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Hello, I made it to Bismarck and back safely and Mimi is napping so thought I'd take a chance to write a note. the roads were fine, but the visibility was terrible going down... DD wanted to turn around, but I wasn't scared so just kept going... Glad we did... It was some better in the daylight going home, so we made it just fine.. Mimi needs to se a ENT specialist for some issues she has and also a podiatrist for her little toes... Been told all along that there was nothing to worry about........... now it's a problem to be corrected... Go figure... Anyway, more appt's for the little one coming... I go for my 1st PT with the pain mgmnt people tomorrow... don't know what to expect.....

Apples, glad you are safe at home... this is a bad one... Funny about the cards... I just bought a couple new decks in Bis today just for that reason... Even got some new pinnochle ones in care there are enough who know how to play.. And also will bring Farkle along... I know Lori has played that dice game.. It's a hoot.... Sorry you are feeling crabby from the weather... You don't like feeling imprisoned and I enjoy just snuggling in where its warm and letting it blow over.... Hey, I bought some of that Olay Regenerist today.... I don't have too much sag, but it surely can't hurt anything to tighten up a bit... Will give it a try....

Deb, the scarves are beautiful... My mother loves scarves... I don't think I've ever owned one... I don't even know if they are in style know....

Arlene, we got one of those crocheted filets of our last name when we got married... I love to crochet, but never tried that.....

Laura K, I love to make things and give as gifts, but I often wonder if they are appreciated or not... Not everyone sees what I see in a crocheted baby sweater and booties.....

Laura, sorry for your car woes... Hope your day got better... Does the airline have a line on those lost bags??? glad you are feeling better....

Lori, I understand where you are coming from with DD and her finacee.... but I'm praying that the pastor will help them and that God will help them do the best thing.. It's good that you encourage you G'ma to eat well... I know a lady just like that.... She has money but so scared to spend it.... I invite her over often to eat just so she can eat until she is full... She's 92..... glad your knee is doing so well.... It won't be long and it will all be history... My mother has had both knees done.. She is 77.... The other day up at daycare where she works a few hours a week with DD, a little boy kicked her hard with his shoed foot... She almost went down... Said it hurt for the rest of the day... Little bugger!!!!

Janet, I'll keep my blizzard cuz I don't think I can do 120............. DH handled Iraq just fine, so he would be okay, but I'd be a prisoner in my home there!!!!

Linda, good luck being back to work.. Take it easy and let somebody know you need that closer spot.. They should understand....

Jessica, don't feel guilty about having a nap... It does us all good sometimes... Study well tonight after you rest a bit....

Well, I should do a few things before Mimi wakes up... Have a good evening friends.... Julie

Hi, I read that you needed to take Mimi to the ENT and podiatrist. I work with babies 0-3 an independant contractor for Early Intervervention. Many of the babies and young children see ENT;s for several concerns. Most often for two reasons..chronic ear infections resulting in Fluid in the ear drums and concerns regarding speech and language.

If this is the case....and you didnt elaborate above,,,,Ive have had really good results with Chiropractors for adjusting the ear drum so the fluid can run out as opposed to tubes that ENTs will recommend for this. After several visits the ear drums are dry and hearing is restored....most of the time nothing is full proof and every child is different.

I would be happy to chat with you...answer some concerns or questions, treatments or recommendations that I have heard from various professionas and therapists if youd like on thread or in private message....

I dont want to sound pushy but yove so far have been so supportive of me.....that I would gladly take this oppurtunity if this is something I can help you with ....if not....thats okay..too..but since you noted that you were going to one...I thought it was okay to offer and give you some recommendation.

the only other thing I would recommend is to have a pediatric orthopedist to consult as well....and get more then one opinion....look at me...the perpetual special educator!!

Hope all will be good. Jodi

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Yes Janet...you need more Water. You live in the desert...even when it's not hot, it is dry. You wrote in an earlier post that you were having meat load.....I about fell off my chair laughing.....what kind of meat load was it? I'm so glad typos can be funny.

So the Beck books say make a plan and stick to it....oh my, I'm going to have a very hard time with that one....I really have difficulty doing something over a length of time. I'm okay for a while, but the stick to it ness is a problem...guess that's why I'm here.

Since we are reporting on food today....I'm in at about 1000 calories and 30 plus minutes of walking plus up and down stairs. I drank 2 cups coffee (10-12oz each) plus 60oz water. Water usually isn't a problem for me. Even with this fill...I'm making sure I drink in between eating.

Okay...sorry no personals....I think my brain just fell asleep. Guess I'll send my body after it. Hope everyone has a good night.


Eva Yep GF it's about a plan and sticking to it until it becomes normal - You are to pick 2 diets - which everyone one you want as long as it's healthy - it doesn't matter any diet restricts calories and that's all losing weight is less calories that you burn - she suggest 1500 cal a day - to lose it slowly

Get rid of the junk - plan a menu - buy for that menu and eat only planned foods at planned times and acknowledge hunger for what it is hunger and it's not going to kill you :0)

As you all know I eat basically the same stuff over and over 90% of the time I mix it up some - - and I read somewhere that that's what you should do (don't remember where) but that we should eat the same things - too much variety isn't good.

But 1st and foremost you have to make your eating enjoyable - I enjoy my meals - and I do plan and have since day one - it's a little work - but not really - it's worth it..

I usually always know what I am going to have for lunch and dinner most days - that way you can't say - oh I'll go and pick up a pizza or run thru McDonalds..

Well hell you know me and my typing and spelling - Meat Loaf

a package of Extra Lean White Turkey with 2 sweet italian turkey sauage removed from casing and mixed in - garlic - red yellow green bell peppers - 1/2 graded zucchini - 4 tbsp flax seed meal - onion - eggbeater - Worcestershire sauce - curry powder - Tomato sauce & catsup..

It's enough for a family dinner - I will have it for dinner for the next 3 or 4 nights and lunch for the week too - I don't know how to cook for one - but it's all good cuz then I have food for lunch..

She really says all the stuff I preach -but in a diff way - more educated ;0) - but I love the way she wants us to talk to our selves when we have sabotaging thoughts

Well I gotta hit the hay myself - it's 9:30 - will be here before is know it..

Yes I will drink more tomorrow - but right now our desert is far from dry :0) another storm coming in ;0)

I will have tmi issues from not drinking enough...

I am still full - I don't want to eat - I think I may have over eaten - or I am really tight - I think I am really tight cuz got a little stress

Guess who brought home a puppy....

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Hi, I read that you needed to take Mimi to the ENT and podiatrist. I work with babies 0-3 an independant contractor for Early Intervervention. Many of the babies and young children see ENT;s for several concerns. Most often for two reasons..chronic ear infections resulting in Fluid in the ear drums and concerns regarding speech and language.

If this is the case....and you didnt elaborate above,,,,Ive have had really good results with Chiropractors for adjusting the ear drum so the fluid can run out as opposed to tubes that ENTs will recommend for this. After several visits the ear drums are dry and hearing is restored....most of the time nothing is full proof and every child is different.

I would be happy to chat with you...answer some concerns or questions, treatments or recommendations that I have heard from various professionas and therapists if youd like on thread or in private message....

I dont want to sound pushy but yove so far have been so supportive of me.....that I would gladly take this oppurtunity if this is something I can help you with ....if not....thats okay..too..but since you noted that you were going to one...I thought it was okay to offer and give you some recommendation.

the only other thing I would recommend is to have a pediatric orthopedist to consult as well....and get more then one opinion....look at me...the perpetual special educator!!

Hope all will be good. Jodi

Good info Jodi - my niece (who's now 39) had hearing loss from ear issues when she was a child - not super bad but not great - hell it's worth a try..

Julie what's wrong w/Mimi's toes - My gs has club foot..

Jodi - it' 12:30 in NY - you must not require alot of sleep - I am headed to bed and it's 9:37 Cali time :0)

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Hi all...wow....it took me about a half hour...of time to read through all the posts since I last checked. I have come to realize that I really enjoy hearing about everyones goings on...one because im nosy and love to hear about peoples goings on....a busy body of sorts!! sorry. ...

the other reason is .....

well, I spend my day with one little special guy who doesnt talk to me...but responds with eye gazing, body gestures and vocalizations and the only other adult in the house for the 3-5 hours that im there is the nurse who when Im there....kind of takes this time..to relax...as she should she works 8-12 hour shifts with him. So I have no other adults to talk to, other then the occasional therapist that will stop by when im there. After work I go home to be with my daughter...and do the mommy thing alone...so I dont have much time to chat and socialize.

soo you see....this thread not only supports me but helps me see......that wow..there are real people out there with real lives!! (very) that I responds to me and I can ....respond to and communicate with....adults not babies and not 10 year olds! Thank you....so thank you for allowing me...into your lives to recieve and give support reciprocally!!

well....enough of that and on to todays little tidbits as I call it.

My daughter bless her baked her first homemade cake um twice. I gave her all the ingredients she needed and laid it all out and went to work. On the phone I walked her though the recipe and had the babysitter supervise and make sure she was doing everything right and they were! It was me...I gave her a container of what I thought was flour but was actually confectioners sugar. oops.

The babysitter obviously hasnt done to much baking....as she didnt notice anything weird or a little strange when the batter looked more like frosting as opposed to cake. My daughter phoned me three times.....while it was cooking after 1/2 hour saying it wasnt looking like cake...I said let it cook some more.....after 40 min...I asked the babysitter what it looks like and she said...it looks like a molten lava of chocolate. hmmmm I said...take it out and dont eat it...Ill be home soon.

When returning....I looked and said....you put in flour?? They said yes....hmm then I looked at the container of so called flour I gave them...and opps...not flour! Now, I understand the need to label containers when there are going to be others cooking in my kitchen!!

This should have been a sign that we shouldnt be making cake with sugar and flour...however, its a Holiday this weekend so we are having guests...

needless to say we will be doing a do over tomorrow and Ill be here. lol

well....have a good night all.

Tomorrow I need to phone the pulmonologist to see whether the CPAP came in so I can start my six weeks with it to get clearance for surgery.

I need to phone the Endocronologist to see about the lab reports and make sure all is good.....and get that letter of clearance, and to phone the psychologist because as of yet his report that he said he would mail....didnt come..suprise, suprise. (not)

I seem to be spending more time chasing people to get those reports/clearance letters in. I hope this is the hardest part of this whole process!! My second consult is on Feb. 3rd. and Im supposed to have everything in before..otherwise they might push back surgery....once again.

welll. Have a great night all and a great week

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Good info Jodi - my niece (who's now 39) had hearing loss from ear issues when she was a child - not super bad but not great - hell it's worth a try..

Julie what's wrong w/Mimi's toes - My gs has club foot..

Jodi - it' 12:30 in NY - you must not require alot of sleep - I am headed to bed and it's 9:37 Cali time :0)

lol. no...its very late!! However, I cant seem to get to sleep..knowing that I dont have to wake up at 6:30 to get Dassi ready for school....I dont start work till 11:00 on Tuesdays so I can sleep!! yea.....but should head off as I will be indeed dead tired tomorrow regardless! lol

yes, chronic ear infections "can be" and thats only what I mean..."can be" not necessarly "will be"...indications of other concerns....like hearing loss. Chiropractors have great success regarding inner ear issues.

Have a great night! or morning....lol

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Hey Jodi...it's so great to have you added to our mix. Another professional to pop in with advice. We have a P.A. (Laura), a nurse (Phyll), a commercial insurance pro (Janet), a teacher (Cheri), an engineer? (Eva), an accountant (Julie) and someone who will turn the lights on for you all to find your way (Linda).

Hey...I totally get you on the needing adult stimulation. It's me and my dog almost 24/7 during the almost 9 months of farming season. He has a very large vocabulary.

I hope you get as much catch-up sleep as my DH and DS get with their CPAP's. They are both average sized...no weight problems but were diagnosed with a rare sleep disorder. It's been two years for DS and about a year or less for DS. I can really tell the difference in them both. Makes such a difference in how I sleep also. DH would wake me up almost every half hour with his stirring, jumping and talking. I just hope you get as much peace from it as we have in our household.

Anyway, Jodi, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your posts. You are so cute and full of life. I really, really hope you continue to visit and that we can follow you during your LB trip.

Good Morning everyone else. Went to bed about 9pm. Up at 4:30am. No reason...just wanted to get up and greet the dark, wind-whipping, snowy, painfully cold day! I will be so damned happy getting out of here tomorrow. And, you guys will get a break for me B&Ming about the cold. Any, you will also get about a week's break from my rambling.

OK...plan is that I will be picking up Lori at the airport. Her flight comes in early and will just head to Orlando a bit earlier to get her. So, it's Janet, Eva and Julie that Laura will pick up. Lori and might just have to check out an outlet mall or two cuz check in isn't till 4pm. Oh Darn.....Lori...better check first...do you like to shop?????????

I don't get the best internet connection at our cabin so posts will be iffy. If you don't hear from me, DO NOT send out the forest rangers. There is always service at the lodge so will try to get up there at least once a day IF I can steal the laptop from DH and run. He is so attached to his Ag Talk forum. Any another problem I ran into last year. Those 80-something guys at the lodge think that it's free game when a woman walks in without a man trailing behind her.

Excited to be taking this trip with DH, FINALLY seeing our son after a year (he's too busy..he picked up the workaholic syndrome) and I am super excited to be finally meeting you guys. I just wish you could all be there. I really, really do.

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Good Morning! I read my Beck Diet Solution this monring. It said to pick two diet plans.......one to follow.....and one back upl Mine will be High Protein, Low carb.....and counting calories......basically what I have been doing.

Apples, I think I would be crazy too having to stay in . I hope you get on the road tomorrow.

Well, I better get out and walk. I hope my wii weights come in today.


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Good morning! A sleepless night for me. Last I looked at the clock it was 330am. then at 730 the phone rang and it was DH calling from Atlanta, he got the time change mixed up but also normally I am up at that time. Today I am going up to the rec center to do some of my therapy exercises then lunch with a friend. After that I might need a nap.

Had therapy yesterday and my most recent knee replacement knee has now surpassed the first one. I can bend it almost 10 degrees further and w/o pain the other one still hurts if I go any further. Weird. However, the 1st one was also in worse shape before surgery. I just have one more therapy session and I am all done. Can almost do stairs normally.

Apples, okay twist my arm and make me shop. :confused: I still have your cell number in my phone from our S. Dakota meeting. If I can't email you I will call you with my plans. If I take the early arrival flight I can wait a little for you at the airport too.

Oh almost forgot, guess the counselling session for DD and DF with the Pastor went well yesterday. They are kindda taking a break from one another for the week. DF told her he totally understood if she wanted to postpone the wedding or call it off but that he loved her and would wait for her and is selling the Corvette. So we shall see. DH, DS, DD & myself are going up to Glenwood Springs just the 4 of us this weekend, DF was going to come along but he is not now. Time will tell.

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Great...gotta remember I won't have cell phone service in the forest. I have to drive out quite a few miles to pick it up. I do have internet access though. I will just plan on leaving the resort fairly early on Feb 11 and pick you up. I will have service on the way down to Orlando so you will be able to get me when you get into the airport. Can you book your tickets now or do you have to wait?

For all you shoppers...I went online and printed coupons for the stores that caught my interest. It's the Lake Vuena Vista Factory Outlet Stores. You might want to go in and print your own. There's no Coach store but I noticed there is one at another outlet. Actually, the other outlet looks a little better and we could hit both if we wanted to.

Laura has all flight info on Eva, Janet and Julie and her and Nels will be picking you up. I know...I'm repeating myself but just want things clear on what is going down. Lori and I should be at the resort and checked in when you get there. She will be the one in the Ann Taylor sweater and be carrying a Coach purse.

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Morning............. I read all the posts, but no time left to answer everything... I have to leave for Bismarck for my first PT appt.... Will be back later to let you know how things went... Leaving DH in charge of Mimi.... so this will be a rather quick trip..... Since I was there yesterday and have to go again tomorrow and Thursday I don't need much.... Bye.........

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I was checking the outlets too, the Buena Vista one has no Ann Taylor! Oh no! LOL

Hence, my problem, Apples, I can't make a reservation. I show up at the airport and get on at the last minute in any empty seats. I will plan on taking the all night option as of now and let you know if that changes. I would get in then at 830 if all goes according to plan. But why don't you plan more on picking me up later in the morning that way if there's a glitch I have a cushion. This is the one thing I hate about travelling free on my flight benefits, making arrangements with other people. Also if you can give me the web site or address and name of the place I can look into taking a cab or something too. Don't want to be a huge bother with my loose ends. I know the link was posted by Laura awhile ago, just not sure how far back to go to find it.

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Hey Jodi...it's so great to have you added to our mix. Another professional to pop in with advice. We have a P.A. (Laura), a nurse (Phyll), a commercial insurance pro (Janet), a teacher (Cheri), an engineer? (Eva), an accountant (Julie) and someone who will turn the lights on for you all to find your way (Linda).

Good morning Ladies,

I didn't realize ya'll were such a talented bunch. Plus those who made quilts, scarves and ornaments. I am so glad to get to know you all. My mental condition hasn't allowed me many friends. Ya'll are awesome though. I have already learned so much from you.

Before I got sick and couldn't work, I worked for a company that made handmade jewelry. I was a artist. They gave me beautiful (and exspensive) stones, gems, and beads and I would make jewelry out of it. I am not so great at picking out the colors that go together but the owner was. We were a perfect combo. It was the perfect job for me. I sat home and made jewelry all day. If you wanna see samples you can go to Kdasdesigns.com. I was amazed at what I could do with the little training they could give me. Plus I made about 500 dollars a week. I got paid per piece so if I needed more cash I just made more jewelry. I cried when I had to leave. Now I make jewelry every christmas for my MIL. Thats where I got my screenname from JeweI. I wish I could go back but I have moved out of the town that the company is based in.

I got off track a little with my eatting plan (or should I say lack thereof) and have gained a little weight back. I am going to get groceries today for my plan so I have no excuses for not sticking to it. My MIL was doing southbeach diet. The first 2 weeks are low carb. So she was buying everything I needed. Now she has moved past the first 2 weeks and is almost back to normal eatting. So I gotta get to the store now. It was nice while it lasted. I am just so disappointed I gained but I can't blame anyone but myself. Today I am getting back on that horse.

Well I gotta get to class. Talk to you later.

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I was checking the outlets too, the Buena Vista one has no Ann Taylor! Oh no! LOL

Hence, my problem, Apples, I can't make a reservation. I show up at the airport and get on at the last minute in any empty seats. I will plan on taking the all night option as of now and let you know if that changes. I would get in then at 830 if all goes according to plan. But why don't you plan more on picking me up later in the morning that way if there's a glitch I have a cushion. This is the one thing I hate about travelling free on my flight benefits, making arrangements with other people. Also if you can give me the web site or address and name of the place I can look into taking a cab or something too. Don't want to be a huge bother with my loose ends. I know the link was posted by Laura awhile ago, just not sure how far back to go to find it.

Don't sit and worry about being troublesome:scared2:. No trouble for me to take that drive earlier to meet you at the airport. I will shoot for about a 10am arrival time at the airport and if you are later than that, not a big deal.

I did not go back to attach the link but just type in Tuscana Resort at Lake Buena Vista. Address is 1395 Tuscana Lane, Champions Gate, FL. You are not going to want to take a taxi or shuttle. Lowest price for that is $85 one way. Just know I DO NOT MIND meeting you at airport. Now, calm down and just figure out what kind of Coach purse you are going to buy on our trip to the outlet!:confused:

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Great...if makes you feel any better....I might REALLY appreciate a little early get away by that time. Hmmmmmmmmm...almost 3 weeks of 24/7 with DH....can you fly in a couple of day early?????LOL

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Jewel...I checked out the site. Very nice peices of jewelry.

If you have read any of the posts from Janet and others that are reading the Beck books, it sounds like planning is the key. That has always been one of my things throughout the LB process. If I don't plan, I don't do as well. I ALWAYS have a green bag with me that has the necessities in case I am in a situation that is not band friendly or if I just need a snack. So good that you have caught on that planning is key.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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