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Hi everyone. So much going on, you all have been busy. Apples, incredible pic -- you look exactly the same -- wow. And your boys were so adorable -- I'm sure they still are -- just larger versions of adorable now. LOL.

Janet, good going on your working out and eating -- I've also been well behaved eating wise and working out. Did a 5 mile walking tape and then went to the Y and did the recumbant bike (very slowly and very little resistance) for 30 mins. and some circuit machines on my arms only. Then did my Water aerobics class -- was able to do most everything in that -- just a few stretches I passed on as the angles wouldn't have been good on my new hip.

Jessica, congrats on having your surgery behind you -- you will always remember the day you were banded. You've done so well -- just continue on the same path with eating healthy and exercise and you'll continue to do great. Glad you had no problems and were able to be home so quickly.

Julie, sorry about the SD -- honestly, I don't understand that behavior either -- I know how hard it is, but like others have said, don't put yourself out there anymore -- they can't hurt you if you don't put yourself out there for them -- it's easier said than done, but just dwell on your own DD and Mimi and forget the rest.

JB, sorry about your baby - I understand completely -- I still grieve for my almost 20 year old baby that died in 2001. I found another dog in a shelter that looked similar to her and that did make the transition easier -- our new little baby has just been the sweetest little baby -- and now she's getting old too. It's been so cold here (-18 last night) and when she goes out to do her no. 2 business her little legs and back get so cold she can barely make it back in the house -- we had to go out and pick her up one night -- she only weighs about 13 lbs. I'll be thinking of you and your baby -- sending love and hugs to you.

Deb, nice pic -- you look very much like your avitar. Someone asked what we do - I was a legal assistant for 30 years -- worked for civil defense trial lawyers - mostly in product liability -- and then I "retired" and moved to Iowa -- didn't work for about a year and then was bored and got a part time customer service job which then turned into full time -- it's a very low stress, fun job -- I turn lights on all over the country -- and perform other customer service. Much less stress than working witih attys. But I miss it some times, it was exciting work and I loved it -- loved the investigative parts of it and just loved using my brain. Now I don't have to use it as much. I also took some writing classes and actually have had a couple of children's stories published -- have a children's book mostly done -- just need to make final revisions but it's been a busy year - hopefully will get it sent out soon.

Laura, good going on the gym -- keep it up -- I know it's hard when you're so busy, but you'll feel better if you take that time every day for you.

I fired my cleaning people too about 3 months ago -- they never seem to do a good job -- I just decided between the two of us we'd be able to get it done - -he does the vacuuming and I do all the rest. I guess that's fair. LOL.

Well, gotta get to bed, sorry if I missed responding to anything. Love to you all. Linda

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Good morning!

I know y'all are used to this stuff.. but low of 29 here forcasted for today! OMW!!! It just awful! NOW I remember why I moved to Florida! bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

DH and I took the outside decorations down today. We have two HUGE trains- one is 6ft and the other about 8 when assembled. Well, we have used them 5 years now and they are faded and half the lights out. DH refused to put them in the attic and put them on the curb. Let's all pray the garbage men are back on schedule. If they don't come before Nels gets home from school.... Oh dear, it makes me shudder just to think of his reaction! DH's plan is to find some on clearance and have fresh and new for next season. I am a more conservative when it comes to trashing... find one and THEN throw out the old one. He is probably right, they are looking sad/bad. (at night they still look ok)..LOL. I still have all the inside stuff to put down. (two trees and all the other decor stuff). My arms, chest and back are sore from the gym yesterday. I do NOT feel like getting on a ladder to get down decorations. bah hum bug. I hate un decorating.

Yesterday I did good with nutrition all day until right before bed. DH had bought some "orange slices" candy. Those are my weakness. So I had 9-10 of them... just pure sugar. 3 pieces are 150 cal. It was sooooo was NOT worth it. Instead of 1100 calories (80 grams protein), I had 1550 or so. SIGH. I am trying to bump up my Protein, so that this round of weight loss doesn't cause as much Hair loss. The one benefit to being on "maintenance" these last 2 months was that my hair loss stopped. I know once I am back on stricter protocol it will start again. So the last week I have been upping my Vitamins and being careful to get enough protein. Today I can feel the revenge of the carb overload from last night. I get this ravenous hunger that I normally don't have. Just PI$$ES me off.

ok friends, today is "together tuesday" at Nelson's school. DH and I are going to have lunch in his class. They put two kids on the list each Tuesday, so with 28 kids it is a while before you go back in (I guess twice a year only). It is fun to see all the kids and Nelson feels so special having us there. I have to pack two more lunch boxes. : )

CBL... peasout... Laura

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Thanks for the messages about Tinka, my poodle. I will keep you informed. I know there is more than this life on earth. Still....

Cheri, you deserve an award for teaching at-risk kids. They are lucky to have someone so dedicated be their teacher. I began my teaching career in Baltimore City (inner city) high school. The average 10th grader read on a 4th grade level. That led me to additional degrees in becoming a Reading Specialist. I was there almost 5 years and yes, we do have stories, don't we? Just know that there will be those who have a better life because of YOU.

And Linda, a published author! That must be so cool to see your name on published work! Good for you! What is the book about?

Have a good Tuesday, everyone!

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Morning..... had a terrible night last night.... Didn't finally ease up so I could sleep until way after 3:00.... Up at 8:30, so I did sleep some... Mimi will be here soon, so this will be short.. I'm working on this insurance mess and so far getting nowhere fast..... Oh, just had a return phone call and we have things going now at least..... Getting more information together for them to make a more informed decision... How long that will take........who knows...

Well, Mimi just got here so I must go.... Hope all have a great day and will check back in when I can.... Julie

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Janet.....checking in......nothing new to report except I think this medicine is working on my pain. I haven't got back in my walking routine because it is so FREAKIN COLD!!!!!!!! and getting colder....20's this weekend. I saw QVC selling some additions to the wii fit. I may break that out for the winter weather. I took QVC off my favorites, but I just love to buy from them. I have a steam mop coming and the cookbook "Skinny Girl Cookbook". DH has lost 80lbs. OKay, I can't let him weigh less than me! IT'S ON!

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Did two walking tapes today for a total of 8 miles -- feels so good to move again. Arlene, you might want to check out Leslie Sansome DVDs for walking - I really like walking INSIDE my house -- weather doesn't bother you - never too hot, too cold/rain doesn't affect it, etc. I buy them on Amazon and get some great deals on used ones which are fine -- especially if you just want to check them out. JB keep us informed on Tinka, I think all of us here believe our pets to be family so you have all of us thinking and praying for both of you. DGD is coming over - she has a bad cold and her mom doesn't want to infect everyone at the babysitter's house. So we will enjoy her visit today for 4 hours while her mom works.Went to physical therapy -- after they heard about my exercise they decided to release me -- there's nothing they can really do for me -- I'm exceeding anything they would have so why bother with going in there for just simple exercises. So I'm done with that.

Heading to Des MOines tomorrow for a much needed fill -- also my almost one year bandiversary -- will be a year on the 29 -- time flies.

Laura, hope the garbage men get there before school is out. That would be serious, hopefully you'll find another one.

Well, gotta run, Aylah has arrived. CBL. Linda

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Back home sooner than we thought. Good little trip with honey, even though it was business. If there would have been a seat belt in the middle of DH's truck seat, I would have sat there and pretended to be 23 again and on a date, or just married, or something, etc.

Linda...you joint replacement ppl (also Great and Phyll) are an inigma. I've known many ppl who have had replacements and I swear they have not done as well as you guys. Must have felt good to get "released" from the hands of the medical ppl. I know you will watch and be mindful of the exercises you do. I am just amazed by all of you.

I think you are correct on the pets as family issue. I think most of us have them as family members. Our empty nest dog is one of the kids. He's my sounding board, my baby, my walking partner (except for treadmill...he flew off the back), my day brightner. So if you are reading this JB, we know what you are going through in this difficult time. I just want to give you a hug but a cyber hug is being sent instead.

I have to learn how to handle all this year end stuff better and not let it stress me. It's mostly wrapped up now and can breath. I am such a perfectionist (as is DH) and it actually serves no purpose. So, adding to my resolution list....CHILL.

Laura...hope Nels did not come home from school and see the dead train. My boys would have been sensitive to something like that also. This sounds cruel but when the boys were younger we lied to them about what happened to a dog of ours. Now, you know we are dog lovers. But, we were "gifted" a dog from DH's sister when she moved off of her farm to town. Crazy, brain wormed dog. And, that statement was true with this dog. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Think it was because previous family never paid attention to it. Anyway, we live on a very busy paved road. Lots of grain hauling semis, young teens driving to school, etc. This dog would lay on the side of the ditch incline where he could not be seen and jump out at vehicles and they would swerve. We were so worried about causing an accident. We had to make the decision on what to do and not an easy one. Had him put to sleep. To this day I feel bad about that but no shelters at the time and no one of our neighbors would take that crazy dog. Long story...sorry. We told our boys when they came home from school that day that the dog got hit by a semi. Only time we lied to them. Told them later. Man, that story was long but your gonna have to read it now cuz not going to erase.

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Apples, how do you stand to get out in that cold weather? I babysat today and then made a chicken pot pie. I took a bite of it .....not bad. I took it to my daughter and neighbor. It is in the forties , but so cold.

OH, I am going to be Grandma again. My daughter is pregnant......the one who had back surgery. This will be 10 grands from five kids......I think we are done!

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Apples, how do you stand to get out in that cold weather? I babysat today and then made a chicken pot pie. I took a bite of it .....not bad. I took it to my daughter and neighbor. It is in the forties , but so cold.

OH, I am going to be Grandma again. My daughter is pregnant......the one who had back surgery. This will be 10 grands from five kids......I think we are done!

Us MN ppl consider today to be a mild day. No wind and 11 degrees. Just got back in from chopping ice off the driveway. Actually had to peel a layer of clothing off. It all boils down to what you are used to. Youngest DH has spent the last 7 yrs in CA, FL and GA and does not like coming home in the winter. He even thinks our summer evenings are cold.

Congrats on baby-to-be #10. None in the new future for us...not even with the dog. (Fixed).

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Good afternoon, late for me checking in today. Yesterday I was up and at 'em so early, not so today. Had a terrible nights sleep and then didn't get up til almost 930, haven't done that in ages. Ran to the NY & Co as I had a coupon LOL got some accessories like jewelry and a cami top for super cheap and met DH for lunch and now the day is almost half over. I'd love a nap but decided not to sleep the day away and hopefully will sleep better tonight. I had lots of hip pain last night which concerned me, but I do remember when recovering from the other knee my hips bothering me so much, must be the gait with the cane and crutches and stuff as it did improve. I was so depressed thinking oh no my hips are next for surgery, so I am glad I remembered that from the last knee as it did get better. Hopefully it does this time too. And then had some other issues on my mind, but think it's all resolved now, not to my liking on one instance, but I voiced my opinion and it's out of my control so I am letting it go.

Linda, congrats on being done with PT, I hope to be done by Feb 1st. I go twice a week through next week and then once a week for a couple weeks. However, I am almost to the recommended bend already in my knee, I hope to exceed that though.

JB, sorry to hear about your dog, they do become family members. We lost 2 dogs 2 Christmases in a row about 2 yrs ago it was so hard.

Julie, been there done that on some family issues recently. It's hard when you keep reaching out and they keep rejecting. With my sisters I've decided to stop reaching out. If they ever reach out to me, I will be there with bells on, but I am not going to keep putting myself out there for rejection. I can love the, care for them, but don't have to keep putting myself out there. How does your husband handle his daughter's treatment of you?

Laura, did the trash man get there in time?

Arlene, congrats on being Grandma again, hopefully I will be in a few years. Glad you are getting some pain relief.

Apples, sounds like a great day with DH. Sometimes when DH & I are just out running errands etc. and have that alone time in the car to just talk and be together are the best. I usually hate long car trips and being raised by an airline working family I was a spoiled brat when it came to travel, but I've enjoyed our car trips just DH and I over the past few years.

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Great...I hear ya on the car riding thing. I am looking forward to spending time in the truck with DH and puppa but I am not a good rider. I am the one that usually drives so maybe I can just tell DH that he will ride shotgun and be the navigator. Ummmmmmmmmm...maybe not. We'll let "Edna" do that (GPS).

NY&Co was pretty good to me last year in that I was able to find quite a few pairs of slacks in longs for a very little price. They are great, look nice and wash up and still look like new.

Youngest DS (26) who lives in GA called a bit ago. Just got out of ER and has a kidney stone again. Feel bad that I passed this on to both of my sons. They know the routine and look at it like I do...life interupted for a bit and then back at it.

Have a chicken teriaki bake in the oven. A band-friendly recipe...

4 cups diced chicken (you can use raw or pre-cooked)

1 small can sliced Water chestnuts

1 cup sliced carrots

3 cups raw broccoli

1 sliced or diced red sweet pepper

Put all in a sprayed cake pan sized pan

1/8 cup lite soysauce

2 TBLS cider vinegar

2 TBLS sesame oil

1 Tsp dried garlic powder (or minced)

1 Tsp dried onion powder (or minced)

2 cups warm water

Mix all of the above and pour over meat mixture. Cover. Bake at 350 for at least one hour. And, yes, you mushy veggie eaters....1 hour 15 minutes for you!

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Apples, that recipe looks fabulous. I printed it and can't wait to try it. Great, sorry you couldn't sleep, but it sounds like you are learning by leaps and bounds how to deal with those sisters of yours -- proud of you - you are handling that well. Sorry your hip is hurting -- I do hope it resolves itself as you said -- I'm sure it has a lot to do with your gait, etc.

Apples, congrats on getting your year end business done -- sounds like lots of work and I'm sure you're thrilled to be done with it for another year. I'm also not a great car traveler -- much prefer planes -- I get so stiff in a car -- I'm better if I drive too -- the time passes much more quickly - and I can never sleep in the car - I guess I don't trust the driver enough -- at least I guess that's why - I just can't relax enough to sleep. DH and all other family members can snore away in a car with no problem. Good thing I don't mind driving!! LOL.

Arlene, congrats -- I'm so jealous -- wish I could get some more grandbabies -- well, in truth, there's only one of my children (my DS and DDIL) who are in a position to have a baby but they are the ones that don't seem interested -- but I never lose hope. LOL.

Made a nice dinner for DH and DGD and they are still taking a short nap -- lol Two peas in a pod.

CBL Linda

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Apples, that recipe looks fabulous. I printed it and can't wait to try it. Great, sorry you couldn't sleep, but it sounds like you are learning by leaps and bounds how to deal with those sisters of yours -- proud of you - you are handling that well. Sorry your hip is hurting -- I do hope it resolves itself as you said -- I'm sure it has a lot to do with your gait, etc.

Apples, congrats on getting your year end business done -- sounds like lots of work and I'm sure you're thrilled to be done with it for another year. I'm also not a great car traveler -- much prefer planes -- I get so stiff in a car -- I'm better if I drive too -- the time passes much more quickly - and I can never sleep in the car - I guess I don't trust the driver enough -- at least I guess that's why - I just can't relax enough to sleep. DH and all other family members can snore away in a car with no problem. Good thing I don't mind driving!! LOL.

Arlene, congrats -- I'm so jealous -- wish I could get some more grandbabies -- well, in truth, there's only one of my children (my DS and DDIL) who are in a position to have a baby but they are the ones that don't seem interested -- but I never lose hope. LOL.

Made a nice dinner for DH and DGD and they are still taking a short nap -- lol Two peas in a pod.

CBL Linda

Linda, I had those walking dvds...in fact that is how I herniated two disks. I was walking in place and suddenly something snapped and both of my legs went like jelly. Another hazzard of being obese and exercising. That is one of the reasons I started inquiring about the band. I knew my back could not hold the weight any longer.

Oh, don't be jealous about the g-babies. You never know when one will be in the oven. I wasn't expecting this one so soon, but my daughter is 33 and wants to have her's two years apart. She plans on staying home for a few more years.

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Apples, that recipe looks fabulous. I printed it and can't wait to try it. Great, sorry you couldn't sleep, but it sounds like you are learning by leaps and bounds how to deal with those sisters of yours -- proud of you - you are handling that well. Sorry your hip is hurting -- I do hope it resolves itself as you said -- I'm sure it has a lot to do with your gait, etc.

Apples, congrats on getting your year end business done -- sounds like lots of work and I'm sure you're thrilled to be done with it for another year. I'm also not a great car traveler -- much prefer planes -- I get so stiff in a car -- I'm better if I drive too -- the time passes much more quickly - and I can never sleep in the car - I guess I don't trust the driver enough -- at least I guess that's why - I just can't relax enough to sleep. DH and all other family members can snore away in a car with no problem. Good thing I don't mind driving!! LOL.

Arlene, congrats -- I'm so jealous -- wish I could get some more grandbabies -- well, in truth, there's only one of my children (my DS and DDIL) who are in a position to have a baby but they are the ones that don't seem interested -- but I never lose hope. LOL.

Made a nice dinner for DH and DGD and they are still taking a short nap -- lol Two peas in a pod.

CBL Linda

I think I omit something every time I post a recipe...

I also added 2 cups of frozen peas. You need to let sit out of oven for about 10 min so it absorbs the liquid a little. It was so good and I had to stop myself as to not do the pouch packing thing.

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Apples, how can you do anything but chill where you live? LOL. Been ranging between -2 and +18 around here.

Linda, I've written a couple of children's stories but am overwhelmed by trying to find a reputable agent. If my job falls apart (which looks more and more likely) its one of the things I've thought of doing while part-time teaching or tutoring. I have an idea for another story but I got too busy and sick over Christmas to follow through. Right now I'm going to put together some promotional verbage for Roseland Christian School. Appeal letters with good stories about the kids we teach. I'm a story teller.

Julie, I hope the MRI is on your neck too and not just your shoulder, since the pain could be coming from there.

food good today, but I'm hungry so I'm glad I scheduled a fill. Can't get in till Feb. 2. By then I may be hanging on by my fingernails if I continue losing weight.

I climbed stairs at school for 20 minutes before and after teaching. Yesterday I did an hour before school. Sunday I vegged and Saturday I walked fast for an hour and then combined climbing up and down the stairs leading to the walking track with going more slowly around the track for another half an hr.

So may CBL later tonight but gotta go now.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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