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Eva, great for you for realizing where your issues are and putting them out there and having a plan. The thing that bothered me the most when I started execising were my aching joints and stuff too. Hence the knee surgeries. I hope your's aren't that bad. I am straddling a thin line myself in some of my food choices lately. I am able to maintain but I know I could make better choices.

Janet, I am so impressed with how committed you are to your exercise. It truly has become a routine and habit for you.

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Eva, I hear you and can relate to most everything you said... So much of mine was forced because of medical issues, but I'm having such a hard time getting back on track....and just when I think I've got it.........I don't.... I'm very tired of this standstill......... Let's hope we are both doing better before FL, if not we can commiserate with each other.....

I'd love to respond to everyone, but I'm so tired... will try to do better tomorrow.... Good night all.. hope you get a restful sleep and a great day tomorrow... Julie

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I always find it interesting to see what subject you will tackle on a daily basis.

What I really enjoy about this thread is that there isn't too much of the "oh poor me" syndrome here...yes we all rant, yes we B&M about stuff but no one really carries on about how horrible their life is. I don't mind B&Ming because I certainly do it enough, but not without realizing if I have something I'm unhappy about, I'm the only one with the power to change it.

I'm a firm believer in making your own life...no one can make it for you. You choose to be sad or happy and you choose how to react to different situations, I'm not sure it's always consciously, but it is a choice. When I'm doing the pity party thing too much, I have to remember this...practice what you preach.

So on that note, I'm going to B&M...sort of. I've been struggling with food since November. No weight loss, a little gain, not too worried yet, but this is not where I want to be. I always wonder why I cannot stick to a plan. Over the last few days, you guys have let a few pearls of wisdom slip out about food issues, dieting, exercise, etc and I'm trying to incorporate these ideas back into my daily routine. Journaling is one of the things that really bring home where I'm slipping up. I don't want to face the reality of what I'm putting into my mouth. I seem to have a horrible sugar addiction. Once I start eating sweets, I cannot stop. Once I start eating fats, I don't stop. I eat until I'm more than full. I still haven't learned to listen to my band or my common sense. I tell my self tomorrow I'll walk the walk but then tomorrow comes and I'm eating a bite of this and little more of that and I know exactly where that leads me.

I truly am eating less than I used to. I do not eat the massive amounts I used to, but I am not making wise food choices and I know it needs to stop. I'm writing this just so you know where I'm at. I'm going to Tijuana for a fill on Saturday and I'm really hoping this tweak will get me to that place where I can't get another bite down. I know I still will need to work on the head issues, but if I can't eat as fast or as much as I can now, maybe I will get that reprieve from my addiction long enough to get some more weight off.

One more thing is bugging me, then I'll get out of my pity tub...I've started exercising again...not agressively, but 30 minutes or so a day. My back is bothering me and so is my hip. This pi$$$es me off to no end. I want to be able to move easier, get on and off the floor easier, walk longer and maybe even run, but once I start exercising, the stupid back, leg, foot thing starts again and the stress bugs me. It's a vicious circle, if I don't exercise, I'm not going to lose weight, if I do too much I aggravate the disk and arthritis, and I need to lose weight to help the disk and arthritis.....duh............I'm still going to get on that machine in the morning because it feels good to have those sore muscles, but geeze getting through the other aches and pains is a PAIN!!

Sorry I had to let go, but I think it will help me get back on track if I put all this crap out there. Thanks for listening (reading). Nothing like airing your dirty eating issues in public is there?

OMG you have made my day...im not to assure you laughing at you but with you and do truly hope you are feeling better now about things...but what I really wanted to say was...I just finished reading an article about exactly what you were talking about!! Which is why I was laughing as I finished it I saw what you wrote and said..BINGO here it is in the print!

I cant scan this article..as um im technologically challenged however im sure you can find it....I think it would be really Helpful!!!

This is coming from the "Health and Nutrition Letter" from

Tufts unviersity. February 2009.

The Articles research comes from the book "The Instinct Diet."

This is research out of Tufts, "that reveals how to get your food instincts to work for you not against you, in the battle against excess weight".

This article discusses why we crave the foods that we love and the need to continue eating them....as you have described above!!!

Hope this gives you something to laugh about...or at least makes you feel even better!

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I always find it interesting to see what subject you will tackle on a daily basis.

What I really enjoy about this thread is that there isn't too much of the "oh poor me" syndrome here...yes we all rant, yes we B&M about stuff but no one really carries on about how horrible their life is. I don't mind B&Ming because I certainly do it enough, but not without realizing if I have something I'm unhappy about, I'm the only one with the power to change it.

I'm a firm believer in making your own life...no one can make it for you. You choose to be sad or happy and you choose how to react to different situations, I'm not sure it's always consciously, but it is a choice. When I'm doing the pity party thing too much, I have to remember this...practice what you preach.

So on that note, I'm going to B&M...sort of. I've been struggling with food since November. No weight loss, a little gain, not too worried yet, but this is not where I want to be. I always wonder why I cannot stick to a plan. Over the last few days, you guys have let a few pearls of wisdom slip out about food issues, dieting, exercise, etc and I'm trying to incorporate these ideas back into my daily routine. Journaling is one of the things that really bring home where I'm slipping up. I don't want to face the reality of what I'm putting into my mouth. I seem to have a horrible sugar addiction. Once I start eating sweets, I cannot stop. Once I start eating fats, I don't stop. I eat until I'm more than full. I still haven't learned to listen to my band or my common sense. I tell my self tomorrow I'll walk the walk but then tomorrow comes and I'm eating a bite of this and little more of that and I know exactly where that leads me.

I truly am eating less than I used to. I do not eat the massive amounts I used to, but I am not making wise food choices and I know it needs to stop. I'm writing this just so you know where I'm at. I'm going to Tijuana for a fill on Saturday and I'm really hoping this tweak will get me to that place where I can't get another bite down. I know I still will need to work on the head issues, but if I can't eat as fast or as much as I can now, maybe I will get that reprieve from my addiction long enough to get some more weight off.

One more thing is bugging me, then I'll get out of my pity tub...I've started exercising again...not agressively, but 30 minutes or so a day. My back is bothering me and so is my hip. This pi$$$es me off to no end. I want to be able to move easier, get on and off the floor easier, walk longer and maybe even run, but once I start exercising, the stupid back, leg, foot thing starts again and the stress bugs me. It's a vicious circle, if I don't exercise, I'm not going to lose weight, if I do too much I aggravate the disk and arthritis, and I need to lose weight to help the disk and arthritis.....duh............I'm still going to get on that machine in the morning because it feels good to have those sore muscles, but geeze getting through the other aches and pains is a PAIN!!

Sorry I had to let go, but I think it will help me get back on track if I put all this crap out there. Thanks for listening (reading). Nothing like airing your dirty eating issues in public is there?

Eva - I hear you on all fronts !!! Well except I don't have the back/arthritis issue - but your food issues - I HEAR YOU..

I do think a fill will help - Have you read this Beck Book that Charlene was/is talking about - what little I read today is really a good book - it's not about dieting - it's about dealing with our food issues..

I know it's alot of what we all talk about here - positive affirmations - making plans etc - but the part that I read today which I did follow for the first 2 yrs was not deviating from the plan - because once you do - you open the door to more deviation and I think that's been my main problem lately - we have been calling it compliance - but it's that we are allowing that door to open back up to making poor food choices.

I go tomorrow for my tweak (if I can get there w/all the rain we are having - we get alot of road closures when it rains) - I can eat just a little too much and don't stay full as long - but I really really think the problem lies in my head and I don't think I truly need a fill - so this is why I am going to ask for .1 nothing more - hell if he just pulls out the Fluid and sticks it back in may be enough of a placibo to fix my head - and I really am going to get this Beck book..

So b&m all you want - cuz we all learn something and we all can relate to what you are going thru - You got the band to control your portions - so if it's not working to par - then yep it's a good thing to get a tweak - also here's another question - am I saying I don't need a fill cuz I don't want to decrease the amount of food I am able to eating right now...

So for both of us seeing the doc - will help us get back to where we need to be physically (restriction) and mentally..

Hugs - Can't wait til 2/11 ;0)

Eva, great for you for realizing where your issues are and putting them out there and having a plan. The thing that bothered me the most when I started execising were my aching joints and stuff too. Hence the knee surgeries. I hope your's aren't that bad. I am straddling a thin line myself in some of my food choices lately. I am able to maintain but I know I could make better choices.

Janet, I am so impressed with how committed you are to your exercise. It truly has become a routine and habit for you.

Great - I still have to force myself to go - It's one reason I haven't quit paying my trainer - I could do it on my own - but cuz I am paying someone and have my scheduled times - I HAVE TO GO - unless it's a true emergency.. And I do enjoy my Saturday morning treadmill ..

It's key in this whole lifetime lifestyle change ;0)

Eva, I hear you and can relate to most everything you said... So much of mine was forced because of medical issues, but I'm having such a hard time getting back on track....and just when I think I've got it.........I don't.... I'm very tired of this standstill......... Let's hope we are both doing better before FL, if not we can commiserate with each other.....

I'd love to respond to everyone, but I'm so tired... will try to do better tomorrow.... Good night all.. hope you get a restful sleep and a great day tomorrow... Julie

Julie - Remember we don't hope - we WILL !!! :0)

Hope you get some good sleep tonite... Hugs

Well gang it's 8:30 time for dinner and couch ;0) and AI :0)

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This is so true - I can't say I LOVE exercising but I KNOW that I have to do it in order to maintain a healthy weight - It seems like it takes some of us longer to get this whole lifetime lifestyle change thing down - it's all about moderation but that something we just didn't get before and we need the help of the band to keep us in control - but the real work of choosing healthy foods and exercise is up to us - I know it took me till I got banded major surgery for the light bulb to finally turn on in my brain !!!!

I am so glad you DD went with you - she's almost 16 right - it's so important for her to learn these healthy habits

I am preaching to my DGDers all the time (15 & 5) healthy

eating - MY DGS is skinny as a rail and can careless about food

How did the sleep study go..

thanks for asking....

funny thing....my dog is seems to be um overweight apparently too (she needs band) shes old and a rescue soo I kind of spoil good food not enough exercize but thats going to change too!!.....not so funny..my daughter is 10 shel be 11 going on 16 soon anyways..so your close!! lol She right now is at a healthy weight and goes to this kids gym we have close by called "Fitwize for kids" it is a simular to a curves with kids size equipment and its a 45 min cycle. She loves it...so she goes here twice a week and to karate twice a week....

all the above costing a small fortune however, I know if she didnt have these mediums shed be sitting in front of TV after school till I got home to releave the babysitter.

Sleep study went so well that im awake tonight still and its 1AM! Im not tired but sure will be tomorrow~i best try and go to sleep!! I used the CPAP it wasnt bad at all....they have a new one thats a soft CPAP and that is what im getting its comfortable and made of cloth supposed to be more comfortable then any other...but we shall see!!

Have a good night..


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Eva, hugs and more hugs to you. I know how you feel and I truly am sorry you are in the middle of this at this point in your journey. Are you hurting only after you exercise or are you hurting even if you don't exercise? My point is: for years I hurt -- I had major back surgery and they put rods and screws in my back -- I hurt worse afterward than I did before so I convinced myself I couldn't exercise -- so I didn't -- 9 years later and 100 lbs. later I decided I wanted to change my life, so I had the band installed and I decided I would exercise whether I hurt or not -- well, as you know my hip was also bad and it hurt like hell, but my back hurt (and I also have fibromylgia and so I hurt from that all the time too). Anyway, to make my story short, I hurt when I sat and did nothing and I discovered that I really didn't hurt any worse if I got up and moved and did some exercise. I mean, I hurt regardless -- so I did what I could and the weight started coming off and then it got easier and easier, but the point is the pain never got worse (never got better, but truly was never worse from exercise either). I had my hip replaced and even though I still have pain in my back, but I have so much less pain than before. Again, my back hurt when I was sitting and watching tv while recovering from hip surgery and it doesn't hurt any worse now that I'm back to exercising. I'm just relaying my experience -- you may have a different experience. I do think if it hurts to exercise you could try to do Water exercises -- either water aerobics or water aerobics combined with some lap walking/treading water -- this is all good exercise. I started out doing a lot of water aerobics and perhaps that helped build up some of my stamina in the beginning too. As far as the food issues go I think it's all hand in hand with how you are feeling -- hurting and tired, etc. Your line of work is tiring and physical as well. Are you getting enough rest? I know you've been busy lately - lots of company, holidays, etc. Maybe you're just overly tired and need some R&R. Also remember that you need to start slowly with exercise and build up your stamina. I didn't start out exercising 110 mins. per day and Janet didn't do as much when she started either. Plus, you burn more calories at the early stages of your journey than you do later on -- so you don't have to exercise as much to burn more at this point. Also, maybe try something less strenuous -- a nice brisk walk burns lots of calories. I highly recommend my Leslie Sansome walking tapes -- check out how much you can burn by walking at 5 mph for one half hour -- I think you'll be surprised and it's not as strenuous on your joints as other forms of exercise.

As far as the food issues go, you just need to remember why you had the band put in in the first place -- remember how you felt, remember the reasons. Look at some of your before pics and compare how you look now -- force yourself to acknowledge the changes and imagine and picture yourself at goal -- it is truly helpful to actually write out affirmations -- write out something like the following: "I, Eva, will eat only Protein, veggies and fruits that are band friendly and will provide proper nourishment for my body and help me gain control and succeed in my journey to be healthy." May sound silly, but write it out about 100 times before you go to bed and see how you do the next day. And try to do it every night for a month and see how you feel at the end of the month -- are things better? Are you eating better? Are you making better choices? While you are writing it out, really try to visualize yourself eating healthy and feeling great -- it really truly is a great tool that I've used in my life in many areas.

I think at this point with the pain you are having you may have to rely on just a small amount of exercise combined with eating correctly. I also agree that if you start journaling everything you put in your mouth it will help you see your problem areas, although it sounds like you kinda already know what they are. It's really tough especially cause you are married and you and DH travel and go out, I know how hard that is. But remember, you need to do this for YOU, not for anyone else -- but it's what YOU want for YOU. I do think the fill will help -- can't remember how much you've lost since your last fill, but in my experience, I seemed to need a fill about every 15 to 20 pounds.

Hope some of my suggestions might help -- I am sharing with you only as suggestions and with love - you've done so well and you need to continue your journey. I know you will continue to succeed -- and any way we can be of help to you, we're all here for you. Have a good night and start fresh tomorrow and you'll do great!! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Great post LInda!! Some very helpful things there as I contemplate my knee pain and stuff too and exercise. I have not really started exercising much yet since my first knee surgery in Oct. I feel very fortunate that I've maintained my weight. I hope to get into exercise (oops Janet is reading make that I WILL ....) soon and then want to get to the low end of my range instead of teetering at the high.

I know you were writing to Eva, but thanks for posting!

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Good Morning Gang

Well the rain just started again !!! Rain here is like snow for you guys - we have a lot of road closures - getting to the doc is going to be a b today -

Last night at the gym did pull downs 60 lbs weight and my band was tight last nite - at just fish and a little of my squash - but was able to eat 2 granola bars later .

Linda you are so right about what you said - in the beginning I just did like a half hr and yes we do burn more cal in the beginning than we do as we lose the weight..

Great you have me lol this morning - Yes I Will ;0)

Well I was sick of the news - I rarely watch anymore just too much negative stuff for me - so got on the computer instead and now it's time to jump in the shower..


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Boy, there were a bunch of late posters last night. Thanks everyone for your help.

Linda, I started taking my anti inflammatory about 2-3 weeks ago and I've been sleeping much better and very little pain now when I'm not exercising. But truly, I don't feel as good as I can when I'm not doing some sort of exercise, walking, pilates, yoga, pouring cement...whatever. So I started walking after it cooled down some last year and my hip and back started hurting (not on anti inflammatory then) and then the holiday season and no exercise. So now I've started again...slowly, I don't get too carried away and do 110 minutes...30 minutes and of course the hips and back start bugging me again. Despite that, I did get on the pilates machine this morning and worked out a little longer on it.

This is what I like about this machine....it folds up so it takes less floor space, I can shove it to the side...it isn't hard to open and close it. I can do these exercises in my pajamas without shoes, getting dressed, etc....so no excuses about having to get up and dressed. It is working my stomach muscles, lower and upper and I'm going at my own pace and it has a video to follow which I can watch on my computer while doing the exercises. It's also on the floor (no legs to raise it) and it's hard for me to get on and off the floor, so that is an exercise for me too.

So how about this mememememe post. Thanks again for listening. I have to go to work...talk to you all later.



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Hi, everybody. You've all been posting a lot of things to really think about deeply. I really appreciate people talking about their sons in the military...those posts made me cry. I can't imagine how hard it is to see your son go off, and then come back with problems. I don't think we realize just how much those folks have to go through. My heart goes out to you moms.

The same with the posts about PTSD; I was diagnosed with it a while ago, and like Apples, it took me several years in therapy to deal with it. I don't suffer nightmares like I used to, and feel that in some ways I've gotten past most of it.

I did want to report that I'm feeling better. Went to my head meds doctor (psychiatrist) and got a tweak in my medication for the depression. I've been seeing so many doctors this week! Got a fill (well, that was last week), and also saw my doctor to get some more thyroid meds prescribed. That should help the depression as well as the tiredness I've been feeling. So I'm on the mend and trying to get better! Still keeping up the exercise, too.

As a matter of fact, at my LB support group meeting on Monday, we had a Zumba instructor come and teach us some dance moves. It was so much fun that I've already signed up for a Zumba class. It's a type of aerobic exercise that is dancing to Latin and Bollywood-type music. Very energetic. I've always loved to dance, and since I've gotten really fat, I felt too embarrassed to get up and dance in front of people. Not any more! I go to my first class tonight.

I also checked my library and they have the Beck diet books, so I'm stopping there today to pick one up. Maybe if a bunch of us read them, we can talk about what things helped us. I'm having food issues and I really get what someone said about once you let the barrier down, the floodgates open. If I get "out of the habit" just the least little bit, then watch out. I'm eating bad stuff again. Or too much of the good stuff.

Eva, I wish you didn't have those pain issues. But you seems to be dealing pretty well with them, in my opinion. Just doing a little is good. When I first started exercising a few months ago, I could only do 5 mins on my elliptical. Now I'm up to 40 mins.

Love all of you--hope you all have a good Thursday.

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Deb, I love Zumba. I have my class tonight. It's so much fun. I don't feel like I'm working out. Our instructor tells us to just keep moving even if you don't have to same moves going on as the others. lol

Laura K

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Good morning, I have a dr appt today too, mine is the knee doc, first time I am actually seeing him since surgery. He was out of the country for 3 weeks after mine and I just saw the physicians assistant right after surger. I am now 5 weeks out from knee number 2. It's doing pretty good but still pretty painful and that is bothering me. But I do remember getting depressed about the first one still bothering me and taking pain pills til about 6 weeks out. I don't take them every 4 hours any more nor do I take 2 at a time like I was but just want off those darn things.

Eva, that pilates machine that you are doing that you say is stretching/strengthening your stomach muscles might end up helping your back. They say a strong core is great for your back. Glad you are enjoying the machine.

Janet, good luck with your fill today. HOpe it gives you the right fill in your band and in your head as you say it's just as much a head fill for you. I have another appt to get more of my unfill back next week and think I will keep it. I am just able to eat a little too much I think.

Deb, gosh it must be hard for you with the weight loss and having thyroid issues. Glad you got the tweak in meds that you needed.

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Good morning all. Eva, sounds like you have everything under control -- your machine sounds neat -- nice you don't have to get dressed or put on shoes to use it -- sounds like it was a great choice for you.

Deb, I'm so jealous - I'm dying to do Zumba -- we don't have it here in my little town -- so I can't do it -- I checked it out on line almost a year ago and keep asking at our local Y (only real gym we have in town that has classes) and they say they dont' have an instructor -- I keep telling them "to find one" -- it's so frustrating here cause we have such limited choices -- I pay a huge amount of money for a Y membership -- the facility is 40 plus years old -- they have crap machines, few classes (only 1 Water aerobics class every day at 7:00 a.m. and one 3 times a week at 1:30 p.m.) I keep saying we need some competition in this town. There is a new gym opening soon but it is small and will offer no classes and has no pool. I was used to living in larger cities where I could get whatever I wanted -- that's the one thing I miss the most about living in a small town -- that and the shopping. Oh well. that's why I buy DVD's -- Ill have to see I bet there's zumba dvds -- never thought of that before.

By the way, I purchased the Beck books used on Amazon -- got the workbook and the regular book for $14 including shipping -- one was $1.99 and the other $9.99 plus shipping. Not even sure I'll need the workbook but thought it might help. The other book says it has the "diet" in it - what to eat, etc. I figure we don't need that one, we already know what we should and shouldn't eat and we're so limited with our bands anyway.

I made a one pot wonder last night that turned out great - took a couple chicken breasts and cut them up small (like fajhita sized pieces), cooked them in a small amount of EVOO (probably about 2 teaspoons) with a whole chopped onion and about 10 cloves of minced garlic. Added salt, pepper, oregono, basil, cumin, smokey paprika and a large can of diced tomatoes, two cans of white Beans, some taco seasoning, a can of rotel tomatoes and enough broth to make it look like a stew -- put a lid on it and simmered for about an hour then added a bunch of fresh spinach and ate it -- it was pretty yummy -- I think I was hungry for beans. Anyway, it was pretty tasty and rather healthy I think. Kind of an italian/mexican combo. LOL. Made enough for probably 10 meals. I'll have to freeze some. Was quite filling as well. Couldn't even finish a cup of it.

Anyway, DGD here this am so didn't get up as early as I wanted. Ice is still out there but it says its 33 so hopefully it will melt a little today. But schools were closed again -- I'm glad I wasn't back to work and hopefully this will be the end of this for the year -- usually it only happens once a year and usually in January. I'm hoping for an early spring.

Lori, you'll get back on the program when you're feeling well enough -- your knees are much different from my hip. I'm very impressed that you have been able to maintain though all of this -- you rock!!

Okay, gotta get busy here -- cbl. Laura posted on FB that Nelson slammed his hand in the car door -- poor baby - took him to an ortho -- has a small fracture near the thumb (I think). Hope he's doing okay -- keep him in your thoughts. She said "alligator tears" - just pulled at my heart strings -- boys are so special. Have a great day everyone! Linda

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Mornin' Girls....

First off, Linda...great post. Lately it feels like you are so much more comfortable sharing your weightloss experience and advice. I think we all get to a point where we feel we are doing so well in our journey that we become confident enough to share. Make sense? I know I felt that way. Anyway, you really have a way of putting it out there in a kind and gentle manner. I look forward to your posts.

Eva...sorry you are struggling with food issues. Once a person gets off track, it's like the food takes over our minds. It's hard to break the pattern again. We also get scared that we cannot get back on track and start doubting ourselves. That's where the basics and the journaling come in. I can honestly say that I became morbidly obese due to not paying attention to what I put in my mouth. It was all the little bites, little tastes of things that added up. Once I decided to shake things up and started journaling, I was able to wrap my head around what I was consuming. What a wake up call. It's difficult to start over and be strict with ourselves but it does become habit after awhile. YOU CAN DO THIS. I bet you could advise anyone else on how to do it right? It's just breaking the darned pattern and getting on the path again. One thing I always found is that are temptations EVERYWHERE and they were always calling my name. I had to find ways to tune it all out and stick to the menu I had set up for myself. Then after I got into the routine, I allowed the planned treats and felt like I was not deprived.

I liked the me-me-me comment. What's this thread for?????????? Us-us-us and you are part of us!

Deb...I found when the nightmares subsided that I was on the downhill side of things. It made such a difference. When I did not have those nightly dreams infiltrating my days, I was better able to handle everything. Happy to hear yours subsided.

LauraK...you statement about "just moving" is so true. If there is an attempt to do just 30 minutes of something a day, we start to feel better and can increase our time without knowing it. When I was at my highest weight I wanted to move but got so tired. I'd push myself and be totally exhausted. Now I run around like my a$$ is on fire and I never get tired unless I have something affecting me like some virus or lack of sleep.< /span>

Janet...hope you get to your fill appt. Was listening to the news in the truck yesterday about all your rain. Sounds like a couple hours North of you is really bad. Be careful out there.

Great...I'm sure your doc will once again be impressed with your progress. Also, hope you can get your fills and back to where you want to be. You'll know it when you get there.

Busy day already. Did the books for the month, paid the bills for Feb cuz we won't be around, did payroll ahead of time and paid in my medicare, Fica, etc. Heading to town later in the day. Tanning session and LB group meeting. Really looking forward to it. Have not had one since Nov. I love our coordinator. She is LB herself and LB doc's nurse. I do get the skinny comments from some but I hold my own and don't worry about it. All I know is that our coordinator is in on all my LB appts and she knows my struggles this last year and she supports me. Thank you is all I can say about that.

You all have a great day. FF taco Soup brewing for lunch for myself and the men. Going to make some garlic/cheese/cornbread and have an apple crisp in the oven. (Had to use up the apples in the frig b/4 we go).

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OK...I vote myself to be the most forgetful participant on this thread. I am proud to hold some kind of title...whatever it is.

I was going to add and forgot. The Beck solution I think touches on (if I remember correctly) the combination of foods that we take in. Such as...we all need the correct amount of healthy carb/protein/fiber to keep our metabolisms working and things burning and moving. It will be interesting to see what you guys have to share about that topic.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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