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Laura, sounds like lots of thought went into that decision. Nothing wrong with having an only but very wanted child. I hope I wasn't being too nosey.

I'm sitting here sortta watching the Grammy's off and on. Talk about some weird stuff! I feel so old.

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Well started a post - but computer froze - thankfully had only written one sentence ;0)

I got the 3D glasses at target to see the tribute to MJ - but it's only 7:16 here gotta wait another hour ;0)

Laura - you don't have to adopt an infant - there are plenty of older kids ;0) - I bet your DH would just love me putting those thoughts in your head :0)

Charlene - I need to go read the section - were you are full but still want to eat - just ate dinner - 3/4 max of a cup of my one pot wonder - green red yellow bell peppers onion garlic - adouline sauage - little rice - but I want more food and I am stuffed... I crave food... I hate food - I hate being a freaking addict...

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Hi everyone, this will be short as it's late and I need to get to bed. Had a busy, busy day and didn't have a chance to check in until now. Went to a very nice wedding reception last night -- food was okay -- they thankfully had some skewered barbequed chicken which was very good and some fruit -- I had a few bites of DH's cake and one glass of wine. Got my exercise in today and a little extra for the two days I missed this week. Then spent a few hours cleaning -- then the kids came over and visited and by the time we ate dinner and watched a movie, it's time for bed. Will catch up tomorrow. All is well, but I was sad I didn't get a chance to read much of my Beck book this weekend - the weekend went by so fast -- need another day off. Goodnight everyone, I'll try to do better tomorrow. Linda

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Hi, it's actually 2:45 here in ND................... just got out of the shower and put bio freeze cream o nmy shoulders.. I was sleeping until about half an hour ago...Damn this pain... took another pill, so should get drowsy soon.....

I never got any e-mail notices today... what's up with that.... ??

Nothing wrong with having one child.... Laura, but you'd be great with a little girl......

Yup, my phone is dead... good thing I only use it when I'm out of the house... Haven't missed it yet... Hope to have a new one by Tuesday....

Sounds like everyone had a good weekend... I was fairly lazy today, but did get my Valenitine cut-out Cookies done.. They are drying and then in the morning will freeze them for sealing... I ate too many today.. They are a favorite of mine...

Laura, about your friend (?)......... We just talked about these onesided friendships last week and we don't need them... Good for you to take a stand.....

Well, my pain is so distracting I can't type well, so I'm going to say good night... Hope to do better tomorrow... Won't this be fun in Florida???!!!??????

Night all.............. Julie Safe travels, Apples....

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Charlene - I need to go read the section - were you are full but still want to eat - just ate dinner - 3/4 max of a cup of my one pot wonder - green red yellow bell peppers onion garlic - adouline sauage - little rice - but I want more food and I am stuffed... I crave food... I hate food - I hate being a freaking addict...

Janet, yes....yes.....yes......I am a carb addict. The Beck books says to change your enviroment. I have. I don't keep bad Snacks in the house. I got this way by denial as I stuffed my way to obesity. I am not in denial anymore , and haven't been since before getting the band. I can't get used to being head hungry and denying my appetite. I know I need a fill. I eat....can go two hrs without being hungry.......then I want to eat again. Frustrated!

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Good morning. Rainy one here today. DH is sleeping... zzzzzzz. He had a 21 hour day yesterday. I am trying to be quiet so he can sleep. I remember before Nelson, I would stay up all night while he was working (I'd do laundry, clean, cook) and then sleep all day with him. Sometimes we'd get up in the afternoon and go to a movie. As crappy as his hours are/were, we had the best memories from that time in our life! Even in our tiny little two bedroom apartment.

Julie~ I am up a lot at night too. I will get up with you. : ) We can drink a cup of tea or wine..LOL. Get your phone fixed, so you can call me! Hope you went back to sleep ok.

Linda~ Sounds like you did a great job with food at the wedding! WTG. Glad you had fun. Hope you got some rest. : )

Eva~ Hope you got your work stuff done. Don't forget to check in! ; )

Arlene~ I need a fill too. What is so frustrating is that all morning and afternoon too, I am ok. I have good restriction. At night it's like someone let's go of the band! I want a fill but fear I won't eat hard Protein at all during the day. I get "free" fills until March2, then I have to pay for them. So might at least get one more, ya know?

Janet~ What did you think of the tribute? His poor kids seemed so so nervous. They should have let them pre-record that segment in my opinion. They are too young to have all that attention on them. Bless them. I couldn't find the 3D glasses (we have several in this house too!), so it looked a bit weird. I recorded it- will watch it today. Oh, don't you worry about you putting thoughts in my head! Hell, i already had that thought a LONG time ago...LOL. My problem is I LOVE babies! I would want a little one, even like Nelson was, 9 months old. Though going from no baby to a big 9 month old, gave me SEVERE carpal tunnel syndrome!!! He was like 28 lbs! I had to have surgery on my wrist when he was a year and a half- almost lost nerves in my hand! In the adoption world, new onset of CTS is very common b/c your wrist doesn't adjust to a growing infant. Same guy that did my surgery is taking care of Nelson's hand. He remembered him as this chubbawubba baby.

Great~ you aren't being nosey, AT ALL! <hugs> I am an open book. And I am not shy- I would tell you if I didn't want to tell you something. : )

House is all caught up... it's raining... maybe I will go snuggle next to DH after I read my email!~

peasout.. Laura

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Laura, are we all going to get to meet the little guy in FL? If I remember right your DH and Nelson are going to be at the resort too??? I can't believe how fast it's coming up. I wanted to adopt years ago as well. I wanted 4 kids, DH wanted 2. He said we had a boy and a girl no need for more. I had complications with my 2nd and Dr highly advised me against me having more so DH wouldn't even consider us trying for more and got the ol' snip snip at the young age of 24 or 25 (trying to find a dr to do the snip snip in Utah at that age was difficult!) so then I got on the adoption kick to adopt and make it 4. But our life worked well with the Lord gave us naturally. Sometimes I wonder if I could've handled more.

Wow can you believe in 10 days is FL, I need to start thinking of what to pack. I guess layers? a pair of jeans, a pair of capris, short sleeves, long to go over?? I hope it is warm out.

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Laura, I am going to try to schedule my eating closer together this week. Like I ate egg whites at 6am this morning. I am getting ready to drink a Protein Shake. I definitely need a tweak. Also, I started on this new medicine for FM. I think it has increased my appetite.

Girl, you are a Gem!. God has given you the gift of mercy. He has big plans for your big heart.

HUGS! Today for all of my peeps!

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Hi everyone, Having a good day, got up at 5:15 a.m. so got my 100 mins. of exercise in today - I'm doubly motivated as we are also having a fitness challenge at work for the month of February (during the Olympics). Prizes will be awarded based on what level you attain: Bronze will be 30 mins. daily at 5 days week; Silver 45 mins. daily for 5 days a week and gold 60 mins. daily for 5 days a week -- prizes will be given out based on the "medal" you accomplish. I'm all for the gold medal prize. They are generally pretty good prizes - gift certificates, etc. Don't you all agree I work for an amazing company?

Lori, glad you are back in Colorado safe and sound and glad you had a good visit to SLC. When will you know for sure about DH's promotion?

Laura, hope you are snuggling with DH -- sounds like the thing to do on a cool, rainy day.

Charlene and Janet thanks for sharing some wisdom from the Beck books -- I'm hoping to get more reading done in them this week -- but what little I've read so far makes me feel encouraged that I WILL be able to beat this addiction once and for all -- I feel like this book will definitely be an integral part in my recovery of this addiction. I'm just so afraid of gaining it all back.

WEll, I must run, still at work - just wanted to say hi and check in. Julie, so sorry about your pain and not being able to sleep -- I do hope your ins. co. will approve your MRI so you can get some relief. No fun. Hugs to you.

I sure hope the groundhog gives us good news tomorrow - snowing here again today -- supposed to get 3 inches. I'm so tired of cold and snow!!

CBL -- love to all -- Linda

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Linda, a friend of mine said the peach trees in East Texas have buds on them. She said that is a sign that winter is over.........we can only hope!

The Walmart by my house is remodeling. They have Healthy Choice Dinners and Steamer bowls for a buck. I couldn't resist. Had to stock up for DH. Hot Pockets a buck, Marie Calendar a buck......but those are way too fattening. They are closing their fabric dept......couldn't resist there either.......fabric a buck a yard.

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Oh, I was going to try and work...and still will do some, but the day is getting away from me.

I went for a walk this morning and stopped by my girlfriend's house (she lives 1/2 mile away) and it was almost 1pm when I got home. My how the day flies by.

Arlene, great deals at wally world! It's too early for the peach trees to be budding isn't it? They are going to get their little buds frozen off. And remember according to Beck, there are no "bad" foods...they are foods that aren't on plan.

Gotta keep that positive spin on things.

Linda, you certainly will attain a GOLD medal with your exercise. And yes, you do work for an amazing company. How's your DSD?

Great, if you would have had 4 kids you would have handled it fine. I believe we get what we need to learn what ever lesson we need to learn. So I have no kids...must mean I need to learn something from that. I think your definition of warm and mine will be different. I'm still cold at 70 degrees...I started laying out clothes too and I will probably put the shorts back on the shelf. I think I'll be too cold for them. I wonder how the mosquito population is this time of year. When I was on the east coast in May one year, they were horrible. I hate mosquitos....we had lots when I was growing up in florence.< /p>

Laura...I bet you would be wonderful with a little girl. But as I said to Lori...you have what you need for the lesson in this life. Nelson is a lucky lucky little boy and you too to have found each other. I'm adopted too and I knew I was very lucky to have loving parents. Do you not sleep because DH's hours? It has to be crazy with him being on call.

Julie, hope you got the sleep you needed. I swear, it's the only way I get rid of mine....a good sleep seems to fix it for a few days at least. I'll probably be up with you too....maybe...depends on how hard Janet and Apples make me work out.

Janet...I get that love/hate thing. My one week honeymoon with the fill is over. I'm starting to think about things I shouldn't. So I'm reading the Beck book and working the steps I've covered so far. My fill is still working....but my want is back too. I am trying really hard to sit when eating...I'm finding out how much I do eat standing. Not a good thing.

Okay, back to work stuff............


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I must have found the right group because I have trouble sleeping too. I will sleep for a couple of hours and wake up and then my mind starts racing about what I need to do the next day or what I didnt do the previous day. Laura,you dont really know me because I have only posted a few times, but I really admire you. How you joined to Peace Corps, how youre such a good mom and how well you take care of your family. Im single and can hardly find time to feed the dog and cats (thank goodness they complain when they are hungry!). I agree with Janet, I hate food.Some days its alll I think about. What have I eaten, what can I eat, why cant I eat that , why did I eat that? Then I watch the news and see about the poor people in Haiti and how good my life really is and then I think about food somemore! Mrs. Bubba -hope you get some relief with your pain.

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Good evening. A trying day today. But the good part is that I had my last day of therapy for my knee. I got to 140 degree bend on this knee. That's almost 10 degrees better than the first knee. So that is great. It was weird leaving for the last time, I've been going since Oct.

Laura, your reminiscing about when it was just you and DH and his crazy hours brought back memories of when I was first married and DH's weird hours too. He worked like 5pm to 2 in the morning. We'd sleep late then go to lunch movies, etc. during the day.

Eva, yep our definition or warm is different. 70's is warm! At least capri warm, doubt I'll wear shorts just because I hate my legs but if I wore them I'd wear them. LOL

Linda, go for the gold!!!

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Hello from rainy FL! Just hanging out and eating Cereal with the dog. We are all settled in our cabin. Got here yesterday about 4pm. Haven't done much besides run to Walmart in a town about 25 miles away. Dh left for a few hours this afternoon to shop for a stainless steel fire pit and the dog and I got accustomed to things around here.

Expecting a couple of days of sunshine this week. I think rain for part of tomorrow and Friday with a nice weekend. Have friends flying in (from home) tomorrow and they will be here for about 10 days, I think. Plan on some day trips to St. Augustine, Daytona Beach, Mt. Dora, etc. In fact, I think our friends fly out the day I head to Orlando.

So...I will most likely be MIA for a few days.

Hope you are all doing well. Miss my daily chats with you all!

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The state went into my Sil house today. My SIL made a list of all the things the 12 year old did that had her concerned. They interviewed all the kids and went over the list and told her he was a pretty typical 12 year old boy. They did recommend that she get him involved in some extracurricular activities. Not sure where she is gonna go from here. It is a relief though to hear he is pretty normal. They are still gonna do a psyc eval.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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