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Julie, thank you I will try that again.

My hobby late summer early fall.

Pic of me sometime last year not sure was at my top weight.

Laura K

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Just a little video to get the Florida girls excited about their trip! And to talk those of you who are undecided... into going!!! Looks like a cool place!!! Great LBT friends, a little sunshine and a couple fluffy drinks with umbrellas....

Julie~ Nels just saw the photo of your tractor and said "Now that is just beautiful!" He's going to make a sign to hold up at the airport with your name and a red tractor! : ) You are I are on kid duty today, eh? Hope your day is going well. My boy is being great- just playing and watching tv. Except when he has fever, he is 100% perfectly Normal. Sounds like a virus, huh?

Meredith~ We are so bummed that you can't make it! : ( But we also totally understand. You are so busy between class, work, family, baby showers... How do you do it all?! Any news on the house? How is your GM? Hugs on all that.

LauraK~ Congrats on figuring out the photos! The leaves look great, but you look AMAZING! What a difference! WTG!

Cheri~ Funny fart story! LOL.

Janet~ I watched IA, but never got to BL. Some of the Atlanta people were really good. I didn't like Mary JB as a judge. I think Simon has really lightened up. And Kara is not as annoying as she was last year. Yeah, the Haiti stuff is horrible. Just so sad. They were saying on the news that a lot of people are coming to FL. They are giving more emergency/medical visas. Their entire system has crashed. If I was single I would love to do relief work again.

Apples~ How's the weather? <wink wink> It's 61 right now. Get excited for FL!!! Just a few days until you leave!!!

Hi to everyone else!

peasout... Laura

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Where is everyone today?! I love being home with my little guy (and good news, no more fever since 630 am)... BUT, I hate having the extra time to think about FOOD! It's taking everything I have, not to eat! So far today...

coffee with cream & splenda. 40 cal.

170 cal/20 grams Protein Protein Bar

100 cal popcorn

1/2 apple 50 cal

Janet~ What time is the appt for your tweak? (I just remembered that you were going in for a fill). Let us know how it goes!

Just got off the phone with my Dad. He's really feeling punky today. On Monday he started having the chemo regimen with two chemo drugs, instead of one. His blood sugars are WAY out of whack from being on steroids. Last night was his highest ever documented at home- 444! They started SSI (sliding scale insulin) today. Vicious cycle when your blood sugar is so high it makes you dehydrated- your body starts getting rid of urine trying to flush the glucose out. He's also nauseated and having bone aches. He was supposed to have Monday "off"/no chemo, but the dr wants to go full steam ahead and repeat the doses. He has been urinating about 6 times a day for the last 5 days. He is so excited about this! But only time will tell if it is the chemo shrinking the tumor OR the steroid effect & high blood sugar causing a lot of urine and LOTS of pressure to need to pee. Or both? We decided to go up and see him on Monday. Not sure how long we will stay this trip, maybe 3-5 days.

ok friends... CBL....Laura

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Hey Laura, I'm here......... Thank Nelson for the nice compliment... That tractor is as old as I am.... But it sure looks nice... Is he feeling better yet?? Your dad's battle is confusing for everyone I'm sure... Glad he is talking to you, though.... tha'ts good..

Dh just came home and Laromi (Mimi) is all about PaPa now... They are actually playing tractors..... I have a few that have always just been ornamental in my office... replicas of days past... But she takes them occassionaly to play with... I'm trying to get them out of my office so I can finish this... I just can't work on my computer when she is in here....

Laura, good job on the picture... How do you make those leaves???? And the picture of you really shows how much you have accomplished... Good job....

Well, DH says I can leave and run after some groceries... I just might take him up on it... A couple hours to myself won't hurt anything....

I'll be back later to see if some of the rest check in.. Julie

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Hi slightely dissappointed this afternoon.

I just found out that my feb 8th date is going to be changed....for at least a month....my sleep study came back and demonstrated severe apnea....not sure what 98 episodes throught the night on the back and 78 on the side.....means exactly.....I have a 4:15 apt. with the sleep doctor (pulmonolgoist) I guess ill find out then and what the treatment I will need, however he is not clearing me for surgery on the 8th....

Ill need at least a 3 weeks to a month to treat and get on track. Im worried about the apnea...he said it was very serious and to come in today....sheez...must be really bad!

I know I snore terribly however, I didnt think I wasnt breathing at times. Even though sleep apnea becomes better with the lap band...being banded before it is treated can be apparently dangerous...

Perhaps this is why im so damn tired in the mornings....attributing it to frequent wake ups due to my daughter coming in for some reason or another.,...the dog pitter pattering, the heat, the train, the planes....lol. I just figured this was the reason for all the sleep interuptions. Well, this too shall be taken care of!!!

This is the year....I told myself....I am going to get healthy...and what ever that means...I will do it...at 44 my life isnt getting easier healthwize its getting more compicated sooo I better do all that is prescribed....and then get banded at the right time...when all else is cleared.

I promised my daughter when my ex-passed...that I would do all I could to help stay alive as long as possible for her....but in making that promise I knew that meant..getting it together mentally and physically.

So......just wanted to post my frustration today. Thanks for listening all!!


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Hi slightely dissappointed this afternoon.

I just found out that my feb 8th date is going to be changed....for at least a month....my sleep study came back and demonstrated severe apnea....not sure what 98 episodes throught the night on the back and 78 on the side.....means exactly.....I have a 4:15 apt. with the sleep doctor (pulmonolgoist) I guess ill find out then and what the treatment I will need, however he is not clearing me for surgery on the 8th....

Ill need at least a 3 weeks to a month to treat and get on track. Im worried about the apnea...he said it was very serious and to come in today....sheez...must be really bad!

I know I snore terribly however, I didnt think I wasnt breathing at times. Even though sleep apnea becomes better with the LAP-BAND®®...being banded before it is treated can be apparently dangerous...

Perhaps this is why im so damn tired in the mornings....attributing it to frequent wake ups due to my daughter coming in for some reason or another.,...the dog pitter pattering, the heat, the train, the planes....lol. I just figured this was the reason for all the sleep interuptions. Well, this too shall be taken care of!!!

This is the year....I told myself....I am going to get healthy...and what ever that means...I will do it...at 44 my life isnt getting easier healthwize its getting more compicated sooo I better do all that is prescribed....and then get banded at the right time...when all else is cleared.

I promised my daughter when my ex-passed...that I would do all I could to help stay alive as long as possible for her....but in making that promise I knew that meant..getting it together mentally and physically.

So......just wanted to post my frustration today. Thanks for listening all!!


NY~ I have sleep apnea too (also diagnosed prior to my band surgery) and so do several others on this thread. I also thought I was waking up b/c of my son or that cats or the outside noise. What will be more interesting when you go to the pulmonologist is to find out what your oxygen level drops to during these periods also. It is treatable- they will likely prescribe a cpap machine. And then losing weight is the next step. I thought I would NEVER be able to sleep with it (before I got it) and now I can't hardly sleep without it. With 86 lbs gone my sleep apnea and snoring have all but stopped!!! I still LOVE my cpap machine b/c of the humidifier- it really helps my allergies/stuffiness. I have not gone for the repeat sleep study- which they ordered but I just haven't felt like doing it. I know I should! But that being said, I feel 100% since using the CPAP. I started dreaming again and waking up refreshed. I thought being tired was ONLY b/c of my weight but I realize now that the oxygen deprivation was MOST of it! A few days after I started using the CPAP my tiredness went away. It is also ONE of the most undiagnosed causes of high blood pressure in obese people. My high BP went away before I lost much weight- so I am convinced it was my sleep apnea. I am off all my meds except prilosec, Vitamins and baby aspirin. Good luck with the first step of your new life. I am sorry your surgery is delayed, but it is necessary.

Let us know what he says!! Good luck!

Edited by peascorps

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Good Afternoon Gang...

Just did a drive by last evening. Have been doing a 1 hour relaxing bubble bath every evening since the beginning of the new year. Really cuts into the evening but I find it soooooo relaxing and had to go to the library again this morning to load up on more books to read in the tub. This "me" time was part of my NY resolution and feeling the need to relax. It's working. I cannot do TV but did catch some AI while DH was watching it.

Meredith...hope your GM will be OK. Tell your aunts to lay off of her. Sounds to me like they are kicking her while she is down. As I stated last night, was hoping you could have made the trip but life sometimes gets in the way.

Laura...thanks for sharing the video of the resort. Looks nice. I still wonder if they got our pricing correct. Seems awfully low priced but I'll take it! I checked and rechecked on the rates so we are good to go.

We are in the 30's today and thanks for asking and sharing how "chilly" it is for you today. Talked to someone at the resort DH and I will be staying at in Salt Springs and she said they got up to 78 yesterday. Maybe it will be warmed up by the time we get there. There's a lounge chair by the pool with my name on it! It was chilly here this morning and went to town about 10am. We had gotten a freezing rain so skated all the way. Better on the way home...just slush.

I get you on the being home all day and wanting to eat. I told DH last week that if and when I have to watch my intake again, I want to be working not grazing here at home.

Hugs on your dad's issues.

Nice tractor, Julie. DH's dad used to restore tractors in his shop when he retired and DH did the painting. They did 16 JD tractors during that period of time. You look great, Julie. I can see your weightloss since the last photo you posted. Good goin'

LauraK...loved the leaves. Big diff in b/4 and after photos also. You look wonderful.

NYSparkle...I think that each one of us mostly had sleep apnea. Sounds like your doc wants to take care of things a.s.a.p. Sorry for the delay in your surgery.

Trying to get some things organized and packed for our trip. I do have some of it done but repacking, etc. We leave a week from Monday. I have always flown to our destinations and don't know how I will handle being in a vehicle for a few days. I will do most of the driving because DH is a gawker. Gotta check out every field and farmsite along the way, ya know. I fear for my life so I will be at the wheel. Now the only time I might veer off course would be if I would spot an outlet mall. But, the other part of my NY resolution is the need vs. want thing. I have so many lovely clothes and want for nothing. But, a day at the mall to "just look" is fine with me.

Better get after it. I feel so lost with not 100 things coming at me at one time and feel like I am already on vacation.

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Good afternoon. Today was my last twice a week therapy session. Starting next week I go once a week for 3 weeks and them am done I think, maybe sooner as my bend is at 128 now!! I was 130 before surgery so about the same already, just with pain now. LOL that too shall pass. Afterwards I had a quick lunch with DS and then got me a pedicure. Still hard to reach my toes on my right leg with my knee and i like the being pampered feeling. I have pink toes now. Tomorrow I am getting a small fill, I don't remember as it's been so long, can I eat the morning of a fill? It's at 1130am??

Apples, OMG my DH is such a gawker too. And the flatter the landscape the more he gawks, he doesn't gawk so much in the mountains as he does on the prairie. He has to check out the critters, what crops are growing, etc. Think it's the supressed farmer in him, he says if he had to do it all over that's what he'd do.

Laura, hope Nels is feeling better. Thanks for posting that video. I hear it might be near an outlet mall? Which one? Might have to check online and see what stores are there. LOL

Janet, where are you today?

Julie, nice photo, you can see a difference in your weight loss

LauraK, love those leaves, what are they made out of? And you look great too.

Sparkle, bummer about the sleep apnea delaying your surgery, but better safe than sorry. I was lucky and didn't have that one but had everything else it seemed. Now I am med free and normal on everything at least that's what my lab tests say. LOL

Well you know, Ijust might go take me a little cat nap, sounds so good right now. DH will be home later tonight and I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for him when he gets home. LOL

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Have been doing a 1 hour relaxing bubble bath every evening since the beginning of the new year.

Laura...thanks for sharing the video of the resort. Looks nice. I still wonder if they got our pricing correct. Seems awfully low priced but I'll take it! I checked and rechecked on the rates so we are good to go.

We are in the 30's today and thanks for asking and sharing how "chilly" it is for you today. Talked to someone at the resort DH and I will be staying at in Salt Springs and she said they got up to 78 yesterday. Maybe it will be warmed up by the time we get there. There's a lounge chair by the pool with my name on it! It was chilly here this morning and went to town about 10am. We had gotten a freezing rain so skated all the way. Better on the way home...just slush.

I get you on the being home all day and wanting to eat. I told DH last week that if and when I have to watch my intake again, I want to be working not grazing here at home.

Hugs on your dad's issues.


I know- that rate seems awfully low for a 3 br condo with washer/dryer and linens. The omni just down the block is $159 for a regular room with AAA discount! The Reunion Resort just down the road starts at $228/night for a 3br villa.

Yeah, I checked and they do have a chair by the pool with your name on it! ; ) It says APPLES.

Love the bath idea. I should start doing that. Always seems that there is not enough time in the day.

xoxo peas

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Good to hear that the Orlando resort has a chair with my name on it also! I was referring to the resort DH and I are staying at. Did not even plant my butt in one of the loungers by the pool last year cuz it was too darned cold. Just asking for a little of it this year. Not too much to ask for! Previous years down there, it was always in the 80's. Unseasonably cold the last couple of years.

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Apples, I have an idea -- we are approx. 6 hours south of Minneapolis/St. Paul -- would love to put you and DH up for a night -- we have a guest room with your names on the linens!! Seriously -- if you are coming this way on your way south, I'd be thrilled to have you. I promise we are nice, decent people. Doggie can stay here too -- we love dogs.

Julie, I don't know who on this thread is my true twin -- it seems I'm so much like all of you - but I have the same coat you have!! So if I do end up coming to Florida we'll have to be careful not to mix them up -- this is my "new" coat -- just ordered it and got it right before Christmas on sale from LB. LOL. You look wonderful Julie and the tractor very nice -- DH looks like a very nice guy too.

Laura, have fun in Miami -- hope the weather is good there and Nelson is completely over his cold/flu. Thanks for the update on your dad, I do hope for the best. It would be neat if you could visit him next week -- I'm sure it really brightens him up whenever you and your family visit.

GD was here overnight and exercised with me again this a.m. It's so cute when she does that -- last time she stayed over and I wasn't yet able to exercise she was so disappointed. LOL. She's funny.

Cheri, great stories - kids must love you -- you have a great sense of humor and are so tolerant (unlike how my teachers were when I was in grade school, but then it was truly a completely different world wasn't it?). Anyway, love the story about the 2 year old hitting the red button on the elevator too -- very funny - that would be a good one to submit to Reader's Digest -- they print cute little stories like that.

LauraK, love those leaves -- they are beautiful and yes, I can see a HUGE difference in your weight -- congratulations on your success!

Sparkle hugs on your surgery being postponed, but it's better to have your treatment first -- and much safer - I admire you for your resolution to get and stay healthy for your daughter, but also remember you are doing it for YOURSELF too -- you want to be healthier and feel better and have more energy -- you'll be so happy and glad that you made this decision -- you will feel amazing a year from now --most likely before then -- but for sure next year at this time.

Yesterday was my anniversary of when I started the pre-surgical liquid diet and my DH and I just couldn't believe how fast this year has gone -- doesn't seem possible it's been an entire year already -- time truly flies -- I think especially when you are working on goals -- makes it go even faster.

To the new person who is trying to get recommitted (sorry, I forgot your name), welcome. I understand completely how easy it is to get sick of exercising -- Janet is right -- try not to overdo it. I am right now on purpose over doing it -- it's my last week before I return to work after hip surgery and I'm just trying to get as much exercise in as I can every day before I go back to work -- so I'm doing about 2 hours a day right now -- I'm also trying to lose the last 2 lbs. I gained over the holidays and hoping this will take care of that. I have pretty much been at a standstill weight loss wise since November, but got a fill a couple of weeks ago and hope that I can see the scale going back down in the right direction again. So, you have lots of company here --we're all at different places in our weight loss stories -- I have 13 to go until my "first" goal but then I will tweak that and probably lose at least another 10 before I start to maintain. I'm very excited for this year -- to see what I can accomplish. I'm excited about getting back to work (yeah, like Apples and Laura said, it's easy to "graze" while at home).

Meredith, hugs about your GM -- hope everything will be okay - hope the family members who are treating her badly get their heads out of their A$$$$$$$ soon.

Jessica, hope you're doing better today, keep us informed please. Remember to cut that food up into teeny tiny pieces and then chew, chew chew.

Janet, I think you probaly do need a fill - that's how I was before this last fill - I could eat more than normal and I was getting hungry within and hour or 2 of eating my high Protein meals. Probably with all the exercise you've done this year you've lost some fat and made your band looser. You'll probably be good after a small fill - I am doing much better since my last fill -- not having any trouble really but staying full between meals -- I don't feel the need to snack except at night when that head hunger makes me eat popcorn whether I am hungry or not.

Lori, hope you had a lovely nap. You can probably eat a small Breakfast if you eat it early -- I never eat before my fills, but they are usually early -- around 9:30 a.m.

If all else fails, call and ask. LOL. It's amazing how quickly we forget this stuff.

Arlene and Phyll, hope you are having a great day and enjoying some warm weather. It was in the 40s yesterday and 30s today -- I see some green in the backyard!!!

I escaped today and went to Walmart by myself -- drove and everything. DH and Aylah were sleeping so I "snuck" out. It was nice to be alone for that short time!!! It was long overdue!!! I did 8 miles -- 110 mins. today of walking/wallking with weights. CBL. Have a good evening everyone!! Linda

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Linda...thanks for the wonderful offer but will have to turn it down this time. You have a DH? Then you know how they can be. DH has poured over the atlas in the evenings planning this trip and our stops. There is some farm show somewhere in some state that he wants to attend on Tuesday. (I didn't hear the location when he talked about it....He starts talking about farm stuff and all I hear is la la la la la...). Anyway, the plan is to leave b/4 daylight and drive until after dark the first day so it will get us within 2 hours of his farm show.

If you do not make it to FL, I would love to drive to IA some day and you can meet me somewhere. How does that sound?

I am amazed by the amount of exercise you are doing, Linda. You certainly are focused on your health and making your goal. We are all behind you!

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Hi there,

Linda, I escaped to Wal-mart today, too........ Just did some general grocery shopping and returned a couple things.. One was at Herberger's and they only give in store credit, so I had to shop......They had 70% off on some sweaters and actually got a couple that I thought might be good for the trip to FL..... I bought that winter coat in Cincinnati this fall.....at Meijers...... I so needed a new one, but didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for something I hope to only wear one winter... this happened to be on sale reasonable, so I got it... We're in good company.....

thanks for all the nice comments on the picture... DH is just in love with the tractor even though it is actually mine....... he has another John Deere B (whatever that is!!!) ready to paint now, too... that only leaves one more and 2 old pick-ups.... and he started back to work today for a while....

Got all my stuff put away and now just want to sit and relax a bit.... Oh, I finally found the steel cut oats... Different than I expected... But it was in the bulk bins and I really don't have a clue how to cook it... If it said I didn't see... Just put some in a bag and it got weighed.... So, someone please tell me how to cook this stuff.... Like old fashioned or what.....??????? Apples, I' counting on you here......

NY............ tough luck on the postponement... but hang in there... you need to get this under control... Getting your health back is what this whole thing is about...

Lori, sounds like you're knee is coming right along... good for you....

Laura, thanks for sharing the site... I'm starting to think about this trip more and more now....

Take care ladies......... talk to you later....... Julie

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Bring 3 cups of Water to a boil

You can add 1/4 salt if you want

Add 1 cup dry oats to boiling water. Turn down heat so it is just barely bubbling. Cook another 10-15 minutes. Cover and let sit for 10 minutes.

This makes four servings. There you go!

Good with dried cherries, raisins, dates and it does not take many to give it flavor.

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Apples - I went to the Red Cross website and gave my donation - I watched it last night on CNN OMG ... So 1st thing this a.m. I went online and gave.. Wish I could do more - I have been to Haiti on a cruise the Royal Caribeean private island/beach -

Charlene - goo going on bf and pound !!! So how did the rest of the day go...

LauraK - Love the pic's !!!

Laura - I know that when Katrina happened I was so moved to do something - I had a great tax deduction that year..

I remember wanting to go down there and help.. But since I work I couldn't

Continue Prayers for you Dad

I go 1/21 for my head fill lol - I think that's mostly what it is - I just need a tiny tiny tweak..

Today - yogurt for bf - lunch 1 ck enchillada 1/4 c Beans 1/4 c rice - I could have ate more - we have these guys who deleiver on thursdays lunch - 2 enchillads 1 cup beans & 1 cup rice for $6 - I split it w/gf - so $3 for lunch next week is chille relelnos (sp) my appt isn't til 3:30 so I will eat lunch ;0) cuz after a fill he wants you on full liq for a week - I normally do 2 day..

Sparkle - I had mild apena - didn't stop breathing but breathing got real shallow - Yes it's very important to get this fixed - and yes you will feel better in the morning - let us know how that appt goes

Apples - I am a t.v. watcher :0) reader and computer - wonder why I never get anything done :0)

Julie - Love the tractor & you and DH Great pic

Linda - I think I need a head fill really - my last fill was 1/08 and all of that was taken out but .1 that tiny bit did it for me - to me that's a head fill... I haven't lost weight - the problem is it's not coming off cuz I am eating 1.75 of a cup instead of 1 and those 3/4 are adding 3-4 lbs that aren't coming off - and I want them off..

Ok gang - I am pooped and need to go feed my face and the kid ;0)


Great - today was my friday so I was busy and just never got a chance to get on line ...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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