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Glad you checked in Apples. Hope the ice is gone in the morning. I am sweating out our roads in the morning. We are supposed to get snow over night and I gotta go about 20 miles to get my fill and I want my fill so unless it's really bad I won't cancel.

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Stay safe everyone. Have a great time Apples. I'm so glad you're finally off the farm.

I've decided that you are the bionic woman. You were secretly implanted with a top-secret energy/metabolism disc. It seems to be working, so, hopefully it will be on the market soon.


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LSE64 welcome! I love animals but I've never wanted to be a vet. It would break my heart to treat some abused animal. I have a dog, cat, 13 tortoises, and goldfish in a pond. Working with horses has to be tough...do they come to you or are you a traveling vet? I have a brother and niece in Ohio. Interesting state. I was banded in July too..just hit the 40lb mark today.

Cheri...sorry about the cold...drink more liquids and go to sleep. I'm a big advocate of being hydrated. That way you are replenishing your snot factory.

Lori you are pretty funny. So if you go to SLC and when I lose this flab...maybe Janet and I will visit you and we can go shopping in Utah. Actually Utah is such a beautiful state, maybe a camping trip would be in order. Good luck with your fill. I'm just learning the true value of it.

Deb, I've heard of stuffing lots of things...teddy bears, pillows, bread, pork chops, but this is the first time I've heard of stuffing rocks. Hope you didn't get too many cuts from the chert. So do the kids have to ID the rocks?

Janet, sorry about the funeral, so sad for your co-worker. What's the update on the puppy? Where do you get the Vitamins? Do you order them on line? I'll bring a couple of these for you to sample, that way you can tell me I'm full of stuff or yes, these things are horrid.

Jessica, you've already heard most of us eat leftovers--reheated food. Chew a lot and eat slowly. As far as bringing left overs home from a restaurant....I can't imagine anyone thinking that is a negative thing. They should be impressed that you didn't snarf down the entire meal and will savor it again the next day. You'll do fine.

Linda, what is a purse party? I've never bought a Coach purse either...we'll have to see. I haven't seen one that I'm totally gaga over yet....but that may change under the influence of our shopping therapy group. Hope you sleep well.

Phyl, your pictures are too funny. Cute hats!!

Julie, you don't have a hat? Guess we'll be shopping for a hat for you...that should be fun!! Glad the appointment went well. Maybe the Doc's letter will have some effect on the ins. company. You can only hope. 3 lbs since November is more than I've lost....so don't knock it. Any loss is better than gaining.

Hi Arlene, how are you doing today?

Laura, I don't know about the rest of these dedicated bandsters, but I sure understand about your food issue today. It's that switch in our brain that turns off our common sense and lets us eat so much more than we planned or need. Nelson's party sounds like fun, can I come? I lay my laundry on the couch until I can get to it to fold. It sort of forces me to deal with it because we actually sit on our couch so I don't want someone sitting on the clean clothes. The socks on the other hand sometimes don't get folded for a day or two...DH will actually fold socks and put them away. Small victories, you know?

The Beck book must be in at the library...got the automated call that my reserved book is ready to pick up. I still have 2 audio books that I need to rip so I'm getting that done now so I can take them back to the library and pickup the Beck book. I have to make sure I have enough alternative stimulation for the FL flight...book to read....book to listen to. Of course Janet will be on that 2nd flight...so maybe I won't need a book.

It's taking me forever to eat my solid Proteins. This must be what it's all about....finally....I can't believe it. It really does restrict the amount of food I can eat and want to eat (at least so far). I really hope it stays this way for a while. I can't say it's easy, but it's better than being able to eat most things without thinking. I'm sort of hyped up about it now. In other words this was the kick in the backside I needed.

I suppose I should tackle some more of this paperwork.



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Hi Arlene, how are you doing today?

Eva, I am trying to work the Beck Diet, the bible study weight plan, and the weight loss support plan. They are all basically the same. I need all the help I can get. I did stay on track today. I tried a new breakfast...egg whites mixed with oatmeal and make a pancake out of it. So, I tried it with dry oatmeal first.....the pancake was dry....then tried it with cooked oatmeal....a little too mushie. I need to cut back on the egg whites. Oh and I put some sf jelly in it. I am gonna give it another try tomorrow.

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Hi Arlene, how are you doing today?

Eva, I am trying to work the Beck Diet, the bible study weight plan, and the weight loss support plan. They are all basically the same. I need all the help I can get. I did stay on track today. I tried a new breakfast...egg whites mixed with oatmeal and make a pancake out of it. So, I tried it with dry oatmeal first.....the pancake was dry....then tried it with cooked oatmeal....a little too mushie. I need to cut back on the egg whites. Oh and I put some sf jelly in it. I am gonna give it another try tomorrow.

sorry Arlene, but that just sounds gross! :smile2: Maybe because I am not a huge oatmeal fan but will eat it, don't like pancakes much and need some yolk in my egg. LOL Good luck, I hope it works for you though.

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Great, I like to toast a sandwich thin, cut a hole in it.....put an egg in the hole....then cook it in pam. I like it. On second thought.....I think I will scrap that pancake idea. The fitness coach gave me the recipe. I don't like oatmeal, but I love, love , love, oatmeal cookies!

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Arlene, now that's funny....oatmeal pancake with egg whites is no substitute for an oatmeal cookie. I like oatmeal okay...steel cut now...but I too prefer an oatmeal cookie.

It's raining here again. We can always use the rain. 3/10's of an inch so far.

A Prairie Home Companion is going to be here on Saturday and we are going....it's going to be fun.

A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor | American Public Media

Guess it's time for bed...have a great night ladies.

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Hi girls,

I fell asleep in my chair about 9:00.....woke up with horrible pain in my shoulder and arm.... It's really biting me right now... got in a warm bath and took my pain pills.... I worried that I'd have trouble as the pain one is pretty big.. I cut it in 2, but still was a bit anxious after my fill today and being on liquids... But I made it and my stomach feels fine.. Hoping the pain subsides sometime soon....

LSE, welcome....... a vet is a new twist to our mixed bag of careers here.... I'm a farm girl so was used to the vet coming to pg cows and such.... I love horses but have never really ridden as I thought it was a horrible thing to do to the horse!!!!:smile2: Anyway, good job at getting back on the horse!!! LOL..... Tell us more about yourself.... Where are you on your journey???? We are all in different stages and have had all sorts of problems, too.... My story is long and tangled..... But I'm still plugging away.... glad you are here....

Eva, glad you are feeling your fill.... It's a security thing for me... I need to know it's there... Hope my fill from today helps me too.....

Arlene, I'm with Lori, need some yolk in my egg.... That's where all the Protein is... But keep experimenting til you get what makes you happy....

My fill doc told me today that I'm not the usual LB patient.... Duh???? You think, with all my problems... But she meant that I can eat things that most can't and can't what lots can.... does that make sense... But as long as I lose I guess it doesn't matter...

It was good that Apples checked in.. They are following the route that we take to Ohio, so I can imagine where they are.... Her DH wanted to go to some ag show didn't he???

Cheri, sorry you are feeling sick again... No fun... your defenses must be down.. Do you use Airborne??? I swear by it.... Take care..

Well, I've got to get up and do something to try to interrupt this pain.... tomorrow is PT again.... I'm very tired of the 40 mile trip to and from Bismarck every day this week.... 9:45 tomorrow.... then I can come home and stay for the weekend.... I hope..... Good night all..... Julie

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Thanks for making me feel so welcome. My name is Lisa and as I said I'm a vet. I work mostly on race horses and also do some breeding and foaling. I'm like you Mrs.Bubba I dont want to ride them either! I work a lot and in my spare time I like to read and watch tv. I dont have kids but lots of nieces and nephews and I really enjoy them. I have been overweight my whole life and have tried many diets,lost and gained, etc. I decided to do this after loosing both my parents in a 3 month period. My dad was also overweight and a diabetic. He was a double amputee,on dialysis and loosing his eyesight when he passed away. He worked so hard all his life and would have loved to travel once he was retired but was unable to do so because of his health. I dont want that to be me. My mom passed away 3 months latter and had just the opposite problem... she never weighed more than 95 lbs her whole life . I thought I better do something while I had the chance. I would like to (or as Janet would say I will)loose another 50lbs. I too am reading the Beck book and really like it. Ok enough about me ,Thursday is my day off(I only work about 4 hours if I'm lucky:smile2:) so i need to go do some laundry. Thank you for making me feel welcome. Lisa

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Good Morning Gang

This will be a drive by as it's already 5:30 and I need to get in the shower..

Lisa - I AM SO GLAD YOU JOINED... A vet - yep a great addition to our mix ;0).... I always wanted a horse - When my parents divorced and my Dad has us on weekend he took us to horse back riding lesson - I won 1st in the final gymkhana (sp) - I had to learn all the parts to the horse - had to bridel and saddle it..

And yes you have been paying attention ;0) I will

Eva - I get my vit from my doc he sells food and stuff and I do order them online too cuz it's easier than going to Palm Springs - Bariatric Choice is the website I use - or there is Bariatric Advantage - I will bring some too..

Julie - I feel asleep on the couch while watching Idol last night woke up after it was over and went to bed - Telll them about your pain when you go to pt today

Apples - Glad you ck'd in - yes you have tons of angels with you on your trip

Cheri hope cold gets better

Great - Safe drive for your fill

Charlene - Oatmeal Cookie vs reg oatmeal - lol - Steel cut oats w/a little splenda brown sugar and cinnamon and raisin is almost as good as a cookie

Laura - sounds like a fill is in order :0)

Deb Linda LauraK Jodi Jessica - Shout out to you girls - I gotta get in the shower. If I missed someone - not on purpose - but I gotta get moving is 5:45


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Morning....as Janet said, drive by.

Lisa, I lost my parents 3 months apart but that is a story for another time. I've also been heavy all of my life. I'm bringing pictures to FL...so when I look at my much younger self, i'm wishing I was that weight now. Sick isn't it.

Okay, gotta go...it's raining again!!


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Lisa, welcome! I'm one of those horsey girls that never got to be around horses. All my childhood I begged my parents for a horse, I read every horse book imaginable, and I collected those model horses and played with them all the time. Seriously, one of the reasons I want to lose weight is so I can take horseback riding lessons. So I'm envious of your job! You know the real ins and outs of horses, while I just romanticize them! But I'm volunteering this spring with a charity stable that teaches developmentally disabled kids to ride, so I can go something good and learn about horses at the same time.

Eva, you cracked me up with your stuffed rocks comment! LOL Glad you're feeling the restriction. I think I need to go in and get a small fill...I'm eating waaaay too much at one time.

Cheri, I hope you get over that cold soon.

Janet, thanks for the shout out...you and your shopping talk! I'm a novice shopper (haven't been in a mall in a long long time)...but put me in a thrift shop or a Goodwill and you'll see me in action. I'm the thrift queen. People are amazed at the cool stuff I find there. Hmm...I wonder if Orlando has cool thrift shops??!

Hope everyone has a good day today. I have a haircut appointment this morning and am crossing my fingers she gets it right this time. Sometimes she's great and other times...well, the last time she cut it, it was horrible. My hair is a problem! Well, I better look online for a picture to show her. See y'all later.

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Lisa, Welcome we were both banded in the same month and year. I'm from MI. Glad to hear you are doing so good, keep it up or Janet will come after you now that you joined us. lol

While growing up we had horses of our own or I would borrow one for the summer. Was in 4H until I was 19. I love to ride. It's been a long time since I have.

Jessica, congrats on the wonderful grades, you rock. I bring doggie bags home every time. I think it would look better to bring yours home rather than leave them on your plate. They might think you didn't like it.

It's amazing the questions people will ask you when they want to know about your band. I think there is a lot of bad & confusing messages being passed around by people who don't know. We are all little ambassadors for this. We can get the right message out there & hopefully it will help at least one person who needs it. So put on your hat & suit and spread the message. Lol

Everyone take care have a great day.

Laura K

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Great, I like to toast a sandwich thin, cut a hole in it.....put an egg in the hole....then cook it in pam. I like it. On second thought.....I think I will scrap that pancake idea. The fitness coach gave me the recipe. I don't like oatmeal, but I love, love , love, oatmeal cookies!

Too funny, oatmeal vs oatmeal Cookies. You can eat bread though? Lucky! I can't do bread, maybe it's a good thing as I'd probably eat too much. I've not been able to handle it since day one of banding and even now with being more wide open I can only do a small bite or so.

I guess I am the only non horse person here. When all my friends were into horses as girls I was into dogs. I wanted to be a vet to work on dogs, then when we had to bring our little Beagle Snoopy to the vet to be put to sleep I thought, I could never do that, so there went my vet dreams. Snoopy lived to be the ripe old age of 16 though but she was my first experience in life with death. She had the red dog house just like the Snoopy cartoon too. Even to this day, if I had the land and space, I'd have lots of dogs. My only experience with a horse as in SD at DH's grandparents farm, everyone knowing I'd never been around a horse had to come out and watch me try to ride, I was scared to death, I sat on the horse and DH led it around by the reins. Gotta say it was kindda cool though. I hear stories on the news a lot now about all the horses being abandoned and starving as folks are giving them up due to the expense. Poor things.

I missed Idol the last 2nights. I do usually miss Tues. nights as I gotta watch Biggest Loser, but do watch on Wed. but with Obama on it was pushed to much later and I finally got to bed early and got a fantastic (10 hours) night sleep, ahh it felt so good.

Well this morning is my fill, thankfully we got very little snow, just a skiff, so I am on for driving downtown to get it. I hope this one gives me a little more of my restriction back. Still not gaining but I feel like I am white knuckling it if that makes sense.

Deb, I got almost my entire summer wardrobe at Goodwill last year as I was still losing and had had surgery the previous summer so was weighed much less than the previous summer and had nothing to wear. it's hit and miss for me, sometimes I find great stuff and others, nothing.

Janet, how's the puppy?

apples, talk DH into that chocolate lab yet? LOL

Eva, my doc office has samples of the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins and some other brands a lot. they are much more expensive, you can order online. They have some that are specific lapband vitamins and others that are specific bypass, etc. I took them for awhile until I realized that the daily dose was 2 per day then it really upped the cost so I went back to my Centrum Silver chewables and all my Vitamin tests that the doc office does have always come back good.

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Hi Lisa, Welcome to the group.

Last nights dinner went pretty well. I didn't get sick. I was taking my time to eat and one of the owners (of my husbands work) kept asking me if my food was ok or if I wanted to order something else. Plus, I bypassed the appetizers and cocktails. He seemed a little offended. So rather than him be offended I confessed that I have a lapband. They were real nice about it. Asked a few short questions but that was it. It was taking me forever to eat. They all finished and were waiting on me so I just stopped. It was taking too long. I ordered a salad with steak strips. They insisted we bring food home. Even had us order take home Desserts for my son and inlaws. So that solved that issue. I did find the conversation a little boring. Hubby did too. They mostly talked about the other branches of the company and the history. Thank goodness it's over though. I was all up in knots.

Well, I gotta go get ready for class. Thanks for all your advice. I was so worried over nothing.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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