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I was thinking of posting this little suggestion last night and forgot.

Don't even step on your scale for the next week. Be mindful of what you are eating during this holiday season but don't let the scale affect how you are feeling about yourself during this time.

We will be eating so many different foods, more sodium, etc. which can cause extreme flucuation in what we weigh. As I said, watch your intake but enjoy a variety and enjoy your holidays.

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I had this nice long post typed in and fell asleep at the computer last night....literally. I ended up over typing everything with a kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Now I can't remember all the stuff I wrote.

Apples, your generosity is wonderful. It's nice you try and include people that might not have anywhere else to go. You are so set up to cook for 20 or more that I suspect it's no big deal for you.

Charlene, that check thing to Santa is pretty funny. Now why did Santa need a check? To help pay for reindeer food? It is so much fun to create the illusion for little kids..as much fun for the parents (or should be) as for the kids. Hey I got a Chatty Cathy one year.

Lori, sorry about your leg...you rest today. Your Grandma is very lucky to have you and you to have her. I hope she gets through the decision making alright. It's pretty tough for them at that age and it's very nice she has you to help her. So you didn't mention your own traditions, just your DH's. Did you adopt his?

Laura K...mimosa? Sounds like a great new tradition. I can just imagine the kids with their Cookies. Must have been lots of fun.

Julie, your Christmas sounds nice too...not too much cooking and being close to those you love. What did your parents tell you about having presents early?

Phyl, your RV looks great...congrats on the prize!! So are you driving that decorated RV up to the SF area of just taking your regular vehicle? It seems like a lot of work to pack up your house for a short trip. The decorations really do look great. I love Christmas lights.

Cheri...I can understand why you don't have any set traditions with all the changes you've had over the years. I'm also sorry you don't seem to have a really good friend (besides your DH). What I wish for you in the New Year is to find a really good girl friend...a really good friend will love you no matter how abrasive you might be and will stick with you through anything. I find my friends really help me through the rough times. They put up with me no matter what. It really makes my life fuller. I wish the same for you.

Janet...you've had a few changes too. You've handled everything so well and I'm glad you are happy. The story about Star and the tree rearranging is pretty funny. How did you manage to sleep through that? Sorry about the leg cramps. Hope that gets better quickly.

I stayed up rather late last night....falling asleep at the computer. I've started on the prep for Christmas dinner. The number is growing, 16 confirmed and 19 possible. I'll have to borrow chairs from my friend.

Today is trash day, so I cooked all the meat (chicken, pork, sausage, hamburger) last night and deboned the chicken and drained all the fat off so I could get it in the trash today. We have trash pickup only once a week and if I get all the stinky stuff in today, I won't have to smell it later in the week. So the chicken (organic thighs) and pork (tenderloin) will be ground with some proscuitto to make the meat filling for ravioli. I'll get that together today and will just have to add the eggs on Friday before stuffing. The hamburger (home ground beef) and italian sausage (made at a local shop) is now simmering with seasonings and tomatoes to make meat sauce. I have the vegetarian sauce already made and in the freezer. I'll make cheese filling today too without the eggs and add the eggs Friday. I'm also going to make butternut squash ravioli with a sage and browned butter sauce. So besides three kinds of ravioli, we are having 3 sauces, caesar salad with home made dressing and croutons. Fresh bread (DH makes sourdough and I make regular). appetizers are white bean and garlic dip, veggies, roasted olives, a meat and cheese antipasto with marinated mushroom and artichokes. Fresh bread with olive oil (oil I brought back from SF). Desert is all the cookies and stuff I have from cookie exchange, a pear cobbler with cranberry streusel and a cheese board with a bunch of cheeses and fruit.

I love to cook like this, but I'm usually exhaused by the end of the process. So if you don't hear from me you'll know why. I'm trying to pace myself so I'm not so wiped out I can't function. Do I take on too much....maybe, but I really enjoy the food prep and I love when people eat it and love it. I also like the interaction of all these people I know...I could just be a fly on the wall and be happy.

I did get on the scale today after weeks of being afraid to do it. I'm up 2 pounds.....and I've been at this level for a while. I was afraid I had gained 5 or more pounds. YIPEE, I love my band. I really believe that after Christmas I'll be getting back on the "band wagon" and applying myself to eating right and the weight will start dropping again. I think I needed the time for my body to adjust to this weight and then it will be ready to let go and I'll start losing again.

Okay, I'm off to do something...I have to clean the dining room and get it set up for a bunch of people.



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Oh Eva...your meal sounds wonderful. Would love to just "pop" over and sit at your table to sample everything. It sounds lovely.

We tried to break tradition one year with DH's family and serve my seafood lasagna, chicken lasagna and beef lasagna. Well, FIL got ahold of the info ahead of time and made a trip all the way to our farm to let us know (even though we hosted) that we HAD to stick to tradition and lasagna was not allowed. Actually, it pissed me off, AND, not nice to swear around the time of Christmas and I was spewing cuss words after DH told me. Had all the ingredients and all set up the day b/4. Sooooooooo...to make things just sweet and nice, I made the trip to town and bought the provisions for the traditional turkey, ham, yam dinner. That was the first Christmas we ever hosted and I think today I would have said tough sh_t if that happened. Family traditions are wonderful but I wanted to start our own in our own home. Oh well...tough to change some.

Good going on only 2lbs up when you thought it was more. I admire your attitude of getting back at it after the holidays.

You have a great time..don't wear yourself down with the prep work. Sending warm MN hugs!

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I have a lot of mixed feelings about the holidays. ... I'm sure I'm not the only one with mixed feelings.



I'm an Al-Anon'er from way back, and I understand where you're coming from, girl. I have very mixed feelings about the holidays, and as a matter of fact, am having a bit of a hard time with depression right now. You are definitely not the only one. I have been hitting more meetings recently, because that is a place where I can feel accepted and they always make me feel more calm.

I don't do well at large gatherings either, so I tend to limit my socializing with small groups. I've always (since a kid) had some social anxiety, and I've learned ways to deal with it.

I'm also trying to keep things low-key, so I don't get so stressed out with all the preparations. Today, I took the day off so I could finish my shopping and plan my Xmas menu.

Seem to be doing ok with the food, except I'm still really tight and have been pb'ing like crazy. I can't figure out if I'm just eating too fast, or whether being nervous has me still so tight.

Hang in there, Cheri. We'll make it through the holidays! *hugs*

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Cheri, I hope the best for you during the holidays. I can relate to some of your experiences, but we as christians can fill our hearts with Christ, and move through difficult times touching those who need to experience true love.I agree with you in scripture.

Janet, I hope you make it through today will so little sleep. Knowing you...........you will run five miles today and feel great.

Apples, why don't I fly you down here next Christmas and you can do all my cooking. lol. I need oraginzational skills like you. I still want to be your neighbor!

Lori, take care of yourself. I saw on the news... you are going to get a lot of snow. BRRRRRRRRR! We are just going to get rain and cold, but it should be good for Christmas.

Okay LBT Gang, I gotta get busy baking. I hope all of you have a great day!

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Eva, all that food sounds wonderful......

Cheri, we all have these feelings from time to time. So glad we have everyone here. Counting my Blessings.

Safe travel to all

Merry Christmas

Laura K

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Arlene...from the looks of it, you'd better fly Eva over. With what she is making, looks like she wins!

Hi LauraK...Merry Christmas. Yes, we should all count our blessings. We have many.

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Heck, I need both of you. Okay, who had the crushed oreo package with cream cheese? I bought the stuff. Now, I need the recipe. I might have to go to cooks.com

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Our family Christmas has been pushed back till Sunday. Stomach flu, travelling conditions and unexpected surgery for our hostess. Guess it will be DH and I watching old Christmas movies and catching up on some much needed time together. I called my doc's office to see if he would give me some meds to have on hand just in case I would come down with the flu. Hope he will hand it over because it will put my mind at ease.

Any of you keep anything on hand? Is is oral or suppositories?

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Girl, I keep it all on hand. I have suppositories for vomiting and Levsin for IBS. Have you been around the people that are sick. Well, stay away from the sick! I am off to get my hair colored and trimmed. It looks like a mop. Later !

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Oh My you all are busy again today :0)

Eva - I got a Chatty Cathy too :0)..

To me LBT and all of you are are my Al-non support group

Like I have said many times before - we all are truly the same - maybe our cirumstances are a little diff - for the most part we are more alike than we are diff - So we get each other

I agree this is where we come to share our sorrows, our secrests - our joys - we know that we can depend on each other to keep our confidences - listen and understand what we are saying..

Hell I think as women we all want to fix other pple problems - I just think we are made that way - once when my xbf was in rehab - the counsler said "Who owns the problem" that has stuck with me - when I want to fix something - I think who own's the problem - I realize I don't so it's not mine to fix..

Apples Tamales are a Mexican traditional food - and us who live in the states that border or have a lot of hispanic pple we eat alot of mex food period ;o) - Like I have never had brauts - or oyster stew - but heck isn't it like new england clam chowder - I love that :0)

You are going to have to come to California and get a lession in food - that's what's great about San Francisco - you get all kinds of food there..

I got on the scales this morning oh today is Wed - I thought it was thursday - stupid me - I have tomorrow off and tomorrow is Thursday - I guess I have been rushing the week.. My weight is good my high normal 143 - and I will get on next thrudsay my weigh in day

I posted this on my 7 thread

I am truly terrified that I will regain the weight - I know you guys don't really get that - but I am truly afraid - have been since day one - it wasn't so much about losing the weight as it is about keeping it off.. In the past about 2 yrs out I start gaining it back.

I have to be very mindful of what I eat - As you all know I eat healthy 98% of the time - I do allow treats - and I do get my exercise in (one reason I have a trainer - I have to show up)

But I still feel that this new body is a dream - I still want to eat the unhealthy food - My craving for my drug of choice (food) hasn't gone away.... I will alway be an addict - right now I am a sober addict and when I do allow for treats - I am so afraid that I won't stop - oh a few of these won't hurt - as it stands now I am 5 lbs higher than I was last yr at this time and that bugs me - cuz next year I don't want to be 5 lbs heavier than I am today.

Deb - we don't want you pbing - so at your next meal sit down and concintrate on tiny bites and chewing well and stopping when you are full - I will be full but want that one last bite and end up bping ...

Well we are getting off early - work thru lunch - then at 1 have our pot luck - then add ribbons to the gifts we all brought for the less fornutate (we did this instead of doing our normal gift exchange between ourselves - and we also gave up having a holiday party and we use that $$$ to sponser a less fortunate family)

Charlene - doubt I will be running 5 miles tonite :0) but I do have gym at 5 - arms tonite :0) and since I have tomorrow off I will hit the gym in the morning - going to need that exercise to counter act the treats... :tongue:

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Charlene...as Apples and Great say, you are going to get younger...enjoy your time at the hair dresser.

Apples, sorry about the postponement of the Christmas festivities, but with the storms and people being sick, I think it's great you can move things out. I keep threatening to not do Christmas dinner, but I am compelled to do it. As we were posting before, it's become traditional. It will be very nice for you and DH to cozy up for the day and just enjoy each other.

It's cold here today...it rained last night 1/2 inch. Now that doesn't sound like much to you guys probably, but I live in a desert and it's great to get that much rain. Tonight it's supposed to freeze, so all my sheets and stuff are drying out so I can cover my plants. Kalanchoe (sp?) are getting ready to bloom and they are not frost tolerant. They have really pretty red blossoms for weeks and I don't want black mush this year.

I've been cleaning...fireplace (we burn candles in there), dinning room, bathrooms, etc. Just picking up and reorganizing getting ready for a house full. Janet, I just put your gift out in the bathroom. It's perfect!! I've decorated with poinsettias and those bottles work perfectly. I need to set up the extra tables and get the chairs corralled. I might have enough. Not sure if I have enough plates, I'll have to go count them.

Okay, enough of a break...


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Cheri, I read your first post about how your changing life had made traditions difficult to keep and that you had mixed feelings about Christmas and I just shook my head....... When I wrote my post about our traditions it was much longer than what you read.. I wrote about how I had such mixed feelings and that Christmas is a hard time for me... But I was a chicken and I deleted mine..... Your bravery is commendable.... I should have wrote what I was feeling.... So, yes, I'm sure there are more who have mixed feelings... But I'm sure that each of us finds a way to make Christmas the best we can and always put the Dear Christ Child first in our hearts and the rest falls into place.... I wish for you a wonderful Christmas with as many good moments as possible..... Merry Christmas, Cheri.... thanks for sharing..... Julie

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Hi guys... just popping in to say hello. I only had time to read this page. This morning was "Christmas" here! Nelson was so much more expressive this year and oooh and ahhhhed over what he got (and it was 1/4 of his usual amount b/c we are going to NC). He's been playing all day. That timing worked out nicely so I could do laundry, pack, organize the house before i leave.

DH is cooking "Christmas Dinner" tonight: It's 72 degrees out so he decided to grill burgers tonight! Cheeseburgers in Paradise (Jimmy Buffett style), grilled veggies, oven fries and salad. We might open a bottle of wine. He's a little sad about us leaving but totally supports it.

Dad update: Change in plans. He had decided to STOP chemo over the holidays. (he hasn't had a dose in two weeks or so) But he saw his urologist yesterday and he told him NOT to stop. He thinks the reason he is able to pee some normally is b/c the tumor might be shrinking. Maybe. So he is on schedule for Monday. The ups and downs of this are so tough on my mom.

My sister warmed me that Dad is keeping the house very warm these days. (she told me to bring some shorts and t shirts for when inside). Anyone elses loved ones stay cold when they had cancer and on chemo? She said he is keeping the heat on 80! Goodness gracious! That temp combined with my TOM hotflashes and I will be a pretty sight for Santa!!!!!!!!!

I will CBL friends. Just wanted to send some holiday love!

peasout.... Laura

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OK. I'm not alone with the mixed feelings. Thanks, guys.

Just found out I need to get a crown. I have a cracked tooth that couldn't be seen on the x-rays cause its lengthwise. The Dr. had me bite down hard on some implement and the pain came on releasing the bite. I'd been having sensitivity to hot and cold and aching if I used that side to chew. Yuck, yuck, pooey. Could lead to root canal. Yuck, yuck, pooey.

Going in the 29th. Could have gone in 30th but that's my B-day.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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