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Hi everyone, on my way to bed but wanted to stop and say congrats to Melissa - good going on all your successes!! Arlene, sounds like the meeting was really good -- I'll look for Mary Jo tomorrow -- hopefully that means the show will be airing some new episodes soon (I hope).

Lori, sorry to hear about DD problems -- sounds like the fiance is a little immature -- hope she sticks to her guns -- cause it could be really big trouble of she lets it go -- future headaches for sure -- did they go to any kind of pre-marriage counseling? I know my DS and his wife went before they got married and a lot of things like this were covered -- I think it was through the church they attended at the time. Even if she puts off the wedding by a few months that would be better than dealing with future financial problems --especially if she wants to start a family right away. Hopefully he'll wake up quick and realize what an immature idiot he is.

Apples, you missed the amount of the vet bill cause you forgot to add in the So. Cal. high prices - lol would have been correct here in the midwest probably. Janet, hugs on the doggie issues -- hope she takes her medicine and gets well soon.

My Ex was in Vietnam -- hard time for all of us -- we ended up getting divorced afterwards, he changed so much. We lasted about 3 years after he came back but it was never really good. Glad your son made it home, Arlene and you too Apples and Julie. As an ex military wife I know how challenging it is to have a family member in the military. Also had an uncle who was killed in Korean war -- my current DH was a Marine, but never saw any action -- he was lucky --young enough to miss Vietnam.

Arlene, I also loved your quote today - I had never heard it before either and yes, it is so very true. Good reminder for all of us.

Well, all, I'm off to bed and will be up at 6:00 -- at least that's my plan - trying to get back to a work schedule. TTYT. Linda

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Eva, thanks so much and congrats on getting that work out on the machine!! I'm proud of you -- keep it up!!! Linda

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I Got up at 4am this morning. The rain from the west coast is moving in and my fibromyalgia is "kicking", but it is not as bad as before medicine. The fitness guy that spoke last night said not to overdo exercise because you will risk injury. I guess it is because we didn't get this way by exercising. He just said make a plan and stick with it. I think all of you have a plan. Me, well, I need to do more than walking.

Thanks for all the sweet words of encouragement. It is hard to peel off toxic people and toxic food. One day at a time.

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Good Morning Ladies,

I have been really good the past few days and it paid off. I lost another 3 pounds. My doc has cleared me for solids again. Had a little hiccup yesterday. I vomited at lunch time. I am not really sure why I was eatting something that was pretty soft. Then at dinner I ate 2 bites and got some pain in my chest so I just stopped. I think dinner may have been over cooked. Is it harder to get meat down if it is a little burnt? I am wondering if my pouch was just irritated.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Good Morning Ladies,

I have been really good the past few days and it paid off. I lost another 3 pounds. My doc has cleared me for solids again. Had a little hiccup yesterday. I vomited at lunch time. I am not really sure why I was eatting something that was pretty soft. Then at dinner I ate 2 bites and got some pain in my chest so I just stopped. I think dinner may have been over cooked. Is it harder to get meat down if it is a little burnt? I am wondering if my pouch was just irritated.

Hope you all have a great day.

Jessica, I am 18 months out of banding and I still have problems. Watch your first bite. Take a bite....chew,chew,chew. Then wait a few moments. Sometimes there is gas in your stomach and when eat too fast it can't come out .....hence you pb or vomit until that gas can come out. Now, that is my problem. We call it first bite syndrome.

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Good Morning Ladies,

I have been really good the past few days and it paid off. I lost another 3 pounds. My doc has cleared me for solids again. Had a little hiccup yesterday. I vomited at lunch time. I am not really sure why I was eatting something that was pretty soft. Then at dinner I ate 2 bites and got some pain in my chest so I just stopped. I think dinner may have been over cooked. Is it harder to get meat down if it is a little burnt? I am wondering if my pouch was just irritated.

Hope you all have a great day.

Ditto what Arlene said and ,yes, you can irritate things with getting stuck. Best to baby it for a bit (try a day or two) with soft foods. Try to really be aware of how you are eating. Are you stressed at all eating with others? I know I had a period of time that I would eat either b/4 or after others just to give myself time to adjust to the new way of eating.

Way to go, Jessica. Down 3 more pounds. You are doing so great! Have a good day.

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Mornin' Arlene...will have to try and catch the Today show today. We switched cable channels and don't get Big Medicine anymore. Will have to look into the extended package when we get home from FL.

Darned fibermyalgia...unless a person has it, they do not realize what you go through. Have a couple of good friends with it. Good days and some really bad days. Just seems like the middle of the road is rare? I feel for you, Arlene.

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Yes, I do get stressed eatting with others. I have always been that way. I wonder what people are thinking about the food on my plate, do they think I am pigging out? I hate when people make a comment about what I am eatting. Even more so now that I have the band. I feel like I am surrounded by food police. I have a bit of paranoia as part of my mental issues. It just plays on my insecurities.

Thanks Charlene and Apples2

Your right about the trapped gas. I feel it almost everytime I eat. And yes it is usually the first bite that gets me. I was doing so well guess I got careless.

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Great...not sure how I missed your post last night. Ppl were mentioning things about DD's troubles with fiance and I knew I missed something. Yep, best to deal with that type of thing now. He sounds like a typical 20-something male that needs a little more time single to play with his toys. Best to let him take that ride alone instead of being selfish and putting her through hell over some tires and cars. Looks like he needs to get his priorities in line. Gotta be give and take. She's smart to realize now b/4 the wedding and to work on it with him, if he is willing.

Linda...yes, Janet most likely pays elevated prices for the vet bills, etc., but, we pay through the nose for fruits and veggies in 9 month out of the year and we are sometimes paying for crap. I have always loved fruit and just crave it so bad in the winter. Have you noticed the crappy melons lately? And the price of berries? Sure, I'll pay ya $6.99 for a few strawberries. Nuts!

Eva...way more men that come home from war have PTSD and it goes undiagnosed. Too proud, don't want to deal with it, etc. I feel there should be more intense screening b/4 these guys are allowed to head home. I think some guys truly believe they do not have any after affects (like Arlene's son). In their mind, they are so certain.

I was diagnosed with PTSD in 1994. The diagnosis knocked me off my feet and I denied, denied, denied that I was affected. I was falling apart, but I still denied. Long story and not opening a can of worms today like I did yesterday. But, PTSD NEEDS to be treated.

OK...we are getting way too deep. Woke up with a case of vertigo during the night. Something I have to deal with once in awhile. Tuned over in bed and thought I was going to hurl. Been up for a couple of hours and it has not tamed down. It will and always does. If I hold my head still for long enough, it gets somewhat better. Just really don't want to be sick on this trip.

Talked to DS last night that lives in Atlanta. He sounded pretty excited about us coming. A year is toooooooooooooooooooooooooo long without seeing him. We couldn't get out there because of the hectic farm season and he couldn't get here because he just started up a flight school last spring. He has lived as far away from home that he can get since he graduated from HS but we talk to him every day...sometimes 10 times. He was always able to come home every couple of months until this year. I told DH last night "I get him first. I birthed him...I hug him first" . I am gonna have to carry that big stick I talk about.

OK...DH is up. Gotta make Breakfast. This farming year must have been tough on him. Our entire marraige we have gotten up together. This winter he has been sleeping in 2-3 hours longer than me in the morning. I have come to the realization that I am living with an old man (1.5 yrs older).

You all have a great day! It's one day closer to getting the heck out of here!

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Jessica, stress will tighten the band. Plan your meals when you know stress is involved. Sometimes I eat before I go into a stressful setting.....then when I eat in that setting it is something very light. Also, I have found lifting groceries, grandkids and just about anything over 5-10lbs will tighten my band for awhile. I can't eat for a couple of hours after grocery shopping.

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Morning ladies,

Before I forget again, Melissa, congrats on the promotion... You must feel like a million bucks, with a new job, more money, and less weight... Suck it all in, you earned it.....

Lori, your daughter is doing the right thing.. these kinds of things need to be dealt with before the wedding... Not doing so is why the divorce rate is so high.....

Apples, hugs on the verigo again... You just got over the kidney stones and now this... Take care of yourself... My DH can sleep more now than he used to, too... but he is going to be 62 on 2-15............ Most of the time he acts like a youngster, and can go all the time, but he does sleep more now that he is retired....

Janet, hope your baby is better soon... The liverwurst things sounds like a good idea....

Jessica, good work on the 3 pounds... Just keep plugging away, you'll find a routine for everything soon...

Boy, Arlene, I've never noticed getting tighter after lifting.. I am back to lifting Mimi now and it doesn't seem to bother me at all..... darn..... it might help me eat less....

Linda, hope you slept well and got up early like you planned.

Well, I got my letter from insurance yesterday.... No go on the MRI..... Waiting to talk to the doc's office today and made an appointment with my GP for next week to manage some of my meds... Can't stay on this stuff indefinitely..... My pain is better, so that is a relief, but there has to be a reason for it and I don't want it coming back ever!!!! I still can feel it twinge me sometimes, but haven't had any bad episodes for about a week.... They are just taking a very hard line.... so.... I don't know what's next.... maybe I just need to forget about it....see what happens.... I'm tired of the fight....

Mimi comes at 10:45 today so I'd better get moving.. Cold is still hanging in there... I did sleep last night without coughing too much, but slept in the chair from the start.... And had a Ricola cough drop just before falling asleep... They seem to help... Have a good day everyone... Julie

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Hi guys. I was posting the night before last and dh had it set to some new browser... I thought I was just closing a window and lost whole post (and it was a long one!) I was so p.o.ed I turned off computer and went to bed. I am sitting with my dad at dr as he gets an iv. He is doing ok. Labs are great- kidney seems to be tolerating both chemo agents and he has begun urinating again. Spirits have been high for everyone. Combo of nelson, dh, and dad feeling ok.dh installed new lcd tv and speaker system for my folks.weather I nice...40s in a.m. And 65 afternoon.

I am not as tight as usually am when visiting. Mom is cooking healthy and light. Nels has a cold now after that fever and has been on a hunger strike for 3 days. Drinking though.

Melissa- congrats!!! Julie-hope u r feeling better. Apples- how is ur vertigo? We have that in common. I always get a crick in my neck the two times a year when I get it, trying not to have symptoms. Hugs- it's horrible. Janet- how's ur baby? Hope u had better luck w meds. Everyone else- hello. I am typing on phone and can't review posts. Hope everyone is ok. Know that I haven't forgotten about u guys! Oh, lori- hugs with dd issues. Ttyl....peasout...laura

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Good Morning Ladies,

I have been really good the past few days and it paid off. I lost another 3 pounds. My doc has cleared me for solids again. Had a little hiccup yesterday. I vomited at lunch time. I am not really sure why I was eatting something that was pretty soft. Then at dinner I ate 2 bites and got some pain in my chest so I just stopped. I think dinner may have been over cooked. Is it harder to get meat down if it is a little burnt? I am wondering if my pouch was just irritated. Hope you all have a great day.

Overcooked food is ABSOLUTELY a problem... for me, at least. The only steak I eat is filet, my fish cannot be overdone or it won't stay down. Last night I pb'd some chicken. I can't eat chicken breast unless its very tender and never if it's overdone.

My DH is a Viet Nam vet, also. He came home pretty healthy emotionally, but he was pretty protected on an air base. Not that they didn't get shelled frequently, but he endured it all very well.

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Good Morning Gang

OMW you have been busy !!!!

Blood test was $198 - ear Meds $39 - shot and 2 other med -hell the office visit $60 alone... Tot the antidiarreha meds in last night and this a.m. but not the antiobotic's will have Andrew try later - but she still has the runs and Angel is a very prissy picky eater - where Bear will eat anything :0)

Eva - I was watching the pliates thing the other day - I guess I will have to come and visit so I can try it out. So you got a good work out - they say it's not much to put together or maybe to put away - that's the problem of where to put it :0)

I say that I may have had a little trama as a kid (finding my Mom on the floor after suicide attempt) - but I think I just found comfort in food - and as a grown up - it was what I did for me - it was my control - who knows - taste buds are to blame too :0)

Great - $$ is one of the major fight issues in most marraiges and it's a good thing she is considering this - they need to be able to complement each others spending/saving and agree on it - I know I am protecting myself here in my little shell - but this is another reason I am single - all this stuff just too much work for me to deal with - I am a saver for tomorrow but do enjoy today too. Hope things work out

Charlene - Hugs on the flybro issues - on the exercise issue you have to find a good balance - not too much to make you not want to do it - if it's a chore you won't do it - so you gotta find something you enjoy (well as much as exercise can be enjoyable lol) - I too tighten up after exercise a little.

Julie - I agree they gotta find out whats cause the pain - glad it has subsided some..

Apples - I just paid $2.99 last night for strawberries not the single basket but 2 baskets. So ya I guess it's all a trade off - I get fruit and veggies at decent prices - but Vet bills another story ;o) - I could have a little ptsd - been in abusive relationship - but I guess I am like you denie and things will be ok - my dad taught me just pull up the boot straps and move one - I don't dwell on the past too much can't change it - but that past is what has made me who I am today - I guess it's why I avoid relationships (w/men) none of my past ones worked out.. A shrink would have a field day with that one lol

Linda - you are doing fantastic on the exercise - hugs on DD not taking care of herself -

Jessica - my meats have to be tender to eat - I eat alot of catfish and it's soft - I can eat pork tenderloin but again it's not on the well done side either and it's the filet migon of pork - can do chicken but again moist soft tender - nothing tough.. You are learning and it's going to take awhile - but it sounds like you have restriction and that's good - just be sure to eat slowly and chew well - and just eat to please you not others :0)

Laura - Glad Dad's doing ok w/chemo - Hugs on Nelson cold - just make sure he has fluids - he will be find - quit trying to force feed the kid lol - he will eat when he's hungry :biggrin:)

Ok gang I started this 45 min ago - I gotta get to work - so I will cbl


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Good morning everyone! Yes, I got up at 6:30 (a little later than I wanted, but it's a start) and I got my two hours of exercise in by 10:00 - so hopefully tonight I'll be a little more tired and go to bed a little earlier and try for 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. It's a plan anyway. I did a 4 mile walk with intervals then a 2 mile imterval walk and then a 30 mins. walk with weights which is supposed to be equal to a brisk 2 mile walk. So altogether 110 mins. -- it's not too terribly boring -- I have enough different tapes (about 8) that I can mix up the walks so I'm not doing the same ones every day. I think the weight one is really helping me, especialy since I haven't been able to get to the gym to do the weight machines. Hopefully I'll see results again next week. I'm so happy to get those Christmas pounds off. Yippee!! Anyway, I figured out that I've lost 16 lbs. since August 9 which was when I surprised my sister in Vegas -- so that averages out to 3 lbs. per month which is pretty darn good at this stage. So I'm going to just quit b&m so much -- you know we get in such a hurry to get this weight off. I feel confident now that I can indeed make my goals -- there for awhile I was feeling so frustrated and worrying I'd never lose any more weight -- some times you just have to take the time to look at the big picture - that's why weighing even once a week can be so frustrating. Heck if I can lose another 16 lbs. in 5 months I'll be thrilled - I think the key is to never stop working the program no matter what you think or feel or how frustrated you get. Sometimes it just seems like the scale never moves, but then when you stop and look back over several months you realize it did. The key is to continue and not give up.

Jessica, you're doing great -- congratulations on those 3 lbs. I get first bite syndrom a lot at lunch time when I am in a hurry or I get it if I'm trying to eat and I get stressed out for any reason, I just can't get food down. I have onlyl PB'd really once -- but I get the pain in the chest and first bite syndrom a lot more often -- at least several times a week, especially this soon after a fill (it's been about 2 weeks) It's the only time I have a problem -- so you gotta make sure you are eating stress free for sure and also to slow down. And after you get your first fill you'll have to be very careful as well. Has anyone told you about Papaya enzyme? They are great tasting pills that you can chew when you have first bite syndrome and it can help clear it out -- I chew them and walk around about 10 mins. and then I can usually sit down and finish my meal with no problems. I buy mine at Walmart -- $4.50 for a bottle of 180 tablets.

We are having a terrible ice storm -- freeaing rain -- lots of limbs hanging low - lots of branches breaking off - power lines down in areas -- interstate 80 is closed east of Des Moines and I 35 closed south of Des Moines -- all the schools are closed - I had an appt. witih podiatrist and they even called and canceled -- that's unusual -- must be really bad out. I'm glad we have no where to go. DH went to grocery store yesterday so we have everything we need.

Apples, I buy the whole frozen strawberries (unsweetened) and frozen blueberries -- I think I pay about $2.50 for a bag -- I use two bags of strawberries and one of blueberries each week -- I put them in a tupperware container in fridge and then the next day they are thawed enough to slice -- usually still slightly frozen -- they are much better than the already sliced frozen ones -- those are always miscolored and mushy for me. These keep well for the week -- I put a little splenda on them when I slice them and they are good. That keeps me in strawberries/blueberries until spring cause I must have my berries!!

Laura, glad you are in NC - hugs to you and your family. Thinking of you. Hope Nelson feels better soon -- hope the cold gets better and doesn't hang on like mine has.

Julie, sorry about the MRI -- I don't understand insurance that denies finding out what is causing pain. Hopefully your doctors will figure out a way to find out what is causing the pain and keep it under control. Be careful picking up Mimi again -- i don't pick up Aylah -- she's 32 lbs. -- and she's pretty small for her age but between my hip and my back, I'm not supposed to lift anything more than 10 lbs. so I'll never pick her up. So you might want to try to not pick her up as much.

Janet, hope the baby will do better and get medicine down today.

Apples, hope this weather clears up so you can go south by next Monday. It sounds like it's supposed to.

CBL. Have a great day everyone! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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