instead of diet - yes eating healthy is a diet - but the word diet has such bad connotations - just like exercise - we should say physical activity instead

Laura the whole 3 D thing didn't work - gave me a head ache

Paris is BEAUTIFUL !! Yes they shouldn't be made a spectacle of and the whole cousin thing - they didn't need to be up there - come on

I was thinking last night what I was going to take - Are we going out to dinner ?? Need to know.. I am packing long pants and tops and bringing a jacket..

Apples - glad you made it to FL safe and sound... OMG you are still 25 miles from town ;0)

Great - Capri weather lol - nope gf it's long pant weather for us Western girls ;0) WTG on your knee !!!

Charlene - our super Walmart did away with fabric too - I have a few frozen meals for those rare times I don't want to cook ;0) - but I don't care how tired I am - I love to eat so I want real food -

Well it's 8:20 and I need to go eat - I will ck in before I go to work -

If I missed you - didn't mean too but I'm hungry (well sorta - i know it's time to eat) - Jodi - LauraK - Deb - Melissa - shout out !!!

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Hi all...So much to read for the past weekend...thought I would have plenty of time yesturday to post however....turns out no connection where I was all day.

It has been such a crazy week for me....I got my CPAP machine last wednesday and it seems that I am so nurvous that Im not using it correctly that I keep waking up every so often to see that the mask is on right.

I hope by the end of this week things will get better because I could really use some sleep. lol

I found out that my clearance letter from the endocronologist had faxed a letter to my surgeon without sending me one...so ive been hounding him to send one and he allready had....on the other hand I thought the psychologist sent his letter and he didnt....when all this is over the hardest thing about it better be this process of getting all these consults. l

Wednesday I finish the two week Prev Pac...ive been sick to my stomach from not just one antibiotic but two. This Hpylol bug best be dead by the time the treatment is over....wednesday...or I will just scream.

I thought I was finished with all the tests and consults and I found out that I might need a echocardiagram and stress test because im older then 40...but my cardiologist didnt think it was necessarary...I think ill let him and the surgeon figure it out and just let me know what to do when they do that!

Going to a support group this Thursday...patient education group....before hand, that should be interesting.

After this all......and not sleeping.....im tired!!

so im going to sleep...I hope all is well with everyone and things go smoothly with all consults, insurance glitches and tests for everyone.

have a great week.....

Jewel, I feel for you!! You have a big decission to make and I think that all the responses have really given food for thought...I hope you take everything and weigh things and do whats best for everyone.....good luck.

so shouting out!!! I sorry that I havent posted....but after the weeks school vacation and all the above.....well I just was running around like a chicken without a head.....

well...have a great week all.


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Good Morning...Poop! Crap! and everything else! Had a huge post to everyone and pushed a cancel button by mistake and lost it. I am not used to the laptop and the way it sits and my clumsy fingers get in the way.

Yep, Janet, we are out in the boonies again. Actually, our resort has a restaurant, sportsman store, post office, general store, laudromat, etc. But, the little town has one tiny, kinda stinky grocery store and one stinky convenience store.

Big day around here. It's our puppa's birthday. 8 yrs old today and unlimited treat day. Sould be for mom too. Lost a damned 7lbs on the trip here. I am pretty frustrated and cannot figure out why I lose when I travel. I had more than 3000 cals a day. Just don't get it and I could just sit and cry, but I WILL NOT. You would think that sitting on my A$$ for 5-6 days would at least keep me even. Not going to stress.

OK...checking out...as I stated last night, most likely won't check in after today until right b/4 we meet. Gotta check out what it wrong with my email account. I know I am not getting it all. Later.

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Apples, I am so glad you made it safely and I hope you have a warm and sunny vacation. Let's switch metabolisms. You would definitely gain, and I would be so happy losing. Happy Birthday to pups!

I just read my Beck study for the day. This book is helpful, but I think I will have to read it more than one time. The monday night bible study is a good companion book. We use scripture to renew our minds. So, I will post a few of them around the kitchen.

I am going to use my new wii weights today. I looked for the wii walking dvd yesterday, but the stores are out of wii fitness games. I will make the ones I have work.

Okay, gang......gotta go walk. Oh, the groundhog saw his shadow.........boooooooooo!!!!! I can't take six more weeks of this!

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Good Morning Gang...

Jodi - I had tons of test prior to surgery - shrink, lungs, cardio I couldnt walk long enough on the stress test (plus I was taking 2 bp meds that keep my heart beating slow) so I had do to a nuclear stress test - sleep, colon, pap, mamo, blood - got them all done in a 6 week period - I was lucky my doc set up all the appointment and I got approved within a couple weeks (just needed shrink test to get approved by insurance as my bmi was 42 and had 2 co-morbities) It takes a while to get use to the cpap - I never did but I never quit breathing my breathing just got shallow - I am off cpap and 1 bp med and feel 10 yrs younger..

Florida peeps - I just sent email for phone #'s - Melissa I don't have your email so email me jwrightpim@aol.com

Well not much to report since last night - ate my fish 1/4 cup Pasta and 1/4 c veggie and that was it.. Again wanted more food - but band is stopping me.. I guess that's the reason

Apples - Hugs on your 7 lbs - you are going to have to eat those pt bars like your dh does ;0)

Charlene - Yep it's going to take a while if not the rest of our lives to get the hang of this - but we will - look how far we have come - One day at a time

Well it's 5:30 gotta hit the showers - will try to ck in later - I just have to be more careful at work.

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Quickie post..Hi Apples...have fun with your friends.

Did my aero pilates this morning and logged my food. Off to a wonderful day at work.

Hi Jodi....jump those hoops, in the long run, it's worth it.

Arlene, hang in there...I don't think it gets easier. I'm going to buy the book because I'm not getting through it very fast. It will be good to have on hand.

Okay later


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Good Morning Gang...

OMG.....this really does work!!! Press Mulit and the post!! Thank you Thank you...was driving myself nuts...

however .....now I need to remember everyones names so that I can address everyone in one post as opposed to each seperately where the names are right smack on front!! SO many people...so many names!! My appologies if I get one mixed up!!

Jodi - I had tons of test prior to surgery - shrink, lungs, cardio I couldnt walk long enough on the stress test (plus I was taking 2 bp meds that keep my heart beating slow) so I had do to a nuclear stress test - sleep, colon, pap, mamo, blood - got them all done in a 6 week period - I was lucky my doc set up all the appointment and I got approved within a couple weeks (just needed shrink test to get approved by insurance as my bmi was 42 and had 2 co-morbities) It takes a while to get use to the cpap - I never did but I never quit breathing my breathing just got shallow - I am off cpap and 1 bp med and feel 10 yrs younger..

Florida peeps - I just sent email for phone #'s - Melissa I don't have your email so email me jwrightpim@aol.com

Well not much to report since last night - ate my fish 1/4 cup Pasta and 1/4 c veggie and that was it.. Again wanted more food - but band is stopping me.. I guess that's the reason

Apples - Hugs on your 7 lbs - you are going to have to eat those pt bars like your dh does ;0)

Charlene - Yep it's going to take a while if not the rest of our lives to get the hang of this - but we will - look how far we have come - One day at a time

Well it's 5:30 gotta hit the showers - will try to ck in later - I just have to be more careful at work.

Hello All, when i was little I wanted to be a vet but my dad said I wasnt good enough in science so I should be a lawyer. I went to one semester of law school and quit and went to work on a horse farm. After about 4 years of that I decided to go back to school to be a vet. My parents were very supportive and at graduation my dad apologiized for steering me in another direction!(my dad didnt apologize often). Im lucky to be doing what I love but on days when its so cold out ,I wish I lived some where else. I would love to know how to destress. I got home tonight and found a rather large bill in the mail that I wasnt aware of and the first thing that popped into my head was EAT. Instead, I rode my recumbant bike for 30 mins and showered and now Im going to eat my fish and veggies for dinner. Mrs. Bubba hope your neck is better. I have a bone spur and buldging disc and finally found some relief with a chiropractor. Have a good night. Janet ,if you are trying to introduce a new puppy into your house hold there are some tips on Ceasar Milans website that should be pretty helpful.

Im not sure whether the CPAP is helping either yet....we shall see. so many tests!! I suppose we all have to do what the doctors want so we are in good health or at least we know what kind of health we are in before surgery and treat any underlying concerns! Ill be done soon enough! Then Ill begin to worry about a whole new different set of concerns!! lol

Well...you are an inspiration after reading the above...and you are doing so great now....I hope you dont mind that you are all my muses at this time!! Thanks for sharing...it helps to know Im not alone with all this "stuff"

Ok you guys are starting to scare me............ I can't shop all day... I have just started back to my walking tape and can do 1/2 mile before I must sit.... and I'm not much of a shopper AND...............I still need bigger sizes..... How in the world am I gonna keep up with all you skinny girls?????????????? I've never heard of Ann Taylor and etc.... except from you all on hear... It's just a clothing store??? Yup, I see me staying home or sitting in the car a lot......

I had my PT..... they are treating my neck... they did a very intense history and then stretched my neck and gave me some exercises to do at home.... We may have hit on the problem.... an after effect of all my surgeries... I have been walking hunched over so long recovering from the huge incisions that it may have put undue stress on my neck.. So we are working on stretching those muscles... I hope this works.. We'll see I guess.... tomorrow I have my GP to check on all my medications.... anti-depressants and sleeping pills... and a fill maybe... I'm not sure if I need one but will talk about it and let her help me decide...

Mimi's feet are pigeon-toed... When little she didn't crawl the regular way much, but scooted around on one knee sort of like a litte monkey... was so cute but we noticed her toes starting to turn in especially on one foot then... Recently she has been complaining of her feet very often, saying I hurt..... So, we will get them checked... As for why the ENT....it's complicated... from birth she was called a "tongue sucker"... DD had a terrible time trying to nurse and fianlly quit, but baby still didn't suck well and her little tongue was always out... Finally the gave her some PT to teach DD how to pinch her cheeks together when sucking her bottle and it was better from then on... As she has gotten old the tongue thing has been less... Docs said it was nothing to worry about.... Since DD started working at this daycare she has notice that Mimi doesn't talk as clearly or as well as some of the other kids her age.. Of course I've just said to quit comparing her to others... She seems okay to me... She talks quite plainly, and puts words together into sentences... But still has a lot of jabber, too.... It will be a string of jabber followed by a couple words we understand so it isn't any problem for us... Well, do asked if a stranger would understand her 75% of the time.. Had to say no........ Doc looked and said she thought maybe there was a bit of an indentation in the roof of her mouth and unfortunatley mentioned soft palate.... DD heard cleft palate and freaked out... That wasn't what she said, but no luck changin her mind... AND she has had ear infection recently that just won't go away... and she with the colds she has had she has so much mucus and when she starts coughing she will wake up and then throw up all this slime (almost like a PB thing)... then retches till she throws up the contents of her stomach... another mother told DD that her child had this and it was the tonsils and ahnoids (SP) needing to come out... Doc said they were fine.... So, anyway they want her to see ENT about the palate thing and the speach.... DD is a mess about it and now wants to make sperm donor pay for all the expenses.... God, I don't want him back in our lives... What a nightmare he is..... Don't know what will happen....... So, there is my book about Mimi.....

Jodi, loved the cake story... Poor girls to be so disappointed...

Lori, hopefully you will sleep well tonight...

Linda, I think you need to put it out of your mind a bit... you are so anxious that it is getting to you... Just relax... You are doing all the right things...

Jessica, those puppies must be so fun for your daughter.. But I sure can see how you don't need that on your plate right now... The jewelry sounds like something you really enjoyed... glad you still dabble occassionally...

Eva, was that bobcat that close to YOUR house?? OMG!!!!! would scare me to death and I wouldn't be taking any pictures......

Apples, love the stunt you pulled on DH.... did he forgive you for it yet???? So, what time are you leaving in the morning???? Safe journey... We'll be seeing you soon...

Time to get DH some supper.. he's just getting leftover roast beef tonight.. But he likes that kind of thing.. He's an easy keeper.... I need to get organized from my trip... Kitchen is still a mess, but Mimi went home before I started here... She wouldn't nap for me today.. Now she'll go to sleep and her mother will have to fight to get her to bed.... TTYL.............. Julie

Hi. Julie....Im glad to hear you are going to the specialist to check everything out. My daughter was pigeon toed and alot of children are.....sometimes the doctors will want to intervene and others dont. My pediatric orthopedic didnt want to intervene...now I look back and think....perhaps he should have as her PT and OT did recommend it....Ten years later....she still is low tone...her feet are always bothering her and she cant run or do extrenuos activities without complaining...Now we are going to another Ortho to check things again....

I was wondering....when you refered to the nursing concerns.,..did you mean speech pathologist? Oral Motor therapist or Feeding therapist? You had said a PT was recommended. I wonder how this helped....the disciplines in NY are so defined as to what they are "responsible for" it would be nice to hear that the therapists of diff disciplines cross disciplines for treatment purposes.

No matter really...the important thing is that you are getting the help...for Mimi she needs.

Is there Early Intervention Services where you are?? It would be great to get a comprehensive evaluation to assess her strenghts and weeknesses....You had said there were possible concerns regarding speech/language and developement. Why not get it all checked out....Im not sure about where you are however, in NY it is free. Then get therapy where needed. I always find its best to start early rather then later....and the kids have so much fun with therapists they do really enjoy it and they are getting help at the same time....I know you said,..you were comparing and it seemed maybe, maybe not.....Why question it?

As I see...it the more people to play with my at the same time as treating why the heck not! lol Think about it.....

I can probably help with setting things up if I knew where and what but I dont so Im sorry I cant help there.

I can however.... give you and your daughter support and if youd like...I can try and answer concerns you both may have and recommend some ideas.....If you have any questions about reports and so on...id be happy to read them all and let you know what I think she should get as far as treatment and give you some advocate advice about how to get it all.....

If youd like you can have your daughter e-mail me and we can talk that way as well.....otherwise....Im here anytime!

wew...that was a biggy now gots to run!!!! Have a great day! kisses and hugs to Mimi!


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Good morning!!

Another busy day today, gotta go pick up Grandma and then come way back over by my house to take her to the dentist, then think we are going to stop here as she wants me to do her taxes. She wanted me to do them at her apartment the old fashioned way paper and pencil. I said no I have a computer program to do them much easier. She's very uneasy about that, she thinks everyone is going to 'know her business', I told her no and if she wanted we could just do them and print them and she could mail them in the old fashioned way vs online filing. She didn't want me to just take them home and do them either, think she wants to watch over my shoulder LOL. Yesterday when we left her apartment to go shopping she had her taxes out and she had to put everything away and hide it as someone might come in and 'know her business'. LOL I asked who was going to come in? But she couldn't answer that. She's funny sometimes but frustrating.

Last night was a very difficult night and emotional night. As you all know DD is engaged to be married on March 26th. Well they've been going to premarital counselling with the pastor and he called and asked if he and his wife could meet with DD last night, seems he has some concerns about them being ready and will not marry them on that date, he wants them to postpone the wedding. she is just crushed, part of her wants to go through with it regardless and part of her is saying warning red light, if my own pastor has concerns maybe there's something to this. Her and DF talked last night and are taking a few days to think and pray on it. I didn't sleep much knowing how upset she was, I'm even confused on this one. We like DF but do have a few concerns as well. Guess if he is Mr Right he will be Mr Right in 6 mos from now too.

Apples, Dang it those 7 lbs! It can't be from getting too tight from flying this time either. How bout some milk shakes? Enjoy your company down there and the warmer weather. What should I bring? These whimpy weather gals in AZ & CA (just joking Janet & Eva) are thinking 70s is cold, but I'm thinking it might feel pretty nice to me. You are a cold weather gal, is it capri weather??

Charlene, sounds like you are reallly working through some things with your study and book. Good for you!

Janet, so this fill has been a good thing for you so far? I finally felt mine yesterday. I was at the buffet with grandma and went for a little too much to eat and my band finally reminded me, that's enough. think I need a little more fill again, but am waiting til after FL as I don't want to be too tight as the only other day I could get in for the fill was the day before flying down there. Didn't want to get to FL and find out, OOPS.

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Good morning everyone,

Just checking in, I did great yesterday as far as diet and stuff goes. My MIL brought home pizza and I almost gave in but I gained a little bit lately and I want to see the scale go back down. I do really good with my eatting habits during school days but on the weekend I really struggle. I am home all day Fri, Sat and Sun and I just wanna eat everything in site. During school days I am so busy I don't really notice being hungry. It doesn't help either that it has been rainy the past few weekends and I have stayed in the house. My Doc said he wanted me down 6 pounds by my next visit on the 9th. I have done that but his scale reads higher then mine so I need to lose a couple more to get his scale to agree. I know I can do it I just gotta win this weekend battle.

I am taking the nursing entrance exam Friday. I am so busy studying for my classes I am trying to squezee in time to study for that. My Microbiology teacher has cancelled class the past 2 weeks so I feel kinda lost in her class. Doing great in anatomy 2 and film though. My film teacher had planned for us to do a presentation in class and he decided against it. I hate presentations and am so thankful for that but now as our final we have to do a mock up website about films. Kinda like rottentomatoes.com. Other than Facebook and myspace I have no idea how to do a website. My advisor recommended I take the film class because it would be less of a work load and allow me to focus on my nursing courses. I am not so sure that was the best advice. I am required to take a humanities class that's why she suggested it. I am in it now so I gotta do my best.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Short post...Jewel..good luck with your eating this weekend. Really be mindful of what you are searching for when hungry. Make sure to have veggies on hand when wanting to much. Don't know how you do school and family. Proud of you.

Great...I would bring both capris and long pants, short sleeves and long sleeves. Right now it is about 60 but feels warm. I am in layers but it should warm up by afternoon.

Milkshakes (ice cream, milk, etc.) don't sit right with my banded stomach. I did drink cappucinos all the way down. At about 550 cals or more for the 24 oz, you'd think I could have maintained. I ate at least 4-5 Protein Bars a day, plus meals...This has happened each time I have traveled since being banded. I'm working on getting it back. Eating M&M's and sliders. I hate to even post that on LB Talk...

Don't really care that it is raining today. Wanted to go for a walk with DH and DP (dear puppa) but that might have to wait till later today. I have a few books calling me and think I will try to get through a couple of them today. We have a big screened in porch so at least I can still be outside. I didn't think I could take one more day of being cooped up inside in MN. Now, I AM FREE!

Hey, Eva...sounds like you are really on the right track and this fill has really helped. Good to hear.

Hey, Arlene...keep reading and share your knowledge with the rest of us. I enjoy hearing what ppl get from self-help books. I cannot wait to hit a book store. I see that the outlet mall we plan on going to has one.

Hey to everyone else. Gotta go. Kisses being blown.....let me know if you don't get them...I will resend

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Hi guys~

Volunteered at Nelson's school today- reading with the kids. I absolutely love doing that. Now am making some Tomato beef Soup. (loaded with fresh veggies) We have TKD after school at 430 and we have been getting in the habit of eating out every Tuesday. Although I really try being "good", I have realized that there are just way too many calories. Trying to make some hearty soups/one pot wonders to eat when I don't have time or feel like cooking.

I was just about to get a fill and yesterday was tight ALL DAY! Pbed on cold milk before dinner! That was the most pleasant of all my PBs though. (if one has to PB). Now today I had half a Starbucks Protein smoothie (vivanno) and have been full all day.

Apples~ so glad you made it to FL! I hope the weather clears up for you.

Great~ hugs hugs hugs on the DD issues. OMG, I can only imagine how upset you are. I hope she finds peace with whatever decision she makes. My mom's family HATED my Dad when they dated for 5 years. Everyone and their uncle warned her not to marry him. Said he was too much of workaholic, not religious (not Catholic), and came from a different culture. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Dec/ 55 years together. She has to listen to her heart.

NY, Janet, Eva, Julie, Arlene and everyone else~ hi and hugs. I will write more later.

peasout.. Laura

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Happy Birthday to the Puppa!! How old is he today, Apples? Maybe if you'd sat and not cleaned and shopped so much at DS's you would have maintained - all that energy -- probably burned 500 calories everytime you hugged your DS! Can't contain that kind of energy -- you'll gain it back -- hugs on that issue.

Laura, so glad to hear you put tomatoes in your beef Soup -- I made some a while back and DH just told me last night (when he was pulling it out of the freezer to eat for dinner) that it wasn't "his favorite" because I put tomatoes in it. I'ver never heard of beef soup without tomatoes. He was raised in So. Cal - what does he know? LOL. Shows the subtle differences in how different we all eat.

Janet, that little bit of cake was not good to me this morning -- although I've been good I did miss two days of exercise last week and I gained 2 lbs. -- it's gotta be hormonal or something - this can't be really going on. I've been very good every day -- I log all my food -- nothing is being left out. I'm ready to start pulling out my hair. Honestly it's soooooo frustrating. But, I WILL beat this thing and I WILL get to goal!!! So forgive me for venting gang, but I'm not Happy with that scale. I drink all the Water I'm supposed to -- I honestly don't get it -- someone at work thinks I really can't lose more cause I don't need to -- do our bodies really try to hold on to weight this badly? Jeez, I guess I'm lucky I didn't gain 15 or 20 during my month off cause of surgery. I'm just really confused at this point. Case in point -- dinner last night -- could only eat about 2 oz. of tilapia and about 3 bites of my cooked zucchini -- had no Snacks yesterday - total of 700 calories.

Lori, sorry about DD -- that's gotta be very hard on her and we all know when our kids are hurt we hurt too. Hope it gets better. But the minister must feel very strongly about it to make that statement.

Jessica, hope your nephew is doing okay -- hope you will get to spend some time with him -- if for no other reason to give him a break from your SIL - is she your DH's sister? Just curious.

Cheri, hope your tweak goes okay. I think I'll join you in maintenance since I can't seem to really lose any more no matter how good I am -- I'll just call it maintenance and then if I lose okay and if not okay too. Like you mentioned before, at our age we look darn good at where we are now -- size 12 is pretty darn good for almost 60!

Eva, good going on the eating and the pilates -- wow. You keep it up girl.

Laura, hope your dad is doing okay now that the storms are over -- are they able to get out and about now?

Jodi, hope you get your surgery date soon -- sounds like you're getting close to getting all the hoops jumped through.

Julie, hope all is well with you and Mimi today -- how is she feeling?

Well, still at work, so this is short will try to write more later. Love, kisses and hugs to you all. Linda

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Linda, Yes it is my DH sister.

School went well today. I had lab and got to prepare a slide and it came out perfect. The teacher had everyone looking in my microscope. Gosh, I am such a nerd. It feels kinda cool though to know I can do something that I thought only super smart people could do. Gotta go prepare for my heart dissection tomorrow.

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Linda, Yes it is my DH sister.

School went well today. I had lab and got to prepare a slide and it came out perfect. The teacher had everyone looking in my microscope. Gosh, I am such a nerd. It feels kinda cool though to know I can do something that I thought only super smart people could do. Gotta go prepare for my heart dissection tomorrow.

Jessica...you're not nerdy..you're a cool chick and I'm proud of you!:(

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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