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UGH!! That is one ugly creature Eva! thanks for posting, I hadn't heard of those before. I get coyotes in my neighborhood a lot and rabbits. And not too far from me we saw the herd of buffalo tonight going to Bass Pro shops, they usually aren't that close to the road, what magnificent looking animals.

Well, Phyl, you got me hooked on that suduko, I've been playing all day. My first few scores were pathetic, I'd waste so much time and get stuck, now when I get stuck I just guess I take a little penalty but it gets me higher scores overall as I finish the puzzles. those are tough puzzles.

Still no word from my boss on my job status. It sortta upsets me, he knows my friend and I talk all the time, so that I am going to know she got cut to part time and that there's been major changes. I think I deserve the decency of a phone call or email at least. We are both pretty sure I am furloughed, but not for sure. He could either let me know for sure or reassure me that I am not. DH says if I hear nothing just show up at 5am on the 1st like normal.

My knee got so sore tonight, I was sortta frustrated as it had been so good today. Then I realized, it was so good, I forgot a dose or 2 of pain pills. I took a dose and it's better, but now am encouraged that it's getting good enough that I don't watch the clock as to when I can take my next dose. LOL I am really starting to look forward to my new knees and being done with this rehab stuff. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am so glad I got this 2nd knee done now, a couple weeks ago I wasn't so sure.

DH needed something at Bass Pro tonight so of course I had to browse the women's clothing. They had these denim skirts marked way way down. I got brave and tried one on. I don't think I can ever wear a skirt. My legs and knees are huge. Even DH said it's not the most flattering. But that's okay, I will still take my body now than at 305 lbs.

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UGH!! That is one ugly creature Eva! thanks for posting, I hadn't heard of those before. I get coyotes in my neighborhood a lot and rabbits. And not too far from me we saw the herd of buffalo tonight going to Bass Pro shops, they usually aren't that close to the road, what magnificent looking animals.

Well, Phyl, you got me hooked on that suduko, I've been playing all day. My first few scores were pathetic, I'd waste so much time and get stuck, now when I get stuck I just guess I take a little penalty but it gets me higher scores overall as I finish the puzzles. those are tough puzzles.

Still no word from my boss on my job status. It sortta upsets me, he knows my friend and I talk all the time, so that I am going to know she got cut to part time and that there's been major changes. I think I deserve the decency of a phone call or email at least. We are both pretty sure I am furloughed, but not for sure. He could either let me know for sure or reassure me that I am not. DH says if I hear nothing just show up at 5am on the 1st like normal.

My knee got so sore tonight, I was sortta frustrated as it had been so good today. Then I realized, it was so good, I forgot a dose or 2 of pain pills. I took a dose and it's better, but now am encouraged that it's getting good enough that I don't watch the clock as to when I can take my next dose. LOL I am really starting to look forward to my new knees and being done with this rehab stuff. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am so glad I got this 2nd knee done now, a couple weeks ago I wasn't so sure.

DH needed something at Bass Pro tonight so of course I had to browse the women's clothing. They had these denim skirts marked way way down. I got brave and tried one on. I don't think I can ever wear a skirt. My legs and knees are huge. Even DH said it's not the most flattering. But that's okay, I will still take my body now than at 305 lbs.

Yeah, looks like a big old ugly rat with long legs!! Yuck! I HATE rodents, and snakes!

So, why were the buffalo going to Bass Pro???? LOL!

I don't think I'll ever wear a skirt again either! Not unless I get PS on my thighs. Evne lower legs are pretty grotesque! I hate my legs. So I"ll live the rest of my life in pants! Or, occasional full length dress... like on a cruise. But can't really find pantyhose that fit right and I hate the knee highs... can't stand the elastic.. and they won't stay up anyway.

Sounds like you're doing pretty good with the knees. You're a trooper!

I warned you about that sudoku! I was spending hours a day on Farm town for a while, then it was Pathwords, now it's Sudoku!!

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Phyll and Great...the not wearing a skirt thing is a trade off for being alive...like Great said the other day...battle scars. You are both beautiful woman inside and out. And, who's going to be more comfortable? You guys in slacks...not those ladies in the skirts. I know you will (or maybe already have) accepted the fact that unless you do PS, it is what it is. My thighs and upper arms are not what I would like them to be (melted butter) but I can cover them both.

I met you, Great, and, like you said to me, when I looked at you it seemed as if you had forever been in the body you have now.

Ppl dress so casual now. Even for weddings. A nice pair of slacks and a dressy top and you are good to go. I have had friends that were in an absolute panic when they knew they had to pick out a MOB dress. These are women that look 19 in a bathing suit but just are laid back and don't want to wear a dress. Well, they both found a flouncy pant suit that was so pretty. There's always something like that if you really have to go formal.

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Great..the talk about the skirts reminded me of the boots I saw on sale. I remember you talking about wanting a pair of boots at the beginning of the season but could not find any. I saw a pair in the Travel Smith sale catalouge. They came in two widths around the leg. The one said that they were 17.5 inces. Something to check out and I know they are online also.

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Good Morning Gang...

Eva - I will be looking for you at the airport - sent you an email about my seat # it looks like the one next to me is open ;0) Might ask you to watch my carry on (that is if we can take them by Feb) so I can run out for a quick smoke between flights ;0)...

I have seen those things before (javalani) not in person but on nature shows..

Let us know how you like the rebounder...

Great - QVC has boots for larger calfs too - I got some and still wear them - comfortable..

Yep we have a our battle scars - badge of honor really - shows us every day where we came from.

Apples - Some pple dress way too casual now a days - The Xmas party I went to a chick came in jeans & tennis shoes - I guess I like getting dressed up every now and then - like on the cruise - I like dress up nite - hell how often do most of us get to get gussied up...

Melissa 7 hr drive you can most likely make it on 1 tank of gas (fumes at the end) so I would say 1.25 tank each way - ck out priceline to see if there are cheap flights..

LauraK - how's the tummy

Judy - Hugs GF how are you doing??

Cheri - love your brothers card - had me laughing..

Well - I have been up since 4 - had to let gs in the house and went back to bed - but never fell asleep - so here I sit with my coffee waiting for it to kick in so I can hit the gym

Did 1.5 hr on my wii last night - unlocked more bike paths - I love that game - your are walking in place on the board looking for flags and getting back to the finish line in the shortest amount of miles - heck the advance was 5 miles in 20 minutes burned like 65 calories - over all I burned 195 and it was fun - sorta addicting - like farming - pathwords & sudoko - but instead of sitting - I am moving and burning calories not a great work out as far as muscles go or cardio for that fact since I work out at the gym - but for beginners I think the wii is perfect and for those who are in more shape it's a way to move and burn some calories - that's my latest addiction - I love the skate boarding too - we will see what it is next month - I am one of those pple who does something 100% for a while then I move on to something else - I get bored easily - maybe I have ADHD :):lol::frown:

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Other fish needs sauce, either wasabi and soy or ponzu. The rolls I eat have spicy stuff in them or Japanese mayo and they are yummy. As I said...it's an acquired taste.

Laura...sounds like a very nice and relaxing day for both of you. So do you have to get presents for the birthday parties? Does Nels like them?

Work was good today and food was alright. It's getting better and I did walk today. So slowly, I'm getting back on track. I think DH will smoke a turkey breast on Sunday and maybe something else and I'll have healthy food for lunch next week.

Have a good night. See you tomorrow.


Eva~ Have you seen the Wall-E movie yet? Nelson has the little miniatures from McDonalds, from when the movie came out, and the little guy says "eva!" <with a robotic voice>

YouTube - Wall-e saying his name

Click on the youtube link. It's one of the cutest parts in the movie. You will never say your name to people the same way! : )

I love sushi that is cooked. I love the spicy rolls. I will eat the ones with seafood that is cooked, or vegetarian ones. I have to use a lot of wasabi in my soy sauce. The spicier the better. When I lived in Atlanta, I would eat raw fish b/c it was really fresh and good. Here in the middle of no where- no one here really eats it & things have been sitting a while. Nels loves Japanese chicken fried rice like at Benihana, where they cook in front of you.

Yeah, We have to bring a gift. And this time a year, if you don't bring a gift receipt then people think you are "re-gifting". I bought something at Walmart for the two brothers on Sunday and the cashier forgot to print the gift receipt! She pointed to customer service with a line of 20+ people and told me I had to go there. I kindly refused and asked her to call a manager. They fixed it at the register. The party today, we have known the family for 3 years now. This kid is adopted, like Nelson, and is SPOILED rotten! He is the only grandkid for both sides. His mother "registered" at the local toy store for his party!!! They give you a big clear rubbermaid bin with your name on it. Then when people come to get you a present, they pick from the bin and it gets removed so somebody else won't buy it. The store is quite expensive/overpriced. It is sad that kids today are so overindulged that we have to have a gift registry! I will never forget one of the first parties we went to, I had bought a very "practical" gift for the kid. Paper, markers, stencils, game book- it all came in a big zippered lapdesk that you could travel with. The parents LOVED it (b/c they were driving to New England) but the the kid threw it to the side and grabbed a Spider Man gift. Nelson was too young to notice, but I remember thinking 1) It's NEVER a good idea for kids to open gifts at a party 2) Teach your kids to say THANK YOU, no matter what it is.

Well, it's raining here and 41 but the report says "feels like 34". They are predicting SNOW in some parts of Florida today!!! (Orlando and north!) This weather is getting weirder. I feel sorry for the mom who is giving this party. She has a big bounce house for the kids and a petting zoo with pony rides coming! All will be rained out. Nelson LOVES parties! It's why I go. My little social butterfly.

DH waltzed in at 4am. He looked soooooo tired! Nothing like working a shift from 530 am to the next day 4 am. That's a long day. I'm gonna let him sleep late. I purposely woke up early and came to Nelson's room to snuggle. He woke up quietly instead of coming to our room and jumping on the bed! Now we are on this side of the house watching tv and hanging out.

Will CBL...Laura

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Well, I think I need to stop this medicine for fibromyalgia. It takes care of the pain, but my bp was 75/50 last night and my pulse was 88. I take bp medicine for hypertension and thyroid medicine. The doctors office did not call me back so I will try to go in. I just hate going back to aching again.

It is 24 and sunny today. I may just have to go for a walk when it warms up.

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Well, I think I need to stop this medicine for fibromyalgia. It takes care of the pain, but my bp was 75/50 last night and my pulse was 88. I take bp medicine for hypertension and thyroid medicine. The doctors office did not call me back so I will try to go in. I just hate going back to aching again.

It is 24 and sunny today. I may just have to go for a walk when it warms up.

Maybe they need to change your bp meds not your fibro meds

QVC has Denim & Co jeans that are like Not Your Daughters Jeans that cost $98 - for $25 TSV... They come in Talls for you tall girls - I just ordered a pair in reg (means I will have to where heels w/them) but $31 (incls shipping) for a pair of jeans isn't bad - will tell you in a week how they are.. But they won't be $25 reg price is $31

Well need to get moving - don't want to but have to...


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Janet, I will see if I can get in on Monday. I have been on bp for twenty years. This is a SNRI .....kind of an antidepressant. I have never been able to take SSRI's .

Thanks for the QVC info. I love Denim and Co. They are so true to size.

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Janet, I will see if I can get in on Monday. I have been on bp for twenty years. This is a SNRI .....kind of an antidepressant. I have never been able to take SSRI's .

Thanks for the QVC info. I love Denim and Co. They are so true to size.

I take atenaol (sp) I think it's used for anxiety issues too

I tired to get off it - but can't bp was 140/90 w/o it -

I use to wear their leggings when I was a 18 - but now adays I really stay away from elastic waist pants ;0) - now I can do zip ups ;0)

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Thanks for the jeans tip, Janet. I was in a upscale resale shop a couple of weeks ago and found Silver and Limited jeans in my size in talls. Love when I find my size of slacks in a shop like that. I know the Silvers at $75 when they were on sale over the holidays in the dept store where I shop. The best thing is that they fit better than any jeans in my closet. Well, except for my prized pair of Seven for All Mankind black jeans. I'm hard to fit on the bottom and always have been. Need tall but low rise. I think God is the one that designed low rise just for me.

Thing is...I am in need of not a thing and there are no more wants. I was very careful when I got to goal to coordinate my purchases. I spent way too much during the weightloss phase and ended up giving 98% of them away. Most went to Slavation Army so I know they will get used. Still bothers me that I was so impulsive to buy clothes I would never wear. Before I knew it, I was in a different size. Like Janet has said...was a 12 and thought I was done, was an 8 and though I was done....etc.

Heading out to meet friends for lunch in a town about 70 miles away. It's mine and DH's date for the week. They suggested Perkins (and, yes Laura, we have them here). I agree, not the greatest menu. I most likely will order an omelette. DH can finish what I don't eat. Went and looked at their updated menu. Took me two minutes and just closed it again. Anyway, it will be all about the company we are with.

Very cold and "crunchy" here today. I feel like I have been complaining about out cold over and over. Sorry.

We were supposed to go to DH's sis's 50th bday party but decided this morning to not. 4 hour drive...party does not start till later this evening and a 4 hour drive back. Does not work for us to get a hotel tonight so we declined. Will give her a call.

Well, better go get dress for my date. I was up again early..couldn't sleep...darn. Was up at 1:30, around 3 and fianlly up for good shortly b/4 5am. Ate oatmeal twice during the night. Not tired today though.


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Morning...........now time to visit today... Gotta go to church and take down Christmas decorations......and I slept all night in bed until 8:30..... I'm amazed, but now behind schedule!!!!

Yup the piggy looking thing is ugly, but one of God's creatures I guess..... I've often thought the same thing about myself at 387 pounds.... but God has always loved me...........and many more too.....

Hope you all have a great day.... Gotta cook more when I get home... so busy day ahead... Talk to you all later.. Julie

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I take atenaol (sp) I think it's used for anxiety issues too

I tired to get off it - but can't bp was 140/90 w/o it -

I use to wear their leggings when I was a 18 - but now adays I really stay away from elastic waist pants ;0) - now I can do zip ups ;0)

That is what I take. It is a good old bp med that has worked for me. It keeps my bp down around 120/80. The adverse side effect of this new med is low or high bp and heart palpitations. I am over the palpitations, but I have been taking my bp several times a day, and it just gets lower every time I check. I think there is an answer in the dosage.

If I ever get the rest of my weight down I will stop with the elastic. I am really down over my weight loss.....and it is my fault. I get so distracted. If I quit the support I think I would would completely fall off the wagon.

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Skirts-the only skirts I'll wear have to swirl around my ankles, I hate pantyhose and knee highs. My calves and ankles have always been thin but now, even my ankles have varicose vein "bruises" and the calves and thighs have "bruises", "grapes", and "ropes". Yuck! Just about as ugly as those "pigs".

We've got racoons tearing things up around here. I'm half a block from a forest so we've got a lot of deer too who like to eat my flowers in the summer and bushes in the winter. They trample my flowers and under my crabapple tree when the tree's apples are ripe and falling. The hostas are like lettuce. I work hard on my gardens so I'm not real appreciative. I just call this place the Flory fruit and salad buffet for animals.

I keep night time temp mid-60's and my husband and I have dual-controlled electric blankets but they don't warm my pillow. I really keep the temp low on the blanket or I get hot flashes but I thought I'd sleep last night with a heating pad behind my neck and on my side on my jaw. I took Tylenol to supplement my reduced anti-inflammatory, and of course no work today so I didn't have that on my mind. I ended up sleeping great.

My neck feels great now I'm waiting to see what kind of day my jaw is going to have. Haven't been eating things that require a lot of chewing. I think the TMJ was triggered by having to hold my mouth open so long while the dentist and technicians worked on putting in my crown. It doesn't seem like the pain would be located where it is if it were from the tooth.

Anyway, today's the only day I really can get to the community center and walk, so, I'm off.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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