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Hi my name is Helen, and I am 40 years old from England. I am due to have my op on the 30th Jan 2010 and am supposed to start the pre op diet of milk etc 20th Jan, the problem is that I don't really like milk and to be frank I am terrified of having the op and what to expect after. Any advise for the pre op diet would be fantastic. I guess I must have pre op nerves, I don't even know what I weigh yet, am waiting for wed morning for a measure of everything and a weigh in for the 1st time in months.



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Hi my name is Helen, and I am 40 years old from England. I am due to have my op on the 30th Jan 2010 and am supposed to start the pre op diet of milk etc 20th Jan, the problem is that I don't really like milk and to be frank I am terrified of having the op and what to expect after. Any advise for the pre op diet would be fantastic. I guess I must have pre op nerves, I don't even know what I weigh yet, am waiting for wed morning for a measure of everything and a weigh in for the 1st time in months.



Welcome Helen,

Every doctor is different in what kind of pre-op diet they require their patient to do. You might want to give your doctor's office a call and have them provide you with a list of foods. There are quite a few of us on this thread and I'd be willing to bet that most of our diets were different. Always best to check with your own doctor.

Also, the pre-op jitters are pretty normal. There's the surgery, the wondering of what will be after, how a person will handle being banded. We have people in all stages on this thread and it might help you to have a place to go for support...such as this thread.

If your doctor did provide you with a list of foods, let us know what those are. Also, make sure you have a list of what it required after surgery.

In the mean time, try to do as much studying as you can about the lap band and what is to come. Lap Band Talk is a great place to find information. This thread is a place where you can ask any question and will most likely get an answer.

Come back and tell us a little about yourself, etc. Good luck!

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Thank you so much for the wonderful Birthday Wishes. i am having a wonderful day.

Love Ya all

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First off, I missed it was Melissa's birthday, so Happy Birthday!!!

Having a pretty good day today. I overdid the shopping yesterday and had a painful knee night last night. Today I just went to church and DD is cooking us dinner tonight.

All the weather talk, reminds me, remember how I said some of you think 30's and 40's are bitter cold and like winter and here I say they start putting on shorts and sandals? Well saw lots of that at the outlets yesterday. FUnny because to me up in the mountains (we were about 10,000 feet elevation) is cold, there were some folks shopping in their ski clothes (we were very close to many of the major ski resorts) and others in their sandals. You see all kinds. And no signs of a recession either, goodness the shopping bags many of these folks had. Guess I had my share of them too. LOL

Well gonna try and clean house, by that I mean help DH, he's been doing it since my surgery. I can do some of it now and it's pretty bad, haven't done it since NY day when we took down the Christmas stuff.

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Happy Birthday Melissa. Glad you're having a good one. Hey Janet, even a cop needs a break once in a while.

28 yesterday, 30 today and sunshine. Went walking both days. Made me feel great to not walk indoors. Yea, 30 is a heat wave around here too. NOt quite sandals but definitely could handle a walk outside.


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Happy Birthday Melissa! Hope this year is the best ever! Janet, sounds like you had a fabulous time -- just think of all the exercise you got and calories burned when you were dancing and pushing the men away!! How fun!

Great, I used to go to the ski resorts when I lived in Reno and it is amazing how warm you feel even though you're at high elevation -- just the sun is so warm up there -- I remember sitting outside at ski resorts (while my friends were skiing - not me, I'm afraid of heights) and remember sitting and getting tan on my face -- nothing like it.

Welcome Helen -- there is a blog I used to read from a woman in England - I'll try to remember to post a link to it next time I'm on here -- she listed a lot of foods she ate which might help you since you are also in the UK. As I remember, her name was Theresa -- I know Laura also used to read it. As Apples said, all of our doctors here in the states have different rules -- different foods, etc. Again, just follow what your doctor tells you -- I was on a full liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to my surgery and I did Protein Drinks, non-fat yogurt, sf Jello, popsicles, sf pudding. I didn't mind at all cause by that time I was so sick of food and so ready to take charge of my life. It's not bad and you just have to keep reminding yourself that a liquid diet is only temporary. Another thing to remember -- having the band is a lifestyle change -- not a diet -- not a miracle cure -- you must change your approach to food and you must have (or add) some exercise to your life -- for sure exercise is an important part of this journey - we don't seem to really talk about that a lot here but truthfully, we all know it's vitally important. But the nice thing is: after you lose the first 20 - 30 lbs. your body starts to want to move -- you have lots more energy. So hang in there and congrats on your surgery date!

Watched the game -- was happy Vikings won - DS has always been a huge Cowboy's fan so I'm sure he was disappointed, but oh well.

Did 110 mins. before the game -- I will see how this week goes -- hopefully will lose those two pounds from Christmas!!! I did a 4 mile walk which includes 5 sets of interval training followed by a 30 mins. 2 mile walk with 3 sets of intervals and then a 30 mins. walk with weight training. Hopefully I will lose that 2 pounds so I can stop obsessing this week.

Apples, I know what your son means -- I grew up eating corn fed beef and butchering ourselves and after we left the farm I never really liked the taste of beef -- same with milk -- grew up with fresh milk and never liked the store bought milk either.

Going to surgeon tomorrow for x-ray and 6 week follow up -- seems like it's been so much longer than 6 weeks. Hopefully all will be fine and I'll be heading back to work either Tues. or the 25 (if I can, I'm going to try to stay off until 25th -- I still am having some sleep issues -- i.e., last night was dead tired, went to bed at 11:30 but tossed and turned for no apparent reason until 2:15 -- then woke up at 5:30 and was awake until 7 -- then slept until 8:30 -- no reason for it -- just can't sleep -- I'm not napping during the day, not drinking coffee after lunch or dinner, so no apparent reason. But if I have to return to work when I can't sleep it could be trouble. Maybe i need a sleeping pill????

Laura, looks like you had a great time in Miami - saw the pics on FB -- Nelson looked happy. Have a safe trip to NC tomorrow -- your dad and mom will be thrilled you are there -- how long will you stay?

I'll CBL everyone - have a great night. LInda

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Helen, If you google Theresa's Gastric Band Blog you will find the woman from UK who does the blog -- here's the actual web address for it (I think): Theresa's Gastric Band Blog

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Good evening

Sorry you aren't sleeping well Linda, it's been happening to me off and on lately as well. I am wondering if it's the body getting used to things after surgery and pain pills. I NEVER have trouble sleeping and have been lately. though I do wake up at night sometimes with knee pain.

I got my part of the cleaning done, DH did over half of it so that was nice. I sat with ice on my knee and my laptop while he vaccuumed. Nothing sexier than a man doing housework! LOL

Janet, glad you had a good time last night. Was Lionel Ritchey good?? or do you remember? LOL just joking!

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Melissa...happy Birthday....glad it's going well for you!! Did your DH surprise you with something nice?

Okay party girl....glad you had a really good time, are you resting up today?

All my plans to get things done this weekend went zooming by and of course I only caught a couple of them. I finally watered all my plants. My poor house plants have been mostly neglected for two weeks...finally got all those done, transplanted a couple of outside plants (geranium and hibiscus). I still need to do the ornamental pepper, but I don't have a pot big enough for it. Picked up dog doo, last load of laundry is in the dryer, put together my pilates machine...yeah...still don't know how to use it, and am working on another batch of beef jerkey. This is all while entertaining my brother from Phoenix and my local sister and her daughter. My paperwork is still piled high and needs attention. Oh well. This is my neices last night in town, so we are going over there for dinner again tonight. She flies back to Alaska tomorrow and is going to miss our nice weather. She is turning out to be a nice young lady...20 years old, working, living on her own. I'm proud of her.

Well, this paper work is calling to me. I'll try and check in again later.


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Evening.... Happy Birthday Melissa..... glad you are having such a nice day...

Apples, getting ready for a trip is a pain in my book... You have most of it done I think, but trying to remember what you forgot is not fun... It will be good to get all those little loose ends tied up....

Janet, you go girl..... Gotta let your hair down once in a while... I'm about due for that.... Maybe FL.....then look out!!!!! It's been years.... and I don't drink....

Eva you sound busy... have fun with your niece...

Linda you are doing so well on the exercise.... Cheri, too.. Nice to get outside... Lori, good going on the cleaning... I need to do that, too...

I've been trying for days to avoid a chest cold... Taking Airborne and Zimax...... Just feel like crap really.... lungs feel heavy and my voice is funny,... Had a long day at church with our annual business meeting after and then potluck dinner... Didn't get home until 1:00.... Then I took a nap.... Just don't feel good....AND........... I GAINED 5 POUNDS IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!! How the heck does that happen???? I must be full of fluids... I can't get my rings off even... Hoping this will pass.........quickly!!!!!!!!

Well, time to medicate and try to rest... A bit of TV with DH.... Hope all of you, every one, are happy and healthy... On to tomorrow..... Julie

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Hey Everyone....hope you all had a great Sunday! The first thing I need to say is:

Go Vikings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great....I agree with the sexy houseman thing. Heck, DH wouldn't even need to be necked...just a toilet brush in hand and I would vote him in as sexiest man alive.

Linda...hope you get your wish and can take off from work another week. And, my wish for you is to get a good night's sleep and for it to continue the rest of the week. Maybe you should try to get up at 5 when you wake up and stay up. That seems to work for me. I make myself then stay up until my reg bedtime. I would bet it's remnants of pain killers messing with your sleep and Great's too. Just a flying guess.

Hey Eva...sounds like you had a busy week and weekend.. ...let me know what you think of your Pilates machine.

Laura...have a nice visit with your family.

Hey Julie....hope you also sleep well tonight. I am so thankful for no aches or pains ever. I couldn't say that 18 months ago.

Spent 1 1/2 hours reading in the tub, talked to a friend on the phone and now it's popcorn time for the three of us...puppa always has his own bag. I know I've left some of you out...not intentionally...just wanting that popcorn.

Hey Meredith????? How's GM????

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Welcome Helen,

Every doctor is different in what kind of pre-op diet they require their patient to do. You might want to give your doctor's office a call and have them provide you with a list of foods. There are quite a few of us on this thread and I'd be willing to bet that most of our diets were different. Always best to check with your own doctor.

Also, the pre-op jitters are pretty normal. There's the surgery, the wondering of what will be after, how a person will handle being banded. We have people in all stages on this thread and it might help you to have a place to go for support...such as this thread.

If your doctor did provide you with a list of foods, let us know what those are. Also, make sure you have a list of what it required after surgery.

In the mean time, try to do as much studying as you can about the LAP-BAND® and what is to come. Lap Band Talk is a great place to find information. This thread is a place where you can ask any question and will most likely get an answer.

Come back and tell us a little about yourself, etc. Good luck!

NY~ I have sleep apnea too (also diagnosed prior to my band surgery) and so do several others on this thread. I also thought I was waking up b/c of my son or that cats or the outside noise. What will be more interesting when you go to the pulmonologist is to find out what your oxygen level drops to during these periods also. It is treatable- they will likely prescribe a cpap machine. And then losing weight is the next step. I thought I would NEVER be able to sleep with it (before I got it) and now I can't hardly sleep without it. With 86 lbs gone my sleep apnea and snoring have all but stopped!!! I still LOVE my cpap machine b/c of the humidifier- it really helps my allergies/stuffiness. I have not gone for the repeat sleep study- which they ordered but I just haven't felt like doing it. I know I should! But that being said, I feel 100% since using the CPAP. I started dreaming again and waking up refreshed. I thought being tired was ONLY b/c of my weight but I realize now that the oxygen deprivation was MOST of it! A few days after I started using the CPAP my tiredness went away. It is also ONE of the most undiagnosed causes of high blood pressure in obese people. My high BP went away before I lost much weight- so I am convinced it was my sleep apnea. I am off all my meds except prilosec, Vitamins and baby aspirin. Good luck with the first step of your new life. I am sorry your surgery is delayed, but it is necessary.

Let us know what he says!! Good luck!

Thank you so much.,...Thanks to your post.....Im actually looking forward to getting the CPAP! (tollerable) but am looking forward to sleeping through the night and not having allergies bother me every morning!!


Welcome!! I havent started any preop diet....hoewever I just met with the nutritionist who gave me a post op diet to follow from www.obesitylapbandsurgery.com perhaps they have a pre-op diet as well that you can look at and follow.

The post op diet seems to be fesible to think about following....I hope lol

Good luck

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Hi all. well....its been a week since joining this thread....and I am sooo happy I have found you all.

I have spent the week surfing this site and I cant get enough of it. I have found the information helpful, supportive, and educational. Everyone seems to want to share their experiences and connect with others who are willing to share their own experiences with others....so, thank you for making the beginning of this journey for me easier!!!

I hope I can do the same for everyone here and to come!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. My mother came to visit me and my daughter for the weekend. Of course, I cooked for the sabbath as I usually do every Friday afternoon. I am a quasi orthodox jew....lol cant think of a better way to describe what type of I am....quasi meaning.....sometimes?? when its convenient? when my daughter is home??

Talk about catholic school experiences?? I could tell you some experiences about Hebrew School in NY that would have everyone in stiches...however it would take all night...lets just leave it as.....with a question....

Are the pack of cigarettes that we hid in the fake plant in the 5th grade in the girls bathroom still there? You all could imagine how the two hours were spent two days a week after school doing.

Some where along the way I found the true beuty of judiasm however....the practical side of it was always hard to follow...hence the quasi Jew....that I am.

Unfortunately the one of the beutiful aspects that I really was able to catch on to......was the glorius food!! Fat enhanced at any given chance...carbs gallore...as in Europe where my ancestors were from vegetables were considered a potato! Cooking every Friday..three to four course meals for Friday nights, Sat lunches and Holidays that consist of three two four meals like this for three meals a day....well.....lets just say I learned to cook the way they did in the old country!

This has got to change....and Ive been trying..but to getting to the point of all this...I cooked some healthier choices from the natural Kosher cookbook....um well....this didnt go over to well. My daughter wasnt happy that there wasnt fat dripping from the chicken..and there was baked sweet potato pie...instead of heavy fat laden potato kugel. (kind of like cake) and ohhh the eye brow raisings that came along after the chulent (traditional sat meal) which i made with Beans and sweet potato and no meat, potatoe, barley, chicken fat or marach bones. Suffice to say....Im in trouble!!! Ill be working for the next two months on making delicious healthy meals...that if and when I ever decide up to having guests over again for any sabbath or holiday meal everyone will be happy with...even my daughter! Any suggestions will be accepted happily!

Tomorrow..I start my two week antibiotic for a stomach germ...forgot the name. I recieved my results from baritric doctor that I tested positive for this germ....which could cause ulcers so good we found it now.

One night I go to have a sleep study to try out the CPAP and get that started...not looking forward to leaving my daughter again so soon for a night...as she gets nurvous still when I go out and leave her for medical reasons.....I think that she thinks that I am have some other more serious medical concerns that im not telling her about but I keep assuring her that this is serious but not life threatening ...only if I dont do this it will be....I let her come to the basic doctors apt to reasure her....however she doesnt trust so easily any more...after all her father told her he was in excellent health when um he wasnt and then had a heart attack and didnt make it to tell her that it was because of his health issues..so I have to be careful and tell her the truth and try to weed out what she doesnt need to know..or see as well...after all shes only 10!!

Lastly, tomorrow is my psych eval. hmm that should be interesting. Like Ive said in my orriginal posts...this is the eval I am most dredding. Not sure really why. Maybe I jsut dont want to talk focus on the past anymore but want to focus on the future. Intake history is a must sooo ill be talking about the past ten yrs..and frankly I dont want to hear about wow and you arent in therapy?? You should be...you know after all so much to deal with. ahum. yes indeed...but no one can change it and make it go away or make it better.....only me....sooo If I say this...then the ultimate response....okay,.....ill give you the clearance but id like you to continue seing me...which I will say....no thank you I just need you to understand why Im doing this andthat I understand that I need to change the way I "think" about food and the way it affects my life. and he will be insulted that that is what im there for.....and continuing to see him will only add pressure to my allready pressured day.

Okay....im truly a NYker rude?? I so dont want to be so....id like to get this part over and get on with the rest of my process.....medical testing..no talking necesary.

well, I hope that you all have a wonderful week..those who are getting ready or who have started their pre=op diets I hope all goes well. GOOD LUCK.


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Wow! So much has gone on since I was on here last. Some good, some bad.

Bad= One of my friends mom's went missing Tuesday night after she left church. I mean totally missing! It appears as though she was kidnapped. It's a huge scandal in our town since our city is extremely safe. So scary. They found her car in the church parking lot with her purse inside with $2,000 inside it. No keys and no cell. Since the church is about 50 yards away from Lake St. Clair, they are also searching the lake for her body. They have no idea what happened to her. I've been a little side tracked with that. Please pray for her and her family. Here is a link to the news story just in case you might be interested in knowing what she looks like, etc Search Continues For Missing Woman - Detroit Local News Story - WDIV Detroit

Please please please pray for her.

Good= My offer on the house has been accepted!!!!!!! We are just putting all of the paperwork together and I should close around Valentines day! So, maybe it's a good thing that I'm not going to be able to go to Florida. I might be closing that weekend! I guess everything does happen for a reason.

Also, I only have 4 more pounds to go until ONEDERLAND!!!!

It's so late. Good thing no school tomorrow.

Melissa~ Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Lori~ I hope that all of the wedding planning is coming along well. And, I totally understand about the cleaning thing! Good thing your husband helps! Andrew is only good at cleaning the bathroom!

Linda~ Sorry you are having a hard time sleeping. Hope that will get better for you soon.

Julie~ I hope you don't get sick! Keep pumping in the OJ and Vitamin C. Several times this year I felt like I was going to get sick and I drank so much OJ. Lots of extra calories, but no sickness!

Laura~ I also saw your FB pics of Miami. Looks like you had a great time!

Sorry, I cannot remember everything, but love to all the rest of you (Janet, Cheri, Apples)! And welcome to all of the newbies whom I haven't read much about, but looking forward to learning more about all of you and continuing on our weight loss journey together! Hope all is well. Way past my bedtime. More tomorrow.

Love all of you!


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Mornin' Gang...Nothing like a good night's sleep. To bed a little b/4 10, read for a bit and slept till 5am. Up and at 'em and ready for the day. 2 loads of laundry done, livingroom picked up and dusted, 3 boxes packed to take to DS, and basement bathroom cleaned. I can hear DH's CPAP so he must still be sleeping. Always takes him a couple of months after harvest to catch up on his sleep.

NYSparkle...nice, informative post. Thank you for sharing. Always nice when we can get to know someone. You've been through a lot and you should be proud of yourself for taking the steps to a new and healthy you.

As far as recipes go, look online for some of your favorite recipes but type in low fat or low sugar when you search. Or, make a trip to a book store and browse the cookbook aisle to see what you can find.

Good luck with your psych eval. Don't be worried about it. Just be honest and up front and you should do fine. Happy to see you are pouring over things and learning as much as you can ahead of time. Hopefully you will soon have your surgery behind you. Sounds like you have already changed your way of eating and are strated down the healthy path.

Not sure what is up today. Gotta fit in quite a few things around here and then try to get to town for a tanning session. If I tan a couple of times, I have a base and a little color. Cuz..............my butt will be planted in the lounge chair by the pool, as I stated b/4.

Meredith...watched both news stories about your friend's mother. Poor family. Good goin' on the house. Hope everything falls into place for you and that you can move in soon.

Have a great Monday!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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