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Great, He was just walking and fell on unlevel ground. The top part of the knee got loose. I think it was maybe four years after it was replaced.

Well, I guess I spoke too soon on the medicine. I have been up all night with aches, but it is not as bad as before. The weather is changing today.

Apples, -11 degrees this morning in your neck of the woods....BRRRRRRRR! We are at 47 today, but will be 24 by Friday......not looking forward to this week's weather.

Ouch, Arlene, I bet that was awful. That is a big fear falling. One of the main reasons I still used my crutches instead of the cane they said I can go down to now yesterday for the funeral and all. I felt more sturdy on them with the ice in parking lots.

Had a pretty good nights sleep last night, still wake up a lot in the night with pain. I think I must get in uncomfortable positions for my knee and put pressure on it in weird spots.

DH is going fly fishing today to try out his new fly rod I got him for Christmas. I am meeting the florist for the wedding with DD today, was supposed to be yesterday but had to rechedule due to the funeral.

Think we are actually supposed to warm up a tad, by tad I mean into the 40's from the 30's. Maybe we'll get a little meltage action on the snow.

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wow, wow, wow i found this thread through search for lunch ideas and I cannot belive how you ladies took of on it since last year (2 now lol). Maybe I can use this group for some help. I would like to tell my story and get some wisdom from you ladies? Is that alright or should I do this in a seperate thread? I don't come here often so i have not kept up.

Jump right in! Always room for one more.

We'd love to hear your story!

Lots of support and encouragement here!


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Good Morning Gang...

Busy again I see ;0)

Freespirt - Jump on in - we are here for you.. Ask away...

Eva - I love QVC they are great and sell quality stuff - I think you will love your pliates rebounder..

Apples - Love your pics - omg how many trees do you have inside the house - Darling you have the most beautiful blue eyes - love the pic by the tree.

Julie - I would assume weather in FL is going to be like weather here in the desert - nice for the most part in the day (70) cool at night (50)- but your def of cool and Laura's and mine are 100 degrees off - I would wait til closer to Feb to see what the weather is - omg it's really only a month away ... Can't beleive it's almost here :0)..

Laura - I love what Apples said reward instead of punishment - my GS was a nail biter - we put stuff (nasty tasting) on them - didn't work - IMHO its just one of those things you can't always break them of - It's most likely from all that's been going on lately that could be causing it - it's not the end of the world - Hell I sucked my thumb til I was in 8th grade then I just quit - My parents didn't make a big deal out of it - and I didn't get bucked teeth..

Linda - I agree w/you on Alex Baldwin being Merrill S DH - I think he looks too young - I think Deniro or Pacino would have been better choices.. Cute movie though - I loved the SIL and smoking pot lol.

Well gang I gotta get bills paid - dressed and some house cleaned - if I stay on the computer nothing gets done..

so CBL

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Glad to here from you Meredith and by the pics it looks like you had a wonderful time in NY

Freespirt - Jump in we all help each other out

Apples - love the pics you look so pretty

Can I just say it is freezing here in GA. it is 25 now and is going to get to 15 tonight. i live in North Ga so this is freaking cold for me

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My husband and I went for a motorcycle ride this morning. Should have checked the weather first. It was 30 degrees out. Once you get going it feels an awful lot colder. We made it about 20 minutes before we decided to turn around. Stopped at Mcdonalds so hubby could get a coffee. I passed. I am on my preop diet. My surgery is first thing in the morning. I am really excited. The only thing I am nervous about is my liver. I hope it has shrunk enough. I have stuck to his diet plan so I am probably worried over nothing. It has been low carb and low fat. Then 2 days of liquids.

I had chicken broth for dinner last night. My MIL made a joke of it. Really, I think she is starting to understand though. I basically told her that it was gonna take different measures for me to lose weight because I have so much to lose. It is not the same as her. She is on weight watchers and only has 30 pounds to lose. I am extremly obese and it takes extreme measures to get to a healthy weight again.

I am down 18 pounds today. Not bad for 2 months. I already can tell a difference in my energy level. It has made such a difference going low carb I am starting to think maybe I had an intolerance or something. I'll have to do some research on that. I know not everyone agrees low carb is the best way but I am following my Doc's orders. I pay him alot of money for his advice.

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WTG Jessica !!!! You will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow - will you be coming home or spending the night in the hospital?

I eat a limited carb diet - can't say it's super low carb - cuz I don't count things like fruits and veggies - to me a carb is a bread Pasta rice potatoes - and yes I eat them in limited quantities along w/mostly sf eating..

I can tell you I have 100% more energy than I did at 250 - and heck I was 52 when banded - almost 55 now..

Glad you are doing this when you are young - us older ones - say - oh why did we waste so many yrs being fat - we kidded ourselves we were ok w/it for the most part and after years of trying just gave up - the band was our last chance to get healthy

Well got bills paid - now need to finish wash and get out of the house...


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Jewel, I just wanted to be sure I got on here to wish you best of luck in the morning on your surgery. YOu are doing fantastic. I think the low carb diet is very popular amongst bariatric surgeons. Most of us have followed something pretty similar some of us eat a few more carbs than others, but it's all very individual and what works for you. My husband is going to follow a low carb diet to lose about 25 lbs. for a few reasons. First being, that is how I eat most of the time as well so it will be easy but also it's what he likes. Other than Pasta which will be hard for him to limit he's more of a meat eater. It sounds like you have done a lot of your research and homework before surgery, you've done fantastic on your pre op, I think you will do fantastic post op as well. Be sure and come post as soon as you are up to it after surgery to let us know how it all went.

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Morning ladies,

Jessica...great job on the weight loss. Your liver will be fine. I had the same worries and everything was fine. The dieting really helps with the hunger after the surgery. You won't be hungry for a week or so, but once the initial swelling subsides, you may get hungry...if your stomach is smaller (not the banded part, the lower part) you won't be as hungry and it will take a lot less to satisfy your hunger. That's the whole idea behind the band. You will do just fine!!

1 day....25 is cold...at least for me too. Burrr....I'm such a wimp when it comes to living in cold weather. Arizona spoiled me a long time ago.

We went out for dinner last night with some friends. It was fun...this was a "steak" place but not your usually hunk o' meat on a plate. They made kabobs, stroganoff, fillet fingers, and different sauces for the fillets. They also had chicken. I had kabobs and they were delicious. The meat was very tender. They served 3 skewers and I ate 2 and gave the rest to DH. It's always interesting to try a new restaurant.

I slept last night....from just after 10pm to 4:30am. This is unusual for me and it felt wonderful. I started the anti-inflammatory the day before so I don't know if it's because of that or because I was pretty active yesterday and just tired. I love to sleep well.

Are any of your Florida bound people interested in some kind of "show" ie, music, a play, etc. while we are in Florida? I'll look for something if you are interested.

Have to get dressed and move some wood...we took down a tree. BBL


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Thanks everyone for supporting me and wishing me well. I should be home by tommorow evening. Not staying overnight. We have to get up about 4 am. That is really early for me. Hubby does it all the time though. I may sleep on the way. It's about an hour drive to the hospital. Guess I'll be in bed early tonite too.

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My husband and I went for a motorcycle ride this morning. Should have checked the weather first. It was 30 degrees out. Once you get going it feels an awful lot colder. We made it about 20 minutes before we decided to turn around. Stopped at Mcdonalds so hubby could get a coffee. I passed. I am on my preop diet. My surgery is first thing in the morning. I am really excited. The only thing I am nervous about is my liver. I hope it has shrunk enough. I have stuck to his diet plan so I am probably worried over nothing. It has been low carb and low fat. Then 2 days of liquids.

I had chicken broth for dinner last night. My MIL made a joke of it. Really, I think she is starting to understand though. I basically told her that it was gonna take different measures for me to lose weight because I have so much to lose. It is not the same as her. She is on weight watchers and only has 30 pounds to lose. I am extremly obese and it takes extreme measures to get to a healthy weight again.

I am down 18 pounds today. Not bad for 2 months. I already can tell a difference in my energy level. It has made such a difference going low carb I am starting to think maybe I had an intolerance or something. I'll have to do some research on that. I know not everyone agrees low carb is the best way but I am following my Doc's orders. I pay him alot of money for his advice.

Jewel best of luck on your surgery check in with us when you feel like while you are healing :unsure:

"1 day....25 is cold...at least for me too. Burrr....I'm such a wimp when it comes to living in cold weather. Arizona spoiled me a long time ago."

Yeah Fla spoiled me one year we were swimming on Christmas day

Edited by 1day at a time

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Jewel, you'll be fine. I was worried about my liver too, but my doc didn't have me do the pre-op diet at all, and it was just fine. You'll do just great, and before long you'll be really losing the pounds!

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Janet, I didn't something wild and crazy (at least for me). I bought a AeroPilates Deluxe Anniversary Performer with Rebounder from QVC. It shipped so might be here next week. I'm not going to join a gym and need some other exercises besides walking. I've never bought anything from the TV so it will be interesting.


Eva, Let us know how you like it. I get bored with workouts very easily so I am always looking for something new to add!

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Thank you ladies. Here it goes.

A few years ago I had Tummy Tuck even though I still had 50 lbs to loose. I looked great but could not shake off the weight. I decided to go with lap band. 16G later and 3 fills I ended up challenging my band a few times and I think it cause acid reflux. Of course my band dr did not see it but my fam dr did. it took 6 months to figure it out while i was in pain. During that time I was having some other pains from car accident and while going through all of it, I found out I have 2 lumps in my thyroid and I will have my thyroid removed. Soooooo, my band was defilled completely in September and I am waiting for a surgery date to remove my thyroid. A have gained 6 lbs back from only 15 i lost with pre-surgery diet. I have not lost any weight since lap band even though i had 5.6 cc. I came to realise that band was a waist of money for me as I still have to be in control. Because of acid reflex i cannot eat much in terms of solid Protein and I compensate by eating slider foods. So if its up to me to control intake and count calories, what is the purpose of a band or how can I get on a right track or I may consider a removal of the band after my thyro surgery. Any advice?

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Jewell, I'm sure everything will go well tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you.

I think low carb works because Protein doesn't shoot your blood sugar up. It has something to do with your insulin levels. You store more food as fat if you raise your blood sugar levels. If you don't, you don't store food as fat. Your muscles burn it off instead. You can eat more and store less. The protein stops your cravings because you haven't raised your blood sugar. It's absorbed by your system much more slowly, giving you a constant source of energy rather than a big boost and then a drop-off and its burned off more easily.

Also, sugary, simple carb foods like candy, Cookies, potatos, white rice, bread and so on, dissolve easily and are often combined with fat so they slide through the pouch quickly leaving you hungry and craving food because your pouch is empty plus you've shot up your blood sugar which increases cravings. Most fruit also contains simple sugars that shoot up your blood sugar, so, though better for you than refined sugars, they can only be had in very limited quantities or combined with a meal that's high in protein to keep your blood sugar level.

Protein, when not combined with a lot of sauces or moisture or carbs and other sliders, stays in your pouch making you feel full much longer. So protein works on several levels.

When you eat even too many vegetables you don't leave enough room in your pouch for the protein you need to live. And veggies are carbs. Most take a little longer than sugar to break down in your system, but some, like carrots, are full of sugar.

If you're not getting enough protein, your body will burn muscle instead of fat. More than anything else, your body needs protein. Fat isn't nearly as bad for you as simple carbs when you're on high protein because you don't store it. So cholesterol actually goes down for people who eat a lot of meat, including red meat. And red meat actually helps raise your good cholesterol as does exercise.

Whole grains and vegetables will also digest more slowly and not shoot up your blood sugar and may have some protein or good fats in them. However, again, they take up space in your pouch and limit the room you need for protein. So limit them.

That's why bariatric surgeons insist on high protein low carb diets. They work with the metabolism and they work with the band.

I'm sure our nurses could explain the blood sugar and insulin part more clearly than I did, but that's my basic understanding. The only diets on which I lost weight and felt great were high protein low carb diets. Now I've got the band to help me stay on that food protocol.

That's why my blood sugar has improved so much. It's not just the weight lost. I'm now below the borderline range.

It's not just the quantity of food. It's not just the total number of calories. You can actually eat more calories on a high protein low carb don't worry so much about the fat diet and lose more weight than on a low calorie, no fat or a low calorie but it doesn't matter what you eat diet.

Now, only really rigid people are able to maintain this diet all the time. That's why I have days where I allow myself treats. But they don't do damage as long as I limit them and as long as the majority of the time I'm following the high protein, low carb protocol.

Anyway, that's the Cheri lecture for the day.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Thanks everyone for supporting me and wishing me well. I should be home by tommorow evening. Not staying overnight. We have to get up about 4 am. That is really early for me. Hubby does it all the time though. I may sleep on the way. It's about an hour drive to the hospital. Guess I'll be in bed early tonite too.

Hugs and prayers for your surgery tomorrow. Just follow the doctors orders and you will be fine.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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