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Would you guys knock it off? Good thing I have permanent makeup or I would be reapplying b/4 leaving to deliver to the shut-ins. I can feel the love amongst us and I am truly breathing it all in.

Janet...your comment on "you envious of ME?" on the food issues and not obessessing...well, I think the answer to all that is my love to cook. Yep, what got me obese in the first place, has helped me recover. Now to explain in a senseible manner...I don't remember I time that I was not cooking or baking. It is truly my passion. I got obese from making a batch of something and HAVING to have that taste to make SURE it tasted OK. I wasn't going to serve something that did not pass the test. Well, I would taste and not be sure...sooooo....another taste and not quite sure...and on and on. I made a pact with myself that I would never cut back on what I love to do. I just would trust my cooking abilities enough to not have to taste and retaste. I still taste but only once. Does that make sense????? For me now, it's more about the joy of cooking and not eating. I don't think it was really ever about the eating. I think it was an insecurity and obsessing in how things tasted. I wanted to do my best and never thought my best was good enough.

We all have stories on how and why we got to the breaking point. Mine was insecurities. When I look at that now I think I was "certifiably nuts". Why did I ever doubt myself and my abilities? Don't know, don't care...all I know is that I am at peace with food...no struggles going on in my head. I love peace.

Julie...hope you make it to church. If you get there, make sure your camera is with you and send us a photo. Would love to see your little church with the snow, etc.

OK...I cannot top everyone's posts on the love. I just want to say ditto, ditto, ditto, etc...................

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I am doing well. I went shopping for my pre & post op diet. Got some Protein Shakes, broth, sugar free popsicles and Jello. I had an appt yesterday with the surgeon and my nerves about the surgery are easing up. I am feeling more confident everytime I meet with him. He explained about the Hiatle hernia. I am working out everyday, losing weight just about everyday. Now I am just trying to make a list of everything I need to do before the surgery (laundry, grocery shopping).

Yesterday at my appt my Doc gave me the opportunity to be in a group study. I signed up for it and they gave me 50 bucks. If I complete the study over the next 3 years they will give me $450. It doesn't change my treatment at all. I just have to feel out questionaires at each visit.

I am visiting my Dad tonite. I haven't seen him in a year. He is getting divorced and keeps telling me he doesn't want to get me involved. That is his reason for keeping his distance. It makes me sad though because I feel like he is missing out on seeing my son grow up. My son doesn't even know who he is. I keep having to explain it to him trying to prepare him for the visit.

My inlaws are out of town so we are enjoying some privacy. We will be by ourselves on Christmas. I think I will just lay around in my pj's all day, watch the parade and play with my son. I do plan on cooking some bbq ribs.

I am ready to play santa tonite too. Got all the gifts wrapped except for the bb hoop. Once hubby puts it together I will put a giant gift bag over it. Then stuff the stockings. Mostly with some dollar toys.

My husband has also been working on our motorcycle. He got these exhaust pipes as his christmas gift and is so excited he already received them and installed them. I love riding the bike but I really don't care for these new exhaust pipes but I fiqure I'd just let him have it he wants it so bad.

I know I haven't posted in awhile but I just can't keep up with everyone. I feel like It is kinda rude of me to type only about myself all the time. I do read most of the post though.

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Linda, congratulations on 100 lbs off. Also I, too, am totally bummed about not being able to go in February.

Heard a great little story. A friend posted on FB about her 2 yr. old daughter who asked where her daddy's momma (her grandma) was and why she wouldn't be seeing her. Her momma told her grandma was mean to her daddy and was living in Florida. So the child said, "Grandma's in time-out in Florida."

Wish I could put some of my relatives in time-out. They can come out when they can be nice.

Well, came down with another cold. My husband is just finishing a two week bad version which followed my one week milder version.

Everyone have a Merry and very blessed Christmas.


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Apples, I liked what you said about having peace. Even though my posts the past few days sound anything but, I think it's what I am coming to get in my life lately. Peace. I am at peace about so many things and as much as my family has hurt me lately it is also giving me peace in that it's not me the problem lies in them. I am not doing anything to deserve what they give, in the past I'd have blamed myself for everything and then eaten to cover the hurt. I'm not doing that anymore. I am learning to deal with it, something I've never done before, hence my issues and questions lately about how to deal with it. I was going to take my parents to lunch today but guess who called to cancel? Seems they are busy and it's too cold to go out. So DH and my kids and I all went out and had a wonderful lunch and though I was hurt by her rejection, I am totally happy with what I got instead. not sure I am making sense. This year has been such a growing year for me and I've learnt and grown so much, too bad it took me til my 50's to do it! But I intend to live the rest of my life with that peace you mention, I am truly blessed by what I do have, and appreciate that more and more every day. Getting this band and dealing with my issues around food, etc. has shown me that so much of my weight wasn't even food related.

Julie, bummer your plans got rearranged but glad that it's all still going to work out.

Eva, wish I could come for dinner tomorrow. Sounds wonderful and that you are really enjoying the preps for it.

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I am doing well. I went shopping for my pre & post op diet. Got some Protein Shakes, broth, sugar free popsicles and Jello. I had an appt yesterday with the surgeon and my nerves about the surgery are easing up. I am feeling more confident everytime I meet with him. He explained about the Hiatle hernia. I am working out everyday, losing weight just about everyday. Now I am just trying to make a list of everything I need to do before the surgery (laundry, grocery shopping).

Yesterday at my appt my Doc gave me the opportunity to be in a group study. I signed up for it and they gave me 50 bucks. If I complete the study over the next 3 years they will give me $450. It doesn't change my treatment at all. I just have to feel out questionaires at each visit.

I am visiting my Dad tonite. I haven't seen him in a year. He is getting divorced and keeps telling me he doesn't want to get me involved. That is his reason for keeping his distance. It makes me sad though because I feel like he is missing out on seeing my son grow up. My son doesn't even know who he is. I keep having to explain it to him trying to prepare him for the visit.

My inlaws are out of town so we are enjoying some privacy. We will be by ourselves on Christmas. I think I will just lay around in my pj's all day, watch the parade and play with my son. I do plan on cooking some bbq ribs.

I am ready to play santa tonite too. Got all the gifts wrapped except for the bb hoop. Once hubby puts it together I will put a giant gift bag over it. Then stuff the stockings. Mostly with some dollar toys.

My husband has also been working on our motorcycle. He got these exhaust pipes as his christmas gift and is so excited he already received them and installed them. I love riding the bike but I really don't care for these new exhaust pipes but I fiqure I'd just let him have it he wants it so bad.

I know I haven't posted in awhile but I just can't keep up with everyone. I feel like It is kinda rude of me to type only about myself all the time. I do read most of the post though.

Jewel...wishing you the best Christmas ever. What a good mommy for making it special for your son. Enjoy and take in this special time with your family.

Don't have to apologize for posts written about you. (Sometimes it's just all about ME....). We want to hear about you, the progress you are making and how you are dealing with your upcoming surgery. I wish for you all the best in you personal life and also the best of results in your lapband life. Looks to me like you are already working towards making life changes and your attitude towards food and exercise. Looking forward to you keeping in touch with us and going along with you on this journey.

Hope you will be able to swing some time off of school to meet up with us in FL. Looking forward to meeting you.

(Sorry, Janet, this post was directed at you)

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Apples, I liked what you said about having peace. Even though my posts the past few days sound anything but, I think it's what I am coming to get in my life lately. Peace. I am at peace about so many things and as much as my family has hurt me lately it is also giving me peace in that it's not me the problem lies in them. I am not doing anything to deserve what they give, in the past I'd have blamed myself for everything and then eaten to cover the hurt. I'm not doing that anymore. I am learning to deal with it, something I've never done before, hence my issues and questions lately about how to deal with it. I was going to take my parents to lunch today but guess who called to cancel? Seems they are busy and it's too cold to go out. So DH and my kids and I all went out and had a wonderful lunch and though I was hurt by her rejection, I am totally happy with what I got instead. not sure I am making sense. This year has been such a growing year for me and I've learnt and grown so much, too bad it took me til my 50's to do it! But I intend to live the rest of my life with that peace you mention, I am truly blessed by what I do have, and appreciate that more and more every day. Getting this band and dealing with my issues around food, etc. has shown me that so much of my weight wasn't even food related.

Julie, bummer your plans got rearranged but glad that it's all still going to work out.

Eva, wish I could come for dinner tomorrow. Sounds wonderful and that you are really enjoying the preps for it.

Oh Great...that's so nice to hear that you have got it figured out that you have done what you feel is right when it comes to sisters and mother and that you value the family you have. Extended family does count to you but you, DH and your kids are what counts most. You do know that there are some ppl in this world that do not even know when they are hurting someone else. I am sure they love you but sure don't have a very good way of showing the love you deserve to be showered with. I am truly happy to hear you are working towards that inner peace. I think a person gets there when they KNOW in their own mind they have done their work. I guess all you can do at this point is leave it in their lap and, if it's in them, they will do their own work that needs to be done to repair relationships. The most important love that needs to be shared is right at home and you've got that.

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Jewel, don't worry if you just right about you. We've all done that. I'm sortta in that mode right now myself. As we grow and move along in this journey we just gotta get stuff out. At certain times we each have more to give others in the way of advice etc. here and at others, we are the ones needing some me time. We are all here for one another and it always seems the right person at the right time has the right advice and help you need here. Another time someone may post something that you can relate so much to that you are the one that is there for them and then it's your turn to give back. This truly is a special place and I think we've all given and taken so much from it. Even Janet who started this thread to help others, I know has shared her own struggles and gotten help and advice from others on here. Where would we be without her though?

Apples, yep my own immediate family is what I am focusing on now as when my kids have kids etc. I want to change the family legacy and I will be there for them. My home and my family is my passion. I just love that today DS came over at 10am already just because he wanted to be with us all, DD is busy in the kitchen and DH is just DH in and out and working on whatever he can find, or invent to work on. Works for me that he's in a cleaning mood today.

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Jewel, don't worry if you just right about you. We've all done that. I'm sortta in that mode right now myself. As we grow and move along in this journey we just gotta get stuff out. At certain times we each have more to give others in the way of advice etc. here and at others, we are the ones needing some me time. We are all here for one another and it always seems the right person at the right time has the right advice and help you need here. Another time someone may post something that you can relate so much to that you are the one that is there for them and then it's your turn to give back. This truly is a special place and I think we've all given and taken so much from it. Even Janet who started this thread to help others, I know has shared her own struggles and gotten help and advice from others on here. Where would we be without her though?

Apples, yep my own immediate family is what I am focusing on now as when my kids have kids etc. I want to change the family legacy and I will be there for them. My home and my family is my passion. I just love that today DS came over at 10am already just because he wanted to be with us all, DD is busy in the kitchen and DH is just DH in and out and working on whatever he can find, or invent to work on. Works for me that he's in a cleaning mood today.

A DH in the cleaning mood????? Now that's a way to have a very Merry Christmas! Mind is so good about helping in a pinch. I usually leave the bathrooms till last when we are expecting company cuz then they are all nice and fresh and clean. Well, there have been many times when I am running around here like a chicken and time is getting away from me. He will step in with a toilet brush and cleaning supplies and scrub up the three bathrooms. Much appreciated by me. (Pretty soon he is going to catch on that maybe I don't really like scrubing toilets and I might be just acting too busy LOL). Anyway, when the boys were in highschool and they would see him run with the toilet cleaning supplies they renamed their daddy. (No one be offended please). They called him "Piss Pot Pete":tt2:

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Here I am and to answer your question yes I am at work till 8pm my time EST. I don't know why most insurance offices are closed and the pharmacies close early today oh well free money I guess. I have a christmas party to go to tonight. Ihave my parents and inlaws to go to lunch for one dinner for the other to go to tomorrow. To be honest i have not weighed my self i don't want to know. I can't wait till all the crazies get out of the mall so i can go back to the mall and walk on my lunches. I go see my Dr on 01/04/10 so we might get a fill I think I need one maybe my brian does LOL.

Anyways Merry Chrismas Everyone in case I can't get back on the board. tonight or tomorrow. :) SHHHH I am typing at work so I will try to hang on the board as long as I can.

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Here I am and to answer your question yes I am at work till 8pm my time EST. I don't know why most insurance offices are closed and the pharmacies close early today oh well free money I guess. I have a christmas party to go to tonight. Ihave my parents and inlaws to go to lunch for one dinner for the other to go to tomorrow. To be honest i have not weighed my self i don't want to know. I can't wait till all the crazies get out of the mall so i can go back to the mall and walk on my lunches. I go see my Dr on 01/04/10 so we might get a fill I think I need one maybe my brian does LOL.

Anyways Merry Chrismas Everyone in case I can't get back on the board. tonight or tomorrow. :) SHHHH I am typing at work so I will try to hang on the board as long as I can.

I'm so sorry you have to work so late tonight. Don't they know it's Christmas Eve? Well one good thing is you do get paid and it usually is slow....have fun at your party tonight!

Jewel, sounds like you are going to have a really nice quiet Christmas. You son will love it. I really do enjoy small kids at Christmas, it's so special for them.

Lori, you'd be welcome to join us...you and your family. I'm sure I can find a few more chairs. I really understand how you feel about your Mom and the disappointment you feel. Some day I'll share the crap I went through with my Mom before she died. Hang in there and I know you'll figure it out and do what's best for you.

Well I'm just about caught up. I'm taking a break because I can. My bread is rising and will go in the oven shortly, 2 of the appetizer trays are done along with the garlicky bean dip, and I' just have dinner to fix...nothing fancy. DH has his sour dough bread rising too and that will bake after mine does...so everything is progressing.

I ordered a bottle of 20 year old balsamic vinegar from the place we visited last weekend and am having it shipped to my sister. I don't think it will get here today, so I scanned the bottle and printed the picture and cut it out and taped it to a rolled up piece of card stock and tied a ribbon around it. I put it in a fancy wine bag and I'm giving it to my sister tonight...it's pretty funny.

I think I'll take a little nap.


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Merry Christmas to everyone here! You've all been so welcoming and wonderful. I feel like I have a "spot" on the Internet to come to and have found some good friends. You all were choking me up with your heartfelt messages!

DD won't be here until the 26th (if all goes well with the weather), so it'll be a quiet day tomorrow for DH and I. I'll be making some rolls and some other stuff. Did more Cookies today and have eggplant caponata simmering on the stove. So I'm all set. I did my shopping today, and bought squid for the calamari. Jeez, it was expensive. I remember when they just sold squid for bait and it was waaay cheap! Now that it's become "gourmet" they raised the price.

In some ways I wish I had a grandchild to spoil, but I don't think either of my kids are ready for that yet, so I'll just have to wait.

All of you in the big storm, please be careful!

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WTH I just lost my Freaking Post....

Ok condensed verision -

Back from last minute food shopping - Angel has had her bath and is all white & fluffy ;0)

Took a 1/2 nap - drinking coffee - got the pre-cut sugar Cookies to put on the Santa plate tonite (;0) they are baked and frosted

DS just called they are leaving - should be here around 10

I have a bit of a delima - I have all the presents under the tree and DS is bringing theirs w/them - I am worried that Brooke won't go straight to bed when she gets here - so I have come up with this idea - I will put the air matteress infront of the tree so she doesn't see the presents..

Apples - You aren't junking up my theard - This is "Our" thread - I just started it ;0) and it is all about our individual me's ;0).. Heck I think you give better advice than me anyway :0) - You can express your thought so much better than me - I have a hard time doing that..

I get why you don't obsess about food - you got fat like most chefs do from tasting - I got fat cuz food brings me comfort - I controlled it - it was my defiance - I'll show you I'll eat myself to death :0) - I love the taste of food too - I enjoy eating..

Last night planned treat - cookies I brought home from work - they were good - but I ate them cuz they were here - yes I enjoyed them but I had to eat them all - just like an addict - 1 is not enough and 1 too many..

Great - Glad to hear that you have some peace and are coming to terms w/the family issues - IMHO I think your family DH DS DD & you are the perfect family and I would love to be hanging at your house this afternoon..

Julie - Sounds like you are having a wonderful day even though change in plans

Eva - ok 6.5 hrs that the same time to DS house days drive - yep I will head your way one of these weekends - and you know anytime you come this way my door is always open..

White Christmas is on TMC (Turner Movie Classic) all day - they keep repeating and repeating it - I have it on right now..

When I finally got to Target around 11:30 it was a mad house to and the poor checker girl sure wasnt in the holiday spirit - poor thang.. I got in and out as quickly as I could - too many pple for me too

Melissa - Hugs GF you have to work til 8 tonite - that sucks big big time... Sounds like you are going to have a good holiday w/family - and I here you girl - my brain needs a fill too - lol - I love that one - Can I copyright it...

Charlene - I would have loved to hear the goings on once he got back to work - That just warms my heart so very much..

Jewel - Sounds like you are going to have a great Xmas.. And sweetie - it is all about you !!! Hell look at me - I am always spouting off about ME ;0) 1/4/10 is going to be the start of a whole new exciting life for you..

Like Great said - I get back from you all just as much if not more than what I give...

Oh Apples - here's another little thing about me - I love to make pple cry :):lol::w00t: Happy Cry that is :) When I pick out cards - I read them and find the most moving ones I can that express my feeling better than I am able too - You should see me standing at the card section in the stores - I will be just crying away... My DS is the same way a good trait that he got from his Mommy - On Mother's Day when I am opening my card - my DIL will say - he got you a book this year and you will be crying soon.. My family knows me well- big cry baby booby that I am :0)

Cheri - sorry about the cold - take some airborne and extra vitimans - chicken Soup too - it really does work..

Ok Gang - I don't know who I missed - but I gotta go start the cake - take the prime rib out of the freezer - fold some clothes etc - I will ck back on my break ;0)

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Janet....you could be my twin. I cry at that Kleenex commercial where they are crying about crying. DH and I were watching Oprah today and we were both crying.

Our storm is so hit and miss. Bad roads but good visibility right now. Will see what tomorrow brings. Part of the family is not going to make it home at all for our Sunday Christmas. Sad...but would rather have them safe. Will host a party if they can make it next weekend. If not, gifts will go in the mail. I so hope they can make it then.

Janet... you gave me an idea with the cake. I have a Wilson Christmas tree cake pan that I have not used since the boys were younger. It was Baby Jesus' cake each year. I am going to make one on Sat of the little ones. We have four under the age of 7. I will put candles and we will sing Happy Birthday. Thanks for mentioning it. I kind of forgot I have that pan.

Hey Deb...Merry Christmas. You fit right in here...so happy you have joined us.

OK gang...back to the livingroom to watch DH and the puppa sleeping. (Catching up from the long harvest). They always wake up when momma makes popcorn though. We each get a bag every evening...if not, the dog comes and nudges me almost off of the couch.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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