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I think it was Cheri who mentioned veggies with meals and liking them soft. I make this dish often and top my meat with it. It's almost an addiction and have to be careful not to fill my pouch and not get enough Protein at the same time.

3 diced/peeled fresh tomatoes

1 jalpeno chopped small (optional)

1 red or green sweet pepper diced

1/2 diced onion

1 sprig or 2 cilantro chopped

1 Tbls minced garlic

1 stalk diced celery

I just saute in a little olive oil or olive oil spray until done. I add 3 Tbls of FF sour cream and mix. I use as a side dish or top my meats. It keeps in frig

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A New Arrival at our House

Time: 3:03 AM

Name: Bouncing Baby Boulder

Weight: Not sure but had fingers

Length of Labor: Close to 48 hours

Apples, Congrats!!!!!!!!! I knew you could deliver......sorry you had to go thru so much pain.

Cheri......It's your Birthday? Well, Happy Birthday .......have a great day!

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Jessica - I was back to work Monday day 6 after surgery (desk job)- I had surgery on Tues 7/17 - Friday had company was washing down the back patio - cooking - washed clothes - just can't pickup heavy stuff.

I never took any pain meds once I was home from the hospital not even tylenol (I had to spend the night though so I had pain shots up until 1 pm. on the 18th) and that was due to the gas pain - I had terrible gas in the shoulder - be sure to have gas x strips..

Apples - you crack me up girl - Bouncing Baby Bolder - LMAO - you have such a great sense of humor even in pain :0)..

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Jessica - I was back to work Monday day 6 after surgery (desk job)- I had surgery on Tues 7/17 - Friday had company was washing down the back patio - cooking - washed clothes - just can't pickup heavy stuff.

I never took any pain meds once I was home from the hospital not even tylenol (I had to spend the night though so I had pain shots up until 1 pm. on the 18th) and that was due to the gas pain - I had terrible gas in the shoulder - be sure to have gas x strips..

Apples - you crack me up girl - Bouncing Baby Bolder - LMAO - you have such a great sense of humor even in pain :0)..

It's called acceptance. Been a way of life for me since 1994. Never sure when they will hit and when they do I call it "Life Interuptice".

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Good Afternoon everyone! Happy Birthday Cheri -- hope you have a terrific day with your family -- so glad you have plans with family on your birthday. You look fabulous -- won't your out of state relatives be proud of you!! They probably won't believe it's really you!! Enjoy that!! Secondly, congrats Apples -- hope baby boulder is resting comfortably. LOL. You are too much - can't believe you were scrubbing floors today. Honestly woman, you are AMAZING!

Witch, please come back and post and let us help you if we can -- no one on this thread is judgmental and we have all been where you are and will all be happy to share our experiences and try to give you inspiration. I'm sorry you are unhappy about the band and that you may have been led astray - but you have it now so you might as well learn how to work with it - it is a wonderful tool that all of us here have been successful in using, so put your shoulders back and make 2010 the year you will be successful -- positive thinking is half the battle!! You gotta believe in yourself first and foremost -- doesn't matter what anyone else thinks -- if you KNOW you WILL be SUCCESSFUL you WILL.

Jewel, good going -- WOW -- you are doing fabulous -- I didn't lose much weight before my band -- only a few pounds -- so in my opinion, yo are doing fantastic! You will do well with recovery -- you've prepped well. I had surgery on Tues. and went back to work on Friday night (desk job) so I'm confident you will be able to go back to school a week after surgery -- like you said, just don't carry anything heavy. My surgeon released me to go back to exercising 10 days after surgery. We'll all be thinking of you on Monday!!! Congratulations!!!!

Eva, sorry and hugs on the pain. I know about leg and back pain. My DH is amazed that all my pain has subsided since my surgery. Prior to my hip surgery he had to rub my entire leg with Icy Hot twice a day -- now it's all better -- hip was causing all the trouble. It's weird in a way. I even had a cyst type of thing on my thigh where I'd had cortizone injections over the past nine or ten years -- it hurt when I touched it -- after surgery -- poof! it was gone --mystifies me but I guess (?) that my hip was causing all these problems all these years. And I put it off for so long -- and it ended up being so easy. I know it isn't as easy for everyone, but I can't say enough how I wish I'd done it before (of course it wouldn't have been so easy before the weight loss, so I guess I HAD to wait until after LB surgery).

Leah, welcome -- and good luck with everything. Yes, I agree witih Janet, if you can get your DH to go to the seminar (my surgeon requires if you have a husband that he attend every pre-surgical visit with you which I think is a really smart thing). Keep us posted and we'll help in any way we can.

LOL I have to laugh about our soft veggies - but I totally agree with Cheri - I never understood the crisp tender crapola.

Great -- think your decision about NYE is a good one -- plus it sounds super romantic to me -- wow -- you and DH alone with lobster, champaign and candle light -- sounds lovely to me. Plus, we all know you recently went shopping at VS -- maybe you also bought a sexy new teddy you forgot to mention to us??

Well, I'm in the middle of taking down Christmas decorations and better get back to it. DS is here helping DH with putting the tubs away (we have something like 14 tubs full of stuff just for the inside).

Janet, hope your day back at work is going well. I made plans to go with a couple GFs to see "It's Complicated" and have lunch tomorrow -- weather is supposed to be good - have to travel 30 miles each way. Decided to put the fill off until next Wednes. as we were supposed to have snow today -- got about an inch so could have went, but oh well, next week will work as well.

CBL and yes, where is Meredith???? Linda

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Linda....have fun tomorrow with your GF's. Sounds like fun. We have decided that we are going to stop out at the hotel and visit with our lake friends prior to taking oldest DS and GF out for NYE dinner. Excited about it. Nice when your kids actually WANT to spend time with their old folks.

Ummmmm....I've seen Great (Lori) and I think she'd took awesome in a teddy. (No icky thoughts or anything, Lori...you just look draned good LOL). If you have not already bought one, go get your cane (if it's icy) and head out to VS. Surprise DH. Oh, and let us know how it went....no detail, please!

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Thank you all for your welcome and support..its gonna be a long and hard journey, and im sure I'm gonna need all the help I can get. Done really well today, pretty proud of myself...hopefully will do as well tomorrow (ps ... this is pretty major, I have Cookies in the car and DID NOT EAT THEM! giving em to the kids after dinner...)

smooches all


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Apples, I sure hope it wasn't twins!!

Just got home from therapy where I got my bend now to 105 degrees, I can't believe how quickly this knee is progressing vs the other one. Maybe because I didn't wait as long? As Linda says with her hip,that she wishes she hadn't waited so long. I felt that way with my first knee so it helped make the decision to get the 2nd knee done sooner easier. I peeked at the report my therapist gave me to give my doc tomorrow and he says i am doing excellent with excellent effort. Also, I can graduate to either one crutch or a cane now, didn't today with the ice outside I felt I wanted the extra security of 2 crutches. Also went to costco and got the aforementioned lobsters. And a new digital camera, I broke mine on Chrsitmas eve so no pics on Christmas, BUMMER! But I need one for our Isreal trip and DD's wedding. FSIL (future son in law) recommended a specific camera and they had a great deal and rebate on it at Costco.

You guys are too funny about the teddy. I'd look so sexy in it with my knee brace on to go to bed. LOL I actually don't own a teddy but do have a pink camo nighty. LOL I was complaining once that DH would pay more attention to me if I was in camo (it was during hunting season), I saw these at Bass Pro and couldn't resist. He liked it. :) I don't own a lot of those type things as I was too embarrassed by my body before and now well I've been too busy buying other clothes, until recently didn't even have bras, panties or socks that fit well.

Jewel, when is your surgery again? is it Monday? Please post and let us know asap afterwards how it went. I took one pain pill after being home and really didn't need it, thought it would help me sleep. Hated how they made me feel I never took another one. You should be good going back to school the next week, just becareful in your lifting.

Linda, still have my Christmas up. I always hate taking it down, though think DH will do most of it for me this year. We usually wait til New Years day. But I've started gathering things and putting them in the spare bedroom. Seems I always forget something and find it after all the tubs are put away, something like a hand towel in the bathroom or dish in the kitchen etc.

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Apples, congratulations on a safe delivery. Gives new meaning to the term "this too shall pass."

Linda, steamed veggies and stir-fried veggies are OK as long as they're not so crisp that they really should be called slightly warmed up raw. I hate when my fork won't even go into them. Green Beans can be OK a little crisp but not much else. I guess I just don't like either the taste or the texture of raw veggies or crisp ones either. I once had Brussel Sprouts that were left very crisp at a fancy restaurant. Ate them because I paid a lot for them but I like those mushy and then I mash them, add something buttery tasting and add parmesan cheese. Yummm.

Had some returns and gift returns and a $25 gift card for Kohl's so all the exercise I got today was cruising the racks and trying on clothes. Got $100 worth of merchandise, all of it quite reduced or on clearance racks. Happy Birthday Me!

My brother is too sick to come out but my sis is having whoever can make it from around here come to her cottage in Cedar Lake where my daughter lives. Don't know if my son's will come now that there're no out-of-town relatives coming, but that's all right. We're all bringing holiday left-overs. I've got turkey and my sister's got ham so we're bringing Buns. My mom's got Desserts. So there's still going to be a party on my birthday. I'm happy.

Got my temporary crown yesterday evening. A little achy. Hope it goes away so they'll know I don't need a root canal, too. But it had to be done because I had a cracked tooth and sensitivity to hot and cold and biting hard on that side. This is my first crown but I'm sure it won't be my last. I have many old, deep cavities.

My husband is finding a plethora of job opportunities in the security field and is applying all over. He's also finding there are some help desk jobs out there, which is what he used to do so he's applying for those, too.

Hopefully he'll be employed soon. Now that he's over his 3-week cold he actually seems excited about the prospect of working again.

I know I ranted about him before but I do need to state that he is a very thoughtful, kind, considerate man whose generosity overcomes his common sense. He just doesn't handle money well because he's not a long-view thinker, he's more of an immediate gratification person and likes to play the big man with others even though it leaves us struggling.

He's easy to live with at home but turns into someone else in public. That's where you either see the manic side of him or the depressed, curmudgeon side (talks too much and doesn't know how to give and take in conversation, or doesn't talk at all; dances, plays guitar, teases, tells jokes, or sulks, falls asleep, and won't look at people.)

So I don't press him to go anywhere with me. But a lot of times he feels its his duty so I'm always a little apprehensive wondering which Ken will show up.

I think the stability of having a job again will be good for him. He needs the structure to his days that that provides. He needs the contact with people and is very good at customer service (where he never has to see the people again) but doesn't always do well with bosses and co-workers. As long as they leave him alone to do his job he does just fine.

Newbies, as you can see we talk about everything on this thread. Sometimes its easier to be open with people you don't know and can't see than it is with those you know. Plus writing about stuff is catharctic.


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Apples, I'm glad the agony is over and you passed the stone. Yippee! Sounds like you've hit the ground running!

I'm having a very lazy day today...well, I did go out in the cold and walk for 45 mins this morning. Wasn't so bad and two walks in the past two days have made me realize that I don't need to stay inside when it's cold. I got warmed up pretty quick. I also have some new workout gear that I got at TJ Maxx with my daughter. She helped me pick out some badly needed stuff; I didn't have anything nice to wear to my exercise class, and I also got a fleece jacket that is great for outside walking. When it's really cold, I'll need some sort of shell over it also. But at least I'll be stylin' when I go to the gym. That what my husband and I got each other for Xmas this year---a membership to the gym. Linda, you're an inspiration to me with all your daily exercise.

We all went out last night to hear my DH play guitar at a local pub, and it was nice for us all to be together. DD and her partner left today---I miss her already, but I'm also glad to get back to my routine. I'm going in to work tomorrow, but that'll be it until Monday, when I'll have to really get back in the swing of things. Lately I've been terribly bored at work lately, and have trouble getting things done. I need to shake that off!

Well, on my shopping excursion I couldn't find any nice workout pants (I'm still in the plus sizes), so I need to make a pair. I can sew some stretch pants in an afternoon, but today I was too lazy. Probably will get some done this weekend. I also have to take in more pants, as I'm still losing! Yippee! That makes me happy.

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Hi--Well, I just had an unfill. I was too tight for months-never kept anything down, however, junk food was never a problem . Gained back 40 lbs. AND I AM EMBARRASSED AND DISGUSTED!

Indio (and anyone who can be supportive), help help! I need to get back to this forum and I need to hear your words of wisdom and support. I need to check in everyday and be accountable.

I will be on Clear Liquids for 2 days, get back on small amounts of Protein (that, hopefully, will stay down) and go back to the doc in 4 weeks.

I am having a little pity party. I am going to try not to make it a sleepover.



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When will I be ready to leave the house? When will I be comfortable enough to get out of pj's and into my jeans? I know I can't drive while on pain meds so my husband will have to take me. Plus I will need help carrying the books. That really is the only task I will have to take care of the first week post op. School starts a week after surgery so I plan on taking my rolling suitcase to carry my books and of course my liquid lunch. I hope the pain will have subsided by then. I always recover quickly from surgery hopefully I will this time too. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.

I think I was comfortable enough to leave the house within days! Like maybe 2 days... but, about the jeans... do you have some nice comfortable sweats you could wear?? That's what I would do. You're probably going to be a little too swollen for jeans for at least a few days or a week maybe.

Ummmmm....I've seen Great (Lori) and I think she'd took awesome in a teddy. (No icky thoughts or anything, Lori...you just look darned good LOL). If you have not already bought one, go get your cane (if it's icy) and head out to VS. Surprise DH. Oh, and let us know how it went....no detail, please!

What??? No details??? You're no fun!! LOL


Glad you finally gave birth to that boulder! YIKES!

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Hi--Well, I just had an unfill. I was too tight for months-never kept anything down, however, junk food was never a problem . Gained back 40 lbs. AND I AM EMBARRASSED AND DISGUSTED!

Indio (and anyone who can be supportive), help help! I need to get back to this forum and I need to hear your words of wisdom and support. I need to check in everyday and be accountable.

I will be on clear liquids for 2 days, get back on small amounts of Protein (that, hopefully, will stay down) and go back to the doc in 4 weeks. I am having a little pity party. I am going to try not to make it a sleepover. Judy

BRAND NEW START, Judy! You can do it!

Start journaling what you eat, ramp up the exercise and keep coming back here!!

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Hi--Well, I just had an unfill. I was too tight for months-never kept anything down, however, junk food was never a problem . Gained back 40 lbs. AND I AM EMBARRASSED AND DISGUSTED!

Indio (and anyone who can be supportive), help help! I need to get back to this forum and I need to hear your words of wisdom and support. I need to check in everyday and be accountable.

I will be on clear liquids for 2 days, get back on small amounts of Protein (that, hopefully, will stay down) and go back to the doc in 4 weeks.

I am having a little pity party. I am going to try not to make it a sleepover.



I wondered what happened to you, you've been missed here. You took the first very important steps, you went back to the doc, acknowledged the problem, took a step to solve it in the unfill, and you came back here for support. There's no judgement here, just lots of us glad to see you back and happy to help in anyway we can. You have now learned that a too tight band isn't the way to go. Keeps the good stuff out but lets the bad stuff slide right through. The magic of the band is finding that sweet spot, sometimes that takes awhile. Some folks go the I gotta be so tight route and as you found out that isn't the answer. Others are so afraid of the smaller quanities that they never get the fill they need to help them be successful. I think you've learnt that now. Keep a food journal and really weigh or measure your foods so that you know if you are getting the proper amount of solid Proteins and calories, that helps immensely to get back on track. Of course, there's that dreaded E word, exercise, and post here frequently, I know it helps keep me focused. And no matter where I am struggling or succeeding these gals here understand like none other. Good luck to you and glad to see you back!

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Phyl and Great2Be--you have been so successful! I am so proud of you.

Yes, I was a frequent poster here...but then, I got cute and then I got cocky. And now, I am heavy....again.

Then I went through some depression and food is my drug of choice. The tight band didn't help.

Thank you for your nice words of support. I knew I would find no judgement here--just support.

I will stay posted. I will keep a journal. Luckily, I love exercise! (I am retired and live in an active adult community, so there's lots to choose from.)

Must admit, I am HUNGRY right now! I guess my body is used to being stuffed. My brain has to be retrained too.

This is hard.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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