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So I had a wonderful Christmas. Went to my in laws and ate at 2pm. Then went to my parents to eat at 4 which turned into 6 due to us getting involved in a 3 car accident. Ouch!!! I was the the front car in the chain so the last car hit the car behind ours then that car hit us. We are all very sore but we are doing well. My poor car got hurt bad in the rear. The tail lights have to be held in place with duck tape and then my truck lid has to be held down with rope. It looks terrible but it is drivable the cops said.


Anyways besides that bump for the day everything else went great. My son mad out like a bandit.

Oh and the funny thing is I just got a portable navigation unit for my car now I have to wait to play with it .

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Sorry about your accident, Melissa. Make sure you watch for signs of whiplash and see your doc if worried. What a thing to happen on Christmas.

Hey Charlene and Phyll....sounds like you both had good days.

As for me...took a three hour nap. I cannot remember the last time I had a nap...I am thinking maybe last year??? Not sure. Woke up cranky. Now heading to bed to read a book.

We have quite the wind and everything is layered with ice. Don't think I will be able to venture out tomorrow unless this ice melts. Too dangerous.

Will be hosting a Christmas party next weekend for everyone due to the fact that some did not make it home. Looking forward to it and already planning menu.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!

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Oh yeah...ate nothing but crap today and thus feel like crap tonight. Was fun though!

Edited by Apples2

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Merry Christmas all. I had a great Christmas despite being stuffed and drippy on one side of my head. Even my eye is dripping tears. Sinus swelling must have blocked duct. Don't you hate when that happens? I'm hoping it will clear up without trading sides. At least I can breathe through one side.

My DH surprised me with a Wii. I got a Visa gift card that should cover getting the Wii fit.

I had so much fun watching my grandkids open presents today. I got them all winter hats from Mast General in Ashville NC when I was there at Thanksgiving. I stuffed the hats with old-fashioned slinkies and real harmonicas and painted recorders (flutes). The two youngest also got one of those old fashioned tops that you pump on and when they spin they hum. My other grandson got Tinkertoys. My older step-granddaughters got hats with bandannas, hand painted earings, carved semi-precious stone necklaces carved like a bat for the Goth child and butterfly for the social butterfly, Christmas socks from Mast (one red one green), and a harmonica.

My dad plays harmonica and I always wanted one as a kid and would have liked to learn. So the kids are used to him playing harmonica.

My daughter is going to have a noisy house with 1 recorder and 5 harmonicas (I gave 1 to the men, too.)

One way you know you gave good toys is when the adults are all playing with them. They were all old-fashioned toys including some wooden puzzles.

No batteries or assembly required.

Hey Great. I've been thinking about your mother and sisters and I have a theory. Your sisters sound very needy and you don't. Mothers who are very codependent will gravitate to the needy children and shun the child they don't perceive as needing them. She may even minimize or belittle your accomplishments in order to make you need her approval. It's probably not even conscious.

You have some choices. You can tell your mother that you still need her, not to rescue you, not to give you her approval, but to spend time and enjoy herself with you and your family. If she can't do that, you can just mentally put her in "time-out". Be pleasant and civil if she contacts you but don't pursue her. It's always amazing to me that, to paraphrase an old nursery rhyme, when you leave them alone, they'll come home, dragging their tails behind them.

Your sisters seem to have put themselves in "time-out." I'd leave them there indefinitely. Again, don't pursue. They sound like miserable people so let them sit in their own misery.

I totally ignored my daughter after she hung up on me the other day. Then suddenly she called a few days later and asked could I cook the turkey and stuffing and bring them to her house on Christmas. Of course I did.

And the son who couldn't come today and whom I refused to pressure about it despite my daughter's anger is coming to my house Sunday when my DH's kids and grandkid come over. So, it all worked out and I'll get to see each grandchild, just not at the same time.

And I love being able to post about me and my issues so don't hesitate on my account.

I can't reply to all of you but I read all of your posts and care about you all.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


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Merideth, glad you're OK. We had terrible driving conditions coming home from my daughter's today. Black ice. We'd had rain all night and half the day when the temp started dropping and turned to blowing snow and got very cold. Ice sheets and very icy packed down snow. We crept along as did everyone else.

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Oh yeah...ate nothing but crap today and thus feel like crap tonight. Was fun though!

Me too!!!!...........and it was fun!!!!!!!! And I don't fill like crap.........but I feel bloated like a toad! Does that make sense?

Cheri ..........sounds like some awesome toys you got the kids. I love old fashioned toys especially wooden toys. I gave my two grandbabies wooden puzzles this year.

1 day.........I am glad you are okay.

Okay, Good night all! I am watching A Christmas Story for the first time.

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Please help..i can not figure out how to ..1.- change my password..and 2. How the heck do you start a thread?? Where do you go?? I have been trying and looding for weeks to do thesr things and cant find them..please help..

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Oh yeah...ate nothing but crap today and thus feel like crap tonight. Was fun though!

Me too!!!!...........and it was fun!!!!!!!! And I don't fill like crap.........but I feel bloated like a toad! Does that make sense?

Cheri ..........sounds like some awesome toys you got the kids. I love old fashioned toys especially wooden toys. I gave my two grandbabies wooden puzzles this year.

1 day.........I am glad you are okay.

Okay, Good night all! I am watching A Christmas Story for the first time.

Yep, Charlene, toad and bloated fits how I feel. I am so used to never putting crap in my mouth anymore. Decided today would be different...same as I did on my birthday. Felt crappy that day too. I think it will be very easy for me to go back to healthy tomorrow. Makes me feel so much better.

A Christmas Story...my favorite! Watched it with DH today.

Cheri....sounds like you found unique gifts for everyone and had a good day.

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Merry Christmas night! I am home after my day of festivities and I way way over did it. I came home in tears from the pain, tiredness, but full of the joy of the day. I don't remember the last time I felt so blessed and loved at Christmas time, just what I needed this year and this despite my mom and sisters. First off, remember my earlier post about my $150 in Ann Taylor gift cards and I thought I could be getting more? Yep I did, another $100!! I have $250 to spend plus a pair of jeans to exchange there. I am set, I am saving at least half of them for spring/summer clothes. I am thrilled, this will go along way in completing my new goal sized wardrobe! And it meant so much to me that the folks who gave me these gift cards were all so proud of my accomplishments in the weight loss that they wanted to support me in this way, they were excited just giving me the cards. But alas, Christmas isn't just about the gifts. My morning started out great with DS spending the night last night and deciding he wanted to take over the Christmas Breakfast tradition. We always make the Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls that come in the tubes you whack on the counter. He got up and made them, now he's not a cook, too funny, he frosted them before he baked them. LOL It was so cute that he wanted to do that. After we opened our gifts DSIL to be came and we had another little Christmas with him and then played a game we had gotten, Farkle. It's a dice game and it was a blast. Seems I am good at getting Farlkes on the first roll of the dice. LOL then we went to the inlaws for a short gathering since we saw them all last night and then it was to my sisters. I was dreading going there. It actually didn't go too bad. Neither sister ever even asked about my knee, my surgery, how I was feeling nothing. But it didn't bother me. I guess I have dealt with it now and really didn't expect them to. We had drew names in my family and had our gift exchange there and then dinner. I sat and visited with Grandma while htey all worked in the kitchen so it was real nice. I had gotten her a sweatshirt jacket type thing at a craft show and she just loved it and cried when I gave it to her. We just got home from there a bit ago, I was in lots of pain and about to go to bed, but decided to sit in my recliner and wait til my vicodin took effect. Tomorrow I am dying of course to go to an Ann Taylor store but will see how I feel in the morning. DD is cooking dinner for my mom and sisters tomorrow (beef wellington) for mom's bday tomorrow. They are all coming over here.

Cheri, so much of what you said about my mom and sisters strikes very true. I appreciate what you wrote and have been kindda proceeding that way and I am noticing a little difference in mom's reactions. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. Sounds like you had a great day with the grandkids.

Melissa, ouch, bummer about the car wreck, hope you stay okay.

Apples, sounds like a very relaxing day. I can see you planning for the gathering next weekend already though.

Bummer, as I was typing this DMIL called to inform us that DH's uncle passed away tonight, he had cancer, just diagnosed in July (stoma-esophogual that spread to his liver). Services are probably a week from tomorrow.

Arlene, get all the sliders out of the house now! I left all mine at my sisters. LOL All the Cookies, Desserts, candies etc. I left for Dad and Grandma to split up between them. The house has been purged.

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Hi and Merry Christmas to all. So happy to see and hear that you all had nice Christmases. Ours was wonderful -- had our annual everyone's favority appetizer for dinner last night and today had ham, pork loin with bernaise sauce, homemade mac & cheese (instead of scalloped potatoes), corn casserole, pineapple casserole and apple salad. All delish. So wonderful how little I can eat - but feel very satisfied with the little bit -- it feels very wicked to eat all that rich (but albeit delicious) food. Glad to be done with it for another year. Sent some food up to a neighbor whose husband is in last stages of cancer -- so sad for her - they never had children so it is especially lonely and difficult for her at this time. Sent food home with the kids (they appreciate it so much) and froze the ham bone to make split pea Soup in the next week or two. Arlene, I will not weigh either for at least a week - and I'm truly looking forward to eating "my food" again -- this stuff is okay, but not healthy for every day. By the way, I finally found some steel cut oats - will make it this week and try it for first time. After all the talk here am happy to finally find it. Posting a few pics here of happy DGD opening presents - it was very exciting - they spent the night -- the little turd would NOT go to sleep last night -- too excited I expect. We did not get nearly the storm they predicted - it was all around us - but we hardly got anything here in our little town (lucky). Most of the churches canceled midnight services last night and they wouldn't have needed to. CBL. Linda

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Melissa, hugs on the car accident, but glad the car took all the damage instead of you and your family. Hopefully you will all stay okay and no whiplash!!!!!! Lori, we were posting at same time. You are doing great with your knee - can't believe you are even thinking about shopping already. I can't believe I was able to make two huge meals -- I feel great -- my new hip is wonderful -- I can't believe how much I'm able to do. Cheri, your gifts sounded great. Linda

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to stop in and say Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

I haven't had a chance to read since I got home from NYC, but I will work on that tomorrow.

So much to fill all of you in on!



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Cheri, so much of what you said about my mom and sisters strikes very true. I appreciate what you wrote and have been kindda proceeding that way and I am noticing a little difference in mom's reactions. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. Sounds like you had a great day with the grandkids.

Lori, that was such good advice. You remember my friend that got WLS the same time I did only she got bypass. Well, since she lost 120lbs she is not a very nice person. She doesn't want to have much to do with me. Well, I have quit calling her. I only text her . We only see each other about twice a month. She is very judgemental of people who are obese. Kinda like those that quick smoking and can't stand to be around those that do. I thought her losing weight would make her happy. Instead, she is very unhappy. Anyway, Cheri's advice was good for me too. My New Year's resolution is to leave her alone. Don't expect her to be happy for me, or check on me, or to even "Be there" for me. It is just not in her DNA to be that way. She is toxic to my life. It is what it is.

Thanks, Cheri, for the advice you gave Lori. I took it all in.

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I made it through christmas sticking to my diet. I even got in a little workout with Wii fit. The diet is hard for me but it is geting easier each day. Hopefully I am past the headaches.My son and I are both home form school this week. I will be preparing for my surgery, getting the house and husband ready. I wish they had given me my prescriptions already so I didn't have to go to the pharmacy after surgery. We live 30 min from the nearest pharmacy so we have to do it when we are "in town".

Sounds like everyone had a good christmas except for the car accident. Glad you are doing ok.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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