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What is way to much food.. You aren't going to (nor should you) be so tight to keep sliders from going down

And no matter how tight you are the cravings aren't going to stop.

I am phsyically full from dinner - but I still want to eat at night too - so much so that sometimes I get pissed that I can't eat more food -- but I can sneak sliders in after about and hourt..

I don't have ADHA - I'm 2.5 yrs out - and GF the old habit are still there - I don't know if they will every go away - I don't think it has anything thing to do w/your ADHA - but with your addiction to food - and addictions don't go away

Studies have shown that a subset of people with food addictions have an even harder time losing weight and maintaining than other food addicts. After testing, it was determined that these people have ADHD and use food to self-medicate their ADHD. The ADHD also prevents them from doing things like counting pts., calories, Protein, carbs or any system out there. They have trouble keeping track of things on paper, or on Blackberries or any other device or system. They are also much more likely to give in to impulses because the part of the brain that governs impulses is actually less developed than in people without ADHD.

It's like being a perpetual teenager where possible long term consequences aren't important enough to inhibit short term behavior. We use food to quell our restlessness, give us an outlet for our energy (biting, chewing, swallowing), and to enable us to sit still and concentrate.

We have trouble maintaining anything longterm. ADHD is closely tied to almost all addictions, and makes recovery very difficult from any addiction. If you haven't experienced it, its hard to describe it. I will tell you that my husband has absolutely no doubts about my ADHD. He used to get up and get me chocolate just to settle me down and get me to sit.

However, ADHD people can go into hyper-focus with something that really interests them and can complete a major project in a short period of time. Just like I've lost most of the weight in a short period of time. However, once a project is completed they lose interest and go on to the next thing. Entrepreneurs are frequently ADHD. Once they've established their company, they need to turn it over to others to manage it or they'll destroy what they've created. That's like me and maintenance. Goal achieved, interest gone.

ADHD people are creative and spontaneous. Those are our gifts. But most of us are not cabable of following even a relatively rigid routine. I know that I have to do some of the work. But I need the band to be pretty tight to check those impulses very quickly. I know better than to think that I can do it myself.

Right now, I pb with one or two small bites of dense protein. Especially if I've had no sliders all day long except liquids. But after five minutes I can go ahead and eat a 6-8 oz filet mignon as long as I eat small bites slowly and chew well. I could then keep eating all night long anything I want as long as I eat slowly and chew well. Right now I'm choosing to stop eating. But that's because I have that short-term goal in mind. Once I reach it, I'll lose that hyper-focus.

Also, my band has loosened as I've lost weight, and 5-7 lbs tends to loosen the band enough so that I need another fill. Since I want to lose more than that in order to build in a cushion, I'm pretty sure I'll need another fill both to get there and then to help me maintain. Even with another fill, I don't expect it to be easy.

I could be wrong. I hope I am. But most people don't outgrow ADHD. They learn to cope with it and to find compensating techniques. Well, my major compensating technique has been food. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the ADHD without food.

Going back to school will be a major test of that. I don't know how to study without food. I don't know how to get through research without food. I don't even want to think about writing papers and doing footnotes and bibliographies without food.

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yes I am feeling much better tired but doing well. And so is the rest of the family.

Hey did any see my question on if you had a 10cc band and had 9cc in it how can you eat what can you eat? it seems like nothing would go through. I saw a posting on another thread and someone said they have 9cc's in their band.

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Also, my band has loosened as I've lost weight, and 5-7 lbs tends to loosen the band enough so that I need another fill. Since I want to lose more than that in order to build in a cushion, I'm pretty sure I'll need another fill both to get there and then to help me maintain. Even with another fill, I don't expect it to be easy.

That's what my surgeons office always says, the more you lose the more likely you are to need a fill as you lose the fat pad between the band and the stoma. I got one fill right as I hit my goal, though it was a very small one and it helped keep me at goal. Now it's weird as I lost most of my fill but am still doing good, might still be my drugs and Fluid retention that are affecting who knows, but I'm not complaining.

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{{{{{{{{{{Apples}}}}}}}}} (those {} are hugs)

So sorry you are suffering from kidney stones again. Wish they could figure a way to relieve you of those.

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Apples, sympathy is there and in place....poor baby!! What can you do for them?

Cheri....nice rant. You do have to take care of yourself...that will in turn help your relationship too. When you're good with you, then you can be better with others.

Janet, AVATAR is one I'll buy too. I may break down and go see it again however. I really did enjoy it.

Julie, hope you don't get sick from Mimi....aren't you just getting over one cold?

Lori..good progress with the knee. A nap sounds nice.

1 day....glad you are feeling better. Wow, don't know how someone could eat anything with 9 cc's in a 10 cc band. I guess it's really true, everyone is different.

New year's traditions....uh......none really. My DH calls it amateur night on the road. I usually do black eyed peas because my Mom did them for good luck. She didn't do collards however. Maybe that's why we aren't prosperous. You can get fresh black eyed peas at Safeway this time of year and usually the stores will carry frozen ones. I really love them, but don't eat them often.

Back to NYE...we are going to a party on the other side of town and have a motel room close by to go to. It's supposed to be a dress up party. That should be intersting.

I am so tired....I stay up too late.

Have a great night ladies....talk to you later.


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UHGGGG...Kidney stones! Any sympathy is appreciated.

You have my sympathy BIG TIME. My DIL suffers with them and she looks terrible when she is in so much pain. One guy told me that drinking beer helps. Is that true? I guess you can get drunk and it lessens the pain while flushing your kidneys. Anyway, I hope you get relief soon.


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UHGGGG...Kidney stones! Any sympathy is appreciated.

Hugs those are not fun. My husband used to drink beer cause it would make you pee alot and he would pass them but I think that is a guys wise tail so they can drink LOL

drinks lots of Water it should help

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Hey...thanks guys...nothing like asking friends to feel sorry for you.

I have felt this coming on for quite a few days now. I am a "seasoned" passer since they hit in 1994. Long, long story but not much they can do. I am a major Water drinker. Always have something in my hand and sipping whether I have stones or not. I just manufacture them and so do my two DS's.

Never heard the beer story but have been given all kinds of advice. Cranberry juice, apple juice, cannot remember all of them. I just wait and pass when I can. No fun but that's just the way it is. I guess I should feel fortunate that I have not had them for a couple of months.

Just wanted to say "hi" b/4 going to bed. Just got out of the warm tub and maybe finish my book. Night all!

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Apples - Hugs & Sympathy being sent your way... I know you get them often - Can't you take some pain meds for them..

Cheri - I guess I didn't have that much fat around my stomach - I haven't had a fill since 1/08 - it will be 2 yrs next month.. But as we all know we are all diff with our fills..

Melissa - I have read where the bands hold more the the # of cc that they are - but then I read where's that's untrue to - I don't know the answer to that one. I would say that maybe it's not placed in the right place..

Well back from the gym- kids had pizza - I'm having fish/rice and veggies - done with unhealthy food for a while :0)

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Apples. Had kidney stones once. Once was enough. I think they gave me straight morphine as well as a powerful antiinflammatory. Until they did I couldn't stop throwing up. Do you throw up? I had to have mine ultrasound shocked to help it pass.

Hugs hugs hugs.

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Apples. Had kidney stones once. Once was enough. I think they gave me straight morphine as well as a powerful antiinflammatory. Until they did I couldn't stop throwing up. Do you throw up? I had to have mine ultrasound shocked to help it pass.

Hugs hugs hugs.

Cheri..pain meds make me projectile puke (TMI). I have always had adverse reaction to them. I never fill scripts after surgery. I just tough it out. DH thinks I have extremely high tolerance for pain. Right now I would say there is no tolerance what-so-ever. I have thrown up many times from stones but since being banded, it's different. It's almost like my new stomach does not have the option to vomit.

I just wreath and say a certain cuss word that even offends the dog.Thanks for sending hugs, Cheri

Janet...got the sympathy and hugs....they arrived shortly after you sent them! Thanks. :biggrin:

Edited by Apples2

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Hi all~ Greetings from NC.

Apples~ "This too shall pass"! Kidney stones SUCK! Lots and lots of fluids! If you can take an anti inflammatory that sometimes helps. Even nausea medicines (like Phenergan) can relieve the "spasms". We give IV Droperidol for them in the ER and it works wonders. (better than narcotics). Do you ever get a UTI when you have them? Sometimes you need antibiotics for a couple days. I hope you feel better soon!!! Thinking of you.

Eva, Great, Janet, Cheri, Arlene, Melissa (all the last posts that are showing as I type this) and friends... Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready to ring in 2010!!!

I have so much to update you guys on.. but I am sooooooooooo tired. Will write more when I get home on Wed and will post some pics. We will make sure and get to the airport EARLY with the new security measures!!!

Dad update: restarted chemo today. Did pretty good. He is VERY motivated. The IV steroids they give caused his blood sugar to go to 440! He was REALLY concerned but I told him to give his insulin and recheck in the morning. He was able to pee normally again today but that is also b/c of the steroids, but the oncologist said it is a positive side b/c means chemo might shrink tumor enough to get nephrostomy tube out! Dad said he misses swimming in his inside pool and PROMISES to not take it for granted and will swim every day if the tube comes out!(part of the cancer grieving stages- bargaining) Nelson let Grandpa take his Thomas the Train blanket to the infusion center. Dad proudly displayed it! : )

Mom bought me 3 Talbot's XL sweaters for Christmas that fit perfect. They tend to run on the slim side for me, So nice to be in 16 pants and XL tops. I felt nice and not frumpy today.

Time for bed, my eyes are closing. Hugs to all.

peasout Laura

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Good evening, just got done watching White Christmas, I have never watched that movie in all these years. I was surprised, just like It's a Wonderful Life, the movie really wasn't that Christmasy. the info said that movie was filmed in 1954, I can't believe it's that old. DD got a kick out of it, thought it was corny.

My little nap today turned into be 3 1/2 hours. Guess I really was tired and worn out. Can I do it again tomorrow? LOL I am doing nothing but resting.

DD is feeling better and will probably return to work tomorrow. I pray she didn't give DH nor I the stomach flu being home here all day. Like others have mentioned I am afraid of vomiting with my band.

Believe it or not, I am tired, and will chat with you all tomorrow.

Laura, glad your dad is feeling a little better and that the chemo is helping somewhat.

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Hi everyone! Apples, hugs on the stones, sorry you are suffering, saying prayers for you and hoping the stones will be passed by morning. Oneday so glad you and family are not suffering any consequences from the accident. Hopefully the car is already fixed or close to being fixed. Eva, sounds like you had a super busy day yesterday -I haven't gotten to see Avitar yet but I do want to see it. Previews look fabulous. Janet, proud of you for throwing out the fudge. I went back to my regular food yesterday but have been so hungry. Thinking I may need another fill -- I just checked and I've lost 14 lbs. since my last one so I think I probably could use another small one. Like Cheri, I had a lot of fat in my stomach (rather than other parts of my body) and I think as I lose I still need fills. I plan to call tomorrow and see if they can get me in on Wednes. which is the regular fill day. Our weather looks good, so it would be a good day for the 80 miles each way trip. Laura, glad your dad is doing well with chemo--hope he gets his wish and gets the tube out and does swim every day -- the Water will feel so good to him. I tried to call surgeon today to see when I can go back to water aerobics - my incision is completely healed so I'm hoping soon. They took today off as part of their holiday so will call tomorrow. Cleaned the bathrooms yesterday and kitchen today. Am hoping I can talk DH into getting out the Christmas boxes so I can get the Christmas decorations put away in the next day or two. We put them up at Thanksgiving so I am more than ready to get them down and get the house completely clean again. Harder to clean with all the Christmas stuff around. Lori, good going on the bend on the knee -- glad you are doing so well. I have therapy tomorrow -- looking forward to seeing how they advance me this week -- I'm anxious to get back to something aerobic -- hopefully I can maybe ride a recumbant bike this week -- they said "maybe". I hope so. I want to get back to my exercise routine.

Our NY tradition (being basically German/Austrian) was pork, Kielbasa and sauerkraut -- for prosperity and luck. So I usually make that -- I used to always have big NYE parties at my house and cook and serve the buffet right at midnight -- I miss those days -- I should start doing some of that again now that I'm pretty well reestablished (we've lived here five years already) with lots of friends. Maybe next year. I have converted many people who thought they didn't like sauerkraut -- I cook it a long time in a slow temperature (300) with lots of garlic and smokey paprika. Yum. I usually make homemade piergies to go with it as well. So good, but so fattening. It's weird how our entire lives revolved around food. I talked to my sister yesterday. She's never had a weight problem and has never been much of a cook or really cared much about food. I asked her about her Christmas day dinner and she said, "well, I made a prime rib but really didn't do anything special -- she made instant mashed potatoes (yuck) and frozen green Beans and that was that! She baked nothing for the holidays and they have no plans for NYE. I wish I were more like her in how I approach food. I was sort of disgusted with myself this year cause I just ate for 3 days straight over Christmas -- so like Janet and Cheri, I do worry about gaining it all back -- it would be so easy just to eat and keep on eating all my favorite foods. But when I went back to my healthy eating, it was a relief and I am happy with it again. So that's good.

Well, gotta get some sleep. Have a good one everyone. Linda

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