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Jewel, great job and great attitude - you are doing so great and I know you'll continue to do so. Deb, congrats on the 50 lbs!!! Wow that is terrific -- keep up the good work -- you'll be at goal before you know it. Tracy, great job as well -- a pound a day is amazing!! It will level off however, so if you are weighing every day you might want to stop and just start weighing once a week so you don't get discouraged -- I only weighed once a week and consistantly lost 2 lbs. a week average - but not every week -- I would lose 2 lbs. and then maybe not lose for several weeks and then drop 5 lbs. It was weird, but I lost consistantly until about 3 months ago when I started averaging just 1 lbs. per week - I still have at least 15 to go and the journey is slow now, but I still work the program and continue on -- can't let that scale get me down, the program works, just gotta keep at it every day.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments, but truth is we all inspire each other -- we all struggle at times and we all lean on each other. Gotta get ready for my girl's day out -- excited - I'll cbl and let you know how the movie was. Have a great day everyone and Happy New Year!! Linda

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Beautiful pictures!

Everyone is working hard and yet, the love and positive thinking shines through! It is so important to share this journey with people who really "get it." I guess I got lost, but "now, I'm found."

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Thanks for the pics Linda and Janet you both look so awesome. One thing this band has already done is given me hope. I had totally given up on ever losing the weight. Assummed I would be fat my whole but short life. Looking at your pics I can see there will be a day when I can be healthy and vibrant. I plan to work hard and be down a hundred pounds by next year. Always set a goal. I am down 14 pounds this morning. My goal was 15 pounds by New years. If I hadn't had a goal I know I wouldn't have lost this much. Maybe I'll reach 15 by Monday, my surgery date. Probably will because I will be on liquids Saturday and Sunday.

My next goal is 47 pounds by April. I am flying to see my brother in Boston. His wife will be having a baby in a month or so. I want to be in onederland by then. So I am not crowding people on the plane and to surprise my brother. I know it's a stretch but I want to challenge myself. I think It will be a little bit easier once school starts. I will have something to keep my mind off eating. My son will be back in school too. So it will be easier to find time for excercising.

WTG Jessica !!!! Yep w/2 days of liquids you s/b at your 15 lbs goal !!!!!

Boredom is a big food trigger for me - but I gotta say I am more hungry when at work - I think it's the stress and lately I have been bored at work too.. I want to munch out of frustrations - but if I have a project that I am enjoying I don't think about food.

Janet & Linda, WOW somes it all up. Good job ladies, you inspire me.

Apples, congrats on the delivery.........

I'm back on the band wagon also, most junk out of the house, son and friend ate the most tempting ones up last night, rest I can ignore. I seem to be so tight in the morning and lunch, supper seems to be first bite syndrome then opens up and I can eat.

Femme, I'm with you on the kids thing miss them when they are gone but can't wait for next week to get here. DD goes back to school, won't see her until she grads May 1. She's going to Phoenix end of Feb then on spring break and she plans on spending that in MN with her boyfriend. Son he is a different matter moved back home (bombed at college) trying to get classes at community college again, but he is working. He irrates the he!! out of me right now. He's got the cocky attitude from being away from home for a few months on his own, new GF, that's older, and thinks he can come and go and do what he wants. Told him he is going to pull his weight and help, I'm not doing everything anymore. BOYS!!!

Ok, I'm over that and I do love them little buggers.

Suppose I should get to work, have to work til noon.

Take care all, be safe and have a fun filled NYE.

Laura K

LauraK - I don't think if my DS moved home we would make it - I love him w/all my heart - but he's lazy at time.. He was suppose to take the Xmas lights down -but never did sorta pissed me off..

Ya I'm at work and need to get busy - but like Deb I'm just not that motivated.. I wish I could retire - but alas I can't so I best get to it - lol..

You guys are so inspiring!

I have been struggling these two weeks since my surgery - It is self inflicted torture really. My doctor has me on a VERY restricted diet. Only 2 oz three times a day. I am lucky to hit 500 or 600 calories (and I have to "cheat" to get to that).

I know it will get better as soon as I am able to get fills. The doctor tried to give me 4cc on Tuesday (13 days out from surgery) but he said I had a lot of Fluid buildup and scar tissue. Apparently that makes it tough to find the port. He said it will be easier at my 6 week appointment because the area will be less tender, less fluid, etc. He thinks he hit the port but I won't know for sure until I go back for the next fill.

I am losing about a pound a day so at least I know the doc's rules are worth following. I've joined the 24 hour fitness and cannot wait for my first Zumba class. For now I have been walking on the treadmill and going on hikes.

My first big goal is to get out of the 300s. I am only 4 pounds away. Hopefully by Monday I will be there!

Tracy - Welcome Congrats on being banded and yep the first few weeks can be hard especially when the swelling goes down and you are hungry and can consume more food.

All our doc's have diff instructions - I am lucky I was on full liquids when I got home.. I couldn't get a fill till 8 weeks out and it did take him a few pokes to find the soft spot on my port - but he numbs you first so it was no biggie..

Janet and Linda...Wow! Va va va voom, girls! Thanks so much for posting those pics; it really gives me the inspiration and impetus to keep on going. For the past few years, I've felt so frumpy and matronly-looking. I can't wait until I can wear cool clothes again. And shoes---I have to wear clunky orthopedic-type shoes now and would love to be able to just have a nice pair of shoes!

By the way, Janet, I happened to notice in your photos that you have a lovely gap in your front teeth. I love that!! Do you know there is a film about gap tooth women?

My DD was so upset when she got her molars in and they closed her front teeth gap!

I was pretty excited this morning to get on the scale and see that I've lost 50 lbs!! (This isn't my "official" weight, cause I like to go by my doctor's office scale. I also haven't updated my ticker in a while.) That's almost halfway to my goal!


I no longer have a gap - had it filled in a couple of months ago - most pple didn't even notice - I am still getting use to it and some words come out funny - I have had that gap since I got my adult teeth..

At 250 I wore flats 99% of the time - now I can wear heals again and my feet don't kill me too much ;0) - Yes being able to shop in the regular dept stores is fun. It take some adjusting to venture in to unknown terrrioty - but it's so much worth it..

Jewel, great job and great attitude - you are doing so great and I know you'll continue to do so. Deb, congrats on the 50 lbs!!! Wow that is terrific -- keep up the good work -- you'll be at goal before you know it. Tracy, great job as well -- a pound a day is amazing!! It will level off however, so if you are weighing every day you might want to stop and just start weighing once a week so you don't get discouraged -- I only weighed once a week and consistantly lost 2 lbs. a week average - but not every week -- I would lose 2 lbs. and then maybe not lose for several weeks and then drop 5 lbs. It was weird, but I lost consistantly until about 3 months ago when I started averaging just 1 lbs. per week - I still have at least 15 to go and the journey is slow now, but I still work the program and continue on -- can't let that scale get me down, the program works, just gotta keep at it every day.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments, but truth is we all inspire each other -- we all struggle at times and we all lean on each other. Gotta get ready for my girl's day out -- excited - I'll cbl and let you know how the movie was. Have a great day everyone and Happy New Year!! Linda

Linda - yep it takes a village and this is our village - we are all here for each other - Have fun w/the girls !!!

Beautiful pictures!

Everyone is working hard and yet, the love and positive thinking shines through! It is so important to share this journey with people who really "get it." I guess I got lost, but "now, I'm found."

Judy - You didn't lose it all together, it was just hiding for a bit - now you have found it again - and will get back that feeling of control and will feel so much better about you..

Well gang I am at work - I need to get busy - so I will CBL

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I don't post for ONE day you there are 5 pages to read. I'm only on 460 and have to get ready for the boob squishing appointment at 9:30.

I'll finish reading when I get back and post more personal stuff.

THANKS everyone for the well wishing on the back. I'm thinking I might have to go back on the anti inflammatories for a while, just to get everything settled down again. Then I can stop taking them again.

Okay....off to the imaging center....


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Goodness you gals were busy last night! Three pages to read! Love it though! HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE EVERYONE!! No matter what your plans are, be safe! For me I am ecstatic that this is the first New Years where my resolution isn't to lose weight! Sure last year I was down a lot but still not at goal so it was still to reach my goal weight. This year if I were to make one it would be to continue maintainance and learn to accept myself. I am making great strides on both accounts. I declined the invitation to the NYE party and DH & I are staying in and having our lobster. Talking about loving it when our kids like to spend time with us. DD had asked me to pick up lobster tails for her and her fiance for tonight as well when I was at costco yesterday. She was going to cook for them at his place but they decided to join us instead. That was a nice surprise. Plus she will do the cooking! They will leave later for his brothers place for a get together but still will have them for a bit. I didn't even ask them they asked if they could join us.

DH is hoping to get off extra early today, if so we will get lunch (it's nugget day! LOL) and then I have my knee doc appt this afternoon. I am sitting here listening to the last of the Chrsitmas music on Directv and will take down Christmas a little later today or tomorrow.

Janet & Linda, the pics look great!

Tracy, welcome! Which dr did your banding? I was banded by Dr Snyder at Rose in Denver. Good luck getting that first fill, mine was at 6 weeks as well. I must've had quite a bit of swelling until then too as I never really went t hrough that bandster hell folks talk about after the swelling goes away and before the first fill at 6 weeks.

Deb, congrats on the 50!!

Judy, glad you are deciding to stay with us again, I missed you.

Linda, enjoy your girls day out! I want to see the Morgans movie too.

Sons, I have one of the lazier varieties too. He was great yesterday in taking me to therapy and the store, etc. but then grumbled when i asked him to bring the stuff in from the car that I got at Costco, said can't dad do it when he gets home. Well I had my lobster that I wanted to get in the fridge etc. At least he is having moments of more maturity. LOL Funny, he get so many kudos for being such a hard worker at his jobs, away from the house etc. DH & I always look at each other like are they talking about the same DS that we know? LOL

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Hello all~~~

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone!!!

We got home last night. I was so sad saying goodbye to my parents. I cried like a baby on the way to the airport. It was one of the most amazing Christmases ever. I am so glad we went.

You guys got me thinking when I saw the before/after pics. I realized for my LBT I haven't posted that pic in my undies since June. In June I was 250. I REALLY don't see ANY difference between the June pic and today, although today I weigh 226. I guess it's b/c I haven't lost anything in the last 2 months. I am ready to get back on the bandwagon. <getting my game face on>

Missed you guys so much. I only got the last couple pages read. Congrats Apples on the "delivery". Hi to everyone. I PROMISE to write more later.

DH did get the weekend OFF for the Feb Florida weekend!!! It looks like he and Nelson will be coming to Orlando that weekend with ME! With all that has been going on and all the separation he doesn't want us to be apart if we don't need to. He will do his own thing with him during the day (Disney/Sea World) and just wants me to be able to tuck him in at night. But I promise to bring them by so y'all can meet them. So........ count me in! I think we will stay at the same place if they have condos available. I will still pay my portion of that condo if it is "empty" as I will be hanging out there with you guys all the time. But someone can have my bed (ha, unless I drink too much one night and can't make it back to my DH...LOL)

Posting a couple pics. First two are BEFORE... from 2008 and last 3 are 2009. : ) I am pretty computer literate and cannot figure out how you guys are doing the side by side pics... duh (blonde moment).

CBL~~~ peasout, Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Laura, Beautiful family! I just love looking at Christmas pictures. I am still praying for your dad and your family.

Happy New Year to all my LBT Buddies! I look forward to a healthy and prosperous 2010 for all of us.



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Only 2 holiday lbs to take off. Had some sliders yesterday for my Birthday but back on bandwagon today. Also, finally got out and exercised. Didn't go full out as its been over a week since my cold and holiday activities let me exercise. I think we're going to go see Avatar since you need to see it in a movie theatre. All the other movies we can wait til they're on DVD or pay per view.

Tomorrow or Saturday I'm going to have my two grandsons over all afternoon and overnight. They're a handful but it'll give my daughter a real break and a night alone with her husband. He's a cop who works night shift--he's on the gang unit--and he works a lot of overtime.

The boys are total terrors in the evening till she can get them down for the night. They're always very good for me when I'm over there because it gives them someone else to focus on. I imagine being here with me and my husband will also be so unusual they'll behave quite well. I do love them both to pieces.

Happy New Year, everyone. I see this past year and this next year as years of big changes around here. But I believe God works everything for good for those who love him, so, though I sometimes dread change, its all in His hands.

The good change was the lap band and the weight I lost. The worst thing was living with a destroyed and moldy basement.

Only God knows what the New Year will bring so it doesn't pay to project. I'm doing my best to do the footwork to prepare for worst case scenarios, so I'll hope and pray for the best but be prepared for the worst. Just having a plan makes me hopeful.

Health, serenity, and God's grace be with you all for the New Year.

Much love,


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Laura, Beautiful family! I just love looking at Christmas pictures. I am still praying for your dad and your family.


Thank you Arlene. There is no such thing as too many prayers. I appreciate you thinking of my family and for the kind words. HNY to you too. HUGS.

Only 2 holiday lbs to take off. Had some sliders yesterday for my Birthday but back on bandwagon today. Also, finally got out and exercised. Health, serenity, and God's grace be with you all for the New Year.

Much love,


Cheri~ Happy Late Birthday. I somehow missed that when scanning the last couple pages. duh. But Sooooo many posts that I just decided it will be close to impossible for me to catch up.

Happy New Year to you. : ) Congrats on getting back to exercise and eating healthy. So nice of you to babysit. I know I miss my parents being near by.


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Laura, so glad you are home and doing well.... Continued prayers for your family from ND, too..... What will be will be............... just do your best and you'll make it through anything.... Thanks for sharing the pictures again.......all of you........ It's good for the new ones to see progress is possible.......... and for some of us who need to restart our journey it's good motivation..

Mimi is watching TV and doing much better today... Wish she would take a nap, though!! We have supper and whatever with friends tonight... Hope I'm home by 10:00 as I don't need that late stuff to bring in the new Year.....

Cheri, belated birthday wishes... I spaced it out earlier... You have accomplished so much... You are 10 months older than me, so maybe by the time I hit 58 in October I'll be much nearer my goal, too.....

Oops, I'm being beckoned................Grandma...... where are you!!!!! I'd better go.... Everyone have a fun evening...... Hugs and love to all........... Julie

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Hey All...just jumping on to say Happy New Year to all of you.

Getting ready to head out for the evening and I am running late. Full day at the computer with last minute farm stuff. But, our year is now complete.

Laura...welcome back and GREAT photos. You look so wonderful and such a change in weight from last Christmas photos.

Janet and Linda...thanks for sharing your photos also. I am having some trouble with my new computer and card reader and had hoped to post photos. Will try to do it after my last Christmas party on Sat.

To All....sending love and best wishes for 2010. Signing off and saying goodbye to 2009

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Good Afternoon Gang

Well for me 8.5 hrs to go till the New Year !!!

Got off work at 12:30 p.m. (shocked us) came home hit the gym - 4 miles - burned 650 calories in 1 hrs - so only 9850 more calories to burn to get these 3 lbs off :lol:

Do you see why I say calories count !!!! That's 20 days of burning 500 cal a day..

Well next time the sweets aren't going to look so appealing to me...

Laura - glad you are home love the pics.

Apples - Have fun tonite - I know you will..

Great - Have a good time w/your family..

I'm staying home - don't need to go out and eat & drink - I got enough work cut out for me :0) to get this weight off

So for me NYE is going to be my normal healthy dinner - maybe some additional WII exercise, a movie - and Dick Clark :0)

I will be cking back in a few..

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Happy New Year! Just got home from the dr and the pharmacy, I asked for any refills and other RX's today so I could fill on this years insurance and maximize my benefits. Others had the same idea and the pharmacy was busy and going to close at 5pm, but I got them.

Dr visit went well, I have more to go on my extension than my bend this time, other knee was the opposite. Also first my INR or is in I & R numbers for the coumadin blood test last week were too high at 5 so they cut the coumadin down and now the nunbers are too low at 1.6 so gotta up them again, only have to take that for another week so am glad about that.

Well DD is here and started cooking, looking forward to my quiet evening and my lobster. Have a great evening no matter what your plans are tonight and stay safe!

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Happy New Year and here's to 2010 and it being our year to get in control of our tool. To those who are in control have a wonderful year.:biggrin:

Okay well my car is getting totaled which sucks cause I have to get another car and still save money for our trip.

Laura - you look great love the new pics

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