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The bandages came off today. The scars look like they are gonna be small and well hidden. When I took the bandage off my belly button I got this really pungent smell. Apparently my button has been full of drainage that has just dried up in there. I had to get a shower ASAP. Did this happen to ya'll? Yuck. I also tried cleaning it gently with a Qtip. Added some neosporin.

My Pants are starting to fit really loose. I can tell I am gonna need a good belt for this journey. SO far today I have stuck to it. The evening is the worse though.

Sorry guys, I am pretty chatty today.

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Hi everyone, back from my 6 week post surgical visit -- my surgeon is just so amazed at my progress . He had me lift my leg -- with my knee bent and said, "I've never had a patient that could lift their knee up that high this soon after surgery" - well heck, I lift it up during my walking tapes a lot -- to me it's just simple -- I'm very happy that the surgery was so easy for me, I feel very blessed about it. Oh, also had a NSV at lunch -- we stopped at an Applebee's for lunch and my DH was bragging about my surgery to the waitress -- she said, "oh, you're so lucky your not overweight - I've heard it's much tougher when your heavy" If only she knew! Wow that really made my day. Glad DH didnt tell her -- it's nice when people think you've always been "normal sized". He cleared me to return to work Monday so stopped by work and took care of that -- they are thrilled I'll be back -- I'm glad I have a few more days to "adjust". Plan to start going to bed at 10 (normal work bedtime) and then get up at 5 -- regular wake up time when I work so I have time to do my exercises before work -- since I work until 6:00 p.m. it's too late after work -- I'm more like Apples and am a morning person -- my DH is the opposite - he'll start all kinds of projects at 4:00 in the afternoon - not me -- if I haven't started by then it just doesn't get done.

Jodi, thanks for sharing -- you sound like you're a lot of fun. Sorry for the sorrows you've had - and your DD -- hard on kids to lose a parent so young. You are doing the right thing, to get healthy for her. Many of us here made this step to "get healthy" for our grandkids -- I want to be around to see mine grow up -- and it kind of woke me up when my DGD was born how terribly unhealthy I was. Again, I feel so fortunate that I took care of my health BEFORE I had something happen. I have many jewish friends -- love all the traditiions - I grew up eating slovac foods - so very much like jewish foods -- of course all of that is the most delish food in the world -- and I do miss it sometimes, but I also love being healthy and having more energy.

Lori, glad DH helped out with the housework. My DH does a lot around here - I've mentioend before that he is on permanent disability - he was a pipefitter/boilermaker at an oil refinery (in LA) for 30 years and he wore out his hips -- after both his hips were replaced he couldn't return to that kind of work and really didn't have education/training for any other work so he gets a nice check every month to sit and watch TV -- so he does do most of the housework around here -- I still clean the kitchen, bathrooms, dust but he vacuums, cleans the floors and does the laundry -- and I HATE doing laundry - he loves it. He also likes to grocery shop (go figure) and loves to save money using coupons. So I let him have these pleasures in his life. LOL. Only thing is, I still go to grocery store occasionally -- I like to keep pantry stocked up and he is type that wouldn't buy something we were out of if it bit him as he walked by. I also have to go to store if I want to buy pears or any other type of fruit (strawberries) that you have to see the color to tell if it's ripe -- he is colorblind and the last pears he bought (almost 2 weeks ago) are still green as green can be -- I bought some late last week that I've already eaten and they were getting too ripe.

Meredith, so sorry about your friend's mother -- so sad and so scary -- I will keep thinking positive thoughts -- I hope she is okay, my heart goes out to her daughter- how horrible that would be -- I just hope they find her safe some where. What a beautiful church that was (in the video). Congrats on the house -- you'll have a great time -- your first house is always so special - you'll have a lot of fun decorating and making it your own.

Janet, how's the computers at work? Hpefully they got it up and running so you aren't sitting around bored all day -- sounds like they need to buy an entire new system. I'm sure that's not in their budget.

Doctor said sleeping problems are not unusual after surgery - said anesthesia does affect sleep some times for several months. He thinks when I get back to my regular "routine" I'll be fine -- so I will start my routine tonight.

DIdn't have time to exercise this a.m. so am going to try to do a little now -- DH is napping, so it's a good time. CBL. Julie, I just got over my cold (still in my nose a bit) and it was bad, bad - has lasted almost 2 weeks -- so do anything to avoid it. I was miserable.

Apples, you crack me up -- I can just visualize the truck packed with all your totes and the kitchen sink on top -- lol. Your DH probably would NOT be surprised if you did load it up.

Jessica, good going on the attitude - just keep working the program -- please stay away from cheese -- it really hinders weight loss - try the non-fat variety if you must have it -- it doesn't taste as good, but it gives you a little "taste" of it without ruining all the other hard work you are doing.

My weigh in day is tomorrow and I'm anxious to see how I do after the effort I put in to the exercise this week. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Deb, hang in there -- hope you and Cheri had a nice, restful day off. Cheri, I'd love your church -- I love to sing too.

CBL Have a great evening everyone! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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The bandages came off today. The scars look like they are gonna be small and well hidden. When I took the bandage off my belly button I got this really pungent smell. Apparently my button has been full of drainage that has just dried up in there. I had to get a shower ASAP. Did this happen to ya'll? Yuck. I also tried cleaning it gently with a Qtip. Added some neosporin.

My Pants are starting to fit really loose. I can tell I am gonna need a good belt for this journey. SO far today I have stuck to it. The evening is the worse though.

Sorry guys, I am pretty chatty today.

Yes, Jewel, evenings can be a challenge. That's why it is important to really stay on task with your calories during the day and bank some calories for a treat in the evening...if you feel you need it. A lot of us here eat the 100 cal treats...sf pudding, popcorn, etc. Very important to get some calories in the morning also to kick your metabolism in gear. You will get the hang of this. It's tough but when you get through this hungry stage, you are going to be sooooooooo proud of your accomplishments. See? You already need a belt. Heck I didn't know what a belt was for 10 years:scared2:. Now I have red ones, orange, multi-colored, skinny ones, wide ones......

Make good healthy choices, get some good sleep and when you feel the evening hunger, try to occupy your mind with something other than food. Don't ever give up...(I didn't invent that motto but it's a good one to live by). Take care of that belly button! Sounds like you did the right thing to care for it.

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Hey Linda...good goin' on throwing that leg up for the doc! Also, very nice NSV...so funny you talk about being "normal". That's how I envision most of you. If I have seen your photo after weightloss, it's tough to see someone that once was heavier. Good luck on switching your sleep schedule to your work sleep schedule. Not easy to do but maybe will help with your sleep troubles. My DH's CPAP lulls me to sleep and keeps me sleeping. B/4 he had it, it did not sleep well at all. He was always a fitful sleeper and woke me up. He's not heavy and never has been. He and oldes DS 28 were both diagnosed with a rare sleep disorder. He had thickening around his heart...that was an indicator.

Would love to borrow your DH once in awhile to do the supermarket trips for me. My DH was in a supermarket once. He didn't like it and never went back.

Eva.....I know we will enjoy the trip down. DH and I travel well together and have a lot of fun (as long as I get my way...kidding). We enjoy museums, stopping at garage sales, surplus stores, etc. Will have to leave a corner of the truck empty just for such stops. Thought maybe you had a p.j. day today also. So sad........

OK...all of you that are still in your p.j.'s...it's almost time to put on a new pair.

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No PJ's for me here today but I am in my grubby workout type clothes that I wore to therapy today. Knee is progressing so well. I am to 130 degree bend already, it's passing the other knee on by.

I drove down to the Ann Taylor Loft store that is closing today. I had gotten all that stuff on Chrsitmas weekend with my giftcards. I had this coupon to use for an additional 15% off when I used my gift cards with in a week or so after Christmas. When I showed the card at the store they told me it wasn't good there but only at the Ann Taylor store. Well I got to looking at the card when I was cleaning out my wallet yesterday and right on the back it said it was good at Ann Taylor or Ann Taylor Loft. Luckily I had my receipt still so off I went and I got $20 credit. I applied that to a new winter coat marked down from $200 to $80 and then an additional 50% off that so for $40 and then the $20 credit I got, I couldn't resist. Plus it's a size 10!! Usually I am bigger on coats and stuff.

Tomorrow I am taking Grandma shopping. She wants to shop for a wedding and a shower gift for my DD so think we might go to a mall. Should be fun. LOL

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No PJ's for me here today but I am in my grubby workout type clothes that I wore to therapy today. Knee is progressing so well. I am to 130 degree bend already, it's passing the other knee on by.

I drove down to the Ann Taylor Loft store that is closing today. I had gotten all that stuff on Chrsitmas weekend with my giftcards. I had this coupon to use for an additional 15% off when I used my gift cards with in a week or so after Christmas. When I showed the card at the store they told me it wasn't good there but only at the Ann Taylor store. Well I got to looking at the card when I was cleaning out my wallet yesterday and right on the back it said it was good at Ann Taylor or Ann Taylor Loft. Luckily I had my receipt still so off I went and I got $20 credit. I applied that to a new winter coat marked down from $200 to $80 and then an additional 50% off that so for $40 and then the $20 credit I got, I couldn't resist. Plus it's a size 10!! Usually I am bigger on coats and stuff.

Tomorrow I am taking Grandma shopping. She wants to shop for a wedding and a shower gift for my DD so think we might go to a mall. Should be fun. LOL

What an exhilerating feeling to get an Ann Taylor coat for $20! Gotta love those sales and coupons.

Are you now done with weekly therapy?

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Hey all - yes I had a wonderful Birthday. I am getting tint on my car as a gift and I also got the new Wii fit plus game. I have not got on it yet though. I had the first version and loved it .

Meredith....praying for your friends Mom. Congrats on the the house

Edited by 1day at a time

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Had a great day. lunch with daughter-in-law and her 3yr old daughter, Skylar. Mended some fences. Took DGD to my DD's where she got to play with her cousins, my 2 DGS's.

Watching Heroes now. My husband recorded Chuck for me so might watch it after this. Or go to bed early and watch it tomorrow night.

Love my new clothes.


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Hi all...Hope you all had a great weekend. I am going tomorrow night for my sleep study with GPAP. That should be fun.

Today I had surprise....Im not being declared insane. He didnt even pressure nor ask me to come back to see him on a regular basis. I had my psych eval..why was I so nurvous? It happens....that the psychologists kids and my daughter went to the same private school and the conversation was very comfortable...after shooting the breeze about the school and principal and teachers the rest of the hour went really well.

I filled my script for the AH, PH or what ever germ they found ilast week in my stomach during the endoscopy. I need to take this for for two weeks...but it wont push my surgery back even further then the March 15th. lol

Im hoping the endoconologists tests...come back okay....cause I have to say....these tests are all coming back with results that arent too promising for that new March 15th date....if those tests come back stating that I have some wierd diagnoses....

Welcome to all those newbys that just just joined.....Looking forward to supporting you and sharing experiences.


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Hi everyone, back from my 6 week post surgical visit -- my surgeon is just so amazed at my progress . He had me lift my leg -- with my knee bent and said, "I've never had a patient that could lift their knee up that high this soon after surgery" - well heck, I lift it up during my walking tapes a lot -- to me it's just simple -- I'm very happy that the surgery was so easy for me, I feel very blessed about it. Oh, also had a NSV at lunch -- we stopped at an Applebee's for lunch and my DH was bragging about my surgery to the waitress -- she said, "oh, you're so lucky your not overweight - I've heard it's much tougher when your heavy" If only she knew! Wow that really made my day. Glad DH didnt tell her -- it's nice when people think you've always been "normal sized". He cleared me to return to work Monday so stopped by work and took care of that -- they are thrilled I'll be back -- I'm glad I have a few more days to "adjust". Plan to start going to bed at 10 (normal work bedtime) and then get up at 5 -- regular wake up time when I work so I have time to do my exercises before work -- since I work until 6:00 p.m. it's too late after work -- I'm more like Apples and am a morning person -- my DH is the opposite - he'll start all kinds of projects at 4:00 in the afternoon - not me -- if I haven't started by then it just doesn't get done.

Jodi, thanks for sharing -- you sound like you're a lot of fun. Sorry for the sorrows you've had - and your DD -- hard on kids to lose a parent so young. You are doing the right thing, to get healthy for her. Many of us here made this step to "get healthy" for our grandkids -- I want to be around to see mine grow up -- and it kind of woke me up when my DGD was born how terribly unhealthy I was. Again, I feel so fortunate that I took care of my health BEFORE I had something happen. I have many jewish friends -- love all the traditiions - I grew up eating slovac foods - so very much like jewish foods -- of course all of that is the most delish food in the world -- and I do miss it sometimes, but I also love being healthy and having more energy.

Lori, glad DH helped out with the housework. My DH does a lot around here - I've mentioend before that he is on permanent disability - he was a pipefitter/boilermaker at an oil refinery (in LA) for 30 years and he wore out his hips -- after both his hips were replaced he couldn't return to that kind of work and really didn't have education/training for any other work so he gets a nice check every month to sit and watch TV -- so he does do most of the housework around here -- I still clean the kitchen, bathrooms, dust but he vacuums, cleans the floors and does the laundry -- and I HATE doing laundry - he loves it. He also likes to grocery shop (go figure) and loves to save money using coupons. So I let him have these pleasures in his life. LOL. Only thing is, I still go to grocery store occasionally -- I like to keep pantry stocked up and he is type that wouldn't buy something we were out of if it bit him as he walked by. I also have to go to store if I want to buy pears or any other type of fruit (strawberries) that you have to see the color to tell if it's ripe -- he is colorblind and the last pears he bought (almost 2 weeks ago) are still green as green can be -- I bought some late last week that I've already eaten and they were getting too ripe.

Meredith, so sorry about your friend's mother -- so sad and so scary -- I will keep thinking positive thoughts -- I hope she is okay, my heart goes out to her daughter- how horrible that would be -- I just hope they find her safe some where. What a beautiful church that was (in the video). Congrats on the house -- you'll have a great time -- your first house is always so special - you'll have a lot of fun decorating and making it your own.

Janet, how's the computers at work? Hpefully they got it up and running so you aren't sitting around bored all day -- sounds like they need to buy an entire new system. I'm sure that's not in their budget.

Doctor said sleeping problems are not unusual after surgery - said anesthesia does affect sleep some times for several months. He thinks when I get back to my regular "routine" I'll be fine -- so I will start my routine tonight.

DIdn't have time to exercise this a.m. so am going to try to do a little now -- DH is napping, so it's a good time. CBL. Julie, I just got over my cold (still in my nose a bit) and it was bad, bad - has lasted almost 2 weeks -- so do anything to avoid it. I was miserable.

Apples, you crack me up -- I can just visualize the truck packed with all your totes and the kitchen sink on top -- lol. Your DH probably would NOT be surprised if you did load it up.

Jessica, good going on the attitude - just keep working the program -- please stay away from cheese -- it really hinders weight loss - try the non-fat variety if you must have it -- it doesn't taste as good, but it gives you a little "taste" of it without ruining all the other hard work you are doing.

My weigh in day is tomorrow and I'm anxious to see how I do after the effort I put in to the exercise this week. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Deb, hang in there -- hope you and Cheri had a nice, restful day off. Cheri, I'd love your church -- I love to sing too.

CBL Have a great evening everyone! Linda

Thank you for sharing...Glad your doing so great!!! Nice to see....I have to say that you are truly one of the most enjoyable posts I have read and look forward to reading! Keep em coming....!!

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Wow! So much has gone on since I was on here last. Some good, some bad.

Bad= One of my friends mom's went missing Tuesday night after she left church. I mean totally missing! It appears as though she was kidnapped. It's a huge scandal in our town since our city is extremely safe. So scary. They found her car in the church parking lot with her purse inside with $2,000 inside it. No keys and no cell. Since the church is about 50 yards away from Lake St. Clair, they are also searching the lake for her body. They have no idea what happened to her. I've been a little side tracked with that. Please pray for her and her family. Here is a link to the news story just in case you might be interested in knowing what she looks like, etc Search Continues For Missing Woman - Detroit Local News Story - WDIV Detroit

Please please please pray for her.

Good= My offer on the house has been accepted!!!!!!! We are just putting all of the paperwork together and I should close around Valentines day! So, maybe it's a good thing that I'm not going to be able to go to Florida. I might be closing that weekend! I guess everything does happen for a reason.

Also, I only have 4 more pounds to go until ONEDERLAND!!!!

It's so late. Good thing no school tomorrow.

Melissa~ Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Lori~ I hope that all of the wedding planning is coming along well. And, I totally understand about the cleaning thing! Good thing your husband helps! Andrew is only good at cleaning the bathroom!

Linda~ Sorry you are having a hard time sleeping. Hope that will get better for you soon.

Julie~ I hope you don't get sick! Keep pumping in the OJ and Vitamin C. Several times this year I felt like I was going to get sick and I drank so much OJ. Lots of extra calories, but no sickness!

Laura~ I also saw your FB pics of Miami. Looks like you had a great time!

Sorry, I cannot remember everything, but love to all the rest of you (Janet, Cheri, Apples)! And welcome to all of the newbies whom I haven't read much about, but looking forward to learning more about all of you and continuing on our weight loss journey together! Hope all is well. Way past my bedtime. More tomorrow.

Love all of you!


Meredith...I am so sorry about this, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend!!!

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Jodi, I can remember having those same feelings when I had my eval. Was the first thing I asked the nurse when I had my final consult before surg date was set. Ask them if they were sure that was the result. lol

Laura K

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you are and answer to face my demons that i'm respoible for my own actions. Its hard if i could have done this on my own wouldnt need the lap-band wich i had to pay for my self cause couldnt wait any longer I'm 63 , need the prayers too thank-you

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Hey gang - drive by post tonite - just got home - and it's 7:15

When I got home from work no power - then had gym and had to run by target...

Meredith hugs on your gf Mom... How scary - keep up posted - they are in my prayers.

Jodi - sure glad you are sticking around - you fit right in - cig's in 5th grade lol - Hebrew school no diff than Catholic really :0)

Linda - Great going on your hips and NSV

Great - I think you are out shopping me girl

Apples - Have you left yet

Eva - are you getting the rain too

Julie - how's the insurance thing going..

Charlene - how's the tummy.. did I read something about sweets..

Cheri - the Old Janet was the farthest thing from a cop - the old Janet was a typical Catholic School Girl (bad girl) and she likes to come out an play when Janet drinks :0)... But I am not as bad as I was back in the day...

Laurak - you can come out and play w/me anytime - the only problem is it takes 2 days to recoup

Melissa Glad you had a great bday

Jessica - hang in there - it's all good and each day it gets better - glad you are coming to FL to met us.

Laura - Hugs & Prayers

ok the timer is going of - gotta go eat.


Hugs to all and I did the above by memory - so if I missed you it wasn't on purpose

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Quiet day huh? Nothing real exciting going on here. No new news on my friends mother. Just awful.

I did get a lot done for the house though. Got the inspection and the appraisal scheduled as well as some paper work sent over to me. I just have to go to my parents and pick up some additional paper work to take to the mortgage office.

Also, I started packing small trinket style things. Andrew doesnt think that this is a good idea because he thinks I'm jumping the gun. I don't think so! I'm ready to go! We are supposed to close Feb 18th ish. Maybe a few days before, maybe a few days after. I really want to paint and get in there by March 1st. It's possible really. I just need to paint the living room and dining room before we move in. The rest can wait. Plus, I already have my paint scheme picked out!

Ok, enough about me.

Julie~ How are you feeling?

Eva~ I want to paint the walls 2 shades of blue, one lighter shade and one deeper shade with black moldings and white ceilings and doors. Probably not all moldings will be black. We'll see. I got the color scheme from better homes magazine and combined it with one of the interiors (lynette and toms) on desperate housewives.

Everyone~ Thank you so much for the prayers for the family of my pal. Tomorrow night it will have been one week since she disappeared. I cannot believe it.

Jewel~ I totally get it about nighttime eating. My savior food at night time are fudgesicles. The 40 calorie no sugar added kind. They have to be the popsicle brand though because I tried the kroger brand and they are not as good.

Ok, well, time to wind down and go to bed in a little while. Watching the news and then time to hit the hay. Long day ahead of me tomorrow.



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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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