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BRRRR made it to the grocery store and back. Here in CO when they forcast snow everyone has to go to the store and get milk and bread. LOL It was packed. I did get milk as I was out but no bread. I went for Valentines candy actually. DD is doing a 'Candy Bar' at her wedding with various kinds of candies in black, pink and white as favors. The Valentine M & M's weren't out yet. I was going to get them and then seperate all the reds out leaving just pink and blacks. The 'artic blast' hit while I was out. I left and it was still upper 30's out and just wore a fur lined vest as a coat, when I pulled into the garage it was about 10 degrees and dropping and very windy and snowy. I'm now sitting by the fire in a blanket and working a crossword puzzle. When did I get so dumb? I used to be a whiz at crosswords, but haven't done them in years. My brain just isn't used to working them or something, I can come up with very few of the right words. GRRRR I have today's and SUndays NY Times ones and one by NEA in today's paper and an LA times from SUnday. Not sure what happened to my Mon/Tues papers. Maybe I'll have to go back to SUduko if I continue to be this dumb. Those I do a lot and pretty quickly.

DD called and asked us to go to dinner with her and her fiance tonight. ?Guess now his parents are going too. She is very, how shall I say, opininated and rather negative. I like her and she's also very fun and funny, but she has her definite opinions on things and isn't in agreement with some of the things we are doing for the wedding, but whenever you try to accomodate her it's not right anyway. She also bought her dress today. I had thought it was protocol for me to get mine first and her to co-ordinate but she pretty much knows the dress I am getting, it's just a matter of me getting over to Davids Bridal and paying for it. And praying they still have it in stock. I need to do that this week. This is the dress I am thinking of getting, Dillards has a variation too but I was also waiting for the new spring stuff to come in. David's Bridal - Hammered Shimmer One-Piece Tiered Dress=

Very pretty dress! Apples says you are tall... you'll look terrific in that! Lovely! We'll be waiting anxiously to see pictures!

Maybe you can do some sort of online version of a shower, too.

Yep and that's definitely how I will be when DS gets married. And it's pretty much how I've been even with DD. She keeps telling me that I am allowed to voice my opinion, I just say it's your wedding. DH had a great idea and it's worked well. We just gave her a dollar limit for her wedding budget to spend that we will pay for. If she goes over then they pay the rest. It's helped when it's come to issues on who pays for what and when she wants to spend more on somethign I deem less important etc. And with all her contacts in the wedding business we are getting some really good deals. I just go along to all these appts for moral support basically.

Forgot to mention in the dress I am going to get the silver color. I am between a 10 and a 12 in the dress. 10 is a little snug but 12 is so loose which is the main reason I haven't bought it yet. Waiting to see if I gain or lose. LOL I might get pink shoes. The bridesmaids are all wearing black dresses with a pink accent of some type and pink dyable shoes, I might get the same shoes as them. Even DD is talking of wearing pink shoes with her wedding dress. She has a pink issue! LOL Groom is getting a little worried with all the pink. But he's happy she is letting him wire the table numbers up some how with LED lights. He's very techy and into such things. So as long as he gets his LED's he's happy. I'm getting very anxious for the wedding now, time is moving so fast. We have our Isreal trip the end of next month and then a couple weeks later the wedding. Having an issue as far as what to do about a bridal shower. DD basically has no local girlfriends. Her girl bridesmaids are coming in from CA a day before the wedding. her maid of honor is a 'man of honor' her brother. He will do it as it's his duty he says and another bridesmaid is an 18 yr old cousin. So hopefully the 2 of them come up with a shower as I feel it would be inappropriate for me to throw one, but I want her to have one. Maybe I'll sortta do it but put DS's name on the invites and let them do it here.

Hmmmm... our DIL had the guys wear grey tuxes with pink ties and cumberbunds! I'm sure the guys won't wear pink shoes, but you might get them to wear pink ties!

I was trying to think of "Good 'N Plenty" when you said pink, black & white candy! I remember them, but it's probably been 40 or 50 years since I've had some!

You're talking to the QUEEN of crosswords!

Hear's another "forgot to add". When I odered for the wedding last year, I got a lot of the candies at Amazon.com. I just typed in the color of the candy I was looking for and gobs of it popped up. I would do one color at a time. Got some really good deals from Amazon also.

Or....we could really "junk up" Janet's thread. You scan and download and we'll work on it together....Just kidding, you know.:(

HAHAHAHA!! GOOD IDEA!! She's being the "FOOD COP" again and got on my case about going to pancake Breakfast this morning! LOL! PUnish her!

OK...give me one of the clues that made no sense and the # of letters in the word...just a little challenge
OMW - you guys have me cracking up...I can only do easy crossword puzzles - use to have this little crossword puzzle dictonary - but lost it somewhere. Yes you have to have your crossword brain on - I am not good on those kind of clues - don't do the times etc like I said I do easy ones :0) but I know how to google:lol:;) - here's the answer I found



HAHA! You are too quick for me! I googled it, too, and found the answer. You guys.... I was hoping she'd get discouraged and go back to Sudoku.... Lori... I'm going to send you an invitation for Challenge Sudoku on FB. It's fun, but addicting!

I wanted to go to DHS today and just browse around. DS #2... when I talked to him the other day, asked if I could send him some clothes. Seems he lost everything he had moving from place to place. This is an old story. Has happened many times in the past. The reason I didn't give him his birth certificate until he was about 30. Be interesting to know if he staill has it. Anyways, I was going to look for some thrift stores to find him some clothes. It's been very cold in OK the past two weeks! Sounds like he needs everything. DH is resisting. We just sent him some money again. He says let him use that to buy clothes. Yeah, but I can find good stuff in a thrift store and I'm sure DS wouldn't hear of shopping for himself in a place like that. He's all about appearances and he lives in a small town in.

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ummmmmm>>...4 letter word...lucy's dh....come on janet...i know you can get this...no cheating and googling...or asking gs...lol



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UMMMMMM>>...4 letter word...Lucy's DH....come on Janet...I know you can get this...no cheating and Googling...or asking GS...LOL

That's easy "Desi" yep it's GS middle name :0) it was his GP name on his mom's side. :(

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Lori LOVE THE DRESS - It will be very flattering - I love the pink shoe idea - everyone should wear matching pink shoes - and would look cute on the bride - some color...

I don't know about protocol on who gets dress 1st etc - hell I got married in Vegas and so did DS - I paid for the room (honeymoon suite) & cake - don't know if MIL did anything..

Heck I even watched the kids - Brooke was a baby and she cried all nite.. My blood pressure was sky high..

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Hey everyone, busy place again..... I just don't seem to find the time to get here much these days.... I quit getting e-mail notices, too, Lori..... Great dress, by the way... You will look beautiful..............

The only crossword I ever really did the the one in the TV guide.... and now that there are so many channels and whatnot I can never get them so don't do them either... I like solitaire on the computer... That's how I spend my time waiting for my pain killers to kick in during the night....

Laura, I DID NOT send you the cold weather.... We sure do have it though.... The high for tomorrow is -13 I believe... I have my yearly gyn appts tomorrow... Will be such a shame if I have to cancel... Really do want to get down there... I have a new great nephew to meet...born at 4:43 this morning.... Noah John.... looking forward to meeting him... 3rd great grandchild and 1st boy for my mother and 1st grandchild for this brother... Everyone is pretty excited.... #2 brother from SD had to make a quick trip home as his wife' family got called to come because her dad is really bad with cancer.... And #3 brother took himself to the ER yesterday with chest pains... Just had triple bypass (45 years old) in April.... They kept him and did some tests, but let him out today so he is home now... Don't think it was his heart, but don't have results yet.... It has been a hectic day with phone calls and such today.. Mimi has gone home and we just finished supper so I think I'm going to just veg a bit tonight... The weather is nasty out there and home is a good place to be.... Take care all................ Stay warm.......... Julie

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Phyll...I hear if the pancake breakfast (with sausage) has a free will offering, then there are NO calories. If it was a bought and paid for meal then that's a no-no and maybe the reason Janet is on your case????? Oh-Oh...she's pulling up her own boot straps and now we are going to pay!

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Hi all,

We're expecting the snow starting late tonight sometime and continuing throughout tomorow till Friday am. Four to five ". Also getting colder after the storm. My room was cold today even though a little warmer outside. I layer for work because I never know how cold my room will be. Since I exercise at work I need to be able to just wear one of my stretch cotton tops, then I add a sweater if needed. I think my room was colder today because it got up to +20 so the kids got to go outside and play at recess. That means cold air sweeping into the basement and sucking the hot air out of my room. Tomorrow's going to be 24 with the snow so I know the kids will go outside and my room will actually be colder.

My husband got hired by Guardian Security today and is starting next Wednesday.

Can work as many hours as he wants. He's going to just supplement social security for now, but can easily go full-time. They see him as a potential supervisor or other bigger job. He was the only applicant who showed up in a suitcoat and tie and a resume and cover letter as well as a well-filled out application.

He listed his job for the last year as doing whatever his wife told him to do. LOL. Everyone else was told they'd be called if needed but he was immediately pulled in for an interview.

I wrote the promotional letter for Roseland CHristian School last night and have gotten great feedback from it. I was told it was very powerful and sure to generate income for the school. Hope so.

I'm really tired tonight. I was in bed by 10 last nite but did the replay thing in my brain of the letter I wrote and couldn't fall asleep. Hopefully I'l crash tonight and sleep through the night.

I'm trying to decide between an endorsement and Masters in Sped or an endorsement and Masters in Reading.

Had a temporary crown put in last week and am having jaw pain but I think its at least partly TMJ. We'll see what its like when I go in for the permanant crown next week.

If its the tooth I'll need a root canal. Yuck and double yuck.

Ran out of Vitamin D a week ago and I can feel the loss of energy. My husband bought some for way too much money today so he's taking it back tomorrow. Walgreen's didn't have any more of the buy 1 get 1 free so instead of taking a rain check or going to another Walgreen's he paid big bucks. That's the kind of thing that totally exasperates me. He knows I hate wasting money but still thinks he's pleasing me by buying for me and paying too much. Aargh.

He's very excited about going back to work. I can already see a difference in his outlook. He's also agreed to be the sound man for a band made up of the only thing close to friends he has in our church. They're all musicians so they're used to overly sensitive blow hot and cold people. They'd gently maintain a little contact with him and accept him back whenever he'd initiate contact.

They may even let him play guitar with them at times. He has a problem with sticking to the beat, but he has some songs he's written that they might be interested in playing. One country song is actually very good.

So, thank you God. I never told Ken he had to go out and get a job, I just started talking in front of other people about how he could make $15,000 a year without losing his social security, so if I lost my job we'd still have a source of income. I just assumed he was going to do it in casual conversation with him, so he secretly started investigating and found that security jobs are always hiring. Then he bought the gun he needed and found out where and when to train. So when he told me about it, it was already in the works. I'd asked a few people for prayer because his curmudgeon mood was affecting our relationship.

God is good all the time.

All the time God is good.

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Hey everybody, Thank you for watching out for me. Today is my last day of Clear Liquids. Tomorrow I can have full liquids. I bought a blender at a garage sale and cleaned it. I guess tomorrow I'll get to using it. I skipped my pain meds this morning then headed to town (with hubby) to run so "quick" errands. I had to get my books for next semester and some PJ's for my son. He is having a pajama party at school on friday and I thought he would need something besides a t-shirt and pull-up. We ended up being gone all day. Boy was I regreting not taking my pain meds. I am not going to play tough again. We never did find PJ's to fit him so I made some really cute spongebob PJ's for him. I can't wait til he gets home and I can show him. I was at the school for over an hour trying to straighten out my grant and we went to 2 walmarts looking for PJ's. I wore my jeans too. Big mistake. Well I have learned my lesson.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Janet, I will try that bean recipe, Thanks. I have some blackeye peas I can try.

Is it normal to gain weight during your surgery? I lost 18 pounds but now am back up 2 pounds. Is it from the IV? My Doc doesn't know yet but I don't want to go to my next visit with a gain.

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You guys are so smart on the crosswords. You got the right answer. Guess I didn't even know what a Banshee was. LOL Now that I know I can google them. LOL I did the crossword with the Lucy's friend clue too of Ethel that one was much easier. I was also under the misunderstanding that if the answer was more than one word the clue told you that, but it didn't. Now I know. I'll get the hang of them again, I kindda enjoyed it and once I started didn't want to put it down til I got it filled in. Maybe I started with too hard of one.

Julie, Congrats on the new little one in your family.

Jewel, glad you are doing well. Jeans might have been irritating to your incisions maybe that's why you had more pain. I was lucky in that I had very little pain after surgery, never needed the pain pills. But knees are a different story, 3 weeks later and I am still taking vicodin every 4 hours. If I skip or go longer it hurts real bad.

Looks like our snow is slowing down, but sure is cold out there, but supposed to be back to almost 50 this weekend.

Anyone watch the new Biggest Loser last night?? I was surprised one of the twins would have to go home.

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Hey everybody, Thank you for watching out for me. Today is my last day of clear liquids. Tomorrow I can have full liquids. I bought a blender at a garage sale and cleaned it. I guess tomorrow I'll get to using it. I skipped my pain meds this morning then headed to town (with hubby) to run so "quick" errands. I had to get my books for next semester and some PJ's for my son. He is having a pajama party at school on friday and I thought he would need something besides a t-shirt and pull-up. We ended up being gone all day. Boy was I regreting not taking my pain meds. I am not going to play tough again. We never did find PJ's to fit him so I made some really cute spongebob PJ's for him. I can't wait til he gets home and I can show him. I was at the school for over an hour trying to straighten out my grant and we went to 2 walmarts looking for PJ's. I wore my jeans too. Big mistake. Well I have learned my lesson.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Janet, I will try that bean recipe, Thanks. I have some blackeye peas I can try.

Is it normal to gain weight during your surgery? I lost 18 pounds but now am back up 2 pounds. Is it from the IV? My Doc doesn't know yet but I don't want to go to my next visit with a gain.

Jessica...it's good to be somewhat active and do what you feel you can but try not to over-exert...OK? You need to take this time to heal and rest.

Bet you are looking forward to the full liquids tomorrow. What a good momma to make new jammies for your little guy. Saw his photo on your profile. He sure is a handsome one.

You take care. Don't overdo...let others do for you.:(

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Phyll...I hear if the pancake breakfast (with sausage) has a free will offering, then there are NO calories. If it was a bought and paid for meal then that's a no-no and maybe the reason Janet is on your case????? Oh-Oh...she's pulling up her own boot straps and now we are going to pay!

Hmmm... you are presenting difficult questions! See... it costs MOST people $4 if you buy your ticket ahead, $5 at the door.... BUT, my DH is part of the team that prepares the food, so I eat for free! My "free will offering" is his labor, and he's not at the RV to get my coffee and fix my omelet!!


He is the guy who mixes the pancake batter, and I've heard him get compliments on how he gets it just the perfect consistency! He's worried about losing his job because we'll be gone next month on the 1st Wed. (cruise).

What's kind of funny is that the old guy who organizes the whole thing (Cecil of "Cecil's Breakfast) doesn't make a list when he does the shopping. So every month they seem to run out of something. Last month it was eggs. He didn't buy as many as he thought he did! You could probably teach him a thing or two! This month way more people showed up than he anticipated. CECIL... HELLO.... it's JANUARY!! The SNOWBIRDS have showed up in full force! So DH says they were running to everyone's homes gathering up more pancake mix, more sausages, etc. By the time I got there, there were just a few pancakes in the warmer and all the pancake mix they could beg, borrow and steal was GONE. The eggs were gone, the sausages, like I said, were also borrowed, and the butter was gone!

Is it normal to gain weight during your surgery? I lost 18 pounds but now am back up 2 pounds. Is it from the IV? My Doc doesn't know yet but I don't want to go to my next visit with a gain.

Oh, my gosh, Girl!! YES it is definitely NORMAL!! In fact, up 2 lb is WONDERFUL!! They load you up with IV fluids! And then there is the swelling! If you're only up 2 lb that's GREAT!!!

In fact, one week after my knee replacement surgery, I think I was up 12 lb!! And I hadn't been eating much of anything. But within a few weeks, it was all gone and more! So, don't worry about it. Do what you're supposed to do and try to stay off the scale!

Yeah, I was surprised about one of the twins going home, too, on Biggest Loser last night.

And disappointed.

So, Lori, are you intersted in playing some Challenge Sudoku on FB???

Anyone else??? I need more players! I can't get anyone to play with me!

SO I keep starting games with DH and then I get on his account and try to beat myself!!

How sick is that!! LOL

Edited by phyllser

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Well, Phyll...sounds to me like those pancakes (after all that work everyone did just to get them made) should be guilt free! Can anyone say chaos???

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Well, Phyll...sounds to me like those pancakes (after all that work everyone did just to get them made) should be guilt free! Can anyone say chaos???

I agree!!

Heck, I just had one tiny pancake, there was no butter to put on it, used a little Syrup, had two small sausage links, the kind of dry ones without any casing, and a little bit of scrambled eggs. I didn't even get any catsup for my eggs. I didn't go until 8:30 a.m. and between them running out of food, and being done at 9 a.m., I had to beg for a plastic fork, the OJ was all put away, even the coffee was put away. Good thing I brought my own!!


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I agree!!

Heck, I just had one tiny pancake, there was no butter to put on it, used a little Syrup, had two small sausage links, the kind of dry ones without any casing, and a little bit of scrambled eggs. I didn't even get any catsup for my eggs. I didn't go until 8:30 a.m. and between them running out of food, and being done at 9 a.m., I had to beg for a plastic fork, the OJ was all put away, even the coffee was put away. Good thing I brought my own!!


Awwwww, Phyll...sounds like a traumatic experience. I GOOD friend would have never given you a difficult time. Heck, sounds to me like you wore off all those calories just beggin' for you fork and food!:smile:

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I had an experience last night. I went to dinner after getting my hair cut and had sm chilli and a baked potato, sour cream and chive. Well, ate the chilli, starting eating the potato and felt that stuck feeling. Quit eating and threw it away. Any way went to a meeting, slimed first, had to leave it twice more then when I got in my car it got worse. Slime and vomit, I know tmi, had to stop again on my way home then race in the house. I don't think it was a band problem think it might have been bad food. Any way came home from work early and slept most of the day.

I guess my question is has any one had a problem with baked potatos? Could it have been a band problem? All I know is it scared the he!! out of me. Very very tight today.

Laura K

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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