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Hey Gang,

I finally got some food down this morning. Yay! I am getting a bit tired of the Protein Shakes. Yesterday, I was so embarrassed. I tried eating tuna in the cafeteria and didn't make it to the bathroom. I got sick right in the garbage can. I only had 2-3 bites. Thankfully noone seemed to notice. I hope.

I joined a club at school yesterday. Feels kinda childish to be in a club but there were older people there. The director of nursing came in and gave us a talk about the selection proccess. I think I have a good chance. I would start clinicals in sept-oct. You need 120 points to get in and I already have 102 and haven't taken the entrance exam yet. Which counts for almost another 100 points depending on your score. I am concerned about my disability though. I don't know if they will let me keep it if I am able to do clinicals. I have a review at the end of this year. It is a 16 month program which is less than a year and a half. I am so excited. I do have a pell grant to help with finances but will still need a scholarship for the rest. I will be taking the entrance exam next month and then again in May. They will take the highest score of the 2. I hope all this hard work pays off. My family really needs this.

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Mornin' Girls...

Can't believe I have not gotten on here yet today.

Charlene...enjoy your lovely weather. We are expecting freezing rain tonight and all through the weekend and into Monday. It will most likely delay our trip by a day or two. I really, really don't want it to. I want to get out to my son who I have not seen in a year. I really, really want that bear hug.

I a still "tweaking" my packing today. Was sooooooo much easier when we flew done there. Could only take so much and that was it. Now I have a couple of my favorite pots and pans for cooking, coolers of beef for my son, extra clothes (cuz, why not, taking a truck).....Pillows (thermapedic...our fav), etc., etc., etc.....Do I need to take all that? Yep, in my own mind I think so. Told DH he cannot say a thing. He doesn't have to tough it and I am the one packing. We'll see how he handles it.

Great...hope things all fit together for you with the move, what DD is going through right now, the house sale, DH's job, etc. Yep, I think you need a girl's retreat!

Janet...hope this fill is what you needed and not too much for you like the last time.

Well, better tend to the stove. I have a few extra for noon today. BBQ chicken on a bun, steamed green Beans, oven roasted seasoned potato quarters, Special K bars and cranberry cream cheese bars. That's the menu for today. Now gotta go set the table. This afternoon is completing the packing (repacking) and be done with it so we can relax and enjoy the weekend. No plans due to weather. Just hope we don't get what Linda got and have to deal with down power lines, etc. Oh well, DS will just have to handle the after affects of this storm if we can even get out of here. Have a good one!

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Hi girls, got Mimi early again today, but she is better.. She slept till 8:30 so I could, too..... However, like you, Linda, I had a bad night and it was after 2:30 last time I looked at the clock.... A short night.... But Mimi is at least playing with toys today.. Yesterday she just wanted to lay on me and watch tv.....The medicine has stopped the sneezing and now we just have the incredible runny nose...... But I have at least managed to do a couple things today... She will be leaving at 3ish, so I'll have some of the day to accomplish a few more chores... DH is in and out.. He is helping our local auto body man paint his next tractor... This one isn't as special, so he didn't take it away and pay $1000 for a paint job... He is helping with all the grunt work this time.... should be a much smaller bill... This one is green, so Laura, I'll have to put a picture up for Nelson when it is done....

Lori, I've been to Salt Lake City a number of times and my goddaughter lived there for many years.. She mentioned the Mormon thing, too.... She was young, too, so hopefully now that you are older and more secure in your own religion you will handle that differently... Your decision to let DH and God handle it is a wise one... Best of luck.....

Linda, the ice was awesome... We are headed into a blizzard for the weekend... Not looking forward to it much.... You'll have to let us know how the Zumba tape is.... I have never heard of this exercise.. It's mostly dancing?????

Jewel, glad you are doing better with the food... and good luck with the club thing and your school.... You've got a lot hanging on doing well....

Janet, glad you are doing well and you, too, Arlene... This weather is just all over the place these days.... rain, sun, snow, blizzard...... Guess it takes all kinds to make the world....

NY, good luck breaking your traditions... I'm still working on it, too..... Just had such a craving for Cookies last night.... finally had to find a store bought one..... dang it.... DH has a stash... I can usually leave them alone, but not last night!!!!

Phyll, I used to love sitting in our hot-tub in the rain... even in the snow...... but we moved it inside because we had to walk to far in the winter and it was just too cold... Now it's in the garage and still cold in the winter, but we can walk out there with a robe or our clothes and change without getting frost bite!!! Sounds like you had a great time and exercise on top of it....

Janet, I made an appointment for a fill for next week, too... Hope mine goes as well as yours... My PA says I'm close to sweet spot, but I never hit it.... at least not what I'm expecting it to be.... I need more help from my band than I'm getting...

DH just came home so I should get him some lunch... Talk to you all later I hope... Julie

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Apples, we must have been posting about the same time.. I wondered what was keeping your attention from here today... That packing is job... I'm already worrying about packing for FL.... I didn't want to have to take a big bag and pay all that extra, but the more I think about what I want in case of different weather, the more I think I have to..... Then I won't have to worry about lifting it or pulling it.... don't know what they charge, but guess it is the better idea.....

Hope the ice misses you and us, too... take care...

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Hey Gang,

I finally got some food down this morning. Yay! I am getting a bit tired of the Protein Shakes. Yesterday, I was so embarrassed. I tried eating tuna in the cafeteria and didn't make it to the bathroom. I got sick right in the garbage can. I only had 2-3 bites. Thankfully noone seemed to notice. I hope.

I joined a club at school yesterday. Feels kinda childish to be in a club but there were older people there. The director of nursing came in and gave us a talk about the selection proccess. I think I have a good chance. I would start clinicals in sept-oct. You need 120 points to get in and I already have 102 and haven't taken the entrance exam yet. Which counts for almost another 100 points depending on your score. I am concerned about my disability though. I don't know if they will let me keep it if I am able to do clinicals. I have a review at the end of this year. It is a 16 month program which is less than a year and a half. I am so excited. I do have a pell grant to help with finances but will still need a scholarship for the rest. I will be taking the entrance exam next month and then again in May. They will take the highest score of the 2. I hope all this hard work pays off. My family really needs this.

Hey Jessica...you are a busy girl. Happy to hear you are back on solids and doing OK with them. Take it easy here at first...chew really well. If you are getting tired of the Protein Drinks (I only had 1 and that was b/4 surgery...couldn't get past the smell) try something else in the morning. Greek yogart, cottage cheese with a little fresh fruit, etc. Gotta mix up that menu so you can stay interested and look forward to your meals.

OK...a couple of snoopy questions (just cuz I care and want to know what you are up to). Do you need to join this club to qualify for the scholarships? And, are you getting some classes gifted to you with this club? I guess I have never heard of scholarships working that way. My DS was gifted a couple of scholarships that he applied for but they did not work like you are describing. Well...no matter how you have to go about getting this scholarship, I will keep my fingers crossed in hopes that you do.

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Lori, I would love to go to Florida and bring my mother, but she is legally blind. She doesn't go places she hasn't been before because it makes her too nervous. I just get excited reading all of your posts. It will be a blast!

I wondered how it would be to live in Utah. It looks like beautiful country. I would think that a big city would be more accepting of other religions. I hope you will find a new church home with lots of friends.

Apples, I am so happy you are going to see your son. I am going to keep you in my prayers as you travel to Florida.

You are such a fabulous cook. I think you ought to start an online business selling one of your low cal Desserts. I saw a lady on tv yesterday that had lost her job. She was known for her low calorie Bagels. She invested money in an online bagel business and now she is making millions.

Gotta go walk again. Later!

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Apples, we must have been posting about the same time.. I wondered what was keeping your attention from here today... That packing is job... I'm already worrying about packing for FL.... I didn't want to have to take a big bag and pay all that extra, but the more I think about what I want in case of different weather, the more I think I have to..... Then I won't have to worry about lifting it or pulling it.... don't know what they charge, but guess it is the better idea.....

Hope the ice misses you and us, too... take care...

Julie...you can pack your warmer weather clothes but just make sure you have a sweater for fall type jacket to put on if it is chilly. A couple long pants, a couple pair of capris, a couple of longer sleeved shirts and any short sleeves shirts and just throw your jacket on, if needed.

Where we are staying is a wooded resort and pretty low key. Last year I just didn't have enough layers. I had just lost all my insulation and it was an unusually cold winter down there. We were there earlier though and think it will be different this year. I am actually doing pretty good with the clothes packing. We have laundry facilities so I know I only need enough for one week. Same with DH. I am just throwing in a couple of extra fleece jackets and vests to get me through if I need them. And, of course, 25 pairs of shoes is not unreasonable, is it??????????????

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The club has nothing to do with the scholarships. I just got alot of info from the guest speaker they hosted. She gave us a breakdown of the cost and I realized my pell grant won't be enough. But I do think it looks good on a scholarship application to be involved. Plus, they do their community service hours together and study groups. I think I could learn alot from them. Many of them are paramedics or medical assistants.

I called and scheduled my entrance exam. It is next Friday. Now, I am getting nervous. Studying for my film class seems unimportant compared to studying for this test but I gotta get them both done. Plus, Micro and Anatomy. Busy week for me coming up.

My MIL got a really good deal on tickets to the circus this Sunday. So we will be taking my son. Last time we went he really enjoyed it.

I love the olympics too. I got into it when I was pregnant. I could hardly move so I just watched the olympics all day. I think I got my in-laws hooked on it too. We all watched the opening of the Bejing games and they talked about what they saw on there for weeks. It was an awesome show.

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Lori, I would love to go to Florida and bring my mother, but she is legally blind. She doesn't go places she hasn't been before because it makes her too nervous. I just get excited reading all of your posts. It will be a blast!

I wondered how it would be to live in Utah. It looks like beautiful country. I would think that a big city would be more accepting of other religions. I hope you will find a new church home with lots of friends.

Apples, I am so happy you are going to see your son. I am going to keep you in my prayers as you travel to Florida.

You are such a fabulous cook. I think you ought to start an online business selling one of your low cal desserts. I saw a lady on tv yesterday that had lost her job. She was known for her low calorie Bagels. She invested money in an online bagel business and now she is making millions.

Gotta go walk again. Later!

Arlene...thank you for your prayers as we travel. I am such a nervous ninny. I LOVE to fly and take a few trips a year but I'm just not sure about this LONG trip in the vehicle. We are driving because we missed our dog so much last year and we don't want to put him through the trauma of flying (I know but he's our baby). I will handle the drive as long as we get out and walk around every few hours. I have driven on many trips for the farm but longest drive was to Oklahoma. My trips are usually no longer than 5-6 hours one way.

Also, thanks for the compliment on the cooking. I have thought of a few different things like you mentioned but really don't know if at my age, I want to get into such an understaking. I want a "stupid" job. I've always had jobs that require 120% of me and many hours a week. Not sure I want to jump into anything at this point and still have to handle my job on the farm. I am backing off on a few things as of this spring. We are doing some reorganizing as to how we handle harvest and it won't be so taxing on me or DH. DS stays super busy throughout spring, summer and fall with our other business, which I do all the billing, bookkeeping, etc. If I had the option on what I could choose for a job, it would be in a little dress shop, gift shop or furniture store. Something simple, what I'm interested in and don't have to think.:biggrin:

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Apples, I hear Ya! I wouldn't mind a little part time mindless job too, but there are some days I don't want to leave the house. Anyway, with my DD being pregnant again........I think I have future employment without pay......just lots of blessings!

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Apples, I hear Ya! I wouldn't mind a little part time mindless job too, but there are some days I don't want to leave the house. Anyway, with my DD being pregnant again........I think I have future employment without pay......just lots of blessings!

You lucky girl, Arlene...grandkids...I'm afraid at some point I'm going to get trouble for stealing little neighbor kids just so I get my fix and play pretend Grandma!:biggrin:

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Hey guys~

I guess you guys heard from a few on FB... my baby boy broke his first bone! Day before yesterday he was out with my sister and accidently slammed the car door on his own hand! It didn't break the skin, but there was a definite blue line where the car had closed! He didn't even cry!!! It wasn't until the hand started swelling (3 times the size of the right) and he had big alligator tears running down his face! He never boo hoo'd though. So brave! We took him to the urgent care and he has two fractures... the 1st metacarpal (hand bone between thumb and wrist) and first joint of his thumb. The metacarpal one is the one you have to be careful with b/c it is into the joint. If it doesn't heal well then you can have chronic problems. We saw an ortho yesterday and they put a cast on. He picked John Deere Green! (go figure!) Other than some Motrin he hasn't even needed the pain medicine. Once the cast was on he stopped complaining about pain. Gonna post some pics.

Going home tomorrow. Fly out at 830 am in a tiny airplane! yikes. I promise to catch up when I get home. Hi to everyone. Sorry I have been remiss in writing. : )

hugs hugs hugs <blowing kisses>!!!

peasout.... Laura

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The club has nothing to do with the scholarships. I just got alot of info from the guest speaker they hosted. She gave us a breakdown of the cost and I realized my pell grant won't be enough. But I do think it looks good on a scholarship application to be involved. Plus, they do their community service hours together and study groups. I think I could learn alot from them. Many of them are paramedics or medical assistants.

I called and scheduled my entrance exam. It is next Friday. Now, I am getting nervous. Studying for my film class seems unimportant compared to studying for this test but I gotta get them both done. Plus, Micro and Anatomy. Busy week for me coming up.

My MIL got a really good deal on tickets to the circus this Sunday. So we will be taking my son. Last time we went he really enjoyed it.

I love the olympics too. I got into it when I was pregnant. I could hardly move so I just watched the olympics all day. I think I got my in-laws hooked on it too. We all watched the opening of the Bejing games and they talked about what they saw on there for weeks. It was an awesome show.

Thanks for explaining the workings, Jessica. It's not that I NEEDED to know. It's just that us Cyber Aunties can be a little snoopy at times. We are not only interested in how you are doing with your band, we are interested in your life also.

Awwwww...a dream of mine...to go to the winter Olympics...sigh.........:biggrin:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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