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Brrr... it's 35 (say it feels like 26)... with a high of 55. That's still COLDDDDDDDDDDDD! I didn't sleep very well b/c DH in and out with beeper blaring. yawn.

Dad is in his 3rd week of this cycle of chemo. Today they are adding a 2nd medication. He will be there 5-6 hrs for the infusion. Let's pray his kidney can handle it. He will get next week "off" from chemo, but I don't think he feels like traveling. We may go see him all together. Let's see how he feels/does.

Off to cross country skii, ummm, I mean, take Nels to car line!!! LOL


Mornin' Laura...thanks for the update on your dad. Have been wondering how he is doing. Will pray that this week is not too tough on his body and that he enjoys his "free" week without the chemo.

We are warming up today. Supposed to be "above normal" all week. I'll take it. Venturing out to meet friends for coffee this morning. Will only have to let my truck warm up for 15 minutes today. Thank God for auto start. I imagine you guys say the same in the summer! Have a great day!

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Apples........I made steel cut oats this morning. They are much better than regular oatmeal cuz I do not like oatmeal. I put cinnamon and splenda in them. I had intended to start my shakes, but I was just curious about the oats. I will shake for lunch.< /div>

I grew up with them and didn't like them. We were not allowed to use sugar so they were really bland. DH ordered them almost every morning at our resort cafe last year and I tasted them and the rest is history!

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Good morning, lovelies!! Gosh you gals are great for one's self esteem and all your wonderful comments about my dress. :blush::blushing: It was hard for me to go try them on and stuff as that fat girl body image tries to rear her ugly head once in a while. But it felt so good to take things off the rack and put them on and heck even be too big in several instances. Here I thought I was a size 12 and I am more an 8 or 10, just depends on what it is. And I don't always take DH shopping with me, but I knew it was going to be a chore with my knee and walking and all and did kindda want his opinion. he has NEVER picked anything out for me, he saw this dress and said I had to try it on and he just beamed at me when I put it in. He said, Babe you aren't supposed be hotter than the bride. Well I had to get the dress then. LOL He still liked the red, but I didn't feel that was wedding appropriate and when it wasn't available in an 8 or 10 that was my out. I just couldn't have worn the 6 all night, my 'girls' would've revolted and popped out before the night was over. LOL Thanks again. I told DD that I was so grateful she waited for me to lose weight to get married. I would've been so panicked and upset at 305 lbs shopping for a dress I know it.

Today is my therapy and then taking Grandma shopping, I think, she hasn't cancelled on me yet this time. Our weather is geat today, in fact, Laura, I think we are having the same weather. We are supposed to be 55 today too! Love it! Except you in your 55 are probably all bundled up in winter parkas, etc. and here we'll be out in short sleeves. All what you get used to.

I am really frustrated about my boss/job. I feel he should've called and let me know what's up with my job. I am feeling disrespected now. He knows my friend and I talk all the time away from work so he knows that I know changes are up and she was cut to part time. I don't feel it's my place to call him and ask him what's up. Even if I am not getting laid off I feel he could at least assure me wtih that. But I am 99.9% positive I am, I'm not on the schedule at all. Now this is a long shot, but if I am laid off, and the stars all align right for me, and I can go at the last minute to FL next month, Apples, can I crash on your and Janet's sofa??? It's a long shot, but gosh I so want to be there.

Eva, love your evil twin, I have one that thinks like your's once in a while. Your dinner sounds yummy. DD just brined a turkey for us a few months ago it was really good.

Laura, thanks for the update on your dad. Hope he enjoys his chemo free week and all goes well. Don't freeze in your 55, I am going to enjoy my 55 today!

Well best be getting ready for therapy. Think it's going to hurt today.

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Good Morning Peeps...

Great - YES YES YES YES YES OF COURSE OF COURSE you can crash on the couch - I WOULD LOVE IT if you can make it - I wish everyone was able too..

Your boss just doesn't want to give you the bad - news - but I agree why don't theyn let you know now - well maybe I bet this is it - they can't make it look like it's do to your knees - pple have to be so careful in letting pple go now adays..

Charlene - Great minds think alike - I made the steel cut oats this morning too - I use cinimon & brown sugar splenda and a few raisins and added 1 tblspn of flax seed meal.. I like them too - they are nuttier than the instant oatmeal - which i do like - I just did the steel cut cuz everyone is always talking about them and how good they are for you

I was afraid I wasn't going to like them - I remember once as a kid my mom made oatmeal and it was gosh awful and hell I was only like 4 or 5 yrs old - but I remember the experience ..

Laura - Hope Dad handles the meds - I have asked figured you need some time not to talk about it - I know when my parents were sick - It was hard to always have to talk about it giving everyone daily updates- but that doesn't mean - you all aren't still in my prayers and thought..

Eva - I love the evil twin :0)

Well need to get my butt in gear - Where's Linda too she hasn't posted in a while

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Great...OMG...could it be? Is there really a chance you could make it to our Girls Weekend? That would be awesome.

Your boss is in the wrong not letting you know about your job situation. Must be his evil twin that made the decision not to inform you. LOL. I guess if you are anxious abuot the situation and do not want to wait, give him a call and tell him that you notice you are not on the schedule and ask why. It would be the perfect opportunity for him to have to disclose what is going on.

That's so sweet what your DH said about your MOB dress. It really does suit you though. It's formal but comfortable, has sleeves but does not look too warm, beautiful color on you. I am a separates girl. Being short waisted, it works for me better than a one peice outfit. You made a good choice for you.

You were talking about not being over 300lbs for this wedding and thankful. I avoided as many weddings I could when I was heavy. I just could never find anything I liked to wear and I felt nothing ever looked good on me. For family weddings I would buy some kind of tent and just go but feel so uncomfortable and awful. Now, I cannot wait to wear what I have in my closet and feel good about whatever I put on. The only obstacle I have is choosing colors that do not wash me out. Who woulda guessed? I'm proud of you, Lori. Proud of your weightloss, proud of you for sticking around for support and to give support...just proud that I got to know you. (That's the good twin talking).

Eva....I AM the evil twin, I think...and, the good twin just comes out once in awhile. LOL

Ditto what Janet said about FL. I think we have plenty of room for all of us.

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Thank you for the kind words of support and advice. I only have computer access at work so can't get on the boards at night or weekends. I don't know that I'm going to be able to keep up with such an active board. Please tell me to stop coming by if you would prefer, I can't promise to be the posting buddy.

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Thank you for the kind words of support and advice. I only have computer access at work so can't get on the boards at night or weekends. I don't know that I'm going to be able to keep up with such an active board. Please tell me to stop coming by if you would prefer, I can't promise to be the posting buddy.

Sweetie you are welcome to post any time you want and when ever you want..

We talk about our days - our rants & raves - good and bad and our food issues - so jump on in whenever you can - ask what ever question you have..

We are all here for you and support during this journey is very very important !!!

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hey janet did u post kinda what u eat in a day maybe i missed it lol.anyway hope alls good with you

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hey janet did u post kinda what u eat in a day maybe i missed it lol.anyway hope alls good with you

Ya I posted it the other day - go back 1 or 2 pages

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Hi everyone, gosh it took forever to catch up on reading all the posts. We decided at the last min. on Friday to leave town - we checked road condition and they were good so we headed 80 miles north to a casino/hotel and enjoyed a little time away. We decided the roads were open and only partially covered and not sure what the next Friday would be like. I'll be going back to work next week and work until 6 on Fridays, so can't really go until Spring and daylight savings time comes (too many deer on these country roads). We like to go on Friday cause they have King crab legs/prime rib buffet for $16.99 and I get mine for $7.99 by showing my lap band card (can you believe that price) and it is really good - I eat my fill of crab with cocktail sauce -- DH has the butter and a little prime rib, but honestly. we don't really eat anything else. We spent the night cause didn't want to drive in the dark and then the next day we swam, gambled a little and drove back home. It felt great just to get away. However, my cold got even worse when I came home and I've been kinda laying around not feeling great - it's just a head cold -- but my poor raw nose -- I can't remember the last time I had a cold this bad - probably over 10 years ago. Anyway, I did manage to get my exercise in every day -- I just do it early before I feel too horrible, but then after that I had no energy left to do anything. I feel a bit better today -- hopefully I'll be 100% better before returning to work next week. So, if I had to be sick, glad I was sick now rather than when I return to work.

Not much else going on. Janet, I had an a ha moment over the weekend which you just reiterated here again. I was thinking the other day that I used to burn so many more calories when I exercised than I do now -- now I have to do almost double what I used to do in order to burn the same no. of calories -- I think that is WHY I stopped losing -- cause before my surgery I was not able to do as much exericise - -had too much pain and was only doing about 1 hour 3 or 4 times a week instead of my usual 1 to 2 hours every day. Another important reason for people to keep track of calories/exericise on a site such as Armstrong.com. I looked back and my word, I used to burn 980 calories when I walked 5 miles (at 225) and now I only burn 887 when I walk 10 miles!! That's why we have to do so much more exercise. Then I got on here today and read the same thing -- you had written it yesterday or Saturday. It's funny how we tend to forget things like that. So, I've been doing 2 hours per day this week to see how my weight loss does when I weigh tomorrow. I've been doing fine with the food.

Lori, love, love love that dress - as someone who was mother of the groom in 2000 at a weight of 240, let me tell you, I cringe every time I see a picture of me -- my dress was a hideous tent I ordered from Lane Bryant or Roamans, not sure -- I thought it was so wonderful at the time, but omg I look just hideous - so happy for you that you don't have to go through that -- so happy your daughter is getting married now instead of before your band. When I got married I was still kinda thin (1994 -- I was just at the beginning of gaining weight back) so I don't mind those pics as much .

Eva, I loved your theme for your weddding -- that was such an original idea. Nice pics of you and your sisters.

Laura, Nelson and his gf are too cute together -- I remmeber the first boy that kissed me -- I was 5 and on the bus coming home from kindergarten -- Dale Reese kissed me -- lol --but I never forgot that -- isn't that weird? We never dated cause I moved from that area when I was in 8th grade - but I'd love to go back and go to a class reunion with those kids -- the ones I grew up with from Kindergarten to 8th grade -- and see what happened to them all. My brother still lives there -- this year would be the 40th -- but cause of neice's wedding won't be able to "crash" that either. It's in Ohio. Oh well.

Still no official word on the wedding date. If it doesn't happen soon I will scream -- i keep asking, all my sister says is "she's talking about July 24 -- but hasn't booked anything for sure yet" Scream!!!! I still haven't given up hope for Florida -- hopefully something definite will be decided in the next days or week. At least I hope.

Janet, you have always been so kind to me, I don't think you are ever mean to anyone - you are honest, and we need that -- and I think the rest of us are pretty much the same here -- we try to be honest, but caring. I agree that if people leave it's cause they probably aren't doing as well as they should. I posted on my bandversary thread the other day - I'm the only one who ever seems to post there -- hopefully some of them are still trying to work the program.

Apples, you just vent all you want -- all of us understand and support you -- your struggle is just a bit different from most of us -- but it's still a struggle -- and those people who make those comments are just nasty -- I would be nasty back I think -- I always talk big but seriously, the older I get the more I speak my mind (a good thing I think) although I try to be kind, considerate and always HONEST when I do so. Time on earth is too short to be around naysayers. That's why I try to be around only positive people -- negative people really depress me.

Well, I will CBL -- everyone have a good evening. Love you all so much. Linda

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Glad you got away - those spur of the moment get aways are always so much fun...

Yep we have to mix up the exercise - I am back on my wii have the wii fit - wii fit plus & wii active & wii active more

Am doing them in the mornings before I go to work (didn't this a.m. forgot to set the alarm for 1/2 hr earlier) but did it all last week and this weekend.

Tonite is weights - but tomorrow is my cardio day - I think I am going to try the eplitical on Tuesday - I need to boost my calorie burn - and I don't want or like to be at the gym more than 1 hr - I am pretty used up after the hour of working out and I am dripping sweat..


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I came back on cause I can't believe I forgot to brag about my purchases last week. Remember, I went shopping at a mall last Wednes. after my fill -- when I went to Victoria's Secret to buy bras. Well, Younkers was practically next door and they were having trememdous sales - plus I had printed off some good coupons as well. I tried on some jeans and some other things and wanted to buy a few items -- well, I couldn't find a cashier -- mall wasn't very busy and most of the cashier areas were closed - I finally found one and there were at least 10 people in line. At that point the weather was getting nasty (snowing pretty good) and I felt I shouldn't risk standing in line half an hour, so I threw the clothes down and left. Well, I got to thinking later that night about shopping on line -- got on line and found all the clothes I wanted - was able to use my coupons just like in the store -- didn't even have to pay shipping with one of my coupons -- and voila! they came today! Got a fabulous boiled wool jacket (size 12 petite in a gorgeous blue color) -- tag says $98 but paid only $19.99. Got 2 pair of Gloria Vanderbelt jeans (size 12 petite) for $17.99 from $38 and a another nice shirt for 70% off -- altogether I think $250 worth for under $100 -- so I was proud -- DH always says, "gee, you save me so much money by shopping!" But you gotta buy things when the prices are like that!! I had to try on the clothes at the store, cause I had no idea what sizes I would wear -- I was shocked at the size 12 in the jacket and the jeans -- jeans with a zipper!! That's a major NSV for me!! Sorry if it sounds like bragging but had to share! Linda

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Yeah, Linda! Good going on the clothes finds. I LOVE boiled wool and wear it a lot. I even have an aqua spring/fall boiled wool jacket. They wear forever and a day. Also, congrats on the smaller sizes, the exercise you have been doing and being able to convince your DH that you are saving him money by shopping. You are quite the woman!

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Linda...didn't know what Younkers was so went online. The site looks exactly like a Herbergers site. The same company logo. Must be a branch of their company. I have found a lot of my after goal clothes (and some b/4) at Herberger dept stores and on their website. They have great sales if you are willing to wait for them.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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