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SUre PHyl I'll play that Suduko on Facebook, how do I join or do it???

LauraK, I don't know about baked potatoes as I rarely eat them, but I did have my worst stuck episode (also my very first one) on a french fry. You may have either gotten stuck or overfilled your pouch.

I must've missed something about pancakes. Sounds like quite the Breakfast.

I gave up on my 3rd crossword of the day. Apples, do you finish everyone everyday?

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SUre PHyl I'll play that Suduko on Facebook, how do I join or do it???

LauraK, I don't know about baked potatoes as I rarely eat them, but I did have my worst stuck episode (also my very first one) on a french fry. You may have either gotten stuck or overfilled your pouch.

I must've missed something about pancakes. Sounds like quite the breakfast.

I gave up on my 3rd crossword of the day. Apples, do you finish everyone everyday?

We subscribe to the Mpls paper and for years and years and years (since I was maybe 11 or 12 yrs old) I have been doing the LA Times and NY Times crosswords each day of my life. If I don't, I feel like something is wrong.

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I stand by the NO pancakes !!!!


We are trying to get the scales 12_1_3v.gif moving again !!!

Yes watch out the



. 3_12_22.gif 3_12_32.gif 3_12_27v.gif

Yes - I am back on the straight and narrow and I am back wearing the badge ;)

Plus the girl partied over NY more than 1 party - ask her about the wine :0)

I am a GOOD Friend :thumbup:- friends don't let friends eat unhealthy foods lol :thumbup::tongue:

(Cheri - you better watch out mine doesn't have bullets but your DH does and if he's in a bad mood - I would be careful about your causal hint lol)

LauraK - I don't do baked potatoes much either but could have been that you ate too much

I will pb a couple of times til it's all out but - for me it's all at one time - not over a period of time -

If you weren't feeling good today - it could have been that it was bad..

Oh back to breakfast - it doesn't matter if it was free or not the only free calories are special occassions like Weddings, Anniversaries & Bdays :smile:

Jessica - I found that wearing pants that had a wasit didn't go over well - I was back to work day 6 and wore pants with a button waist - my port site was killing me by the afternoon.. Wear elastic waist or a dress - the port site hurts the longest - about 2 weeks not real pain but discomfort - Ya take it slow - I think you were out and about too long - going to go look at profile so I can see your baby..

Lori - I have an underwriter who is in CO she said it was -5 that's just to freaking cold for me - I can't imagine - I this 26 is like the lowest I have ever experienced..

Julie - Glad you Bro is ok - my X who had the same heart attack/bypass will end up in the ER too with symptoms of a heart attack but it's just gas build up I think.. He drinks too many sodas and not diet..

Well Gang it's 8 - going to go see how dinner is progressing - chicken Catchatorri (sp like the phonics)

Did you know chick thighs (boneless/skinless) have only 10 more calories that Chicken Breast Tenders..

130 for thights 120 for breast tenders..

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Laura K~ I think that Lori might be right when she said that you may have overfilled your pouch. I have found that even though my band is super tight, baked potatoes never really do give me problems. They seem to be the only white starch that goes right through. Also, did you get the chili and potato from Wendys? Sometimes the skin on their baked potatoes is too dry. Hmmm.

Apples~ The only crosswords I do are the ones in People Mag!

Great~ I love that dress! I got my maid of honor dress on a website called houseofbrides.com Maybe check it out? It was about $150 cheaper there than it was at David's and the rest of the bridal stores. Just an idea. ALso, M&M's make custom made candies with peoples faces and names on them. I think that you can go on their website too. Good luck!

Peas~ Girlfriend! You had better let all of those peeps down in florida know that we are coming and that they better warm things up down there! LOL! I want to SWIM!!!!!!!!!! Also, I reall miss the sun! It is frigid here! I mean freezing!

Phyll~ I would love to do the sudoku thing on fb with you!!! I love sudoku! If we aren't friends on FB yet, my name there is Meredith Angell.

To everyone else, I didn't forget about you, I just cannot remember everything because I have just read so much to catch up with all of you!

I'm at my parents house right now, about to watch the news with my dad and head home. Andrew is out with two of his college fraternity brothers. One of his best friends from college younger brother killed himself and tonight was the visitation at the funeral home. Only 30 years old. So sad. Tomorrow is the funeral. I am not going. I just think that the boys need this time to be together without wives or girlfriends. Just sad.

Ok, talk to all of you later.



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You all are too funny...crosswords, pancakes, guns, cops, and cold weather. Quite the conversation tonight.

Meredith...nice to hear from you again. Sorry about the friends brother. It is very sad. You people from the cold country would want to swim in February. Janet and I will be huddled under a blanket trying to stay warm. LOL.

Good, Janet the food cop....that's cool. I am doing much better with the food thing, just not perfect yet. Letting go of that refined sugar (cookies, etc) is helping. I threw everything away after Christmas, but it still has a lingering effect. Funny though, I'm usually after the chocolate and I haven't been craving that at all.

Lori, I just sleep on the way to Colorado, not when I get there. Have you driven I-25 to I-10? Big chunks are pretty boring especially if you've done it countless times. I was in Colorado 9 times one year (2004-2005). It was pretty bad.

Laura K...so sorry about the PBing. I still haven't done that...slime yes, but that's it. Hope you feel better really soon.

I'd love to do sudoku...but I haven't signed on to Facebook in weeks and don't think I could keep up with it. I barely keep up with here.

Okay, it's almost 10 and I need some sleep. Hope everyone has a great night.


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Apples, how can you do anything but chill where you live? LOL. Been ranging between -2 and +18 around here.

Linda, I've written a couple of children's stories but am overwhelmed by trying to find a reputable agent. If my job falls apart (which looks more and more likely) its one of the things I've thought of doing while part-time teaching or tutoring. I have an idea for another story but I got too busy and sick over Christmas to follow through. Right now I'm going to put together some promotional verbage for Roseland Christian School. Appeal letters with good stories about the kids we teach. I'm a story teller.

Julie, I hope the MRI is on your neck too and not just your shoulder, since the pain could be coming from there.

food good today, but I'm hungry so I'm glad I scheduled a fill. Can't get in till Feb. 2. By then I may be hanging on by my fingernails if I continue losing weight.

I climbed stairs at school for 20 minutes before and after teaching. Yesterday I did an hour before school. Sunday I vegged and Saturday I walked fast for an hour and then combined climbing up and down the stairs leading to the walking track with going more slowly around the track for another half an hr.

So may CBL later tonight but gotta go now.


Cheri, You don't need an agent -- just get the "Magazine Markets for Children's Writers 2010" and/or "Book Markets for Children's Writers 2010" --- these give you all the information you need to submit directly to the publishers. Very easy -- I have sold several stories and these are all I used and I plan to submit my book the same way. Most editors are looking for good stories, and they don't care if you are an established writer with an agent or new talent -- if they like the story they will buy it. Doesn't pay a heck of a lot but it's satisfying. Linda

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Eva - You know what - when I ck'd the weather for FL the other day for Julie - I saw that's 72 is norm - I thought oh hell no that's not swimming weather lol.. Yep you and me bundled in sweats while our northern/eastern girls will be in swim suits and shorts.. lol.... So I guess I am packing long pants and long sleeve tops - boots & tennis shoes - won't be bringing sandles :0) or a suit - unless they have a jacuzzi :0)

I had my ck catchatori (lol) and stopped when full 1.5 cups - head wants more - but stomach doesn't..

I haven't had any real sugar since Sunday after Christmas - so that's over 1 week - Yea me !! Really I have eaten good since last Monday 12/28 - I didn't wait til NY to make the changes - I started the Monday after Christmas. To me NYE isn't about the eating like Christmas is :0) - Well drinking - but - I didn't do that either ;0)

I was doing the scrabble w/Phyl on fb - but haven't had time in a while :0) I do that stuff in spurts - just like I use to farm on fb but haven't in ages..

Meredith - Hugs on Andrew's friend - that's so sad... Is sad that pple get so depressed that death seems like the only good option.. My Mom committed suicide - so I am well aware of how it affects the pple left behind..

Yep GF I am the food cop - and I am writing citations... 2010 is the year to get it off - a great way to start a new decade healthy and for us on maintenance the year for us to learn how to do it ;0)

Well, I think I am going to have some apple pie yogurt and then to bed..

Sweet Dreams - Til tomorrow - Hugs & Love

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Hi everyone. So busy today here in LBTAlk! Had my fill today -- had an early morning appt. which was good cause the weather got bad in the afternoon -- but I did have time to get to PetCo, Sam's club and Victoria's Secret -- had to get bras while they were on sale - my first time buying bras in VS -- I used to be too big -- so I was thrilled with the prices everything I bought was 40% off. I just confessed to one of the girls in the store that I needed BIG help and needed to get my girls UP -- so Janet, no more droopy girls for me -- 38C -- wow -I've come a long way. My surgeon was thrilled to see me -- hadn't been in since first of Sept. -- they love me in there. I'm like their star patient. LOL.

Meredith, sorry about the friend of andrew's -- so sad someone so young taking their own life. I just feel terrible when I hear about these kids.

I watched Biggest Loser last night - I really like the contestants this year -- they all seem so caring --should be an interesting year. It'll be tough I think -- wow they really lost a lot of weight -- they have so much to lose.

I woke up with a terrible cold -- everyone I've been around lately has been sick so I'm not surprised. Taking medicine -- hopefully it won't last long - I really hate colds -- interrupts my life too much.

This was in the newspaper supplement this weekend:

Here's how to tell if your body really needs food:


Grows Gradually

You'll eat anything

You can wait to eat

You stop when you feel full

You feel good after eating

You feel energized after eating


Hits suddenly

You crave a specific food (usuall high in fat)

Needs to be satisfied instantly

No amount of food fills you

You feel guilty after eating

You feel heavier

I have these taped up on my desk as a reminder. I think they are very accurate.

I do crossword puzzles sporadically -- sometimes I do them a lot, then stop for years - I'm weird. I just know doing crosswords and playing word games is really good for your brain -- it's healthy exercise for your brain.

so far we've gotten about 4 inches of snow -- very pretty snow -- cause it's been so cold ice crystals in the snow make it look like glitter - very very pretty. Just glad we made it home safe and sound -- roads were getting slick by the time we got halfway home. Visibility was getting bad too.

By the way Janet, I was disappointed that Russell didn't win Survivor either -- that was really stupid to give it to that girl -- she did nothing but ride on his coattails the whole game - if he hadn't found the idols (without clues) she would never have even been "in" the game -- I couldn't beleve they gave her $1 million. I see where Russell will be on this season -- Heros v. Villans and Rupert will be back as well. Love Rupert.

Well, gotta get some sleep. Julie, sorry about your family's health problems -- my DB has heart problesm as well -- very scary stuff.

Take care everyone and I'll be checking in tomorrow. Lori, LOVE that dress -- you will look fabulous!! I love that dress. you have great taste.

Cheri, glad to hear DH got the job -- good for him -- sounds very good.

LauraK I've had a few bites of baked potato here and there and never had a problem but I used low fat sour cream on it, so it helped it slide. I take my own sour cream with me to restaurants just so I can order a potato sometimes. LOL. Sorry that happened to you. I've never had too much of a problem with PB.

Got another .25 ccs - brings me up to 6.25 - so far so good. No problems -- had mostly liquids today, but was able to eat 100 calorie popcorn. LOL.

Good nigiht everyone. Linda

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I didn't realize there were so many here who hadn't yet met the food COP!!??!!

Watch out!!

But she's right about the pancakes...

I mean PANCAKE!!

It was one tiny pancake!!

And she's right about the wine!

First time we've been out to a New Years Eve party in a very long time.... probably 20-25 years maybe!! I didn't over do the food, but I definitely had too much wine. I was very bad.

And my DH is not letting me forget either!


I will send out some more Sudoku invites!

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Good morning Girls! (I am in thermals, with sweats on top of them, wrapped in a thermal fleece blanket... and I am still shivering!) and the heat's on 74. It's 35 outside but I think it's the breeze or something. DH said it's b/c it's my first year without my insulation (fat). Maybe that's what it is???? I was laughing, I dressed Nelson in so many layers that are the same size that he couldn't bend his arms... and looked like the Michelin man..LOL. "Mom!!!" <Say it with 5 syllables.... and whine a bit.>

Apples~ I USED to do the NYT puzzle every day. About 5 years ago or so, I got out of my habit. Hmmm... how old is Nelson? yeah, he's 5. <smirk> Oh, pssst. fyi, package is on it's way. But when my UPS guy typed in your zip he said, that's smack in the middle of nowhere. LOL! I said, "that's what she says!" So, keep an eye out. Well, keep your eyes in with that blizzard. Maybe they will keep it til the weather gets better. : ) Every time I read yours and Julie's weather report, I stop B&M ing for a while. That's bitching and moaning for people that thing I am pooping over weather. :smile2:

I am cracking myself up this morning.

Meredith~ hugs for your sweetie's friend's brother. I agree with you, sometimes guys just need to be together. Oh, signing up for sudoko? haha, like you have time?! Uh, did you forget you work like 110 hrs a week and are in school the rest? ; )

Janet~ I didn't know you were back in uniform. I did a citizen's arrest on myself last night. Damn orange slices. I only had two. Then I told my DH if they weren't gone or in the garbage by this morning that my head would spin around. They are gone. : ) Other than those, I did REALLy good with food but didn't make it to the gym. I am going to go this morning. Your chicken cacciatore sounds delicious.

Phyl~ don't let all these people give you a hard time about ONE TINY pancake! Now, the wine.....???? LOL. I wish you had YOU on video!

Linda~ congrats on the fill and the VS! WTG!!! You are doing so great!!!

LauraK~ yeah, I have trouble with fast food baked potato. They are hard (not like if you make them fresh at home). So if I don't chew to mush, I get stuck. And nothing like a Wendy's chili PB with potato. GROSS. I love chili but after a PB I can't eat it for a while.

I am almost late to take someone to school... CBL.. peas

Edited by peascorps

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Morning gals.....

Well, Laura, here I go so you can stop B & Ming.....(LOL).... It's a whopping -21 and that's without the wind chill factor.... DH is out snowblowing the driveway so I can get the 4 wheel drive pick-up out to head to Bismarck for my appointments.... Not really looking forward to the getting in and out things... If it's too bad when I start out I'll turn around and come home.. Nothing so drastic that I will risk my life, but really want to go if I can.... Wish it was 35 here.......

Arlene, I forgot to say congrats on the expectant new grandchild..... I think it was you......

Jessica, glad you are doing well.... keep it up... a little more substance to your meals will make a big difference... Take it easy now...

Linda and Cheri, I always wanted to write a book.....a saga about being fat all your life..... Just never knew where to start......especially since there has been no "end" yet.....

Well, DH is in so I'd better go get myself going... Can't say I'm looking forward to this... Hope to be home by early afternoon.. Might find a minute to go meet the new baby.... TTYL.............. Julie

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Good Morning--I haven't checked in for a day or two and there is so much going on! When I can catch my breath, I will go back, look at the recipes, check out the dress and see what is happening with all of you busy gals.

I am grateful for all of the nice words and love sent to me and my Tinka. Today, I am going to send her "home." She has "declared" to me that she is ready and she needs my help. It will be peaceful, painfree and she will be in my arms--just as I prayed for. My Punky died that way almost 3 years ago and I have been filled with serenity and comfort.

It's all good. She will be a young and happy little poodle again instead of an old lady. I will be a mess! But I will heal and the memories will make me happy.

Last night, she slept with me. She hasn't done that in a year. She knows. She is ready. I am letting her know that I will be fine. (LIE!)

Hugs all around...Please send Tinka a safe journey prayer between 2 and 3 EST.

Judy xoxox

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Mornin Girls....Not going to talk about the weather today but just gotta say IT'S WICKED OUT THERE! JB and Laura, what the forecast is for the next six weeks down there? We were in the Ocala area (again this year) last year and it was unusually cold. Temps dropped to 27-29 a couple of those weeks we were there. We should get there sometime at the end of the month.

Going to pack today. We have laundry facilities but really have to do some thinking on what to take for six weeks or more. I think layers. Have a lot of things like vests over hoodies over T shirts. Layers to strip down when it warms up during the day.

Meredith..so sad about fiance's friends brother. Difficult to understand what can bring a person to that point. It's their way "out" and it leaves so many here on earth to wonder why.

You gotta pack those sandals, suit and short sleeved shirts. You, Julie and I will be out by the pool soaking up the sun.

Linda? any word on the nieces wedding yet? Still have hope that you will make it. What kind of children stories did you write, Linda?

Cheri...happy to hear DH got his job. Sounds like he is ready for this life change. Gun in hand....ready to roll. Hmmm...not sure that I would want DH with a gun on some days around here....especially when I am in one of my little snits. LOL. What are the subjects in your children's books?

Phyll...sounds like we both brought the New Year in a little fuzzy. I am a "one drink wonder". I slur and walk crooked on a weak one. You should have had a pancake and 2 dry sausages with your wine. Think it might have soaked some of it up. As long as you had fun and you were safe and not driving...

Jessica...how you doing today? Hope you did not over do yesterday. It's good to be up and about and walking as much as you can though. Bet those full liquids will taste good today.

Really would like to get a little bit organzied this week regarding the FL meet. Could each of you that are flying in PM me or email me your cell #'s so that I can get them in my travel notebook? Would also like for you to get your travel times to me so that we can coordinate rides from airport. When I receive them, I will email back with my cell and info. I think that I will recognize all of you at the airport. Really don't want to stand with a big cardboard sign...

Better get after it. Pretty much housebound...wouldn't dare go out in these conditions today (even though DH has been out for a couple hours cleaning out bins). Organizing storerooms and packing for our trip are on the agenda for today. Also going to make a mixed berry pie for DH's pie tummy. You all have a good one. (I know I missed some of you, sorry)

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Good Morning--I haven't checked in for a day or two and there is so much going on! When I can catch my breath, I will go back, look at the recipes, check out the dress and see what is happening with all of you busy gals.

I am grateful for all of the nice words and love sent to me and my Tinka. Today, I am going to send her "home." She has "declared" to me that she is ready and she needs my help. It will be peaceful, painfree and she will be in my arms--just as I prayed for. My Punky died that way almost 3 years ago and I have been filled with serenity and comfort.

It's all good. She will be a young and happy little poodle again instead of an old lady. I will be a mess! But I will heal and the memories will make me happy.

Last night, she slept with me. She hasn't done that in a year. She knows. She is ready. I am letting her know that I will be fine. (LIE!)

Hugs all around...Please send Tinka a safe journey prayer between 2 and 3 EST.

Judy xoxox

Judy...sitting here choking back tears for what you are going through. Take the time to grieve for your little one and take the time to enjoy the memories you have of her. I will be thinking of you. Make sure you rely on friends in the next few days...even if it's just a phone call. Come back and let us know how you are doing. We all understand. So sorry, Judy:crying:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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