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Good Morning, Gang!

This is our last day here with our son & family before we head south again. We've had a real nice visit. DIL took me to a couple of 2nd hand/consignment shops yesterday that a friend had told me about... my best "find", brand new still in the box Waterford Crystal wine stoppers... "Star of Erin", marked $59.99 that I got for $14.xx. Beautiful! I'm going to give them to that friend. She'll love them! And she'll love that I found such a great prize at the store she told me about!

We were supposed to have a "girls' night out" last night... dinner and a movie. Dinner was fun, but when we got to the movie.. it was packed, took DIL forever to find a parking space, and when I got up to the ticket window to buy the tickets, movie we wanted to see... something about "The Morgans", cashier said they weren't showing it anymore that night! Internet times were wrong. We had 13 yr old DGD with us, so could only go to PG-13s and there were very few that weren't rated "R" and none that we wanted to see. So we came home, put on our jammies and watched "All About Steve"! It was hilarious. Guys came home from football game just as it was finishing up. They were cold and wet. Very rainy afternoon in SF!!

DS#2 is going to drive me crazy with incessant phone calls for the last month beggin for money! Says if we don't pay for his motel bill tonight he & his girlfriend will be sleeping in a tent in the snow tonight! UGH!

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Good Afternoon !!!

You all have been busy...

Melissa Hugs on the accident glad you are all ok- did the guy have insurance :0)??



Janet - the guy that caused the accident did not have any. That is okay at least we are doing better. You family pics are beautiful

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DS#2 is going to drive me crazy with incessant phone calls for the last month beggin for money! Says if we don't pay for his motel bill tonight he & his girlfriend will be sleeping in a tent in the snow tonight! UGH!


Phyl, I can relate...........my DS#2 is like that. He is the one with the most kids. We quit talking to him for about a year and somehow it cured him. He hasn't asked for money in about two years.

Apples I hope you have a Merry Christmas today!

Lori, are you feeling better?

Okay, back to taking down the decorations. I hope all of you have a relaxing Sunday.

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DS#2 is going to drive me crazy with incessant phone calls for the last month beggin for money! Says if we don't pay for his motel bill tonight he & his girlfriend will be sleeping in a tent in the snow tonight! UGH!


Phyl, I can relate...........my DS#2 is like that. He is the one with the most kids. We quit talking to him for about a year and somehow it cured him. He hasn't asked for money in about two years.

Apples I hope you have a Merry Christmas today!

Lori, are you feeling better?

Okay, back to taking down the decorations. I hope all of you have a relaxing Sunday.

I had to quit answering the phone because he just keeps calling over and over... about 10 times this morning. He's trying to play on my sympathy and make me feel guilty. DH gets angry every time I answer... so I quit!

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Good afternoon all! I hope everybody had a great holiday!

I am a little frustrated these last couple days. I am thinking that the last of my swelling must have went away because I have no restriction! Last week my 1/4 of a cup was plenty. Today I just want to keep eating!! I know that 90% of the "hunger" is mental, but knowing doesn't help that much! I am not scheduled to go to my Dr. for my first fill until the 8th!!! Does anyone have any advice to help get me through these next two weeks without ruining all of my progress?

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Hello.................. I've been away a couple days and you guys have been posting away.... Finally caught up reading again.... I've been very busy going here and there and having company and all that other stuff.... I had a nice nap after church today but now feel a bit groggy..... Our weather has calmed down and DH has us mostly blown out... some of our rental property still needs work, but he has time for that now tomorrow.. My shoulder is bothering me again, but not to the level it was... I'm disappointed that it has returned... I have to start ragging on the ins people tomorrow....

The holidays have been exhausting for me to some degree and I have not been able to eat right... My stomach rebels everytime I try to put meat in it... I end up eating cookies............ and I've lost weight..... Guess we can figure I'm not overly healthy right now... Maybe when things calm down I can get back to normal... Don't mind the weight loss, but know I'm not eating right...

I love all the pictures... and am so happy to hear everyone has had a good holiday.. Melissa, glad you are okay; Laura.....so happy to hear your story about Dad and Nelson..... good decision to go... How is your DH doing?? Linda, you better take it easy, and you, too, Lori............ Don't overdo things... Apples, have fun today, your cake sounds great.... I know I've missed people,,,,, so sorry, but my head is drawing a blank now... Hugs to all..........

Have some company coming tonight for impromptu leftovers........... I warned them and they thought it sounded great.... Gotta try to get rid of some food.... I hate throwing it out....

TTYL............ Julie

Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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Hi All,

sounds like everyone had a good time for Christmas. I still have one more dinner to go then it's done. This one is with my "fake family". Will be good to just spend time together.

Still having some issues with pbing haven't quite got this last fill figured out. I have not had this restriction before. I have to remember to follow all the rules, biggest one seems to be eat slowly.

Glad you are ok Melissa. You girls with the new body parts need to slow doen and relax. You are wearing me out with all that you are doing. You are doing so good.

Apples have fun with the little ones.

Laura glad you are with your dad and he got such a kick out of Nelson.

Take care, have a great sunday.

Laura K

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Phyl, sorry you are in a tough spot with your son. I think your DH is probably right though in quitting answering the phone. It would be so tough to do, but if you give him the money you are probably just enabling him. I want to see that 'Morgans' movie too, DH doesn't though. He doesn't like how they are making fun of small town or country life and values. But it looks hilarious so I might see it with DD.

Arlene, taking down Christmas already? I couldn't do it. I am one that needs to leave it up til New Years, once New Years comes and goes though I am ready to take it down. My grandma never takes her down til Jan 6th which in the Lutheran church is Ephiphany.

Well gals, did I get lucky at Ann Taylor Loft today. I slept 13 hours last night and felt pretty good today so DH said we could go 'for just a little bit'. Well much to my surprise was a sign there that said 'store closing sale 50% off all marked down merchandise'. Who can resist that? I got 3 sweaters, 2 blouse type tops, 3 knit tops, 2 pairs of twill type pants and a pair of jeans, are you ready for the total? $137!!! I still have $113 left in gift cards too. Some of the items are even springy probably left from last year as she said they took everything out of the back. My biggest bargain was one of the pairs of pants was $4. I did struggle a little there in the fitting room trying on so many clothes, I had to take my compression stocking off my leg as it stuck in all the pant legs plus it was hard to decide if the pants fit as my knee is so swollen. DH was sitting on a chair in the store waiting for me and I was walking in and out to show him my outfits. When suddenly I heard a man in the fitting room next to me, so I asked the clerk if DH could come back with me as I just had knee surgery and she said as long as he stayed in the room with me and not in the hallway outside the dressing rooms. So in he came and he helped me put on the pants and stuff, big help! Then I went to Victorias Secret for their big sale. I knew I needed new bras with the weight loss and hadn't been measured for a new one in over a year. Before lapband I was a 42DD and am now proud to say I am a 36 C or D. So cool, I've never been a 36 that I can remember. I was buying 38D and they were gaping on me so I got 2 new bras and 5 pairs of panties as they were 5 for $25. Today I will go through my underwear drawer and anything that says Lane Bryant on it is now history! I am relaxing now and DH says I am grounded the rest of the day. He was so cute though and such a help carrying my clothes and purse. LOL He even offered to carry my bras in Victorias but I said I could handle them and my crutches. He was glad when we were done in that store. I did go to Bass Pro with him and he got to spend some of his giftcards.

Dinner last night with my family went pretty well. Parents are leaving tonight but told me good bye last night so guess I am not seeing them today. They did have a whole seperate Christmas with the entire family except me and hubby and the kids. They all exchanged gifts, etc. and then did our name drawing ones the next day. Don't understand why the farce of that if they had one Christmas already w/o me. I had invited them here and they declined so they could all 'be together'. When my sisters left last night they actually said they hoped my recovery continued to go well. That is the first they have even mentioned my surgery, never called, nothing in the 10 days since I had it. With my parents leaving tonight the family issues will settle down now. I won't see nor hear from my sisters at all and I won't be pursuing it, unless it involves something for Grandma. If Ican't drive I may need to ask them to pick something up for her.

Shan, are you eating solid Proteins or slider type foods. Concentrate on the solid proteins and that should help.

Julie, be careful with skipping meat for Cookies, you aren't going to be getting the Protein and nutrients your body needs. I think with the small quantities we are able to eat, proper nutrition is even more important especially when we have ailments in our bodies to heal, etc.

Apples, hope you are haviing a good day with the family.

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Apples, hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your (extended) family today! So glad you have them in your life. Lori, you are amazing -- trying on clothes with a new knee -- that is amazing -- can't believe you are doing that!! But what terrific bargains -- what a difference a year makes!! Julie, I hope that shoulder starts to feel better -- you probably over did with cooking/baking or decorating for the holidays. Hopefully it will settle down a bit now. Laura K. you made me laugh about our new body parts. What restriction are you at now? I had some trouble when I got to 6.0 -- but now I've finally seemed to work through that. I didn't pb too much -- just had to really slow down and really chew, chew chew or I had problems -- really with any food . I don't think I need another fill -- I think I'm at my sweet spot -- at least I hope so. I don't much like that feeling when things don't go down well. Phyll, sorry about your DS#2. It's hard, but you gotta stay strong. We had to move DS out of here a little over a week ago and that was hard but we must make these kids fend for themselves or it will never change. I worry about what will happen to them when we're gone -- I mean who are they going to ask for money then? Who are they going to try to live with then? So maybe if you think of it that way it'll be easier to say no. My DSD said the other day, "all I need next year is a new mattress and bed for my daughter." I said, "well, you're working, so you can buy it yourself." She looked at me like I was "crazy". LOL.

Had a good day -- went ot Walmart -- I needed a few things -- bananas, etc. got a few Christmas goodies at good prices -- I usually buy my cards after Christmas. DH got a nice jacket for 50% off. My hip was a little sore after walking that store, but still doing good -- probably does it good. I needed to get out of the house. It was a gorgeous day here -- clear and sunny -- nice blue skies. It was pretty with all the new snow on the ground. Had a couple inches more over night so it was pretty.

Shrinkinshan, you're in Bandster Hell which is after your swelling goes down but before your first fill. You've just gotta use willpower during this time and it's tough, but you'll do just fine. Just be sure to get enough Protein as that seems to be the most satisfying. I sometimes found having a hot cup of tea or coffee when i got really hungry helped me feel less hungry -- or have a healthy snack -- Jello, etc. We are all here pulling for you and we know you'll be just fine.

No more news on the wedding. I'm just praying they won't find anywhere to have the reception -- I'm so mean. I talked to my sister today and she says they haven't made any further decisions and my neice is in St. Louis until the second at a youth chrisitian convention. I really hope I get to come, so don't count me out just yet.

I need to go to Des Moines and go to Victoria Secret and get prooperly fitted for a bra too. I'll have to make plans to do that.

Hope everyone else is having a great day - I'm back to eating my healthy food today -- struggling a bit as all that rich and unhealthy food sure tasted good over the past 3 days. It would be so easy to eat more of it. Staying strong.

Lori, your family is weird, sorry, but they are. I feel so badly for you -- you are such a warm and sweet person -- it is their loss, trust me. You do not deserve that kind of treatment. I'm glad you are not letting it affect you like it has in the past. Glad your parents are leaving so you can finally just relax and recover from your surgery. Take care everyone. Laura -- hope you're having a good day -- thinking of you and your family. Linda

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I was at 5.75, they had to take out .50. It did help but I have to really really be careful, which with the holiday everything seems to be out of sorts. In the morning I am very tight so don't feel like eating anything, then when I do it don't take much. Yesterday, at Tim Hortons, I had Soup and thought I would try a bit of roll with it, not happening had to hurry to bathroom and pb. Then at night I feel/think I should eat. I know I'm not getting the nutrients I need. I have been making sure to have my protien shot which is 26 grams of protien and taking my vitas.

Trying to be patient with this and not depend on sliders. I have had some of the goodies I made for Christmas, trying not to play games with my head over this.

I do so much better when I'm working and my kids aren't home. Long weekend next week again and DD home for two more weeks before she goes back.

Sorry for going on and on.

Laura K

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LauraK, Even without much restriction, ever since I got my band I have never been able to eat bread of any sorts.

I am trying to debate what to do about another fill these days. It's weird. Before my emergency unfill of half my band in the hospital with my knee surgery I haven't felt any difference in restriction. I have a 14 cc band and had 11cc of a fill and it took that much to keep my restriction up until I got that last one in June. I've been great since June. Now they took out 5 ccs putting me down to 6 in my band, I did get 3/4 cc back but I am really not noticing any difference than before my surgery. Maybe it's the pain pills etc. that have taken my appetite away, but I was to go in this week to get a little more of my unfill put back but think I will wait on it, why get it back if I don't need it? Also, I am now 2 lbs below where I was before knee surgery so can't complain about that.

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That's wonderful that you feel the same with less of a fill than before, hopefully it's not the pain pills & that you continue. You are doing so good with all that you have been through with both knees so close together.

I think I probably didn't need the last fill I got. It was my brain that said I had to get a fill, it was my 3rd one.

I have had toast almost every day for Breakfast & have had coffee cake this week with no problem. I think I did not chew it enough, that seems to be the hardest thing for me right now. I'm discombobulated with the holidays and kids being home again. Need the structure of doing the same all the time I guess. Big learning curve right now.

Laura K

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I hear you on everything being out of whack for the holidays. My eating, the types of foods I am eating and when I am eating is so off from what is normal. It's really hard to tell right now just what is 'normal' for restriction and a fill. I find I like the structure of my normal routine as I get older too. After New Years this week everything will be back to normal and you will get a handle on whether or not you needed that fill or not. But, heck, maybe it helped get your through a very tricky time of year foodwise too. Personally I am glad I wasn't able to eat all the treats I have eaten in years past over the past 2 holidays. That's what I wanted my band for, it gives me an added element of control. And I don't feel like I am missing out at all.

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Hey Guys.... got home about 1/2 hour ago. Had a wonderful day but still had more family missing again today because of the stomach flu...came down with it during the night. Was a small group of us..only 9 but we had just a great day.

"Mom's" DS and DIL gave me a beautiful handmade quilt. She makes one for every family member. It is all the right colors and just the kind of quilt I like. Already at the foot of the bed. I was just floored that she would make me one.

Glare ice on all the roads here. Just so bad to drive on. To think, I did a 180 mile trip on those yesterday. Crazy woman...what was I thinking?

Great...can't believe how active you are so soon after surgery. I wish you did not have to go through what you do with your family. Wish they would just turn and be accepting of you but from the sounds of it most likely not. You've said many times you wish for the Norman Rockwell family. I don't think that's even out there. Just ask each of us. LOL

Phyll....sorry for DS issues....a swift kick in the A$$? Why do they always play on Mom's emotions? Hang tough!

Linda...hope you make it to FL. So happy you are still considering.

Julie...know what you are going through with the snow, etc. What a rotten, crappy, snowy, icey week. I could pack up and move tomorrow if we weren't so tied to this farm. The older I get the more I detest MN winters. Beginning to feel like a pent up animal. I guess we are fortunate we can go missing for a couple of months in the winter. Only thing that keeps me sane. (Yes, I am sane...I think?)

Well gang..heading to bed with a book. Had such a combo of foods today, it's going to take a couple of days to feel right again. Just a bloating, puffy, just not right feeling. But, came home and made the three bags of popcorn anyway. One for DH, me, and the dog. Old habits die hard.

Laura...hope you are soaking up the family time with parents...enjoy the rest of your visit.

Gotta go...reading a great book and hated to put it down last night. sleep tight!

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You are probably right, I did not eat 3/4 of what I would have normally ate at this time of year. I am very happy about that.

Last year things were going south with my boyfriend and I was eating out of frustration, depression and bordem. This year with the band, him gone and in a better place, all in all it was a very good holiday.

I figure I will keep what I have in my band and deal with it. It should lossen up with the weight loss & doing the right things.

Laura K

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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