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Arlene, one of my favorite verses. I like all of Philipians actually so much of it helps me a lot.

Just got home from Walmart and getting another tub for Christmas stuff. We have over 10 but never counted, that counts outside stuff too.

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Janet...Eva's post reminded me of a couple of things did not comment on. So sorry about another loss in your family. You never know and don't even want to think about something like that happening to family or friends. But, have no control over things like that either. So sad.

Deb...a big congrats from me on the 50lbs, also.

I have been really bad at following along with you guys lately...so sorry. It's not that don't think about you and read your posts...just hectic for us this two weeks at year end and a week into the new year.

I like Arlene's idea of getting the toxins out. I had to do that with a couple of friends two years ago. It was difficult at the time but they served not purpose in my life and were actually causing a lot of negatives. I saw one of them last night and just breathed in a clean breath. She was always so bitter and controlling. I cannot have those things in my life.

Last night was great. Met friends from lake at hotel and visited for a couple of hours. Met DS and his GF for dinner and a comedy show. Comedian was fun and was nice bringing in the New Year with our son and his wonderful GF. We stayed with the kids until just after midnight and then drove through our little town on the way home and saw that some of our good friends were at the bar and grill. Didn't get home until after 2am and then sat up and visited with DH over coffee and Protein Bars until after 3am. Slept in until 9:45 and tired today. Screwed up my schedule. Had one weak drink and I was walking crooked on the way to the bathroom. The kids and DH were putting away buckets of beer. (They are more seasoned that this old lady).

Bitterly cold here today....par for NY in MN. Gotta go out in it after a bit to visit dear adopted sis and her family. Trying to get house and food in order for our holiday get-together tomorrow. DH made a promise that he will help in the morning. Expecting a crowd. Pi$$ Pot Pete will be on the run with toilet brush in hand.

You all have a great day.

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Deb...new year...new start. Hope your depressed feelings subside and sorry you worry about your mother. Not too much can be done when you live a distance away. I sure she appreciates hearing from you.

JB...try not be be overwhelmed with the task of starting over. I think with any little gain (even 3lbs) there is the need to "start over". Gotta take a look at what put that weight on and get back into gear. Make little goals for yourself. For instance...5lbs by the time you meet up with us in FL and 10lbs by April 1. That way, you don't feel so defeated. You can actually get excited about meeting little goals and start on to the next. And, during these different stages work on in your mind how you will handle maintenance (In my opinion, maintenance is absolutely no different than the weightloss stage....alway need to be aware, keep journaling, etc.)

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Hi and happy new year everyone! Phyl, loved that list - thanks for taking the time to share that. We had a fun night - playing games with DGD and got out the noisemakers and those party favors you blow through --she had 5 or 6 in her mouth at one time trying to blow them all at once! We played 3 games of Candyland, 2 of Chutes and 1 of Memory. There was a PBS special on -- music of the 60s - we taped it and watched it with her -- she loves music - wow it was a fantastic show -- all original artists -playing their hit songs today -- great -- they all still sound the same -- really great music. Then we turned on the Dick Clark show -- and she was drooping. She kept saying, "I think it's time for me to lay down now" and we kept saying, "nooooo, you have to stay up for the happy new year!!" She finally quit listening to us and got her blankie and laid down on the couch around 11:00 -- it was pretty funny. So much more fun than going out in crowds and drinking, etc. If you ever want to have fun on New Year's Eve, spend it with a 3 year old. LOL.

Glad everyone else had a good time too -- we got several phone calls at midnight -- so we knew we had to stay up -- kids from out west always call us -- they have no sense of old people you know. lol. Anyway, we slept in til about 9:00.

Sorry and hugs Janet on the death in your family. How sad. Do you have to travel for the funeral? Our neighbor died Wednes. (the one who I took food to his wife on Christmas). So we have that funeral tomorrow afternoon. Poor guy, he was diagnosed with brain cancer less than a month after his retirement party.

Everyone else is now napping - I slept a little on the couch - it's very very cold here -- I think a high of 1 degree today - very chilly - have the heat cranked up to about 73 otherwise, I just feel so cold to the bone. Low last night was -10 real temp. Not sure what wind chill was.

Janet, let me know how the movie is -- I want to see that one as well. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day!! Linda

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Happy New Year! Quiet night for us last night...nothing special. And then we slept in until almost 11 this morning! I did put away some of the Christmas stuff (2 bins for me!) and my DH is doing laundry and cleaning up a bit. I guess that little talk I had with him the other day about the house being his "job" when he isn't working did some good. It isn't his fault that he's out of work, but I do get a little upset when I'm working a regular full-time job and still have to do most of the housework. I used to have someone come in every two weeks to do the heavy stuff back when we had more money. But that's been a while.

I realized today that the reason I was so tight over the holidays was nerves. Now I'm ravenous and want to eat everything! So I guess I'm ready for another fill, even though I just cancelled my appointment for one. Luckily, I can usually get in right away when I call.

Everyone sounds so up, it does me good. I hope I can shake the depression that hit me last year. I've always had periodic depressions (it's a disease I just have to live with and that I take medication for), but since my mom fell and broke her hip, then ended up in assisted living, I've been really down. I think it's mostly guilt because I'm so far away and can't help her very much. sorry for unloading this, but you are all so very understanding. Part of my "therapy" for myself is connecting with people, because my usual MO is to isolate myself. So I try to do more social things with friends, and being on this board is also very helpful. So thanks for being there!

I'm glad you decided to connect. I completely understand about the depression...I'm pretty sure I have some of that too, but I am able to kick my self out of it most times. However, the physical manifestation is the weight issue. I've had that all my life. Do you talk to you Mom often? Does she know you care and love her? Even if you can't be there, let her know how much you care and understand that you still need to take care of yourself.

I've been reorganizing the Christmas stuff. I managed to put all the ornaments in one smaller tub and darn, I found another pile of ornaments and now they won't all fit. I'll have to buy another tub. That will make 5 tubs (including the wrapping paper one) and I think I'll get another smaller one for the outside lights, then everything will be in plastic instead of falling apart cardboard.

It looks like it's going to be one of those frequent posting days for me. Happy New Year!!


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JB.....everyday is a start over for me. Like the holidays.....I just did not weigh....then a few days ago I got on the scales......yep, I am up 4-5lbs. So, it doesn't matter if it is 4 or 40......"one day at a time". You and I can do this. I must say though that I believe had I not stayed with the LBT support I would have completely fallen off the wagon. Thanks gang, for the support!

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Linda, I saw Blindside a couple of weeks ago, what a great movie and I would go see it again. Tonight on abc there is going to be a special about him.

I got all my Christmas stuff put away yesterday, house back in order.

Went out for a couple of hours last night, nothing special, home by 11:00, text msgs from kids and a call from my Mom at 12:00, she is in MN visiting my step sister. Sounds like they were all having a good time. Makes me feel old, I'm home and Mom is partying away. lol

I know I fight depression in the winter time, been using my happy lite every day, it seems to help me.

New year, new start, new body. That's my goals for the the year.

Laura K

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Happy New Years everyone!

DH and I did make it to midnight! (just barely b/c I had two glasses of champagne!) I have really been upset with myself these last couple months because my weight loss has stalled. I know in the past I would have gained back most of my weight during high stress times- this band has REALLY WORKED. I am ready also (as many of you have said) to get motivated again and start fresh. I have had so many PM regarding my pre/post pics. I know that others' photos have really helped me see what is possible with this band and I felt like giving back (kinda like Janet did by starting this thread). Eva, you make me smile saying you could never do it...LOL. I told you, I was born without a stitch of modesty. God help me when I am really smoking hot and skinny...LOL.

Janet~ hugs. So sorry for your loss. I just caught that as well. (missed so many posts)

Linda~ That is a LOT of decorations! wow

Apples~ LOL on the one drink wonder. : ) Hoping the year end stuff gets done and with as little stress as possible. I have a package to get in the mail to you. I PROMISE to get it out this week. Nelson made you a card and a thank you card. He keeps asking if I sent it. : ) He also picked out something for your DH & son. I forgot to tell you, he wore his JD hat on the plane and got soooooooooo many compliments! I still have to mail my Christmas cards. Just couldn't get it all done.

Great~ so glad you are doing so well with knee #2. So proud of you. Sorry bout the fireworks! Luckily they ended right after midnight here.

JB~ welcome back. (not sure when you left) Nice to meet you. : )

We have a cold front moving in tonight and it's supposed to get to a low of 30s for the next 3 days. Buurrrrrrr! Today was 80s so DH heated the jacuzzi so Nelson could get one swim in before the cold. (I almost said one last swim in 2009). They had a blast today. Earlier they went to the Alvin movie to give me a break. I should have put my feet up, but alas, I used the time to clean and do laundry. I won't be able to get the Christmas stuff down until Nels goes back to school on Monday. The tree coming down always makes him so sad. I try to leave the Christmas train out for a few more weeks to make it more tolerable for him.

DH is cooking an arabic dish called "Bamya"... that has okra, beef, Tomato sauce, cilantro and lots of garlic and you eat it on rice. ZAWAJ.COM: Recipes

The trick is to cut the okra tips with a point and keep them whole- panfried on high heat with small amount of oil until browned- seals them and they don't come out slimey. I love the way it smells. yummmm. He's making a cheeseburger for the picky one. I am so thankful he has taken on more of the cooking duties lately. Such a great guy. : )

Posting a few pool pics to get you guys excited about the Feb trip to FLORIDAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

Will CBL peeps! ~~~ peasout, Laura

Edited by peascorps

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My lots of deaths lately. I am going to a funeral myself tomorrow. DH's uncle died on Christmas day. The funeral is tomorrow morning at 1030. He was diagnosed with cancer in July and 66 yrs old. He just retired a year ago. He wanted to make it til Christmas and he died that evening at 8pm.

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Janet, I did not see that you had lost a love one.....sorry for your loss.

Great, It is so sad to lose a love one on Christmas. Even though we grieve over the loss, we know it is a Homegoing and the angels are rejoicing.

Peas, yep, it's coming. The cold front is here in Texas and it is COLD! We are having cold weather all week. Not complaining to you up North.....I count my blessings that cold for us is 39.

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Omw you all have been busy...

This is going to be a drive by post - I am sleepy from all the crying (good cry) from Blindside - Excellent feel good movie and I didn't even fall asleep during the show.. I would highly recommend..

Deb - We all have our bouts with depression - I to islolate myself when I am feeling that way.. I find that if I get out and get around others - I feel better faster..

No I won't be going to the funeral - I met BIL sis once or twice it's not like I really knew her - I feel bad for my BIL... Plus my boss is gone the 1st part of the week and I will be the only one on our team til Thursday - I don't even know when the funeral is - They may have to scrape the $$ to bury her..

Got my blackeyed peas & collard greens going - Laura your meal sound good - All I have had was a little popcorn - well food will be ready by the time I wake up :0)

Ok gang - I will respond later - I can't keep my eyes open..


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I'm so sorry for those of you who've experienced or whose loved ones have experienced loss this Christmas time.

Depression. I too have a happy light I sit under at night while I combine watching TV with Facebook, Lapbandtalk, and occasionally writing in my blog. I also take mega doses of Vitamin D. Both have helped me considerably. Losing weight and getting back in shape might not have happened without them and now the weight loss and physical health are making me feel great.

I have always been at my highest level of energy in the morning and days when there's sunlight I get a lot accomplished. Days when there's not I can really drag at home. Fortunately, my classroom is well lit with florescents and has huge windows on the south side. It also has locked Iron gates over them because they're at ground level in a very bad neighborhood, but I don't notice them anymore. I'm going to buy vines and twine them through and add flowers.

Now that my cold is just remnants I've been continuing work on closets and sorting jewelry and cleaning. Won't get as much done this vacation as I would if I'd been healthy but, oh well.

Despite movie popcorn and starbucks mocha yesterday I was down a pound today. Probably the exercise I got yesterday and the fact that in addition I only had a Protein Shake and a little turkey and some milk in my coffee yesterday. So just one more holiday lb to go. I can't believe how well I weathered this holiday. Thank you God, thank you band.

Today I totally forgot about eating. I kept drinking coffee with milk and my DH had mixed some choc.raspberry flavored real cofee in with my Decaf. I didn't realize I hadn't eated till 4 p.m. So I stewed all my turkey meat from Sunday and added peas and canned gravy. Yummm!

I spent hours on the phone today talking to each of my brothers and sisters. (I'm the oldest of five.) My DH found my headset so I was able to walk while I talked and eventually started cleaning.

So now I've got the Wii to keep me busy at night and I'm making a NY resolution to call my DBs and DSis's more in the evenings.

My one DB lives in CA (Redlands, Janet) and the other in Grand Rapids MI. I have a sister in Kingsport TN and another who lives 40 minutes from me but who's 15 yrs younger than me and has a very busy family. One of her daughters (6th grade) has been having increased epileptic seizures and she's been very busy Dr.ing with her and being available to get her from school. My sister would love it if I could come and work with her as the seizure disorder is accompanied by learning disabilities and she's really struggling in school now.

My daughter also wants me to attend my DGS's IEP mtg so she has someone knowledgeable on her side when she insists on official accommodations for him.

If I'm not working next year I'd be able to work with both of them, my DN and my DGS.

My husband was so happy to have 6 drawers in our bedroom and half a closet in the den next door. Getting rid of the rubbermaid dresser in the other sitting room which only has half a closet so he was hanging things on the back of the door will make that room so much roomier.

Once we get the basement fixed up again either the little den or the little sitting room will become a guest bedroom and the furniture will go downstairs. I'll be able to entertain and have grandchildren stay overnight. My parents will probably be selling their house and going into a retirement village so my relatives will need a place to come and maybe I'll actually have a place everyone can gather.

Although I am going to have my two grandsons stay overnight tomorrow night. I have a blow-up bed I'll put in the living room for one DGS and put the other one on the couch. I'm leaving up my Christmas stuff so they can see it and fall asleep looking at the lights on the Christmas tree. I loved doing that when I was little.

We'll take down the Christmas decorations on Sunday. I think we're down to 4 or 5 bins. It was sunny today though cold outside so I got a lot done while the house was lit up. My husband cleaned the basement floor which is now down to the concrete so my grandsons can play down there. I have a corner table with benches and chairs (70's orange naugahyde era) and my 5yr old DGS and I will build a lincoln log town on it. My daughter's bringing some riding toys with so they can ride them in the basement. The 2 yr old will love that.

We've got the Wii to teach my 5yr old--he'll love the boxing, and we have Candyland and my DH's diecast model cars which they know they have to be very careful playing with and they are. My daughter will bring along a few other favorites.

She needs the break. The boys are extremely ranbunctious for the 4-5 hours before bedtime with the 2 yr old refusing to leave the autistic 5 yr old alone. He's a little bulldozer and finally the five yr old gets mad and shoves him or throws something at him. The 2 yr old always has a new contusion on his face every time I see him. My DD is exhausted. Her husband works nights and a lot of overtime.

Maybe you can tell I'm really excited about having them over. The hard part will be getting them to go to sleep in strange surroundings. Also, the 5 yr. old consistently wakes up at 6 and I've been sleeping till 8. LOL. Will get me back into Monday-go-back-to-work mode.

I'm so glad we got the Water and mold problem resolved in the basement. Its ugly as sin down there but I can have people over again.

I'm feeling really optimistic about the new year. I'm very confident my husband will get some kind of work. Lots of security guard work available and they actually like guys his age with a good work history. Waitin' on his official PI certificate (that's what security guards need in IL) to arrive but he's been filling out all kinds of applications on line and sending resumes.

Roseland Christian School should finish out the year OK which means I'll have a salary till next Sept no matter what. If DH is employed and I get unemployment I'll have time next summer to work on employment and going back to school. Possibly rearrange my life completely. Or not. I'm doing the footwork but the results are in God's hands.

So, another humongous post. Probably the last one as I'll be going back to work Monday.

Love you all,


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Poor DH....you would think that at the age of 55 he would know better than to try and out-drink his 28 yr old DS. He goes weeks in between a beer usually and he drank a years worth in one night. He was laughing so hard at comedian, DS's GF kept looking at him and was making sure he was not having a heart attack. Gotta get that boys off the farm more often.

Laura...dang that hot tub looks inviting. Pretty easy to freeze the finger tips and toes where we live. Cannot wait for our trip to FL. Six weeks of warmth (Anything over 30 is fine with me).

Sweet of Nels to write a personal thanks. Cannot wait to see it. I will have to grab some farm stuff once in awhile and send it his way.

Ventured out in the cold this afternoon for a visit with family. Thank God of auto-start. Just finished most of the food for tomorrow. I have a huge porkloin marinating and will cook it all night on low heat. Made homemade mac and cheese cuz thought the little ones would like it, strawberry salad, make ahead mashed potatoes, will serve sweet corn from our field that had frozen, and have three different kinds of homemade bread. Also made some peanut butter/choc/rice krispie bars for the little ones and made Dutch apple pie ready to pop in the oven. I should be set. Can anyone say "Comfort Foods"?

There's a good number of people from our area that suffer depression during the winter months. One of the reasons youngest DH moved from Alaska. I count myself as very fortunate to have really never experienced depression and feel for those who do have it.

Did nothing but eat junk while visiting today. I swear I ate an entire batch of Chex mix over the last week. My tummy needs a rest and back to totally healthy after tomorrow. Too many rich foods for my system. Sure has been fun though!

Suggestion for our FL meet. If you have room in your suitcases, throw your favorite board game or card game in.

OK...think I am heading to bed to start a new book. DH has been watching Law and Order marathon and I like the show but after many, many hours of listening to it, I can rattle off the Miranda in 25 seconds.

Sleep tight!

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Just wanted to say I'm so jealous of all you meeting in Florida. How 'bout next summer Chicago? Stay downtown and sightsee or stay in the burbs and take the train downtown? Art Institute (one of the biggest collections of Impressionist paintings), Millenium Park (free concerts), Grant Park (great festivals), beautiful lakefront, Navy Pier, dancing in the park or at Navy Pier, architectural boat tours, all kinds of boat tours. Sittin' around a pool or on a beach. Water Tower place shopping, Magnificent Mile. Flowers and gardens and sailboats.

Florida weather most summers.

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Apples, can I come to dinner. Sounds yummy. What are make ahead mashed potatoes? Sounds convenient, I always have a hard time timing them getting done at the right time.

Well think I found some clothes to wear to the funeral tomorrow. I know, I know, I got lots of new stuff recently, probably is my knee is so swollen it doesn't fit comfortably into non stretchy pants. I have a pair of wide leg black slacks that will do as long as it doesn't swell too much. All I've worn since Dec 16th are workout/yoga type pants and many times have the one leg rolled up above my knee. Both kids are riding with us to the funeral so we are stopping for Breakfast beforehand.

Laura, like the pictures, I like how you share so much of your life with us via pics.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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