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Okay I am in with my mom if we can share a room the king that will be cool then we will have an extra room for someone else in our condo if more people are coming. I am up for chatting and laying around or shopping so it is cool i think we might drive it is a 8 hrs drive not to bad if we split it but we will see we might fly. I will no more as we get close but we are coming.

That's great new, Melissa. Looking forward to meeting you and your mom. I have driven the Salt Springs to Atlanta drive and it really isn't that bad. We usually can do it in 7 hours or less. It all depends on where you are from Atlanta. Further North?

Janet....I had all the sweet treats except for the tarts made b/4 today. It was actually an easy party to cook for. I marinaded the chicken starting early this morning and just threw it in the oven on a baking sheet uncovered after company arrived. Turned out nice and moist. The other stuff I served really took no time at all to prepare. I actually took the easy way out with this one. Monday's party (since this has been planned for many weeks and today was a throw together quickly) will have me cooking most of the day. I will make seafood lasagna plus a few other traditional dishes we make when this group gets together.

Was a very nice evening and everyone has gone home. DH's head is hanging over the arm of the recliner...pretty sure he's asleep...better go check for a pulse.:smile2:

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Ya being surrounded by your fav foods is really hard - I can attest to that after last night - but right now - I don't really want anything sweet - so hopefully I ate it - am done for a while...

I've been at my job 30 yrs - if I had gone to work for the State - County - etc - I could be retired w/a nice penision.

To bad I didn't know that back in the day - Hind sight 20/20..

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That's great new, Melissa. Looking forward to meeting you and your mom. I have driven the Salt Springs to Atlanta drive and it really isn't that bad. We usually can do it in 7 hours or less. It all depends on where you are from Atlanta. Further North?

Janet....I had all the sweet treats except for the tarts made b/4 today. It was actually an easy party to cook for. I marinaded the chicken starting early this morning and just threw it in the oven on a baking sheet uncovered after company arrived. Turned out nice and moist. The other stuff I served really took no time at all to prepare. I actually took the easy way out with this one. Monday's party (since this has been planned for many weeks and today was a throw together quickly) will have me cooking most of the day. I will make seafood lasagna plus a few other traditional dishes we make when this group gets together.

Was a very nice evening and everyone has gone home. DH's head is hanging over the arm of the recliner...pretty sure he's asleep...better go check for a pulse.:smile2:

Party didn't last too long - figured we wouldn't hear from you til tomorrow

You have another party Monday??

My stepbro called this morning to double ck on our get together - I guess his XDW & his gf Mom are doing Christmas this weekend - Works out well for him - he will have 3 xmas :0)

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Party didn't last too long - figured we wouldn't hear from you til tomorrow

You have another party Monday??

My stepbro called this morning to double ck on our get together - I guess his XDW & his gf Mom are doing Christmas this weekend - Works out well for him - he will have 3 xmas :0)

Everyone was gone by 10pm..mostly a younger crowd that wanted to catch some of their friends that are in a band and playing in town tonight. Invited us along but knew that DH has some catching up to do on his sleep. I would have LOVED to dance the night away. Next time.

Yep...have a group of ppl coming on Monday at 3pm. 8 couples as of now but think it will be 7 couples as one was unsure. We are pretty casual around here. Meals are served buffet style and you can pull a chair up to the table or take your plate in the livingroom to eat. Doing fancy/fussy makes me too nervous. I'd rather have the casual. I love to entertain but I want ppl to feel comfortable. You get offered your first beer and shown where it is kept so you can get the rest yourself. Looking forward to the group on Monday and to preparing the meal.

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Everyone was gone by 10pm..mostly a younger crowd that wanted to catch some of their friends that are in a band and playing in town tonight. Invited us along but knew that DH has some catching up to do on his sleep. I would have LOVED to dance the night away. Next time.

Yep...have a group of ppl coming on Monday at 3pm. 8 couples as of now but think it will be 7 couples as one was unsure. We are pretty casual around here. Meals are served buffet style and you can pull a chair up to the table or take your plate in the livingroom to eat. Doing fancy/fussy makes me too nervous. I'd rather have the casual. I love to entertain but I want ppl to feel comfortable. You get offered your first beer and shown where it is kept so you can get the rest yourself. Looking forward to the group on Monday and to preparing the meal.

I agree 100% that's the only way to entertain !!

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Morning, yup I'm here and just getting ready to go to church... I felt better yesterday, but today feel kinda tough again.... I hate colds......

Apples, sounds like you had a great party and the food was good with something for everybody.... I like to entertain, too, but haven't done any yet this year as I'm still so tired all the time and now the cold... Will be having company on 24th, 25th, and 26th, so will get my share in then I guess.... I still have some Cookies to make, maybe today, and then to make my carmel corn..

Well, time to be off.... We travel 17 miles to a little country church....... You'd all love it.... it's small and rustic and beautiful..... and with the snow, looks just like a Christmas card...... Have a great day everyone... Hugs.............. Julie

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Lori~ I agree with Nurse Phyl, It does sound like the itching is an allergic reaction. I am not as concerned with the confusion- as all narcotics can cause that. But itching is usually always a reaction. Many people think they are ok with any codone (hydro, oxy, etc...) but you can be fine with hydrocodone (vicodin) and then be allergic to oxycodone. Now, to make it even more confusing, hydrocodone when taken over a long period of time (even when only taken occasionally) can eventually(cumulative effect) cause an itchy rash. The reason I know this is b/c my Dad has been on/off of it since the summer. The last admission he had this horrible rash all over. They gave him iv benadryl and steroids. They got a dermatologist consult and he did a biopsy and said it was from the Vicodin. He's taken this his whole life for surgeries and such, never had a problem. It's just b/c now he has been on it for extended time. They said a month or two without it and he should be ok. Well, he doesn't listen and he still takes it at times. Just like Great said, the oxycodone (percocet) is MUCH much stronger and makes you feel loopy/tired/confused. The schedule of Percocet is so high that we practitioners cannot call it in to a pharmacy, it has to be on a prescription pad AND... never any refills. It's illegal to put refills on that schedule. So, Lori, if you are reading this. Stop the oxycodone (percocet) and stick to your hydrocodone 5mg. Did someone say they called her?

Apples~ Glad your party went well. I prefer the laid back atmosphere that you have for your parties. Make yourself at home. : ) I am on my way over! LOL : )

Janet~ so proud of you for getting back to the gym.

I went to get my hair done on Friday and I was talking to my girl (who lost 100+ pounds in a year without surgery, exercise addict now and eating healthy) but who struggles with it EVERY day of her life. She will admit she is a food addict and still slips too. She sees me every 4 weeks and although I haven't lost really in 2 months now (maybe 1-2 lbs), she noticed a difference. So I came home and put on my black bra and panties that I used in my first photos (if you look at my profile pics)... and the panties fell off! LOL. The bra was all saggy. I realized I haven't worn those since 6-30, my last photos! How did I let 6 months go without a frikkin photo? Well, I need to redo them, as they are dark and not clear. (It has nothing to do with modesty- hell, i posted pics of me in my BVDs at 300 lbs, do I seem like I have an OUNCE of modesty?!) But the point is, I have gotten smaller, even though I haven't lost much.

And I know without a DOUBT, if I didn't have this little band of silicone inside me.... I would have gained every pound back these last couple months!!! I know that usually I medicate myself with food when I am stressed. Well, I am stressed. And I can't eat. Oh, my dear sweet DH, almost had to kill him last night. He went to the store for me and brought home...................... <drum roll> chocolate COVERED KRISPY CREME DONUTS!!!!! Well, what do you think happened? I ate one. like the top 1/3 of it. AND IT GOT STUCK! I couldn't PB b/c it was so dry... and I couldn't drink b/c that caused pain. I had to go lie down until it finally melted I guess or got wet with all the sliming going on. oh geez. That pain was so bad that those could grow mold before I would touch another one. See, that band works. Usually I would have eaten the whole box and hidden the evidence!

By the way, I did get everything wrapped. 3/4 is hidden in the attic in bags. I put like 4 presents under the tree this year. 1 tag says to Nelson from the cats, one from me and one from daddy. All the other years he would have either opened them or had a FIT. Now he keeps picking them up and shaking them... and trying to guess what it is. So cute! They grow up, don't they?

I am trying to let DH sleep today. It's his last morning of "vacation" before going back to work tomorrow. Not much of a break- went to Houston with my parents and hung around the house, running errands, fixing things... I guess that's life though?

I will CBL, let me make sure Nelson hasn't destroyed something. He's being awfully quiet. Hmmmm...


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Laura...would have been fun to chat this morning. I also had a DH sleeping in (which does not happen often with him). He must have needed to catch up. We have had a horendous schedule the last few months. It will continue for a couple of weeks as we wrap things up. I, myself, am under a considerable amount of stress and am tight. Not that it's work to eat and don't get stuck. Just not hungry. These weeks over Christmas and New Years and the week after are the most stressful for me on the farm. So much I love about the farm but weeks like this I would trade it to be a city mouse in a minute. Would not mind just having to maintain a house and a lawn and a 8-5 job for both DH and I. But, that will never be....a person can dream, right?

Funny story about the black bra and panties. I always wished I would have taken the b/4 and after in the same outfit. The only b/4 photo I have is 40lbs lighter than my heaviest. I was a big time avoider of the camera. DS's GF was here last night and looking at family photos and kept saying that she did not remember me being heavy. She's been doing my hair for over 5 yrs and just cannot remember me "looking" like in the photos of me being heavy. It's only been a little over a year since I hit goal. I just hope I hold that image of me being heavy in my mind forever so that I have the fear of not going back there EVER.

It snowed during the night. No footprints in the yard (now there is cuz DH is out checking bins) and just a nice beautiful layer of the white stuff and snow plow just made it's first path down our road. We are lucky to live on a paved county road. They get plowed first.

Julie...your church sounds really quaint. There's still a few of them left around here. They really do make a pretty picture. My "mom" is buried in the cemetary by a small little church a mile straight from here (as the crow flies). I think I will get my snow boots on later and stop in and visit with her. Really, really missing her today and every day. I still run for the phone and look at the caller ID to see if it's her. Hard to break that habit. Christmas will be difficult without her but I am sure we will have some lighthearted stories to share about her. She was the gentlest woman and the toughest woman at the same time. I just will always miss her (crying). I think a lot about her "real" daughter and how difficult this is for her. We are close and stay in contact. They had the most special mother/daughter relationship that I have ever seen.

I guess DH and I are going out for brunch this morning and then taking in a movie. (We have to travel 65-70 miles to see one). I am sitting here thinking that popping a DVD in and snacking on leftovers from last night would be even better. But, DH has not been off this farm for way too long so will do a double check with him to see if he REALLY wants to go out or if he is just thinking that I want to.

DH is back in with a red nose. Later

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Thanks so much nurse Phyl and NP Laura. I am doing much better this morning. I read this too late and did take a oxycodone about 7am this morning but will cut those out, maybe at night if the pain is bad. I also have gone to just one of the stronger vicodin (norco) pills. Of course I have a little more pain but I can deal with that much better than the out of my head feeling I was having. Also only took 1 benedryl at night as now that my dosages aren't so high I don't itch as much and 1 seems to do the trick. Thanks so much for your concern. I wonder why they gave me such stronger drugs this time than last, especially when this knee was better than the last. I think when I run out of the stronger vicodin pills or maybe even sooner at my post op appt on Wed I will ask for the weaker ones I had before. That way if I need stronger I take 2 and if I don't I just take one. One of these stronger ones equals 2 of the not as strong ones. I could not stand how I was feeling since being home from the hospital. I would make a terrible addict. Thanks again for your help.

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Lori~ I agree with Nurse Phyl, It does sound like the itching is an allergic reaction. I am not as concerned with the confusion- as all narcotics can cause that. But itching is usually always a reaction. Many people think they are ok with any codone (hydro, oxy, etc...) but you can be fine with hydrocodone (vicodin) and then be allergic to oxycodone. Now, to make it even more confusing, hydrocodone when taken over a long period of time (even when only taken occasionally) can eventually(cumulative effect) cause an itchy rash. The reason I know this is b/c my Dad has been on/off of it since the summer. The last admission he had this horrible rash all over. They gave him iv benadryl and steroids. They got a dermatologist consult and he did a biopsy and said it was from the Vicodin. He's taken this his whole life for surgeries and such, never had a problem. It's just b/c now he has been on it for extended time. They said a month or two without it and he should be ok. Well, he doesn't listen and he still takes it at times. Just like Great said, the oxycodone (percocet) is MUCH much stronger and makes you feel loopy/tired/confused. The schedule of Percocet is so high that we practitioners cannot call it in to a pharmacy, it has to be on a prescription pad AND... never any refills. It's illegal to put refills on that schedule. So, Lori, if you are reading this. Stop the oxycodone (percocet) and stick to your hydrocodone 5mg. Did someone say they called her? peasout..

I was going to call but when I checked to see if I had a phone number, I didn't. Apples PM'd it to me later, but by the time I saw it, too late to call.

Thanks so much nurse Phyl and NP Laura. I am doing much better this morning. I read this too late and did take a oxycodone about 7am this morning but will cut those out, maybe at night if the pain is bad. I also have gone to just one of the stronger vicodin (norco) pills. Of course I have a little more pain but I can deal with that much better than the out of my head feeling I was having. Also only took 1 benedryl at night as now that my dosages aren't so high I don't itch as much and 1 seems to do the trick. Thanks so much for your concern. I wonder why they gave me such stronger drugs this time than last, especially when this knee was better than the last. I think when I run out of the stronger vicodin pills or maybe even sooner at my post op appt on Wed I will ask for the weaker ones I had before. That way if I need stronger I take 2 and if I don't I just take one. One of these stronger ones equals 2 of the not as strong ones. I could not stand how I was feeling since being home from the hospital. I would make a terrible addict. Thanks again for your help.

Yeah, they apparently don't know how tough you are!! LOL!

Doesn't make sense that they gave you stronger pills. Don't think you're supposed to break those in half either, so... yes, better idea to ask for the lower strength so you have the option of 1 or 2! Glad you had a more comfortable night. I came very close to calling you last night but didn't want to wake you if you were finally getting some good sleep and it was already about 10 pm my time when Apples sent me your cell phone #.

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Good Morning Gang....

Lori - Glad you are doing better w/meds - isn't it great to have an NP & Nurse on board :0)...

Apples - I'm with you pop in a dvd - but if he hasn't been off the farm I guess I would go too..

Hugs on missing Mom - the first set of holidays are always the worse after someone you love passes..

Laura - Love the undies story - Yep for some reason we don't think of new bras & underwear for a while - but newer foundation wear is really important = gotta keep the girls between the shoulder & elbow... (right in the middle of that space)

Ya putting a gift under the tree for Nelson is going to drive him crazy :0)

Julie love the picture of your church :0)

Well gang must get going - Target shopping - finish wrapping - cleaning/washing and maybe a nap later or out to visit Phyl - will see how the day goes...


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Good Morning Gang....

Lori - Glad you are doing better w/meds - isn't it great to have an NP & Nurse on board :0)...

Apples - I'm with you pop in a dvd - but if he hasn't been off the farm I guess I would go too..

Hugs on missing Mom - the first set of holidays are always the worse after someone you love passes..

Laura - Love the undies story - Yep for some reason we don't think of new bras & underwear for a while - but newer foundation wear is really important = gotta keep the girls between the shoulder & elbow... (right in the middle of that space)

Ya putting a gift under the tree for Nelson is going to drive him crazy :0)

Julie love the picture of your church :0)

Well gang must get going - Target shopping - finish wrapping - cleaning/washing and maybe a nap later or out to visit Phyl - will see how the day goes...


I am cracking up at the underwear comment. my undies have a sagging butt... my bras are crinkled looking, time to shop! I have bought 2 pairs of 12 jeans that I fit nicely into, and I am feeling comfortable in large tops... Jeans I was sqeezing into 18s and 2to 3x on tops I don't like clingy tops even in the past where I have been "normal".

Right now it seems the only place I haven't lost weight is my belly, the pouch under my waist is almost gone... but not the belly above the waist. Dr told me wait til Jan to do crunches etc.

I can still eat more than I should... doing my best. Only had one fill thus far. How long should I wait to go in again?

When I was sick with the stomach bug I lost 4lb that week, and much to my surprise kept it off after I was able to eat! So I think the calories are at a maintain level. so hard to limit when I can put them in without discomfort! I am doing well making "good" choices for food.< /p>

2x last week I died eating chicken that I didn't chew well enough. It hurt.... lesson learned. That was my first OUCH experience. I didn't vomit or anything, I danced around and worked through it. Needless to say abandoned the meal LOL.

When I get the urge to snack , or stuff my face I make a cup of herbal tea, that seems to help deter me. I am able to go out with friends and watch them eat...LOL while having coffee or iced tea. I have not given in to the temptation yet. :thumbup:

My biggest "failure" if anything is not being on an exercise commitment of any kind.I do walk and play wii, I have weights and a ball at home as well. Starting this coming week I will be walking with my sons teacher, she walks at a fast pace 3-4 mile a day.... hikes etc as well. So she will challenge me vs my friend I have to drag along who would prefer to sit at Yellow Basket and stuff a huge Breakfast down...

Ok thanks for letting me share ;o)

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