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Apples, can I come to dinner. Sounds yummy. What are make ahead mashed potatoes? Sounds convenient, I always have a hard time timing them getting done at the right time.

Well think I found some clothes to wear to the funeral tomorrow. I know, I know, I got lots of new stuff recently, probably is my knee is so swollen it doesn't fit comfortably into non stretchy pants. I have a pair of wide leg black slacks that will do as long as it doesn't swell too much. All I've worn since Dec 16th are workout/yoga type pants and many times have the one leg rolled up above my knee. Both kids are riding with us to the funeral so we are stopping for Breakfast beforehand.

Laura, like the pictures, I like how you share so much of your life with us via pics.

The make ahead potatoes...I just pealed 5#s of potatoes, boiled, mashed and added cream cheese and FF sour cream. Put in a baking dish and ready to put in oven to bake for an hour when the time is right.

My mom used to make them with above ingredients but would fold in stiff egg whites.

I cannot remember, Lori, who you said you were going to funeral for.

I, too, love when ppl post photos. I am going to try to snap some tomorrow b/4 I have to take down my Christmas things and post them when I get my card reader working again. Darned tech guy we have....takes forever to take care of business. Time for a new one. We have had our new computer for close to six months now and we still have not been charged for it. Called in and they keep saying "Thanks for being so honest but we don't have an invoice for you". Well, DUH! make one! It just might be to their advantage to bill us for it.

Cheri...summer trip to Chicago would never work for me....farming does not allow for me to travel during spring, summer or fall months. Maybe the girls from AZ and CA would welcome a climate change from their hot summers?????:)

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UGH, I'm not sure about summertime in Chicago, but I'd do it if meant meeting others, summers are just so hard to get away though. But dang it so is Feb. this year for me. I hope this is the first of many gatherings so I can make one. In the meantime I will have to live with 1 degree of seperation in that I met Apples and Apples will be there. Wasn't there something about 6 degrees of seperation awhile back something to do about Kevin BAcon?? LOL

Apples, never put cream cheese or sour cream in my mashed taters. For 5#'s of taters how much of these do you put in? Bake at about 350 for an hour then? I might try this next time I need mashed potatoes for company.

Well pain meds are kicking in (I take a full dose of 2 vicodins at bed time) time for bed. busy day tomorrow. Apples, the funeral is for DH's uncle.

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Laura K...DH and I saw Blind Side when we were in San Francisco. I really like that movie too. We picked it because it was then next movie to start. I drug DH to the movies because he wanted to just go back to the room and sleep and I needed to do something else. He didn't regret it.

Laura...lovely view from your pool. You know, it's just not going to be warm enough for me by the pool unless the pool is heated. Being a desert rat, I don't go pooling until it's close to 100 out. Last time I was in Florida, I was cold. Stay warm during your cool spell.

Lori, hugs to your DH too. His uncle wasn't very old....and so sad to go so soon after retirement. I wonder about that sometimes. Do we put so much effort into our work lives that some of us just fall apart when we no longer have that job? I hope not.

Cheri...it feels really good to get projects done whether big or small. I can't wait to have my guest room finished too. Yep, it does sound like you are excited about the little ones. Hope you have lots of fun with them. Good news about the school, glad you'll have a pay check for a while longer.

Apples, so your next party is tomorrow? Are you ready for that? I bet. I suspect everyone really likes when you visit, especially when you bring all the food.< /p>

Janet, have a good nap? How were the black-eyed peas? We had those for dinner too. I really like them, but no one else is quite as thrilled. My sister came over and shared king crab, black-eyed peas and Caesar salad for dinner. I was going to make that last night, but just ran out of time and energy.

We went to a friends house for a NYE's party. It was mostly FNSC people with a few extra's in the mix. We decided to dress up because we never do. I actually wore my wedding skirt (it's black velvet with really cool kick pleats in the back) with black tights and black ankle socks with lace on them and a red long sleeved knit shirt. I also wore make-up and jewelry. I don't wear those too often. I didn't take any pictures, but maybe someone did and they'll be on face book. We really had a good time but I was sure tired by the time we went to our room. My sister has a time share, so we had a little one bedroom condo about 4 miles from their house. Our house is about 20 miles away so it saved us some driving time.

I made this huge bread pudding for the party because I wanted to get rid of all the extra bread from Christmas. It came out pretty good. I put raisins and dried cherries and cranberries in it. I also made a sauce that people could use on it if they wanted it a little sweeter.

I solved my bin problem and moved some stuff around now everything is in a bin (5 total including wrapping paper and bows). My baby tortoises are in a bin too, so when they go back outside in the spring, I'll put my Christmas lights in that bin.

I really enjoy getting something organized or cleaned...don't do it often, but get great satisfaction when it's done.l

Cheri...sorry but we were just in Chicago in July. Only stayed a day, but did visit the art museum. You are right, it has a great collection of impressionist art. DH was amazed and quite impressed.

Guess I'll start working on my paperwork. Yuck.

Have a great night ladies.


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Just wishing guys. Actually Chicago in June is generally fairly pleasant. Often cooler or nice breeze by lakefront, especially at night. 70's to 80's in June, 80's-90's in July. awful in August.

But Chicago is great all year round.

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Hey girlfriends! I'm here!

So sorry that I haven't ck'd in since just after my visit to NYC and then again on Christmas. I just feel terrible about it, but this time of year is always so bonkers!

Anyhow, Happy New Year everyone! I am glad that it is a new year becuase I really have gotten so down on myself after all of this crap food that I have eaten. Honestly, I have been so depressed about my eating and weight and kinda have gotten into a funk about it. It feels like how I used to feel, and I want this feeling to go away. I need exercise so badly! My mom got me the biggest loser exercise dvd and Andrew and I are going to do it tomorrow when I get home from work. Sheesh! I feel like a fat old slug! Just the way I used to feel before I got banded! I hate this feeling and am totally done with it. No more junk in the house. Period.

Sorry, I needed to vent! I'm signing up for a class on Tuesday nights called "Butts and Guts" through the community program here and it's $25 for 6 weeks. Along with this class, I will begin my step aerobics again on the 11th 2x a week for 13 weeks at school. Thank God the holidays are over! I need to get in my groove again. The good thing is that I only put on about 2 pounds so, I am still at a 70 pound weight loss. I was up to -72, but I can handle just two pounds. I go to the LB dr on tues and I'm nervous that he is going to yell at me! I think that one of the main reasons why i didn't do so well this holiday season with my eating is because i haven't been drinking my boost high Protein for breakfast.

Ok, ok! I'm done with the rant!!! You all get the point I'm sure! I've missed you all very much and I have really realized just how much I have missed all of you while I have been absent from LBT!:) I love you all very much and need each and every one of you to help me along this journey. I'm back!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't gotten a chance to read very many of your posts, but I will work on that this week.

Love you all!!!!!!!

Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!



will share some pics tomorrow! I love all of your pics everyone! Great!

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Welcome back Meredith. Happy New Year.

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Hey Meredith....it's soooooooo good to hear from you. And, thanks for posting the pictures. I love seeing what ppl look like and what they are up to. I am going to post some as soon as I can.

Sounds like it time to get out of your funk and beating yourself up. Make that clean break from the junk in your life and get back on the ole' horse? You fell off but didn't get hurt too bad, did you? 2lbs is manageble. Might work to just go back to your LB basics to get yourself into a healthy routine again.

The house smells wonderful. Roasted the porkloin in the oven all night on a low temp. It's out cooling, going to slice and put back in juice and keep warm. Then I have floors to do and I should be ready for the crowd. Looking forward to it. Have four little ones coming. Got the Christmas stockings back out, renamed them and stuffed them for the kids.

Had a great night of sleep. I am really strange (alright...no comments). I don't like to go to sleep. I dread going to bed most nights and if I wake up during the night I just wish and wish and wish for morning. I just plain DREAD going to sleep. Think I need to hire that life coach that I was going to tell you guys about. She had so many calming techniques to use b/4 bed and as soon as a person wakes in the morning.

Great...I use 2-8oz, 1/3 fat cream cheese in the 5# of potatoes and 4 cups (2 tubs) of FF sour cream. I don't put salt or butter and any milk. I bake at 350 for an hour. They go a long way so you might want to start with 2.5#'s.

OK...of and running. Gotta get things done and ready for our last Christmas. Dang....this holiday season was spread out. Ready to get the Christmas decorations put away. Embarrassed to say I have 21 large tubs and that does not include outside or the three trees. DH put up huge shelves that take up most of our storeroom to accomodate the tubs. I am not one to hang onto a lot of "stuff" but my Christmas stuff is the most special. I love Christmas.

You all have a great day and hope everyone's eating habits will slide right back into normal. I know I need a break from too many different kinds of foods and rich foods. Makes a person feel sluggish and lazy.

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I have to say I have a totally different attitude about the 2 lbs I gained. I put them on and took them off several times throughout the 2 weeks I've been home plus I kept going up and down 3 or 4 lbs the two weeks before, because I had work parties and all kinds of extra food at work. I kept in mind that holiday foods have a lot of extra salt, so some was Water weight. I also kept in mind I had 2 bad colds this December and couldn't exercise while they were bad.

On the days I knew I had a party or other event where I knew I was going to eat, I didn't eat much else. The next day I went back on my food protocol and ate a little less than normal.

So this morning I'm down to 171 and only 4 lbs from goal. I actually lost 5 or 6 lbs in December.

It was a concious decision on my part to enjoy fun food over this month and not to feel guilty or beat myself up over it.

I've really been working on the whole change your thoughts, change your brain, change your life thing. Guilt over eating too much is an old rut in my brain that leads to more over-eating. So I worked on rewiring my brain in that area.

I refuse to spoil a great holiday season and its memories by making it all about the food I ate. I had a good time, despite being sick, and I got a lot done despite being sick. I emptied closets and drawers of clothes that don't fit because of my weight loss. Hallelujah!

Well, I gotta go exercise because my grandsons are coming over and are staying overnight. This is such a fun way to end my holidays.

The band is good, life is good, God is good.

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Forgot to add...it was -29 (yes, minus) degrees this morning at 5am when I got up.

Cheri...have fun with the grand babies

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Apples, what size pan do you use for your mash potatoes?

Lori, you are doing too much.....take care of yourself so you don't have to repeat that knee. My DH has already had a revision on one of his knees and it is just as bad as a complete replacement.

Well, I started that new medication for Fibromyalgia yesterday and I already feel better. I hurt just a little this morning, but my IBS is better. I hope I can take this stuff. I am very sensitive to most medications.

Okay, gang, have a great new day! I is 45degrees here right now so I am going out for a walk. Later!

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Good Morning Gang..

Great - Hugs on your funeral today.. Today would have been my Aunt Dot's 94th bday..

Eva - Black eyed peas and collard greens were great... I didn't care for them when I was younger - love them now don't eat them often - but think I will add them more often now - filling ..

Cheri - Summer doesn't work for me as I get together w/my Lucky #7's in July - And it seems like I am the one who has to travel the farthest when meeting w/pple - well now I have Eva who has to travel about as far as me :).. My Lucky #7 can't come to my area in the Summer as it's too hot for all my Eastern/northern friends.. February would have been a good time of the year for pple to travel this way..

Meredith - Hugs GF - I had a melt down Friday - but all that did was inspire me to pull up the boot straps and move forward - to get back to eating healthy (I was exercising during the holidays) but I am going to up that a bit - I have pulled out my Wii and am going to do it in the mornings for at least 30 minutes...

Apples - Sometime I hate going to sleep too - just because on the weekend it's my only time for me - but then again I love to nap - I like being on the go - but then I need to recoup and veg out..

I can play gin rummy - spades - domino's :0)

I have some domino's - I will try and remember them - who know's what the fly rules will be like in February.. Hell they will most likely change it to no carry on luggage..

Well I started this at 6:45 - but then left for the gym at 7 - did 3.5 mile burned 500 cal - now need to get in the shower going to show w/df to see it's complicated and maybe a little make up shopping and candle shopping too cuz there is a big strip mall at the movies we are going to..

Need to pay bills - but there is always tomorrow - hell it's Saturday and online bills aren't going to get processed till monday anyway :0)

CBL Gang..

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Wait a minute...Eva, you have LIVE tortoises living in a bin? Wha?:)

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Apples, what size pan do you use for your mash potatoes?

Lori, you are doing too much.....take care of yourself so you don't have to repeat that knee. My DH has already had a revision on one of his knees and it is just as bad as a complete replacement.

Well, I started that new medication for Fibromyalgia yesterday and I already feel better. I hurt just a little this morning, but my IBS is better. I hope I can take this stuff. I am very sensitive to most medications.

Okay, gang, have a great new day! I is 45degrees here right now so I am going out for a walk. Later!

WTG on getting out and walking Charlene !!!

Wait a minute...Eva, you have LIVE tortoises living in a bin? Wha?:)

Yep she has a whole slew of tortoise - :0)

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Morning all......... the new year has started... We had a fun 1st here.... I hosted an impromptu dinner (1:00 am) here.... Invited family that was around, some friends, and 3 little old ladies from our church.. We had a house full... My mother makes the best homemade potato pancakes and everyone loves them.. So I asked her to make them.... It's a big job to fry them for such a housefull, but she did it and smiled the whole time...... Used up a bunch of my goodie leftovers from the freezer and a friend brought a bunch of her leftover hors'deovers....(SP???) Anyway, it was fun and everyone was so pleased with the pancakes.. I had a half of one.... Then we played games and soon everyone was gone.....Mimi had fallen asleep on the couch so DD left her and went home and had a party of her own, so we had Mimi all night... She was up until midnight and then she woke me at 6:00 this morning with a loud, "Gamma, I need a diaper!!".... Got me going pretty fast... She has been awake since then, but has now gone down for a nap.... Am hoping DD will be here soon to get her... I have paperwork to do today......

Sorry to hear of deaths.........it's hard all the time, but this time of year is especially hard....

Meredith, glad to have you back... You look great and you'll be back on track again soon.... You, too, Laura....Thanks for sharing pictures girls..... Laura, this North Dakota girl needs instructions on what kind of clothes to bring to FL.... I've never been there....

Cheri, I totally understand being so excited to have your grandkids around... Have a great time...

So many posts, and I'm drawing a blank.... didn't write things down like I should have.........Sorry....the one I do remember is from Judy.................

Judy, I'm not really starting over, but I'm about in your boat....I've had medical problems (not band related) since March..... Had a complete unfill and told I couldn't diet or lose weight and had to eat very well to get my body back to healthy from a serious infection that almost killed me... I barely recovered from that when I had another episode with a major surgery and another long recovery in July..... August brought horrible pain in my shoulder that had me bawling half the night and no one has help me yet, but it is some better... I still have pain but don't feel the need to cry anymore.... I'm on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and pain meds.....and still I wake up in the night with pain.... Waiting on insurance to okay an MRI...... That's the short version, but you get the idea... Well, I've lost about 108 pounds since my start date of 8-08, but most all of that was before 4-09..... I have lost and regained and lost again the last 5 pounds numerous times lately..... I actually lost and stayed current over the holidays, but I really need to try to "start over" now... The docs wouldn't allow me any exercise and even walking was very difficult with the pain.... So I've been mostly at a stand still for 8 months... Could be almost at goal if this hadn't happened to me.... I have about 80 pounds to go.... I started at 387 with a 58.8 BMI...... So we could be "start over" buddies if you like..... I could use the motivation..... It's so easy to fall back into complacency when you don't feel well........

Well, my baby is waking... I think I'll call her mother before my whole day is shot.....

Take care all.............TTYL....... Julie PS>>>> I think I have more than 14 tubs of Christmas stuff...... and that's just inside... And 2 Fall ones and 3 Easter ones.....

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I should say I've lost the 5 or 6 lbs, maybe 7 since Thanksgiving. It's basically been a holiday season since then. My first Christmas party was the next weekend.

My granddaughter is going to join the boys for at least the afternoon. She's three and bosses the two of them around like crazy. She talks way more than the two of them put together.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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