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I'm watching the news and it's showing the snow in Texas, glad it's not near you Arlene. Now they are showing snow in Abilene, MN is that near you Apples? roofs collapsing or something. Now they are talking more snow for us possibly on New Years eve morning. BRRRR Could use a few days of a warm up. I like the snow but I like the warm ups too.

Veggies, I can't do many veggies either, I do peas quite a bit, a little asparagus (my favorite). But I stick to 1/2 cup portions and when 3/4 of that is Protein it's hard to get many veggies in.

Linda, glad you get to go back to Water aerobics. I know what you are saying about therapy being easy. Mine is too and they said it was because I was in such good shape and strong muscles before surgery. I am grateful for that, as I can't imagine struggling to do some of those exercises with the pain from the surgery and then from being out of shape too. I think it's also helping my recovery go quickly and smoothly.

Still haven't decided what to do about my New Year's eve dilmna. I actually would prefer to stay home and have lobster with DH and watch tv and play games. We are invited to a very good friends house however, and she's not having many over and we are rarely invited out on NYE I feel I should go. I have to let her know tomorrow. She just gave me the details today, I thought maybe she had changed her mind.

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I snap peas & broc can cause me problems sometimes -

Looks like I eat larger serving sizes than Great - my dinner is usually 1.75 of a cup - maybe I do need a fill :0)

I eat a lot of zucchini and yellow crooked neck squash, spinach cauliflower - green Beans - asparagus - butternut squash - I cook all my veggies well done - alway have even prior to being banded - have corn and carrots every now and then - again very well done - I boil them and spray with I can't beleive it's not butter..

Well took a shower - then read a little bit and then about an hour or so nap..

I didn't accomplish anything except 2 loads of towels and washed one sweater..

Apples - sounds like you may have a sucky NYE - Hugs Hugs Hugs hope they hurry up and pass.. Gosh they really sound terrible - Hugs Hugs Hugs..

Well I got on the scale right before my shower - not good at all - so Linda stay off - I wish I hadn't gotten on - up 3 lbs - and it's all due to the sweets - That's what I over indulged on

Well they are all gone - I am back to eating healthy and am going to have to work extra hard at the gym..

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The only veggies I eat are green Beans (cooked well), squash and salad veggies (lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots, onions, tomatoes, etc.). I can eat brocolli if it's cooked soft -- which I prefer anyway -- I was never a fan of crisp cooked veggies -- I like mine cooked. I make green beans with onions and vinegar with a few bacon bits tossed in -- tastes good and it solves the delema of putting butter on them. I take a Vitamin everyday and don't worry too much about how many veggie I eat. I go in spurts where i eat more veggies at times than at others. Yes, I agree, it's easy to get veggies in with eating homemade Soup. I use fat free salad dressings and I make low fat dip for veggies out of light sour cream. I do enjoy some raw veggies with dip occasionally.

Lori, whatever you decide to do for NYE I hope you enjoy it. Apples, hope that stone passes soon, thinking about you. DH and I also went to lunch and then stopped by and visited at my office -- it was a good outing -- I needed to get out. Decided to make an appt. for a fill for next Wed. instead of tomorrow -- supposed to get snow tomorrow so hopefully next week weather will be better. Besides I want to get my decorations down tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great night. CBL. Cheri, not to worry, we enjoy it when you get verbose -- you have lots of interesting things to say and you always give good advice. Linda

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Sorry Janet about the 3 lbs. Thanks for the warning, I will stay off until next week. It's just so hard, isn't it? But I know you'll get them back off. It's going to be our lifetime struggle and we gotta remember that we must get back on the horse after we fall off. That's what we didn't use to do and now we do, so I'm grateful for the band -- it's a constant reminder that we must get back on and eat right. Linda

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Sorry Janet about the 3 lbs. Thanks for the warning, I will stay off until next week. It's just so hard, isn't it? But I know you'll get them back off. It's going to be our lifetime struggle and we gotta remember that we must get back on the horse after we fall off. That's what we didn't use to do and now we do, so I'm grateful for the band -- it's a constant reminder that we must get back on and eat right. Linda

Yep Linda it's a lifetime battle - but thankfully we aren't exposed to treats all year long - it was the cookie - candy that did me in - I didn't over eat food - I ate too many sweets - I should not have gotten on that darn scale.. I should have given my body a couple more days of healthy eating - I know they will come off quickly but - it does do something to the brain..

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Janet, back away from the scale! This too shall pass and I know that deep down you know it will. You are so devoted to the gym that you will get it off in no time. Plus when we eat outside I normal we tend to retain Water as well. Glad you had a nice relaxing day.

Linda, good luck with that fill, if I remember right you said you had an 80 mile drive to get one so might be good to wait for good weather for the drive.

Veggies, I forgot about zuchini and other squashes I do those sometimes. I too like them soft.

Nap today was only about 2 hours. Felt good though. Tonight we had the food tasting for the food for DD's wedding. Good thing, no one liked the chicken so we are having another tasting for the 2nd entree. We loved the pot roast. Felt good that a 'tasting' was a meal for me too. LOL

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Janet, back away from the scale! This too shall pass and I know that deep down you know it will. You are so devoted to the gym that you will get it off in no time. Plus when we eat outside I normal we tend to retain Water as well. Glad you had a nice relaxing day.

Linda, good luck with that fill, if I remember right you said you had an 80 mile drive to get one so might be good to wait for good weather for the drive.

Veggies, I forgot about zuchini and other squashes I do those sometimes. I too like them soft.

Nap today was only about 2 hours. Felt good though. Tonight we had the food tasting for the food for DD's wedding. Good thing, no one liked the chicken so we are having another tasting for the 2nd entree. We loved the pot roast. Felt good that a 'tasting' was a meal for me too. LOL

Great - Ya I know all those carbs make you retain - infact this morning when I woke up my eyes were really puffy - - Like you said - I'm not too worried - I do know that one my body gets back into it's groove it will be ok.. I may be skipping the rice tonite though and eat extra cauliflower - GS says it's stinking up the house :0) - I think it smells good myself..

It's so funny about that tasting -- I know when I go to costco - that the sampling there now is my lunch :0)...

Hope the next one is better than this ck dish - What's the date???

Work tomorrow uhg:frown: Well I should be happy I have a job.. but still 2 days then will be off early I hope on Thursday. We are scheduled to work all day - but most likely will get off at 3ish I am hoping..

I should have done so much today - I had planed to - but didn't work out that way - I needed the down time after all the family here for 6 days..

I love everyones sauerkraut - I didn't like it as a kid - but like it now - and it's good for you ;0).. Veggies..

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LOL. It cracks me up how many of us more "mature" women actually prefer our veggies softer. The crisp vegetable fad has, I think, led all kinds of young people to avoid veggies a lot more than we do. I don't understand the concept of passing a vegetable over the steam for a few seconds and considering that cooked. If your fork bounces off of it, it ain't cooked. It's raw. Better dip it.

By the way, another way to get your vegetables is juiced. V-8 has low sodium veggie juice, it has low-carb veggie fruit combos and I'm sure there's more out there. I take a small low-sodium v-8 that comes in 6 packs to work and will occasionally use them as a mid-afternoon snack.< /p>

Also came up with an updated version of an old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work just makes Jack an A$$."


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Evening Girls...

Great...I don't recognize the name of that town that was getting all the snow. Albany? maybe? When you live in MN, you are crazy not to carry colapse coverage on your ins. policy. Especially for all of our "outbuildings"..machine sheds, etc. Heavy, heavy snow this year and lots of it.

Well, things aren't moving as fast as I would like them to with this stone. Just wish I could bear down and it would be gone. No such luck. And, to add stress to it all, it's crunch time around here to get everything completed by the time the bank closes on Dec 31. I think we have all of our prepays figured out and should be able to be ahead of the deadline. It always works and hope this year is not diff. The late harvest threw a wrench into EVERYTHING.

Gonna go sit in a warm bath and read. Thanks to you all for the well-wishes. It will pass...it had better. I have been put under a number of times where they either had to go up and get them or break them up. It willl pass on it's own. Please join me in the "Crossed Fingers and Toes" club.

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Evening ladies....

Apples, so sorry about the stones...hope they pass soon. I can't imagine the pain. Shall we send you psychic sonic waves to help move them through?

Good job to all of you that "threw the junk out". I did too. Yep, it's time to get back on track and it sure isn't easy. I had a good day today and I'm working towards a perfect day tomorrow.

I think I screwed up my back over Christmas. Before, if I stood too long or walked too slow (like shopping) my leg would start to burn and I knew that nerve was getting a little more pinched. Since Christmas, it's burning a lot more, even when I sit. And the other side is giving me a bit of trouble from the sacrum area. I really hope this calms down again. It's too soon for surgery.

What brought this on is I walked to the mall at lunch and went shopping. Usually, that two block walk wouldn't phase me a bit, but about 1/2 through the mall, my leg was starting to burn. By the time I bought the last item, my leg was really burning. Walking at my normal pace helps relieve the pain and by the time I got back to work, it was better, but this shouldn't be happening at all. I'm also out the in field every day lately, doing measurements and I really don't want to be in pain doing those. UUggggg. Getting old isn't for sissys.

Hey Laura, it's good to hear from you. Glad to hear your Dad is doing a little better. Hope he gets to go swimming. That always feels good.

Okay, I'm going to try and hang up side down from my bed...wish me luck.


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Well...I must be the odd girl out. I love my veggies just passed over the steam a bit. Mushy I can do but prefer lightly steamed.

Cheri...who's Jack?

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Evening ladies....

Apples, so sorry about the stones...hope they pass soon. I can't imagine the pain. Shall we send you psychic sonic waves to help move them through?

Good job to all of you that "threw the junk out". I did too. Yep, it's time to get back on track and it sure isn't easy. I had a good day today and I'm working towards a perfect day tomorrow.

I think I screwed up my back over Christmas. Before, if I stood too long or walked too slow (like shopping) my leg would start to burn and I knew that nerve was getting a little more pinched. Since Christmas, it's burning a lot more, even when I sit. And the other side is giving me a bit of trouble from the sacrum area. I really hope this calms down again. It's too soon for surgery.

What brought this on is I walked to the mall at lunch and went shopping. Usually, that two block walk wouldn't phase me a bit, but about 1/2 through the mall, my leg was starting to burn. By the time I bought the last item, my leg was really burning. Walking at my normal pace helps relieve the pain and by the time I got back to work, it was better, but this shouldn't be happening at all. I'm also out the in field every day lately, doing measurements and I really don't want to be in pain doing those. UUggggg. Getting old isn't for sissys.

Hey Laura, it's good to hear from you. Glad to hear your Dad is doing a little better. Hope he gets to go swimming. That always feels good.

Okay, I'm going to try and hang up side down from my bed...wish me luck.


Oh Eva...thanks for the offer of psychic sonic waves. But, I am at the point right now that I would much prefer a 5th of Grey Goose delivered to my door:blink:

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I'll see what I can do about the Grey Goose Girl!!

On the subject of veggies...for me...broccoli needs to be cooked tender, but green Beans works for me raw or cooked. Carrots have to be raw, cabbage can go either way. I ate raw broccoli today and I still don't really like it, but it filled a hole. I can eat as much lettuce as I want. I'm finding my "system" works better if I can get the veggies in. Doing laxatives daily just doesn't seem right to me. I also drink V-8...it really helps when I get hungry. fruit is good, but apples make me feel more hungry...I know I'm not, but for some reason I feel hungry after eating apples.

I don't get stuck on anything unless I don't chew it enough which I tend to do more frequently that I should. Then I have to stop and wait, then I remember to chew more. I strongly suspect I need more of a fill, but I'm going to use will power for a few more weeks, then make another trip to San Diego. I do have restriction, just probably not enough to stop me from eating too much.

Okay, back to the hanging off the bed thing.


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Well...I must be the odd girl out. I love my veggies just passed over the steam a bit. Mushy I can do but prefer lightly steamed.

Cheri...who's Jack?

Just playin' with words.

But mostly playing with the saying just appealed to me. It gets quoted so often to justify goofing off, but I've come to appreciate the steady Eddies out there.

Did you ever think what kind of characters usually get named Jack? His name is not just associated with donkeys and with not knowing Jacksh!! about anything.

Jack is in so many nursery rhymes. "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of Water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after."

"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick."

Then there's "Jack and the Beanstalk"

"Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie. He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum and said,'What a good boy am I.'"

and of course the ultimate in bad boys refusing to grow up, the Rolling Stones in Jumpin Jack Flash. It's a Gas, Gas, Gas.

So, Hit the road, Jack, and don't you come back no more no more no more no more! Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more.

So, get you some Jack Daniels, Apples, and put that stone to bed.

I remember telling the nurse, "I don't believe in pain. You give me whatever it takes to make the pain go away." And she did. I hope you find something that kills the pain without making you vomit.

As for me, its time for my Nyquil. My theory about a bad cold is, "Wake me up when its over."

Night, now.


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Just gotta say, Eva, that apples have always made me hungry, too. My stomach starts growling within minutes of eating one and I feel like I'm starving.


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