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You said snuggle! I just asked if there was room. LOL

OOPS...maybe I'm the one doing the creeping out thing:biggrin::tt2::biggrin::lol::ohmy::ohmy::blush:

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lol -- not trying to creep anyone out - you guys are cracking me up. I had to correct my previous post -- only divorced 15 years -- I get carried away -- making myself older than I am. CBL

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Drive by - but I gotta say this

We will get a big old house with 10 rooms and all live together and Apples - we will so some cooking ;0) but you know how to cook for a crowd lol - jking lol...

That's a great idea !!!!

No one is creeped !!!

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I am going to ck target after gym for that Beck book - I think it will be right up my alley !!!! I need the reinforcement

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Oh Janet, I like it. Apples is our cook. Of course, we'll need a pool and then a pool boy! LOL

Folks talking about ever marrying again, I don't think I could either. I got very lucky the first time around and hope he's around forever, but not sure I'd ever be brave enough to risk it again, or I could find one like him.

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Hello everyone,

I am struggling to keep food down today. Even my Protein Shake took forever to get down. I think tommorrow I will stick with the shakes and give my tummy a rest. I really am following my doctor's instructions. I wonder if all his patients have trouble like this. Just getting frustrated today.

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Melissa....TRIPLE CONGRATULATIONS!!! :biggrin: When are you going to LA? How long will you be there!



I am will be their Sunday afternoon to Friday morning. I am excited.

Janet - You are right I will see you all in Feb. I can't wait.

My only concerns is my band getting tight only because it is tight now and the people I am going with have no idea I have the band. Not that it is a bad thing but they want to party when we are not working so I am afraid of that being a problem being around all the food and drinks.< /p>

I am excited but very nervous this is my first trip by myself (meaning without any family or close friends) just co-workers some are the people I will be working with in my new job and some are people i work with now.

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On fills: At U of I Chicago they don't remove and then put back and do not measure amounts. They believe that's bad for the band. They look through a floroscope when filling the band in order to tell how much is going through the band. You have to swallow some yucky barium drink.

I have read however, that Fluid can hide in the wrinkles or crinkles of the band, so the fluid is still there that seems to have gone missing. Let your Dr. reassure you.

Julie, third time may be the charm, particularly if accompanied by a letter from a lawyer.

Also, lifting Mimi may be aggravating your neck and shoulder. I don't have any tightening of the band after lifting but I imagine lifting shifts the band and causes irritation of those with adhesions the lifting may cause pulling and swelling that makes the band feel tight.

When my neck or back is bad I sit down and have grandchildren climb on me with an assist from me so I don't lift the full weight.

I frequently falll asleep with a Fisherman's Friend in my cheek. I use these while singing, also. They have a sugar free version my husband orders on-line. I also sleep sitting up when I have a tickle cough, usually the remnants of a cold.

Apples vertigo is nasty. Have your husband wake you up when its over.

Lori, glad your DD is being so wise.

My husband, who is 62 and retired for now, sleeps unbelievable hours. Full nights sleep and frequently beyond, then sleeps watching TV off and on throughout night and afternoons if I'm home.

I love my husband and he treats me very well, but I don't think I could take adjusting to anyone else's peccadillos ever again in my life. Twice was enough.

Janet, hope the baby gets better.

Laura, so glad your dad's doing so well. Don't worry about Nel's food. Those round cheeks of his are perfect. He'll eat when he's hungry again. The main thing is fluids as I'm sure you know.

I have to laugh sometimes when you talk about how you bundle him up when you're cold. I've found that if kids are cold they'll let you know. It's the leave them alone and they'll come home part of child-raising.

I see so many parents cooking one thing after the other trying to find the one thing their child will agree to eat. Which totally puts the child in control. Or threatening them if they don't eat everything on their plate. Talk about a pre-cursor to eating disorders.

My DGS is a very picky eater because of the autism to which many sensory issues are attached. My daughter just keeps things she knows he likes to snack on that are good for him that he can eat when he's in the right frame of mind for it. Prewrapped rectangular cheddar is one of his favorites. His cheese has to even be shaped a certain way, and never melted. No foods mixed together. Lots of Mac n Cheese. Yoghurt, nuts, and beef Jerky sticks. Cut up bowls of fruit he can pick his favorites out. Makes it easy on her so she isn't tempted to pressure him to eat at meal time. Give kids just a couple of simple choices that are healthy and they can serve themselves and all the hassle goes out of mealtime. No more power struggles. You won't ever win with an autistic kids and his food.

Jessica: you're doing great.

As far as PTSS, it doesn't take much to cause it. Living with undiagnosed ADHD and not knowing what made life such a struggle when I was obviously so bright was a good part of mine. Living with an alcholic certainly contributed. But I totally believe I was also born without an off switch in my brain when it comes to food. Brain research is showing that that's true for most of us who struggle with food. Don't need any PTSS or major trauma to create food addiction. We were born with it and in this country we can freely indulge it.

Charlene, the fibromyalgia must be really horrible. You're doing remarkably well all things considered.

Linda--wow! Great exercise. I'm glad you're relaxing a little about the speed of your weight loss. I'm slowing down, too. Partly my body saying, OK, that's about enough now, partly me slowing down on purpose. I could get addicted to losing weight and to exercise so I've made a choice to stop where I feel good, am healthy, perfect BMI, and look good in clothes again.

Well, weight is stable. But I no longer have first bite syndrome, which warning I really need, and I can eat dense meats fairly quickly and in quantity so, I'm really glad I scheduled that fill on Feb 2. I want my weight range to be between 165 and 170. I'm right at 170. I think the fill will help me get to the official 167 lb goal and maintain it. I'm no longer at my sweet spot and I want it back.

I'm in a size 12 at 170 lbs. For comparison, I was in a size 12 at the age of 17 and weighed no more than 140. Sizes have really changed.


Wonder how many people posted while I wrote this!

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Hello everyone,

I am struggling to keep food down today. Even my Protein Shake took forever to get down. I think tommorrow I will stick with the shakes and give my tummy a rest. I really am following my doctor's instructions. I wonder if all his patients have trouble like this. Just getting frustrated today.

Sorry to hear of your food issues, Jessica. Your idea of shakes tomorrow might be a good idea. If you have irritated things with that stuck episode, you might need a respite from solids for a couple of days. But, if this persists, you might want to call your doc and let him know what is going on. Really slow down...even with the liquids. Take care and let us know how it is going.

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Back from the gym - Had a great workout...

Jessica - What did you eat that cause the problem

Are you measuring your food - are you eating off small plates - eating slowly and chewing very very well - these are all key things - I would go back to Soups shakes and if it continues call your doc - do you have some Fluid in your band now - some bands do have a little fill when they install it.. Take it slow - this is a new life adjustment - You may have some issues with some foods - not everyone can eat the same stuff - it's very challenging at first - but you will learn how to adjust your eating to the band and what you can and can't eat..

Well need to go give Angel her meds - and get dinner started

Target didn't have the book - so will have to order it or go to the mall this weekend

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Wow...its been a heck of a week so far.

Last night...I took my daughter with me to the nutrtionist we started working with. I firgured its important to bring my daughter and start her seing the nutritionist as well.....

I found some interesting new things about my daughter that I thought she had outgrown however, what I discovered that her charachter traits are still the same as when she was a baby however they have just manifested into different areas...one being eating certain foods and how she eats....she eats pretty healthy and has some good habbits...however across the board she is has a somewhat obsessive personality....and she responded to questions about what type her foods she eats and her activities she engages in....it was clear that she when she eats....she eats foods that she likes and only those items until she is sooo totally sick of em and the same goes for engagement in activities, excersize, homework etc....the nutritionist...realized this as well...and we both nodded in agreement....hence this is why I relay this experience....a prelude to the following ideas.....

The focus of what we talked about for the remainder of the hour was about moderation.....

Important of moderation for all our behavior....esp in regards to foods, activities, and exercise..the importance of sheduling in exercise and physical activity into our schedule every day other wise...we might not engage in that as that may not be our favorite activity..to engage in like we do for all activities... homework, cleaning room, reading for enjoyment etc....otherwize we might just end up only doing those things we love.....like reading, knititng, drawing and eating whats tastes good is not a good idea because we must excersize as part of our daily routine whether we like it or not.

Maintaining a balance in our day to include whats important for health and fitness. Eating different foods and sweets and fats in moderation.

I thought I would share this information with all...

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I always find it interesting to see what subject you will tackle on a daily basis.

What I really enjoy about this thread is that there isn't too much of the "oh poor me" syndrome here...yes we all rant, yes we B&M about stuff but no one really carries on about how horrible their life is. I don't mind B&Ming because I certainly do it enough, but not without realizing if I have something I'm unhappy about, I'm the only one with the power to change it.

I'm a firm believer in making your own life...no one can make it for you. You choose to be sad or happy and you choose how to react to different situations, I'm not sure it's always consciously, but it is a choice. When I'm doing the pity party thing too much, I have to remember this...practice what you preach.

So on that note, I'm going to B&M...sort of. I've been struggling with food since November. No weight loss, a little gain, not too worried yet, but this is not where I want to be. I always wonder why I cannot stick to a plan. Over the last few days, you guys have let a few pearls of wisdom slip out about food issues, dieting, exercise, etc and I'm trying to incorporate these ideas back into my daily routine. Journaling is one of the things that really bring home where I'm slipping up. I don't want to face the reality of what I'm putting into my mouth. I seem to have a horrible sugar addiction. Once I start eating sweets, I cannot stop. Once I start eating fats, I don't stop. I eat until I'm more than full. I still haven't learned to listen to my band or my common sense. I tell my self tomorrow I'll walk the walk but then tomorrow comes and I'm eating a bite of this and little more of that and I know exactly where that leads me.

I truly am eating less than I used to. I do not eat the massive amounts I used to, but I am not making wise food choices and I know it needs to stop. I'm writing this just so you know where I'm at. I'm going to Tijuana for a fill on Saturday and I'm really hoping this tweak will get me to that place where I can't get another bite down. I know I still will need to work on the head issues, but if I can't eat as fast or as much as I can now, maybe I will get that reprieve from my addiction long enough to get some more weight off.

One more thing is bugging me, then I'll get out of my pity tub...I've started exercising again...not agressively, but 30 minutes or so a day. My back is bothering me and so is my hip. This pi$$$es me off to no end. I want to be able to move easier, get on and off the floor easier, walk longer and maybe even run, but once I start exercising, the stupid back, leg, foot thing starts again and the stress bugs me. It's a vicious circle, if I don't exercise, I'm not going to lose weight, if I do too much I aggravate the disk and arthritis, and I need to lose weight to help the disk and arthritis.....duh............I'm still going to get on that machine in the morning because it feels good to have those sore muscles, but geeze getting through the other aches and pains is a PAIN!!

Sorry I had to let go, but I think it will help me get back on track if I put all this crap out there. Thanks for listening (reading). Nothing like airing your dirty eating issues in public is there?

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Wow...its been a heck of a week so far.

Last night...I took my daughter with me to the nutrtionist we started working with. I firgured its important to bring my daughter and start her seing the nutritionist as well.....

I found some interesting new things about my daughter that I thought she had outgrown however, what I discovered that her charachter traits are still the same as when she was a baby however they have just manifested into different areas...one being eating certain foods and how she eats....she eats pretty healthy and has some good habbits...however across the board she is has a somewhat obsessive personality....and she responded to questions about what type her foods she eats and her activities she engages in....it was clear that she when she eats....she eats foods that she likes and only those items until she is sooo totally sick of em and the same goes for engagement in activities, excersize, homework etc....the nutritionist...realized this as well...and we both nodded in agreement....hence this is why I relay this experience....a prelude to the following ideas.....

The focus of what we talked about for the remainder of the hour was about moderation.....

Important of moderation for all our behavior....esp in regards to foods, activities, and exercise..the importance of sheduling in exercise and physical activity into our schedule every day other wise...we might not engage in that as that may not be our favorite activity..to engage in like we do for all activities... homework, cleaning room, reading for enjoyment etc....otherwize we might just end up only doing those things we love.....like reading, knititng, drawing and eating whats tastes good is not a good idea because we must excersize as part of our daily routine whether we like it or not.

Maintaining a balance in our day to include whats important for health and fitness. Eating different foods and sweets and fats in moderation.

I thought I would share this information with all...


This is so true - I can't say I LOVE exercising but I KNOW that I have to do it in order to maintain a healthy weight - It seems like it takes some of us longer to get this whole lifetime lifestyle change thing down - it's all about moderation but that something we just didn't get before and we need the help of the band to keep us in control - but the real work of choosing healthy foods and exercise is up to us - I know it took me till I got banded major surgery for the light bulb to finally turn on in my brain !!!!

I am so glad you DD went with you - she's almost 16 right - it's so important for her to learn these healthy habits

I am preaching to my DGDers all the time (15 & 5) healthy eating - MY DGS is skinny as a rail and can careless about food

How did the sleep study go..

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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