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Janet, I went to Catholic school for eight years too. Yep, I had the nun that threw the erasers and chalk at you if you were talking......Or make you go to confession if you pissed her off. I went to mass every school day. I even wanted to be a nun. I thought they were so holy....the nice ones. That notion faded when I went to public school.

I had cream of wheat for breakfast.....then Tilapia for lunch.< /strong>

OMG - my Catholic school experience was nothing like that -

We had beanies we wore for church - one friday i forgot my the father came and talked to me afterwards but nothing bad. Just asked me what was wrong cuz I wasn't paying attention in chruch

Well I haven't gotten stuck since the first day. I feel pretty good. I slept on my tummy last night and this morning when I got off of my stomach I had this terrible muscle burning sensation where my stiches are (not the port area, the other stiches). I didn't have any shoulder pain when I ate today. I am starting to feel pretty hungry.

The reason my doc moved me to soft foods so fast is because he doesn't want me eatting mushies. Stuff like mashed potatoes and grits tend to have high carbs and he is passionately against carbs.

Yesterday, I had half an egg for Breakfast, turkey for lunch and chicken for dinner. I am trying to get more Water in me. I know I am not drinking nearly enough.

My husbands boss has been asking my hubby a million questions about my surgery. He is wanting to save up and do it too. His insurance won't cover it though. Everyday my hubby gets to work his boss ask how I am doing lol. Curiosity.

Jessica You are doing great girl !!!!

We had two classes that were taught by laic ppl. Third grade and sixth grade. With going to church every morning at 8am, we were requried to wear a veil. The most traumatic school year incident for me was forgetting my veil on day when I was in third grade. Mrs. Campion just reach up her sleeve, pulled out a USED wadded up Kleenex and bobby pinned it to my head. I cried the entire mass. Then after mass I had to kneel in the corner of the classroom for an hour and read the bible OUT LOUD. I was devastated. Everything they did back then was shame based.:thumbup:

We had two classes that were taught by laic ppl. Third grade and sixth grade. With going to church every morning at 8am, we were requried to wear a veil. The most traumatic school year incident for me was forgetting my veil on day when I was in third grade. Mrs. Campion just reach up her sleeve, pulled out a USED wadded up Kleenex and bobby pinned it to my head. I cried the entire mass. Then after mass I had to kneel in the corner of the classroom for an hour and read the bible OUT LOUD. I was devastated. Everything they did back then was shame based.:w00t: forumbox_top_left.gifforumbox_top_tile.gifforumbox_top_right.gifforumbox_left_tile.gifV



Yeah, that was the place to learn shame and low self esteem. Apples, that is funny. My shame was I was sick for a few days. Sister Burkman( had taught in a boys military school) checked my desk and glue had leaked out of my cigar box (remember them?). So everyday she would ask where the messy girl was....when I returned back to school she shamed me in front of the class. I wonder if she went to heaven?

Again I guess I was lucky - Sister Lucile big fat nun jolly - Sister Avila nice old nun - Sister Regina beauty young nun - Sistner Joanella - prinicpel - mean - I wore make up on picture day in 7th grade - she took my purse away from me til the end of the school year - made us kneel on the ground as that's where our skirts were suppose to be lenghten wise - this was 7th grade 7th & 8th grader wore skirts and blouses - lower graders jumper - and us 7th & 8th graders were hemming our skirts up or rolling them up - this was back in the day when mini skirts first came out and we had to wear full slips so boys couldn't see our bras.. That was about it - we even had a little sex ed class once - I guess I went to a progressive catholic school ;0)

OK...I suck at this...sorry

No it's just the way they let you add attachments - email the link to us or past the email link

Well back from gym I hate going as late as I did - and usually won't go if I get up late - but since I'm going out and will have a few cocktails and might not make it tomorrow - I thought I better go - do that's done now the house - it's almost 12 I have already wasted 30 minutes on the computer - I gotta ge but in gear..

Charlene wtg on your food...

Me so far 2 cups coffee 1 bottle water :0) am sorta hungry gotta go see what there is to eat


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We had two classes that were taught by laic ppl. Third grade and sixth grade. With going to church every morning at 8am, we were requried to wear a veil. The most traumatic school year incident for me was forgetting my veil on day when I was in third grade. Mrs. Campion just reach up her sleeve, pulled out a USED wadded up Kleenex and bobby pinned it to my head. I cried the entire mass. Then after mass I had to kneel in the corner of the classroom for an hour and read the bible OUT LOUD. I was devastated. Everything they did back then was shame based.:thumbup: forumbox_top_left.gifforumbox_top_tile.gifforumbox_top_right.gifforumbox_left_tile.gifVerticalSleeveTalk verticalsleeve-logo.gifClick to visit the largest Vertical Sleeve community online!



Yeah, that was the place to learn shame and low self esteem. Apples, that is funny. My shame was I was sick for a few days. Sister Burkman( had taught in a boys military school) checked my desk and glue had leaked out of my cigar box (remember them?). So everyday she would ask where the messy girl was....when I returned back to school she shamed me in front of the class. I wonder if she went to heaven?

Messy Girl....not sure whether she would be in heaven or hell...All I know is I spent some time back then wishing some of them to the latter.

And the stories they told! Remember the horror stories about hell? And, going to hell if you played with Lutheran kids?

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And, forgot...yep, we had the cigar boxes. My dad and grandpa smoked them. They HAD to because they needed to keep 8 kids supplied with the boxes

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Messy Girl....not sure whether she would be in heaven or hell...All I know is I spent some time back then wishing some of them to the latter.

And the stories they told! Remember the horror stories about hell? And, going to hell if you played with Lutheran kids?

Oh I could play with protestant kids.....I just could not go to church with them or I would go to hell. I married a protestant, found Jesus in a protestant church......busted that myth all to hell.

OKay, we better get back on track. I just found sugar free Hazelnut cream at the grocery store. I think it is by International. YUM!...and don't tell me it is Bad! I just fiixed a cup of cofee with cream.

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Oh I could play with protestant kids.....I just could not go to church with them or I would go to hell. I married a protestant, found Jesus in a protestant church......busted that myth all to hell.

OKay, we better get back on track. I just found sugar free Hazelnut cream at the grocery store. I think it is by International. YUM!...and don't tell me it is Bad! I just fiixed a cup of cofee with cream.

Arlene...I think there are about 20 cals in a Tbls of that SF Creamer. DH puts an envelope of SF Swiss Miss and that has 20-25 cals also.

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Oh I could play with protestant kids.....I just could not go to church with them or I would go to hell. I married a protestant, found Jesus in a protestant church......busted that myth all to hell.

OKay, we better get back on track. I just found sugar free Hazelnut cream at the grocery store. I think it is by International. YUM!...and don't tell me it is Bad! I just fiixed a cup of cofee with cream.

I use the sf powdered stuff - sf hazelnut every day 30 cal - and I have never counted those in my caloires - I wasn't that anal retentive when counting calories - I usually have my 2 cups of coffee max a day - so 60 cal over 365 days is 6 lbs - well maybe that's my problem - nope - too much real food

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Arlene...I think there are about 20 cals in a Tbls of that SF creamer. DH puts an envelope of SF Swiss Miss and that has 20-25 cals also.

Yummy! I bought French vanilla too. I will try the sf choc with the french vanilla....well, hazelnut would be good too. Actually, my DH has a capaccino (sp) machine and keeps sf choc Syrup by the half gallon. He buys it online and girl, it is good stuff. We also have about 8-10 sf Torani syrups for coffees. I just forget about them because I don't like to steam my milk. Takes too much time.

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I'm having a bad food day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep last night and Mimi here all day and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat...........You'd think I was a newborn!!!

I haven't gone crazy with calories, but sure have felt the uneasiness of looking for food everywhere... Thank goodness my Christmas Cookies are gone... I'm left with less troublesome things...........

Mimi has gone home and I could take a nap...........nope, can't fall asleep now.... go figure!!!

Supper is a hotdish ready to pop in the oven..... Laundry is in progress......Not much to do for now...

You guys and your coffee... I just can't drink it at all... Lately I'm having sever cravings for pop (soda, to some of you!!)..... I take a Diet Barq's and pour half in a glass and stir it till it quits fizzing and then add ice.... does the trick for me.....

CBL>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie

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I'm having a bad food day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep last night and Mimi here all day and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat...........You'd think I was a newborn!!!

I haven't gone crazy with calories, but sure have felt the uneasiness of looking for food everywhere... Thank goodness my Christmas Cookies are gone... I'm left with less troublesome things...........

Mimi has gone home and I could take a nap...........nope, can't fall asleep now.... go figure!!!

Supper is a hotdish ready to pop in the oven..... Laundry is in progress......Not much to do for now...

You guys and your coffee... I just can't drink it at all... Lately I'm having sever cravings for pop (soda, to some of you!!)..... I take a Diet Barq's and pour half in a glass and stir it till it quits fizzing and then add ice.... does the trick for me.....

CBL>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie

Julie...if you like something hot to drink once in awhile, try the SF Alpine cider. Got it at Walmart in their coffee/cocoa aisle. DH watches his sugar and a cup only has 15 cals. When I make it, I add more Water as I don't like anything too sweet.

Our day has been full of company reps at the kitchen table. Needed to buy our chemical for the year. Got the job done. I am such a witch to say this but I like having my house to myself some days.

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I'm having a bad food day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep last night and Mimi here all day and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat...........You'd think I was a newborn!!!

I haven't gone crazy with calories, but sure have felt the uneasiness of looking for food everywhere... Thank goodness my Christmas Cookies are gone... I'm left with less troublesome things...........

Mimi has gone home and I could take a nap...........nope, can't fall asleep now.... go figure!!!

Supper is a hotdish ready to pop in the oven..... Laundry is in progress......Not much to do for now...

You guys and your coffee... I just can't drink it at all... Lately I'm having sever cravings for pop (soda, to some of you!!)..... I take a Diet Barq's and pour half in a glass and stir it till it quits fizzing and then add ice.... does the trick for me.....

CBL>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie

Julie, I am sorry, but I forgot what is causing all your pain. I sure wish you could get some relief. I know somewhat how you feel. I am so glad this SNRI is helping me. I was getting depressed thinking this was going to be for life. Take care!

I know people that drink small amounts of soda without problems. I don't think I could do it. I went to Chili's a couple of weeks ago and had a small amount of Raspberry Tea. I think it must have had carbonation in it because I pb'd on my food. I think I had gas in my pouch.

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Hi everyone, just a quickie -- GD is here and wanting me to go watch tv with her. She just put lip gloss on me - lol, fun.

Have my turkey tenderloin in the oven -- I get them at Sam's club-they are pretty good except they always have some gristle running through them which irritates me. I have a convection oven with a probe so I just throw them in there until 165 degrees -- always moist and good -- all white meat. Then I use it to throw in salads or just to eat with some veggies, whatever One lasts me about 5 days.

Did only 55 mins. of walking today -- cleaned house for several hours before that so figure I got enough in. I had a lot of congestion while I was walking today -- trying to get over this darn cold. Finally took a Mucus relief pill and that seems to be helping. Weird - it's been mostly in my nose -- but just starting with that congestion in lungs today -- this cold is lingering far too long.

Got a call from my insurance (disability) company this morning asking if I'll be going back to work next week or what. I said, "gee, not sure, I see the surgeon on Monday and he said he'll decide then" -- so I MAY decide to wait and go back on the 25th - they said if I need more time no biggie as long as the surgeon puts in a report within 15 business days. Only problem I'm having is sleep issues -- some nights I just cannot sleep -- I've been off pain pills quite a while -- not sure why I'm still having a problem but I do worry about not being able to sleep and then having to go to work - so I'll see what the doctor thinks. Per the insurance people and the HR people at work I'm entitled to more time off, so maybe I'll take more. Not sure what I feel like doing yet. I do feel like maybe another week would be good. Just that much time to get back in the routine.

Deb, you are so nice - thank you for the nice compliment. I do customer service work -- I answer the phones for the largest sports lighting company in the US and turn lights on and off, set schedules, troubleshooting -etc. If you have a park with soccer or baseball/softball fields, stadium, or racetrack in your area, I've probably turned the lights on/off for that facility. It's my fun retirement job. No stress, lots of fun and it's a great company to work for.

Today I had egg beater omelette (1/4 C. Egg Beaters, a sprinkling of bacon bits, and a slice of non fat American cheese) and my fruit and yogurt -- strawberries, blueberries and one banana daily mixed with non-fat yogurt and a sprinkling of granola on top. dinner will be the turkey and my leftover acorn squash. Not really very hungry tonight -- this fill has worked great. I got up late today too -- about 8:30.

You guys were cracking me up with the catholic school stories -- I had lots of friends over the years that used to say all the same things -- except they used to talk about being hit with rulers (heck we had that even in public school when I was little). School was so much stricter back in those days.

I can't believe it's Friday -- this week went super fast - every day just seems to fly by -- I guess cause I'm not working.

Gotta run -- all of a sudden I'm really really famished!! Better go eat. CBL. Linda

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Yummy! I bought French Vanilla too. I will try the sf choc with the french vanilla....well, hazelnut would be good too. Actually, my DH has a capaccino (sp) machine and keeps sf choc Syrup by the half gallon. He buys it online and girl, it is good stuff. We also have about 8-10 sf Torani syrups for coffees. I just forget about them because I don't like to steam my milk. Takes too much time.

Charlene - that's me with the creamer that you have to keep in the fridge - to much trouble to get it out - I buy the powder kind and it's right next to the coffee pot and the fridge is only 2 steps away - but that's alot of steps at 4:45 in the a.m. :0)

I'm having a bad food day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep last night and Mimi here all day and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat...........You'd think I was a newborn!!!

I haven't gone crazy with calories, but sure have felt the uneasiness of looking for food everywhere... Thank goodness my Christmas Cookies are gone... I'm left with less troublesome things...........

Mimi has gone home and I could take a nap...........nope, can't fall asleep now.... go figure!!!

Supper is a hotdish ready to pop in the oven..... Laundry is in progress......Not much to do for now...

You guys and your coffee... I just can't drink it at all... Lately I'm having sever cravings for pop (soda, to some of you!!)..... I take a Diet Barq's and pour half in a glass and stir it till it quits fizzing and then add ice.... does the trick for me.....

CBL>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie

Hugs on the bad food day - we all have them and yes it's cuz you are tired I do the same thing with soda/pop about every 3 months - never was a big soda drinker but every now and then I want one ;0)

Julie, I am sorry, but I forgot what is causing all your pain. I sure wish you could get some relief. I know somewhat how you feel. I am so glad this SNRI is helping me. I was getting depressed thinking this was going to be for life. Take care!

I know people that drink small amounts of soda without problems. I don't think I could do it. I went to Chili's a couple of weeks ago and had a small amount of Raspberry Tea. I think it must have had carbonation in it because I pb'd on my food. I think I had gas in my pouch.

Raspberry tea - carbonated - I like plain tea - I didn't think the flavored stuff was carbonated

Sure glad your meds are helping - pain is a terrible thing to have to live with

Hi everyone, just a quickie -- GD is here and wanting me to go watch tv with her. She just put lip gloss on me - lol, fun.

Have my turkey tenderloin in the oven -- I get them at Sam's club-they are pretty good except they always have some gristle running through them which irritates me. I have a convection oven with a probe so I just throw them in there until 165 degrees -- always moist and good -- all white meat. Then I use it to throw in salads or just to eat with some veggies, whatever One lasts me about 5 days.

Did only 55 mins. of walking today -- cleaned house for several hours before that so figure I got enough in. I had a lot of congestion while I was walking today -- trying to get over this darn cold. Finally took a Mucus relief pill and that seems to be helping. Weird - it's been mostly in my nose -- but just starting with that congestion in lungs today -- this cold is lingering far too long.

Got a call from my insurance (disability) company this morning asking if I'll be going back to work next week or what. I said, "gee, not sure, I see the surgeon on Monday and he said he'll decide then" -- so I MAY decide to wait and go back on the 25th - they said if I need more time no biggie as long as the surgeon puts in a report within 15 business days. Only problem I'm having is sleep issues -- some nights I just cannot sleep -- I've been off pain pills quite a while -- not sure why I'm still having a problem but I do worry about not being able to sleep and then having to go to work - so I'll see what the doctor thinks. Per the insurance people and the HR people at work I'm entitled to more time off, so maybe I'll take more. Not sure what I feel like doing yet. I do feel like maybe another week would be good. Just that much time to get back in the routine.

Deb, you are so nice - thank you for the nice compliment. I do customer service work -- I answer the phones for the largest sports lighting company in the US and turn lights on and off, set schedules, troubleshooting -etc. If you have a park with soccer or baseball/softball fields, stadium, or racetrack in your area, I've probably turned the lights on/off for that facility. It's my fun retirement job. No stress, lots of fun and it's a great company to work for.

Today I had egg beater omelette (1/4 C. Egg Beaters, a sprinkling of bacon bits, and a slice of non fat American cheese) and my fruit and yogurt -- strawberries, blueberries and one banana daily mixed with non-fat yogurt and a sprinkling of granola on top. dinner will be the turkey and my leftover acorn squash. Not really very hungry tonight -- this fill has worked great. I got up late today too -- about 8:30.

You guys were cracking me up with the catholic school stories -- I had lots of friends over the years that used to say all the same things -- except they used to talk about being hit with rulers (heck we had that even in public school when I was little). School was so much stricter back in those days.

I can't believe it's Friday -- this week went super fast - every day just seems to fly by -- I guess cause I'm not working.

Gotta run -- all of a sudden I'm really really famished!! Better go eat. CBL. Linda

Linda - My BFF who I met in nursery school was Jewish - we are 14 days a part her bday 16the mine the 29th - we both sucked our thumbs and both were chubby girls - I could play with anyone - I guess California isn't as strict as the rest of the country - and I have an Aunt who was a Nun.. Never got hit either in private school - no my 1st grade teacher in public school did hit my hands w/a ruler cuz I kisses Scott - and I guess that kiss turned him gay ;0) - I must have traumatized him to not liking girls lol

Does sound like you have a pretty cool job... I don't think we have anything big enough for your to turn on the lights for - we do have a field of dreams but no major sports teams here in the Desert..

Well it's done..... Still have some clothes to hang up never mopped but the house is back in order - it's 4 and need to be ready by 7 - so guess I will relax for a bit..

Food 2 cups coffee - 1 bottle Water - bite of ck breast - serving of these PopChips 19 chips 120 cal - oh ya I found a trick or treat size kit kat - at that...

Will be having a few cocktails - but need to cook some fish

Well gotta drink some more water :0)


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Does sound like you have a pretty cool job... I don't think we have anything big enough for your to turn on the lights for - we do have a field of dreams but no major sports teams here in the Desert..

Tennis gardens... BIG TIME lights!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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