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Apologies Melissa for mistaking you for Meredith. Hope you're not in too much pain today. Epsom salts? Hot bath? Anti-inflammatories?

Love how Nyquil makes me sleep. Gotta clean house for tomorrow's group. I'll try not to drip over everything.


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Jessica.......glad you stayed on your pre op diet. I can't believe they did not give you your scripts. Maybe they can call in your scripts before you leave the hospital.

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Hey all

We are doing okay today. My husband and I are very sore but my son seems to have no problems today. You know we are the old ones here and he is 14. I just worry cause he was in the back seat. He keeps talking about when right after we got hit the sound went away and everything seemed to move slowly. We explained that is how your body reacts to your adrenaline pumping it is your brain protecting your body from trauma.

But still we had a great holiday and yes I ate and ate go to the Dr on the 4th.

Hey question for anyone who wants to answer i saw on another board where someone had a 10cc band and has 9cc in eat how can you at food that seems strange to me. And if anyone is that tight I don't me to offend I was just wondering what can be eaten.

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I made it through christmas sticking to my diet. I even got in a little workout with Wii fit. The diet is hard for me but it is geting easier each day. Hopefully I am past the headaches.My son and I are both home form school this week. I will be preparing for my surgery, getting the house and husband ready. I wish they had given me my prescriptions already so I didn't have to go to the pharmacy after surgery. We live 30 min from the nearest pharmacy so we have to do it when we are "in town".

Sounds like everyone had a good christmas except for the car accident. Glad you are doing ok.

Glad you had a good Christmas. I LOVE my Wii Fit! You will enjoy that.

Definitely get your doc to call that Rx in to your pharmacy prior to surgery if possible!

So I had a wonderful Christmas. Went to my in laws and ate at 2pm. Then went to my parents to eat at 4 which turned into 6 due to us getting involved in a 3 car accident. Ouch!!! I was the the front car in the chain so the last car hit the car behind ours then that car hit us. We are all very sore but we are doing well. My poor car got hurt bad in the rear. The tail lights have to be held in place with duck tape and then my truck lid has to be held down with rope. It looks terrible but it is drivable the cops said.


Anyways besides that bump for the day everything else went great. My son mad out like a bandit.

Oh and the funny thing is I just got a portable navigation unit for my car now I have to wait to play with it .

So sorry about your accident! Glad you are okay! Hope you guys don't have too many aches and pains today! Christmas of 1950 we were in an accident on our way to Christmas Eve service! It wasn't real bad... cars moved a lot slower in those days. We were just one block from the church. That was back in the day when all the churches did their Christmas Eve candlelight services at midnight! It was a cold snowy night in Buffalo! And, my Mom blames the accident for causing her premature labor three days later. Sister, Barb was born a week or two early on the 28th! Just a little "Phyl" trivia!! LOL

Please help..i can not figure out how to ..1.- change my password..and 2. How the heck do you start a thread?? Where do you go?? I have been trying and looding for weeks to do thesr things and cant find them..please help..

Hi, Texas Rose! I think you can change your password from the "UserCP" page. Look at the top left of your page for that link. And I think you can start a thread from there, too.

Cheri, so much of what you said about my mom and sisters strikes very true. I appreciate what you wrote and have been kindda proceeding that way and I am noticing a little difference in mom's reactions. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. Sounds like you had a great day with the grandkids.

Lori, that was such good advice. You remember my friend that got WLS the same time I did only she got bypass. Well, since she lost 120lbs she is not a very nice person. She doesn't want to have much to do with me. Well, I have quit calling her. I only text her . We only see each other about twice a month. She is very judgmental of people who are obese. Kinda like those that quick smoking and can't stand to be around those that do. I thought her losing weight would make her happy. Instead, she is very unhappy. Anyway, Cheri's advice was good for me too. My New Year's resolution is to leave her alone. Don't expect her to be happy for me, or check on me, or to even "Be there" for me. It is just not in her DNA to be that way. She is toxic to my life. It is what it is.

Thanks, Cheri, for the advice you gave Lori. I took it all in.

Yes, Cheri... very good insight!

Sad story about your friend, Charlene! I think your New Year's resolution is a wise one! We don't need those kinds of people in our lives! Too bad, too sad!

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So sorry about your accident! Glad you are okay! Hope you guys don't have too many aches and pains today! Christmas of 1950 we were in an accident on our way to Christmas Eve service! It wasn't real bad... cars moved a lot slower in those days. We were just one block from the church. That was back in the day when all the churches did their Christmas Eve candlelight services at midnight! It was a cold snowy night in Buffalo! And, my Mom blames the accident for causing her premature labor three days later. Sister, Barb was born a week or two early on the 28th! Just a little "Phyl" trivia!! LOL

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Oh my goodness yeah people defiantly move faster these days the guy that caused it said he was not looking then hit the car behind us and then hit us.

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Well no Ann Taylor shopping for me today, I definitely overdid it yesterday and am paying the price today. I will be taking a nap shortly. LOL Did run out to Target with DH for a bit to get some groceries for tonight and that about did me in. Ever hear the expression shop til you drop? well I about did, so home we came for the rest of the day. But it was worth it I had a great day yesterday. DH promises if I behave today we can go shop tomorrow possibly.

We woke up to more snow, had no idea we were even expecting it but then again haven't watched the weather. It's beautiful outside now.

Well pain pills are kicking in, time for the nap, then the birthday party for my mom this afternoon/evening.

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Hey Gang...just stopped in to say "hi". Left the house this morning early...extremely crappy roads...ice, slush and snow the entire 180 mile round trip. I was white-knuckling it. Now gotta hit the books. Year end will be here soon and need to fine tune some things. I'll be smiling again once this is completed, off my desk and tax appointments over with.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Good Afternoon !!!

You all have been busy...

Melissa Hugs on the accident glad you are all ok- did the guy have insurance :0)??

Sounds like we all had a wonderful Christmas.

Everyone showed up at one time or another - Had a hectic day but a good one surrounded by the family - food was ok - my prime rib was a little to well done for my taste (I like my meat mooing) but everyone enjoyed it..

Kids left this morning to go see MIL - got online to post but sis called - then went to Target - got 2 sweater that were $25 2 days ago - today 12.50 each - then got fixing to make menudo (mex Soup w/tripe & hominy) Then had to take Bear to the vet $200 later ears flushed - shot & ear meds - some kind of fungus - they were gross..

Well, gang I am going to go veg and enjoy the quietness for a bit..



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OMW...great pictures everyone!! I'm glad to hear everyone had a nice Christmas!!

Melissa, hope you are feeling a little less sore...sorry about the accident.

Cheri...nice gifts for the grandchildren....I really like the idea of getting back to more basics.

Janet.....glad to hear you had a great Christmas.

Lori....fantastic that the family thing went better than you thought. Good going with all the gift certificates.

Phyl, sounds like your Christmas has gone really well too! Did you have fun with the GK's?

Meredith, welcome back!!

Linda, great pics....your GD looks very happy. So cute too!

Apples, nasty weather...darn. Now you'll just have to entertain another day.

I know I'm missing people...trying to exercise my memory more, but alas.....it doesn't seem to be working. Merry Post Christmas day!!

I only fed 17 people so Lori had me beat, but it was an exhausting and wonderful day. Had a very nice Christmas Eve with DH and sister. My favorite gift is a little rubber ducky that quacks and lights up when you push a button on it's wing. I wore it on my shirt Christmas day...people asked what was up with the duck. It's funny.

The ravioli was a hit and we have very little left. My sister ended up making most of them, I helped, but she rolled out the dough and filled and covered, and I pulled then off the trays, cut them and seperated them so they could dry. Very time consuming work.

Today was clean up and it took me until about 3:30 because I wasn't really motivated to get everything done quickly. But it's done now and all is well. I'm still exhausted and my hip, back, and legs are complaining, but I should be better tomorrow.

Laura....Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope your day was special.

I'll try and post pictures later. Sister is coming over and we are going to watch a movie maybe.

Love you all....you are truly wonderful people.


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just a quick hi. I haven't been on the computer since I left Florida Christmas eve. I am not even sure if the note I posted from my phone ever made it here. I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday! Peace and love to you all. I hope to have time to catch up tomorrow. The look on my Dad's face as Nelson opened up presents will light my heart for forever. Just priceless. So glad I came up here Christmas eve. Nelson also saw snow for the first time ever! More later. Just so thankful for my family and for my LBT family. You guys really are so important to me and wanted to say thanks.

peasout.... Laura

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Hi Dee, Yes, I had my left hip replaced on Dec. 8 -- so not quite 3 weeks ago. I was also very scared before surgery, but trust me, the surgery went better than I ever dreamed it would and I'm sure yours will also. I had much much less pain immediately after surgery than I did before surgery. I have suffered for many years -- in fact my leg was "frozen" and I've been unable to put on my own socks or shoes on that leg for over 3 years. My surgeon said my hip was just bone on bone -- I had several bone spurs -- so trust me when I say I had a lot of pain for many years. My surgery was at 11:00 a.m. on Tues. and by 7:00 a.m. Wednes. I was up and walking with a walker. I was able to sit in a chair all day which was much more comfortable (in my opinion) than laying in bed. Our house is a split foyer which means we have 14 steps from the garage up to the main part of the house. From the front door there are seven steps -- and the master bedroom/bath is on same level as garage. I was very worried (needlessly) about those steps. I've been able to go up and down the steps very easily. I stopped using the walker after just a few days and am only using the cane when I leave the house (in ice and snow). I do my physical therapy 3 times a day and before surgery did the recommended exercises three times a day. I am certain that my losing so much weight and consistent exercise helped strengthen my muscles and made the surgery much easier for me. Last Tues. I made 7 batches of Cookies. Christmas Eve I cooked for several hours and made a huge Christmas Day dinner for my family. I couldn't believe I was able to do so much so quickly after surgery. I hope this will help you to not fear your surgery as much. I have to tell you that next to lap band surgery, it was the best decision I've made. Good luck and let me know how you're doing and if you have any more questions, please let me know. Linda

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HI everyone. Can't sleep -- DH is snoring (loudly) so thought I'd get up and catch up. GD here until tonight, so was busy with DGD all day - playing Candyland and Chute and Ladders. It was fun. Had a few inches of snow today -- not bad, just cold tonight. Supposed to be dry for next several days. Apples, I bet your roads were bad, glad you made it back home safe and sound. Laura, glad you made it safely to NC -- bet Nelson is really enjoying his first snow experience. Funny -- must share that DGD decided she wanted to eat snow today -- so we filled up a bowl and she ate it and then kept asking for more -- I think she ate a total of 5 bowl fulls before we said, "enough". It was pretty funny. She was eating it with a fork also -- I didn't get a chance to grab the camera darn it.

Melissa glad you are doing okay -- sorry you and DH are sore - hopefully it will pass in a day or so. Arlene, sorry about your friend -- I don't understand people like that.

Lori, hope you get to shop tomorrow -- news says there's some good deals out there. Sounds like Janet got some good deals also. I have no $$ to shop right now on disability - plus I don't need anything.

Eva, your ravoli sounded delish, but yes, that is a lot of work. How were the tamales-- can't remember who was making those -- I bet they were wonderful too.

Janet, loved your pics -- DGD is so cute -- your gingerbread pjs cute as well.

Well, better try to get some sleep. CBL. Linda

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Good Morning All...been up since 5am and DH is having a little sleep-in this morning. Needed to get up because I have some things to prepare for our get-together today. This is the party we were supposed to have on Christmas day but got canceled. Not everyone can make it home for today so I will host another next weekend. Today is with "moms" family (my fake family who are like my own).

Last night I made my Baby Jesus Bday cake. Now, I have baked cakes from scratch since I could stand on a chair at the kitchen counter but I am far from decorator. (Homes, yes, cakes, no). It actually turned out nice. I can just see their little round eyes taking it in and waiting to take the candies off of it.

Made white chicken chili as an alternative to their traditional oyster stew, three different kinds of bread. We will also have dinner over there and is also their traditional ham dinner. I will be bringing a few items for that. Now just have to take a look at the gifts I packed up and pull out the ones that are not making it today.

Not sure how much snow we have gotten in the last few days...I know it is well over 12 inches. I so wanted to post some photos but tech man did not show up to take a look at my card reader. I was going to do photos of my trees and Santa collection. I will shoot the photos and you guys might just get them late.

Linda...hope you are sleeping in after your restless night.

Laura...happy you are with your family. Will look forward to the update on your dad.

Eva...Nice to hear your Christmas meal was a hit (and that it's done and cleaned up).

Meredith...looking forward to you catching us up on your trip.

Janet...thanks for posting photos...nice looking family.

Linda...Cute photos

Lori...take it easy on that knee. Get some rest today.

Phyll...have fun with the fam

Everyone else that I forgot...hope you have a great Sunday

46 Days till FL meet!

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Apples, I can't believe you are counting the days until the Florida meet. Have a good party!!

I'm lounging today. Just doing stuff I want to. I need a day off and today is it.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.


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Apples, I can't believe you are counting the days until the Florida meet. Have a good party!!

I'm lounging today. Just doing stuff I want to. I need a day off and today is it.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.


Yup...counting down cuz I cannot wait to spend some "real" time with all of you.

About ready to pack up the truck and head over (2 miles) for a good day with the family. I so look forward to the little ones. 4 childen ages 7, 5, 3 and 2. Each have little personalities of their own and so well-behaved. I have my little favorite (the others would never know). Sophie...white hair that stands straight up on her head even though it is long hair. Her eyes are wild and she is forever on the run and full of mischive. She'll be eying that Christmas cake just waiting to demolish it. :smile:

Put your feet up, Eva, and have a good day!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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