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Evening ladies!!

Made it back from San Diego...easy trip. Neither flight was full so we got all 3 seats both ways. I now have 7 cc's in a 10 cc band. The fill doctor added 2 cc's and said I shouldn't have to come back. I do have restriction. I can no longer gulp Water. He also told me to eat solid food to make sure I can. I did, it does....so I'm back home. But there was a difference eating this afternoon than there was this morning. We'll just have to see if this is "it".

Laura, glad to see you are back. Sorry about your sister...I really understand what she is doing and I couldn't tell you why. She is really trying to fill some hole inside with external stuff. She's the only one that can help herself. Is she not interested in any sort of counseling?

I guess I'll have to finish posting tomorrow....I need to sleep...it's hitting me really hard right now. See you in the morning.

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HI everyone! I absolutely loved Avitar -- I didn't expect to like it (not my type of movie usually) but I was just so mesmerized by it all -- if you haven't seen it you really should go -- it's this generation's Star Wars I think -- very very enjoyable. What a nice way to spend the afternoon.

So because we had to "run" to the movie and I was late getting up, i didn't get my exercise in today, but that's okay, I needed a day off -first one off in 2 weeks, so I was due. I will get back at it tomorrow.

Then we went to a nice steakhouse we have here in town for the "early bird" specials -- smaller portions between 5 and 6 for a lot less money -- they have broiled talapia that is delish. I make my own tarter sauce out of low fat mayo and also take some low fat sour cream with me and order a baked potato - of which I eat about 3 bites, but I do enjoy it. I bring it home and DH will eat it tomorrow.

Did any of you see the Oprah show on Monday -- about the dangers of talking or texting on a cell phone while driving -- well if you didn't it was scary --even if you have hands free and talk on the phone you are still 4 times more likely to have an accident and are comparable to someone driving legally drunk - if you are texting you are EIGHT times more likely to have an accident. They have proven that our brains will not allow us to multi task in that way (although I can multi task at home and at work they say the type of multi tasking needed for driving and talking on the phone is completely different) -- there was a guy on there saying that our brains are unable to see things like pedestrians, stop signs, etc. -- we have LIMITED vision when we are just talking -- because our brains are concentrating more on the conversation than on the driving (all of which we are unaware of). Anyway, it was pretty scary -- I'm not a texter -- don't even have it on my phone, but I have on occasion talked while driving and my DS does it ALL the time. I'll have to try to get him to stop doing that also. Too scary.

I had tivo'd it earlier in the week and just watched it tonight.

Laura, glad you're home, sorry about your being sick - I'm still getting over my crud - it's been over 2 weeks and I still have issues -- I took antibiotics for 10 days -- no infection but still blowing my nose more than normal and having drainage and coughing from drainage. Boy, your sister does need to get some counseling -- did she get the surgery because SHE wanted it or did she do it for some other reason? I hope she gets her head on straight -- would hate to see her gain weight back -- gosh, I couldn't eat that and still lose weight -- I barely lose weight and I eat 800 to 1100 per day and exercise 2 hours a day! Does she get any exercise in? I can see why you're worried.

Eva, glad you're home, please, please be careful -- that's a lot of fill and it will make a big difference -- just go slow and easy with the food -- I only get .25 ccs at a time and it makes a huge difference in my ability to eat so please be careful. I'm at 6.25 in a 10 cc band. Be sure you stop eating at the first sign of heavy feeling in chest area.

Julie, glad you had a fun time -- it's been years since I played pinocole -- love that game -- we played in the military and then again I played 20 years ago when I lived in Reno -- don't know anyone here who plays it -- I used to play it on Pogo once in awhile.

Deb, where does your Mom live? I'm from about 1 hour from Pittsburg airport -- East Palestine, Ohio originally (outside of Youngstown) -- still have a brother there. Just curious since you said you'd only be a couple of hours from your Mom when you're in Pittsburg? Can't you run and visit her while you're there -- too bad you'll be so close and can't visit.

Okay, gotta get to bed -- need to get up and get moving tomorrow.

TTYAL. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Good evening. Hope everyone had a nice Saturday. I didn't do much. We did go to DN's HS basketball game tonight. I've been staying close to home for the most part, having stomach issues, Constipation, sorry if TMI. think these pain pills are messing with me and I stopped doing the Miralax every day since I wasn't having trouble any more and reducing the pain pills but guess it was too soon. Now I am having serious issues but getting better.

DD is home from her business trip to SEA, just not sure if she is going to stay engaged. She's having serious 2nd thoughts over his car issue. Guess it goes beyond his car. He wants others to be impressed with his 'things'. It's an image he wants to portray, DD is so down to earth, she's not into that and is afraid he won't change and sees years of heartache and debt ahead if he doesn't. If nothing else, possibly a postponement. He says he is changing all the time then does something stupid.

Linda, didn't see Oprah, I used to like her show but for some reason can't stand her anymore, that happened a few years ago for me, she just seemed to get too full of herself or something. But I am not a texter and driver. Heck I hardly text, I don't like it but many times it's the only way I can get ahold of my son.

Laura, that's the thing I don't like about the bypass. It seems folks with it don't learn to eat a new way as mucha s we banders do. Their bypass works for them from day one and they seem to gradually be able to stretch it back out if they don't 'get it'. with the band we have to learn to eat smaller portions etc. as we have that restriction with us always with our fills. I hope she gets it and is able to resolve the issues that makes her eat. Maybe as some others have suggested these Beck books would be good for her. Sounds like lots of folks here are getting them.

Eva, hope you fill is the one foryou. I am hoping my fill next week gets me to where I want to be as well. I am debating about asking for 2cc's myself. I was at 11 before and it was too much for maintainance I think 2 will put me at 10 I think but I need to find out. Maybe 1.5.

Janet, can you just move out DN's stuff if he doesn't?? Is he living there w/o power?

Arlene, missed ya today.

Apples, be careful on those roads. But glad you got your hair done. I go next week, the day after my fill. I am trying to decide what to do with my hair. DH doesn't really like it, says it's too flat. I hate messing with my hair and am not sure what to help that. Any suggestions? I liked your hairdo.

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Omw - it's QVC GOLD RUSH - DANGER TIME !!! But I have looked at everything and think I am done

I have already ordered the Bracelet I lost when purse was stolen but it's wasn't in the gold rush and it went up $100 since last yr !!! But I loved that bracelet and got some more hoops that were part of the gold rush - like I needed anymore earrings...

One good thing is that my bracelet didn't have easy pay but since it's my bday month I got to take any item and have it split up in to 4 easy pay :0)

Linda - told you would love Avatar !!! I too thought I wouldn't like it but loved it - will buy it when it comes out on dvd - might just have to get a blue ray to watch it on ;0)

Eva - Glad everything went smoothly... My doc does aggressive fills - he doesn't believe in making you wait for restriction - the only diff is that I'm 30 minutes and you are hundreds of miles - Just becareful.. But this is only your second fill isn't it... Sound like you will be fine

I had eggbeater & habenero cheese omlett for dinner - didn't eat it all - had no problems - So tomorrow I will try meat for dinner - Turkey meat loaf sounds good..

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I know you haven't be online - but Charlene - Me & Eva are reading the Beck Solution - It's cognitive therapy for our issues with food - Maybe you should tell her that you got the book for you and you are getting her one as you find it helpful..

Janet, are you talking about my friend? Anyway, I am starting it today. If there is anyone who has issues with food it is me. I haven't transfered them yet.

Last night, I ate a filet Mignon, carrots, and a few grilled potato quarters........no getting stuck. I was still hungry. I need a tweak! So, until the 18th I will Journal, and tried to stay with Protein. I think this off and on tightening has something to do with my adhesions.

Laura, sorry about your throat. I had my tonsils out when I was two and my kids had theirs out when they were three. We had serious strep problems. I hope you are better real soon. I loved the pic of you and Nels with your dad. Still praying for your dad.

Julie, and all of you northerners.......stay in and off the roads! Apples I think that front will move through fast so you will be able to leave. It came through here last night in about an hour.

Off to church. We have a lot of baptisms this morning and I am the towel girl. lol.......somebody has to do it.

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Good Morning Everyone...

I declare today NO BRA SUNDAY!!!!!!! With so many ppl around here all the time, I rarely have the chance to run around without a bra. Today is the day and I am sooooooo happy. I am sure it is similar feeling for the dog when I take his collar off.

Phyll...I have a facination with the mountains. And to see the snow on them like that must have been just beautiful. We would rather be in the desert on our vacations and not FL but want to be close to DS. We love the forest we are in and the resort but, given a choice, it would not be FL.

Janet...that just sucks about your bros house. Is nephew too old to spank?????????????????

Being out in the sticks and the only 1/2 way decent shopping mall is over 2 hours away, I do a lot of ordering on Amazon.com. I have always ordered all my Protein Bars, flavoured syrups, Vitamins, shoes, loads of books, etc. I always get free shipping if the item is a "Prime" item. I pay so much a year ($79, I think) and I ge 2 day free shipping. It really does pay for itself with the ordering I do.

I am panicing cuz I ordered a bunch of books b/4 Christmas to have on hand for our trip. Well, I've read them all except for 2. Now I'll need to stop at a Barnes and Nobles along the way. I LOVE to browse book stores. I will have hubby drop me off for 4-5 hours and he will head to a farm supply and I will be in my glory. (Him too). Of course, in order to enjoy it, you cannot be in a rush.

Eva...hope you had a good trip and that the fill will be what you need. And...hope you are not beating yourself up anymore. Take a look around at some posts of ppl that are about 1/2 way to their goal. I notice that there are many that get that far and then hit a plateau, get upset they are stuck and kind of go off their plan. So you took a little break...we've all done it. This is where Janet's "boot straps" statement comes in...and, hopefully this fill helps you to make the turn.

Hey Laura...glad you had a safe trip home. Sorry you are feeling funky...no fun. Nice photos. That Nels is such a pretty little boy. We hired small planes once in awhile to take my boys us (just out of our little airport) and that photo of him brought back soem memories. Both of mine always had such a facination with flying. Me too...I would fly every day of my life if I had the chance. Should have become a flight attendant...serve ppl and get paid for it? Hmmmmmmm...I think I missed an opportunity there.

Julie...enjoy sleeping in. I just can't sleep in...don't know why. But, I sleep REALLY good when I sleep. I do still get up a couple times a night and eat. Usually oatmeal as it goes down and I don't have to worry about laying down after eating. But I am lucky in how I sleep.

Happy we delayed our trip till Wed morning. Don't think DS is too happy though. He was looking forward to a being on his own working out here. Him and DH work pretty well together but he was so looking foward to the break. Expecting 7-10 inches of snow today and tomorrow.

OK...gotta run put the damned bra on. DH just got off the phone with a friend. He invited 4 guys to stop in for Breakfast. HE DOESN'T EVEN COOK! Nothing in the frig besides eggs cuz getting ready to go. Off to the freezer I go for muffins and sausage.

Talk to you all later.

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OK...got the guys fed. Made French toast, sausage and threw some homemade Texas muffins on the table (in freezer). I think they licked the plates clean. Now they are sitting at the table talking farming (blah, blah, blah) and about the advantages of geo-thermal heating. (We are doing it next summer and so is DS).

I don't know how, but I missed a bunch of posts last night.

Eva...happy you had a nice trip and got your fill and seem to not be having any troubles. I did not realize that you have only had one fill. No wonder you were being tempted. It's so much easier when there's some help from the band. Fingers are crossed that you have no troubles....

Linda...I have heard so many ppl say that Avatar really is not their kind of movie but really enjoyed it. DH and I will have to look into that. Maybe next weekend.

I saw that Oprah show about texting. We have lost a number of young ppl around here due to texting. My son's lost a really good friend 18 months ago in a firey crash and word was that he was texting. Killed a young wife and mother of two babies. My sons say they do not text and drive. I hope that is the case. There would be a boot to the butt if I ever got wind of it.

Great...hope your tummy troubles are over. No fun. I woke up one morning last week with THE WORST gas pains I have ever had. Do you think maybe it was the 2 pints of blueberries and the 2 cups of blackberries I had the day b/4????? Stupid me. They have always been a favorite of mind with sugar on them...I can't have them in the house unless I bring them in 1/2 pint.

Don't know what to tell you on the hair. When we met, I thought your hair was cute. I am not one for perms and it's hard to tell what that would do for you. Have you had perms in the past? I think the only other thing you could do is the larger curling Iron and use a root lifter. As your favorite hair dresser what he/she thinks. I am so into low maintenence. As I have said b/4, I am into the 2.5 minutes for hair and makeup.

Was DD in Southeast Africa????? She's very smart to consider and try to foresee what kind of like her and DF will have. With what is going on, you'd think he would be into impressing no one but her and trying to change. And, I'm a believer that you can change someone for a little while...maybe and either things go back to how they were or there is resentment for being forced into changing. Better having her heart broken now rather than living a life full of heartbreak.

Janet...Goldrush??? I was having visions of covered wagons, etc. Never have watched QVC. Have no clue but hope whatever you ordered you enjoy. LOL.

Charlene...the front that came through here was not a quick one. It last more than 24 hours. It's clear now but we are expecting 7-10 inches in the next 24 hours and more on Tuesday. We cannot delay our trip past Wed so hoping for somewhat clear roads. One of the guys that came for breakfast said roads are icy and covered with sloppy snow.

Alright ladies...now that we've delayed for a couple of days, I will need to keep myself in check and NOT do any more grabbing of things, throwing in a box and taping. I have packed more than I planned on.

I was going to ask how everyone feels about this. Should we have one planned night in FL (Sat.) where we find a nice restaurant and go out to eat? Or, just play it by ear and either order in? The reason I bring it up is so ppl can be prepared and know what to bring for clothes for going out. Of course, a nice pair of jeans is acceptable almost anywhere.

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Snow pictures... more on FB

OMG, Phyll...DH just looked at these and we both said "Desert next year". Heck, DS is a pilot...he can come see us instead of us always going to him. Yep, desert next year!:cursing:

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Julie, unfortunately, I won't be able to do Florida with you guys :cursing: Thanks for thinking of me...I'd love to meet all of you, and hope there will be another get-together next year.

Laura, as an adult my daughter had a lot of trouble with strep, turned out she was a strep "carrier." Finally had to get her tonsils out at 25. I hope you don't have to go through that. Those airplane pics were cute of Nels...what a cutie he is!

Linda, my mom lives east of Pittsburgh, near DuBois...so it's in the other direction. Beautiful Allengheny mountains there, but so cold and snowy! I'm thinking I might have to just take a day and run there without my husband so I can see her just for a bit.

Janet, I don't envy you cleaning out that place! I once moved into a place where the people had a parrot that they let fly around the house. Talk about poop and seeds everywhere!

I'm lazing around this morning, watching Project Runway...it's one of the faves, since I'm a seamstress. I like it because people actually make the clothes they design. Speaking of sewing, I might have to head down to the sewing room and do some work today.

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Good morning everyone.

Phyl, thanks for posting those beautiful pics. I miss the mountains so much -- so beautiful.

Janet, wtg on the Gold Rush. I'm like Apples, have never ordered from QVC (but have many friends who do). I figure I spend enough money as it is -- why get involved in QVC also. LOL.

Apples, sorry about the weather - we are in a reprieve - in the 40s today -- overnight stayed warm the past two nights also -- it is nice to have all the ice melt and snow is melting - but still cloudy -- supposed to have some sun today -- I think it's been over a week since the sun has been out - it will be nice if it happens. Sorry you had to delay your trip -- that stinks. Oh, and get that bra off as soon as your co. leaves!!!

Got up late, but for once I slept really well - went right to sleep and I think got a good "catch up" on my sleep -- need to get busy though -- lots to do with going back to work tomorrow.

Laura, hope you are feeling better -- I hate being sick -- I seriously think my hip surgery was easier than my cold that I;ve had for past two weeks -- I think cold was more miserable than the total hip replacement. I know, I'm a little weird, but seriously, this cold really kicked my butt big time!

Lori, my heart goes out to your DD. But from experience, postponing a wedding or canceling it altogether is much better than going forward when you aren't sure. Seriously, my first marriage I wanted to cancel but was afraid my parents would be mad, etc. Eight years later, the problems were still on going and I had to divorce - and I had a son -- it was very sad and very hard, but I always said "I should have listened to my gut" that week before the wedding when I felt I should not get married but did it anyway. So I will keep positive thoughts for her. I know you are suporting her in whatever she wants to do -- but don't be afraid to say the words out loud -- like "we won't be upset if you cancel". It might help her to actually hear you say that if you haven't already. Just cause I know if my mom had said that I would have jumped at the chance to cancel -- and I would have done it IMMEDIATELY. I was just a stupd kid, afraid to voice my doubts and worries. But, I always said it must have been meant to be cause I have my son out of that marriage but it sure was hard going through all that at the time. I'm so envious of those of you who have been in long marriages -- I'll never have that -- and wonder what it must be like. I love my DH and we have a good, strong marriage, but we'd have to both live to be 80 to be together 40 years. Of course, yes, that is possible -- especially now that I'm so healthy. LOL.

Well, I must go and get my exercise in. Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday!!! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Hey all~

Still feel like crap. This makes me think that this tonsillitis is viral. Usually strep feels better within 24 hrs of starting antibiotics b/c it is a really easy bacteria to kill. Last night continued to have chills/aches/fever. My lymph nodes are so swollen in my neck that it hurts to turn my head fully. I have had soup/tea/popsicles/fatfree SF icecream/60 cal yogurt. I have lost 3 lbs in the last 3 days by not eating..LOL. Not the way I planned on doing it, but maybe this will "jumpstart" this next phase of weight loss. I really want the 100 lbs off by 1 year anniv. on March 2. 14 lbs is very doable, just need to get my $hit together.

I don't want to lose this post and need to get something for nelson.. brb

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Okay, Apples, take that back about a quick front. I got outside and it is still blowing in. I am hurting all over, but still , not as bad as before medication. I am grateful for drugs that help.

Apples, I have decided that when we retire I am coming to MN for a summer. I want some of your home cooking!

Lori, I bet it is cold there. We have a young couple from the church planning to move to Denver. They went up there last week and said it was 30degrees, but not as cold as they thought it would be.

Janet , I took QVC off of my toolbar so I wouldn't be checking the "today specials". I just have to check it out today. Can't help it.....I am a QVC junkie. I better get to reading the Beck Diet, maybe it will help me with QVC too!

Phyl.....awesome pics!

Okay, gang, gotta get my chores done for the day.

Oh Eva, take that fill slow and easy.

To all on the thread.......Have a great week!

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Okay, Apples, take that back about a quick front. I got outside and it is still blowing in. I am hurting all over, but still , not as bad as before medication. I am grateful for drugs that help.

Apples, I have decided that when we retire I am coming to MN for a summer. I want some of your home cooking!

Lori, I bet it is cold there. We have a young couple from the church planning to move to Denver. They went up there last week and said it was 30degrees, but not as cold as they thought it would be.

Janet , I took QVC off of my toolbar so I wouldn't be checking the "today specials". I just have to check it out today. Can't help it.....I am a QVC junkie. I better get to reading the Beck Diet, maybe it will help me with QVC too!

Phyl.....awesome pics!

Okay, gang, gotta get my chores done for the day.

Oh Eva, take that fill slow and easy.

To all on the thread.......Have a great week!

You're welcome anytime, Arlene, but I would advise you to stay put where you are in the winter. We have friends that leave MN for 2-3 months in the winter. The ones that have gone to TX end up in AZ cuz they say it is too cold and damp for their aches and pains. Glad your drugs are helping.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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