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Jodi, is your stomach bug called H. Pylori? Glad they found that so they can kill it. I hope it hasn't made you sick. I just learned about how they discovered it in microbiology. Pretty intresting but gross sometimes.

I wouldn't worry about the psych eval. I have had a couple therapist and they have all been awesome and understanding. I always feel comfortable enough to be frank too.

Congrats on starting you journey.

Other ladies,

I am doing good still hungry but trying to eat more earlier so I don't get ravaged at night. I had eggs for Breakfast, chicken for lunch, and shrimp for dinner. I also snacked on cheese, chicken and some other things that I am not suppose to have. Which explains why my weight hasn't gone down recently. I gotta get over this hump though. I am glad to of lost 20 pounds but I don't want to stop there. I gotta get back on track. I feel like I am struggling the same as in Nov when I first started. Doc says these next few weeks are the best predictor of how I will do with the band and I feel like right now I am failing. I have put too much into this to fail at it so despite my huger I am gonna stick to the rules today. I have a doc appt this morning so I gotta go but do apreciate all your encouragement.

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Apples, I got exhausted just reading about your morning so far. I'm off work today. MLK day. Had a great sermon and worship set yesterday. It was Super Soul Sunday and the black experience was traced through Gospel songs and God's faithfulness in bringing African-Americans out of slavery like the Israelites and the Egyptians.

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land. Tell old Pharoah, "Let My People Go!"

Jist of message by our African-American assistant pastor--Now that they are free, they must never forget the past and the God who saw them through it and brought them out of it.

I got to sing some great Gospel numbers. We really rocked it.

Bonus to the spiritual high of worship: when you're singing, swaying, and dancing while singing, you burn lots of calories. Practice at 8 a.m. then two worship services. Total of hour and a half singing.

I'm going to bundle up and walk outside again. Then at 12:30 I'm meeting my daughter-in-law for lunch at a place that's got train sets everywhere and a train for Skylar to take rides in. I'm trying to mend some fences and build a relationship with her. My kids haven't been the most accepting with her and she avoids most family occasions. She's also shy and works evenings and weekends so that makes it hard to get to know her, too.

Then I'll probably go to my daughter's and take care of her boys so she can go to Kohls and use the 30% off coupon she loaned me.

No work for me today at home. I'm gonna play.

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Hey there, just got out of the shower, trying to get some of the Vicks off my chest and some moisture inot my lungs.... I sound awful..... but my head is clear and I haven't started coughing...........YET!!!! I'm praying that doesn't happen as I have a horrible cough that sounds like it comes from my big toe!!!! The same reason I don't need a microphone when I sing or speak..... Big mouth.........big lungs.................

Yup, Cheri, I'm a singer, too, but never got to do what you did yesterday... I'm jealous.... I love to sing and play guitar, but don't do much of the latter these past years.. Guitar just sits and collects dust.

Apples, I'm with Cheri.... I get tired just reading what you have done already this morning... I think you must be a great deal like my husband.... can't sit still very long....

Meredith, congrats on the house... it will be quite an adventure.... Is Andrew happy about it, too? Congrats on being so close to Onederland..... I'm jealous of you, too!!!LOL... The poor woman and her family... They must be just crazy with worry and the unknown.... Have already prayed for them as you asked....

NY, thanks for sharing... I'm very unschooled about the Jewish religion...but what I do know is about the rich food.......good luck finding or revamping the recipes you want to keep your family happy..... It will be a challenge, but you can do it...

Jessica, don't worry, if you keep at it the pounds will come off.... they did for us and we all had times like you're having now... Just keep going.....

Well, I still feel terrible, but slept okay... The crud in my lungs seems to be loosening up a bit so that's a good sign.... Maybe I can be over this soon and ready for this big trip of ours..... I'm just gonna keep it low key today.... Straighten up my kitchen from yesterday..(I did nothing yesterday after church....) and fold a load of towels and take care of Mimi.... Supper is already figured out... Steak for DH with some leftover potatoes and cucumber salad from yesterday. I do need to boil some eggs and my little girl loves them and asks each day...... Hopefully I get to them before she does as she loves to peel, but doesn't quite have the knack down........

Have a good day everyone.... TaTa......... Julie

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Jodi, is your stomach bug called H. Pylori? Glad they found that so they can kill it. I hope it hasn't made you sick. I just learned about how they discovered it in microbiology. Pretty intresting but gross sometimes.

I wouldn't worry about the psych eval. I have had a couple therapist and they have all been awesome and understanding. I always feel comfortable enough to be frank too.

Congrats on starting you journey.

Other ladies,

I am doing good still hungry but trying to eat more earlier so I don't get ravaged at night. I had eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch, and shrimp for dinner. I also snacked on cheese, chicken and some other things that I am not suppose to have. Which explains why my weight hasn't gone down recently. I gotta get over this hump though. I am glad to of lost 20 pounds but I don't want to stop there. I gotta get back on track. I feel like I am struggling the same as in Nov when I first started. Doc says these next few weeks are the best predictor of how I will do with the band and I feel like right now I am failing. I have put too much into this to fail at it so despite my huger I am gonna stick to the rules today. I have a doc appt this morning so I gotta go but do apreciate all your encouragement.

Jessica....just try to keep in mind what your doctor said about these next few weeks setting the tone. You can do this. Just keep sticking with the high-protein foods and completely stay away from what you should not have. Try to munch on raw veggies when you feel you need something. I know it's tough but just think how proud you will feel about sticking to it through this extra tough period of time until you get to your sweet spot. When you feel that food is taking over your thoughts, get out and take a short walk, pick up a book, go brush your teeth or rinse with mouth wash, go take a bath...anything to switch your mind off of snacking or eating too much.

Are you going to be able to make it for a visit when us girls are in FL? You haven't talked about it for awhile and I was just wondering. Would be nice to meet you.

Cheri...have a nice day off. Sounds like you have some fun planned. :(

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this weeks gonna be perfect 70s and 60s all week spring has come to louisannna @@@@

Hey Nazzy....we are having somewhat of a "heat wave" here in MN. Has been in the 30's the last few days. Even got out to play with the dog in the year yesterday for about an hour. The cabin fever had set in and was nice to not freeze the fingertips while outside.

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Julie...hope that cold you have just turns around and leaves. (Knocking on wood right now)...I never get virus'. Just really never have. I feel fortunate and hope it stays that way.

I don't sit much, Julie. Never have. I think that's why I appreiate my newfound energy so much. It was such a depressing thing for me when I was heavy and did not have much energy. I kept pushing myself but everything was a task. I feel as if I have been given this second chance and I am enjoying it. I believe a good night of sleep is the clincher in almost everything we do. We get up early around here (anytime between 4:30-6am) but I usually get my 7 hours. If I don't I try to make it up the next night. I have read so much about women/menopause/inadequate sleep and weight gain. When you are lacking sleep, it's tough to deal with many different things. All I know is that I feel good every day for so long now and do not take it for granted.

One week from today we hit the road and will work our way towards FL. As I stated b/4, I have always flown wherever I have traveled and not sure about so many hours in the truck. Will just have to break up the trip every 3-4 hours with stops. My dog will need breaks so he will keep me stopping. DH will sleep and watch movies...I will most likely drive 98% of the miles. I am not a rider. I have most everything packed and ready to go. Just last minute grabbing of toiletries, etc. later. DH just keeps shaking his head as I pack. (Hey...I'm driving a truck...everything fits in a truck). He gave me a look last night and I asked him "How do you think that kitchen sink will travel?" He didn't think it was so funny.

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Good morning! DH is off today so is going to therapy with me today. Looks like a beautiful springy day here, almost 60 today!! WOO HOO!! I gotta remind myself it's still winter. Actually January is our driest month they say and March is our snowiest month. march is always when I have spring fever really bad too and we get that heavy wet snow, at least it never sticks around long in March.

Jodi, nice to get to know you. You sound like a very fun person. I once had a friend in NYC that was Jewish. I spent a long weekend with her and on Friday night it was some night before a holiday or something and I had dinner with them. Well I cleared the table and blew out some candles that weren't meant to be blown out and were to stay lit til they went out and then I helped with dishes and put the silverware drawer in the wrong silverware drawer, some was meant for some types of food andothers for something else. I messed up bad. But my friend was a hoot and I think the same as what you described yourself a quasi. When her kids and DH weren't around she wasn't so strict. We've lost touch over the years.

Meredith, congrats on the house!! WOOHOO!! If we end up moving, I've been looking at homes on the internet in the new locale and there's some amazing deals with short sales and what not. Since I am not in a hurry to move if and when we do find out we are, I am thinking maybe this is a way to go about it. Would you do it again?? Does it just take the bank along time to respond?

Julie, where is your big trip to? or are you referring to FL? Thought maybe you and DH had another trip planned.

Melissa, still not sure if I will make FL but it's looking like a great possiblity, but think I'd pass on a park unless everyone else is going. BTDT, many times with my folks living in FL when my kids were younger. I am more into the just wanting to chill, find a lounge chair with my name on it (unless Apples has put her name on all of them) and shop at the outlet! LOL

Apples, ARe you leaving any room for DH to pack?? Has your dog taken long trips before? My dogs are good travellers.

Well better get ready for therapy. Have a great day

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I still plan to meet ya'll in orlando on friday during your stay. My son will be in school and I will be out so it is the best day I can come. Over the weekend hubby works and I gotta be with my son. So friday is the best day for me. I can't wait to met everyone. it is great to know there are people out there who have been in my shoes and survived.

Today is 2 weeks post op for me. Doc says I can get back to eatting regularly tommorrow. Other than carbs. I think eatting a salad with my meal would help it stay with me longer. I seem to have associated studying with eatting. Everytime I sit at my desk to read for school I get hungry. I may have to change where I study.Even though I want food I don't feel WOW when I eat it. I feel nothing but guilt if I give in so I am gonna stop doing it. It's not worth being fat and guilty.

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Great...have everything packed for the dog...so happy you mentioned packing for DH...will throw a few pairs of tighty whities, jeans and a shirt and he should be ready to go. LOL

Jewel..good to hear that you are going to be able to visit while we are in FL. I will PM you my cell # just in case you need to give us a call.

Good thing to break the pattern now if you are used to eating and studying. As I stated earlier, try to have some really low cal Snacks on hand if you feel you really do need something. Good luck!

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Great...forgot to answer you on the dog traveling. He rides with me a lot on farm trips so I think he will be fine. He loves the truck. His daycare mom made him a travel bag and rode her snowmobile over yesterday to deliver it. So cute. It's a drawstring bag made out of denim. It has a stitched picture of a black lab with his name on it. Also made him a travel towel with his name on it. She stuffed the bag full of travel treats and toys also. Thought it was such a nice gesture.

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by post - we are having computer issues here at work - hard drive is on it's last leg.

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi - we don't have today off

I could have used it - cuz I didn't do a darn thing yesterday

Well better pop out before the computer goes down :0)

I will ck back later - I heard that Friday we had no computers and they (bosses) made everyone stays - how stupid we can't do squat w/o computers..


Love you to alll

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Hello all,

I love being able to have a pajama day!

Thank you to all of you who have prayed for my friends mother and her family. There is still no word on anything. No new breaks or leads. Nada. So sad and exhausting for everyone.

Lori~ Yes! The bank took forever! My offer was in on this house since October 1st. SO, you just have to be patient. There is still no garantee that they will even accept the offer from you either. I offered the exact amount that the house was listed at. Now, everything is moving so quicky! I think that I am going to close within the next 30 days! When will you know if you are moving or not? What area?

Apples~ You are so funny! My moms mom is like you! Grandma never can sit still. Well, unless it's for her crosswords! She is small and thin and is still running around at 90 yo! She also did all of the driving to FL when she and my grandfather would go there for the winter. I mean ALL of it! Cute. Good memories. As for the other gma, she is the same. Not great, not terrible. I just think that all of the emotional stuff that has been going on with the family has taken such a physical toll on her.

Ok, more later. I think I'm going to take a nap!

Love, Meredith

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Hi everyone! It's been a pajama day for me too...I had off today and slept in, egad...had the weirdest sex dreams all night. Woke up sort of amused!! :(

I did clean my kitchen really well today, so that was at least one thing I accomplished, and I'm getting ready to go down to the sewing room to do some work. Now, I'm watching "Hoarders," which is my guilty pleasure. Don't know why that show is fascinating, but it is...it also makes me feel that my "collecting" isn't that bad. Hee..

Got to make sure I do my elliptical today. Even though I got a fill last week, I'm still able to wolf things down, so I'm really having to use will power.

Meredith, how horrible a thing to happen to your friend's mother. I hope that she will be found soon.

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Drive by.......

Pajama day....I'm jealous!! I've running around like crazy trying to get some site visits done so when it rains tomorrow and Wednesday, I can spend time drawing up my notes.

Had to stop by the house to eat and pick up some keys. Then back out to the field to hit as many sites as I can.

Meredith....praying for your friends Mom. Congrats on the the house...how exciting!!! Are you decorating it yet?

Lori, you can make it to Florida...sure you can...

Julie, sorry about your cold, but it does sound like maybe it's breaking up. Lots of fluids and rest.

Apples, the dog travel kit is so nice and cute. He'll do fine and so will you. I love to drive and as long as I don't have to be somewhere exactly at a specific hour, the trip is fun. We like to stop where we want to, take different roads to check out things we haven't seen before, etc. I can't wait until I have the time to do this. Of course, I shouldn't be wishing my life away so until I retire, flying it will be.

NYSparkle really nice post. You sound like you have a great sense of humor. I have quasi Jewish friends here. I've attended bar mitzvahs (sp?) and bris (sp?) of their son's...even got to read at one of the bar mitzvah. It was pretty cool and I really appreciate the traditions. I really like the rabbi, he's a very down to earth sort of guy. The food things is a challenge, but you'll find the adjustments you need to make.

Okay...gotta run.....later....


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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