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I was banded in May 2008 and Indio was already a size 6! You have been an inspiration to us.

So, Orlando? I am a bit less than 1 1/2 hours away. Are you doing any of the Disney parks while there? What are your plans? Is there room for one more (one night only probably)?

Happy 2010!

We have just left all plans open to whatever anyone wants to do. I think just visiting and vegging by the pool. Anything anyone comes up with is acceptable.

I'm pretty sure we have room. As I stated above, we have 3 bedroom condos. Plus, there is a pull out sleep sofa in each condo. I am not sure what the girls have decided as far as who's in what condo. Janet, Eva and myself are going to be roomies. I guess all you would have to do is clear it to sleep on the sleeper sofa in one of the two other condos. I am sure it can all be worked out and hope you will decide to join us.

We are taking off in a few weeks. We rent a cabin at Salt Springs. I think I am about the same distance away from Orlando.

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Welcome back JB. I'm a little over 6 months since surgery and this is my main support group. Interesting about your band. I'm approaching maintenance and will have to walk that thin line between having enough restriction but not so much that all I can eat is sliders. I really love meat, though, so I don't think I could stand not being able to eat that.

Had a great birthday, thanks for all your birthday wishes. Now I can get back on track with the food. Had to have some sliders for my birthday. No parties planned for NYE so far so I'm pretty safe. Also, not any $ for going out for eats and treats. Not much left in the house either except meat and veggies. Don't do potatoes, rice, bread, Pasta, or pastries unless I'm eating out or at parties, and even then I'm very cautious cause they can make me pb.

My downfall is choc or cr. chz. frosting, chocolate candy, ice cream, choc. malts, and chocolate or chocolate/caramelly Cookies, fudge etc. Those are definitely sliders I could live on. So I don't keep them in the house.

No more parties, so shouldn't be encountering them much except sometimes at school if someone brings a treat. Then I have a small piece so I won't feel deprived.

The band definitely limits my portions on meat and veggies although I can manage to eat quite a bit of them at night.

I do drink a lot of Decaf coffee throughout the day but they're about a third 1 % milk so I get at least 2 cups of milk a day. Drink it with Splenda. Sometimes I mix in a pkg of Diet hot chocolate for a treat.

As I'm moving to maintenance I'm planning to try to eat more fruit, maybe have some plain Kiefer (like yoghurt only better for you) with some concentrated fruit juice like pomegranite and/or some berries in it with Splenda sprinkled in for Breakfast instead of my Protein Shake on some mornings. I also like the no sugar added little cups of applesauce for an afternoon snack at school. Or I might start taking a bag of Clementines to work and eating one of those in the afternoon. Trouble is, the kids love those and are always begging me to share with them.

I do eat small amounts of lightly roasted and salted (shelled) sunflower seeds throughout the day. I often treat the students to a teaspoon of them at the end of each period if they've worked hard and haven't caused any problems. I tell them its brain food, and it actually is very good food for the brain. Keeps my brain going also.

So, that's my basic food plan. I'm not a hot or cold Cereal lover, and have never been a big sandwich eater, so I keep Protein Shakes and small peel-off tins of 3 oz tuna or chicken at school for lunch.< /p>

Then mostly meat and some veggies for supper.

This is the closest to a food plan that I get. I don't weigh or measure or count anything. With my ADHD that way lies insanity. This is very simple. I just keep the things I can eat in the house and at school, and keep the rest out of the house. I discourage my husband from taking home any fast food and he doesn't eat junk food around me anymore. If its in the house, its so well hidden I couldn't find it but I don't go looking either.

We rarely eat out, except for Sunday breakfast after church sometimes, and then I stick to 1/3 of a feta and spinach omelette with a couple pieces of bacon and my husband eats the rest.

I'm 6 lbs from goal and should reach that by the end of January. Then I want to lose 5 more as a cushion but I'm not setting a deadline for that. I'll let that merge into maintenance over a number of months.

That's my plan, and with the help of God, the band and all you wonderful people, I'm sticking to it.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Phyll...always been gonna ask you what your favorite drink is at Starbucks. I know you have mentioned many times that it is your treat. We do not have one within a 200 mile radius. We are gonna hit the road on our way to Atlanta and FL and need some hints. I LOVE their just plain coffee but I am one to sip foo-foo coffees also. If you don't mind, I would like to know.:w00t:

Grande (16 oz), SF, FF either caramel or hazelnut w/ an extra shot (that makes 3 because they put 2 in a 16 oz), 140 degrees.



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OMG, I was on here yesterday morning last and there was 4 pages to ready.... New people, welcome......returning people, welcome back........regular people........you have been so busy...... Apples, congrats on the new bundle of joy.... Are you hoping for a "shower" when we get to FL??????? Is there a name??? Too funny.........

My baby is better, but double ear infection isn't fun... And now she has fever blisters on her bottom lip from the high fevers and she pick at them and certain foods hurt her... She was rather cranky today... But we made it... She'll be back at 10:00 tomorrow and then we have the long weekend off again.... My shoulder is acting up tonight.... Just put some analgesic cream on and am waiting for it to subside a bit... Need to take my meds and head to bed... I'm tired....

I'm glad you all seem to be doing so well..... I like my veggies cooked soft, too... It's all or none for me... And there are lots of veggies out there I've never even tried.. I have a friend with a major medical problem and can only have veggies and fruits and sugar.... No Protein whatsoever.... Anyway I've tried a few new ones lately to help her not be so bored with food... Some I don't care for........like raddiccio....... not for me.. Fennel is good, but so dang expensive here....

Anyway, I better get to bed.... Sorry to not comment on everyone, but I know you all understand... Take care and sleep tight.... Talk to you tomorrow I hope... Goodnight............Julie

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I was banded in May 2008 and Indio was already a size 6! You have been an inspiration to us.

So, Orlando? I am a bit less than 1 1/2 hours away. Are you doing any of the Disney parks while there? What are your plans? Is there room for one more (one night only probably)?

Happy 2010!


I'm a 4 now with a couple of 2 ;0)

And have been afraid of getting cocky too - that fear had kept me from going there.. I have been there done that in the past

I am always obessing about gaining the weight back - especially over the holidays - I have been freaking out.. I did gain 3 lbs - but am back to logging food - over the holiday sweets - no more junk.... I worked to freaking hard and I don't want to go back..

I am pretty sure we have enough room for you to have your own room - 3 in a condo and we have 8 going so far - and like apples said - they all have sleepers in the living room.. So please plan on it - we would love to have you and it would be another accountablity factor for you too..

Like Apples said - we have no plans - there is an outlet close buy - may do a tad shopping - but mostly hanging out - getting to know each other in person - (Well Eva & I have met she came for a visit before thanksgiving)

You just need to get back to the basics - low fat - limited carbs/sugar - exercise - Protein 1st - veggies then carbs..

I just finished dinner - 3 oz fish 1/4 c rice & 1 cup zuchinne and I am full - but I still want to eat.

I don't have adhd like Cheri (well not that I know of lol) so I can count calories and do and as you already know = you can be so tight not to eat real food but be able to eat all the the sliders you want - we can't make our bands tight enough to stop those - if they did - hell none of us would have any problem,

Make a menu - (attaching one for you & Leah) - plan plan plan and move move move and come hang with us..

Tiny bites - chew well - no drinking with meals or for at least 1/2 hr afterwards.

Hunger right now on liquids - heck I would try some sf pudding - sf Jello - sf yogurt (dannon lite & fit) of sf fudgesicle

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Good evening all. JB welcome back and hopefully you will be able to drive over and see everyone in February. I may or may not make it -- I'm still waiting to see if my neice is planning her wedding for this year or not. If she is, I won't have enough vacation to visit Florida twice in one year.

Deb, thanks for the kudos on the exercise -- I can't wait to get back to my daily aerobics -- I feel so sluggish without doing them. My surgeon told me I could go back to Water aerobics but couldn't go today and Friday is canceled cause of the hoilday, so can't go until Monday. I may try and do one of my walking tapes tomorrow -- I'm just tired of sitting around.

I do think I need another fill which I plan to get next Wednes. I've lost about 14 lbs. since my last fill (first of Sept.) and I am absolutely ravenous between meals - not head hunger, actual dying to eat, pain in stomach hunger. That's why I think another small fill should be in order. I thought maybe I was done -- I think I was but the weight loss has taken me back out of my sweet spot -- but now think one more small fill should hopefully put me back. But, I worry about being too tight. Well, I'll check it out and see how it goes. If I'm too tight, I can always go back and have it taken out again. JB I sure dont' want to go through what you did. Welcome back and hugs on the 40 lbs. Glad you made the decision to come back however - good for you!!

Phyl, what did you and Earl end up eating tonight (FB note was hilarious). Poor Earl -- he is a sweet guy (very similar to my DH from the sounds of it). He tries very hard, obviously. Nice guy.

Deb, it's so true how badly we miss our kids when they leave but when they are with us, it's like we can't wait for them to go again. It's weird, I have many of the same feelings. Women are such complicated creatures.

Julie, hope you are okay today and hope Mimi is better -- I worry when you don't post. Hope all is well, thinking of you.

Laura, likewise. Not sure when you are returning from NC but hope you have a safe trip home.

Janet, I'll let you know about the movie - I'm so excited to get out with some girlfriends -- DH is wonderful but after 3 weeks of constant togetherness, I'm ready for a little escape -- DH is on disability and doesn't work, so he's home ALL the TIME. He's a sweet man and does so much, but again, I need a break. We are going to eat at Applebees -- I just checked the menu. They have lots of good things on their menu - lots of WW Entrees and they have great salad -- many which are low fat -- some are surprisingly high fat - even without dressing -- must be the "cheese".

Great -- congrats on the knee bend -- you're doing fabulous -- it's amazing how quickly we are both healing with out new body parts. I think the band has a lot to do with it.

Well, gotta get my beauty sleep. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

Okay, am attaching pictures for the newbies who are just starting their journeys -- Jewell, Leah, Witch and any others who are newer here. First pic was me just about a year ago to the day and the second pic was me just about a week ago. Just hoping it will help pump you up and get you excited about your journeys and what you will be able to accomplish in 2010!!! Good luck and maybe some of the other ladies at goal (or close) will post their before/after pics for you too. :lol::cool::biggrin::cool::w00t:

Love to you all -- happy New Year!!! Linda

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OMG, I was on here yesterday morning last and there was 4 pages to ready.... New people, welcome......returning people, welcome back........regular people........you have been so busy...... Apples, congrats on the new bundle of joy.... Are you hoping for a "shower" when we get to FL??????? Is there a name??? Too funny.........

My baby is better, but double ear infection isn't fun... And now she has fever blisters on her bottom lip from the high fevers and she pick at them and certain foods hurt her... She was rather cranky today... But we made it... She'll be back at 10:00 tomorrow and then we have the long weekend off again.... My shoulder is acting up tonight.... Just put some analgesic cream on and am waiting for it to subside a bit... Need to take my meds and head to bed... I'm tired....

I'm glad you all seem to be doing so well..... I like my veggies cooked soft, too... It's all or none for me... And there are lots of veggies out there I've never even tried.. I have a friend with a major medical problem and can only have veggies and fruits and sugar.... No Protein whatsoever.... Anyway I've tried a few new ones lately to help her not be so bored with food... Some I don't care for........like raddiccio....... not for me.. Fennel is good, but so dang expensive here....

Anyway, I better get to bed.... Sorry to not comment on everyone, but I know you all understand... Take care and sleep tight.... Talk to you tomorrow I hope... Goodnight............Julie

Julie - I LOVE IT - Giving Apples a shower !!!! Hopefully Mimi will feel better tomorrow.

Hope you get some good rest tonite...

Good evening all. JB welcome back and hopefully you will be able to drive over and see everyone in February. I may or may not make it -- I'm still waiting to see if my neice is planning her wedding for this year or not. If she is, I won't have enough vacation to visit Florida twice in one year.

Deb, thanks for the kudos on the exercise -- I can't wait to get back to my daily aerobics -- I feel so sluggish without doing them. My surgeon told me I could go back to Water aerobics but couldn't go today and Friday is canceled cause of the hoilday, so can't go until Monday. I may try and do one of my walking tapes tomorrow -- I'm just tired of sitting around.

I do think I need another fill which I plan to get next Wednes. I've lost about 14 lbs. since my last fill (first of Sept.) and I am absolutely ravenous between meals - not head hunger, actual dying to eat, pain in stomach hunger. That's why I think another small fill should be in order. I thought maybe I was done -- I think I was but the weight loss has taken me back out of my sweet spot -- but now think one more small fill should hopefully put me back. But, I worry about being too tight. Well, I'll check it out and see how it goes. If I'm too tight, I can always go back and have it taken out again. JB I sure dont' want to go through what you did. Welcome back and hugs on the 40 lbs. Glad you made the decision to come back however - good for you!!

Phyl, what did you and Earl end up eating tonight (FB note was hilarious). Poor Earl -- he is a sweet guy (very similar to my DH from the sounds of it). He tries very hard, obviously. Nice guy.

Deb, it's so true how badly we miss our kids when they leave but when they are with us, it's like we can't wait for them to go again. It's weird, I have many of the same feelings. Women are such complicated creatures.

Julie, hope you are okay today and hope Mimi is better -- I worry when you don't post. Hope all is well, thinking of you.

Laura, likewise. Not sure when you are returning from NC but hope you have a safe trip home.

Janet, I'll let you know about the movie - I'm so excited to get out with some girlfriends -- DH is wonderful but after 3 weeks of constant togetherness, I'm ready for a little escape -- DH is on disability and doesn't work, so he's home ALL the TIME. He's a sweet man and does so much, but again, I need a break. We are going to eat at Applebees -- I just checked the menu. They have lots of good things on their menu - lots of WW entrees and they have great salad -- many which are low fat -- some are surprisingly high fat - even without dressing -- must be the "cheese".

Great -- congrats on the knee bend -- you're doing fabulous -- it's amazing how quickly we are both healing with out new body parts. I think the band has a lot to do with it.

Well, gotta get my beauty sleep. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

Okay, am attaching pictures for the newbies who are just starting their journeys -- Jewell, Leah, Witch and any others who are newer here. First pic was me just about a year ago to the day and the second pic was me just about a week ago. Just hoping it will help pump you up and get you excited about your journeys and what you will be able to accomplish in 2010!!! Good luck and maybe some of the other ladies at goal (or close) will post their before/after pics for you too. :lol::cool::biggrin::cool::w00t:

Love to you all -- happy New Year!!! Linda


Have a good time w/GF - I think they are very important..

I love the idea of before and after to show the newbies

Here's my pic

Edited by IndioGirl55

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All I can say, Janet and Linda, is WOW!!! WTG!!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Thanks Cheri - My band is a great tool - but gotta say I did 75% of the work by changing my eating and exercise habits and my band did the other 25%.

Well food was good yesterday 1000 calories and did my exercise..

We are scheduled to work all day - but hopefully we will get off around 3 - but the boss (we have 4) who usually lets us off early isn't at work today - so who knows..

Happy New Years Eve - Looking forward to 2010


Got some sad news yesterday - my BIL baby sister got hit by a big rig on her way to work yesterday morning and died..

My one bro died in 99 then his (bil) son died 00 - my other bro died 08 his sis dies 09 - weird coincident isn't that..

Well off to the shower - CBL

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Thanks for the pics Linda and Janet you both look so awesome. One thing this band has already done is given me hope. I had totally given up on ever losing the weight. Assummed I would be fat my whole but short life. Looking at your pics I can see there will be a day when I can be healthy and vibrant. I plan to work hard and be down a hundred pounds by next year. Always set a goal. I am down 14 pounds this morning. My goal was 15 pounds by New years. If I hadn't had a goal I know I wouldn't have lost this much. Maybe I'll reach 15 by Monday, my surgery date. Probably will because I will be on liquids Saturday and Sunday.

My next goal is 47 pounds by April. I am flying to see my brother in Boston. His wife will be having a baby in a month or so. I want to be in onederland by then. So I am not crowding people on the plane and to surprise my brother. I know it's a stretch but I want to challenge myself. I think It will be a little bit easier once school starts. I will have something to keep my mind off eating. My son will be back in school too. So it will be easier to find time for excercising.

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Janet & Linda, WOW somes it all up. Good job ladies, you inspire me.

Apples, congrats on the delivery.........

I'm back on the band wagon also, most junk out of the house, son and friend ate the most tempting ones up last night, rest I can ignore. I seem to be so tight in the morning and lunch, supper seems to be first bite syndrome then opens up and I can eat.

Femme, I'm with you on the kids thing miss them when they are gone but can't wait for next week to get here. DD goes back to school, won't see her until she grads May 1. She's going to Phoenix end of Feb then on spring break and she plans on spending that in MN with her boyfriend. Son he is a different matter moved back home (bombed at college) trying to get classes at community college again, but he is working. He irrates the he!! out of me right now. He's got the cocky attitude from being away from home for a few months on his own, new GF, that's older, and thinks he can come and go and do what he wants. Told him he is going to pull his weight and help, I'm not doing everything anymore. BOYS!!!

Ok, I'm over that and I do love them little buggers.

Suppose I should get to work, have to work til noon.

Take care all, be safe and have a fun filled NYE.

Laura K

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You guys are so inspiring!

I have been struggling these two weeks since my surgery - It is self inflicted torture really. My doctor has me on a VERY restricted diet. Only 2 oz three times a day. I am lucky to hit 500 or 600 calories (and I have to "cheat" to get to that).

I know it will get better as soon as I am able to get fills. The doctor tried to give me 4cc on Tuesday (13 days out from surgery) but he said I had a lot of Fluid buildup and scar tissue. Apparently that makes it tough to find the port. He said it will be easier at my 6 week appointment because the area will be less tender, less fluid, etc. He thinks he hit the port but I won't know for sure until I go back for the next fill.

I am losing about a pound a day so at least I know the doc's rules are worth following. I've joined the 24 hour fitness and cannot wait for my first Zumba class. For now I have been walking on the treadmill and going on hikes.

My first big goal is to get out of the 300s. I am only 4 pounds away. Hopefully by Monday I will be there!

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You guys are so inspiring!

I have been struggling these two weeks since my surgery - It is self inflicted torture really. My doctor has me on a VERY restricted diet. Only 2 oz three times a day. I am lucky to hit 500 or 600 calories (and I have to "cheat" to get to that).

I know it will get better as soon as I am able to get fills. The doctor tried to give me 4cc on Tuesday (13 days out from surgery) but he said I had a lot of Fluid buildup and scar tissue. Apparently that makes it tough to find the port. He said it will be easier at my 6 week appointment because the area will be less tender, less fluid, etc. He thinks he hit the port but I won't know for sure until I go back for the next fill.

I am losing about a pound a day so at least I know the doc's rules are worth following. I've joined the 24 hour fitness and cannot wait for my first Zumba class. For now I have been walking on the treadmill and going on hikes.

My first big goal is to get out of the 300s. I am only 4 pounds away. Hopefully by Monday I will be there!

Good job TracyZ, I love my Zumba class. Just keep following the Dr's rules and you'll do great.

Laura K

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Janet and Linda...Wow! Va va va voom, girls! Thanks so much for posting those pics; it really gives me the inspiration and impetus to keep on going. For the past few years, I've felt so frumpy and matronly-looking. I can't wait until I can wear cool clothes again. And shoes---I have to wear clunky orthopedic-type shoes now and would love to be able to just have a nice pair of shoes!

By the way, Janet, I happened to notice in your photos that you have a lovely gap in your front teeth. I love that!! Do you know there is a film about gap tooth women?

My DD was so upset when she got her molars in and they closed her front teeth gap!

I was pretty excited this morning to get on the scale and see that I've lost 50 lbs!! (This isn't my "official" weight, cause I like to go by my doctor's office scale. I also haven't updated my ticker in a while.) That's almost halfway to my goal!

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Janet and Linda...Wow! Va va va voom, girls! Thanks so much for posting those pics; it really gives me the inspiration and impetus to keep on going. For the past few years, I've felt so frumpy and matronly-looking. I can't wait until I can wear cool clothes again. And shoes---I have to wear clunky orthopedic-type shoes now and would love to be able to just have a nice pair of shoes!

By the way, Janet, I happened to notice in your photos that you have a lovely gap in your front teeth. I love that!! Do you know there is a film about gap tooth women?

My DD was so upset when she got her molars in and they closed her front teeth gap!

I was pretty excited this morning to get on the scale and see that I've lost 50 lbs!! (This isn't my "official" weight, cause I like to go by my doctor's office scale. I also haven't updated my ticker in a while.) That's almost halfway to my goal!

Great job Femme!!!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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