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I got my Beck Diet Solution and Beck Diet for Life in this morning. I haven't read anything, but the red book takes you day by day through the plan. The green one has the plan and positive tips. Okay, I am doing this. I also start back on Monday night with my weight loss bible study. We are studying Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. So, if I don't get something out of these studies.....I may have to eat the books.lol I am sure they would give me that full feeling.

LOL eating the books ;0)

I am going today to look for the book - I think I will hit the bookstore first before I go to bro's house -

It's cold and windy here - snow level is really low on the mountains - the ones behind my house have snow and they only get snow when it's really cold..

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Morning everyone. Jessica, congrats on the 3 lbs -- that's great -- keep up the good work. I know my DS and DIL took out a lot of student loans and grants to get through college -- good luck with getting all that done and behind you. All the hard work will be worth it though when you get the money you need to buy all the books, etc. -- once you are done and are an RN you'll make good money and it'll all be worth the trouble.

Having trouble with FB this morning - makes me grumble.

Apples, hope you made your appt. -- all of our ice melted over night -- well it started yesterday afternoon, but temp stayed up overnight and all the ice is GONE -- only supposed to rain tomorrow -- no ice in forecast so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you can get out of there and head south. We lost quite a few branches off our trees in back yard. Poor trees.

Julie, I understand where you are with DD and Mimi -- I have same issues here with my DSD and DGD -- no father in the picture and we are IT for DSD and DGD -- no one else to help out so we do -- I grumble a bit but when it comes down to it I'd rather have DGD with me than with others -- DSD will say, "well my friend will take her" - no, I don't want some "friend" that we don't know to watch her, I want to KNOW she is safe and well taken care of. My DS was 21 when I met DH and then he had 3 kids who were 3, 8 and 11 at the time. I was all set to be an every other weekend step mom but then their mom decided drugs were more important than her kids so we had to get custody and raised them. Now DSS is turning 21 in March. And DSD better start taking better care of her health (she's 5'7 and down to 110 because she can't hold food down plus she's juvenile diabetic). I am so worried about her health- she is waiting for a "magic" pill to cure her but there isn't one. I keep talking to her about it -- how she has to WANT to get better -- she has a 3 year old depending on her to be HEALTHY -- but it doesn't seem to register. I do worry she will die - she's only 26 but is very unhealthy. Then if that did occur, of course, we'd raise Aylah but boy oh boy at soon to be 58 it would be very tough -- but of course, I'd do it. As we all would - you all know you would. LOL. So, Julie, you aren't the only one out there with this situation -- and I admire you for all that you do - we are both very lucky that we have wonderful DH's to help -- and mine is wonderful with DGD - she loves her "papa" very much.

Arlene, my Beck books shipped a few days ago, hoping they come soon - can't wait to read them.

Janet wtg on treadmill -- I need to get busy now too. Couldn't sleep again last night -tossed and turned until after 3 so slept in again and so far only have cleaned bathroom.

Eva, hope you have a safe trip, take care and hope the fill puts you at your sweet spot. Yeah, like Janet, I think 65 miles is a long trip for my fills -- don't envy you at all - too bad you can't find someone in your area to do fills for you so you don't have to travel so far.

Well, better get to my exercising -- we are thinking of going out of town for Avitar movie this afternoon since the ice is finally melted. CBL Linda

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Janet, I know how you feel. If I was twenty years younger I would adopt one of the Haitian orphans. We just need to pray that young families will be called by God to fill the need. I have donated for years to World Vision. I think I may be on the third child I am sponsoring. It just gives me peace to know I am helping somewhere in this world. We need to not forget what happened in Haiti. They will need us for years to come. Maybe this time we can help them start over and become a thriving country.

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Arlene...I believe you are correct in your way of thinking. We will need to step in and see to it that things take the turn they should in Haiti and continue to help these ppl for a good long time.

Well, I skated to town and slid back home. Just about messed myself a couple of times by sliding sideways. Thank God no other cars were headed by way. When I left the house about 8am, there was some ice on the road. Drive about 35-40 MPH. The 2 hours that I was getting my hair done it snow heavily. All that did was cause a really heavy/icy layer on the road. Even at driving 20 MPH, I slid sideway a few times. Happy to be "younger" and be home safely. Now I don't have to worry about a color or a cut till we get home. Always nice to have your reg person do it. My hairdresser has been doing mine for about 5 yrs. She is now DS's GF. But, I loved her first. She's just a nice, responsible mom of 2, lots of fun and has her stuff together. I told my kids long ago that I would accept whoever they chose to be with. We've been lucky so far. The hard part is that you get so attached after about 2-3 yrs together and then they break it off. We do and have continued relationships with all of their GFs throughout the yrs. And, the boys usually have stayed friends with their ex GFs, which helps.

OK...even though it is crap and not sure why anyone (incl me) would be out on these roads, I have guys to feed today. All of them are out working in the shop trying to finish up some projects. So, better get the meal on the table. Later.

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Eva...good luck with your fill

Jessica...good going on another 3lbs and for working so hard towards your goals! Good girl!

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Hello, it's a bit of a lazy day for me... I didn't get to sleep until about 2:00 and then up again at 6:00 for more pain meds... Then slept til the phone rang at 9:00... So, I guess I'm okay, but a nap sounds good pretty soon... Have done paperwork and laundry... Have some towels to finish yet, but not in a big hurry.. I also did my walking tape again.. It's getting a bit easier... Not winning any races yet, but working at it is better than sitting...

We are going out with friends for supper and then playing cards after... Should be fun.. It's warm enough to melt the ice and dry off a bit before it hits us again later tonight.. Apples, I'm sure glad you made it home safe and are now lovely and ready for your trip... I hate driving on ice... my first accident as a young person was in glare ice and not even my fault... I usually "white knuckle" it on ice....

Jessica, you sound like you are doing well.... Kudos on the 3 pounds... It hard going to school and being a wife and mother... good work...

Yup, Linda, we have good husbands who are great grandfathers.... Mimi just loves her PaPa, too .... Our DD does know how fortunate she is to have us to help her.... doesn't get into the taking for granted thing... I'm glad of that... It's easy to help those who appreciate it and you know are trying... Those who just want a hand out are a different story....

Well, I hear my chair calling my name.... Think I'll go snuggle in it for awhile.... You all have a great weekend... Stay safe and warm.... Julie

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I picked up the "Complete Beck Diet for Life" at the library and skimmed it a bit last night. A big part of it is to plan meals and then make sure you stick to the plan. That has always been very difficult for me to do, because I'm one of those cooks who takes whatever I have in the fridge and makes something out of it. I don't plan menus and have a hard time at the grocery store figuring out what to buy for a week's meals. Usually have to end up sending hubby out to pick up stuff that I forgot. Luckily I have one of those DH's that loves to grocery shop (that way he gets to pick up all his treats).

So maybe I'll have to change my ways (if I can). I like all the charts and affirmations that are in the book. I think I'll copy some of those charts and use them. I do need some kind of help, because I feel like I'm stalled. I think I'm eating too much at night. For the past few weeks, I've just been so "snacky" after I eat dinner. I've limited myself to SF fudgesicles and 100-calories packs of popcorn, but I still want to keep eating. I know I'm not really hungry...just want to stuff my face! And today when I got on the scale, it hadn't moved. Bummer. It almost seems like when I made the -50 lb mark, everything quit. Probably psychological, and I have been eating more.

The closer it gets, the more I wish I were going to Florida with y'all. Dern! We are leaving to go to Pittsburgh the weekend after next to visit my husband's family. I love his sister, so it'll be a fun trip for me, too. Since my mom has declined, we haven't gone anywhere for the past year except to visit and take care of her. My DH misses his family and this time, even though we'll only be a few hours from my mom's, we'll just stay in P-burgh. I'll have to keep this trip a secret from her though. She'd be hurt if I didn't come to see her.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. It is SO gloomy and gray here. Just rain and gloom. I have one of those full-spectrum lights that I use, but it's in my office. I almost feel like going in to the office this weekend, just to get my hit of sunlight!

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Deb...really wish you were going to join us in FL. But, I know how it goes to need to spend time off with family. We like to vacation close to our youngest son that we do not get to see very often. So many other places to travel to but for the last 9 yrs, it's been fairly close to where he lives so that we can see him off and on during our trips.

Good luck with working the Beck solution. It will be interesting to hear what everyone has to say about it. A good way to get back on track and hopefully will hold everyone's interest.

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Thank God you guys didn't fill up 3 pgs this afternoon ;0) You are making my life easier :0)

Jessica - Sorry GF I forgot to congrat you on 3 lbs WTG !!!!

Linda - You are going to love Avatar - it's not my kind of movie at all but I loved it !!!!

My Xdh had 2 girls the same age as my GS 4 & 5 when we got together - when we got together he had his 15 yrs DS living with him - Well we ended up w/the girls - I was lucky they were ok - He was a housedad - so most of it was left up to him - what I reseneted the most was I had his girls but he didn't like me having my GS - Well this is why were didn't last - then yr later his gf had all these kids and he said to me - I am sorry for how I treated your kids - I understand now what it's like to do for someone else kids and not yours..

If the magic man fell in my lap - but he had little ones - I think it might be a deal breaker for me now a days ;0)

Apples - OMG Girl - I don't know how you drive in those conditions - do you have special winter/snow tires or chains?? I am glad you look younger and it wasnt' for your funeral lol - that's a good one - ;0)

I could so totally see you bonding w/DS GF and staying friends - I am good friends w/GS Mom - I love her like a daughter and she loves me like a Mom - we will always have that bond even though her and ds aren't together..

I know how happy you are going to be to see your DS OMW a year is a long time..

Julie - Sounds like you are going to have a fun night - I love playing cards - Enjoy and be safe... WTG on your walking !!

Charlene - When I called last night an donated - I was talking to a lady in Houston - she was really nice - I would love to work on a telathon like that one and the one for Katrinia..

I agree with praying that the younger pple - do step up to the plate - there is a lady here in the desert who was in the process of adopting a Haitian little girl - it was on the news she was worried if she was safe - thank God she was ..

Yes - We (world) need to stand together and help - that area really needs some industry to move there so pple can have jobs - that and getting rid of their corrupt government and from now on get some bldg codes - I know when I was in Jamaica - on a tour they told us school was a privilage - I think only up to 8th grade was mandatory - High School wasn't - and since they are island w/o much commerce - working for the tourist industry or going to America was the only way to escape the poverty

Deb - Here a suggestion on how to plan - make up a menu for the week - write it down - then make of all the items needed - go to the store and buy only the food on your list - then you will have all the ingredients to make your meals - WW has a great cookbook 5 ingredient meals & 20 minute meals.. They are great for ideas of what to eat too..

Since I pretty much eat the same thing all the time - when I go to the store and just by my veggies - fruit - fish - chicken or ground turkey

Night time is the worse for me too - I won't be hungry but want to eat - boredom - rewards for our day - this is where I hope this book comes in handy in motivating us not to eat

Well gang when to bro's house - nephew told me before Xmas he was out - so I went and had a key made for realtor and get to the house - open the door - WTH bags of clothes headboard - motorcycle body - bike - clothes still in the closets - dirty pots on the stove - stuffed animal are all over the house and get this - there's a freaking bird too..

So call DN tell him he has to get his stuff out of the house - that we had 2 calls last week to show it and we need the stuff out !!! -

So I went around and put things in order pilled bags in corners and moved the headboard into a bed room - fed and watered the bird - put his DD stuff in a boxes - just sorta neatened it up..

Told him he has to get it out so that I can get rid of DB stuff - problem is there is no electric - so I can't vaccumm - I guess I am going to have to turn it on so I can get the place cleaned up - it's a total fixer upper - thrashed carpet - formica kitchen & bathrooms.. but hell there is bird seed crap and feathers all over the one room..

This took 3 hrs - then went to book store - OMG I am so spoiled by Amazon - it's so much easier to find books - they only had the work book and pink book - not the green one - then went to look for books on the holucaust - well they don't have a section - you gotta go look in world history - or bio section- well - I am never going to the book store again - amazon is the only place I am shopping for books..

Then went to grocery store got some eggbeaters for bf tomorrow had 1/2 c steel cut oats today..

Well I want to go read the book - will cbl :0)

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Well, I skated to town and slid back home. Just about messed myself a couple of times by sliding sideways. Thank God no other cars were headed by way. When I left the house about 8am, there was some ice on the road. Drive about 35-40 MPH. The 2 hours that I was getting my hair done it snow heavily. All that did was cause a really heavy/icy layer on the road. Even at driving 20 MPH, I slid sideway a few times. Happy to be "younger" and be home safely. Now I don't have to worry about a color or a cut till we get home. Always nice to have your reg person do it. My hairdresser has been doing mine for about 5 yrs. She is now DS's GF. But, I loved her first. She's just a nice, responsible mom of 2, lots of fun and has her stuff together. I told my kids long ago that I would accept whoever they chose to be with. We've been lucky so far. The hard part is that you get so attached after about 2-3 yrs together and then they break it off. We do and have continued relationships with all of their GFs throughout the yrs. And, the boys usually have stayed friends with their ex GFs, which helps.

OK...even though it is crap and not sure why anyone (incl me) would be out on these roads, I have guys to feed today. All of them are out working in the shop trying to finish up some projects. So, better get the meal on the table. Later.

Glad you made it to your hair appt and back home without incident! I grew up in Buffalo NY, so I think I know how to drive in snow and ice, but I sure don't like it. Good thing I rarely have to worry about it!

The rain stopped, at least for now, and the sky was blue and the sun came out! The mountains surrounding Palm Springs were absolutely gorgeous today... covered with fresh white snow. What a backdrop!! But we're supposed to get another storm on Tuesday.

I had to chuckle at your comments about DS's girlfriends. My sister went through that with one of her three sons several times before he married! She'd get really attached and then they'd break up. The other two aren't yet married and I think both are well in to their 30's now. I'm beginning to think neither will marry. One is a recovering drug addict and I think that is causing him commitment problems. The other had OCD and sister has convinced him he should never have kids so he is leary of getting i to serious relationships. I think it's a bunch of bull and she is doing him a disservice! Her only daughter married last summer. She wants grandchildren so bad!

Meredith.. was looking at some of your photos on FB a little while ago. You are certainly a stunning young lady! Love the NYC pictures! I've only been there a couple of times even though I grew up in Buffalo. But I'd love to go back. We have a dear friend, from high school, who lives there and she's been having a real struggle with lung cancer for over a year now and I'd love to go visit her.

You all are quiet today!!

Wish I was joining you all in FL!! Scheduled a trip to Seattle to see DDs, Dr. appts, but that weeked so I could attend a "bandster bash" in Seattle only to find out recently that it was postponed to March! Grrrr! I was after a PS consult!

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Well gang when to bro's house - nephew told me before Xmas he was out - so I went and had a key made for realtor and get to the house - open the door - WTH bags of clothes headboard - motorcycle body - bike - clothes still in the closets - dirty pots on the stove - stuffed animal are all over the house and get this - there's a freaking bird too..

So call DN tell him he has to get his stuff out of the house - that we had 2 calls last week to show it and we need the stuff out !!! -

So I went around and put things in order piled bags in corners and moved the headboard into a bed room - fed and watered the bird - put his DD stuff in a boxes - just sorta neatened it up..

Told him he has to get it out so that I can get rid of DB stuff - problem is there is no electric - so I can't vacuum - I guess I am going to have to turn it on so I can get the place cleaned up - it's a total fixer upper - thrashed carpet - Formica kitchen & bathrooms.. but hell there is bird seed crap and feathers all over the one room..

This took 3 hrs - then went to book store - OMG I am so spoiled by Amazon - it's so much easier to find books - they only had the work book and pink book - not the green one - then went to look for books on the holucaust - well they don't have a section - you gotta go look in world history - or bio section- well - I am never going to the book store again - amazon is the only place I am shopping for books..

Then went to grocery store got some eggbeaters for bf tomorrow had 1/2 c steel cut oats today..

Well I want to go read the book - will cbl :0)

So sorry about the mess at your bro's house! I know.... family, but I'd be tempted to hire someone to come in and haul it all away!

I hear you on the book store issue! Even the library! What a pain! I did find a book that's one of our book club assignments for next month at costco today. I hate the way they display their books in stacks. It's too hard to scan them to find anything. Can't believe I found that book today! So I had to pay a few bucks more for one I ordered from Amazon this week. But guess what... if I'd ordered both of them from Amazon, might have been enough for free shipping.

Busy day today.... I did sleep until almost 8 a.m. Only day I can sleep in is Saturday! Then we went to do our shopping... Trader Joe's, Walmart, costco, plus I had to go to Wells Fargo and SBX! I've been having so many stomach problems... reflux, burping, hiccups... that I bought ONE bottle of Papaya and told Earl he is in charge. I have to ask him for it, so I won't be abusing it and eating it like candy!

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Hey guys~

I am finally back home! Now I am sick with tonsillitis- pretty sure it's strep but of course I won't go to the dr. We have tons of antibiotic samples. Last night I had a fever of 102, severe chills/aches. Feeling a little better today, but can't eat. Warm liquids feel better than cool. I haven't been this sick in a LONG time.

Thank you for all the well wishes for Nelson and his green cast. : ) He really is being a trooper and handling it better than I thought. He's having a hard time getting his pants up after pp and it makes me nervous to send him to school next week. His cast completely immobilizes his thumb and fingers. Too bad he can't wear a dress! ; ) I might buy him some new underwear that is really loose... might make it easier.

Someone asked me about my sister who had Gastric Bypass in June. (can't remember who, think it was eva) Anyway, she has lost 70 lbs and her dr has said she is on the low % of weight loss. I am really worried about her. I am not at ALL perfect with my eating- so I don't want anyone to take it wrong. She is eating WAY too much. She can eat 1 1/2 cups at a time and has SEVERAL (4-5) Snacks a day. 6 saltines and 2 pieces of sandwich cheese for one snack! Although my estimate (of what I see) is ~3000 calories, she is losing weight. My fear is that after a year she will gain it all back. She is also hoarding food and taking it to her room at night. (cold pizza, sandwich, cheese, peanuts) I know all her issues have not been solved and living at home with my parents at age 48 has to be tough. We had a lot of talks and I am trying to be supportive. I always first say something about me and how I lose control, so she doesn't see me as attacking or criticizing her. I am just so worried.

You guys have been soooo busy! No way I can catch up on everything! Goodness gracious! Here goes an attempt:

Apples~ Please be safe on those roads! The things we do to get "younger"! I think you said you were leaving on the 25th. Have a great trip- and we look forward to seeing you on the flip side! : )

Janet~ Your bro's house/nephew situation sounds like a nightmare! That must have you so stressed out. hugs. WTG on getting back to the gym!

Phyl~ LOVED the pics on FB! You look fabulous darling! We also wish you were joining us.

Linda~ so proud of you and all the exercising you are doing! WTG!!! How did you like Avatar? I didn't think I would like it and I did.

Eva~ Can't wait to pick you guys up at the airport!!! I will have Nels with me that day as DH works until Friday at 5pm- then he will meet me there. I am hoping the weather cooperates and stays nice!

Arlene~I am with you on wondering if I need a fill. Today I was tight while flying- but the last few days have been wide open. I took one bite of a soft sandwich so I could take my antibiotic and it got stuck! PBed at the airport in the sink!

I know I am missing many of you. Sorry. I promise to get back on track! Where has Meredith been?

a few pics... nelson before fracture on the tiny plane (he is listening to the airtraffic controllers and pretending to be flying the plane! LOL)... view somewhere over Georgia... Mom, dad and Nels. (dad in his sunroom in his fav chair)

peas and love... peasout... Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Taking a break from my Beck Solutions - tired - so I am having coffee :0)

Phyl - I am surprised you didn't take a pic of the Mtns they are beautiful.... Since I broke my camera and haven't replaced it yet -- I can't lol - but I gotta get a new one before 2/11

Once DN gets his crap out - That's what I plan on doing and a cleaning crew - but will have to turn on elect to be able to vacuum - I get really bummed out when I have to go there. I am such a scarlet - I know he's gone - but being in his house just brings it to the front of my brain - I like it in the back not the front..

Ya I normally get free shipping cuz I order more than $25 in books - I horde books :0) I have so many that I haven't read - hell today I bought one about the end of WWII - you know me and my holocaust fixation - I do think it keeps me in a better frame of mind - I have so much to be thankful for..

I gotta go to the Cementary - my other DN said that my DB's headstone is in.. So need to go buy some flowers walk around and put them on everyones graves - then I don't have to go for another couple years... I'm not a big cementary person - again to depressing -

Tomorrow is my sleep in day - if the DDogs - let me sleep. I still have to do my grocery shopping - Still afraid to eat solids - did have a 50cent piece of rare hamburger last nite... Today just my oatmeal and a mocha frap (lite - no wc) and 2 extra shots of espresso ;0)

You might want to ck w/your band doc while you are home - you should have gotten chewable pecid instead of the payapa stuff - I was having a tad of heartburn - very very very minor but i don't like it so got some more chewable - cuz last night when I was looking for mine - discovered that DG ate them all - hell he eats too much chili - pissed me off..

Oh then - went to fill my scrip for nasal vit B12 and the stupid pharmacy guys say - this is a copy I have to call the doc - OMG - IT'S VIT B12 NOT MORPHINE... Whatever guy - I guess I'll get it Monday..

PS consult - is this from the referral from the doc in 29 palms

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hey there, just checking in before bed.... Well, we beat the tar out of the guys at pinnochle tonight... It was fun to get good hands for a change... Usually I get all the in-between type and can't do much... We whipped 'em and it was fun..... My supper wasn't that great... had a bite of DH's chicken and had to excuse myself to the bathroom.... I ordered small taco salad and they just way over did it on the meat and it was warm and wilted the lettuce so I didn't eat much.... am hungry now.... But don't feel like looking for anything to eat... Guess I should just go to bed...

Laura, just love the pic of Nelson flying.... sorry you are feeling poorly... I'm finally better.... thank goodness.. I think the Zimax and Airborne really help me to get over it much faster.... Sorry you are so worried about your sister... But you know you can't do it for her... Just keep being a good example and she'll find her way eventually I hope....

We have a storm coming in and church has been cancelled for tomorrow... I go to a little country church 17 miles in the country and the roads are already plugged and we are supposed to get 35 mph winds tonight.. So I can sleep in.........if I make it to sleep in the first place... Let's hope.... Not hurting yet.... Oh, I got my schedule for my new physical therapy in the mail today.. This is with a new place..... pain management doc...... twice a week for 4 weeks... don't really know what good it will do, but I guess I'm jumping through more hoops so I can get that damn MRI.......

Sleep well friends.... talk to you tomorrow... Julie

Janet, could you ask a neighbor to let you use electricty with a long extension cord? Around here that's what we would do, but I know things are different where you live.... Too bad you have to turn on power just to vaccuum.... Enjoy your book......

Deb, any way you can actually join us in FL???? would be fun to meet you...

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Laura - we posted at the same time - Hugs on being sick - that's the pits - you are home now - get some rest..

I know you haven't be online - but Charlene - Me & Eva are reading the Beck Solution - It's cognitive therapy for our issues with food - Maybe you should tell her that you got the book for you and you are getting her one as you find it helpful..

Julie - Glad you won !!! I think the pain mgnmt doc's may be of some help - go in with the mindset that they will be able to help - they might be doing something diff..

Well back to my book ;0)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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