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Hey everyone,

Still doing good today. I am very tired so I think I am gonna take a nap. I don't know why I am so tired today. It was hard not to fall asleep in class. I hate to take a nap though when I could be studying but I just don't think I could really concentrate feeling like this. Hope I am not coming down with something.

Well just checking in anyway.

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Hey everyone,

Still doing good today. I am very tired so I think I am gonna take a nap. I don't know why I am so tired today. It was hard not to fall asleep in class. I hate to take a nap though when I could be studying but I just don't think I could really concentrate feeling like this. Hope I am not coming down with something.

Well just checking in anyway.

Hey Jessica..are you taking your daily Vitamins? Getting enough Protein per day? Hope you are not coming down with something. Get your rest.

I see your ticker moved to 25lbs gone forever. Good job!

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Hi everyone, it's a boring day at work, so have been looking at some news articles. This one was in Livestrong.com -- Daily Plate -- talking about people suing restaurants for having incorrect and/or misleading information regarding nutritional values of food -- here's a quote from that article:

"Even though many restaurants offer healthy alternatives, you could still be at the whim of the kitchen's cook. A recent E.W. Scripps lab investigation found that "responsible" menu items at chains ranging from Chili's to Taco Bell may have up to twice the calories and eight times the fat published in the restaurants' nutritional information."

For more on this story visit msnbc.com

This is a good reminder to us all that we need to be responsible for what we are putting in our mouths - just like Janet recently discovered Lean Cuisines aren't that accurate either. Whenever I order from a restaurant I usually ask for everything separate -- i.e., if I order a salad that has cheese on it I ask that the cheese be on the side (you would be surprised how large the side of cheese usually is) and of course I take my own low fat dressing with me, so no dresssing. That way I figure I can realistically calculate the calories in my meals. And, it's probably a good thing after reading this article -- as it says "you are at the whim of the individual cook at the time the food is prepared" -- you might get a cook that uses double the amount of oil to cook something in than is actually required and that would up the calories and fat grams. I know most of us don't eat out that much, but still, this is an eye opener.

CBL Linda

I have always wondered about the hidden calories, added fat, etc. in restaurant foods. Just the butter and extra oils they put on steaks and seafood when they grill them. Any sauce is "to die for" when a stick of butter is added:sneaky:.

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Hello, I made it to Bismarck and back safely and Mimi is napping so thought I'd take a chance to write a note. the roads were fine, but the visibility was terrible going down... DD wanted to turn around, but I wasn't scared so just kept going... Glad we did... It was some better in the daylight going home, so we made it just fine.. Mimi needs to se a ENT specialist for some issues she has and also a podiatrist for her little toes... Been told all along that there was nothing to worry about........... now it's a problem to be corrected... Go figure... Anyway, more appt's for the little one coming... I go for my 1st PT with the pain mgmnt people tomorrow... don't know what to expect.....

Apples, glad you are safe at home... this is a bad one... Funny about the cards... I just bought a couple new decks in Bis today just for that reason... Even got some new pinnochle ones in care there are enough who know how to play.. And also will bring Farkle along... I know Lori has played that dice game.. It's a hoot.... Sorry you are feeling crabby from the weather... You don't like feeling imprisoned and I enjoy just snuggling in where its warm and letting it blow over.... Hey, I bought some of that Olay Regenerist today.... I don't have too much sag, but it surely can't hurt anything to tighten up a bit... Will give it a try....

Deb, the scarves are beautiful... My mother loves scarves... I don't think I've ever owned one... I don't even know if they are in style know....

Arlene, we got one of those crocheted filets of our last name when we got married... I love to crochet, but never tried that.....

Laura K, I love to make things and give as gifts, but I often wonder if they are appreciated or not... Not everyone sees what I see in a crocheted baby sweater and booties.....

Laura, sorry for your car woes... Hope your day got better... Does the airline have a line on those lost bags??? glad you are feeling better....

Lori, I understand where you are coming from with DD and her finacee.... but I'm praying that the pastor will help them and that God will help them do the best thing.. It's good that you encourage you G'ma to eat well... I know a lady just like that.... She has money but so scared to spend it.... I invite her over often to eat just so she can eat until she is full... She's 92..... glad your knee is doing so well.... It won't be long and it will all be history... My mother has had both knees done.. She is 77.... The other day up at daycare where she works a few hours a week with DD, a little boy kicked her hard with his shoed foot... She almost went down... Said it hurt for the rest of the day... Little bugger!!!!

Janet, I'll keep my blizzard cuz I don't think I can do 120............. DH handled Iraq just fine, so he would be okay, but I'd be a prisoner in my home there!!!!

Linda, good luck being back to work.. Take it easy and let somebody know you need that closer spot.. They should understand....

Jessica, don't feel guilty about having a nap... It does us all good sometimes... Study well tonight after you rest a bit....

Well, I should do a few things before Mimi wakes up... Have a good evening friends.... Julie

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Julie...can only speak for myself here, but, handmade gifts mean the world to me. Just that ppl took the time to make them. When our DS's were born we got a number of them and they are all in a special spot and waiting to be handed down.

For Christmas this year, "mom's" DIL made me a handmade quilt to put at the end of the bed. She carefully picked out just the right colors and it is perfect. It is something I will enjoy forever and every time I look at it, I think of the fact that she loved me enough to make it for me.

Sucky weather!

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More Beckisams :0)

I love this in the beck book - you eat lunch and you are still hungry or you get hungry before you next snack or meal - you say to yourself - I only have 3 hrs till dinner - I can do that - and then you give yourself credit for doing it

I know that stress here at work makes me want to eat - I will go into gf office and eat a small handfull of peanuts - well that 160 cal x 5 = 800 cal of unplanned Snacks - so I went an put a sticky on it - No unplanned snacks - I go in there when I am stressed/hungry (or should I say think I am hunger) and get a small handful - but that 160x5 = 800 x 52 is 41,600 cal over a year - that's 11 lbs - i don't do it daily but you get the drift

Another thing and this one goes for me Everything little thing you put in your mouth counts - you can't say it doesn - just 20 extra calories a day over a years time equals a 2 pound weight gain - so it is important to know what you are eating - we can't say to ourselves - ah this won't matter - yes it does !!!

So all I have done is eaten 50 extra calories a day to gain 5 lbs - we all think - oh what's 50 calories - well over a year it's a 5 lbs weight gain -

Apples my biggest challenge has ALWAYS been to stop eating when I am full - I use to sit and contimplate my stomach - was it full - As fat chicks we don't know normal full we have to be stuffed.

I can't wait to read this next chapter cuz I am a firm beleiver that we manifest our head hunger into physically feeling hungry and we don't know the diff - we want to eat we want to eat NOW and I still have a hard time distingushing between the too..

Well last night before dinner - I thought I was hungry - made some popcorn sister called and I forgot all about it being hungry - so I wasn't - I was just bored..

Today at lunch I was full - but since I had only had my meat loaf and wanted my cauliflower - I had a few bites knowing I was full cuz it taste good..

Like I say I may have a thin persons body - but the fat chick is still inside -- and she's rattleing the cage wanting to get out..

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Janet...you are so right. I do think that our head hunger can actually turn into a real hunger feeling in our stomachs. When I was in the weightloss stage I used a trick that I learned in therapy. When I went to therapy many years ago, I wanted to be able to have a way to push the icky crap that happened as a child out of my mind. Therapist taught me to "talk" it away in my mind. So, when I was soooooooo hungry I would just say over and over to myself "You are not hungry". You know, there really were times that would work. It's kind of like you using the visual with the peanuts. It's kind of got to hit us in the face.

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Yep, I like this Beck Solution too, but I won't lie, it is tough. I did not realize how much extra stuff I was eating. I am drinking a Protein Drink then eating a solid......or that is my plan. Worked for me at Breakfast, then I decided to eat tuna for lunch, and Yogurt for dessert. Then this afternoon I had a Protein Bar and a cup of coffee. I have eaten way over my required Protein and way under my usual calories. One day at a time! Okay, off to my weight loss bible study. I hate to weigh in the evening. It is such a downer. Oh well, reality check!

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Good evening girlies!

Apples~ Hope the weather clears up for your drive! yuck. When there is zero visibility on the ground, do you call that pea Soup? Dad always says that when he is flying and has to use IFR. : ) Wishing you an early bon voyage. LOL, bras hanging on the rearview mirror!

Janet~ Thanks for all your added wisdom. I don't think we realize how one snack can add up. We have a box of girl scout Cookies that made it in the house... 40 frikkin calories each!!! (thin mint) and I ate 4- u do the math. ughhhh! I need to get to the gym.

Julie~ What do they say is wrong with Mimi's ears? Nels had chronic Fluid behind his ear drums and they thought he would need tubes. They gave him this Nasonex drops (kind of like a steroid) and it totally cleared it up! If they say surgery, ask if there is anything else to try first. And if possible make sure the podiatrist is a pediatric one.

Linda~ thanks for sharing the article. Yeah, gotta wonder what makes the food taste so good. Salt and butter! Like Apples said, add a stick of butter and any sauce is to die for! SO TRUE!

I am so looking forward to our rendezvous!!! Getting excited just thinking about it. : )

Car fixed. Battery was under warranty. DH said this was the first time we bought a car warranty (paid like $5 extra) and it actually paid off. Boy it screws up the plans for the whole day. (they had to test everything first make sure it wasn't the alternator, etc.)

Time to put the boy to sleep. CBL...Laura

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Just back from my day with Grandma. Goodness she wanted to keep on going and going today. Glad she was feeling up to it though. We went to Walmart, Golden Corral for the buffet lunch, then Penneys and a shoe store. Then she wanted me to come up to her apartment (I had to carry packages anyway) and kept finding reasons for me not to leave. LOL I stayed til almost 5.

Well DD & DF are at the Pastor's as I type, I wish I was a mouse in the corner, am anxious to hear how it went.

RE: food in restaurants. I sortta feel for these restaurants though getting sued for having inaccurate calorie counts. I for one like knowing about what it is supposed to be but use it as a guideline. To me it's better than no info at all, but if folks sue and win then even that will go away. Sure in an ideal world the info should be exact, but to think of the turnover that restaurants must have in cooks, and how they get busy in busy times I can also see how it could easily vary from dish to dish. Once when ordering a WW entree at Applebees, I wanted to substitute something on the dish, they wouldn't let me. The waitress said all that food came in prepackaged and they had to serve it as is due to lawsuits in the amount of calories.

Laura, glad your battery is all fixed. it's weird how we've all had the virus.

Linda, hope your first day at work was okay. Always mean to ask, who is the other person in your pic on your profile?

Janet, sounds like an interesting book. I sometimes battle with still wanting to eat when I am full.

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Yep, I like this Beck Solution too, but I won't lie, it is tough. I did not realize how much extra stuff I was eating. I am drinking a Protein drink then eating a solid......or that is my plan. Worked for me at breakfast, then I decided to eat tuna for lunch, and Yogurt for dessert. Then this afternoon I had a protein bar and a cup of coffee. I have eaten way over my required protein and way under my usual calories. One day at a time! Okay, off to my weight loss bible study. I hate to weigh in the evening. It is such a downer. Oh well, reality check!

Charlene - Having a plan and sticking to it - makes your realize alot - I have alway had the plan - it's just lately those handful of nuts slip in - It's a good thing to eat under your calories - that's going to get those scales moving :0)

Hope your bible study/weight loss meeting goes well

Good evening girlies!

Apples~ Hope the weather clears up for your drive! yuck. When there is zero visibility on the ground, do you call that pea Soup? Dad always says that when he is flying and has to use IFR. : ) Wishing you an early bon voyage. LOL, bras hanging on the rearview mirror!

Janet~ Thanks for all your added wisdom. I don't think we realize how one snack can add up. We have a box of girl scout Cookies that made it in the house... 40 frikkin calories each!!! (thin mint) and I ate 4- u do the math. ughhhh! I need to get to the gym.

Julie~ What do they say is wrong with Mimi's ears? Nels had chronic Fluid behind his ear drums and they thought he would need tubes. They gave him this Nasonex drops (kind of like a steroid) and it totally cleared it up! If they say surgery, ask if there is anything else to try first. And if possible make sure the podiatrist is a pediatric one.

Linda~ thanks for sharing the article. Yeah, gotta wonder what makes the food taste so good. Salt and butter! Like Apples said, add a stick of butter and any sauce is to die for! SO TRUE!

I am so looking forward to our rendezvous!!! Getting excited just thinking about it. : )

Car fixed. Battery was under warranty. DH said this was the first time we bought a car warranty (paid like $5 extra) and it actually paid off. Boy it screws up the plans for the whole day. (they had to test everything first make sure it wasn't the alternator, etc.)

Time to put the boy to sleep. CBL...Laura

Laura - No thinmints in this house or anything that's not on the plan - but I have always pretty good about that except those 4 days at Xmas :0) -

Just back from my day with Grandma. Goodness she wanted to keep on going and going today. Glad she was feeling up to it though. We went to Walmart, Golden Corral for the buffet lunch, then Penneys and a shoe store. Then she wanted me to come up to her apartment (I had to carry packages anyway) and kept finding reasons for me not to leave. LOL I stayed til almost 5.

Well DD & DF are at the Pastor's as I type, I wish I was a mouse in the corner, am anxious to hear how it went.

RE: food in restaurants. I sortta feel for these restaurants though getting sued for having inaccurate calorie counts. I for one like knowing about what it is supposed to be but use it as a guideline. To me it's better than no info at all, but if folks sue and win then even that will go away. Sure in an ideal world the info should be exact, but to think of the turnover that restaurants must have in cooks, and how they get busy in busy times I can also see how it could easily vary from dish to dish. Once when ordering a WW entree at Applebees, I wanted to substitute something on the dish, they wouldn't let me. The waitress said all that food came in prepackaged and they had to serve it as is due to lawsuits in the amount of calories.

Laura, glad your battery is all fixed. it's weird how we've all had the virus.

Linda, hope your first day at work was okay. Always mean to ask, who is the other person in your pic on your profile?

Janet, sounds like an interesting book. I sometimes battle with still wanting to eat when I am full.

Great I battle it daily and have since day 1 - I have the desire and craving to consume more cuz it taste good - it's a weird body feeling - just like an addict who can't get their drugs - I still crave more food even though I am physically full

Can't wait to hear how the session went with DD

Well gotta go feed the dogs cat andrew and me - well my dinner's done - left overs from last night. Turkey meatloaf and veggies

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Janet, I am home. We did not weigh. We have to measure ourselves at home and weigh next week. The personal trainer came tonight and gave us the scoop on nutrition and exercise. Lets see... 70 proteina day, sugar try to stay under 60 a day, and only eat stuff that has less than 20% of fat in it. He said resistance (bands) for 45 minutes and cardio for 30-45 minutes. He said do it about 3-5 times a week. Then he said go eat your favorite food once a week like Mexican. He was just keeping it real. So, I came home and drank a Protein Shake and fixed an egg.

I just have so much to read now. YIKES! I hope I remember it all.

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Janet, I am home. We did not weigh. We have to measure ourselves at home and weigh next week. The personal trainer came tonight and gave us the scoop on nutrition and exercise. Lets see... 70 proteina day, sugar try to stay under 60 a day, and only eat stuff that has less than 20% of fat in it. He said resistance (bands) for 45 minutes and cardio for 30-45 minutes. He said do it about 3-5 times a week. Then he said go eat your favorite food once a week like Mexican. He was just keeping it real. So, I came home and drank a Protein Shake and fixed an egg.

I just have so much to read now. YIKES! I hope I remember it all.

Charlene - We are your fitness Coach - Just like you guys are mine ;0) - So Since I'm reading it to (page 118) I will remind you -

Yes, I agree with 1 day to have a PLANNED treat - the book says that too ;0)..

I sorta skimmed the exercise section - cuz that's not really and issue for me - I do go and do it..

I need to work on my resistance muscle !!!!! Paying attention to fullness and quit giving in to desire to eat more.

To nite ate 2 oz of my meat loaf (I weighted it) and 1/3 cup of my cauliflower and I am full... So no more food - one think I really have to work on is the water.. I have only had 2 cups coffee & 1/2 16 oz Water - I need more water - but have to wait another 20 minutes ;0)

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Yes Janet...you need more Water. You live in the desert...even when it's not hot, it is dry. You wrote in an earlier post that you were having meat load.....I about fell off my chair laughing.....what kind of meat load was it? I'm so glad typos can be funny.

So the Beck books say make a plan and stick to it....oh my, I'm going to have a very hard time with that one....I really have difficulty doing something over a length of time. I'm okay for a while, but the stick to it ness is a problem...guess that's why I'm here.

Since we are reporting on food today....I'm in at about 1000 calories and 30 plus minutes of walking plus up and down stairs. I drank 2 cups coffee (10-12oz each) plus 60oz water. Water usually isn't a problem for me. Even with this fill...I'm making sure I drink in between eating.

Okay...sorry no personals....I think my brain just fell asleep. Guess I'll send my body after it. Hope everyone has a good night.


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DESERT!! You have to come down to the desert SW!! Love it here!!

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Wish it was no bra Sunday for me. It's underwire day for me!! LOL

Hey... it's MY desert, too, at least part time!

Yeah, had to be up by 7 a.m. so I could be ready for the shower by 8 a.m. Choir sang at both services this morning so had to be there at 9 a.m. for practice. We sounded much better today, but wish I could say the same for the orchestra! :wink::):eek: Oh, well! I keep telling myself... they're OLD and they're still playing! Get over it! They don't know they're off key!

You asked about PS.... I wanted to go to that bandster bash in Seattle because I knew I could talk to some plastic surgeons there. I never heard back from the chick at the Navy base, but we're going up there again Thursday to pick up Rx, so will try to check on it then.

You asked me one other thing but I forgot what it was!

iPhone, Blackberry, other??? Now I forgot what kind of application you were looking for! That's cuz I'm old and I forget stuff! That's one of my favorite lines! BTW, did I tell you I was born and raised in Buffalo??? Mom, sisters, etc still live there and several of DH family, too.

DH was in AF, so we've lived ALL over the country.... CA, FL, CO, OK, ND, WA... I think that's all! But I do LOVE to have mountains nearby. One of the homes we owned in WA back in the 80's had a gorgeous view of Mt. Rainier out the kitchen window. I can't tell you how many hours I spent during 5 yrs in that house sitting at the kitchen table staring out the window and contemplating my navel!! LOL!

Watching football, but better not tell you who I'm rooting for!! HAHAHA! Watching Jets/Colts right now... recorded.... and not happy to see NY going down! Looks like they're going to lose it! Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers were my two "Fantasy" QBs on my Fantasy team this year, so I supposed I should be rooting for the Colts, but sure would like to see the Jets go to the Super Bowl!

I haven't started any new Sudoku games in a couple of days because I had about a dozen to play on Earl's account! But I think I finished the last one last night after midnight!! So I'll have to start some new ones.

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All the aplications were for food aplications...but couldnt find any for blackberry...the only one I found was for I-phone. lol

Indigo....she found me a site online that I can download!! Yea.

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