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Hey Apples glad you made it to your sons. That much sitting would make me nuts too. Did you get the truck unloaded? Bring the kitchen sink too?

Okay two weeks and counting. I can't believe it's getting that close.

Yeah, I know Garrison is from your neck of the woods. Hope he doesn't bring the cold with him.

Back to the book.

Hey Eva!

Unloaded the beef and goodies for son. The rest goes to the cabin. We made it down here without stopping once for a meal.. Not once. Packed sandwiches for DH (he's wanting to take 10lbs off) and I packed my food. We did pee breaks and that was about it. But, DH probably gained 10lbs with all the Protein bars he ate on the way here.

OK...topic for the day tomorrow...and I most likely will be participating. Here it is:

We all talk about stress in our lives. I truly believe that stress most likely was a huge factor in leading to our obesity. Question to ask yourselves and discuss here on this thread tomorrow. Have any of you really learned how to de-stress? Have you found the one (or more) thing that helps to tame your stress?

I'll add my answer tomorrow cuz gotta go visit with DS a little b/4 bed. Anyway...I think I have truly found the answer for myself. How about any of you guys?

OK...DS is doing something with DH. I will answer now. Mine is so simple. It's doing something for ME...like a hot bath, a walk, reading. Things I would always feel guilty about doing or thinking there wasn't enough time. I think I needed to come to the point of realizing that taking care of me is OK.

OK...who's next?

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I haven't learned to deal with stress well yet. It is one of my triggers. Although I do things for myself and always have and don't feel guilty because if I don't take care of me, who will? Walking is thing I've used to get through a stress filled time. I just don't do it enough...I usually reach for something to eat. I really need to stop that.

Really good question.

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Hey Apples, glad to hear from you again.............

No, I haven't really figured out how to de-stress...... I'm better than I once was.... I was a complete worry wart.... I have just forced myself to let some things go, but sometimes I think I've just moved into the denial stage or something comparable.... I'm still looking for my de-stressor.... This website and all of you help emensely.... Thanks for asking Eva and Apples.....

Why am I up at 2:52 AM????? Pain of course.... Dang it... PT gal said she hoped I wouldn't have it tonight after her massage and such, but here I am.... My second pain pill is starting to kick in so I'm going to attempt sleep again... Later.................

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I haven't learned to deal with stress well yet. It is one of my triggers. Although I do things for myself and always have and don't feel guilty because if I don't take care of me, who will? Walking is thing I've used to get through a stress filled time. I just don't do it enough...I usually reach for something to eat. I really need to stop that.

Really good question.

Mine is walking and sewing. Now, prepping to sew stresses me out, but once I sit behind a sewing machine I just relax. Now, I don't like to make clothes. I like to piece simple quilts. I also like to machine embroider.

Julie, I am so sorry you are still suffering. I hope you find some relief.

The rain has started........I am sure the cold is on its way. Looks like I will spend this weekend indoors. I don't mind because I have so much reading to do. I might have to make a trip to Carter's. I love buying clothes for my grandbabies especially when Carter's is having a sale.

I hope all of you have an awesome weekend! Apples, enjoy the warmth of Florida!

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Morning girls...Hope you got some sleep, Julie.

Charlene...hope your weather does not affect you physically. I consider myself so lucky to not have many aches or pains. I did get sore (pressure points) sore yesterday after riding so long but it subsided after walking around.

Had a great night's sleep. Did not wake up till 7:30, which is a few hours more than I usually do. Today will just be for hanging out. Think I will head to Publix and restock DH's pantry...a mom thing.

You all have a good day. Time to take the dog for his walk. Later.

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Hello everyone! This thread was a good idea.

I was lapbanded 4/11/2006 and...oh wow, this april will be my 4th year. Unbelieveable!

Anyway....I am 5ft 2inches in stature, started at 240lbs and now 123lbs. I lost 95% of my weight within the first 10 months. The lapband has been a great tool in assisting me with food portions, but the pavement, the gym, my mountain bike, coupled with the lapband, ultimately got my weight off and have kept it off for almost 4 years now.

I've had reconstructive surgeries in Mexico - a TT and Breast Augmentation as I was disproportionate after the weight reduction. I have also had a port replacement as it became leaky.

I am here for anyone that needs info, has questions about the "journey" and just needs some guidance. I've most likely been there and done that.


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Good morning, just a fly by as you call them. On my way out the door to get hair done and then meet "DH at airport for our flight to 'SLC for the night. Be back late tomorrow. That's how I am destressing, getting away for a night! There's a restaurant there that we loved and am going for some fantastic Mexican food tonight.

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FYI, for those that like Leslie Sansones Walking Away the Pounds DVDs for exercise, QVC has them as their Todays special value. It's 7 DVD's and some cables and exclusive to QVC until March 1st so must be something new.

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Good Morning Gang..

Sorry I have been MIA - I was told on the sly to watch my internet surfing at work.. Plus since yesterday as my friday I had lots to do - and last night went to dinner w/gfs didn't get home til 9:30 and I was tired....

I had 1 shrimp 1/4 baked potato few bites of my steak and all of the dessert ;0)

Apples glad you are at DS and enjoying your time and had a safe trip - you had my loling about the pt bars - yep they are candy aren't they - Stress - well I have it at work - I rant & rave - home I come her and rant and rave - I can't tell you what I do to de-stress - gotta say I don't have too much of it

I just do what I always do - watch t.v. read - well maybe some times I will clean - I don't have a plan of action - just say this too shall pass - I don't do long baths - Maybe shopping is my de-stressor ;0)

Well have to come back to this subject - the new puppy is stressing me - None of the animals we have like this dog - bear is hissing at it all the time - Andrew keeps asking me questions - I keep telling him I don't know - I don't want to know - I don't want to deal with another dog - This is my quite time in the morning and I got andrew and 3 dogs bugging me... I can't even type....

Eva - When I was a little girl - I was going to live in Tx with my GM - I was going to be a teacher and she would be at home in her lavender painted bedroom and she would have a garden (veggies) with chicken and I would have a horse...

Then when I got older I was going to be a legal secretary -

my bff and I were going to go to legal secretary school..

I don't think I could do bread right now - I am pretty tight - I am poster child tight - I can eat my meat then some veggies but hardly any room left for anything else.

Ok with all the commotion that's going around me right now I forgot who said what

Who talked about hairdresser - sometime good sometime bad - Ya that's the way mine was -- so I have switched - I am really fussy about my hair - but again I am a hair/makeup girl ;0)

Well since I can't remember squat - I am going to go to the gym and destress and get away from the animals in my house...


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Hi guys~

Apples~ hugs and so glad you made it to Atlanta! (I used to live in Decatur when I went to Emory for grad school). I know your son is glad to have his mom and dad there. Enjoy.

Telly~ wowza! You look awesome! Almost can't tell it's you from the other photo. WTG and welcome.

Julie~ hugs on the pt. Hope you are feeling better this afternoon. My only concern with doing traction is they haven't determined that there isn't a cervical injury. I want them to approve that MRI STAT!@

Janet~ dogs dogs dogs... makes me content with my cats. : ) what was for dessert? (notice I can spell that word now!)

Well, hand dr wasn't as optimistic as the guy that put the cast on in NC. He says he needs it for 3 more weeks!!! Total of 4 weeks and wouldn't consider taking it off before the 19th of Feb. uughhhh! He said no one ever got in trouble for leaving a cast on an extra week- but can get in a heap of trouble for taking it off before it heals. I know he is right. Holy crap, wish I had taken a photo of Nelson's face when he took out the cast saw to trim the rough edges! He yelled "please don't cut my arm off!" as tears rolled down his cheeks! (the dr had already explained to him that it was noisy but wouldn't hurt) poor guy.

Going to send a care package to my dad. There's a great Cuban cigar store here- the guy hand rolls them. Dad has been having one of the tiny cigars each night. Going to send him some fresh ones. He's having a rough week. This final dose of chemos really knocked the wind out of him.

More later! peasout.. Laura

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Laura...you tell Nels to hang in there and not worry about being scared with the doc brought out that skill saw. Tell him I was 40 and had my leg in a cast for 9 months (DA dr. misdiagnosed...surgery after many months in a cast). Tell him I got scared everytime they cut it off and I KNEW they weren't going to hurt me. Just the sound and them coming at me with it.

Went to Publix and restocked for the baby boy. $400 later but does not take much to make my smiley guy happy. I think he thanked me for every item. He's into a healthy high protein/some carbs diet and was stating how much more expensive it is to eat right. I've always believed that. He loves to cook so just bought him a bunch of meat and frozen veggies to have on hand.

I have a huge pot of chicken chilli brewing on the stove and will break it down into freezer containers for him. While that's stewing, I am cleaning his frig. A little turkey blood (TMI) got away from him while he was thawing a turkey last weekend to cook for his guy buddys that were here for the game..

Other than the frig, his house is clean. Not bad for 3 guys living in it. Makes a mom proud. I always wondered if those 2 boys of mine would do for themselves in their own homes. I think I did my job with them and it stuck....

He lives in a great little development about 2 yrs old. When he said he was moving to Atlanta, I had visions of much worse.

Funny how we see our kids as adults. He left home just a few days after turning 18 and has been living in Alaska, CA, FL and GA for the last 8 yrs. I still see him as my 18 yr old....just hanging at keggers while planning the next party. I think my little guy (if you can call 220lbs little) is now a man. Whew!

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Apples, yes, you did a great job raising your boys! I know how you feel - my DS will be 38 this year and we still refer to him (my sis, brother and other relatives) as "little Greggie" and he's 6'4-1/2" and 270!! He's not "little" anything, but still momma's baby boy. Always will be. He's a heck of a guy -- hard worker, great husband, great son, makes loads of money, has a beautiful home and fabulous cars - he just needs to make me a grandma and I'll be thrilled. LOL. I think it's not just his decision. LOL.

I don't have much time either. Got up late, I'll have to do extra exercise this weekend to make up for my sleeping in this week - -gotta get back in the groove. I think I'm fighting off another virus.

I always wanted to be a teacher - actually taught adults for a few years as an extra income job (just a one night a week class) at the community college in Reno and I loved it.

Well, gotta run, cbl. Hope everyone has a great day. OMW Telly, you look fabulous!! What a difference --congratulations on all the hard work -- how beautiful you are and thanks for sharing with us. Linda

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I must have missed something about careers and what we "thought" we would be when we were younger?

Linda...I am sitting where you are now on the GM issues. Never though to I try to push it. Want those boys to be ready all by themselves.. But, I can tell you this....I'd much rather be holding a baby right now than cleaning up this frig!

I went to college for Bus Admin and Mgt. But, all through school I really only had my sights on being an Office Manager. Happy I did the college thing but could have gotten by much cheaper with the education costs aspect. I guess I can say I learned much more socially in those 4 yrs and appreciate it. I came from an environment where I was very socially sheltered and my years in school taught me a lot.

Have a great trip, Great!

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Hello All, when i was little I wanted to be a vet but my dad said I wasnt good enough in science so I should be a lawyer. I went to one semester of law school and quit and went to work on a horse farm. After about 4 years of that I decided to go back to school to be a vet. My parents were very supportive and at graduation my dad apologiized for steering me in another direction!(my dad didnt apologize often). Im lucky to be doing what I love but on days when its so cold out ,I wish I lived some where else. I would love to know how to destress. I got home tonight and found a rather large bill in the mail that I wasnt aware of and the first thing that popped into my head was EAT. Instead, I rode my recumbant bike for 30 mins and showered and now Im going to eat my fish and veggies for dinner. Mrs. Bubba hope your neck is better. I have a bone spur and buldging disc and finally found some relief with a chiropractor. Have a good night. Janet ,if you are trying to introduce a new puppy into your house hold there are some tips on Ceasar Milans website that should be pretty helpful.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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