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You're welcome anytime, Arlene, but I would advise you to stay put where you are in the winter. We have friends that leave MN for 2-3 months in the winter. The ones that have gone to TX end up in AZ cuz they say it is too cold and damp for their aches and pains. Glad your drugs are helping.

My body hears ya! The dampness in Tx makes up for the super cold. My DH wants to check into moving to Belize. I will go there for the winter, but I am NOT leaving my grandkids!

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My body hears ya! The dampness in Tx makes up for the super cold. My DH wants to check into moving to Belize. I will go there for the winter, but I am NOT leaving my grandkids!

Sounds like you need some kind of relief from your pain in the winter months. As soon as we are not so tied to this farm and our business, we are going to look for a permenent place in the South for six months out of the year. I used to love winter. Skating, sledding, walking but the older I get, the more of an attidude I have about it.

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I am doing well my band seems much tighter now I am flying out today and a little nervous. I am doing well

I hope everyone is doing well Sorry I have not much time to read posts Love you all I will chat when I get back next week. For those in Ca I will see you in Fl next month

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I am doing well my band seems much tighter now I am flying out today and a little nervous. I am doing well

I hope everyone is doing well Sorry I have not much time to read posts Love you all I will chat when I get back next week. For those in Ca I will see you in Fl next month

Have a great trip Melissa. Yep, stress does wonders for tightening that band. Enjoy yourself and see you in a couple of weeks!

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Good Morning Gang

You all have been busy !!! GS called at 4 a.m - he was stranded and wanted to come home - went and got him and got back to sleep around 5 - slept till 8:30 - Read paper - and this lite cook book I got yesterday - has some great ideas which could be made even lighter imho - will post my favs later..

Charlene - I was talking about Laura's sister ;0) but if you have a friend that needs it go for it.. I have my yellow highliter out hi-liting things :0)

Apples - it' no bra sunday right now for me - still in jammies - but gotta get butt in gear - need to finish this cookbook and list ingredients that I will need and go food shopping and I have some wash to be done -

BF sounds good - after reading that cookbook - I'm hungry nibbling on some Jerky.< /p>

Glad you are going to be safe and hang till the weathers better

Yep isn't my Desert Beautiful (I get to claim it as mine cuz I have lived here all my life ;) I have an extra room ;0) Those are the San Jacinto Mtns - we are surrounded by mtn we are in Valley

Phyl - you got some GREAT GREAT SHOTS !!! You are up early - ;0)

Melissa - Safe trip - you are going to have a blast see you in just a few weeks...

Laura - take your meds - plenty of fluids - some liquid tyenol and rest ;o)

Linda - I have always been a qvc addict ;0) - but I am going to have to control myself - like Charlene said - I will use the beck solution to help me w/my shopping - I spend enough already too - but I find that QVC is the best place for gold jewelry - so much cheaper than the stores - interest free payment plans -you can wear it for 30 days and if you don't like it you can return it..

I have purchased all my gold jewelry from them - and let me tell you I have a collection ;0) With the price of gold - I really need to ck in to selling the pieces that are broken or only 1 earring ;0) it might help pay my qvc bill..

Great you have one SMART DD !!!! Better to think this now instead of thinking oh I can change him and be divorced in 6 months - as we all know we can't change anyone...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi all...good morning,

Its been one of those weekends where there is noplans. Bad idea to have no plans as then there is plenty of time to sleep and eat and eat. Cannot do this again.

Today was not as bad organized my kitchen and got rid of things that were starting to clutter up the small space in my living area. My daugter decided to clean up her room and is still working on it.

My daughter is off this week from school and most of friends are offon some sort of vacation. I am working so we arent. I have the babysitter all week....sometimes I wonder if its cheaper to go on vacation. lol

well...this week I meet with the pulmonologist to get my CPAP, and the nutritionist for a second meeting.

I have started the Prev-pac antiobiotics that the upper GI doctor prescribed after the endoscopy was done...and showed I have some wierd germ in my stomach.Apparently alo of people have this and the main effects are severe reflux...which I knewI had...but the endosscopy proved. It causes ulcers but I didnt have that.

I have to be on two strong antibiotics and prevacid for two weeks!! If I dont he wont clear me for surgery.

I am so sick from this three pac...I have this weird taste in my mouth and my stomach is beginning to hurt. I have been taking acidophilus pills because if I dont ill end up with a yeast infection and that will be yet another reason for surgery to be pushed back.lol so, i will be sick for two weeks. owell

Hope you all well and are having a good weekend...have a great week.....


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Been thinking about you and food issues with the Jewish Holidays - found this cookbook and website - for lite Kosher cooking :0)

You might want to get it ;0) You can still have your traditional meals - just lighter verision and not as much :0)

EnLITEned Passover recipes - Recipes - Passover


Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good Morning Gang

You all have been busy !!! GS called at 4 a.m - he was stranded and wanted to come home - went and got him and got back to sleep around 5 - slept till 8:30 - Read paper - and this lite cook book I got yesterday - has some great ideas which could be made even lighter imho - will post my favs later..

Charlene - I was talking about Laura's sister ;0) but if you have a friend that needs it go for it.. I have my yellow highliter out hi-liting things :0)

Apples - it' no bra sunday right now for me - still in jammies - but gotta get butt in gear - need to finish this cookbook and list ingredients that I will need and go food shopping and I have some wash to be done -

BF sounds good - after reading that cookbook - I'm hungry nibbling on some Jerky.< /p>

Glad you are going to be safe and hang till the weathers better

Yep isn't my Desert Beautiful (I get to claim it as mine cuz I have lived here all my life ;) I have an extra room ;0) Those are the Santa Rosa Mtns - we are surrounded by mtn we are in Valley

Phyl - you got some GREAT GREAT SHOTS !!! You are up early - ;0)

Melissa - Safe trip - you are going to have a blast see you in just a few weeks...

Laura - take your meds - plenty of fluids - some liquid tyenol and rest ;o)

Linda - I have always been a qvc addict ;0) - but I am going to have to control myself - like Charlene said - I will use the beck solution to help me w/my shopping - I spend enough already too - but I find that QVC is the best place for gold jewelry - so much cheaper than the stores - interest free payment plans -you can wear it for 30 days and if you don't like it you can return it..

I have purchased all my gold jewelry from them - and let me tell you I have a collection ;0) With the price of gold - I really need to ck in to selling the pieces that are broken or only 1 earring ;0) it might help pay my qvc bill..

Great you have one SMART DD !!!! Better to think this now instead of thinking oh I can change him and be divorced in 6 months - as we all know we can't change anyone...

Your in Palm Desert?? My dad and his wife are also in Palm Desert. I was there last year this week actually..This time of year is vacation week for my daugter. You mentioned the beutiful Santa Rosa mountains...they were gorgeous! They are there 8 weeks a year. I usually go to visit..but this year I opted out as I have so many apts..with consults and tests. I didnt want to wait....besides the orriginal plan was for Feb 8th.so surely didnt want to waste vacation time....if I didnt need to.

But..next year for sure...and perhaps then we can get together!


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Your in Palm Desert?? My dad and his wife are also in Palm Desert. I was there last year this week actually..This time of year is vacation week for my daugter. You mentioned the beutiful Santa Rosa mountains...they were gorgeous! They are there 8 weeks a year. I usually go to visit..but this year I opted out as I have so many apts..with consults and tests. I didnt want to wait....besides the orriginal plan was for Feb 8th.so surely didnt want to waste vacation time....if I didnt need to.

But..next year for sure...and perhaps then we can get together!


OMG Jodi - how cool - yep wish you had come - of course we will get together - I live in Indio (hence my name ;0) which is next door to Palm desert

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Been thinking about you and food issues with the Jewish Holidays - found this cookbook and website - for lite kosher cooking :0)

You might want to get it ;0) You can still have your traditional meals - just lighter verision and not as much :0)

EnLITEned Passover recipes - Recipes - Passover

http://healthykosher.gather.com /

aww thank you!! This is something ive been looking for...however ive been trying to download applications to myphone.....not much luck there...and havent found much online.... much appreciated...cant.wait to check it out.....ill let you know.....

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Morning ladies.

Laura, sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope you kick that virus quickly. I hate being sick....haven't been in a while either. Hope it stays that way.

Phyl, great snow pictures....wow, you really got a dusting. I'm going to post mine too but they aren't nearly as dramatic as yours are. I really like the one with the palm trees....quite a contrast.

Arlene, sorry you are hurting again but glad the meds help. I tried to stay off mine, but I feel much better being on them.

Linda, thanks for the fill help....I am taking it very carefully. That was an interesting story about your 1st DH. I ran away from my fiance at the ripe old age of 18. It was probably the best thing I did. My parents pressured me not to marry him. I was way too young and foolish and I'm sure it wouldn't have worked out. I too am very happy with the one I finally married.

And on that note...today is my 3rd anniversary. We are doing what we both enjoy...piddling with our projects. We are supposed to go out for dinner, but I'm not sure we will. We bought that tuna yesterday and will probably have that with fresh asparagus. We will also Celebrate next month because that was when the public wedding was...see 2 anniversarys...can't beat it.

Apples....I like that no bra Sunday....but after a couple of hours, I end up putting one on...something about bouncing around all day makes me more uncomfortable that having one on. Then I can't wait to take it off at night. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm trying not to beat myself up...but that's a trait I've practiced for decades and you know how hard it is to change those behaviors...but I keep trying. As for you grabbing more and more....just think...you are going to a civilized place and if you forgot something or need to augment something, you can find it on the way or in Florida. That is my new mantra when traveling because sometimes I bring too much stuff.

Lori...sorry about your DD situation, how tough that has to be...but I think that the boy may change a bit, but deep down, he'll still want to play with his boy toys. Of course all of our adivse isn't going to help her make a decision. She's got to figure out what she wants and what she is willing to do to make it happen. Broken hearts are very sad, but they do help us learn what we truly want. hair stuff...I'm low maintenance too...not even 2 minutes. Mine is comb and go as you will see in FL. My hairdresser cuts my hair so I don't have to mess with it. Maybe yours can help you with a new "do".

Janet...it's my 3rd fill. Hopefully my last. I actually can feel food in my pouch now...which I really couldn't before. It is slowing me way down and helping me to be aware of what and how fast stuff is going down. Now, if I can just stick to making the right food choices, it should be the trick. So will we see the new gold in FL?

Deb, is being a seamstress what you do for a living or what you do on the side? Both of my sisters are quilters, one makes clothes, and my godmother was a seamstress. It's a skill, art, and a valuable craft. I didn't inherit any of the desire to do that work.

Jodi...sorry about the stomach ache. I hope the antibiotics help clear up the problem. So many hoops to jump through for insurance...I understand the necessity, but it's so frustrating. I'm a self pay and went to Mexico for surgery. That's where I've gone to get my fills too. Hope you have a really nice Sunday and vacation with your DD.

I met a man from Virginia yesterday at the clinic. He came all that way for his surgery because his doctor wouldn't do it. He wasn't fat enough. I think it's one of the few things I don't like about the Mexican surgeons...they'll do surgery on just about anyone, but it is a personal decision and if you are willing to go through it to lose 50-60 pounds then okay.

I'm going to close for now and see if I can get something productive done.


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Pictures....1st 2 are of the bobcat that was walking across the road and then up my next door neighbor's drive way...it's a little hard to see...had to snap the shot quickly but it's in the gap of the bushes. The 2nd two are of the Santa Catalinas and the snow has already started to melt...it was much lower yesterday morning on the way to the airport.

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Ok... finally able to get back on line. My boys are very needy today... I believe I am the one who is sick, right? But DH did get up with Nels today and I slept until 8am (the latest I have slept in MONTHS) I am feeling better this afternoon. I've been doing everything Dr. Janet said to. : )

OK.. you guys that were talking about therapy/eating/my sister's bypass surgery. She is in therapy and has been since before surgery actually. She goes to individual therapy once a week and Group Didactic Behavioral Therapy. I am not convinced that this group therapy is what she needs- there are people that harm themselves in that group (cutters, shopaholics, sex addicts) Prior to her surgery she had MAJOR issues with managing money. She took out a 2nd mortgage on her paid off condo and then couldn't pay the loans and lost her house. She paid credit card bills with credit cards. All of these behaviors- over eating and over spending are tied together. She has to work on her issues before she will heal. Don't we all? I remember reading a book "when food is love" by Geneen Roth The author has a bunch of great books about food addiction.

Melissa~ have a safe trip! We will be thinking about you!

Eva~ love the pics! What a nice view. We have bobcats here in FL too. Once when my Dad was visiting (when he had rotator cuff surgery) he was in my husband's office when he saw a HUGE bobcat in my backyard. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was the Vicodin he was on! LOL

Jodi~ Good luck with your H. Pylori treatment. Biaxin is the name of the antibiotic in your PrevPac. One of it's major side effects is "metallic" taste. It will go away. Make sure and take it with food to decrease your GI symptoms. You have to get read of that bug before surgery.

Janet~ What else did you buy today on QVC? Hmmm.. might have to go check it out!

ok girls, I will CBL........ peasout... Laura

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Good afternoon. Home from church and both kids came by after lunch and they are all watching football playoffs. Not as fun when you don't have a team in it to root for. I am a major Packers fan and dH is Broncos. THis time I am more rooting against a team, the Vikings, because of Brett Favre.

Janet, that's they way I am with my hair, comb and go which is why it's usually so flat. Nope not a perm gal. Maybe if I got a few shorter layers on top I could blow them dry and it would be a little 'poofier'. As for FL I would love to go out to a restaurant as a group on Sat. night. I love going out to eat, so that's always my vote, vs eating in, but will do whatever. Oh and DD was in Seattle, sorry for the airline shortcut of SEA for Seattle, old habits are hard to break from when I worked at United. We are going to MCO (Orlando) next month. LOL

Janet, I have many memories of working those Gold rush days, also Silver Bonanza days and a few others through the year. By the retail store in the actual studio building they would set up this area with all the gold pieces that they were featuring in the Gold Rush shows, as well as the Special Value, they would send out invites to their biggest customers probably in the area and they'd all get to come starting at 8pm to show the show basically in person and in advance of midnight. We got a limited quantity of the TSV though so that it couldn't sell out before midnight.

Linda, I am with you on having to put a bra on after a bit. Guess I am too big and droopy or something.

Charlene, well if your friend thinks CO is cold at 30 degrees, she is in trouble. 30 I consider quite nice out. LOL It's average for us for the winter though we do get much colder for very short stints and much warmer as well.

Deb, I used to sew but sortta lost interest in it, seems I was always fighting with the machine. Got a new one even and still did and i just lost patience and interest.

Eva, glad the fill is working for you. Iam anxious for mine.

Laura, hope you are feeling better soon.

Jodi, hope you are feeling better soon from the stomach meds as well and all clears up for your surgery.

Phyl, love the mountain pics. I know I have been so forunate to have lived most of my life by mountains. think I took them for granted for a big part of it, really missed them when I'd move away. BTW, are you still sending Suduko challenges? I've not been getting them and have sent you one. I had so many for awhile. Love that game!

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Good afternoon everybody..... I didn't have church on account of the blizzard and boy did I take advantage of it... Usually have to be up and out the door by 8:15... I JUST GO DRESSED A BIT AGO!!!!! Got up at 9:00, made Breakfast for DH and then fell asleep in my chair watching TV with him......Was so groggy I had a difficult time waking up... Finally got myself in the bathtub and now feel like myself again.... So, I was haveing a no bra day, too..... A no almost everything day!!(nightie only) On the subject of bras, I don't mind wearing them at all now that they aren't so tight!!!!!! I actually need to get a few new ones.....

Love the mountain pictures you gals from out there...However, the snow is so far away.... I just have to put my foot outside the door to step in it..... Our storm is still raging.... mostly horrible wind with some snow.... Can't tell if it's coming down or just blowing around....

Eva, happy anniversary......Our 15th is coming up.... so Linda, we must be behind you...... But it doesn't matter to me if we Celebrate the big ones like 25 or 40 or 50... I'm so glad to have him and I just want as many as the good Lord gives us....

Jodi, hope you feel better soon and that surgery can happen when you want it.... No fun waiting and wondering...

Lori, your poor DD must be miserable trying to figure out what is the right thing to do... She is lucky to have you there and like someone else says, she may be waiting for someone to let her know it's okay.... whatever she decides to do.. I'm paraying for her..

Laura, I have read all those books by Geneen Roth.. She and another gal wrote some Christian weight loss books and the one lost so much weight.... But she gained it all back..... When food is Love was a good book for me... Helped me understand myself much better... But that is probably 25 years ago or more that I read it... It's in my bookshelf somewhere... Hope you will feel better soon... How is the little guys hand...?

Well, Melissa is gone already, but hope she has a great trip... She must be so excited.....

I've got a beef roast in the crock pot making me hungry.... Have to figure something out to make with it... DH is easy and will probably settle for a sandwich.. I may do some veggies for me.... He isn't good with cooked veggies except the regulars: corn, peas, green beans........ I like the other stuff, too... Might do broccoli for me......

You all have a great rest of the day.. Talk to you soon.


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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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