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Nope, not a lick of sewing was done yesterday! Early in the afternoon, I got on the elliptical for my 40 mins, then got interested in a movie and watched that with my DH. By then it was practically time to start dinner. So it ended up being a lazy weekend. But that's ok; I do get a good bit accomplished usually.

Someone asked if sewing is my profession. No, it isn't, but it's my way of being creative. I sew most of my own clothes, and used to sew for my daughter a lot too. Even did some work on the side for people, like hemming and taking things in. Did a couple wedding dresses too. I stopped taking work in though, because you just don't get paid for the time you put in.

I've always loved the needle arts. Used to do a lot of embroidery and quilting. ABout 10 years ago I learned how to do silk painting, and I really got into that. Even started a little business, selling handpainted silk scarves. I'd go around to local craft and art fairs and had a little booth. But it became too stressful just trying to keep up with the business and I had to quit. I'll upload a few pics of my scarves.

Beautiful Scarves! I love embroidery, crochet, and quilting. I am more of a dabbler than anything. My favorite is filet crocheting names for people to frame.

Have a great day!

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Very cool scarfs. I'm like you I love to create but hate to sell. It takes all the fun out of it and makes it work.

Laura K

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Janet, okay, I read the first day of Beck. I need to go get some index cards.

I want to lose weight to feel healthy and not depend on my family when I get old. That is my first affirmation/reminder.


Breakfast, shake 110 cal,

toast 150 cal

cream for coffee 20 cal

Walked 30 min

lunch chicken 150cal

yogurt 80cal

Thinking positive today! I will let you know tomorrow how it goes. I start my weight loss support at church tonight. We are reading Battlefield for the Mind. I think it is similar to the Beck thing only scriptures. Should help me too. The fitness coaches are coming to give us a talk on nutrition and exercise.

I hope all of you have a prosperous day!

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Apples, are you SURE you want to see more photos of me and my family?! LOL. I post 100 a week!:wink:

Ok y'all, watch out the dead battery thing is catchy this morning. Ughhhhh! I was so proud of myself- got Nelson up, fed, dressed & motivated to go to school with a cast... get to the car and it's locked. DH locked my keys in the center console. (we both brought keys to Miami last week). So I spend 20 minutes looking for the spare in the junk drawer. FOUND EM! Unlock the car, get Nelson buckled in, stuff in the car and click...click...click... UGGHHHH. Call DH and they have too many cases and he can't leave. Hitch a ride with neighbor, steal DH's car from the hospital, take Nels to school, and come home. Now called AAA to tow car to mechanic. It's really ruining my plans! I was so excited to finally have a day to myself!!!

I am starting to feel better... thanks for all the well wishes! I can swallow without severe pain now. No more fever.

Dad is having 3rd double chemo treatment today and then will get a week off of chemo (though he still has to come in every other day for labs/iv fluids). My step aunt and her son are there visiting for 2 weeks from Turkey. Their luggage got lost! One whole suitcase was food for my dad!!! My DGM packed cheese, turkish sausage, tea, olives, baklava, even some fresh fruit! (figs, and tiny apples) I bet they will confiscate it, huh? They had to wear mom's clothes while she washed theirs- then sis took them to Walmart in the morning for some stuff.

I think I hear AAA... CBL... peas

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Very beautiful scarves, Deb. Thanks for sharing.

Full blown blizzard today. Cannot see your hand in front of your face. This just reaffirms how much I want and need to get out of here. Been a prisoner in my own home more times than I care to count this winter. I would take a photo and share but all you would see is NOTHING...just white. UGH! I'm starting to get crabby.

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Good morning!!

What beautiful scarves, Deb. I too used to travel the craft show junket and have a booth. DH carved Santas and fish and we sold those, but it was also during the time the 'country' look was so in and we did a lot of the cut out painted wood things in those ever so lovely colors of mauve & blue or peache and green, etc. We made a lot of money doing it but not enough to support ourselves and I couldn't carve which was really our niche in the shows and DH was burning out working full time and carving, so we gave it up. Have thought of it in retirement years however. DH has moved on to more art type carvings and has entered some wood carving shows and even won some ribbons. These had to be so realistic and even one of the judges was a marine biologist. one of his carvings didn't place because it didn't have a 'poop shoot'. LOL He loved the fish and said it was one of the best but because it didn't have a poop shoot it couldn't win.

Plan for the day is therapy and then pick up Grandma for our usual Monday Walmart shopping trip and then Golden Corral buffet for lunch. I have learned to take her to buffets for lunch. If we go to a restaurant she will only order a cup of Soup if I am paying as she doesn't want to order anything that costs anything. And if she pays, she does the same as she is how shall I say very thrifty! LOL We are all concerned with her eating so this way at least once a week she eats good because of course at a buffet she will make sure she gets her money's worth. LOL DS joins us sometimes if he is off because he's always in for a good buffet. LOL She's funny as she is always concerned I am not getting my money's worth as I don't eat much of course with my band. LOL As much work as it is to be pretty much her principal caregiver, I am goign to miss her if we move. My sisters will be in for a shock as to how much I really do do when it falls on them. Shopping, Dr, RX's, banking, dentist, eye glasses, taxes, etc. BUt I am learning to cherish this time I have with her and since her short term memory is so bad but the long term is like yesterday I ask her a lot about how things were back in the day. I mean really when you think of the changes she has seen in her lifetime, she was born in 1909, when she was born she knew people that actually fought in the civil war she was just a little girl and they were very old men but still its amazing.

Not sure where DD and her fiance are, they are going to meet with the pastor and discuss some of the issues during their premarital counselliing. I have really mixed feelings on it and I can't explain them and am driving DH nuts. All the warning signs are signallying danger run from this guy. But my gut tells me he is really a good guy and I really like him and htat is so strange. I have never liked a guy she has dated before and always felt she could do better. For some reason this one feels right even though there's all these red flags. I think he genuinely adores her and is trying to change to please her, but can he really? That is the big question. They can't be on such opposite sides of the fence when it comes to finances and possessions and have years of fighting about money either.

Apples, I will see what I can come up with photos. Good idea. Any chance you still have those 36D bras? I didn't want to say anything as you already gave me those capris, but if you never got any takers, I'd love to give one a try. That is the size they measured me as at Victoria's when I got 2 new bras. Even if I could just try one out and see how I liked it before spending the money on one??

Well my worries are solved about wondering if I should tell my folks I am in Orlando. They are going on a cruise on teh 13th. I asked if they wanted to meet before that as I would be coming on the 11th and well they are just too busy. SHEESH!! My DD called it, she said they'd say that. She was so hurt when she was a senior in HS she was in a club at school called HOSA which was for folks contemplating a health career (obviously she changed her mind) but she won something in state and got to go to nat'ls in Orlando. She was so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa when she went there, and they told her they were too busy to come see her. That was a defining moment for her too as now she really could care less to see her grandparents when they come, they hurt her so much. My parents are the least busy retirees I know, unless you count their time spent in their recliners in front of the TV.

well gosh it seems I am writing a novel this morning. LOL I had a great nights sleep, no pain last night and not even a pain pill. My knee has really taken a turn for the better the past 2 days, it's like suddenly it decided to get better. Now we shall see how it feels after therapy, i already took one vicodin to prepare.

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Sorry about your weather Apples. All I can see out my front window is sunny blue sky and those beautiful Rocky Mountains! :wink:

Oh and in my previous novel I forgot my commentary on the VKings and Brett. I knew I shouldn't have rooted for him!! All those years at the Packers, he would always try and be the hero and threw so many interceptions to lose games in the end. His final play with the Packers in fact to get them to either the next level of the playoffs or to the Super Bowl was the exact same an interception that lost them the game. And he lost the 2nd Superbowl he was in to the Broncos which DH still rubs in to this day with an interception too. GOOD RIDDANCE! Wonder if we will have to listen all off season again about if he is coming back? He just needs to go away! Okay I am done. LOL I am now rooting for the Colts.

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Great...I have two of those bras and will throw them in. They might be hanging on the rearview mirror all the way to FL since almost every inch of my truck is loaded. (Don't worry...I have room for them). I bet I only wore those twice and then went down a size. And, at $79 each, I just hate to have them just sitting in the drawer. I don't think my ta-tas will be getting any bigger and would love if they would fit you. I don't want anything for them...just don't want to open my undie drawer and see them anymore and not being worn.

You should have seen Favre on the MPLS news station last night. All gloom and doom and "poor me"..."I gotta be prepared for the media asking me what I'm going to do next. It was so difficult last time I retired". Blah, blah, blah. It was a game, he screwed up, we lost...get over it, Brett. Just p_ssed me off..all the media coverage when he retired. We had sooooooooooooo many National Guard men leaving for Iraq at that time and his retirement and wishy-washy not knowing what to do and media barely mentioned our men leaving for war. Ticked me off. I love a good game and I am usually the one watching a cheering or yelling profanities and DH is the one sleeping on the couch and not watching. But, too many pro players are made out to be heros. What does that teach our children. I just see it as being way out of whack.

Ok...stepping down off the soap box (again)

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Thanks Apples, I was unsure if I should be so bold as to ask about those bras or not. Don't let them freeze hanging from your mirror! LOL

I so totally agree about Brett and the sports 'heros'. Thing is I was a huge Brett fan back in the day, more so a Packer fan but he really made them a great team for awhile and then it all seemed to go to his head. You see so many of the greats just not able to gracefully walk away from the game when it's time. Look at Michael Jordan back in the day he did sortta the same thing, retired, went to baseball, unretired, retired again, came back to another team, etc. Guess all the fame, money and notoriety must be hard to give up.

Well better go dry my hair and get ready for thearpy.

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Good Morning Gang

Charlene - I was going to bring my book so that I could type my affirmations as my screen saver to read daily - and I will that some stickys home - I am on the section Real Hunger - Desire to eat or Craving Section

This is the section I really need - like I posted last night I was phyically full from dinner - but once I have a little bit of my drug - it's like opening the flood gates - I want more...

I don't eat standing up much - sometimes at work when I am snacking on peanuts in gf office - so that's out - it's not planed eating... I really do everything for the most part now - I plan meals - I don't keep trigger foods in the house - I have my calorie budget etc.. What I really need to learn is how to stop eating when I am full..

Reason to maintain/lose weight - Health longevity..

Plan for today


BF Yogurt 5 grms pt & granola 160 ca

S - pt snack 120 c 15 grms pt

L- 2 oz Turkey meat Loaf 100 C 14 gms pt 1/3 c cauliflower 30 cal

S - pt snack 120 c 15 grms pt

D - 4 oz meat load 180 28 grm pt 1/3 c cauliflower 30 ca

S - 2 sf pudding 120 cal 6 pt & pt snack 120 c 15 pt

950 Cal for the day

You all are my fitness coaches :0)

Apples sorry for the bad weather - don't think you need to venture to town - Yep even w/120 degrees outside - we aren't prisioners in our houses since we have a/c in cars and all the stores have a/c.

Didn't watch either game and Apples I am w/you why is it that sports figures are considered hero's is beyond me.. I guess it's cuz they are paid a ridicously amount of $$$ and pple equate that in being the ultimate thing in life $$.


Love the scarfs - airbursh ??

well just got quote - have to work - cbl

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Brett did a great job this year with the Vikings. I just don't get into the "hype" and crap. Ppl retire..ppl sometimes choose to come out of retirement. Happens in real life without notice. Just too much is made out of it all.

Don't worry asking about those bras. I'm glad you asked. Now they won't be staring at me when I open that drawer.

This blizzard we are having is really, really bad. Absolutely no travel advised. I walked out to the shop and bit ago and the wind just took my breath away.

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Good morning all. Apples, I totally agree with what you are saying about our sports "heros" - just sickens me that they are made out to be such "heros". Look at Tiger Woods and the mess he is in now. People need to realize who the real heros are -- our military, police, fireman, and even just everyone's parents who work hard every day and take care of them.

Deb, love those scarves -- I would have to buy every one of them -- those are all my kind of colors -- I wear a lot of color -- I'm lucky cause I can wear almost anything and I look good in it -- way back in the day when we used to have our "colors" done I remember I was a mixture of spring, summer I think something like that anyway. Oh, the 80s!!

Lori, glad your DD and her fiance are meeting with the pastor - I'm sure that will help.

We are having bad weather again - woke up to a couple inches of snow, lots of wind - heck, my street was badly drifted in several places -- nasty day to have to come back to work. Then, the ONLY handicapped parking space was taken by a corporate van - so I had to park way out in the parking lot and walk on ice. But my co-workers are glad to see me. Very unbusy today -- weather is bad all over the country so no one is calling us.

Just wanted to check in and say hi. I had a tough time going to sleep again, didn't drift off until after 2 so when the alarm went off at 5, I had to reset it and didn't have time to exercise this morning. Hopefully I'll get back in the groove after today. Hate to miss exercise and since I don't get home until 6:20 or so, I can't do it in the evenings.

Have a great day everyone! Linda

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Janet...I wouldn't even consider going to the end of the driveway with what we are getting outside. There is no way I would even be able to see the road. We live by a lake and our landscape is very flat. The wind is so bad that there is nothing but whiteout conditions. Clinics, stores, banks are all closed in town anyway.

With you talking about the Beck chapter you are reading about recognizing when to stop eating. To recognize when you "should" be satisfied. Don't you think that is the biggest challange ppl have that get banded? Sometimes it is so difficult to recognize. That's why having limits (setting up your amount of calories per day and trying not to go over, journaling, just being fully aware of what's going into the mouth) is maybe even a bigger tool than the band? Any of us can make it a daily struggle or we can make it a way of life.

You are already mindful, but, like you said, you were telling yourself you were still getting the same amount of calories. My point...your honesty about not being as diligent as you usuallyl are helps us all see that even three years out, we still need to do the work. It's back to basics every once in awhile to make us see what we are doing.

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Linda...have a good day back at work. Careful on the ice. Sorry about your parking spot.

I am not going to get started on Tiger Woods but just have one thing to say. He had the world by the tail...can anyone say huge ego? He let it get to him and flitting all over the world using women. I hate the "S" word and don't use it because it is usually used to degrade women but he is the male version. Also could be described as a male "W".

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Hi everyone, it's a boring day at work, so have been looking at some news articles. This one was in Livestrong.com -- Daily Plate -- talking about people suing restaurants for having incorrect and/or misleading information regarding nutritional values of food -- here's a quote from that article:

"Even though many restaurants offer healthy alternatives, you could still be at the whim of the kitchen's cook. A recent E.W. Scripps lab investigation found that "responsible" menu items at chains ranging from Chili's to Taco Bell may have up to twice the calories and eight times the fat published in the restaurants' nutritional information."

For more on this story visit msnbc.com

This is a good reminder to us all that we need to be responsible for what we are putting in our mouths - just like Janet recently discovered Lean Cuisines aren't that accurate either. Whenever I order from a restaurant I usually ask for everything separate -- i.e., if I order a salad that has cheese on it I ask that the cheese be on the side (you would be surprised how large the side of cheese usually is) and of course I take my own low fat dressing with me, so no dresssing. That way I figure I can realistically calculate the calories in my meals. And, it's probably a good thing after reading this article -- as it says "you are at the whim of the individual cook at the time the food is prepared" -- you might get a cook that uses double the amount of oil to cook something in than is actually required and that would up the calories and fat grams. I know most of us don't eat out that much, but still, this is an eye opener.

CBL Linda

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