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Howdy everyone, I'm so jealous hearing about the Florida trip. I cannot make it - no way to take unpaid time off -- I asked and it is "no". And, I can't borrow against future time either, but I WILL be there next year no matter what!!!

Well, I went right to sleep last night -- could barely stay up until 10:00 and jumped out of bed energetic at 5:00 -- did my 2 hours of exercise -- did 60 mins. of step aerobics and walked 2 brisk miles and did a 3 mile walk with weights. Felt great afterward -- and feel much better today knowing I took care of business this morning.

DSD went back in hospital yesterday, so DGD was there last night, but she fell asleep around 7:40 -- she had a bath when I got home and we snuggled up on the couch and the next thing I knew she was asleep. She's such a sweet kid. DH had to drive her to Iowa City to doctor today for her monthly infusion. Her mom is still in hospital.

Good news Apples -- storm has passed -- sun is out -- we got about 5 inches of snow and had strong winds, so lots of drifting which closed I 35 north of Des Moines -- DH ran into some drifting on his little trip, but made it there safely this morning.

HOpefully will get my Beck books tonight - got my zumba tapes yesterday -- didn't have a chance to look at them -- will probably have to wait until the weekend - there's 4 different tapes -- one just shows the dance moves and then there's a beginner and then 2 more advanced ones. I can't wait -- just cause I know I'll love that music -- so fun and the time passes so quickly when you exercise to that type of music. I just hope I can figure out the moves. LOL>

Was disappointed on the scale this a.m - I weigh EXACTLY the same as last Tuesday -- including the ounces. I'm so frustrated -- I exercised, I ate nothing off my plan. One of my fellow bandsters at work thinks I'm not eating enough - but I'm afraid to eat more -- I eat between 900 and 1100 every day and that's total calories -- I burn between 560 and 980 (depending on how much exercise I do each day) and I don't subtract that - I just log all my food everyday and it is always between 900 and 1150. I keep my fat intake very low -- usually no more than 15 fat grams per day. She thinks I should eat more but I'm afraid to do that. I'm interested in what you guys think -- my thinking is to just do as I'm doing and be patient - that the scale will eventually start to move again. I have upped the intensity of my exercise quite a bit since my surgery -- I just thought that since I wasn't exercising for about a month during surgery that when I started up again I'd see some change -- but nothing is happening -- I gained 2 lbs. over Christmas which came off but I'm stuck at 100 total loss and can't get past that. So any ideas, thoughts, encouragement would be welcome. I don't always hit my Protein for the day - some times I only have 50 to 60 instead of 70-80-- do any of you think that could be a problem?

Lori, your DD and her DF sound like they are really trying to figure things out -- sounds like the counseling may be opened his eyes a bit - hope it all goes well. I think another week break will be good. Oh, the other person in my picture is my baby sister (from when we were in Vegas in August and she turned 50 - I have the curly hair).

Janet, thanks for sharing the information from the Beck books -- can't wait to get mine -- sounds like there's some really good info there.

Julie, hope PT went well - hope your roads were good again today. Wish I were coming to Florida so we could play pinochle.

Jodi, you do fit in here very well. Apples forgot to mention that her expertise is resident chef of the group-- she cooks and cooks and cooks. I don't know how she can make food all the time and stick to her eating plan, I don't think I could do what she does.

Laura, how did Nelson get along at school yesterday with his cast? Hopefully no problems.

Yes, we call fog "thick as peasoup" where I come from as well.

Eva, can't believe you had a bobcat in your yard -- yikes I'd be nervous -- don't think I'd want to go outside walking/hiking there. I'm a chicken when it comes to wild animals.

Janet, WHO picked up a puppy? And you better post a picture right NOW. I want more dogs, but DH says Merry would die if we got more she's so used to being the "only one" - I think she'd like the company. Oh well, if I had it my way i'd have at least 3 or 4 small dogs. What did you name your new dog?

Gotta run, wrote this on my lunch hour and it's about over. CBL. Have a good afternoon everyone. Love you all -- take care. Linda

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Linda...I would have more dogs also. DH says the same thing about our Tanker. He says it wouldn't be fair to him. Heck, it would be company for him. We have the black lab and I would really love to get a chocolate. I tease DH all the time. He was a little concerned at Christmas time cuz I typed up a fake invoice and stuck it in a place he would fine it. $350...chocolate lab pup, listed shots, vet, etc. First his neck got red and it moved all the way to the top of his head. I didn't even crack a smile about it for two days. He honestly thought I did it.

I, too, wish you were joining us, Linda, as I am sure everyone else does. We'll take lots of photos and post when we are there.

We have our first sun in about two weeks. It's just so nice to see it. It's below zero but seems so warm with the sun shining. Hoping that it melts all the snow off the roads so we have clear roads when we leave in the morning.

Hope we don't have too many "dog" stories to tell at the end of this trip. Our dog has never stayed in a hotel with us. He usually goes to his doggy spa when we take our trips. He is very fearful of white walls. Not sure why..just developed in the last couple of years when we painted our hall white. That and white garbage bags. DH will be picking up that 100lb baby and carrying him to our room.

So many things to think about when taking a trip like this. Told DH this morning that never again. We will fly from here on out unless we go in a motorhome.

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Don't ya just love when you can pull off a good joke like that. Just warms your little heart. lol Way to go Apples.

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Don't ya just love when you can pull off a good joke like that. Just warms your little heart. lol Way to go Apples.

I'm not a "meany" but DH is so easy to pull one over on. How is your week going, LauraK? Got the urge to just say forget work and hop a plane to FL????

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Don't sit and worry about being troublesome:scared2:. No trouble for me to take that drive earlier to meet you at the airport. I will shoot for about a 10am arrival time at the airport and if you are later than that, not a big deal.

I did not go back to attach the link but just type in Tuscana Resort at Lake Buena Vista. Address is 1395 Tuscana Lane, Champions Gate, FL. You are not going to want to take a taxi or shuttle. Lowest price for that is $85 one way. Just know I DO NOT MIND meeting you at airport. Now, calm down and just figure out what kind of Coach purse you are going to buy on our trip to the outlet!:confused:

Apples, you are certainly a dear for understanding! I can't wait. Though I think if I bought another Coach purse DH just might divorce me! LOL Though he's getting an awesome bonus, I do deserve it. LOL

I say get the 2nd dog, we had an older dog once that was so used to being the only one. She had a little difficulty at first getting used to a puppy around but it ended up being the best thing for her. It younged her up quite a bit as she would play and play again and they were best buds. She was in charge and the new dog knew it. Since then I've always had 2 and they do keep each other good company,etc.

Linda, sorry you can't make it for sure. I was so hoping there was that chance. Bummer! As for the not eating enough, I have never bought into that theory. SUre it may make sense in the short term, but if that were the case, how would anyone on earth every starve to death? Eventually the body has to kick in and drop some more pounds. I know that that is not the popular opinion out there though. I always kept my calories in about that range as well.

Well I am soooooooo tired from being awake half the night, just think I might try a nap, just hope it doesn't mess me up tonight. My knee hurt a lot in the night too and I really let the therapist push it yesterday as I wanted to see what it would do, think I over did it a tad.

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OMW Busy busy busy

Ok No shopping without ME !!! What's the name of the other outlet - we need better stores :0) What's an outlet w/o Coach or Ann Taylor or Loft ????

Linda - I DON'T WANT another Dog - the problem is I have a hard time telling Andrew no - He's a good kid and he has been bugging me for about a yr now for another dog - we have 2 already Angel is mine - Bear is his - but I am already feeding 2 dogs and a cat - I am NOT taking on the responsiblity of this animal - I am not buying food or vet - he can call his mom for these things go get a part time job when he gets his license back in 2 weeks.. He says it's a boxer - but it looks like a pitbull to me - not that that bothers me - I just don't want to live in a zoo.. We will see how long it last - I haven't even talked to the dog - cuz you know what will happen - my heart will over rule my head - which it has already done - I am a sucker when it comes to Andrew

Apples - I am far from an Insurance Pro - but thats anyway..

I love it we do have a very diverse group don't we..

Linda - take a few days off from exercising the scales will move - don't ask my why - but for me it's always worked that way.. Eat the extra 100 cal for 2 days then go back to the 900 it should help - as most will tell you the weeks they thought they would gain cuz they had a few extra treats is the week that the lost - No I don't think it's the pt - cuz I am suppose to have 60 - you have what 13 lbs to go - they are going to go slower - Also your body is still recovering from surgery..

Ok I gotta get back to work cbl


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OK...my take on the extra calories to get the scale moving again. I truly believe that every couple of weeks a person needs to "shake it up". But, don't "shake it up" with Snacks or junk. If you are eating 900-1100 cals a day, that should be adequate for a normal day. Sometimes I think you need to trick your metabolism. On the shake it up days, up your cals but only by adding extra Protein those days. Get my drift? Have some soynuts or beef Jerky in your purse. Pick a day every two weeks and increase your cals by about 200 by eating the protein snacks. When you want to kickstart your weightloss, also really watch your carb intake for a couple of weeks. This is a plan that really worked for me during the weightloss stage. It was difficult for me at first to think of upping my cals. But, what it taught me was to not be so strict and mix it up a bit. If this doesn't make sense it's because you are getting advice from a certifiable crazy lady.

Crazy from being cooped up for days on end. Believe it or not...have not left this house since Sat morning. Except for walking the 100 ft to the shop once yesterday.

Come on, Janet. You know you are going to talk to that puppy. You'll be loving it up by the time dinner is over and sharing your popcorn with it on the couch tonight!

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We actually have 12 dogs right now. Our black lab just had a litter of 11. They will be ready to leave their momma soon. They are just today starting to emerge out from under the house. It was freezing a few nights so my FIL let them stay under there but now that it is warming up they are starting to wander out. I want to keep at least one of them because my 7 year old cocker spaniel died a year ago in august. He was snakebit. I miss him so much. But I have to pass on a puppy. I am so busy right now I don't have time to train one. I got so attached to my cocker because I have been home now for 6 years. He kept me company since before my son was born.

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We actually have 12 dogs right now. Our black lab just had a litter of 11. They will be ready to leave their momma soon. They are just today starting to emerge out from under the house. It was freezing a few nights so my FIL let them stay under there but now that it is warming up they are starting to wander out. I want to keep at least one of them because my 7 year old cocker spaniel died a year ago in august. He was snakebit. I miss him so much. But I have to pass on a puppy. I am so busy right now I don't have time to train one. I got so attached to my cocker because I have been home now for 6 years. He kept me company since before my son was born.

Apples, she lives in Florida - you're going to Florida -- I "see" a new black lab puppy in your future. . .you can have your doggie pick out the one he wants. LOL. That'll get DH -- maybe he'll want a couple.

Thanks for the advice -- I agree I think I'll be fine, it's just that I don't understand why my body refuses to let go of the weight -- and I'm so stalled - I just wanted your advice cause I've hear that theory about eating more, but I'm not sure I buy into that -- I worry about gaining -- I think I might try what Apples suggested -- and Janet, I already didn't exercise for two days this past week, so don't think that's the problem. I just don't get why my weight refuses to budge. If I don't lose in the next few weeks I'll call my surgeon's office and talk to the nutritionist. I already don't eat many carbs -- only fruit and a very small amount - I eat very little really and I eat the same food pretty much every day -- Breakfast ff yogurt with 1/2 c strawberries/blueberries and 1/2 banana, lunch is usually a egg beater omelette made iwth ff cheese and some times 2 oz of additional Protein like chicken or fish, dinner is either chicken or fish -- with usually green Beans or squash. I eat one 100 calorie popcorn a day and usually a sf fudgesicle or pudding. Only once in a blue moon will I have part of a baked potato or rice or bread. Not even once a week.

Anyway, thanks for your help, I think I just need to continue on and just be more patient. Still at work, cbl. Linda

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Okay just got done looking at other outlet malls in Orlando. Have no idea if they are close but Prime Outlets at 4951 Int'l Drv has both Ann Taylor, Ann Taylor Loft and Coach as does Premier Outlets at 8200 Vineland Ave.

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Okay just got done looking at other outlet malls in Orlando. Have no idea if they are close but Prime Outlets at 4951 Int'l Drv has both Ann Taylor, Ann Taylor Loft and Coach as does Premier Outlets at 8200 Vineland Ave.

OK Great...we will give you a job to do in the next couple of weeks. It looks like two of the Primier Outlets are not too far from Buena Vista but ya never know. They all have maps that show where they are located. The one I mentioned this morning does not have the best of stores. Try to see if you can get the addresses and info about which stores they have in the nearest outlets and bring that info with you. It's overwhelming because there are so many. We don't want to waste time going to crappy stores. LOL

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About eating the more to lose thing. Though I said I didn't buy into it, I do buy into the mixing it up idea that Apples mentioned. I averaged about 900 calories a day but some days usually a weekend day I'd go over 1200 and maybe another I'd be less. Also vaired my exercise a little bit.

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Orlando Premium Outlets

Premium Outlets has great reviews online and says it's most convenient to Disney. It is 12 miles from our condo. I have printed a map of the stores to bring along. It has also Jones NY I remember Apples saying she was a fan of them.

Directions to Prime Outlets - Orlando, Discount Shopping near Orlando and Central Florida Area

Prime outlet used to be Belz and recently remodeled and added lots of new stores it is 19 miles, has those same stores I mentioned and has a Saks and Neiman Marcus outlet. I have printed a map of it as well to bring along.

Homework done Apples, do I get an A??

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Great...I think that might just qualify for a scholarship!

And, yes, Jones NY, Saks and Neiman Marcus will do me just fine!

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I'm not a "meany" but DH is so easy to pull one over on. How is your week going, LauraK? Got the urge to just say forget work and hop a plane to FL????

Apples, I would jump that plane in a heart beat. Tired of the cold, tired of work, need a change of pace. Now if I could only win the Mega Millions tonight I would pay for everyone to be there. Everyone cross their fingers for my numbers to come up.

DS is is an easy target also. Just love a good joke. We are always doing stuff to each other at work. We have a truce right now, I'll have to think up somethinge it's getting to boring.

I can sure tell I have restriction now, can only eat 3/4 c for dinner. I seem to be opposite of most I feel tighter at night. Guess I'm weird, no I know I'm weird. lol

Be safe tomorrow in you travels, I want to be able to meet you all on the next trip.

Laura K

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