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Yep Phyl, I'd have been in bed, I was in bed at 730 last night, and that was my time. I gotta tell ya, I am feeling so much better today in the head anyway. Sure I had absolutely no pain on those strong drugs, that was nice, but the pain I have now taking much less of them is more than bearable. I am so glad I had the last knee to compare it to, or I'd have gone for a week feeling like that probably. I am just so excited to be on the otherside of the surgery and cannot wait to get it all recuperated. Even the itchiness has subsided some. Tomorrow I go to physical therapy already. DH is off this week and will drive me. I am even going at noon to Walmart to pick up my new reading glasses I think. They came in yesterday, will see how I do.

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You are awesome thanks Janet.

QUOTE=Apples2;1381120]That's great new, Melissa. Looking forward to meeting you and your mom. I have driven the Salt Springs to Atlanta drive and it really isn't that bad. We usually can do it in 7 hours or less. It all depends on where you are from Atlanta. Further North?

Yeah if my Mom does not watch me drive then I can get than in good time. LOL she still tells me how to drive and I am 33:biggrin:

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Hello all! I am new to this but have read some of your posts and you seem like an extremely positive and diverse group! I hope that I can learn a lot from you all and hopefully one day lend support to somebody else! I had surgery on 12/12/09, so I am seven days post-op! So far I have lost 18.8 lbs! I keep waiting for the scale to go back up because as I am sure you can all relate to, that has been my pattern for way too many years! But I am doing well following my plan and am very encouraged at this point. I am 32 years old with a wonderful husband and three children who are the absolute light of my life! I am looking forward to this entire journey and am really excited to find others that have this challenge in common!

Just to share...my biggest discovery in this past seven days has been how much every piece of life links to food! It is amazing to me now that even something as simple as going to a movie used to revolve around food!! Terrifying really! But I have a great support system and I am learning. Went to dinner at a Mexican restraunt last night (first time in a restraunt) and did just fine eating what was appropriate for me and measuring my food. Odd feeling to be sharing my food with others at the table because it was too much for me! :ohmy:

I hope that all have a great holiday season and look forward to many conversations with you all!!


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I too have a bulge above my belly button and a flat tire underneath it. No more butt or thighs except for sagging skin. Can't find pants that look right. I'm somewhere between a 14 and a 12 in pants. Need low riders that won't fall off or higher pants with a waistband that upper skin doesn't bulge over and slimmer thighs on them but not tight over the belly flap.

One of the best things about Christmas is the music. Sang in choir this morning and doing a concert this evenng and again Christmas eve.


Absolutely can't stand to wear so-called shapers. They make me bulge somewhere. I'd had to have a whole body one. Also very hot and uncomfortable. I'm not too sure they do good things to my port.

Has anyone had good success with treating varicose veings. I have ropes, (like hanging grapes) as well as tons of spider veins. Even capris look terrible because most of the spider vein/bruised look is on my calves and ankles.


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<<I too have a bulge above my belly button and a flat tire underneath it. No more butt or thighs except for sagging skin>>

LOL yeah that is what I have LOLOLOL

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Good evening, everyone. Well, it's Sunday night and I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. :thumbup: I'll be working this week and taking off the week between Xmas and New Year's when my daughter and her partner will be here.

Had a nice day, but for some reason I'm feeling a little down. I have no good reason to, except for worry about my mother. She lives in an assisted living place in Pennsylvania, about 10 hours drive from me here in Indiana. My DD was going to pick her up and bring her here for the holidays but she has an infected leg that won't get better, and can't get around very well. She has Parkinson's and is progressively getting weaker. In a way, I'm relieved that she's not coming, because I was so worried about her falling and hurting herself in my house. And also that I can't really take care of her needs. But I'm also sad that she won't be around family. We still have plenty of family where she is, and I know she'll be OK, but I still worry.

I did get some pizzelle-making started, but my Iron kept sticking and boy is that frustrating! So I made some of those Hershey kiss blossom Cookies and my DH is very happy! We also went to a friend's open house today and I got to see some friends that I hadn' seen for quite a while. So today was good, but here I am still feeling sad.

Today I was also finally able to eat three meals without PB"ing or vomiting. I think the swelling around my band must have finally gone down. I was beginning to worry that I'd never eat again.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be cheerier!

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Good evening, everyone. Well, it's Sunday night and I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. :thumbup: I'll be working this week and taking off the week between Xmas and New Year's when my daughter and her partner will be here.

Had a nice day, but for some reason I'm feeling a little down. I have no good reason to, except for worry about my mother. She lives in an assisted living place in Pennsylvania, about 10 hours drive from me here in Indiana. My DD was going to pick her up and bring her here for the holidays but she has an infected leg that won't get better, and can't get around very well. She has Parkinson's and is progressively getting weaker. In a way, I'm relieved that she's not coming, because I was so worried about her falling and hurting herself in my house. And also that I can't really take care of her needs. But I'm also sad that she won't be around family. We still have plenty of family where she is, and I know she'll be OK, but I still worry.

I did get some pizzelle-making started, but my Iron kept sticking and boy is that frustrating! So I made some of those Hershey kiss blossom Cookies and my DH is very happy! We also went to a friend's open house today and I got to see some friends that I hadn' seen for quite a while. So today was good, but here I am still feeling sad.

Today I was also finally able to eat three meals without PB"ing or vomiting. I think the swelling around my band must have finally gone down. I was beginning to worry that I'd never eat again.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be cheerier!

I had one of those days today too. I wrote a relatively non-cheerful blog today. Referred to myself as a curmudgeon. Grrr.

Glad your band is doing better. I had a good food day to make up for two crap days. Hopfully, I can maintain this till Christmas Eve and Christmas day, when I'll have parties again.

Where do you live in Indiana? I'm very familiar with Northwest Indiana. My kids all live there and I lived on State Line for years in Munster. I currently live in Thornton IL which is only a few miles away.


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Janet & Apples, Thank you for the comments on my pic. I had my DS take them as he was bugging me to put a pic on FB. ( which I didn't do yet)

Still taking it easy on eating, seems eggs won't work, tried twice. Did eat Qudoba Soup yesterday an 1/4 of a sm quesadila & oatmeal this am. One good thing is my scale shows I've lost 5lbs since last thursday, hope it stays that way when I can eat again. lol

Laura K

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Hello all! I am new to this but have read some of your posts and you seem like an extremely positive and diverse group! I hope that I can learn a lot from you all and hopefully one day lend support to somebody else! I had surgery on 12/12/09, so I am seven days post-op! So far I have lost 18.8 lbs! I keep waiting for the scale to go back up because as I am sure you can all relate to, that has been my pattern for way too many years! But I am doing well following my plan and am very encouraged at this point. I am 32 years old with a wonderful husband and three children who are the absolute light of my life! I am looking forward to this entire journey and am really excited to find others that have this challenge in common!

Just to share...my biggest discovery in this past seven days has been how much every piece of life links to food! It is amazing to me now that even something as simple as going to a movie used to revolve around food!! Terrifying really! But I have a great support system and I am learning. Went to dinner at a Mexican restraunt last night (first time in a restraunt) and did just fine eating what was appropriate for me and measuring my food. Odd feeling to be sharing my food with others at the table because it was too much for me! :ohmy:

I hope that all have a great holiday season and look forward to many conversations with you all!!


Hey Shrinkin Shan...welcome to our group. It was a pretty slow day on this thread yesterday and sorry no one caught up with your post till now. You are correct. This is a great place to fall and there's a lot of encouraging, helpful ppl on this thread.

Sounds like you are doing great. And, congrats on your 18lbs lost. Also looks like you have a handle on following the LB rules your doc set up for you. Hang in there until you get the correct amount of fill in your band. This is not an easy trip but with determination you can meet your final goal.

It is kind of funny how you come to realize that most things a person does are somehow connected with food. Almost all social situations have food involved. You just learn to do what is right for you in that situation....even if it means packing your own stash to avoid things you cannot eat in the beginning. I used to get flustered and in a bit of a panic thinking of social situations. Now, I don't even think about it. There's always something I can eat and just take it all as it comes.

If you have any question, just ask. There's no such thing as a silly one and I am sure I asked many throughout my weightloss journey.

Again, welcome and good luck!

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Hi Shrinking Shan! I'm kind of a newbie here myself, and this is a great place to get support. All the people here are so nice and friendly!

Sounds like you're doing just great and are getting a fantastic head start on your weight loss.


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Apples, I have a question for you. When you were heavier, did you have as much energy as you do now?

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I had one of those days today too. I wrote a relatively non-cheerful blog today. Referred to myself as a curmudgeon. Grrr.

Where do you live in Indiana? I'm very familiar with Northwest Indiana. My kids all live there and I lived on State Line for years in Munster. I currently live in Thornton IL which is only a few miles away.


Cheri, I live in Bloomington, which is about 50 miles south of Indianapolis. Home of Indiana University (where I work) and the Hoosiers! I haven't been up in the northwest part of the state much.

Too bad we both had crappy days yesterday. I'm feeling a little more positive today, here at work (trying to actually do some work). Christmas time isn't the best time of year for me, with the lack of sunlight and all. I'm just happy that yesterday (or today, not sure) was the winter soltice and it's going to be a little longer day each day. Hang in there!

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I am cracking up at the underwear comment. my undies have a sagging butt... my bras are crinkled looking, time to shop! I have bought 2 pairs of 12 jeans that I fit nicely into, and I am feeling comfortable in large tops... Jeans I was sqeezing into 18s and 2to 3x on tops I don't like clingy tops even in the past where I have been "normal".

Right now it seems the only place I haven't lost weight is my belly, the pouch under my waist is almost gone... but not the belly above the waist. Dr told me wait til Jan to do crunches etc.

I can still eat more than I should... doing my best. Only had one fill thus far. How long should I wait to go in again?

When I was sick with the stomach bug I lost 4lb that week, and much to my surprise kept it off after I was able to eat! So I think the calories are at a maintain level. so hard to limit when I can put them in without discomfort! I am doing well making "good" choices for food.< /p>

2x last week I died eating chicken that I didn't chew well enough. It hurt.... lesson learned. That was my first OUCH experience. I didn't vomit or anything, I danced around and worked through it. Needless to say abandoned the meal LOL.

When I get the urge to snack , or stuff my face I make a cup of herbal tea, that seems to help deter me. I am able to go out with friends and watch them eat...LOL while having coffee or iced tea. I have not given in to the temptation yet. :ohmy:

My biggest "failure" if anything is not being on an exercise commitment of any kind.I do walk and play wii, I have weights and a ball at home as well. Starting this coming week I will be walking with my sons teacher, she walks at a fast pace 3-4 mile a day.... hikes etc as well. So she will challenge me vs my friend I have to drag along who would prefer to sit at Yellow Basket and stuff a huge Breakfast down...

Ok thanks for letting me share ;o)

Hey Happy..be patient with where you lose the weight. I swear mine started at the top and work it's way down. I still had this big belly just a month away from goal. Everything eventually melts, shifts, disappears, etc.

Wish only one fill you most likely are noticing that you can eat more than you think you should be eating. Talk to your doc's office and see what they recommend. Just be careful to not do too much of a fill at one time. I think most docs are conservative on the amount they give. I am always amazed when I read of someone getting more the 1cc. You will get there but just stay in contact with your doc on it. And, we are all different in the amount of fill we need. There are a couple of us that have only had two small fills and there are others that require 8-9 to get to where they need to be.

On the exercise....just do ANYTHING to start. Walk, bike, run in place...any moving is better than none. I do not have the option of going to a gym but since I started this process, I told myself I had to move at least 30 minutes a day. Now if I miss some form of exercise, I feel sluggish and lazy.

Sorry you had the bug. How did your band do during the time you were sick?

Take care.:thumbup:

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Apples, I have a question for you. When you were heavier, did you have as much energy as you do now?

Mornin' Deb! Sorry to hear you had a crappy day yesterday. Hope today is better. I know I do much better when we have sunlight. There wasn't any yesterday and does not look like today will be any better. I don't get down very often but I do notice about 10 dreary days will bring me down.

As far as your question....I guess I would say that I have always been "wired". I didn't slow down much when I was heavy...just the last three years and I was so discouraged because there were so many things I couldn't accomplish any more. After the first 40lbs or so, I noticed I was back to moving a lot more. Living and helping on the farm can be so physically demanding and there were things I could just not do anymore and I just felt so bad about it all.

My "Ah-Ha" moment came on 100 degree day in the summer when I became winded just walking about 50 feet over to my neighbor's place at our resort. I knew I could not live like that.

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Hey Happy..be patient with where you lose the weight. I swear mine started at the top and work it's way down. I still had this big belly just a month away from goal. Everything eventually melts, shifts, disappears, etc.

Wish only one fill you most likely are noticing that you can eat more than you think you should be eating. Talk to your doc's office and see what they recommend. Just be careful to not do too much of a fill at one time. I think most docs are conservative on the amount they give. I am always amazed when I read of someone getting more the 1cc. You will get there but just stay in contact with your doc on it. And, we are all different in the amount of fill we need. There are a couple of us that have only had two small fills and there are others that require 8-9 to get to where they need to be.

On the exercise....just do ANYTHING to start. Walk, bike, run in place...any moving is better than none. I do not have the option of going to a gym but since I started this process, I told myself I had to move at least 30 minutes a day. Now if I miss some form of exercise, I feel sluggish and lazy.

Sorry you had the bug. How did your band do during the time you were sick?

Take care.:thumbup:

Thanks Apples.... will do. I will call the dr in the next few days...

I did do fine with the bug I think it is because I hadn't had a fill yet, so that most likely saved me. My first fill I had 4.25cc He went up to 5.5 and backed down while I was swallowing a bottle of Water. I can "chug" a bottle of water with out it getting hung up.

I picked up a pedometer last night... So armed with my Ipod I will start doing some serious treking!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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