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I never thought about new house design....is it really so disfunctional that you can only put furniture one way? Guess I've lived in old houses most of the time. Of course this house is sort of limited because I wired the cable Tv to only one spot in the LR....the outer walls are adobe and there was no way to get the wires there without them showing.

Cheri, sorry to hear about your fall....glad you are doing alright afterwards.

Laura K. So what are you doing to your LR? What color paint? Using any special techniques?

Apples, the (and she is the only neice from my biological siblings) lives in Anchorage. That's where a bunch of us are from...oldest brother, sister, me, younger brother, were all born there (3 others weren't). This particular neice is adopted too and is our 2nd cousin also. Aren't families fun? DN cooked dinner, shrimp with Pasta and it was pretty good. She works as a cook in hospital right now.

I need to try and sleep again. Guess I got too much last night.

Eva, I guess I don't remember you ever mentioning that you were raised in Alaska. Beautiful place. I will never forget the drive between Anchorage and driving into Homer. I thought it had to be the most beautiful place on God's earth. And, I had NEVER seen mountains out in the ocean b/4. It still amazes me to this day.

Speaking of decorating, I decorated our entire familyroom around two pictures given to us by our son who lived in Homer. My DH was in awe of a glacier visible from our window at the Land's End hotel where we stayed for a couple of weeks. I was in awe of the mountains out in the Water. Well, for Christmas that year, DS has a friend who has a photography business take photos of both. 20x20 and had them framed and matted. They are in such beautiful hues of blue. I took them with me when I bought furniture and decor for the room.

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Hi all... Happy Sunday... just a fly by. Off to another birthday party. It's a bowling party! wooohoo! And it's for brothers, one turned 4 yesterday and the other 6 today. Hmmm.. wonder what is 9 months from this weekend? haha

It was 29 last night and my grass is CRUNCHY this morning! WTF??????

EQ, calories, falls, you guys be careful out there!!! Apples when are you guys heading down? How long does it take you?

CBL... peas.....

Mornin' Laura,

Have fun at yet another bday party. Nels seem like a social kid....bet he will enjoy it.

We are heading out two weeks from tomorrow (25th). It would be sooner if were up to me. We are just lucky to be able to get away for 6 weeks. Younger DS will still be working here on our farm in the shop (he's a fabricator and welder and earns money on the side by building parts for implements we sell through our other business). Anyway, 6 weeks is about the max we can be gone due to the fact that grain needs to be trucked out, etc. DH is organizing all that and will take the next 2 weeks to get that done.

Good Sunday Morning to everyone else! Had a good night's sleep...only up two times to eat last night. Yesterday morning I had over 700 cals between 11pm and when I finally got up for the last time. This is the reason I get so frustrated when I am out and about and get comments like "Do you eat? No way can you eat and be that skinny". "I bet all you eat is fruit". I have given up trying to explain. I have gotten pretty good about walking away but it is still a frustration and not fair. I do know that most ppl mean well. Most just don't realize how terribly rude it is.

Told DH if I responded by saying "You are quite overweight. Is that all you do is eat?". How rude is that? About the same rudeness as I get. Sorry...venting. The comments are subsiding cuz ppl are getting used to how I look. But, sometimes I get comments from EVERYONE that I know that is in the supermarket on a given day.

And, I appreciate that you guys listen and understand where I am coming from on this. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to even mention what I go through with all the comments. Don't want anyone to think it's a brag or to think I am lucky to be going through this. It's a true frustration and it has affected me terribly. All the negatives do not add up to anything positve. This has been my biggest hurdle with the LB and weightloss.

But, I feel great, I allowed to eat and I have my family that knows what a struggle it has been and support me. Also, I have my LB family here that I should vent to more often and not be afraid that I am going to step on toes or come off as "Fluffy".

Edited by Apples2

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Good morning! First off GO PACKERS!!

Today is the day I am going to get my dress for the wedding. we have an appt at Davids Bridal for 1230 but am running to the mall before that. Nordstroms and Dillards both show that dress on their websites for cheaper (but only in a size 4) so I want to check their stores first. Not sure I can walk the whole mall yet so DH is figuring out the logistics. May park in the handicap spot outside Dillards go in, go back to car and drive around to Nordstroms or something. Or DD who is now going with us, can run in and look and see if they have it before I go in. But then there's a Loft store there too and it would be so cruel to be that close and not get to go in. This one wo uld have the new springy stuff in too, as the one I go to that is closing has nothing new.

Eva, no I think lots of new homes you can rearrange furniture, mine is new construction and I just rearranged my family room. I think it depends on the model, so many of the newer homes are so open so there are fewer walls to put furniture against or to hang things on though.

Apples, so sorry you have to go through all those comments. I guess I never could realize that those type of comments could be rude and hard to take. Before my weight loss, I'd be thinking those same things about how lucky you are. But I get comments from a few people now and I don't like it at all and can understand it. Maybe you could say something like, gee your hair is sure a mess and your clothes are wrinkled is that all you do is lie around and sleep all day? LOL ?Vent all you want, never would I think you are bragging and you need a safe place to fall as well. Your struggle right now with the band is just something so different than what many of us have experienced but still all the same real. You look beautiful and should be proud of what you have accomplished.

Laura, what a popular little boy you got and the parties. Enjoy these years. We always joke in DH's family about what must happen on the farm in March as he, his brother and his sister all have birthdays in Dec. the 13, 15, & 19th. LOL

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Good Morning Gang...

Jessica - I will get gas pains sometime if I over eat - If you can deal w/me you can deal w/your doc - I'm very blunt - but really do try and put a nice spin on it as not to come off rude ;0)

Yes get on the wii - I think it's a great/fun way to move..

Apples - Vent away - yes pple are rude arent they...

Laura - Kid's parties better you than me - I don't know if I could take all those 5 yrs olds for 2 days in a row - but again you are younger than me. I can't beleive how much Nel looks like his Dad even though he's no the bio dad..

Eva - Since you have been to my house you know I can't move my living room furn any other way than how it is..

But again in the old days - we had cable spliced all over the place cuz the cable companies use to charge for extra outlets - so I had cable running all threw the house along base boards..

Cheri glad no major injuries.. I know my feet thank me for the weight loss ;0) They use to hurt all the time..

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Apples, I wasn't raised in Alaska, just born there. I was the 3rd kid of 7 biological kids (MOM) and I was the only one adopted out. My adoptive parents moved to Texas when I was 1 year old, so I wasn't aware yet in Alaska. I've been back since (4 times now) and yes it is beautiful, especially the Kenai pennisula. I like Homer, but I think I like Seward better....had a much better fishing experience out of Seward and just gorgeous scenery from the boat.

Back out to yard work....check back later.

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Hey there everyone, I have a minute to catch up with posts and tell you all I'm fine.... glad to hear most of you are doing well... Cheri, hope you don't get stiff from that fall... glad you are okay...

Apples, sorry those comments are still so often for you.. People don't think about what they say and how it might affect someone... Today after church my pastor told me I looked gorgeous today.... Was nice to hear, but I always kind of scoff in my head because I can't see it.... He meant it kindly and I took it that way, but it still gives me weird feelings.... I guess this too shall pass after enough time has gone by....

Well, off to visit family and take food..... It's warmer today but the wind is blowing like crazy.... Take care all.... Julie

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Hope everyone's having a good Sunday. I got up this morning late, listened to This American Life (my fave radio show), ate steel cut oatmeal, then got on the elliptical for my longest time ever (30 mins---don't laugh!). It's getting easier all the time, which makes me realize that I'm making progress. Even DH commented on it, "You were on that thing a long time today!" Of course, that's pretty wimpy compared to Janet's exercise marathons!! I'm also doing arm workouts using 5-lb weights (gotta try at least to get rid of the "mudflaps"). Still haven't joined a gym yet, but I'm doing an hour of pilates or core workout at least 4 days a week at work. I can really feel my "core" getting stronger.

Cheri, hope the fall fallout isn't too bad...sounds like you know what you're doing with that hang-upside-down thing. My husband used to do that when his back was really bad. It really made him feel better.

Apples, I've always been amazed at how rude people are, although they don't always realize it. It seems like everyone feels that they have the right to comment on another's body!

On Friday, I told two more people at work that I had LB surgery. (I'm sure it'll be all over the whole place now.) They were commenting on my weight loss, and I just felt dishonest not tell the truth. Up to now, I've kept it quiet at work, just because I can't stand the idea of people talkin about me. But, it seems the more weight I lose, the less I care what people think. It also, in a way, gives me more incentive to keep on losing (and especially for not gaining any back).

I've been struggling with food the past week or so...craving chocolate and sweets. Some of it is that I need a fill but a lot of it is head hunger. Ack! At my last LB support group meeting, I mentioned it, and people said that around the 4th month, the honeymoon period is wearing off, and it gets harder. Maybe that's it. But I think I'm eating too much now and the scale isn't moving. Most of the folks in our support group are having trouble, because I think the one's who are successful don't feel like they have to come. There are people who have been banded over a year and have lost almost nothing. It is scary for me. I like hanging out here with all of you successes, because it gives me the incentive and the idea that I can do it too. But I'm not dissing those other people who are haivng trouble, because we all do from time to time. I'm not known for being a sunny and optimistic person, but I am optimistic about my band. (I'm not a gloomy person either...probably people would describe me as somewhat shy and thoughtful and quiet...but I'm not very quiet after you get to know me!)

Eva, wish I could go outside and do yardwork...i love working in my garden, but it's about -7 here with the windchill...not as bad as some places, eh, Apples? It's interesting how far-flung we all are. I find it fun to read about how people in other parts of the U.S. live. Here in southern Indiana, we have beautiful springs and falls...ths summers are too hot and humid for me and the winters are grey and gloomy. I would love to be able to go south for the winter somewhere. A lot of my friends here are retiring (they are slightly older than me) and spending their winters in lovely warm places...envy envy envy! As a matter of fact, retirement has pretty much broken up an old gang of mine...people just aren't around very much anymore. And they mostly do have more money than I do, so they can afford to travel more.

Tonight is my book club night...we read the autobiography of Hoagy Carmichael...he grew up here in Bloomington. Should be fun. I don't know what I'm going to make to take (it's a potluck dinner too), probably will send hubby to store to pick up something for a casserole. I'm famous for my grilled veggies, but the poor old grill out on the deck is covered with snow!

Egad, am I longwinded today or what?!

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Aren't you all so sweet. Why would I ever feel uncormfortable posting my frustrations....OK, I just won't do that anymore.

Great...hope you get the best price you can on your dress for the wedding. Yep, would sure hate to miss out on the Ann Taylor. LOL. I am envious that you have those kinds of stores at you finger tips. I would have to drive at least 4.5 hours.

I thank you for the compliments on my looks. We all have our struggles, things we would want to change, etc. But, I can honestly say that I have accepted the physical changes and what I look like. I promised myself that b/4 banding. I would accept. There are so many things that we cannot change so why not accept what we have and feel good about where we are? That's what it has boiled down to for me.

Julie...it takes awhile to accept compliments and not scoff at them in your head. Like I was trying to explain above...I am now at the point where if some does compliment me, I thank them and accept it as true. It took me awhile.

The negative comments I receive do not make me feel bad about myself. I just get frustrated by the rudeness. I guess I was taught that if you cannot say anything good, don't say anything. I handle it but once in awhile I need to vent. You need to concentrate on what you have done to get you where you are right now. You have lost a huge amount of weight. You gotta have that spark to keep you going and thinking positive is what will get you to where YOU want to be.

We could all be in one room (which will happen in FL) and compare ourselves to each other...where we are weight wise, what each of us looks like, body types, etc. We all have a different story as to what made us obese to begin with. We all have a physical genetic makeup that is ours and ours alone. We lose weight at a different pace...no different that my face is different than your face. And, you have a lovely face and I want you to take that as a compliment and accept it or I will be offended. LOL

So Eva, you have quite the interesting history. Cannot wait to hear all about it. I love hearing about how ppl grew up, how they went through life, etc.

Deb...congrats on upping your time on the elliptical and for your committment to exercise. It's a big deal and if you can continue to do what you are doing, it will help you in the longrun.

Also, good for you for taking the step to fill your coworks in. It's a personal choice as to who we tell but I can understand why you came out with it.

Those darned sweets. I think the holidays play a huge role in us having to reset our habits. Get a taste of them over the holidays and they can haunt for weeks unless we totally clean them out of our lives. I believe anything sweet (refined sugar) can and will trigger the kind of cravings you are having.

Happy to hear you are going to group support meetings even though you miss the ones that have dropped out. Maybe they should have continued. You can be successful, get to goal but a person still needs support. I still attend mine and plan to for as long as there are groups. You should see the looks on faces when I walk in. I had a lady that was new to our group. She walked in the door, walked straight over to me and said "If this is what the lapband does, I don't want it". The was at the point in my journey where I was still doctoring with 2 docs trying to figure out why I dropped the 20lbs I did not want to lose and trying to figure out how to get my 2500-3000 cals in a day to maintain. But, the nurses that head up my group are know my struggles (they are my lb doc's nurses) and they stand behind me on it. So not only to I get crap from Joe Blow off the street, I get it in group also. It's all these types of things that just frustrate me and come to a head and I need a little vent to ppl that hopefully understand.

Have fun with your book club. Maybe I should start one around here. I used to belong to one and it just went by the wayside.

OK....our Sunday afternoon is being spent watching Andy Griffith show. Simple, don't have to think, might take a nap. DH is done working outside...will be a nice afternoon together.

Edited by Apples2

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Walked for an hour today at almost 4 mph. Hung when I got home. So far so good.

Femme One. I put diet hot cocoa in my coffee if I'm having a chocolate craving, especially at night. I also drink dark chocolate Protein Drinks at least once a day. Other than that, I don't keep any in the house. Sometimes people bring it to work. If I've been doing real well with my food I might have just a little, so I don't feel deprived, but I have to be very careful because chocolate messes with my brain more than anything else.

It's safe for me in the two forms I mentioned.

Both take a while to drink so by the time I'm done with them the craving is gone or they actually prevent the craving. But a piece of chocolate can go down the hatch in seconds and I just inhale them. By the time the craving is satisfied I've consumed a thousand calories in 5 minutes.

The diet hot chocolate from Swiss Miss is only 25 calories.


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Deb.... It is so doable - GF I am no diff than you or the pple who do fail with the band - I really think it's all about having your AH HA MOMENT.... Part of the was going to the extend of having major surgery to help be get control.. I did come home on the mushy stage - tired and started to make cream/white gravy (it's a mushies) looked at the bacon frying in the pan and said ya Janet that might be a mushies (over instant mashed tatoes and you can only eat like 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup) but did you just go thru major freaking surgery to continue to eat like this...

I said HELL NO - threw the crap in the trash and started over - don't remember what it was but it wasn't laden in fat (I am a pork fat rules - Paula Dean Butter - and total sugar addict)

WTG on the exercise - when I started out I did 1/2 hr at a time - I have worked myself up to where I am now - I haven't always exercised like I do now - No way on God's green earth could I walk and an hr on the treadmill at 4. and 6 -9 - 12 - 15 inclines - i would have been dead..

As the weight comes of exercise does get easier - I promise..

I can't say I LOVE it - but I do enjoy it - it does make me feel better about me - the only thing I did consistently when I was obese was eat - now I got to the gym and work out - I know that I will have to do this for the rest of my life - I know that I have to eat healthy for the rest of my life..

GF I am almost 2.5 yrs out and I miss eating the way I use to I really do - I am not on a diet - I don't deprive myself - but by God I miss food - I miss my drug of choice -

But that's just it - it's a drug to us - we start and we don't stop and as we all know our bands don't really do a dang thing for the things that we crave most (sweets/fat)

For me I wanted to improve the quality of the years I have left on this earth and hopefully at the same time the # of years - The fat was killing me - the fat limited what I could and couldn't do..

Had you known me then - I ate and slept my weekend away for the most part - I would break out in a sweat just vacuuming the house - my feet were killing me and I could walk the mall for about 1 hr and I was dead - trying on clothes (I was still a clothes horse fat) I would break out in a sweat.. I avoided anything that had to do with moving - I always found the closes parking space. I would go to the mall w/GS and he would be ten steps ahead of me - would have to stop and wait til I caught up

Now adays - he ask me to slow down -tells me that I am running...

It's really all about the mindset - if you just have to have a candy bar - go to the store and just buy 1 - a reg size not the king size or a whole bag - just one - sit down and enjoy it then budget it into your calories today - and if you went a little over then tomorrow eat lighter and and a few more minutes exercising...

I don't go to my local support groups and I really should but I would make faces (I am not good at hiding my feeling) and would most likely say things to piss some pple off - that's one reason I don't post too much on other threads - at this point you get tired of hearing I'm not losing weight whats wrong - Well it cuz pple don't understand that the band isn't the magic wand - http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/magic-wand-108101/ -

Just like all of you who post here get that - and I think that's why alot of pple who stop by then don't come back - is cuz what we all do preach - Healthy Eating & some form of exercise - they don't want to hear that - they want the band to do the work for them - when it's really only a tool and the real work is up to us..

Ok I sure got on a rant - gotta split - have nail appt at 1:15 and gotta stop by the bank for some $$$

Love to you all :blink:

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You do hit it straight on the head, Janet. That's why the ones that stick around can truly get something out of this thread. A fews days back you made the statement about knowing when someone drops off the thread, they are not doing so great.

I have gotten waaaaaaaaaaaay more support from this thread than even my group. But, I love my group...we have such a diverse group. Young age to about 70 yrs old. So nice to watch the transformations. And yes, we have the bumps on a log that whine and say the band is not working for them. Heck, that girl that came up to me and said she didn't want the band if she ended up like me, has not lost in over a year and she's the biggest complainer. But, we have the stories of ppl at a standstill and 3 mo. later they come in all excited cuz they started to drop again. It's not how fast you lose...it's that you are TRYING. But, I understand where you are coming from on making the faces and not wanting to go. Funny. Sometimes I need to turn my back towards the wall, roll my eyes and turn back.

I just wish the ppl that drop in on this thread asking for help and then just drop off again would stick around for a couple of weeks and get the support they are looking for. If they would just give it that much time and REALLY listen, they would continue to be here. But, like you said, there are things maybe they don't want to hear or are looking for a magic pill or whatever.

Edited by Apples2

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checking in.......just finished walking......sunny and 45. I am now watching my sweet doctor on the Discovery Health Channel. He has a special giving updates on some of his most obese patients.

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Eva, Not doing anything special with my walls just painting them a tannish color. Got new decor all in browns. I have stone on one wall that is left from when I had a wood stove so I'm working with the browns in those stones also.

I was shopping a jc penney's today found two sweaters and a bra got them for $26.00. :blink:

I was talking to the lady who checked me out telling her how happy I was to find sweaters with some weight to them as I was cold all the time. I told her how much I have lost, she was really great. Surprised me by asking "have you adjusted to your new body image yet?" That made me pause for a bit.

Apples you are right so many people tend to be rude about our eating and loss. My sister says a lot " she don't hardly eat anything" when we are talking to our friends. I just blow her off and say "I eat a lot now just in the right portions" She's never been big just average, I don't believe she is trying to be rude to me. We get along most of the time, better now that we are older.

Take care all.

Laura K

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I GOT MY DRESS!!! And it's not the one I went shopping to get. LOL It's by the same designer though, Adrianna Papell (never heard of her before but then don't buy formal dresses ever either). We went to Dillards to check for the dress I planned on getting to see if it was cheaper etc. As the sales lady was showing it to me, DH was calling me over to see this dress on a mannequin, he never points out stuff he likes if he shops with me. At first I wasn'ttoo sure. I liked the skirt it was the same ruffly look as was on that dress I posted a link to, but the blouse was bright red. It looked Christmasy to me and also wasn't sure about wearing red or that bold a color as the mother of the bride. But, alas, the also had the blouse in a powder blue. Forgot to mention it's seperates. So I tried on the original dress and then this skirt and blouse. DH still liked the red best but they didnt' have my size and the 6 was too snug and they couldn't order it in. DD liked the blue the best and I liked it better too, I was concerned as both pieces together were $300 but DH was all for getting it. He never says how he likes something and said I looked hot! LOL I have to order the skirt and it will be delivered to the house as they had no 10's. The eight fit but the ruffles/pleats just looked funny around my butt a little too snug and the 12 just hung on me. I bought the 12 though just in case the 10 isn't right and I have 30 days to take it back. I'm very excited. I also tried on a pink top with it but decided I'd look too much like the bridal party in black and pink. I looked online for a pic to post but can't find one. I am going to try it on here at home and have DH take a pic and maybe post it.

I don't go to my support groups much anymore either. I was asked to be the leader at one point but then this other gal more or less unasked me to and she is the one they gave over support groups. So part of me was miffed and hurt by that, I went through all the Obesity Help leader training and everything. But the other reason is, the same people were there every week complaining about the same things every time, how they weren't losing, weren't exercising, eating sweets etc. Anyway I found it less than motivating. But since I stopped going I have heard how there's hardly anyone there anymore (they don't like the new leader) and some have asked me to start going again as I motivated them so I might. They also combined our group with another one and the first meeting of teh month is bypass related and the other one band related so maybe I will go to the band one (also different leader).

Alaska, I like Soldatna, spent a few weeks there on a few occassions with DH salmon fishing. I ate halibut and chips for almost every meal! LOL

Ann Loft, went to the store at the mall, not much new stuff in and not on sale. I have a long time with this weather before I need springy clothes so can wait for some mark downs.

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Oh and I got my treadmill all set back up ready for the morning. I am ready to get that baby rocking again.

Laura K

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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