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Hi Dee, I will let you know about the new "machine". I get bored with walking sometimes too, but it's a waste of money for me to join a gym. I have a stick-to-it-ness problem. How are things going for you?

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Hugs and prayers for your surgery tomorrow. Just follow the doctors orders and you will be fine.

Good luck Jewel, I remember not sleeping a wink the night before mine !

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Hi Dee, I will let you know about the new "machine". I get bored with walking sometimes too, but it's a waste of money for me to join a gym. I have a stick-to-it-ness problem. How are things going for you?

Not really much restriction yet, but then I have a very conservative doctor. I am one pound shy of my 25# loss, so I am quite happy with my decision!

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Good Luck Jewel. Speedy recovery!!!

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Just thought of something. For foods that aren't Protein, if you want to know if they'll shoot your blood sugar up or not, check the glycemic index. Also, diabetics learn to keep their blood sugar stable by the way they combine foods and by eating small amounts more frequently.

Just remember, hi-fiber foods, though low on the glycemic index, fill your pouch and swell and can leave you without enough room for the Protein you need. Many nuts and seeds are a perfect combination of low glycemic carb, protein, and the kinds of oil that are good for you. I eat little spoonfuls of shelled, roasted, slightly salted sunflower seeds a few times throughout the day when I'm at work. These give me a constant flow of energy without shooting up my blood sugar.

Legumes, which are low on the glycemic index, (dry Beans cooked like pinto, black, chili, white, navy, etc. have protein as well as high Fiber, low glycemic carbs) are all to easy to turn into sliders because they're usually in Soups or soupy, saucy mixtures so they don't keep your pouch filled. Plus the sauces are often more full of sugar than you realize. Tomatoes have a lot of sugar. So do onions. Refried Beans aren't as moisturized and will stay in your pouch longer. That's why they're on the list of mushies you can start eating a couple of days after surgery.

Low-glycemic carbs are the things I'm planning on increasing in the maintenance stage. Still high protein first, but more fibrous vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. I just have to remember, a little of these goes a long way, and I still have to eat protein first.

Starchy foods like white potatoes, white rice, Pasta, and definitely breads and pastries, crackers and any kind of chips, even if they're whole grain, are going to be very occasional treats, or just a taste with my meal. These are all items that tend to increase cravings for carbs because they are one step away from simple sugars (you can actually taste them turning into sugar as your saliva combines with them) and they increase blood sugar.

Since my band limits portion size with protein as long as I don't turn my protein into sliders, and I know which foods to avoid or limit to occasional treats, I don't have to spend a lot of time worrying about counting calories, points, weighing or measuring, counting fat grams, or even counting carbs. That simplifies things for me and I need to have a very simple food plan in order to succeed.

If I find myself able to eat too much protein at a sitting, then I know I need a fill.

Everybodies different, but knowledge is power. This is what works for me.


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Good luck tomorrow Jessica, we'll all be thinking and praying for your speedy recovery -- everything will go fine -- you'll be up and about -- remember to walk around the hallway as much as you can it helps relieve all the shoulder pain.

I had a very exciting day. Decided I was feeling pretty good and tired of feeling sluggish - so I did some of my walking tapes -- I had bought a couple of new ones that were slower paced -- for during my recovery and they were perfect - I ended up doing some with weights -- did 105 mins. of exercise all together -- feeling soooo much better! Hip did not hurt at all -- I was very careful -- I just have to be careful not to twist it -- it didn't hurt during (at all, unlike before surgery-- it had gotten so painful I was unable to really do much in the couple of weeks before surgery). I am so happ to get some aerobics in. CBL hope everyone is have a great Sunday!! Linda

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hi guys~

JeweI~ Best of luck on your surgery tomorrow! We will be thinking about you and anxiously awaiting the news. Are you doing same day surgery or staying overnight? Speedy recovery! You will do fine and I am sure your liver will be ok.

Apples~~~ Love love love the Christmas decorations! Your trees are beautiful and love the Santa! And I like the reward idea. DQ and food are no incentive for him. He could care less. But the idea of getting a new hot wheel/matchbox should work. Someone mentioned stress. Perhaps it's Dad's illness and being up there a lot. He doesn't seem stressed- not showing as it would with other behaviors.

Eva~ One of the best shows in Orlando is La Nouba by Cirque du soleil. Depending on the seats- price ranges from $75-120 but WELL worth it. I've seen it twice. If you've never been to a cirque du soleil performance it is amazing. Just an idea.

La Nouba | Cirque du Soleil show at Walt Disney World Resort

Cheri~ Great explanation of carbs and proteins/glycemic index, etc.

Free spirit~ It sounds like you have had a tough time since your lapband surgery. Hmmm... Would still need more info, like how many calories are you having a day? Amount eating per meal (1/2 cup, cup?) Are you keeping a journal? Are you exercising? The band is not a magic cure for obesity. it is merely a tool. As Indio has said many times, you have to do the majority of the work. It will not make food choices for you. Does your surgeon's office have any support system? Support group meetings? dietitian? psychologist? It often takes good follow up to keep things in check. The reflux is concerning. Have they had you on any medications for this? Is it increased by spicy or greasy foods? If the band is too tight, it can cause these symptoms. Also, they need to make sure it is in the right place. If the band slips, it can cause these symptoms as well. It sounds like you were too tight- if you were unable to get in solid Protein and resorted to sliders. What are your physicians recommending? If the reflux continues to be a problem, even with the unfill, then that needs to be addressed. Long term reflux can cause many serious problems (ulcers, etc...) This cannot be ignored. You need to see a gastroenterologist if your surgeon and/or GP do not find answers to your problem of reflux. Good luck! Let us know what happens.

ok friends. SCHOOL STARTS BACK TOMORROW!!! yippeee! I have so enjoyed my time with my son but I need to get back to the gym and back to some ME time!!! Bless the teachers in this world!!!

peasout~~~ Laura

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hi all--love reading these posts!

Jessica--we are excited for you! Please post something soon so we know that you are okay. You'll be better than okay real soon!

Mrs. Bubba--it is coldcoldcold in FL right now. I moved here from GA to be warm!!! I am not getting my money's worth right now. We can check the weather a few days before we meet. I will be driving from Tampa area, so we will have my car to use if we need to get around--it's a RAV 4 and I know I can fit you skinnies in!

Cheri--good explanations about the food, sugar, etc. We should call you Dr. Cheri. As much as I love the support, I need a refresher on the knowledge.

Free spirit--don't give up yet. My band became too tight months ago and I suffered, but did I do anything? NO. I just ate sliders and gained back 40 lbs. I too felt that I had wasted my $$ (self-pay). I thought the band was my answer! But as Janet says, I have to work it. So, I got an unfill (and I must admit, I am LOVING being able to eat without losing it and having pain), but I will go back to basics soon enough and do it again (at a PROPER fill level where I can actually eat the right things a little). Wait until your thyroid problem is solved. Stay here with us. You may have a change of heart.

I am glad to see so many animal lovers. My little poodle turned 16 1/2 yesterday. She is fine, but has dementia. She is mostly blind and deaf, but she loves her food, her treats, a short walk and some loving. I am committed to care for her as long as she is not suffering. When that day comes, I will send her home to God. My other dog is a Bichon-poodle mix. She is a rescue, so I can only estimate her age as 10-12. I volunteer at a dog-cat no-kill shelter. There was a little apricot poodle that I fell in LOVE with! I was happy for her that she was adopted, sad for me as I would miss her. I JUST found out that friends of mine adopted her! So I can continue to see her and be her godmother--haha!

Time to give your eyes a rest!!



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Back from meeting the florist, the centerpieces, etc. for DD's wedding are going to be fabulous. He's doing lots of extras for her as a thank you for all the work she has referred to him. Stopped at one store on the way home and am now resting with my leg up.

FreeSpirit, maybe I misunderstood your post, but it sounds to me like you were expecting the band to do all your work for you. It just doesn't work like that and am sorry if that was your understanding before surgery, hopefully you had lots of pre op classes and info. The band is a tool that helps in our weight loss immensely but we still need to do the work, the band just gives us better results when we do the work. But I still have to do the exercise, I still have to tell myself no when I want to eat too many slider foods, I still have to make healthy choices. However, when I do that, the band is amazing. I lost 126lbs in one year. I ate 1/2 cup portions and 80% of that was solid Protein. I too at one point had a problem with reflux, it occurred not too long after a fill. It was determined I was too tight and had .50cc taken out and the refulx went away. To me it sounds like you are too tight, hopefully that is all that is giving you the reflux. I think that because you can't eat the solid Proteins and have resorted to sliders. However, as Laura said, it's also a sign of a slipped band and other complications. I hope you get it checked out soon. Good luck to you and I hope you get the answers you need.

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Afternoon Girls,

Didn't even get on to check this thread until now. Had some fine-tuning on the books with DH for a big part of the day and then laid down for a long winter's nap. Did get outside for a short walk...was feeling pent up and DH is a little bit of a perfectionist....yep...needed the walk.

Jewel (Jessica) just want to wish you the best of luck tomorrow. It's a big step to prepare for and you seem to have accepted what is coming your way. The only advice I feel I can give you at this time is to follow ALL of your doc's rules. I hope we can follow you throughout your journey and your transformation.

Please let us know how you are doing when you feel like posting. Take care and stay in contact with us.

Laura....hope you get some "me" time this next week.

You know...I cannot think of much to say. I think I woke up from my nap missing part of my brain. I will call back later.

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I am tight but I don't have any Fluid in it. I just had roast beef dinner, had 1/2 oz roast and could not eat any more meat. I started to watch my portions today and I noticed that if i eat or neeble less , i am more tight. It seems that if I keep nibbling everything loosens up cause it keeps working.hmm. anyways, i dont keep diary, i eat more then a cup, wayyyyyy more and we didnt get consultation around here before and not getting much support after.

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Free Spirit. They fixed my hiatal hernia when they put in the band which took care of my reflux. Is your reflux acidy? If its not and you're actually putting the wrong things or too much into your pouch, or your bites are too big, or your band is too tight, then you could be productive burping or pbing which I call puke back. It can be painful but its not the same kind of pain as acid reflux. It's usually got a lot of saliva and phlegm mixed up in it. Protein would make that worse.

But sliders contain the kinds of things that cause the heartburn kind of reflux. Grease and fats, chocolate, butter, tomatoes (sauce), pop, orange juice and other juices, real coffee, pizza. Whch kind of reflux do you have?

For the first kind you may need a bit of unfill or to change how much and what you eat and how you eat it. Tiny bites, chewed and swallowed very slowly, mostly protein.

The second kind is actually more dangerous. See your surgeon and your GP and gastroenterologist or have them consult with each other ASAP.

But usually if you work with the band and follow the food protocol you won't have trouble unless you need an unfill.

Don't give up. Hang in there.


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Thank you ladies. Here it goes.

A few years ago I had Tummy Tuck even though I still had 50 lbs to loose. I looked great but could not shake off the weight. I decided to go with LAP-BAND®. 16G later and 3 fills I ended up challenging my band a few times and I think it cause acid reflux. Of course my band dr did not see it but my fam dr did. it took 6 months to figure it out while i was in pain. During that time I was having some other pains from car accident and while going through all of it, I found out I have 2 lumps in my thyroid and I will have my thyroid removed. Soooooo, my band was defilled completely in September and I am waiting for a surgery date to remove my thyroid. A have gained 6 lbs back from only 15 i lost with pre-surgery diet. I have not lost any weight since LAP-BAND® even though i had 5.6 cc. I came to realise that band was a waist of money for me as I still have to be in control. Because of acid reflex i cannot eat much in terms of solid Protein and I compensate by eating slider foods. So if its up to me to control intake and count calories, what is the purpose of a band or how can I get on a right track or I may consider a removal of the band after my thyro surgery. Any advice?

I am tight but I don't have any Fluid in it. I just had roast beef dinner, had 1/2 oz roast and could not eat any more meat. I started to watch my portions today and I noticed that if i eat or neeble less , i am more tight. It seems that if I keep nibbling everything loosens up cause it keeps working.hmm. anyways, i dont keep diary, i eat more then a cup, wayyyyyy more and we didnt get consultation around here before and not getting much support after.

Freesprit - Hugs on your struggles

#1 Our band is only a tool - to make you feel smaller on a smaller amount of food - It doesn't make your food choices for you - it doesn't exercise for you and it sure not the magic cure all to our issues w/food .

I ended up challenging my band a few times and I think it cause acid reflux.

Yep that will do it - you may have been to tight - pple think the tighter the better - then when they can't eat healthy foods - they turn to sliders - to feed themselves

This is all about making a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating habit and exercise..

You could only eat 1/2 oz of meat - did you weigh it or eye ball it - but you say you can eat way more than 1 cup of food - so you mean sliders..

Ya if I chose to I could eat 2 cups of mashed potatoes loaded with butter and I am at my sweet spot..

As fat chicks you need to know that a tablespoon of butter has like 90 cal - you need to know that what a true portion size looks like - hell prior to banding a baked potatoe loaded along w/16 oz steak was a normal portion size along with bread before dinner and a salad.. So IMHO counting calories and weighing an measuring food is a learning tool..

This is from the lapband site

The LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding System is a simple yet advanced gastric banding system that helps you gradually lose and control your weight by reducing the amount of food that your stomach can hold at one time.

The LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding System is a simple yet advanced gastric banding system that helps you gradually lose and control your weight by reducing the amount of food that your stomach can hold at one time.

Get into "The Green Zone"

The LAP-BAND® System Journey is different for each person and the exact amount of fluid required to make the new stomach opening the right size is unique. An ideal "fill" level should be just tight enough to let you gradually lose weight. That means you should still be able to eat enough to get the nutrients that you need, while still reducing the overall amount you can actually eat.


There are many pple who don't need fills - some who it takes ten to get to the green zone or sweet spot and some (like me 2 fills.

Tell us what a normal daily diet is - what are you eating - how much are you eating and are you exercising at all.

I am not trying to be mean or rude here - but I do believe in giving tough band love (operative word love)

IMHO 75 % of the work is up to you by eating healthy and exercising and the band will do the other 25% by providing restriction ..

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Free Spirit, when I posted I hadn't read that you haven't had a fill. It sounds to me like you have first bite syndrome. To get your Protein during the day when a lot of people are tightest, you may need to go back to Protein Drinks and other protein mushies like refried Beans, SF pudding and yoghurts (yoghurt also good for reflux).

If you have first bite syndrome make that first bite only a teeny tiny portion, much less than 1/2oz. Wait a few minutes, take a teeny tiny portion. Repeat until your band starts opening up. Stop eating whenever you start to feel the pain or the reflux come back. Try to get in 3 or 4 oz of protein. Do not follow with sliders. The protein will make you feel full.

Drink a lot of SF liquids between meals. I like to to drink Decaf that's at least 1/3 1% milk to keep very digestible protein and milk sugar which doesn't raise your glycemic index and gives you a steady supply of protein. I use Splenda.

Do this for several days and you'll see the lbs dropping which will make the fat pad around your stomach shrink and your band loosen. You'll become much more comfortable eating after a few days of this.

The sliders you are eating are keeping your fat pad from shrinking and keeping the band too tight even without fills.

Again, if you have the burning acidy kind of reflux then you need to see your Drs. ASAP.

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Cool chart Janet....that helps.

Lori, are you getting excited about the wedding? How many people are you inviting (your DD I should say) and I forgot, when is it? I love the flowers.

Laura, thanks for the link....I'm going to think about that, it might be really fun to see. Hope the nail biting with Nels doesn't turn out to be a big issue. He's gone through a lot lately too so maybe it's just his way to relieve some anxiety.

DH cut down a tree about a month ago and we finally moved it to the street today. Our city has bulky trash pick up twice a year and our week starts the 11th. So they will take vegetation, old appliances, a few tires, lumber, etc. It's a great way to clean up a yard. This tree has infested my garden and nothing grows, so the tree had to go. I also have a bunch more stuff to cut and take down to the street, but it will wait until next weekend.

I have to say, I feel good after that effort...hauling, cutting, stacking, bending, etc. A little exercise in beautiful weather. Yeah.

Later folks.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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