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Linda...wow on all that exercise. You are making up for lost time. That's very cool about you being published. I have the Leslie Sansone walking tapes...I do like them.

Laura, did the trash man make it? How did lunch go? Eventually, Nelson won't want you around when he's at school, but I bed he was excited today. Sorry about the orange slice slip-up....it's really hard and I still don't know why we do it. I have the same problem.

Julie, good luck with the insurance. What a pain...in more than your shoulder. I hope you can find a solution.

Hey Arlene, wow DH is doing really well. You are too, glad the meds seem to be working. Congrats on the new grandchild!! It's cool that there are a bunch of little cousins. Hey, I agree with you and the cold. Don't mind visiting the cold, but don't want to live there.

Ha.....my cat is chasing the 80 pound dog around the room...it's pretty funny the this big black lab runs from a cat. The cat is mean, she bites and makes the dog cry. Of course the dog is very sensitive like her Daddy.

Lori, it's nice to hear you are separating yourself from your sisters since they cause you so much grief. It would be nice also if they reached out to you, but until they do, take care of yourself. Sounds like you got some cool stuff.

Apples, its so nice to hear how you and your DH can work well together. I think that is a hard thing to do. I'm not sure I could work with my DH. We think differently. The last recipe you posted sounds really good. I'm going to have to try that.

Cheri, you are doing so well with exercise and diet. Good for you. You are a good story teller.

Jessica, hang in there...the craving should be just in your head. The Protein Drinks help. Make your own chicken broth or beef broth...it tastes better and is better than canned broth. I had a bunch made up before surgery and froze it. It really helped get through those initial days.

Janet, I agree, I think Phyl is a natural at being a desert rat. She sure knows a lot about the desert. I think that is pretty cool. Speaking of Beans, if you like different beans and want to try something new, go to a web site called Rancho Gordo and they have beans they get from Mexico. They are heirloom beans. I haven't cooked any yet, but my boss loves them and recommended the site. I got some right before Christmas, so there hasn't been time to cook any up. http://www.ranchogordo.com

Busy day as usual. DH and I are doing date nite on Tuesdays...an excuse to go out and eat dinner somewhere. We are trying to go new places but he wanted sushi tonight. We ran into our friends there and had a nice visit. This sushi bar is a regular for us. I go at least once a week and it's one place I can eat and not worry about it being healthy.

I got my fill appointment for the 23rd and I'm going to make my flight reservations as soon as I finish posting. I did pretty well today with food, but didn't get much walking in. Tomorrow will be major walking day.

I love to travel with DH...whether in a car, train, plane, etc. When we drive someplace, I bring audio books and it keeps both of us entertained. He likes to drive and if we aren't listening to a tape I can sleep...unless it someplace new and exciting. If we are driving back to Colorado, I can sleep through that.

Hope everyone has a great night.


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OK.. this is no longer funny. Frost in South Florida! Are you kidding me?! I am so cold. Our houses are NOT built with the kind of insulation you use in cold places. There are DRAFTS blowing through my house. I can't get the nerve up to hop in the shower. Burrrrrr.

ok, I got the tree undecorated, ornaments packed. I had to smile when Julie B. wrote she goes from Christmas to Winter decor. We go from Christmas to spring here. USUALLY. I have my spring John Deere flag up right now and feeling a little silly. : )

Not much time, quick notes:

JB~ hugs. So sorry for what you are going through.

Jessica~ great job!

Janet~ you are rocking the new year with the exercise! WTG!

Julie B~ sorry you aren't feeling well. hugs. I feel your frustration

Apples!~ happy end of the year fun stuff. love that recipe, might have to try it one day.

free~ good luck and let us know what they say. so much better not to ignore problems.

I have my cleaning girls coming to help me take the tree apart. It's 9' and HEAVY. DH (don't tell him I told you guys) is afraid of heights and stays away from ladders. They will also haul the stuff into the attic. I am always afraid to go up that pull down ladder if I am alone. For years I wouldn't go on it, b/c it says weight limit 250! Now I can!!! But I still won't go up there if no one is home. Imagine if the door shut and you were up there alone! yikes.

time to clean and organize and try and stay warm!!!

happy wed!!!

peasout... Laura

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Laura...honestly...did not send that cold weather down to you. I love you and wouldn't do that. I am pretty sure it was either Julie or Great.

Have date this morning with friend in town for coffee. We were supposed to get hit with blizzard around 3pm...well..it's been snowing for 2 hours but the wind has not hit. Roads are covered with snow. Figure I have about a 3 hour window to get to town, visit and head back home. They are talking a few days of this. Looks like we will pretty much be housebound again.


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Apples, your posts sometimes makes me think I'm reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" books. Do you have a rope guide leading to your barn so your hubby doesn't get lost in the blizzard??! I love it!

And both of those recipes sound great. I'm going to try them. (And did you leave a little something out!!?:thumbup: Just kidding!)

Linda and Janet, you're both going hot on the exercise...it's an inspiration to me. Janet, I hope work isn't too boring. I've been bad at work lately...yesterday (I hate to admit it) I was watching episodes of Masterpiece Theater on my computer! Egad, if I got caught I'd be in trouble!

Laura, good on you for being generous with your trashmen. My hubby loves those orange slices too; I'm more of a chocoholic myself. I've had a bag of Lindor truffles in my kitchen that I MUST give away before I succumb.

JUlie, I hope you soon get some resolution to your shoulder problem.

Eva, good idea on the date night thing. It's something I should do with my DH...we've been in such a rut lately, and I hate going out anywhere in the cold.

Jessica, I hope everything is going well. You'll be eating mushies before you know it. The last couple days of liquids gets really boring. I couldn't WAIT to try some mashed potatos.

Just a couple more days before the students get back. ACK! The town is so nice when they're gone...then 35 thousand of them descend and the traffic gets crazy. Of course, I wouldn't have my job without them, but still, they get on my nerves.

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Good Morning Gang

Apples great idea - see if I find time to do it :0)

Eva - I will ck out the site - I like Beans - been eating black eyed peas all week for lunch..

Laura - I watch alot of HGTV they are always talking about attics & basements - here in the desert we have neither - my new house has a bit more space in the attic you can get up there and walk - but we don't have pull down latters it's just a place they keep heater - you gotta get a ladder and lift yourself up there..

Deb - I have a cube now - use to have an office - hell a few months ago - i was farming on fb all day :0) - my screen was situated that you couldn't see it when you walked in my office - but now - it's facing the cube opening - so I have to be quick to switch screen when I here someone coming - doesn't always happen :0).

Well I gotta get butt in gear - cbl

Have a good Wednesday

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For some reason I stopped getting email alerts to new posts, but I just knew this thread couldn't be that quiet, glad I checked!

For the record I didnt' send anyone any cold!! LOL We were actually in the 50's yesterday but are getting hit with an 'artic blast' today and tomorrow and with a few snow flurries they say. I always worry more when they say snow flurries than when say blizzard, seems their flurries turn into blizzards and their blizzards turn into flurries. LOL I thought it was spring yesterday and just went out in a 3/4 sleeve sweater.

I went out to Victorias Secret yeserday, a store I didn't used to be able to shop in. found a great bra but of course, the reason it was on clearance is they are discontinuing it so I got 3 of them for only $15.99 each. It's appropriately named, The Perfect One. It sure lifts the girls up there and has this padding at the top by the strap, I always have a gap there I don't know must be from being deflated or something but this sortta fills that in. LOL She measured me and I am now a 36C, I liked that, I used to be a 42DDD I think. Also, they had panties 5 for $25 so got some of those too, now my inside stuff fits like the outside stuff. LOL And I feel more girly. Today I am staying in and resting. I slept til 9 again this morning, what's up with that? But I find if I just go with it, that I recover faster.

Eva, so you sleep when you go to CO huh? we are that boring of a state? LOL

Laura, your talking about getting locked in the attic reminded me of Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation when he gets locked up there. LOL Glad the trash man got there in time. Enjoy those times with Nelson where he's excited to have his mommy and daddy around. I remember one time we were at the mall with our son when he was in late jr high or early high school. He was never too embarrassed to be around us, but this 'herd' of girls came by. He distanced himself from us so fast and went off talking with them. Well it was time to go and he wouldn't come back over to us to leave, so DH walked up to him and put his arm around him and said 'love ya man' it's time to go and he was just mortified. LOL

Apples, love how you feel comfortable with us to share your yummy recipes.

Well gotta get to the grocery store before the snow does hit, I know I said I was taking it easy today, but that is it, I promise. Have chili for dinner tonight, appropriate for a cold night.

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Great...I wore ill-fitting bras for years until I found the right one. I have the rib cage of a football player so I am difficult to fit. The one I found a year ago does not ride up and it is absolutely the most comfortable I have ever had. A bra that does not fit can ruin the day! I know I have mentioned b/4 on this thread the brand name. If anyone is getting to goal and looking for a good bra they are called Le Mysterey Rouge. Found out after I got them that it's the only kind Oprah will wear. My bewbs feel famous! They are a jaw dropping price of $79/each but after a year, they still fit as good as ever and look new. I bought 4 of them and thinking they will last me awhile.

Made it to town and back. Had a couple hour visit with my friend. Didn't even go to supermarket...just headed right home. Was a terrible drive. The wind hit when we were visiting and took me forever to get home. Thank God for my 4x4. Visibility is about 1/4 mile right now but is expected to get worse. I will have to snap some photos later. DH is out working in this crap. Hired trucks today to haul corn to town.

FINALLY getting Christmas decorations packed away and the 3 trees undecorated and to the basement storage rooms. Our house was built with 3 fairly large storage rooms which I am very thankful for. Should have everything back to normal by this evening.

Supposed to travel to Minneapolis on Friday but doubt that will happen with the weather we are expecting. And, yes Deb, it can be like Little House sometimes in the middle of a blizzard. We do not have a barn or livestock (thank you, God) so DH does not need to go out in a blizzard. We have his shop which is no more than 50 feet out the front door and there are times in a blizzard that we cannot even see the front of the building or our yard light which it lit in front of it. The worst of this is worry. Ppl do not always heed to the warnings and get caught out in this. I always travel with a snow emergency kit and try to never start out in something I do not want to get caught in.

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BRRRR made it to the grocery store and back. Here in CO when they forcast snow everyone has to go to the store and get milk and bread. LOL It was packed. I did get milk as I was out but no bread. I went for Valentines candy actually. DD is doing a 'Candy Bar' at her wedding with various kinds of candies in black, pink and white as favors. The Valentine M & M's weren't out yet. I was going to get them and then seperate all the reds out leaving just pink and blacks. The 'artic blast' hit while I was out. I left and it was still upper 30's out and just wore a fur lined vest as a coat, when I pulled into the garage it was about 10 degrees and dropping and very windy and snowy. I'm now sitting by the fire in a blanket and working a crossword puzzle. When did I get so dumb? I used to be a whiz at crosswords, but haven't done them in years. My brain just isn't used to working them or something, I can come up with very few of the right words. GRRRR I have today's and SUndays NY Times ones and one by NEA in today's paper and an LA times from SUnday. Not sure what happened to my Mon/Tues papers. Maybe I'll have to go back to SUduko if I continue to be this dumb. Those I do a lot and pretty quickly.

DD called and asked us to go to dinner with her and her fiance tonight. ?Guess now his parents are going too. She is very, how shall I say, opininated and rather negative. I like her and she's also very fun and funny, but she has her definite opinions on things and isn't in agreement with some of the things we are doing for the wedding, but whenever you try to accomodate her it's not right anyway. She also bought her dress today. I had thought it was protocol for me to get mine first and her to co-ordinate but she pretty much knows the dress I am getting, it's just a matter of me getting over to Davids Bridal and paying for it. And praying they still have it in stock. I need to do that this week. This is the dress I am thinking of getting, Dillards has a variation too but I was also waiting for the new spring stuff to come in. David's Bridal - Hammered Shimmer One-Piece Tiered Dress=

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OOOOO...pretty dress, Great. You will look nice in that style. Hope they still have your size on hand.

DH and I have it all figured out IF our DS's ever get married. 3 easy steps...shut up, get the checkbook out and smile. Let the girl have her dream wedding and mother of the bride be there by her daughter's side and just stand back and offer our opinion only if asked. Bet that sounds good to you about now?????

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OOOOO...pretty dress, Great. You will look nice in that style. Hope they still have your size on hand.

DH and I have it all figured out IF our DS's ever get married. 3 easy steps...shut up, get the checkbook out and smile. Let the girl have her dream wedding and mother of the bride be there by her daughter's side and just stand back and offer our opinion only if asked. Bet that sounds good to you about now?????

Yep and that's definitely how I will be when DS gets married. And it's pretty much how I've been even with DD. She keeps telling me that I am allowed to voice my opinion, I just say it's your wedding. DH had a great idea and it's worked well. We just gave her a dollar limit for her wedding budget to spend that we will pay for. If she goes over then they pay the rest. It's helped when it's come to issues on who pays for what and when she wants to spend more on somethign I deem less important etc. And with all her contacts in the wedding business we are getting some really good deals. I just go along to all these appts for moral support basically.

Forgot to mention in the dress I am going to get the silver color. I am between a 10 and a 12 in the dress. 10 is a little snug but 12 is so loose which is the main reason I haven't bought it yet. Waiting to see if I gain or lose. LOL I might get pink shoes. The bridesmaids are all wearing black dresses with a pink accent of some type and pink dyable shoes, I might get the same shoes as them. Even DD is talking of wearing pink shoes with her wedding dress. She has a pink issue! LOL Groom is getting a little worried with all the pink. But he's happy she is letting him wire the table numbers up some how with LED lights. He's very techy and into such things. So as long as he gets his LED's he's happy. I'm getting very anxious for the wedding now, time is moving so fast. We have our Isreal trip the end of next month and then a couple weeks later the wedding. Having an issue as far as what to do about a bridal shower. DD basically has no local girlfriends. Her girl bridesmaids are coming in from CA a day before the wedding. her maid of honor is a 'man of honor' her brother. He will do it as it's his duty he says and another bridesmaid is an 18 yr old cousin. So hopefully the 2 of them come up with a shower as I feel it would be inappropriate for me to throw one, but I want her to have one. Maybe I'll sortta do it but put DS's name on the invites and let them do it here.

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Great........love,love,love that dress. Why are you buying candy bars at the store? Have you priced them online with their names on them. Some of those sites are pretty reasonable. my daughter is getting married again. She is 38 and this time it is her dime. I just want an invite and show up. Her youngest is going to be 16 next week and we are helping her buy a car.....what's wrong with this picture? You would think she would help her daughter too. Oh well, we are committed. We did it for her sister.

Apples.........Brrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! I dread that front tonight. I don't know how you stand it. Great...you too! and all of you North of Dallas. I went out and bought food for a few days. You would think a hurricane was coming. I do not plan to get out.

I took my ticker down. I am not putting it back till I lose some more weight.

So far this medicine has curbed my pain, but now my pulse is running 80-90. Kinda concerned. I guess I need to call the doctor.

Laura, I don't go up in the attic either. A friend of mine fell off the stairs putting up Christmas decorations and really hurt her back. I just get my grandkids to help me.

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Great..it would be really tough to do a shower with everyone coming in on the day b/4 the wedding. Depending on the time of the wedding, hair appts., etc., it would be tough to fit in. How about a book shower with Pampered Chef or Tuppperware?

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Just talked to my son about the wedding shower. He is planning on a Saturday in early Feb. he is awaiting his change in work schedule to know which Saturdays he has off. I will let the gals from CA work something out on their own if they want, no showers the week of the wedding though I don't think. We are going to do it at my house or at my MIL's as she may want to help him do the shower.

Arlene, I'm not buying candy bars, just various types of pink, white and black candies to put in jars at the 'candy bar or maybe I should call it candy station' at the reception. There'll be scoops in it and small bags or boxes for guests to fill up and take away basically as favors. We have all sorts of sizes of clear glass jars on a table that will be all decorated and lit up by the exit. We checked into personalized M & M's and they were pretty costly. we got a lot of black ones and now just need pink and white which I was going to get the valentines bags for and then take out all the reds. She has Good n Plenty and Kisses as well so far.

Just as I suspected our snow flurries are coming down pretty heavy right now. It looks pretty out there as I sit by my fire. Sometimes I hate the cold but I would really miss the 4 seasons. I didn't like it when I lived in northern CA we had 2 seasons: wet and dry one was cold and damp and the other hotter than hot. My year in DE was similar and the humidity made the cold seem colder and hot seem hotter.

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Great...you can always go to the Jelly Belly website and order the colors you want. I helped with a wedding for a friend's daughter about a year ago. The three websites we got candies from (in selected colors) were: Spanglercandy.com, candywarehouse.com and groovycandies.com

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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