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:party:Happy Birthday JANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy, those dancing M&Ms are making me want M&Ms... LOL... kidding.

Linda~ hugs on the mom's dog. Oh gosh, it's tough. You've been so good the the exercise- it's ok to take some days off and let your body recharge.

Apples~ LOL, did you take video/pics of them on the wii? Those make some of the best videos (for blackmailing!!!) LOL. It's obvious you did a great job of raising your boys. Proofs in the pudding. : ) WTG.

Cheri~ What a blessing for the children whose lives you touch! I wish all teachers had the passion like you.

Eva~I think i forgot to say hi yesterday. SciFi? omw~ you and my sister would get along. I was FORCED to watch Star Trek when i was a kid. Although I LOVED Avatar!

Julie~ How's mimi's rash? I love that word bamboozled! What was she doing to him?? Sneaking another snack before bed? Those 15 min before bedtime, Nelson will accept any healthy snack that would otherwise be refused! LOL

What did I want to be when I grew up? A nurse. My mom was a nurse- she worked weekends in L&D. I loved waking up early and watching her get her uniform on. When she would come home at night I would sit for hours listening to the stories of the babies that were born that day. So I became a nurse and then a nurse practitioner. When I went to Paraguay in the Peace Corps as an RN- i was so frustrated b/c I was expected to practice medicine! I did everything there and at times, had no idea what I was doing. That inspired me to go back to school. I love my profession. I hope to one day do relief work. If I didn't have my family responsibilities I would have loved to go to Haiti.

I will CBL...peasout..Laura

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Laura, A nurse practioner is a wonderful thing to be. They didn't have that option when my sister was in med school but I think she still would have become a Dr. not a nurse. She doesn't want to follow anyone's orders--especially not a man's when she knows she's smarter and more knowledgeable and capable. Her nurses love her. She works in TN and in the south its very male dominated (as you probably know) and she's ended up with an independant practice because so many male Drs there tried to sabotage her.

Linda, sorry about the dog and the loss of your mom. I guess the pain is always there. Also sorry about your DSD. Sounds like she wants to die. Are they treating her for depression in addition to all her physical stuff? Wow. Going back to work and taking on DGD! We do love our little ones don't we? My heart belongs to my grandkids and I would take any one of them if my kids needed it.

Julie, the way you help your daughter by taking your DGD is also a wonderful thing. For a few years, I spend a lot of time driving to my daughter's to help her with her two boys. As David has gotten older and his autism and health have gotten under control, and Joshua is older and not so sick all the time, I'm not chasing nearly as much but I miss the little boogers. Also, Rachel quit her job after Josh was born because her own health, after two toxemic pregnancies, was not good and she couldn't give David the highly structured environment and sensory stimulation he craved . Her back was totally shot from wearing the gun belt and sitting in squad cars.

She doesn't regret for one moment staying home with her kids. In fact, except for taking the boys to the Y and to Dr.s appmts, she doesn't go out much anymore. THe more she stays home, the better they do. She even orders a lot of her groceries through Peapod, so they get delivered to her home. She also gets her step-daughters frequently which means four kids in the house. Her husband is on a gang unit and works a lot of overtime. He's receiving all kinds of awards now for the work he's done, and that wouldn't have happened if she'd been working.

It really makes you wonder about those mothers forced to work by circumstances, not by choice, and the long-term consequences for the children if they can't afford competent child-care or don't have willing grandparents to step in and help. I've had so many students actually being raised by grandparents, older siblings, aunties or even uncles, who stepped in for dead or incompetent parents.

God bless all those with a heart for the children and the compassion and wisdom to help raise them.


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Laura...one of the things that drew me to some of your very first posts was the fact that you mentioned you were in the peace corp. The memories you have from that is something that no one can take away from you. Even though you were thrown into things you felt you were not prepared for, you did it and all those experiences make you who you are today.

I know you enjoy being a wife and mother...can tell from your posts. Enjoy these next 10-12 yrs with Nelson....time goes way too fast when raising children.

I did get to hold a baby yesterday for hours. One of Charlie's buddies and his wife were here for dinner and have a 4 mo old little guy. Got my fix.

Morning to everyone else. Rainy in GA today. Cleaning an oven this morning. DS and roomie made a 23lb turkey a week ago and most of the drippings ended up in the bottom of the oven and the drawer. Don't want any fires!

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Apples, you go on vacation and still find work to do. I'm convinced you have a bionic chip in you somewhere.

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I keep forgetting to tell you all. This morning I stepped on the scale and was 167 lbs. Granted, I slept late so it wasn't my usual time to weigh, and I went dancing a little last night, but still, after the sugar I've had the past few days, I never expected to see a 3 lb. loss. I did cut back on my meals to make up for the candy, but I didn't expect to lose. Now my cold is subsiding and I've had that psychological boost, I think I can get back on track with the food. Especially with one, hopefully, final fill on Tuesday. Just a tweak.

So, doing the happy dance.:biggrin::glare:

That's my goal, by the way.

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Happy birthday Janet. Sorry I missed you yesterday.

Things in my house have been totally crazy. My SIL has 8 children and has another one due any moment. Two of the oldest children are adopted but one has left the house already. The other one is a 12 year old boy. She called here 2 days ago saying she didn't want him anymore. Can you believe that sh**? She adopted this boy 9-10 years ago and has just decided she doesn't want him anymore. She asked my MIL if she would take him. Well my MIL and FIL are old. Too old too raise a child. My FIL works 2 jobs and my MIL works but they are getting ready for retirement. They cannot take him so they told her that. SO, My SIL turns around and calls the department of children and families to find out how she can give him back to the state. They refered her to family social services, who refered her to a childrens foster home, who refered her to the abuse hotline. She spent all day on the phone yesterday trying to get someone to tell her how to surrender him. So now she is being investigated by the state to find out why she won't keep him and if she should be keeping the rest of the children. She could end up losing all of them to the state.

My Husband and I have been talking about it alot. We have decided that if she really goes through with this that we would like to adopt him. We are the only hope he has. If we don't he has to go back to foster care and we really don't want that. So we maybe adding another child to our family. I am so sad for him that she is doing this but happy at the same time that we may be getting another child. I have always wanted more children but I can't get off my meds in order to get pregnant. And I can't take my meds and be pregnant. I have wanted to adopt for years but my hubby was so scared to do it. He didn't want us to get a child that was too much for us to handle. But, we already know this child and think he is pretty good for a 12 year old boy. He does have some attention problems but we can deal with that. It is crazy timing but it could be perfect timing. We are moving out in May or June so we should know by then what is going to happen. And know what kind of place we will need. This situation is just so crazy I hope she lets him stay but if not we are prepared to take him.

It just baffles me why someone would do such a thing. This is something that can destroy someones life. I think she actually maybe going crazy. It would just break my heart to do something like this to anyone. It is also bringing back some bad memories of my own childhood. I know he is going to need therapy after all this. I am just really emotional about the situation. I could write on and on about how this is making me feel. But I won't.

On a lighter note, I signed my 5 year old up for tee ball today. We are both really excited. I even got him a little glove. He can't wait to get on the field and I can't wait to watch.

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Cheri, YOU MADE YOUR GOAL...................... Congratulations....... It must be wonderful...... Hope to be where you are some day..... Oops.(sorry Janet,) I will be.................... Great job.....

Apples, those babies are something aren't they... I had to run up to the daycare yesterday to get Mimi to take her to clinic and I got to hold a 4 month old girl and feed her...... They are so sweet and DON'T MOVE MUCH!!!!!! What a difference from a 2 1/2 year old.....

So, Phyll is on the Mexican Riviera.... Hope she is having a ball...

DD came to get Mimi about 1:00 am, so I don't know if her rash has subsided or not... I'm guessing that it will... She didn't have any other symptoms either... Just full of energy.... I finally went to sleep about 3:30 then and although I got woke up a few times by DH when he got up, I didn't actually get myself up til 10:30!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes, I'm behind schedule now, but it felt good to sleep in a little.... Now to get on with my day.. I had my steel cut oats and need to go find some Protein to go with it....

Linda, sorry your day was so sad for you, but now you will move on to another new stage ....... Chin up.... Counting blessings at times like these help bring me back to normal.... Hope it works for you... Take care....

Well, hope you all have a restful and/or productive Saturday.... Take care everybody.... And where is Meredith??? Packing I'll bet...... Come back soon....

Love and hugs to all........... Julie

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Jessica, OMG................... What is your sister saying this kid did to make her not want him anymore??? And why is someone like that having more children???? This is very fishy to me..... Anyway, bless you for standing up for this child..... You seem to have thought it through with your DH, so I hope things go well for all of you..... We are here to listen if you need to talk.... Take care... Julie

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Jessica, it sounds like your SIL needs a lot of support right now. I am sure the stress of so many children and expecting another one is overwhelming. We adopted my cousins kids when she died. They were 12 and 13.....a tough age to lose a mother. Their father was and still is a drug addict. They are 37 and 38 now. I won't lie.....we had trying times. I would have liked to unload them when they started getting in trouble in their late teens, but I just kept going. We are blessed. Adopting children is a special blessing from God. I hope your SIL gets some help over this trying time.

I just made some vegetable soup.....that is okay on our plan.....right? It tastes awesome. Being a mexican food nut I just had to add Rotel tomatoes and chilies. Yum!

Apples, I know you are enjoying time with "baby boy". I have a "baby boy" that is 35. He is coming over today to leave DGS for a few hours. My other kids tease me .....they say he is my favorite. Not true......but I can't convince them otherwise. Have fun! I hope you have clear weather on your way to Florida. It is 39 right now, so I know it is blowing your way.

Oops! turned it on QVC this morning and bought a jacket. I need to block that channel!

I hope everyone has a great day!

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Jessica....I'm so sad for your nephew. I can't imagine how he's feeling knowing his mother doesn't want him anymore. I applaud you stepping up to take him in. He needs to know someone loves him and will not abandon him. I'm also glad to hear you have plans to move into your own place. It's great your in-laws have been willing to help, but it's so much better to be on your own. Good luck!

Cheri, congrats on the 3 lbs. I think mixing things up really helps with the weight loss...so a few days of carbs probably confused your body and it let go of the weight.

Linda...sorry about your mom's dog. I guess that sadness from losing your parent never really goes away...but becomes easier to deal with. I'm pretty sure I'm not over my mom's death. It's was very nice for your sister to take her dog...not everyone would do that. I'm sure Daisy Mae had a wonderful life and was better for the love your family gave her. Wow your DSD really doesn't weigh much. I hope they figure out what is going on with her.

Apples, DS doesn't have a self cleaning oven I take it. Although with self cleaning, you still have to wipe it down and "clean" it. So you are heading south tomorrow? Seems like you just got to Atlanta. Will DS visit you in Florida or will you stop by on your way north again?

Laura, one of our friends is a PA and she actually lived in Haiti and just left to go back to help out. It's great you are able to do what you always wanted to do. It's even better that you are able to spend time with Nelson right now. When I was very young, both of my parents worked and I had to go to various baby-sitters...I remember some of that. It's great Nelson has you.

Hi Julie, wow sleeping in to 10:30 that's amazing. Of course not getting to sleep until 3:30....ugg. You are lucky that you can sleep in when you can't get to sleep early. And who says we all have to go to bed at 9 or 10 or whenever and get up a 6 or 5 or 4 as some of you do? Given my own proclivities I would stay up late and sleep late too. I was up until midnight last night and slept until about 7:30 this morning. It was very nice.

Phyl, have a safe and very fun trip. Hope it's warm on the cruise.

I'm piddling today. Soaked the baby tortoises...they need to be hydrated about once a month. They are very slow moving now because I keep them cool and their metabolism slower for winter, but they tend to wake up a bit after soaking in a warmish puddle and start crawling all over. They are cute. Hopefully by April, they will mostly have new homes.

I have to work on work stuff today and we are going to A Prairie Home Companion at 3...so that kind of shoots the day for any big projects. Guess I hang out and watch the thread until we leave. Not too exciting.

Talk to you later.


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Hi Arlene, sorry missed your post. What kind of jacket did you get? Do your adopted kids appreciate you now? I bet they do. We've tried to adopt Robbie, but his Mom will not let him go...he is just a manipulation device for her. DH does see Robbie every week if not more and they talk, so at least we have access to him. He's 16 and is working at a movie theater. He's finally getting it together a little and I'm really proud of him. (Robbie is DH's boy...not biologically, but emotionally and DH's name is listed as the father on Robbie's birth certificate).



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One of her problems is that she won't let anyone except their grandmas babysit. She is too embarrassed to let me and my husband come over and babysit or anyone else. I know she has to be overwhelmed but she has gone too far by calling social services. Now, they are in her home interviewing all the children. She has all of them home all day because they can't afford private school. She is homeschooling the older 3 but she sleeps most of the day because she is pregnant. The kids are getting behind in school. The older 3 take care of the babies. We are afraid if social services finds all this out she will lose them all. I know she is making a huge mistake but now it has gotten out of hand. I don't know what will happen if they lose all the children we can't take that many nor can my inlaws or their paternal grandparents.

Yesterday she was still determined to give up the 12 yr old boy. She just has too many and doesn't have time to work with each of them on their behavior and school work. he is being blamed for all the caos in the house. With that many though it will be chaotic. Raising 1 kid is alot of work but 8 total with 4 of them being preschool age, I know I couldn't handle it. I hope she does change her mind. I don't want this for him. If it does go down we are going to do the best we can for him.

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Good Morning Gang

Slept til 7 - gym by 8 - 4 miles - 600 calories :0)

Cheri - CONGRATS ON GETTING TO YOUR GOAL WEIGHT !!!!:glare::thumbup::wub::thumbup::P:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


Jessica - OMG - what's up w/your sister - give him back - omg i can't beleive it - that's going to destroy that little boy - she needs to be investigated... Thank God for you - I think that's truly wonderful that you may adopt him...

Apples is the energizer bunny :target::0) I am so glad you are having a good time w/DS and got a hold of a baby :0)

I got a webcam from DS for my Bday - It's great to be able to talk to DGDers and family and see them at the same time..

Linda - Hugs on mom's dog - I had to have my Dad's dog put down 6 months after he died - well I couldn't do it I had my bf take him - I couldn't..

Phyl should be arriving at the port about now - they were leaving at 7:30 when I talked to her yesterday - and it's about a 2:45 trip - I hope the weather cooperates for her curise

it's beautiful here today - sunny 70 - I have the windows opened a load of wash in - need to vaccume and pay bills..

Think I am hanging around the house today - need to get nails done and toes - but would rather do it next weekend - but my sister will be here and we will be bbqing

So who knows - really would like to go to home depot get some plants and be outside gardening...

Laura - I would love to have done peace corp or go to Africa and help or haiti's but like you said - we have responsiblities and can't just jump on a plane

2 weeks from today FLORIDA :0)

What's the weather forecast :)

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Hi Arlene, sorry missed your post. What kind of jacket did you get? Do your adopted kids appreciate you now? I bet they do. We've tried to adopt Robbie, but his Mom will not let him go...he is just a manipulation device for her. DH does see Robbie every week if not more and they talk, so at least we have access to him. He's 16 and is working at a movie theater. He's finally getting it together a little and I'm really proud of him. (Robbie is DH's boy...not biologically, but emotionally and DH's name is listed as the father on Robbie's birth certificate).



Eva, yes, my adopted kids are so grateful. They have blessed me with five of my nine grands. It is a tough job picking up where others leave off. When children are older they have picked up their parents ways. It was hard. We all went to counseling and worked out our problems. That is why it is so important to have a support system when you get overwhelmed. Just like our weight and band issues. I feel like we have a good support system going here.

Jessica, I do hope your little nephew gets help too. I am sure he doesn't understand why your SIL is taking her frustrations out on him. I hope you can help him. He needs to feel loved. God Bless You!

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Eva, I think the jacket was Motto. Not sure....it was cobalt blue. I just love that color. Of course I will wear black pants and a black shell under it. One day, when I get closer to goal I will branch out and wear something other than black.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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