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Good evening, That DH of mine NEVER called, he waited til he got home. It's sounding like more and more of a possibility, they (the higher ups) are to talk to him next week so we've been talking all the pros and cons. Pros are it will set us up better for retirement, big raise, stock options, bonuses etc. I can do my travelling I want to do so much. Cons, leaving my kids, though we wouldn't be that far away but far enough. I love living here, not so fond of this locale we'd be going to. Please keep it in your prayers for me as we try to come to a decision. I'm so torn. I want to support my husband and am so proud of him, but the thought of leaving the kids tears me up, but they are adults, DD is getting married and starting a new life and DS well i don't see him all that much now. We do know if we do take this, when DH retires we are coming back here. And we can maybe retire sooner than later if he does this as well. We seriously thought when we moved back here that this was the end of our moving, we've moved so much over the years so this time we planted roots, never did that in our other moves.

Crosswords, couldn't come close to doing the NYT one today without cheating. But the other one in the paper I did good at, it must've been easier.

Cheri, how exciting to have written those books and gotten them published. good luck on our schooling.

Deb, hope you are feeling better soon.

Julie, though so sad about the person dying but what a beautiful picture of life, as one is ending in the very hospital for you another one is just beginning. My parents always told the story of how my dad had to rush from the hospital where I was born to be a pall bearer in his grandfathers funeral. One life ending and one beginning.

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Not published yet. Linda's published. Very cool.

I wished someone lived close to me. If you do come to Chicago/NW Indiana area be sure to let me know.

Sorry I can't respond to everyone's post, but I am reading them and feel for all going through various griefs and difficulties and joys.

Just thought of a better description of my bra color.

Cafe au lait.

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Where's our little Jewel today? Hope you are doing OK and just resting. Been thinking of you.

Hey Deb...what size do you wear in that bra...PM me if you don't want to share it with the world. I have two that have been worn just a few times and then moved to a different size. They are 36D...a beige and a black one.

Sorry you are blue. Hope you can shake it off soon.

Julie...happy to hear you made it home safely. Still very blustery here. Looking forward to seeing at least to our corner tomorrow which is 1/4 mile away.

Storms are great for one thing...getting things done. DH is MAJOR A.D.D. Very intelligent but has to be pulled back into projects...he tends to just drift away. He has never in his life used this disability as an excuse though. He just needs little reminders once in awhile that he has 20 things going at once and maybe just look at one and complete it. Boy, did I get off track...anyway, was explaining that I had his full attention and we completed all our paperwork we needed to. Also, got a lot of housework done. All in all, it was a great day.

Heading to bed with my book. You all have a wonderful evening. sleep tight...

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Had another omit...

Linda...wanted to comment on your stories. They sound interesting and nice that you took what actually happened and threw it in. I am an avid reader and always have been. A few years ago (not sure why...just had an interest) I bought all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and read them. Someday I plan on reading to my grandchildren some day. (One can always hope).

Cheri...maybe you should try to get your stories published and you could make that a full time job and then you would have no employment issues.

OK, NOW I am off to bed. Night all....I just cannot wait till the FL meet.

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Where's our little Jewel today? Hope you are doing OK and just resting. Been thinking of you.

Hey Deb...what size do you wear in that bra...PM me if you don't want to share it with the world. I have two that have been worn just a few times and then moved to a different size. They are 36D...a beige and a black one.

Sorry you are blue. Hope you can shake it off soon.

Julie...happy to hear you made it home safely. Still very blustery here. Looking forward to seeing at least to our corner tomorrow which is 1/4 mile away.

Storms are great for one thing...getting things done. DH is MAJOR A.D.D. Very intelligent but has to be pulled back into projects...he tends to just drift away. He has never in his life used this disability as an excuse though. He just needs little reminders once in awhile that he has 20 things going at once and maybe just look at one and complete it. Boy, did I get off track...anyway, was explaining that I had his full attention and we completed all our paperwork we needed to. Also, got a lot of housework done. All in all, it was a great day.

Heading to bed with my book. You all have a wonderful evening. sleep tight...

My husband is the one who helps me stay on track with my life and I have an assistant at work who does the same for me there. She's the reason I'm not buried in paperwork and actually have time to teach.

Your DH is lucky to have you.

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Had another omit...

Linda...wanted to comment on your stories. They sound interesting and nice that you took what actually happened and threw it in. I am an avid reader and always have been. A few years ago (not sure why...just had an interest) I bought all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and read them. Someday I plan on reading to my grandchildren some day. (One can always hope).

Cheri...maybe you should try to get your stories published and you could make that a full time job and then you would have no employment issues.

OK, NOW I am off to bed. Night all....I just cannot wait till the FL meet.

Doesn't pay real well, and, of course, no insurance.

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Hi Everyone,

I woke up this morning still in alot of pain. I am walking around and stuff during the day. I thought it would have subsided by now. My MIL is upset at me about it. She told me even if I had a major surgery I should be feeling fine by now. "I just don't understand why your still taking these pain meds". I made sure our half of the house was clean before I had surgery and all our laundry was done. Hubby hasn't done any cleaning since my surgery and has only managed one load of laundry. He should be able to do more but hasn't. She won't get mad at him for it though cause he is a man and it's not his job. However, she will get mad at me. I just want to hide everytime she comes home because she is full of judgment and contempt for all her kids. Her Daughter has been having seizers for months now but my MIL just found out today because no one wants to deal with her. Several people have called here asking me about my surgery because my MIL has been telling everyone about it. This is my business, my choice on who to share and not share it with. I am so hurt that she can't even show the least bit of compassion for me even after I have had surgery. I am just the scape goat in this house because I have mental disabilities. In her eyes I don't have an illness, I am just lazy. Thats why I haven't bounced back from surgery cause I am lazy. I hate living here. She is just a miserable old woman, who loves company. Sorry for the vent, I am just going through alot right now with the pain and hunger and now this. It is wearing on my emotions.

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My husband is the one who helps me stay on track with my life and I have an assistant at work who does the same for me there. She's the reason I'm not buried in paperwork and actually have time to teach.

Your DH is lucky to have you.

Yup...he is. :thumbup:

What's so funny though is that those little tasks is what he has problems staying focused. But, he has not a bit of trouble managing a fairly large grain farm and a couple of business'. WTH? I think it all has to do with the fact that he is doing what he is interested in and what he loves. But, ask him what time it is (anytime) and he would never, ever know. I admire him more than anyone I have ever known. As I said, he never uses this major hurdle he see everyday as an excuse and it amazes me.

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Apples, your DH sounds just like mine. He is a workaholic and I am amazed at what he gets done at work. He's so driven and accomplished. But at home, especially if it doesn't interest him. Forget it. He loves 'projects' and likes fixing up homes but once he's almost done with it, he's ready to move on to something else, and there's usually a piece of moulding or something that never gets finished until we need to sell a house or something. He's more of a big picture type person, but hates details.

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Apples, your DH sounds just like mine. He is a workaholic and I am amazed at what he gets done at work. He's so driven and accomplished. But at home, especially if it doesn't interest him. Forget it. He loves 'projects' and likes fixing up homes but once he's almost done with it, he's ready to move on to something else, and there's usually a piece of moulding or something that never gets finished until we need to sell a house or something. He's more of a big picture type person, but hates details.

My DH does complete a lot of projects. But, it has to be the projects he is interested in. He is a detail person almost to a fault...just as DS that works with him is. They can both build anything out of metal and have inventions that are out there and been used for over 20 years. Just don't put a hammer and a nail gun in his hand...:thumbup:

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That's the key to DH too, it has to be projects he's interested in. He made a 'man cave' downstairs and every single detail of that is perfect. Certain things he is so focused and detailed others, not so much. I guess in many ways the same could be said about me. Obviously the details at his job he completes well, or we wouldn't be talking about this transer/promotion. LOL

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Laura...what brand of Protein Bar do you eat? DH and I eat them for Breakfast and Snacks. DS also does a quick walk through of mom's pantry every once in awhile and fills up a gallon sized baggie with Protein Bars. He also has gotten into the habit of eating them for Breakfast. He is not overweight but he noticed he put on 10lbs. Do you think it could have been the (2) Sausage, egg and cheese croussants he was consuming every morning on his way out here to work??????? 80% fat calories in those things. :thumbup:

I have 3 kinds that I like... depends on my hunger/tightness/cravings:

Pure Protein (190 cal, 20 gms Protein, Fat 6 gms)

Health Wise (160 cal, Protein 15, Fat 4.5)

Power Crunch (200 cal, Protein 13, Fat 12)

Calories in Pure Protein chocolate Peanut Butter - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter

Calories in Healthwise Protein Bar - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter

Calories in BNRG Power Crunch Bar - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter

Health Wise is my preferred. The protein is an isolate and doesn't upset my stomach, lower calories, lower fat and it really holds me- but it doesn't taste as good as the others. Power Crunch is for when I don't feel like eating but need something... it is like a wafer candy bar and is very satisfying for a sweet tooth. Pure Protein is middle of the road. They are the cheapest, hold me pretty good, but cause gas. :thumbup:

In the morning I am too tight for "real" food. If I drink some coffee, I can take small bites of a bar (eat it over 30 min). Either I do a bar or a Protein Shake (Unjury, 20 gm protein for powder and 8 for milk, /fruit) or my usual Muscle Milk Light 100 calories (15 gr protein)

Tonight we tried two of our favorite restaurants and they were soooo crowded with 45 min waits! So we ended up going to Perkins. (do you guys have this?) Crappy food, but quick and Nelson likes it. I ordered the chicken Pot Pie and a cup of chicken Noodle Soup (I ask them to just give me just broth). Well, we had our Soup & after 20 min she came back and said they were out of the pies. Which was just fine b/c I was ok with just the soup and a couple bites of DH turkey/veggies. The chicken pot pie has a buttery crust - which I don't eat and gravy... but I usually just eat 1/2 cup- 3/4 cup of the insides- chicken and veggies. It's still not a great choice, slider and high in fat. SOOO I think Janet was incognito as my waitress tonight!!!

My computer is acting crazy... gonna send this before I lose all I typed..... brb

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A few more notes before bed:

Apples and Linda and Julie~ Stay warm. Every time I see those pics and hear your stories of the temps, I just get chills! I guess it is tougher if you aren't prepared or used to it. I can't believe that DH even almost considered that job in Bismark back in 2001! I really don't think I could handle the weather there. Linda, hope your cold is better. Julie, hope your pain is better & congrats on the nephew. The circle of life is amazing.

Great~ WOW. I hope if the move happens that all is ok. You had me on the edge of my seat all afternoon waiting to hear!!! <hugs>

JeweI~ Sorry to hear about the problems with MIL. I can only imagine how frustrating the healing process would be without a lot of support. Hang in there! You have still made the best decision ever to take hold of your health!

Cheri~ Congrats on DH getting work. I know that has to help relieve the stress on you.

Everyone else... hello. I can't see any more posts past this page and computer is acting up.... so will sign off until morning.

peasout.... Laura

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Jewell hang in there. Everytime your MIL opens her mouth picture it stuffed with the food you're not eating.

Whatever she says just say things like, "Oh, that's an interesting viewpoint." Oh, is that what you believe." "You could be right." "Gotta go lay down." "See you later."

Don't be her audience.

Or you could put your fingers in your ears and go "la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-I can't hear you."

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Laura - ROTFLMAO -your waitress being me incognito

I like the pure Protein and south beach cuz the are bigger.

Deb & Jessica - Hugs - maybe tomorrow will be a better day.. Jessica you are normal 99% of the pple I know take some sort of happy pill - go in your room and shut them all out..

Julie well as one leaves another one comes - we sure don't want pple to suffer - Hugs..

Ok gang I did my Wii tonite burn 295 & 100 this morning - my fish that I took out wasn't my normal fish but some werid fish I bought along time ago and didnt like - so now defrosting some salmon but don't really want that - I hate when I have a crappy dinner

Linda - I eat fish 95% of the time as you all know but I eat lamb - chicken (both white/dark) - ground turkey - pork and maybe red meat like once or twice a month..

Hugs to all you snow bound chicks - I am sending sunshine your way..

Great - Hugs on your delima about having to move but hell in this economy more $$$ better benefits (stock options) how can you pass it up.. Would his job be more secure - I think that would be the decision maker - hasn't he been furloughed too ..

Ok I am freezing - just shut the back door my hands are like ice.. and aol says it's only 60..

I pooped gang - I am signing off... Sorry if I missed someone - but all that exercise gets to a girl at time and hunger too

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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