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Beauty tip for the day...

Since losing weight, I have these "fat pockets" under my eyes and I detest them. It's like they were stretched out from the fat for so long that they will never go away. Kind of like the bat wing thing. They aren't like drooping but enough that it makes me look tired or like I have been crying.

I'm not one to fuss with myself (not a girly-girl) and if I cannot do my hair and makeup in 2.5 minutes, I'm teed. I saw an add in a magazine for this Olay eye roller thingy. Thought it would be worth a try. IT WORKS! It's just a tube called Olay Regenerist in the makeup aisle. You click it once and roll on the cream (very little amount) and roll for 30 seconds on each baggy. Did I say IT WORKS???? I'm all excited and though I would share my find.

Spendy...$18.99, but, IT WORKS!!!!!!!

I think my sister bought this last month as well and she is ranting about it!! My mother told me she looks great and it really does work!

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Here's my Fill story -

Due to the road closures from all the rain we have been having it took me 45 min when it should have been a 25 min drive

Met the new nutritionist She was nice - they all complemented me on my appearance - Told her that I have been eating healthy but just a little too much and I can't get back to 138 where I am happiest..

My pants still fit but on the tighter side and I have to get a hold of this now - she agreed and liked my way of thinking and it has been 2 yrs since my last fill - The nut said you know week of Soup week of mushies - week of soft - I said ya I know but that I would most likely do a day or 2 ;0)

Last time I was in his office 5/08 I was 157 - Today fully dressed w/boots on - I weighed 151 - so that's right cuz his scales are about 6 lbs heavier than mine (morning weight 144.5) plus I weigh naked ;0) at home..

So he numbs me up hits my port the 1st time and takes out what was in there 5.2 - I swear we determined last time I had 5 - but he said it's not always exact - anyway had me drink the Water - said I was fine - asked him how much he put it he said 1/2 cc so that's .5 - I am ok so far - cooking that soup I got when Phyl and I were in Cabazon (cream of asparagus) and have a pot of Beans cooking too - to make my cream of bean soup -

I told him last time I was too tight and it took a week to get in - he said if I have any problems to call him on his cell and he would get me in for and unfill - I love Doc Bobby..

Bought some vitimans when I was there - Protein Snacks (like cheese puffs) and 2 boxes of pt bars - figured I eat the granola bars anyway - these are 160 but have 15 grm of pt so if I do have good restriction they are great for Breakfast at my desk w/some yogurt..

Took along time to get home too

We have a zumbia class and my weight gym but it's too crowded and I haven't tried the one at 24 hr fitness - they are like at 6 and I get off at 4 and if it's an exercise night I have to do it right after work or I won't go..

Apples I have bags too - I will have to try that stuff

Great - I love dr Denise too - but agree it's $$$ right now I am using this stuff I get from Platniumskin somthing that I found online - you can get skin peel stuff and Philosophy - I love their new miracle cream

Yea you are coming to FL !!!

Ok so Laura is picking us up from the airport (me eva julie great)

Ok gang - I know I didn't reply to everyone - but I am hungry my soup is done - lets see how this fill goes - I know the last one it took til the next day to get tight - I never want to be too tight again - it's the pits..


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Eva, I'm not that coordinated either, go the wrong way all the time. We just laugh and keep going. Nobody gets mad or disgusted. There is getting to be a group of about 9 of us that keep showing up. It's fun.

Your job sounds so fasinating. At least you get to learn and do different things. I love learning new stuff. Guess I need to start taking some classes again I'm getting bored. Same ole same ole.

Oh you guys also got me excited about that Beck book so I ordered it and a few others from Amazon today.

Janet, did you get your fill?

Everyone else take care have a great Friday. TGIF

laura K

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Well a Soup went down fine - had 1.5 cups no problem 105 cal

Feel full but want to eat ;0) We all know that feeling...

I got some cinnamon roll light yogurt and apple turn over - will have that later.

Ok - I love to dance can dance freestyle - did some line dancing back in the day as long as it's not too complicated - dance the best when I have a buzz - so that doesn't bode well with dances that have certain steps :0)

I guess I could go to the library - but the problem there is would I would end up paying for the book w/late fees ;0)

I started a book what a week ago - haven't read much - I have about 5 to 6 hrs from when I get off work and go to bed and in that time I have to exercise - lbt - cook and eat dinner and watch t.v. :0)

So I don't think the library would work for me - I was going to go by the bookstore after the doc - but it was way out of the way - it's raining and just wanted to get home as it was I had to stop at the store and get milk and get my nightly stuff started had I gone to the bookstore - I would just now be sitting down - cuz I would have browsed - I rarely go into a store and get one thing - I am a browser and then I end up w/stuff I didn't need - or forget what I went to the store for :0)

Linda you can probably go online order a dvd take an online test and be an instructor - Heck you can get a preacher license on line :0) Go for it - My Uncle is always telling me that I should become a personal trainer :0)

Yea friday - Jean day tomorrow !!!!

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Here's my Fill story -

Due to the road closures from all the rain we have been having it took me 45 min when it should have been a 25 min drive

Met the new nutritionist She was nice - they all complemented me on my appearance - Told her that I have been eating healthy but just a little too much and I can't get back to 138 where I am happiest..

My pants still fit but on the tighter side and I have to get a hold of this now - she agreed and liked my way of thinking and it has been 2 yrs since my last fill - The nut said you know week of Soup week of mushies - week of soft - I said ya I know but that I would most likely do a day or 2 ;0)

Last time I was in his office 5/08 I was 157 - Today fully dressed w/boots on - I weighed 151 - so that's right cuz his scales are about 6 lbs heavier than mine (morning weight 144.5) plus I weigh naked ;0) at home..

So he numbs me up hits my port the 1st time and takes out what was in there 5.2 - I swear we determined last time I had 5 - but he said it's not always exact - anyway had me drink the Water - said I was fine - asked him how much he put it he said 1/2 cc so that's .5 - I am ok so far - cooking that soup I got when Phyl and I were in Cabazon (cream of asparagus) and have a pot of Beans cooking too - to make my cream of bean soup -

I told him last time I was too tight and it took a week to get in - he said if I have any problems to call him on his cell and he would get me in for and unfill - I love Doc Bobby..

Bought some vitimans when I was there - Protein Snacks (like cheese puffs) and 2 boxes of pt bars - figured I eat the granola bars anyway - these are 160 but have 15 grm of pt so if I do have good restriction they are great for breakfast at my desk w/some yogurt..

Took along time to get home too

We have a zumbia class and my weight gym but it's too crowded and I haven't tried the one at 24 hr fitness - they are like at 6 and I get off at 4 and if it's an exercise night I have to do it right after work or I won't go..

Apples I have bags too - I will have to try that stuff

Great - I love dr Denise too - but agree it's $$$ right now I am using this stuff I get from Platniumskin somthing that I found online - you can get skin peel stuff and Philosophy - I love their new miracle cream

Yea you are coming to FL !!!

Ok so Laura is picking us up from the airport (me eva julie great)

Ok gang - I know I didn't reply to everyone - but I am hungry my soup is done - lets see how this fill goes - I know the last one it took til the next day to get tight - I never want to be too tight again - it's the pits..


Hi. Indigo....glad you got your fill in spite of the rain and taking so long.

Regarding the soups...can you eat any soup??? I just found this amazing soup place where I work....and I had the soup there this week for the first time and it was so delcious....I thought wow...if im only going to be eating broths and Soups for the first day or so....this would be soo amazing...I would be soo happy be with lol.

The best so far has been the butternut squash soup.

so my question is again...can it be any soup like you metioned above?? or just clear broths to start??

Well glad you are doing good...and all went well today...


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Hi everyone, Janet so glad you got your fill, I was worried with the rain storm you wouldn't be able to get there. I'm like you with the books - I either read really fast or take forever -- it depends on what's happening in my life -- so I rarely get books at the library either. I think it boils down to watching too much tv rather than reading - I usually read 3 to 4 books during a 10 day vacation (including reading on planes) -- so that shows you what I'm talking about. But it's also cause I read while lounging at the pools. Oh, I'lm going to really be envious come Feb. 11. Sigh.

Eva, you sound better tonight, glad you are feeling more positive and doing better overall. Have a safe trip to Tijuana. I hope the fill does the trick and gets you to your sweet spot. Mine is great -- it's been two weeks and I rarely feel any hunger between meals, even after I do a lot of exercise. And a hot drink during those times seems to kill the hunger, so I'm a happy camper.

Ice is still pretty bad -- trees are even worse than yesterday -- we need to warm up and have the sun come out to melt it all -- doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon -- more freezing rain forecast for Sat. morning.

Apples, I'll have to look for that eye wand -- I have bags, really big bags. Thanks for sharing that.

Sparkle, I tried to stay away from any Soups that had cream in them -- because they usually have high fat content -- i.e., cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, etc. but the creamy squash Soup you mentioned would be fine -- just remember you also need to have some form of Protein as well. But also during your initial recovery after surgery the emphasis is on healing not weight loss, so you could still have something with a little more fat content at that point to help you get through it.

One more thing I wanted to share and forgot about last nigiht -- when I feel like grazing at night and have already eaten all I should or want for the day I go brush and floss -- that way I'm less tempted to eat -- I have an electric toothbrush that takes 2 mins. and then flossing takes awhile and certainly not a chore I want to do twice in one night -- so it helps me not to eat. LOL. Just thought I'd share that -- maybe it will help someone.

Watched the movie Julie & Julia tonight -- what a joyful movie - I loved it -- I loved Julia Child -- I love to cook -- I love to eat -- what a feel good movie. If you haven't seen it, rent it, it's fabulous. It was much better than I expected it to be. DH also enjoyed it -- Meryl Streep did such a great job with Julia. Very believeable. I am embarassed however because I always thought Julia was French!! Come to find out she was born and raised in Pasadena, CA. I was shocked --had no idea -- what was with her accent then? Just upper brow accent? LOL. Also enjoyed the story of Julie.

Taped all the tv shows tonight - only had time to watch the Mentalist. Really enjoy that show also. Can't wait for the next survivor -- starts Feb. 11 Janet -- you'll have to be sure to set your Tivo.

Am trying to line up a time share for the wedding - have RCI doing a continuous search -- honestly, it's ridiculous -- you almost have to book 2 years out to get the size and area you want -- of course, it's tough cause I have a specific week and I cannot be flexible. Hopefully something will open up during the next 6 months. Is so nice to have a 2 bedroom condo so I can have DS and DDIL and may my DB and his wife stay with us and save on hotel bills. Plus it's a nice week's vacation for all of us. If we don't get something by mid March I'll probably have to check out some other condo rentals like we had before. It's just easier to do an exchange (and cheaper) all we pay for is the exchange fee.

DGD went home around 5:00 - she was pretty hyper today - still taking daily steriods so she can be quite hyper. We had a busy day -- exercised in the morning (I took a break and did only 80 mins. today), played some games (Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders), watched some Dora.

Well, I'll check back in the morning. Hope everyone has a happy Friday!!!! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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So you're driving over to Tijuana? Are you doing it all in one day? Wondered if you thought about stopping in PS.

Still raining here! Didn't think we'd have Water aerobics this morning, so decided to join the DVD walkers for a while. Did 30 minutes of that and then 15 minutes on the stationary bike. THEN I saw a couple of the water aerobics gals going to the pool with the CD player!! They set it up under cover so it wouldn't get wet. So, decided to go to that, too! So I got in a lot of exercise this morning. Had to take off my glasses because it was raining so hard I couldn't see, and my hair got soaking wet! But it was fun. And then we went and sat in one of the hot tubs in the rain!


Way to go Phyl - that was great exercise -- so proud of you. You didn't let that rain stop you or make you stay inside -- you got out and moved!!

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Good Morning Gang

Jodi - Each doc is diff - but I came home on full liquids which includes cream Soup - they suggest the lf Campbell stuff and trader joes soups(do you have then in your area) they are like a healthy food market and it did incl butternut squash Soups

I make a pot of Beans (pinto or any kind that you like) incl ham hock and then I scoop out the beans and puree them (incl meat off the bone and onion and jalapeno) and then add it back to the bean broth - cream of bean soup - great for Protein

Like Linda say - we try to stay away from heavy creamy soups or ones loaded w/cheese - but I gotta say right after surgery you really can only eat 1/2 cup so - those aren't too bad due to the amount you can eat - but I always just tried to eat healthy so I don't do them too much - I still am always concerned w/calories - I am a firm believer in knowing the calories that you are consuming

Since you are a cooker - just make home made stuff (healthier verision) and puree them and have great soups..

Linda - that Ice looks awful - I will take my EQ's and heat over all that snow ice etc you all get..

The book I am reading is good but I guess I haven't had the time to read cuz I have t.v. to watch ;0)

The Olympics start 2/12 too - and I am a big Olympic watcher I Love the Olympics USA ALL THE WAY...

This season of Survior should be GREAT - Yep remind me so that I get everything recorded while I'm gone..

5th straight day of rain - but suppose to clear up tomorrow

Fill is fine - am having no problem w/my coffee this a.m.

Well just cking in - will cbl - TGIF

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Am trying to line up a time share for the wedding - have RCI doing a continuous search -- honestly, it's ridiculous -- you almost have to book 2 years out to get the size and area you want -- of course, it's tough cause I have a specific week and I cannot be flexible. Hopefully something will open up during the next 6 months. Is so nice to have a 2 bedroom condo so I can have DS and DDIL and may my DB and his wife stay with us and save on hotel bills. Plus it's a nice week's vacation for all of us. If we don't get something by mid March I'll probably have to check out some other condo rentals like we had before. It's just easier to do an exchange (and cheaper) all we pay for is the exchange fee.

Linda, I guess I missed it.....who is getting married and where?

Eva, have a safe trip! and yes, we usually get some of your weather. It is going to rain all day tomorrow.

Janet, did you order Beck Diet? Amazon just shipped mine.

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Arlene, my neice is getting married in Florida on July 24 - that's why I have to miss the get together in Feb. -- cause I don't have enough vacation time to go to Fl. in both Feb. and July due to my surgery -- I had to use all my vacation/sick time before I could collect disability.

Ordered the zumba tapes but boy are they expensive -- hopefully I'll be able to do it.

janet, I love the olympics too - always watch as much as possible -- I'm riveted to the tv. Always inspires me so it'll be good to have it to watch -- keep me eating healthy. LOL.

Glad you are doing well after your fill, don't forget to take it slow and easy for awhile, cause I'm sure you will see a big difference when you start to eat solids.

Okay, gotta get busy -- couldn't sleep last night so got up late -- think I got to sleep finally around 3:00 a.m. Two nights in a row -- hope I can get up on Monday morning -- for sure I'm going back to work. CBL. linda

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No Arlene haven't ordered them - going to hit the book store this weekend (hopefully) - I really want it - was going to stop by on my way home last night - but I was on the freeway and bookstore was way out of the way and with our flooded streets - mass congestion do to various roads being closed (well for us anyway - we don't have street congestion much) I didn't go..

I was watching the weather channel last night saw your area nice where the rest of us have rain.. My pool has about 2 inches to go before it over flows - Right now in the East we have sun - but it's still dark and cloudy to the west where Phyl lives..

Linda - I am being careful - to tell the truth when he said he put in 1/2 cc I got scared - 2 yrs ago I was too tight couldn't drink a cup of coffee in the a.m. and I will tell you once was enough for me - But knock wood - I am doing ok right now.

Yep I LOVE the Olpymics - I mean I sit there with a flag and really do cheer for the USA - just ask my family and when they play our National Anthem when we win a gold - I am standing up singing right along with tears streaming down my face

My gf Billie and I would watch them together over the phone :0)

You will be able to do them - do you have cable - most cable companys now have exercise on demand programs too

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Janet, try to find it in paperback....a lot less. Another beautiful day!.......got my walking in and then went to the park with my GD. Rain predicted tomorrow. Probably coming from your neck of the woods. Oh well, it was good. I still have time for one more walk today. I haven't weighed. My goal is 1lb a week.

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GOOD MORNING LOVLIES!! Well what's left of it. Would you believe I just got up about half an hour ago? I told DH that Friday was going to be my lazy PJ day and I was right. LOL Though I did put on a workout outfit, will go to the rec center and do some therapy on my knee in a bit. I woke up twice in the night with incredible knee pain, but after the last pain pill I must've really slept, never even heard DH get up and go to work.

Well last night DH officially put his hat in the ring for the position/promotion I mentioned. If he gets it and the move package is good (we are worried about losing too much on our house) we will be moving to Salt Lake City. That will make the 3rd time I have moved there and it's my least favorite place to live that i've lived well Delaware was close to that too. It's a beautiful city and close to Denver so that is good, it is difficult though being a non Mormon living there. Now that I am older and wiser maybe it won't bother me so much, but in the past I've had neighbors tell me if I was 'worth' meeting they'd have met me in church and another that I had become good friends with tell me she couldn't be friends any longer because I wouldn't convert. But these things happened in my 20's and 30's I think I am stronger now in who I am and what I believe it won't bother me as much. DH would have to do some travelling in a region with this position and his region would be the southwest so maybe I can tag along some times on his say Tucson, southern CA visits?? hint hint??? So I am leaving it up to God and DH as to whether we move or not. DH was very concerned as he can tell I am not real thrilled about it, but years ago when we first got married and we decided for the most part I would be a stay at home mom I agreed to move whereever his career took us, I get to choose where we retire. And I don't feel right saying no as this is a great opportunity for him and well us. The kids are already talking about meeting halfway in the mountains to go camping and stuff, it's an hour flight away and I fly free, etc. so I think it will work out okay. It's not his position yet either, what will be will be.

I think a lot of my not sleeping lately has been due to number one the knee pain and pain pills, but also I've just had so much to deal with lately I feel like one more thing is just going to overflow my plate. There's my G'ma and my mom trying to direct everything from down in FL, my sisters, my DD's issue with her fiance, the move, etc. so I am really looking forward to FL. I am open for anything but mostly looking forward to just chilling and relaxing with a bunch of great gals and lots of laughing. Oh and I want to find the Ann Taylor Loft outlet stores!! LOL Anyone know if the Prime outlets or Premium or something outlets are close by???

Linda, any chance you can take a day or so off w/o pay and meet us? I was so hoping to get to meet you. Or will they advance you a vacation day??? Pretty please!!

And, Arlene, could your mom come along???

Sparkle, the Soups would be good just avoid the creamy calorie laden ones. Also, right after surgery they might have to be clear soups for a day or so. Every doc is different on their post op diets so check with yours. Mine for 3 days had to be Clear Liquids only broths would do, but after that I could have the others.

Janet, glad the fill is working well. I think I am keeping my appt next week for another one as this last one hasn't done much of anything. I know I don't want to get as tight as I was for the long haul but definitely need a little more. They haven't even put in yet half of what they took out. I am just so grateful that I am maintaining, I'm teetering though at the high end of my range.

Survivor and Olympics, love them both!! Can't wait.

Well DH just called and we are meeting for lunch, heck I just had breakfast. LOL

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Good morning all.

Thanks for all the responses regarding "soups" Im excited because I do cook alot of soups....and freeze them for later use...especially in the spring I make for the summer because its so hot! Friday nights its a must for shabbos to have Soup. lol tradition.....Its a little funny but the little boy who I work with everyday he has a feeding tube and is able to eat blended food and mom has described what she prepares for him daily....meat soup, with meat bones, all sort of vegetables, added rice protein...and then she grinds it all up including the marach and the bones and then blends it further. Ive told her....to start making double and ill join in for his meals!! She wasnt at all scared at this prospect...lol

Trying to break these traditions and begin some healthy ones...this is my personal challange...its not going to be easy...as the sabbath comes every week and every month there are at least two holidays or reasons to celebrate.....hard habbits are hard to break and when there are social engagements involved for all of the holidays ..Im guessing...these social situations are going to have to change or diminish esp if its not me who will be doing the cooking and you cant just ask for seperate food when the hostess is allready cooking for at least ten or more people at a time and to invite friends and family over to me all the time..well who can afford to have guests and feed them three to four course meals?? It costs me at least $100 a weekend... just for myself, daughter and one friend. Not to mention the time consumption to cook all the time as a single parent.

wew,, as you can see this is my concerns....how the heck??? but, I must....because the bottom line....if I want to be alive for a long time..further....all socializing, traditional fat foods arent going to mean much!

well....today is DD first day of vacation....I didnt plan on a vacation..and as I will be taking off for for "surgery week" and possibly the following I didnt take off...so Ive arranged the babysitter, my mom and playdates. More work, organization and time running around doing drop offs and picks up. oh not to mention having to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Have a great day all......

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GOOD MORNING LOVLIES!! Well what's left of it. Would you believe I just got up about half an hour ago? I told DH that Friday was going to be my lazy PJ day and I was right. LOL Though I did put on a workout outfit, will go to the rec center and do some therapy on my knee in a bit. I woke up twice in the night with incredible knee pain, but after the last pain pill I must've really slept, never even heard DH get up and go to work.

Well last night DH officially put his hat in the ring for the position/promotion I mentioned. If he gets it and the move package is good (we are worried about losing too much on our house) we will be moving to Salt Lake City. That will make the 3rd time I have moved there and it's my least favorite place to live that i've lived well Delaware was close to that too. It's a beautiful city and close to Denver so that is good, it is difficult though being a non Mormon living there. Now that I am older and wiser maybe it won't bother me so much, but in the past I've had neighbors tell me if I was 'worth' meeting they'd have met me in church and another that I had become good friends with tell me she couldn't be friends any longer because I wouldn't convert. But these things happened in my 20's and 30's I think I am stronger now in who I am and what I believe it won't bother me as much. DH would have to do some travelling in a region with this position and his region would be the southwest so maybe I can tag along some times on his say Tucson, southern CA visits?? hint hint??? So I am leaving it up to God and DH as to whether we move or not. DH was very concerned as he can tell I am not real thrilled about it, but years ago when we first got married and we decided for the most part I would be a stay at home mom I agreed to move whereever his career took us, I get to choose where we retire. And I don't feel right saying no as this is a great opportunity for him and well us. The kids are already talking about meeting halfway in the mountains to go camping and stuff, it's an hour flight away and I fly free, etc. so I think it will work out okay. It's not his position yet either, what will be will be.

I think a lot of my not sleeping lately has been due to number one the knee pain and pain pills, but also I've just had so much to deal with lately I feel like one more thing is just going to overflow my plate. There's my G'ma and my mom trying to direct everything from down in FL, my sisters, my DD's issue with her fiance, the move, etc. so I am really looking forward to FL. I am open for anything but mostly looking forward to just chilling and relaxing with a bunch of great gals and lots of laughing. Oh and I want to find the Ann Taylor Loft outlet stores!! LOL Anyone know if the Prime outlets or Premium or something outlets are close by???

Linda, any chance you can take a day or so off w/o pay and meet us? I was so hoping to get to meet you. Or will they advance you a vacation day??? Pretty please!!

And, Arlene, could your mom come along???

Sparkle, the Soups would be good just avoid the creamy calorie laden ones. Also, right after surgery they might have to be clear soups for a day or so. Every doc is different on their post op diets so check with yours. Mine for 3 days had to be clear liquids only broths would do, but after that I could have the others.

Janet, glad the fill is working well. I think I am keeping my appt next week for another one as this last one hasn't done much of anything. I know I don't want to get as tight as I was for the long haul but definitely need a little more. They haven't even put in yet half of what they took out. I am just so grateful that I am maintaining, I'm teetering though at the high end of my range.

Survivor and Olympics, love them both!! Can't wait.

Well DH just called and we are meeting for lunch, heck I just had breakfast. LOL

Hope the position works out for you! Yes, my doctor has said clear for the first day...second. Jello and then so on.

thanks...for the input.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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