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Evening gals.........

Linda, glad your insurance company is willing to listen... Mine is giving me a headache right now.... No complaints other than not being able to have this MRI, yet......Hopefully that will change next week......

Arlene, I wish I knew where my pain comes from... It's in my left shoulder area...down into the arm and up into the next... The last doc thinks it maybe a neck problem, but just can't get okayed for an MRI to try to find out...... Only thing is that it is better than it once ways.... Haven't had to sit and cry for quite some time...... but I still need pain pills and sleeping pills to get any rest....

Apples, I don't do hot drinks.... never did like them... don't like iced tea.... that's mostly why I was so addicted to diet coke..... Now that I'm off the caffeine I don't want to go back, but I'm so sick of lemonade that I could scream... I've just been craving pop, so do the root beer as it has no caffeine... I open it and let it sit in the fridge and dillute it with ice..... but it is helping me get some fluids in that I've been missing...

TV is boring tonight.... DH just was to the hot-tub, but my skin is itching so I stayed out..... got my paperwork mostly caught up this afternoon... Just some things to straighten out for my mother... She is so gullable and forever has all these stupid charges on her credit cards.. Then I have to make calls and figure out what she got herself into... $247 this time.... Don't think I can fix it until Monday, though....

DH wants to run into Bismarck tomorrow... I was just there yesterday, but he wants me to go along.. He promised a recently widowed friend of ours that he would go get her a new toilet for her house... She just wants us to get it.... She needs a high one like for the handicapped.... and oblong.. Doesn't care what it looks like just wants it done.. She can barely walk anymore and is so appreciative of DH's help...... So, I guess I can ride along and give the woman's perspective to his purchase for her....

Have a good night, ladies.... Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one for me with the food issue.. sleep good everyone......... Julie

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Reading all posts. Not much time to post myself. Love to all.


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Good evening, goodness you folks were busy posting today. Apples, you couldn't have played with me then, I was a Lutheran growing up. I wished Iwas Catholic because every Friday afternoon they got out of school early to go to Catechism and we had to stay in school. Can you imagine a public school doing that today? Also they got fish on Fridays, I loved fish. Though we usually went to Fish Fries on Friday nights.

I got my fill today, so far not noticing much of a difference. We shall see, I have another one set up in 2 weeks just in case. They took 5 cc's out and I've only had 1.75 cc's put back in so far.

Am heading up to the mountains tomorrow, have my coach coupon printed and in my purse just in case!

Jewel, there are many mushies out there that aren't carbs. Refried Beans, cottage cheese, some yogurts, egg beaters, etc. Those are the foods I was allowed on mushies, was never allowed mashed potatoes or anything. Sounds like you are doing better every day. Way to go!

Julie, I don't do coffee or tea either, and don't like hot chocolate either so guess I don't do Hot Drinks either. I really miss my diet pop too. Diet pepsi was my favorite. I take sips of DH's here and there, but have never had one since surgery. I am afraid I could addicted so easily again.

Well may not have time to post before leaving in the morning. So have a great Saturday everyone!

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Great..have fun on your fish shopping day! Hope you find the purse of your dreams.

We didn't get out of school to go to religion classes, silly girl. We had continuous religion classes!

Hope you will get back to where you want to be on the fills. I am thinking that this one you had, you most likely won't notice? I guess one never knows.

Not sure what I will do today but know I need to get out of the house. I did not even stop outside yesterday. I think I will go tan to begin with and then maybe head to Walmart for my weekly. Maybe go to the resale shop in that town too.

Hope you all have a great Sat.

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Great..have fun on your fish shopping day! Hope you find the purse of your dreams.

We didn't get out of school to go to religion classes, silly girl. We had continuous religion classes!

Hope you will get back to where you want to be on the fills. I am thinking that this one you had, you most likely won't notice? I guess one never knows.

Not sure what I will do today but know I need to get out of the house. I did not even stop outside yesterday. I think I will go tan to begin with and then maybe head to Walmart for my weekly. Maybe go to the resale shop in that town too.

Hope you all have a great Sat.

Morning Buddies! The weather here in Texas is awful. Rain,Rain, and more rain. I am going to make another chicken pot pie.....my DH loved it last week. I need a good low calorie dish to make with some chicken tenderloins I thawed last night and did not use. Apples, got any suggestions? I want to freeze it tool

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Morning Buddies! The weather here in Texas is awful. Rain,Rain, and more rain. I am going to make another chicken pot pie.....my DH loved it last week. I need a good low calorie dish to make with some chicken tenderloins I thawed last night and did not use. Apples, got any suggestions? I want to freeze it tool

Mornin' Arlene...was just on the way out the door and noticed your post.

Janet posted her chicken caccitori (sp?) recipe a few pages back. I sounded reallly good. Here's one I make:

Spray pan. Oven at 350.

4 chicken breasts

4 cups fresh brocolli (can use brussell sprouts cut 1/2)

1 cup FF mayo

1 pint FF sourcream

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp curry powder

1 cup brown rice

1 can low fat Carnation evap milk

Bake for 1 hour

Gotta go!

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Apples, I just meant when I was in my public school in Wisconsin the Catholic kids that didn't go to Catholic school got to leave public school early one day a week to go to catechism classes while we had to stay in school. I always thought they were so lucky to get out early one day.

Just waiting for DS to get here before we head up to the hills. I have my coach factory outlet printed and in my purse. LOL Also will bring my laptop along. I've been instructed if the fishing is good I may have to wait in a Starbucks or MCD's with wifi and entertain myself a bit. LOL If not one is on LBT I will have to practice up my Suduko on Facebook so I can beat Phyl again. She's too good for me!

Oh my smaller sized skirt came for my mother of the bride outfit. Fits perfectly! Gotta take the bigger one back for sure.

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Good Morning ladies!

Today is definitely a WHO DAT day in New Orleans, everyone is very excited to watch the Saints playoff game. Even all the rain is not putting a damper on the mood in my house today.:w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

Anyway, I went for 4th fill on Wednesday, he gave me a tiny fill .5 and OMG what a difference it has made. I am now at 6.7/10cc band. I believe this is the first time I have had a fill give me relief from being so hungry between meals! I hate to get too excited, it may just be swelling, but I can't help it!

I want you all to know I have been listening to all the advice you have given through the months since I was banded.

I began a food journal (i only track calories and protein)

I do some type of activity everyday. Sometimes its the gym, other days it may just be the wii or exercise video. Sometimes its a walk with my husband or biking with my granddaughters. I do try to change it up.

The Water has been a challenge, since I can't drink till 45 mins after, i forget sometimes. But I am trying to keep up with it.

Thank you ladies for all the valuable information you have shared! I have made some very positive changes in my lifestyle, and it is making a huge difference.:w00t::biggrin::):biggrin::eek::biggrin:

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Apples, I just meant when I was in my public school in Wisconsin the Catholic kids that didn't go to Catholic school got to leave public school early one day a week to go to catechism classes while we had to stay in school. I always thought they were so lucky to get out early one day.

Just waiting for DS to get here before we head up to the hills. I have my coach factory outlet printed and in my purse. LOL Also will bring my laptop along. I've been instructed if the fishing is good I may have to wait in a Starbucks or MCD's with wifi and entertain myself a bit. LOL If not one is on LBT I will have to practice up my Suduko on Facebook so I can beat Phyl again. She's too good for me!

Oh my smaller sized skirt came for my mother of the bride outfit. Fits perfectly! Gotta take the bigger one back for sure.

Yes, school I went to in NY state did the same thing. Right up through high school the Catholic kids left early on Mondays. In high school, the rest of us got sent to study hall until regular dismissal time. When you think about it... with all the financial troubles school systems have now.... back in those days those kids got bussed to their churches that day. That would never happen these days. So many schools don't provide bus service at all anymore. Some of our grandkids have to take public busses to get to school so the moms carpool them.

So sad that you might have to kill time at Starbucks or McD's!! :w00t::biggrin::) I'd pick Starbucks but you probably already know that!! LOL! Yes... keep practicing that Sudoku! You can beat me! I know you can!

If you get a new purse, we want to see a picture!

Good Morning ladies!

Today is definitely a WHO DAT day in New Orleans, everyone is very excited to watch the Saints playoff game. Even all the rain is not putting a damper on the mood in my house today.:w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

Anyway, I went for 4th fill on Wednesday, he gave me a tiny fill .5 and OMG what a difference it has made. I am now at 6.7/10cc band. I believe this is the first time I have had a fill give me relief from being so hungry between meals! I hate to get too excited, it may just be swelling, but I can't help it!

I want you all to know I have been listening to all the advice you have given through the months since I was banded.

I began a food journal (i only track calories and protein)

I do some type of activity everyday. Sometimes its the gym, other days it may just be the wii or exercise video. Sometimes its a walk with my husband or biking with my granddaughters. I do try to change it up.

The Water has been a challenge, since I can't drink till 45 mins after, i forget sometimes. But I am trying to keep up with it.

Thank you ladies for all the valuable information you have shared! I have made some very positive changes in my lifestyle, and it is making a huge difference.:eek::biggrin::w00t::biggrin::w00t::biggrin:

Hey, Nawlinz!! It sounds like you're doing GREAT! Don't be so quiet! Jump in! It's all good!

We have about 2 more days of nice weather before a week of what we are warned is going to be very wet. We'll see if they're right. But we planned a trip to Quartzsite AZ with friends from our high school days.. we were supposed to go Monday, but we're going Sunday instead because of the weather forecast. Then hope to stay tomorrow night at a casino near the Mexican border so we can go to Algodones the next day.. if it's not too wet!

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I'm another Catholic schoolgirl---didn't have any terrible experiences, except for a semi-crazy nun in the 7th grade. She let us make snowflakes all year. I wanted to be a nun too, when I was in the 6th grade...we had Sisters of Charity, which wore those big white wing-looking headdresses.

I overdid it last night at a get-together with friends. We call it the "Exchange Club" because at every meeting we bring stuff to exchange. There's a different theme every month, clothing, jewelry, kitchen stuff, books, etc. Anyway, people bring really good and rich foods, and I just kept putting it away! Need to get on my elliptical today for an extra long session! Last night was the "unwanted Xmas present" exchange, and I got some good stuff...some Shiseido soap, a mortar and pestle for my spices, a good book, and Barbie and Ken salt and pepper shakers!

What a gloomy weekend! It's so gray outside and I feel Blah! I need to run a few errands, get to Walmart and buy some Protein Powder, and get some prescriptions filled. So far I've been lazy this morning, playing on the computer and listening to some radio shows. We are going out tonight with some friends to listen to a band that a friend of ours plays in...should be fun, although I need to bring my earplugs.

Hope you all are doing well. And hope it keeps warming up!

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Blah here, too, in CHicago. Overcast, not quite up to 32 so melting snow is frozen onto sidewalks so I can't walk outside. Was hoping to do that instead of going to community center. I'm off work on Monday. Hopefully do something with my grandkids. Could use some more pants so may go to thrift stores. Lack of structure plus confined by weather can lead to food issues for me. Had a lot of stuff to deal with at work this past week so am also stressed. Had my permanant crown put in and a cavity filled so still dealing with some jaw pain--TMJ pain not nerve pain thank God.

Pain in neck last ngiht too, fortunately hanging on my incline board took care of it.

Also dealing with lack of sunlight. It is grey, grey, grey. The snow is in that melting grey slushy stage too. No pristine whiteness to brighten things up.

Perfect storm for getting back into the food. Stress, physical pain, lack of sunlight, feeling trapped, no external structure to my days. I'm going to go to community center and see some grandkids to try to kick this in the butt. Increase my Vitamin D, also.

My husband has some Catholic school stories too but most of them seem to be about the nun's fears that the boys would "touch" themselves. Amazingly, he wanted to be a priest until he discovered girls.

Now he's protestant, where he found God on a more intimate basis, but occassionally he misses some of the catholic traditions.

Been sitting all morning--actually finished a book for the first time in a long time. I need to move now to get out of this funk.



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Hey, where is everybody today??!! Cheri, I know what you mean about being in a funk. It seems that you know how to get yourself out of it though. I have certain techniques, too, but they don't always work. I hope you feel more "up" soon.

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Hi Im here!

just ate a half of chicken salad sandwich made with

1 slice of brownberry whole grain bread

white chicken meat in can-3oz

yougurt instead of mayo

1 slice of cheese

it was good and I wanted more but instead i am on lbt. i really want to live today. I am taking it one day at a time.

I have lost 7lbs. this week with exercising 30 minutes no more-cardio

60 grams of Protein

high Fiber and 6 glasses of Water.< /p>

it feels really good to be back on the right track. nights are really hard for me. that is when I obsessively eat . I think I will be online tonite but not too late becauz I have church tomarrow.

but I have been taking the suggestions on the forum and reading it instead of eating and now this has been my support.

thanks too you all!

march 08 banded 90lbs loss.

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Hi Im here!

just ate a half of chicken salad sandwich made with

1 slice of brownberry whole grain bread

white chicken meat in can-3oz

yougurt instead of mayo

1 slice of cheese

it was good and I wanted more but instead i am on lbt. i really want to live today. I am taking it one day at a time.

I have lost 7lbs. this week with exercising 30 minutes no more-cardio

60 grams of Protein

high fiber and 6 glasses of Water.< /p>

it feels really good to be back on the right track. nights are really hard for me. that is when I obsessively eat . I think I will be online tonite but not too late becauz I have church tomarrow.

but I have been taking the suggestions on the forum and reading it instead of eating and now this has been my support.

thanks too you all!

march 08 banded 90lbs loss.

Good job on the 7 pounds. It does feel good to be on track.

Hey ladies,

Just doing my check in for the day.

I had an egg for Breakfast, tilapia for lunch and just had chicken sprinkled with cheese for dinner. I have been hungry all day and never did get full from dinner tonite. My doc says only 3 meals a day but I am finding that hard to stick too. I am so hungry. I have been chewing gum and drinking alot trying to ward off the hunger pangs. It's not working. I did have a snack today of some turkey. My Doc said this would happen but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I thought he ment next week or so. I hope it's not like this til I get my first fill. After being hungry all day I did decide that at dinner I would try to eat more. I hope this helps. I had probably a cup and a half of chicken. I never did reach full but everyone else was done so I stopped. It does take me alot longer to eat than everyone else. I noticed that I was hungry in class the past few days but since I was home today and yesterday it seems to be stronger. Alot harder to say no when I have full access to the pantry and fridge.

Other than being hungry I have felt little pain today. I spent all day studying and it was easier to concentrate than last semester. I think the weightloss and diet is making it easier. I am not constantly falling asleep anymore. I have more energy during the day. I already feel better than I did in November when I first started.

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Hi everyone, I tried to get on earlier, but couldn't - several times -- for some reason -- so I just gave up. Glad I'm able to be here now. Janet, how was the concert? I would love to go see Lionel Richie -- I bet it was great!

Congrats to both Naworleans and Unshackled for getting back on track - keep up the good work.

Janet and Phyll, my company does all projects huge (Olympics/pro football stadiums) and small -- local parks, little league fields, softball and soccer fields, high school stadiums, everything -- I know for a fact we have parks in your area -- tennis courts yes, we do those too -- golf courses -- you name it.

Deb and Cheri, hope you are getting out of your funks -- it was gloomy here today too -- so I know what you mean. I ended up doing some extra exercising today - wanted to see if I could do my step aerobics tape (no problem) and then did another hour walking and some Wii -- altogether about 2-1/2 hours - I'm a little stiff but happy -- GD was here "exercising" with me -- it helps entertain her as well -- she loves it.

Apples, recipe sounds good -- reminds me of one of my family's favorites minus the cheese -- lol -- I love curry powder and rice -- yum.

Julie, I sure hope you're feeling better -- and get your MRI approved soon -- your insurance company is horrible - it's pretty sad they are making you wait so long and have so much pain - I just don't understand. When we still had DH's insurance years ago and I turned 50 and wanted to have a colonoscopy -- cause colon cancer is in our family -- I had to pay for the entire colonoscopy ($1,800) because the insurance company would only pay for it if "you were experiencing symptoms deeming such a test necessary" - OMG -- whatever happened to "preventive medicine" -- anyway, I had no idea that insurance company didn't cover them until AFTER the fact -- but I'm glad I spent the $$ cause I tend to get polyps and have to have one every two years, so it's a good thing I took the initiative myself. So some times I just don't understand what these ins. company's are thinking when they make those kinds of decisions about what to cover and what not to cover. Hope you got your friend's handicapped toilets -- we have installed those in all three of our bathrooms -- so much easier on our hips and backs -- DH had both of his hips replaced in the early 2000's.

Just finished a salad made with mostly raw spinach (a little lettuce), onions, Tomato, madarin oranges and my turkey tenderloin tossed with lite Ginger Sesame dressing (very yummy). One of my favorites.

GD went home -- she spent most of the day with us - she is such a sweet little thing -- loves to snuggle on the counch with me and "hide" under a blanket whenever DH comes back from smoking in the garage. LOL. She screams with delight when he "looks" for us. I hope these days continue for a long time yet. LOL.

Not much else happening here -- just hanging out with DH tonight -- we are thinking about going to see Avitar tomorrow night. Will have to see what time the football games end.

Lori, glad the new skirt fits perfectly -- I knew it would! Hope you had fun shopping today!!

CBL -- have a great evening everyone. Linda

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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