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Laura, What a trooper. Love the color, we call that Michigan State University green!!! go MSU lol

Laura K

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Laura....poor little guy. Hope the bones heal the way they should.

You look so good. What a nice photo of you.

Small plane? Where is it? I want to hire it to take me to Atlanta. Can always meet Keith and the dog down there.

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Hello again. Finished up my 1 hour step aerobics and 1 hour walking -- then showered, ate lunch, did a few chores, and caught up reading here - you've all been busy today.

Lori, if it's humanly possible, I will try to make it -- depends on a lot of stuff -- I don't think I can, but I'll check it out when I return to work next week. I know I'm going to miss out a lot if I don't come - and I would love to be there, but don't think it will happen. SLC -- I've never been there - so I'll show up some day on your door step to visit -- heard it's really a beautiful city -- I love mountains, so anywhere with mountains, I'd love. I hear ya on the Morman issues - had an aunt and cousins who were briefly morman, then of course, living in Reno, there's lots of Mormans there too -- most of my son's friends in H.S. were Morman (which wasn't a bad thing -- they didn't drink) -- of course, some of them did, but for the most part between them playing football, weight lifting and being Morman, they didn't drink. LOL. There are nice ones too that leave you alone - just gotta be strong and say, "not interested" -- I never had anyone treat me badly - sorry you had that experience before -- I think now you are older and would probably say something back like, "well, since I haven't seen you at my church either, I guess maybe you're not worth meeting either." Or "why do you have to be such a B___hy Morman? You're hubby must not be very good in the bedroom." That would fix her.

Apples, I do hope the weather won't keep you from leaving. We are having a slight reprieve today - a LITTLE of the ice has melted from the patio, but trees are still heavily laden and most of the town is without power. I am SOOOOOOO lucky to live in a neighborhood with underground wires. DH went to Walmart to buy something and they were closed due to power outage -- so you KNOW it's bad out when even the 24-hour Walmart is CLOSED. He said all the traffic signals are out - traffic is backed up. We have generators at my office so they're open.

You gals talking about a job -- that's what I have -- my retirement job -- it's fun, without stress, and I don't have to think very much. Unlike my previous job (paralegal for civil trial attys.) it's a breeze -- and they actually pay me to show up every day -- truly a fun job -- customer service. It's exactly the kind of job I used to dream about -- pay is not great, but then I don't have to think much. LOL. And, we have tremendous benefits, so it evens out.

Jessica, I'm a little concerned cause you seem to throw up a lot. I'm concerned you are too tight and maybe a slight unfill would be helpful -- either that or you really need to slow down, cut that food up into tiny tiny (size of eraser at end of pencil) bites -- seriously -- I'm worried you'll damage your band with vomiting -- my surgeon told me if I ever had problems like that to call for an unfill IMMEDIATELY -- he said thowing up is the absolute worst thing for our bands -- I'm not trying to scare you, but please please take it easy and/or call your doctor's office and let him know whatis going on with you. At least if he knows and he says it's okay you've got clearance from your surgeon so if anything happens, he'll bear some of the responsibility for it. Remember, the band is not a magic cure -- we still have to work hard at keeping track of what we put in our mouths and be accountable and move our bodies with exercise to help the band do it's job. Please understand, I'm not trying to be preachy, but I'm just concerned and sending hugs. I'm a year out and I've never vomited -- and only had one actual pb episode and that was just last week -- so you can see why I'm a bit concerned.

Laura, sorry about Nelson's hand - he was very brave -- you look HOT in those pics -- you are looking prettier and younger every time I see a new picture. I bet your mom and dad are proud of you too -- how's your sis doing with her food and her bypass? I know you were saying around Christmas that you thought she was over eating or eating the wrong things -- hope she's doing better now.

Okay, preachy linda will go do something and cbl.

Have a great afternoon!! Stay dry and warm everyone. Linda

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Linda...you almost made me blow my cocoa with your statement about "bit_chy Morman" thing.

I must have missed something in Jessica's post. Thought she said it was going good again on solids. Yep, like Linda said, gotta take it easy and chew and not good at all to throw up at this stage or if you can absolutely help it. I know you are trying, Jessica. Just watch the bite size and really chew.

Well, we are starting to get hit. It's still only 33 degrees so rain is not freezing yet. They are saying a couple inches of ice. Great. I made a hair appt for tomorrow morning so it would last the entire time we are gone. Sure wish I would have done it earlier in the week. Will try to make it and might just have to drive on shoulder of road the entire way. Been there, done that.

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Good afternoon. BAck from lunch with DH and doing my therapy exercises at the rec center. Now sitting here with ice on my knee and laptop on my lap in my recliner. LOL Having a lazy day though I was out of the house more than I planned on.

Julie, it's not that I wasn't secure in my own religion when I lived in SLC before, I think it was more my own issues with rejection. I have always felt unworthy, not good enough and had fears of rejection and their treatment of me just reinforced that. Losing this weight and dealing with so many of these issues has definitely made me stronger. I have nothing against the Mormon people, it was just their treatment of me. And I've had friends since living in UT that are Mormon and it's totally different. I think because in UT it is such a majority or something. I still have some close friends there from when I lived there before, but do realize you can never go back. Who knows if those friendships will be the same if I go back or not. We still keep in touch though.

Linda, I love some of your comebacks. That would be awesome if FL would work out.

Jewel, good luck on your scholarships. You sound very smart. Go easy on the solids, tiny tiny bites, about the size of your pinky fingernail or a pencil eraser.

Apples, Does DH have any room in the truck? LOL Does your dog get to ride inside with you or in the back? I'd miss my dogs that long too.

We aren't getting any rain or ice storms but is supposed to be colder, we are very cloudy but must be on the fringe of the storms. Southwestern CO is getting hammered with blizzards.

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Great...dog rides in the truck with us, of course. Has never rode in the back. His mother does not allow that. Too unsafe. And, he insists on leather seats.

Our truck we will be bringing came with a Waldoch package. It's a four door and the back is covered with a hydraulic lid the same color as the truck so everything we are bringing will be clean and not wet. Otherwise, I would not be traveling...I'd be in the air.

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We've been talking new vehicle and I want an Expedition for the reason of having the dogs inside with us when we go camping and to SD. Dh says they can ride in their crates inthe back. Not my baby!! But never thought of a 4 door truck for that reason. HMMMM But it will be my main vehicle and think I'd rather have the Expedition vs a pickup. for sure 4 wheel drive for the snow.

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OMG, Laura, your poor little guy.... But he does look as though he made it through in good shape.... It will probably bother him when it starts to itch!!!! Glad you will be coming home soon... You all need the routine again... Take care

Apples, sorry about the ice... We are getting snow here, very wet stuff..... the roads are awful, says my brother who just came home from Bismarck.... I'm content to stay in and veg out for the night...

Mimi was better today, but after falling asleep for a much needed nap she started coughing.. I had her propped up, but once she started it kept on until she threw up all the phlegm that must catch in the back of her throat... Then she starts gagging and it all comes.. she had green Beans in her hair and all over my couch... I know........TMI........... I got her in the tub and all the blankets and clothes in the washer and all was well after she quit coughing... DD just called to say she fell asleep sitting up in the chair and was going to leave her in hopes that mess won't happen again.... Poor baby...

Lori, I understand about not knowing if you can go back and pick up old friendships... People move on and you lose some of your connections... But you'll make new ones, too...... It will all work out I'm sure....

Linda, oh, if you could only make it to FL I would be so happy... Glad to hear you may at least try.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed..... You are just an exercising dynamo..... good for you...

Arlene, congrats on the new addition.... You'll have a job like mine then..... Lots of work, no pay, many benifits..... It's a good way to spend the day... especially when they are little.....

DH went out to move snow from in front of the door, but he's fighting a losing battle....

Apples, I'm putting off getting my hair colored and such till closer to time for FL, too.... Just be careful on the shoulder...... you can get pulled down pretty easy... but you farm girls are tough!!!!!! I used to be one...... I'm kind of wussy anymore.... DH takes good care of me.....

I have renewed drama on the family front again... Mother and brothers.... Just when I think it may fade inot the background something happens to stir it all up again... One brother pulled a fast one with mother a couple days ago and I'd like to ring his neck... Now the rest are all stirred up and things are about ready to blow sky high..... I'm thinking of coming to FL early and staying longer!!!!!!! How much room do you have in the pick-up again, Apples????? I'll sit with the dog!!!!

Well DH is back again and it's time to spend some quiet time, just us.... It stays pretty busy around here most of the time and we get little time to ourselves... Just nice to sit and be still together.... Talk to you all later... Julie

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We've been talking new vehicle and I want an Expedition for the reason of having the dogs inside with us when we go camping and to SD. Dh says they can ride in their crates inthe back. Not my baby!! But never thought of a 4 door truck for that reason. HMMMM But it will be my main vehicle and think I'd rather have the Expedition vs a pickup. for sure 4 wheel drive for the snow.

When I had my agencies, I always bought sporty cars. Not sure why...just had always had one. I've been driving 4 door pickups for about 10 yrs now...ever since I became a full time farm wife. I've been looking at a Cadillac SRX (crossover) but I think I have detachment disorder when it comes to my truck. I have lots of GM points built up and they are just like $$$ on a new purchase. Maybe after this trip I will make the purchase. My dog will still ride in the front seat with me though.

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Hey Julie...well if you are willing to sit with the dog then you'd be riding up front with me. Poor DH. (In reality...DH rides up front with me and dog in the back). But, if DH is not along dog is up front.

Poor Mimi. I threw up green Beans once but all I remember about it is that involved the Beatles and Schlitz Malt Liqour.

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Hi all.

Caught up on reading this thread. Got a funky throat--not quite sore--maybe choir practice and a lot of teaching. Not sleeping real well the past few days. Hope to catch up this weekend. Laura, sorry about Nels fingers. When grandson David was three he broke his arm in a wierd way that required putting him under to set and a fall could make it unset. She was supposed to keep him from running and riding his bike which he'd just learned to do. She just looked at the Dr. and said, "Are you nuts? He's autistic, it's summer, he's three, and you want me to keep him still?" He could no longer swim, jump on the trampoline or ride his bike. Well, he made it through and so did his arm, but he was far from still. That boy started running at 10 months and never stopped.

Linda, loved the biatchy mormon crack.

Apples, I hope you beefed up the springs and tires on your truck. Pots and pans???? LOL!

Wore my new Apt.9 skinny jeans today to work. Love the way they fit. It's called the Maxwell fit. It was Freestyle Friday today so kids and I were all checking out each others skinny jeans. We've also been chanting, "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a fool wit' your pants on the ground." Saw it on Idol last week and lmao. Kids have all seen it too since it went viral on U-tube. Had a 5th grade girl ask me yesterday if I knew my shoes, socks and pants all matched (they were khaki/beige).

Gonna chill and see if there's any good music on hopeforhaitinow.org.

Then I think I'm hittin' the hay early.



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You all have been busy ;0)..

ROTFLMAO - on the Mormon comment - that was to freaking funny...

Laura - Poor Nelson - glad he's ok ;0)

Angel rides on the arm rest between the front seats when traveling - Bear in the back seat cuz Andrew isn't giving up the front seat lol

I like the new Cadi Crossover - I had a Jeep Grand Cheorke - swore I would never go back to a car - but I did ;0) - I love my car ;0)

I have been to SLC once in March for a Insurance Women Conference - Went to the temple/church and listen to the choir pratice - but that's all I saw -

I grew up w/a Mormon in fact he lives in SLC and Great you gotta go to him for your Mamo - he's a mamo DR - Brett Parkinson - His Dad was our family Dr - His middle name is Tommy and that's what we all called him - but he went back to Brett

That's something I dislike about some religions - the ones that think they are the only true one - heck they all are break off of one - who in the heck knows - and who cares all God cares about is that you are a good person - I don't think he cares what title you put on your religion - jmho :blush:

Linda - I am ready for your kind of job !!!! Mine requires too much thinking :)

I admire you Julie for having GD like you do - I couldn't do it like you do - I don't mind having GD for a few hours - but not everyday - my DS said I wasn't a good mexican (dil mom is mex) cuz she did babysit when they lived in brawley - I don't want to babysit... I am just to selfish :0) - I don't think I would want to do it even if I didn't work - but I love my evenings to myself and not running around picking up GDs'

I was so glad when Andrew got his license... but hell I've been a mom since I was 16 - and I'm almost 55 still playing mom - not that Andrew requires attention - but still always worried where he is what he's doing etc..

Hugs on Mimi cough - I was sick like that once - coughed so much I would throw up.. Doc almost put me in the hospital

Jessica - Glad you had a better food day ;0)

I am drinking coffee been awake since 3:30 - I need my second wind ;0)

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Where in the heck is everyone tonite ;0)

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Where in the heck is everyone tonite ;0)

Friday night... must all be out partying!!

We had Baked Potato night tonight but we decided not to go.

We had leftover meatloaf instead. But... it was a little overdone to begin with and heated up... even dryer. So I slimed... and then just lost a lot of it. Haven't done that all week. The chili has been going down nicely. I should have smothered the meatloaf in catsup!

I think the rain has stopped AGAIN!! Maybe it won't come back this time!

Choir practice as annoying. All the parking spots by the door were blocked with golf carts parked in car spaces! So I had to park way around the side in a golf cart slot! Didn't mind the walk, but I knew it would be raining when I came out. And it was POURING when we were done! But I came out a side door not too far from the car so I didn't get too wet. The other thing that was annoying is that I don't like the music we're using over the next few weeks, it didn't sound good, and we're singing with the orchestra on Sunday and they sounded AWFUL! And the lady who was singing tenor with me decided to switch to alto so now I am the ONLY lady singing tenor with the men. I'm losing my incentive to continue!


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Where in the heck is everyone tonite ;0)

lol......that is what I was thinking last night. I thought maybe all of you where in a chat room and I didn't get the memo....lol

Well, the weather is changing because my stomach is doing flip flops. I haven't done very well on my plan today. I have been grazing today. Not on bad stuff.....just too much stuff.

I am going to the dr on the 18th. It is a checkup so I have to have blood work. Some days I think I need a fill...some days not. It must have something to do with this new acquired syndrome.

I guess I will stay of for Conan tonight. I don't really like him, but the stuff going on between him and NBC is entertaining. This is his last night.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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