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Good evening, just got home from the movie, saw It's Complicated. It was pretty good.

DH & I have already made it clear to both kids, we can't wait for grandkids, can't wait to baby sit, but will not do daycare for them. I've done my turn and don't want to be that tied down again. So, no, Janet, I don't think it's selfish. LOL I admire those that can do it, but not me. My good friend here can never do anything during the week, because of her babysitting and she's so tired and wants to slow down but just feels trapped and that she can't tell her daughter after doing it this many years, etc.

Janet, I will have to remember that dr if we do move.

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Good evening, just got home from the movie, saw It's Complicated. It was pretty good.

DH & I have already made it clear to both kids, we can't wait for grandkids, can't wait to baby sit, but will not do daycare for them. I've done my turn and don't want to be that tied down again. So, no, Janet, I don't think it's selfish. LOL I admire those that can do it, but not me. My good friend here can never do anything during the week, because of her babysitting and she's so tired and wants to slow down but just feels trapped and that she can't tell her daughter after doing it this many years, etc.

Janet, I will have to remember that dr if we do move.

As much as I love my grandkids......I do not babysit them daily. I have picked them up from school and kept them for a couple of hours or keep them maybe so the kids can go out to eat, but I am not their babysitter........I am their Meme.

Now, my DD will be having a c-section so I will be helping out with DGD, but we are looking at mommy's day out twice a week. I told her to get her in now. My DD needs to rest now. She was sick for five months last time and now she is getting yucky. So, Janet.......I am with you and I don't think I am selfish.

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Glad to know I'm not the lone ranger here ;0) on my wanting to be w/gk but not keeping them 24/7 ;0)

Great - If you do move - I will remind you and tell Tommy/aka Brett to look out for you that I referred you to him so you get star treatment ;0)

I am freezing - have fleece pants - thermal long sleeve shirt and sock - and fire place going it's only 68 in the house but I feel like is 32 degrees in here..

Ate my Soup - full but hungry ;0) and now I am ready for bed but it's way too early - if I go to bed - then I will be wide awake - you know how that goes..

popcorn sounds good but - don't think I am ready to try it yet - may have some of my pt puff thingies in a bit..

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Guess everyone is lurking...popping in now and then.

Hey Julie...well if you are willing to sit with the dog then you'd be riding up front with me. Poor DH. (In reality...DH rides up front with me and dog in the back). But, if DH is not along dog is up front.

Poor Mimi. I threw up green Beans once but all I remember about it is that involved the Beatles and Schlitz Malt Liqour.

That's what our dog does...she rides up front when no one is in the passenger seat...the windows have dog slime on them...especially DH's vehicles. I manage to clean mine once in a while. She's having a harder and harder time of getting in the car. She'll be 11 in March and time is taking it's toll.

Friday night... must all be out partying!!

We had Baked Potato night tonight but we decided not to go.

We had leftover meatloaf instead. But... it was a little overdone to begin with and heated up... even dryer. So I slimed... and then just lost a lot of it. Haven't done that all week. The chili has been going down nicely. I should have smothered the meatloaf in catsup!

I think the rain has stopped AGAIN!! Maybe it won't come back this time!

Choir practice as annoying. All the parking spots by the door were blocked with golf carts parked in car spaces! So I had to park way around the side in a golf cart slot! Didn't mind the walk, but I knew it would be raining when I came out. And it was POURING when we were done! But I came out a side door not too far from the car so I didn't get too wet. The other thing that was annoying is that I don't like the music we're using over the next few weeks, it didn't sound good, and we're singing with the orchestra on Sunday and they sounded AWFUL! And the lady who was singing tenor with me decided to switch to alto so now I am the ONLY lady singing tenor with the men. I'm losing my incentive to continue!


Phyl, it's sort of sad that you are disenchanted with your choir group. Having the ability to sing is one of those specials things. So maybe you need to get a golf cart too...you might be able to stash it in a storage unit over the summer. I would love to live somewhere where you could go everywhere in a golf cart....what a hoot!! When you drive through Saddlebrook or Sun City Vistoso people have two car garages...one for the cadillac and one for the golf cart.

Laura, Nels is going to have something to show off at school now...his green cast. As usual, your pictures look great. So you are picking us up at the airport....cool!! I'll be with Janet, we're coming in on the same flight.

Lori, SLC isn't my favorite place either, but you can live anywhere for a while. I didn't care for it in the winter when it gets all socked in and gloomy. You go to Park City and the sun is shinning and its all nice. Utah is a beautiful state however, and there are some great places to go camping. As for the people, hopefully you will draw those that are like you and will like you for who you are, not what religion you are.

Julie, aren't your brother too old to be pulling stuff on your mom? Some people never grow out of their silliness. Check the weather.com site a couple of days before FL and pack accordingly. If it's predicted to be in the 80's then you'll only need light jackets, but it does get cold there (ask Laura) so you might need warmer clothes...depends on the weather.

Jessica...wow lot's going on with school, but so worth the effort. I worked full time and went to school part time for 11 years. Got my degree but never really worked in that field...it's a behavioral science. I still want to shake people silly when they don't do what they are supposed to...not convince them with appropriate and tactful reasoning and language. Getting through school quickly is a good thing too...means more money in and less money out.

Jodi, as you start to work with your band, you'll find you can do pretty much everything you do now, you just won't eat very much and you'll tweak things to make it work for you. I was on Clear Liquids for a week then full liquids for two more weeks, no mushies. Then after 3 weeks, I was on normal food.

Linda...that would so cool if you could join us in Florida. You write such cool posts, it would be great to talk to you too.

Okay, I need to get this load of laundry done tonight so I can get ready to go tomorrow. You probably won't hear from me tomorrow, but we'll see.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


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Well, I have to chime in to defend myself it seems.... I do daycare and nightcare if needed... My DD is all alone with no father for Mimi at all.... He was there for 3 months after she was born, but during that time and during the pregnancy he would abuse my DD... The day I kicked him off our property (they were living in our apartment across the street) he had tried to choke her... I didn't know it at the time I asked him to leave, just that DD was scared to death of him.... If I had known you can bet the cops would have been involved way more.. We did get him for assault.... DD is terrified of taking him for any money... because he might want to get visitation.. He hasn't tried once since the day he left so I doubt it... We found out he has 7 other children and takes care of none of them except what ever child support they share from his job as a mechanic... He's a slug and we want no part of him... They are way better off without him... Even his parents told DD to stay away and don't send any damn pictures either!!!! Nice huh??? So, we do everything we can to help her over the hump... She is finally showing signs of life again, making friends and going out some.... So we keep Mimi sometimes so she can have fun, too... I'd give anything for her to find a nice man who wants to love her and Mimi and make them a good life.. Then I can do like you say and babysit when I want to......but for now they need us and we can't refuse them... I do pretty much as I please and don't stay home just because of her... It's heartbreaking to watch your daughter be so scared she can't go into a dark house.. That's what that animal did to her... At first she was just petrified that he would come after her and try to hurt them again... We had the cops doing guard duty around her house for awhile even....

So, anyway, that's why I do daycare and am happy to do it... Nothing is more important than that precious little girl..... And I have DH to help out... He is great with her...


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Julie, it is awesome that you are able to help your DD with Mimi. Had one of my kids been in a situation like your DD I am sure I would have stepped up and kept my grand child daily. It has been 16 years, but I did keep my oldest GD when her mother worked part time in the evenings and my DH helped me too. Right now, he has to help me because I can't pick up over twenty lbs or I will be down. I was just saying I don't think it is selfish not to keep my grandkids while their parents work. I have nine of them, and my kids take note of who's kid I keep the most. Now the person who requires most of my attention is my mother. I want to be there for her whenever she needs me.

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Oh Julie, hugs!!! No need at all to defend yourself. Different strokes for different folks!! I even said in my post that it wasn't for me and I admire those that can do it. I didn't mean it as a slight at all. And if my DD was in a similar situation, you bet I'd step in and help out. What I was more referring to was my DD's current situation. Her fiance wants to have all these expensive cars (Corvettes) and DD to work after kids and she said something what about all we'd spendon daycare? his response, that is what grandparents are for. I don't want to be a taken for granted day care provider but I do want very much to baby sit and be a huge part of their lives. It all depends on the situation. How lucky for Mimi to have you in her life!

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Thanks for reassuring me that you don't think I'm letting myslef be taken advantage of.... There are days I get tired..... You know how many medical trials I've had the past year, but we have managed somehow to keep going... And Arlene, I have the mother problem, to... do all her finances and she checks in with me daily.... I get it from every angle.... That's why I was trying to hitch a ride with Apples.!!!!!!! Time to sleep... My shoulder isn't aching right now, so I'm going to try to go sleep in the bed tonight.... And no reason to get up early tomorrow.... Maybe I can catch up a bit.... Goodnight all........ Julie

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Good Morning....

All I heard all night long was ice hitting the house and the wind blowing. We are really getting hit with this ice storm. Fingers and toes crossed that it does not take out our power. Still dark outside but I can tell that it's raining. Maybe I can still make it to my hair appt this morning. Our temp is supposed to drop by afternoon and that's where we will run into trouble.

Completed my packing. Everything is in one corner and waiting to go into the truck. And, no, I did not take 23 pairs of shoes. Just my regular boots I always wear, few pairs of my favorite sandals and sneakers. Even when trying to pack conservatively, I have quite a few boxes and a couple of storage bins. I know I will appreciate having what I really need (and want) down there.

DH was giving me crap last night about taking so much. (At least he did it with a smile on his face). Told him anymore comments and his box would stay home. Needless to say, he backed off. He could get by with a container of trail mix and 2 pair of underwear and be happy. I, on the other hand, am high maintenence when it comes to what I want on hand.

Just thought I would stop in and say Good Morning. Want to get all my floors done b/4 I head in for appt. (if).

Hey..forgot to mention yesterday...PHYLL....what an exercise queen! Bet it was fun though. Also, wish you were coming to FL.

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Thanks for reassuring me that you don't think I'm letting myslef be taken advantage of.... There are days I get tired..... You know how many medical trials I've had the past year, but we have managed somehow to keep going... And Arlene, I have the mother problem, to... do all her finances and she checks in with me daily.... I get it from every angle.... That's why I was trying to hitch a ride with Apples.!!!!!!! Time to sleep... My shoulder isn't aching right now, so I'm going to try to go sleep in the bed tonight.... And no reason to get up early tomorrow.... Maybe I can catch up a bit.... Goodnight all........ Julie

Julie...as Great said...no need to defend yourself. I am sure that any one of us would have stepped in like you did if our child or grandchild were in that situation. I feel the same as others...would prefer it to be my choice when I take my grandchildren. As everyone knows, I cannot wait for the day. I think we all understand your situation with Mimi and little better and thanks for sharing.

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Good Morning Gang

Julie - GF as everyone said - no need to defend yourself - there is nothing to defend - You are doing what you have to do - Hell I have my 18 yr old Grandson have had him most of his like (except from 4-11 and even in those yrs had him often). I just couldn't imagine having to do it at this age - would I yes. Heck God forbid anything would happen to DS & DIL I would end up with the girls - but I would have to see a shrink to keep it together lol

Last night watching the Haiti's telathon - I told DS I would love to adopt one of those poor children - he said why don't you - I said I am too damn old - he said kids aren't hard - I said nope little ones are but teenagers are - and I barely survive raising you and you weren't half bad - I couldn't do it again - I'm 55 (well almost) and another 20 yrs of kids - nope won't volunteer for it - but if I had to I would.. Might become a xanax addict thought :0)

I guess what I was saying I was glad that I don't have to step up and do it - When DS lived here I did - I had to pickup GD's a few times a week, feed them etc..

I really do admire what you do and I have been where your DD was too and it's great that you are there for her - I had my sister and we switched off babysitting with each other back in the day..

So gf don't ever feel you have to defend yourself on helping w/Mimi - We were really just saying that you are wonderful for doing it and you enjoy it so.

Apples - Hugs on your ice storms - hope you can make the hair appt - drive careful...

I have never had to pack for 6 weeks away from home - the most was 10 days and that's tough - you don't know what you are going to feel like wearing and then you do have to have the shoes to go with the outfit.. I know packing for the cruise last yr was a pain - trying to decide what to take.

Even on my little jaunts visiting my #7 and coming to FL - it's going to be hard to figure out what to take - cuz I try to do carry on so that I don't have to wait for the luggage - I hate waiting and hoping my luggage made the trip w/me..

I haven't even begun to think about what I am bringing to FL

Will wait till the week before ck weather and figure it out from there ;0)

Eva I know you are gone by now - good luck on you fill today. I would hate having to travel so far to get one - hell 20 miles is too much for me - I think that's one reason I have put it off so long - I guess mostly it's cuz I have to take off work (which I rarely do) and I know how they frown on it.. They want you at your desk 24/7 - hell they think we have too much pto as it is.. So if my current fill is too tight I will live w/it til Friday and then go and get some taken out - so far I can drink and I know last time I could barely drink - so we will see how it goes..

Well gang need to get dressed for the gym - looks like our rain has stopped - haven't turned on the tv yet so don't know the forecast yet - but I know they said rain was suppose to stop this weekend but another storm coming in next week - but as we all know (well at least here in the desert) the weathermen are rarely right ;0)


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have you ever considered just sponsoring a child. We use to sponsor one (till hubby lost his job). It was 32 dollars a month through Compassion. We even got to send letters back and forth. We picked the little guy we sponsored because the poor boy was wearing sandals with flowers on them. We got to send him 10 dollars for his birthday. It was amazing how far it went. Lots of new clothes and even 20 pounds of rice for the family. They sent us pictures all the time. They were so grateful. It is amazing to change a families life that way.

Good morning gang,

Everything going great today. Eatting well and down 3 more pounds.

I found a program through social security that they will help me get through school. Not sure how much I can get but every little bit is something. I have to write out a proposal though. It is quite lengthy and detailed about how much everthing will cost. From laptops to uniforms and pens. I have to explain how every little thing is neccessary and how this will help me get off disability. Then it has to be approved. I hope I do a good job with it. I am thinking about meeting with my therapist and seeing if she can help me through the proccess. Just to make sure I think of everything I will need.

Talked to my hubby last night about the financial aspects of school. The first semester may cost us about 2000 dollars. We were planning on sending my son to private school next year but may not be able too if we have to pay that much. My husband was kinda spoiled in the way that he only spent a year in public school. I was in it for 10 years and was homeschooled the last bit. I don't see it as such a terrible thing but he thinks it is almost abuse to send him to public school. Plus it will only be for 1 year. Then we will have the money for private school. My son had some behavior issues at other schools. Thats why my hubby wants to keep him in the school he is in now. They keep better control of the kids in a healthy way. Without threats and negative reinforcements. My MIL has offered to pay half the tuition but we still don't think we can afford half. Plus, We want to have financial independance from her. Anyway that's what's going on here. Hope you all have a great day.

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Hey Gang

Back from the gym - it kicked my A$$ - I hadn't been on the treadmill since last friday.. Did 3 mile only but burned 500 cal - I had 7 minutes left but said hell no - I was done - I really had to make myself go this morning - but I did it - now have to shower and go get keys made and ck bro's house to see what condition it's in and then want to get that book then my normal weekend stuff..

Jessica - I have heard bad stuff about those sponsor programs -that half the $$ goes to the organizations that run them - I guess I could do some research and see if I can find one that's legit..

I know that when my DIL went to nursing school she got tons of grants and some student loans - there is tons of $$ out there for students you just got to do a lot of work to find them and then the whole applying process..

I went to private school from 2nd grade to 7th grad- Both my GS & GD went to the same Catholic school I went to - but it was due to the schools in our district - 6th grade gs went to public school but it was a baccalaureate school so it wasn't too bad - it really depends on the neighborhood you live in and how good the school itself is - where it stand in I don't know the word some schools are under performers and others aren't - it depends on the type of students - here in the desert we have a lot of migrant workers who's childrens 1st language is spanish and so those schools don't have the same grades as the schools where the majority of the kids speak english.

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I got my Beck Diet Solution and Beck Diet for Life in this morning. I haven't read anything, but the red book takes you day by day through the plan. The green one has the plan and positive tips. Okay, I am doing this. I also start back on Monday night with my weight loss bible study. We are studying Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. So, if I don't get something out of these studies.....I may have to eat the books.lol I am sure they would give me that full feeling.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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